xt75dv1cnn1s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt75dv1cnn1s/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1988-04-15 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 15, 1988 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 15, 1988 1988 1988-04-15 2020 true xt75dv1cnn1s section xt75dv1cnn1s in




After Hours




‘Shop of Horrors’ is a must-see for
Lexington.SEE PAGE 3.




UK baseball team clobbers
Morehead St.SEE PAGE 4.





Today: Sunny

Tomorrow: Sunny and cooler



Kentucky Kernel

Vol. XCI, N0. 147

NCAA, UK to investigate basketball p

Officials mum
on progress
of probes

AP and Staff reports

UK President David Roselle said
yesterday a University official has
been sent to Los Angeles to look into
a newspaper report of a possible
basketball program violation of
NCAA recruiting rules.

UK also has hired independent
counsel James Park to look into the
«Los Angelesi Daily News article
which reported a package sent by
UK assistant coach Dwane Casey to
a LA. recruit‘s father contained

“It's our intention to find out what
happened.“ Roselle said. “The Uni-
versity of Kentucky intends to func-
tion fully as a member of the NCAA.

“Right now. we don't know the
status of the investigation." he said.

The NCAA also is investigating
the matter.

Any information will be released
jointly by UK and the NCAA. Rose-
lle said. When it will be released is
“speculative at this point."

The Daily News reported in a
copyright story in yesterday's edi-

Established 1894

University at Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky


UK President David Roselle fields a question from an (LA) Daily
News reporter (left), whose paper broke the UK basketball story.

tions that workers at an Emery
Worldwide air freight distribution
center in Los Angeles discovered the
money in a package addressed to
(.‘laud Mills. the father of Kentucky
signee Chris, when it accidentally

The package. according to re-
cords. was sent by Casey on March
30. The money allegedly was con-

tained in a videotape of the younger
Mills playing basketball that Casey
was returning.

Kentucky coach Eddie Sutton de~
clined comment yesterday.

“1 want to talk to Dwane again.
I‘m not sure what to say l‘ve never
been in this position before." Sutton


lndependent since 1971

Friday, April 15, 1988


Article produces diverse reaction on campus

By THUMASJ. Sl'l.l.l\'AN
News Editor

Recent developments concerning
UK‘s basketball program have left
students with mixed emotions

A story in yesterday’s iLos An-
gelesi Daily News reported that a
package sent via Emery Air Freight
by UK assistant basketball coach
Dwane Casey to Claud Mills. the fa—
ther of UK basketball recruit (‘hris
Mills. contained $1.000 in cash.

Casey denied knowing putting any
money in the package and called the
accusation “ridiculous.“

UK students and staff interviewed
yesterday split their reaction to the
story. Some said [K was guilty. oth-
ers said ['K was framed. some
blamed the media and others said
no matter what had happened. L'K
needed to clean up its image.

Veronica Duncan. a communicas
lions senior. said PR is guilty.

“I think the truth about [K is just
coming out full force.” Duncan said.
"L'K's just really getting caught at a
lot of things that have gone on for a
very long time that's how I

But Paul (‘orio. an employee of
the (‘enter for Academic Tutorial
Services. said the situation leads

him to beliic that [K is being "set

“Doesn't it sound kind ol tishy',’
What kind ol idiot would mail a
package with 351.0011 when there was
any chance of getting caught'“
(‘orio said “It sounds likc a \t’lllp
It sounds very fishy ”

Jim (leislcr. a bounce senior.
blamed the media tor some ol t'K's

“It just always seems like \\t‘ re
iii trouble in tlic iiiedia.' ticislcr
said, "Like It's tlndiana l'iiiversi-
tyI always in while and we're al
ways in black so 1 inst think
we‘re just easy to pick on at this

Geisler said he wanted more proof
backing the story

“lt' they're gonna make an allegaw
tioii id like to see it based on a little
more than coincidence.” (icislcr
said ot the packages accidental

"l got a package ti'oni liincry
about a week ago and i couldn‘t get

Kakic l'rcb. llltislt' director tor
WRFL. said that she also think». "it
could be a setup "

"I‘d like to think that the basket
ball progiam is making good on
their promise to clean up the pro


Associated Press

FRANKFURT — Gov. Wallace
Wilkinson. saying “to kick an old
friend when he’s down . . . would
serve no purpose." refused yes—
lerday to oust former Gov, A.B.
“Happy“ Chandler from the Uni-
versity of Kentucky governing
board over Chandler‘s public use
of a racial slur.

The 89-year—old Chandler. a for-
mer US senator and baseball
commissioner and now a member
of baseball‘s Hall of Fame. used
the racial slur last week at a
meeting of a UK Board of Trust~
ees committee.

Chandler further inflamed his
critics by saying he recalled from
childhood that blacks did not ob-
ject to the epithet. He also said
he would not resign from the UK
board unless Wilkinson de-

Wilkinson‘s statement brought
heckling and a few shouted
obsceiiities from about 200 people
who marched at the Capitol to
press demands for Chandler‘s
resignation or removal from the
UK Board of Trustees.

More than 100 students went
from UK to the rally in Frank-
fort. A group. calling themselves
the t'iiited Student Association
for Racial Justice. invited stu-
dents to walk out of their classes
yesterday at 11:15 to attend the

Governor’s remarks ,3; /‘
anger protesters '

The group. along with asking
for Chandler‘s resignation from
the UK BUT. is also asking the
University to establish an ong-
oing task force to study and
imprve race relations on campus.

Wilkinson admitted that Chari-
dler‘s remark was inappropriate
and has caused an sensitive situ-

“Governor Chandler's remark
was deplorable. It should never
have been said. . . . The remark
has embarrassed the common-
wealth and it has embarrassed
me." said Wilkinson. who ap-
pointed (‘handler to the presti-
gious board scat.

But when it became clear that
Wilkinson was not going to pledge
to remove ('handler. the gover-
nor's speech was interrupted by
booing and catcalls.

"Let me finish it.” Wilkinson
told the crowd.

"To kick an old friend when
he‘s dowti. an 89-year-old friend
of mine and this commonwealth
and the university. would serve
no purpose." Wilkinson said. “I
am not going to condemn a life-
time of achievement . for an

Chandler's removal from the
[K board would not eradicate
racism or improve human rela-
tions. Wilkinson said.

"This unfortunate incident has
passed. It's time to move on."
Wilkinson said. “1 think Kentuck-

Protesters assemble in the free speech area
near the Student Center yesterday at 11:15

ians are big enough to forgive . . _
and strong enough to heal."

But that seemed only to spur
the crowd. most of them black.
who began a lusty chant of "Rape
py's got to go."

“I think emotions are running
high.” Wilkinson told reporters
as he tried to move away. Button-
holed by several people along the
way. he once remarked. "I could
have shied away. but I did what I
thought was right

But Wilkinson‘s theme had

been attacked by some of the
speakers at the protest-rally be-

,a- «6" fi¥’&’\ 17”

am. to gather

lore he walked outside the (‘api-
lot to meet them.

Gerald Neal. a black state Sen-
atc candidate from Louisville.
said some had tried to trivialize
Chandler‘s remark as "benign."
but that it was symptomatic of an
ingrained racism. Neal's oppo<
iiciit in the Democratic primary.
Mattie .lones. said “this kind of
language and this kind of mental-
ity" evidenced by Chandler was
deplorable in political officials.

State Rep. Porter Hatcher. D-
Lomsville. and Lexington-Fayette
Urban County Councilman Mi-
chael Wilson, both black, read

classes. followed by a rally in Frankfort

support for a walkout from

resolutions calling tor t'liandler s
resignation or rcmox at

llatcher's‘ resolution was read
aloud iii the Kentucky lloitsc
later 'l‘liursday. but lltitcbcr did
iiol make a motion for its adop
lion, Wilson said his resolution
would be introduced at the tlt'\l
council session iii l.t‘\'lllL’,lttll

('liandler has denied he is a
racist. pointing to his use ol
troops while goycrnor to cnlorcc
integration in l‘iiion and Webster
counties. llc .ilso cilcd his role
while baseball commissioner ii:
approvmg thi- traiisler oi .ltlt'klt'

\cc PRU! i- si. l’agc o




Columnist says state politics
hurting educational efforts

Staff Writer

Saying the need for “depressing
truth" has never been so great as it
is today. Courier-Journal columnist
John Ed Pearce painted a dismal
picture last night of Kentucky‘s edu-
cational and economic condition
while blasting the state‘s leaders for
letting political concerns interfere
with progress.

in the 11th annual Joe Creason
lecture held at the Singletary Center
for the Arts. Pearce told an audi-
ence of about 300 that Kentucky
faces a “frightening" economic fu-
ture and "the only answer is a vast-
ly improved educational system. "

Pearce. a Pulitzer Prize-winning
journalist and member of the Ken-
tucky Journalism Hall of Fame. said
although industrial investment is ex-
pected to increase in Kentucky. 92
percent of that will be made in the
[Amisville-bexington-Covington area.
This will make the rest of the state
like “the third world," he said.

"You could put Toyota plants in
each county and it wouldn't
solve the problem." he said. because
“400.000 people can‘t even fill out
employment forms."

Pearce blamed the lack of
educational progress on ineffective
and uncommitted leaders who re-
fuse to spend enough money on edu-

“l‘ve heard candidates for 50
years promise better education . . .
without raising taxes." he said. “It
has never worked and won‘t work
now. It's left us in real economic

Pearce said this problem is seen
in Kentucky's high unemployment
rates. number of bankrupt counties.
low rank in per capita income and
the high number of families below
the poverty level.

“We need to pay modern taxes for
modern services if we expect to sur-
vive in a modern world.“ he said.
"I‘m not saying Kentuckians are

cheap. but when it comes to schools.
we're enormously frugal. "

Pearce also said that the “blatant
use of our schools for political pur-
poses continues to hurt us.“

He criticized Gov. Wallace Wilkin-
son's proposed policy of giving tea-
chers monetary rewards because he
said teachers would be chosen for
political support. rather than merit.

Pearce also criticized Wilkinson‘s "'

response to teachers who asked for
more money for higher education at
a March rally in Frankfort.

"The governor says ieducationi is
his priority.“ he said. “Well. you

While Pearce briefly commented
on the “tragedy” of former Gov
AB. “Happy" Chandler‘s racial re-
mark at a UK Board of Trustees
committee meeting last week. say-
ing Chandler‘s opposition to be
slowing higher education advocate
Robert Belt with an honorary degree
from UK deserved more attention

"He opposed this well-deserved


honor because Mr. Bell had opposed
him politically in the past.“ Pearce
said. He said this kind of attitude is
detrimental to the improvement of
Kentucky education “and it must

"I've seen Kentucky lagging be-
hind other states because it had no
one to lead it into progress." Pearce
said “We must face the facts about
Kentucky: We're in deep trouble
and we‘re going to have to pay to
get out."

Hunt, Hobbs
get top honors
at banquet

Staff reports

The Otis A Singlelary (tutsland
ing student awards were awarded
last night With Student At'tivities
Board President Lynne Hunt and
and Omicron Delta Kappa President
Kevin Hobbs winning top honors

Hunt has been SAR president lol'
two years. Hobbs is a member of the
Farmhouse Fraternity

The Outstanding Junior award
went to Tommy Wade tlulslanding
Sophomore went to Scott Kuhn ()ut
standing Freshman went to Sean

The Zumwinkle Student Rights
Award was shared by Student Gov-
ernment Association Senator at
Large David Botkins and David Hol-
ton. a UK law student and higher ed-
ucation advocate.

The Office of Minority Affairs and
Humanities Award went to SGA
President Cyndi Weaver.

grain.” lrcl: saat "l 'liiiik the pro»
grain under 1 oacb Eddie Sutton is
a lot more open and liltllt'sl than in
{ill} ‘~t'(ll'\ [ll’t'\ltlll_\

Jerry Sec. i history .st‘tllttl' said
hi- wasin surprised ti-at [K has
lll‘t‘ll accused of paying basketball
l't‘t'l'lllls_ bii' >.iltl llt' 'liiiiks lllt‘ alle»

"l ill not surprised. but personally
l tlliill think they‘re guilty.” See
\itltl "lint .is basketball coniiiicn~
lilllll' \i Ali-thine says lK's got
lllt‘ lit-st pi‘ogiari. .i. ilm country
“by would 'lic}. llt‘t'tl to pay a play
t‘l'$l.llotitoi'riiiit'til ‘. lit‘t'w"

Jim Howard on l-Iiiglisli sciiior,
said that thesitiiatioii tuttlicrs liiiii

'\l). bi; tieci '.\llli this is how did
lllt' packagi- L’t" accidentally open”
Howard said "this is a responsible
air ll‘t‘l;_’.ll’ toiiiiianj. (bully or not
guilty li-an‘t sag.

l'i'siila Miller a: m'criiatioiial
business li'cslirz..in snz.’ 'tiat she
tliiiiksl'Kis arm".

"I guess it s .i protn‘cii. and this
tiiiictlii-y ;_“llt'.tltl_‘lll_ \l:llt‘l'\itl(l

'l‘liltf. l)).tl' .i pos' tuit'lit‘lot't'tlt'
student. say: t l\ suitci's undue scru-
t;t;_\ llt‘t‘.tll\t‘ttl :' success

"1 'mnk itciiiso- oi the way ['Ks
inward: is iiti‘ with so
\t RI \l lltl\. l'auco

UK honors
with day

lh .l l‘. Iltll \t lll.l l
Stall \Kriti-r'


'l‘lic l'iiiti-i'sz"; o: lwn'tii'ky i'et'oL‘
1tl student (.\.

llll.t'tl ltti'tll'» shit? .
ccllciicc lit i‘s ltd .inrriit
llay ccreumii;

in his spot-ii lit‘iltlt‘ the awards
L'I't‘ctiioiiv 1 ix. l’tesiiii-izt l)a\id
ltoscllc said it l‘ .i ”line to real-
lit'ni to i-clctiiatc 'l't' l lit\t‘l‘.\ll_\
ol Kt‘li'tlt'h} ! K is or; die \ci'gc
o! lit‘lllt.’ great "

lltiiiot‘s Day was established to H»


sei‘xc t'!tllllllt“ii'i'llil‘l.l -‘\.t'l't'ist'.\ tor
’lic l‘t't'HL‘llllil‘ll o' students li’ost-Ilc

’l‘lic ll.l". lingo w.'b .in t'.\llll)ll ol
.lt‘di'lt'lli'i‘ «or. it}. student: and lac
Illl_\ in the Inuit. concourse ol the
Siiiulc’nr; 'tii- .\rts The
awards cct‘ciii-iiiy began ll' li‘ccital
flail ot 'lic Sizialcldi'y tor the \i‘ls
and ciidcd dist lll_L‘lll wi'li the tin
ti-rsitx s .miiiial Honors and ltccog
iiztior. l‘io‘._i.iti. .it .\l.it‘iotl s lil‘llllll

ttlilt‘l tor

lidlt‘ ltcsoit .x‘icrc \llltlt'lll

wi'i'i' immjtnxvd lot 'lici:
iiiciitsditii'ir'iii go‘oei’aiii
'l'lic ti‘ti' i‘i'i'tptcii’s lit 'llt‘ iftttti
tit‘cgil 'I‘mciici were non
orcd tor lllt‘i" i-Ilitt {lYlt-l‘idl t‘\ltt‘l‘ll.\t‘
The three vi‘tll‘mtllldl‘ chosen ll'tilil

‘~.‘t aids

the l.c\i::ulwit tannins .‘.t‘li‘ .lo.iii ll
limbo .iti it““’t"i‘."' I‘Iiiultsli prolcs
stir t'li.irli~~ i‘. mu. .1 \ocii‘ioiial ed
”union lilttlt‘\\l'l .iltil ll‘llttllld.‘ \
liiui'ani. .Mm l.ili' :ziarki-ting pro

'l‘l‘it' t\\.,
the t’tllilllllli’ll".
tlptil 5 t'onlc‘

ll't'lllil‘llls t'lltl\t'f'. li‘oiii
t'tilll'L‘t' system were
.i biological scit-iicc
pi'olcssoi’ at \sliiaiid (‘oiiiiiiiiiiily
t ollcgc. and James l .\lurlcy. an as
sociatc prolcssor ot liiic arts and hit
inanities .it l-Ilt/.ibctlito\\ii (‘onimii
iiit_\ ('ollt'ilt'

The .\ll.‘.t't‘ltotl Sydney Sullivan 3ch
dallions. which are awarded to one
graduating man, one graduating
woman and a Kentucky t‘llllt‘ll.
w crc also announced .lulic (‘ Quick
and (‘liarlcs \ .loi‘cs were the two
student l't'tlplt'l‘il\ Richard ti (on
per. a Kentucky citizen. was
awarded tor his association with

‘l'lic .-\ l‘aul \eslor Employee (‘rer
.iliyity and l‘chcilt-ncc Award went
to Faye ,\ Riddle. bureau supervi—
sot‘ lor Duplicating Sery ices. for her
outstanding jtlli iwrtorniaiice

The highlight of the ceremonies
was the iiivcstilurc of Roselle as the
ninth t’K president Former l'K
President tilis A Singlelary passed
on the oflicial seal of the L'niyersity
alter Roselle took the oath of office.
administered by Robert McCowan.
chairman of the Board of Trustees.

Singlctary also gave his presi‘
dential medallion to UK saying it
was "symbolic of the office of the
president to be held in trust by
all future presidents of this fine in-
slitulion H


 2 — Kentucky Kernel, Frldey, April 15. 1908


Gov. Chandler should do UK Letters
21 service and resign from BOT

AB. (‘handler should step down
from the UK Board of Trustees. This
situation would not have been blown
out of proportion if Chandler had
apologized when first asked. Chan-
dler has no one but himself to blame
for his slip of the tongue and he
should acknowledge it.

It doesn‘t help the Situation by
calling the football players stupid
They stood up for something they
believed “Stupid" is not a legiti»
mate term to use in a rebuttal. It
makes Chandler look stupid

I forgive (‘handler for his slip of
the tongue. but he should have
learned from his mistake i do not
forgive him for constantly referring
to the female reporter who reported
the incident «the racial remarki as
"the girl.“ He also refers to our for-
mer governor. Martha Layne
Collins. as “the girl in the gover-
nor‘s house.” On WIJ‘JX's "Your
Government." Chandler talked
about the five football coaches and
“one black boy.“ Chandler. I‘m sure
that that "one black boy” is a man.

This proves to me he will never
learn. I have read and heard many
people use the term compassion in
reference to Chandler. Well. com-
passion to me also means the ability
io respect and be aware of other
people’s feelings. Black men are not

”'“boys and women are not girls"
any more I also heat in reference to
(handler' back in his time . . . ‘ I




don‘t care what happened back then.
People were not treated equally.
Now we don‘t have to put up with it
arid we shouldn‘t.

It doesn‘t concern me what
(‘handler does say in private among
his friends. It does concern me what
he might say in the future in public.
I have pointed out that he hasn’t
learned from his mistake.

I haven‘t forgotten all of
Chandler's contributions. for he has
reminded me of them. All I can say
is: That's great! Thanks for throw-
ing it up in our faces again and
again (lov. Wilkinson should have
the guts to make a stand and answer
questions from the press and end
this controversy.

t‘handler might have been qual-
ified to seri e on the BOT when ap-
pointed but its evident that he does
not belong on the BOT now.
(‘handler is a public figure. He is a
representative of Kentucky around
the nation. I definitely do not want
to be represented by him now.

We can forgive him. We cannot let
him stay on the BOT just because of
his past contributions or because he
makes a few tears (OK. lots of


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Jotmy Be Good PG-13
1:50-3:40-5:30-7:50-9:40-Fri’Slt 11:40


1:0o3:oo-5:05-7:30-9;3o Fri/Sat 11:15



Beetleiuice PG
1:30-3:30-5:30-7:5o-9:50 Fri/Sat 11 :40

811010 Blues PG-13
1:10-3:15-5:15-7;35-9:45 Fri/Set 11:40


Storm PG-13
1:35-3:35.s:35-7:55-9:55 Fri/Set 11:55

Bright Lights, Big City it
12:45-2:45-4:45~7:55-10:00 Fri/Sat 11:55


Return to Snowy River Pt ll PG
1:30-3:30-5:30-7:£5-9:50 Frl/Set 11 :45

Good Morning Vietnam Fl
12:50-2:sss:00-7:40-9:50 Fri/Set 11:55




Stand and Deliver
1:05-3:105:10-7:50-9:55 Fri/Set 11:50



Seventh Sign R
1:50-3:4ss:4o1:as-9:15 Fri/Set 11:35

The Last
mum-1:00 ms: 11:00




Fatal Attraction
1154;154:110!!! Fri/Set 12:M

Three Men did a Baby PG
1:15-3:05-4:55-7:45-9:35 Fri/Set 11 :20


Unbearable Lightnese of Bohg Fl
1:104:25-1:5o Fri/Set 11:00


Bed Dreenu R
2:1u:00-5:45-t:00-1o:oo Fri/Set 11:45

Good Manila Will" R
1354;157:3041! FrlISel 12:00


2 72-6662

1:40-3:40-5135-755-955 FrllSet 11 :3




‘ mloSnarry ' yer . "
1:30-3:30-5230-7zlo-9z40 Fri/Set 11:35


Bod Dre-r-
1:00.945 Fri/Set 11 as





Swath Son
1:50-3:45o5:40-7:l5-0:40 rim 11:10

0.0.A Fl
1:40-3:40-5:4o-1:m:50 rm 11:45

bowl PG-13
enemas-1:21 rim 11:10





Storm P043
1:00-3:15-Szfl-7zfl-02I Fm 11:50





mm It
monsoon-mum m. 12:10

tears) come to people‘s eyes when
singing “My Old Kentucky Home “
People on the BOT make decisions
for the future. All I hear Chandler
talk about is what he has done for
Lexington in the past

What has been achieved in the
past is not the issue. rather. what is
occurring right now and the ramifi-
cations that will extend to us as stu—
dents of the University and the state
of Kentucky as a whole. It is time to
stop explaining the mistakes
“Happy“ has made — it is time to
stop the mistake. If this University.
as a research university. is truly
committed to growth, what choice
remains but to eliminate people who
impede that progress?

Sorry, “Happy," you are not
above judgment or action: Let
something positive come out of this
experience and turn your position
over to someone else.

Tuyen Le is a human development

CA. Duene Beniter
Editorial Editor

Den Heeeert
Editor in chief

Jey Blenton
Executive Editor

Thornee J. Sullivan
News Editor

Mlcheel Bremen
Editorial Cartoonist

Koren Phillipe
Design Editor


More pressing
issues than

Every one of us grew up in a more
prejudiced world than today. Many
l‘gullltlllls of these years linger on
with many of us, depending on age,
part of the country, etc. The charac-
teristics to remain the longest will
probably be the racial slang of our
languages. “Happy“ Chanlder grew
up ill a day when such references
were commonplace and not nec-
cssarily derogatory. Most of us have
fortunately grown up in a time when
these references are unacceptable.
This is progress. The personal con-
tributions of “Happy” to the state of
Kentucky continue to rank at the
top. His accomplishments as states
man of Kentucky are unmatched in
this century. Certainly, his actions
have reflected full support and pro-
motion of equal and plentiful oppor-
iiitiillcs for all, particularly the stu-


y/ ///t’/’

. ll!’/I/{,


Take a
Through the Mail

Independent Study Program
Room 1 Frazee Hall

4.7;, ,g

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Please, let‘s not continue to cruci-
fy such a good and loyal man over a
slip of the tongue iunfortunately, an
age-old reference). He has apol-
ogized, and I think that his word has
come to mean enough in Kentucky
that we can accept his apology.

Jump off that ill-fated bandwagon
and stand up for “Happy“ and allow
him to remain on the BOT.

Now to address the remainder of
the problem. A good many people
have worked up quite a frenzy over
this “Happy thing,“ and they have a
lot of collective energy to spend. We
need another cause to support. What
better cause than raising money for
a fellow student in need, and se-
riously ill as well.

The “ 'Happy‘ t‘handler-kind—of-
thing" to do would be support Viji.

Information about this is most read»
ily available and she‘s still in need
and sick. Now that is an unaccepta-

Nathan T. Lipsconibe is an Arts &‘
Sciences major,



_ to get it across.





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Bobbi Wilson is a sophomore
member of UK's cheerleading
team, which recently captured
the national cheerleading
championship title for the sec-
ond straight year. She likes
her music. well. shall we say

Favorite album: Hot. Cool
and Vicious by Salt and
Pepper. “It's not really rap. it‘s
like soul (or) rock music. it
has a good beat and it's easy
to dance to. I don't know how
to describe it."

How about hot, cool and vi-





Austin City Saloon — 2350 Woodhitl Shopping Center. Carla Hunter and South
Bound will play tonight from 9 to 1 am Cover is $3.

Babylon Babylon — 117 N. Limestone. The Resurrected Blooted Flooters and
Wolf Peri Shack Will play tonight. Saturday. The Bags and Bored and Dangerous
will play starting at 9. Cover is $3 both nights.

The Bearded Seaie — 500 Euclid Ave. Repeat Option will play tonight from 9
to 1 am.

The Bottom Line — 361 W Short St. Yabba Griffiths will play tonight from 10
to 1 am Saturday. Shakin Family and The Boilers will play from 9 to 1 am.
Cover is $3 both nights

The Brass A Saloon — 2909 R.chmond Road. Free For All will play tonight and
tomorrow night

Breedings — Tonight. The Mov.es Will play from 9 to 1 am. Saturday. Mystery
Train will play from 9 to 1 am Cover is $3.

Cheap Side - Bruce LeWis Trio will play tonight starting at 9.

Comedy on Broadway 144 N. Broadway Steve Moore, Andy Huggins. and
Vifilliam Logan will periorm tonight and tomorrow night at 8 and 10:30. and Sun-
day only at 7 30 p m Cover is $6

Copperfields —— 249 W. Short. Parker Coleman will play tonight and tomorrow
night from 9 to 1 am $2 Cover

Kings Arms Pub —< Onyx will play tonight and Saturday from 9 to 1 am. Cover
is $2.

Mainstreets — 269 W Main St Metropolitan Blues Allstars will play tonight and
tomorrow nightirom 10 to 1 a m Cover is $2

Spirits — Blue Max Wilt play tonight and tomorrow night from 9 to 1 am. Cover
is $2.

Two Keys Tavern ~— 333 S Limestone St. Shakers Will play tonight and tomor-
row night from 9 to 1 am Cover is $2 for men and no cover for women.

The Upper Class — 388 Woodland Ave The Bad Guys will play tonight and
tomorrow night from 9 to 1 a m Cover is $3







A Day in the Life of Jimmy Reardon —— Rated PG. (South Park: 1. 3.10. 5:15,
7:35. 9:45 and 1145 p m)

A New Lile — PREMIERE (South Park: 1:05. 3:10. 5:20. 7:50. 9:55 and Fri-
day and Saturday night at 1 150.)

Bed Dreams —— PREMIERE Rated R. (Crossroads: 2. 3:45. 5:30. 8. 9:45. and
tonight and tomorrow night at 11:25; North Park: 2:15. 4. 5.45. 8, 10. and
tonight and tomorrow night at 1 1 :45.)

Beetlelulce — Rated R (North Park: 1:30. 3:30. 530. 7 50. 9:50. and tonight
and tomorrow night at 1 1 :40.)

Blloxi Blues — Rated PG-13 (South Park. 12 40, 2:45. 4:40. 7:30. 9:40. and
tonight and tomorrow night at 1 1.40.)

Bright Lights. Big City — Rated R. (South Park. 12:45. 2:55. 5:10. 7:55, 10.
and tonight and tomorrow night at 1 1 .55.)

D. O. A. — Rated R (Fayette Mall: 1:40. 3 40. 5:40. 7:50. 9:50. and tonight
and tomorrow night at 1 1 45 )

Fatal Attraction — Rated R (North Park 1:45. 4:15. 7:40. 9:55. and tonight
and tomorrow night at midnight.)

The Fox and the Hound —- Rated G (North Park: 1:40. 3:30. 5:20. 5:20.
7:20. and tonight and tomorrow night at 9: Crossroads: 5:55. 7:30. and tonight
and tomorrow night at 9 )

Frantic —— Rated R. (South Park 12.45. 2:55. 5. 7:50. 10. and tonight and
tomorrow at midnight )

Good Morning Vietnam — Rated R. (South Park: 12:30. 2:50. 5:05. 7:35.
9.50. and tonight and tomorrow at midnight: North Park: 1:45. 4:15. 7:30.
9:45. and tonight and tomorrow at midnight.)

Hair Spray — Rated PG (Turfland: 1.50. 3:40. 5:30. 7:35. 9:25, and tonight
and tomorrow night at 1 1 . 10.)

Johnny B. Good —— Rated PG-13 (North Park 1:50. 3:40. 5:30. 7:50. 9:40.
and tonight and tomorrow night at 11:50; Fayette Mall: 2. 3:50. 5:35. 7:35.
9:25. and tonight and tomorrow night at 1 1:10.)

The Last Emperor — Rated R (North Park. 2. 5. 8. and tonight and tomorrow
night at 11 )

Moonetruck —- Rated R (Lexington Malt: 1:40. 3 40. 5:35. 7:35. 9:35. and
tonight and tomorrow night at 1 1:30.)
School Deze —- Rated R (Turttand Mail
night and tomorrow night at 12.10.)
Return to Snowy River — PREMIERE Rated PG. (Crossroads: 1:30. 3:30.
5:30. 7.45. 9:45; North Park 1.30. 3:25. 5:35. 7.55. 9:55. and tonight and
tomorrow night at 1 1.55.)

Storm -— PREMIERE Rated PG-13 (North Park: 1:35. 3:35. 5:35. 7:55. 9:55.
and tonight and tomorrow night at 11:55: Turtiand: 1:35. 3:35. 5:35. 7:55.
9:55. and tonight and tomorrow night at 1 1 :55.)

12:45. 3:05. 5.20. 7:40. 10 and t0-

Stend and Deliver - PREMIERE Rated PG. (South Park: 1:05. 3:10. 5:10.
7:50. 9.55. and tonight and tomorrow night at 1 1 :50.)

The Seventh Sign — Rated R (North Park. 1:50. 3:35. 5:40. 7:40. 9:40. and
tonight and tomorrow night at 11:45; Fayette Slat: 1:50. 3:35. 5:40. 7:40.
9:40. no tonight and tomorrow night at 11:45.)

Th!“ Men and e Beby —— Rated PG (South Putt: 1.10. 3:05. 4:55. 7:45.
9:35. and tonight and tomorrow night at 1 1 :20.)

The Unbearable Likeneee oi Being - Rated R. (Lexington Mall: 1:10, 4:25.
7:50, andtonightandtomonow night at 11.)

Werehem Theater — "Less Than Zero" Rated R. Tonight and tomorrow night at
Bend 10. lidSundeynightet 7.






to play UK

Arts Editor

hile their title has
nothing to do with
Greek myth (Echo

was the name of the band‘s now
extinct drum machine), lead singer
Ian McCulloch might be under a
slight spell of narcissism.

Echo and the Bunnymen. who will
perf'orm tomorrow night at 8 in
Memorial Coliseum. are currently
on their most successful American

The lead singer of the Liverpool
band is finding himself rushed by
American girls while on stage.
Spin’s Anton Corbijn observed.
“Girls scream at Ian‘s sleazy sexual
gestures and stage invasions are
common. In short. it's a triumph.“
It sort of reminds you of another
Liverpool band. Maybe history
repeats itself.

The 9-yearold band is currently
touring behind its self—titled fifth
album. It is the band‘s most
accessible LP. “Lips Like Sugar” is
a straight-away. made-for-radio

In the past. the material on the
albums have been a little hard to
swallow. ()(‘can Rain was thick with
metaphysical rambling I “Man‘s got
to be his own savior" i and religious
wordplay 1 “I‘ve decided to wear my
thorn of crowns" i. It was also
backed by a f'ull orchestra that
provided a rather elevated sound.

Kentucky Kernel. Friday, April 15, 1988 — 3


Echo and the Bunnymen are touring behind the strength of their

self-titled. fifth album.



f3 Echo and the Bunnymen will
be in concert tomorrow night
at 8 in Memorial Coleseum.
Tickets are $10 at the Stu-
dent Center box office and
Disc Jockey Records.




However. Echo‘s live shows a re
said to be somewhat lighter in mood
and filled with less heady roc