xt75dv1cnm65 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt75dv1cnm65/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1983-09-07 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 07, 1983 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 07, 1983 1983 1983-09-07 2020 true xt75dv1cnm65 section xt75dv1cnm65 O . l
Vol. LX‘A’Xvi, No. it An independent student newspaper serving the Uttlvetsity oi xgntuck, gimp rim Q-H. PM .QQQQ w. , Q. '
“——_————_-————— “W_i _.v.l.~— ._. ,_,__A__—__.__ __ ,,-_ _
SEI SO 'ets adm't hOOt. d K . 1
Associated Press
11 was “a lengthy, gross and 0b' )ected L‘ S . Japanese and South Ktr would .mept .4 resolution (tearing t.“ it \uu l .\ 2w .t' - ..-2 “M...” , .. ,. \ ,- .,
The Soviet Union. just minutes viously pre-planned wolatton of the rean reports that the giant jetltner wtth ttiellillis hi prt'u'tlt it repett'm \ myr' !.:~. ..:.-t 2'. tum .: .i' .~ ..v .1 .t . \. r. . . .
after the United States brought “de- airspace of the Soviet l'nion.” Sovret was destroyed by a heat-seeking of such incidents lht‘ t :.mt sum-t ‘. . a... .. \.. _ . . Q. d. .. Q. .. _. . _
. finitive proof" before the world com- Ambassador Oleg A. Troyanovsky mlsslle fired by a SUV]?! fightertn- . . _ Q WWI , ttldtt' 4,.._.,-,.. g m... , V A“... . .‘._. \.\ . QQ , Q. ' .
. . . . . . . , . - Japanese ottttutts said their lll:.; Q t
. munity. admitted offiCially yester- allegedat the UNSecuritytounCil terceptor Q_ Q , Q t-titmt int- i .9. .,Q Luge? .. i.‘ g...“ “of... t,-._ - .. .. Q.
. . . . , . . ~ _ . Q tan tones priviziiett the tape of hr
day for the first time that it shot In Washington. Lndersecretary of But less than an hour after t s . -_ . . Q . sfrkui ..:,-. an»... ,._.. Q , ., ..
. . , Smtet pilots {mil-t transmissions
downaSouth Korean jethner. State Lawrence Eagleburger de» Ambassador Jeane J hirkpatrick . Q _, _ . 3433' it.“ .i t ., . - .
. _. pan of whith was hrtut‘kiist Mitt‘ \. .: kiik'it': is tut...” W. *
manded a full accounting of the tra- presented tapes of the Sot'iet pilots , . , .. . ~ . .. ' . mt»
. . . . . . day night llt i resident Reagan s it... Huts \iltlh ' .' t...' ”in": nuts. '3”
But the Sovrets said their intercep- gedv from Moscow radio conversations to the Secuntv , . . . . _
. . . . . . - tionall). it‘it‘\t\(‘(i \pl‘t‘til Russian Holist‘ttttl A.“ ‘i...’ .t' lit! 'wl‘i‘ 1 9 km ...r~...s«~: «w - .
tor pilots were convmced the crvtl- The world commumty still need (ouncrl. the SOYlet govemment and anllm[H’Nmtm ”1”“er ,1. it Q Q“ . Q .. . ,. t“ ., . . . ., , .. .Q
ian Boeing 747 was a US. spy plane. straight answers.“ he said tn a statement admitting the plane was ‘. ‘ f ' ‘ ‘ ‘ l 1' W“ “ "‘ W" "’ "' ““ '*‘ ‘ ' "h ' ' ‘
.. . . _. ,, .. Q Q Q of the tape were shown tll lite wit-o ltit't‘iili\ ot 'tu zirxw .. :t v..:' sm- ”1 ... m.- \. t. .‘ .--.. . ..
and the entire responstbihty for statement. We are tired of hes and shot down was read on the Moscow ("minim m ”w \m‘urm mum, Q .U Q .,. Q Q Q 1 Q N Q Q Q Q . QQ Q
the tragedy rests with the United half-truths.“ nightlytelevismn chamber» ’ ' ” :j‘m "\ " Q Q "“ ‘4“"Q_*Q""“ Q‘” ' Q"1“""Q “Q Q " Q
States. The Soviet admission came Six Kirkpatrick later said the Soviets ‘ “ti“: "" ""' ' “' “I” 3;.“ f. 'i '. ‘f n I ‘
days after Korean Air Lines Flight had been forced to make the admis- The recorded riitiltl triiitsiiusstons ”' H" ”v' ‘ “’ - -=‘ ‘" h
The Kremlin continued to claim 007 was downed over the Sea of' Sion because "the definitive proof showed that at least ont-ot Ult' sou ”WNW...“ .,_.‘_.,..1H.IQ. W... W, t. r .. ”Hm , . ., .
the Korean jet may. indeed. have Japan after crossing into Soviet ter» was finally put on the necord for the et fighter pilots pursuing the tint \mH-i. rt“..- tum "q“! _.._. ...,Q i... -.Q. \5\ Q. Q M Q.
been flying an intelligence mission ritory on a flight from New York to wholeworldtosee.” (‘Onlntt’rt’hii jet closed in and report tart \Hiil th. .itrt't.it' my .' .g .. as . \t... ...~ .Q... 1.. .
{01‘ the United States, and issued a Seoul. South Korea, All 269 people Any Secunty Council vote to adopt ed. "1 :im going iirouitti it l in .tl nun-ti pit-rt .ttlrtttttt it....t. it. so. ..-i >4 \ . .-,.. . :v. _
blunt warning: The Soviet air force aboardwerekilled. sanctions against the Sthet l'nton is read) moving 1” 1mm "t 1h" tar ground senzt't‘s .ti..t .tl.’ Earn-a sh. «sari-N . ,- ._.,_. - i. - ..
acted in accordance with Soviet law Before yesterday_ official Soviet sure to be vetoed But Kirkpatrick get " Identitx it .illti '.£.ts .‘lttl .titl.iig it» .tt . .tmt v2. . 't- a. mi...»
and WW” do the same again- statements had either ignored 0r re- said it was conceivable the SOVH’LS Then he said ‘I aim dropping land at illt' tinit'rst .ttipor' ....~~ .nt s.” ..'.
O l J '
veral K enrollment rises
. Q ’
but main cam t t
.2 . - US 0 a [‘0 S
QQQ Q. .222 . .. p
Q ' ft: in ‘ B)(‘llRlS\\'lll-II.\\ “f" ' ' ' figure-s ..t. Wu. . .
1:25;. ' g. . Staflwmt'r "I/It' ( 'Itlt't'l'xllt’ hm tit-mu .. . . .
._ .- .._.Z..-.3:E¥'.;:i:;:;:~.f:‘2":,u.ih we“. . . » _f , i iii in! t‘\
i it “see . Q _ Enrollment declined tltis semester ht‘t'll (”l/H [I’ll/1’”: Illt‘ t twp-5 \kr't. ”3..., ».,~ . - .
\ W =2: s“ ‘* » “5‘3“" ' Q _ at l'K‘s main campus and mediml (ITO/7 ‘00,)“, HI' /tl/(’l' the t-niiiiiiiui.1..--...g. '. :- .
a K ' ' - center. but the numtwr m student-s uranium-m v. wm- u ' m—
s ' W?“ s . . . . . . ’ _ ’ . attending community colleges lll . . . l/It'\(’ IIL’HHW (”1’ .iii um ‘lw il»tl.'.'t\ t... y... ., ,
“W . fixing “1.“.. ,Q ‘ ‘ .5“ . - creased Significantly according to , . , , . hm int-truism; mi m. ;-.t ' I. .
V 19‘ ”if-"A N" "8 ' “‘3‘ f "" ’ "h“ “ ‘ ’5‘“ ‘-""""‘ . ““2" " "‘ .. " . thedeanofadmtssioiis ‘2‘ ”(WU/h ”I IN“ “I”, tum l‘hi- now-us. t-- .. :2... ..
.$“ “2‘ *.§§“;%“.s s $933. ‘e‘ -... s “i ” ' ‘ " '* Elbert W (k'kerman. dt-an wt mt (rem/s III enrol/men] an ll; tt-..-~ h. ...i.i.-.:
h$é é; ‘vyt gusts... @Qwsewe Q_ ,Q “:1“ “ . . missions. said yesterday that pre _ I Q Q Q Q .. tuttilltllll.'\ min-i1.“ .tt. » - ' .
*fi“ _. dfi V as a» . .. . .. liminary figures showed about 1, m, u( r()\\ I It (Hull/I l . m”. MM. um... ,Q... . ,t
fir. . — students on the iA‘Xlltflttm campus norm .tllti .ttmu mot-u. t' .
w . Q and at the l'K Medical ('enti-r. down Q rm! \M-thiiipnt -.. ~t
Q ; three percent from the lit” semester Iii/10"! It . ()clierman intuition. mot . A . t. ,. . 2
. -» .. ‘\v . ‘1; »_ in1982 ° . ' .ttlr-ttlllttk‘ tttiit‘vl‘ .w c ‘. -... r '
g “ However. enrollment tn the [hi [”7”] 0., (It/”IMHO!“ “our noun-u .tttattw 't...' -
' \é versuy's lit community colleges was “ imam-<1 I'tltttl‘lt’ltrl m . , ..u t . '
fl 1 about 23.700 an increase of about is .Ii\(t.l t ontrttui' rt- 1... we
a. _ h“ 7.5 percent. he said That pushed the ltitxt-r'si't itd‘ tn-i-t; .mtit toiitinumm mug.- .
5;; ' N... _ 3’: total enrollment up t9 percent. at tputiug thr tirop smittd‘l or l.itt‘t hr ltitllt' «.t up..tmt~...t:. or .. -
“Q“? - . . about 45,800 students. tickt-rman said \ltti thr tl'H‘I‘tltuL’J‘ tiguic-s iii‘illithli‘ .tll‘ at... u .m- -r. .
said are titmut what the Iruxt'r-«t'z hm? tlmrkl'lmlttmr \No-tttttight: ,.. '
~ ‘ '- l A liniversuy spokesman said he expected Gary Martin Henry it.” Him.
1 . felt the major contributing factor in tk'kr-rrnaii .igr‘t-wl saying. 'Hitsc- School giiiriaiiii-u tritlIlV'int «.ts.‘ t..
f_ the decline Ul nldlll campus enroll has noticed rtiori- sttulrrtlu t‘lr'i" t,
ment was the economy. He also said “MM“ the job market .tttt-t tni't .. 'i-
. :f..§ that the “notion of selective admis “war—w- ‘-~ M~~~~-m rather thanottt-nthng t ttllt'vt
$22. sions was aththtbitiQng factor " , O 3.1. on In l’iit took throw-ti.- H gt: .i“
m. The lniitrstty ts gotng to ”tip“ u.” ”fit guttLtiiu tUlHlMt'tl .ilvx ..... or.
Q . ment a policy of selective admis ”fluhwwa’ sttirlo-rih .m- stating has. ..i..:
g)“. ’n ‘ siorts. beginning Fall 1984 The poll ‘7 m 3 m M m I. working trlorc- a-tt't-rtw 'lriti‘L”
cy. L'niversu} officials Said “I“ m. took tow-ls the rmwr. lot on _. 't..t'
require academic qualifications to mom students .trr tint .im At...“
, Mcttsrivns Phntnlidrmr enter ['K. in addition to a high . ”'7...“ W m“ thet want to :14: :i the ftfititl ..t..:
FenClng school diploma w W .I I“ d u would rather wait ‘lll’ll 'tu-z .1!" :r'
Q Q Q Another contributing factor is that LID-GUIMI‘HW. thin before going .I’M'd'f n. . nut-y.
A wait for the school bus for Qsome‘children at the corner of Press Axe. and W. Virginia Street can the number of high school graduates . Tau UK b . \th-Q .liVi Q\.Ilrl thine «fly-"L" _ .,. .
be an adventure. as one daring soul scalesa fence near the curb. is lower than it used to tx. the “'fi'd": I. thrt Armillti t I‘lldt-t» unaio, t.. ,.
spokesman said Mum m 101 tiir- .l'i”|1\\ttltl‘- [:.lw -,
SAB announces plans fOI’ ’83 H 0 0m." (13" l‘ . al
ByNATALIECAUDlLL “It's just an all-campus event; cello look-alike contest," Branson clude an allcampus scavenger hunt float for Hmnwonitng and they W Th:- l’t-rtonmnit Ark ‘UtlrtLV'N
Reporter they are incorporating with Home- said. andatr'ivia contest been very successful with that last has ttrruriuwt for .u. tut-rotu'w o-u
coming because its happening that According to Linda Remington. Nancy Reinstedler. SAB member year they got first pint-e In the Indy moon on In! t', .tt \terrtm‘m: tr:
Student Activities Board an- week," said Susan Van Buren. SAB SAB member-at-large. a drive-tn at-large and offcampus student hat- pendant Division Tho-y are also qum Tutu-ts are $3 for x'li'lrrt.
nounced during a meeting yesterday president. movie for UK students will also take son. reported that STRAY CATS u planning a Halloween Dance this Ur and r, for the [Mlhilt
several upcoming events, including Steve Branson, Special Activities place that evening, at Southland 68. Students That Reside Away Yet tober and possibly r'risprmsuring it Ttw ( int-mi. (ritrirtiittm- will mu
aHomecoming dance, abeach party chair. said a beach party will be Gates willopenat7p.m. Care About Their School have with reside-m halts, Reinstmtt-r tr featuring tilrrLs hut"! .is Mum;
and severalotherprojects. held Tuesday September 20 from 4 “The movie will start at dusk." planned many different projects for said Frankenstein AM Just...- for
The Homecoming Dance, canceled pm. until 6 pm. on the Blanding Remington said, “Tentatively. we this fall. A ski trip .5 schedule-d my wt, :; All'ano Vlt'llir \‘tr'tnrtii
last year due to lack of interest, has Residence halls' lawn (Blanding will be showing beach movies." The “Right now, they are trying to re- 4 and .3 at Snowshtl' ski resort Dona Kenneth l‘uttlu Mutation» _
been scheduled for Saturday Sept. 24 Beach). event is being cosponsored by the cruit members and generate interest Prices range- from sum to strut and (hair will Might rum m.- xiii
at the Grand Ballroom. The featured “We are going to have beach Greek Activities Steering Commit- in the group They have a lot include various aspects of the trip. has "V" V‘Mult't "I!“ w.“ that:
band will be Nervous Melvin and the games such as volleyball. treasure tee,shesaid. planned for this fall and next such as transportation fee-i Sign ups In It" M‘i’n' histnri stun-intuit l' at
Mistakes. Starting time for the hunts in the sand and probably a Other things planned for the se- spring."shesaid are rum-ntty tit-mg taken at "15:35!” such things \Util it‘ 'ht- r ttu‘tt..t is
dance has not been finalized. Frankie Avalon and Annette Puni- mater, according to Branson. in- “They are working on their house dent t‘itntt-routmgr mm alot higher than L‘ht wait
0 u . ~ -17”; .2 , .. “v" M. W—~~~~ ..--...._.. -._._-.___.___~_, —-- ~ - , t,
Apartments burglarized fin: 2 - fir wag; Foot aths ‘ n ° n . ;
‘ .. .2... , p uisa ce .
By EVERE’I'I‘J. MITCHELL ll Sonja Shearon, 232 Greg Page ' ‘0': . ;
Staff Writer Apartments. reported that about $1.-
800 in jewelry was apparently stolen ‘ O ySlca a n t
Four roommates in the Greg Page from the apartment. 1'
Apartments reported to University Shearon told University police that . . . . Q . , . . .
police the theft of 32.614 in personal a pair of pierced diamond earrings ' saith-Fig.1" J ”n "H‘L ” “‘11:“ _ r “H“ m "w I“. E
property from their apartment Sun- valued at $250 and three diamond ' ‘ anon "'22:," I'd”; ‘3" , m m“ t
' . V )d I - l k 2
day rings .tOtang. SL450 were taken. - . it is a well known fact that the turn. as in the ray- of the (“"1 in i
. according to police reports. ,_ Q , Q , I
. . Shortlst distance between two the Mining building and a (mirage
Jennifer Hamilton. of the same 1
s E . - . ‘ pman is a straight line Most pm in the now of ertart traitir an t
IN ID address. reporteu the theft of per- . Q .
. . . -- . 2)- - - pie. r'misctrmh' or turmxciousty in the case of the path to the i- :no i
sonal items valuing about swo. _ . .
accordi m licere rts find thorny-Ives applying this rule Arts buddim leading to the res l
2 f we: w. ’j,1-';-'“_‘*“ ' Qng p0. p0 ' , - ‘. while walking throuah campus taurant on Euclid Mr Mani”.
. .. g. as‘“ weigh/1% Hamilton said a gold charm \a- . i "Home made ”th0” the W said I
" 22““ w'x‘feifl’ gaffes; Iris... ' ' . “ a. - - ‘
mth: 12-; _=;..;.:- . V. - a: :33 2: 233.13.: giagzndrgn: :hae ~ ' ., ' ‘1 , qut of shortcuts have become a ”WP If) ll: kH-p W rumpus. i
34"“! a rtment accordi tog lice re- ' ‘ ' 7. ' "WEN-‘9 10 U“ Phylum! Plant WNW" he “'4 50 '4‘" tr) "'4' i
any. ‘ -' " 2 ‘i “'. - ‘ ‘.*“*"»‘ popgs ‘ ng p0 - ” Grountb lhvrsion rect the flow. of trail" along exist ‘
. Q ‘23. Q ° _' " Qt, T), , ' . . . . ' ” According to Edward D Mt-Ma trig walkways ..
HM“: ere-ram“ 5.22"? “22W“: 222222. “° m. or m mm. m .0... mm. m. m .
of ., -,. .3" “g. , lice thaliaabout 3"") of her £03 - . . 4 . conquering the foot path seems to budding still 8113' One leads to
m-“wfi I . r pe - " beamverendingbottle the dimer of Row and t-Lurlid
m~ex~meswvm £7". proverty was stolen. “Ground . . . .
_ _ .» ~~ at Q. . . . . . maintemme literature going in a nutheasterly dtrHtior.
- « v. . “f“- g . Reid reported missmg a white Q Q
‘ g. ', ;; ;‘°‘:‘,W say! where you see a path you and the other leads directly north
1- -- ~ ~ -~ w- . «we , leather ptn'se valued at $60. a wallet , - .
- . . 3‘ . a. . could make a sidewalk. McMa toward a restaurant on Intxltd
valued at $10 and sunglasses valued QQ
atszo according to police reports h'" “"1 “tat 5 "0‘ “NY! We. Mchhlnuid
WEATHER Ambrose Givens of the same- ad- . " “m“ 80"“ hm ”hm ‘“ W‘ a “m" ”my d‘m‘“ ”‘ “'
dress told University police that Sidewalk they wul just make a sign and Cargo-union said the)
, , _ Q . Q . ‘ . . ‘ ' path some in a different direction are mm two sidewalk.- for
- .2 _ .. ... . .. - rum-u ,»:,- items totalling 310‘ were also stolai '
. . ~ 2 ‘2 , . , I. seem to be a reverend"; thmefmtptfl
Mama: _ . In the burglary. The ttans included _.
.3‘ t“ ' ' . a 3‘3 4.3 a red leather wallet valued at 838. a “ ~ no 9 place" My Mn” ‘3 "m the"
Q; #4: "-::°‘ *gwag tch lued t 350 driver’s fl_ . “We amid cover ah the foot are two (fishnet datinltiom that
Q gang; 2 :.c- . was, we vined : 5d“ . cash Pathways — an intentional bypass of concrete sidewalks In order to p."- wm, "damn it “you“ strident: .R "we,“ on "m
2 am»: “raw/try; rm‘ to a“: a "0 m ' cut some distance — have plagued groundkcepers at the l‘nnersity make my “3 tot mm. ' 31cm. pun," Demy utd And you
w“ §“’"’""&" if ”national reports sane- 70' years. Physical Plant Division workers have sometimes solved hart llld "But we 'the campu. probably couldn't handle it how
may." 225m: : “(th page!“ the problem by planting obstructions such as trees and bushes wouidn have any aesthetic Ste H ms. page Q. -
, \ ~ i

 l i l
2 - TH! KENTUCKY KIINIL Wednesday. Soptombor 7. ".3 ._
e e e e e e e
$50 Questions still remain about airline moment t
, ., w , BJTEBENCEHUNT castaddmsMnndaynigbLaaid.“’mereis “Mhiimthatnuraircraftdomtenter
WEDNESDAY NIGHT and DIAVID ESPO . no way a pilot could mistake this for anything their airspace,” one official said. “The Ko- -
I Amociated Press Writers other thanacivilian airliner." rean aircraft’s inadvertent entry into Soviet
Tonight I! LOleI "'9'“ American officials say this is so beesuse territory should have been an early and ‘
A" “in Can Drink WASHINGTON — The Soviet Union's be- fiém‘ioma 33%;: ahsifiufi’. ififitfifiliflfifimfioflf’” my“
Bar drinks, BOOI' 8. wt". lated admission that one of its warplanes shot nated by a half moon, was clearly visible to Also unanswered is the question of where
down a Korean JetlineIr last week focuses new the Soviet pilot. Moreover, they say. the Sovi- the plane was when it was fired on. There is .4
Ladies $2 75 attention on the question of whether the Sow- ets should have been able to distinguish the no doubt that the Korean airliner flew in Sovi- rot
. . w __’_'_I ' et pilot knew he was firing a misSile at an un- 747 on their radar screens. eIt airspace over sensitive military installa- Aft
Q (image L . Men $5.00 armed passenger plane. . . The Soviets said the Korean plane was fly- tions, but administration officials said in a ant
g A: l IWas the KoreanIplane downed in intema- ing without navigational lights “at the height statement issued Monday that the “Soviets ma
5 I. 1, Ca” Drinks Long |s|and tiIonal agspacte': Did thIe 320$? the Korean of night, in conditions of bad visibility, and shot day: the Korean airliner as it was exit- —-
r _/ pane a emp o Signa we in ercep- was not answering the signals.” ing or exited theirterritory
l ; II: inIiInIi l only 50¢ T905 51-00 tors? Why,Iaccording to intercepted radio But according to transcripts released by Administration officials insist there was no "
or ”name" Pro I D R l at! "165886. did it take a full 12 minutes for the the White House of radio conversations be- warning, and the transcript released by the
per . . oqu r KoreanIplanIe to drop off radar screens after tween the Sowet pilot and his ground com- White H0086, covering a PeFIOd beginning 35 .~
the Sov1et pilot fired lus miSSile and reported mand. the pilot reported, “I see it visually minutes before the missile was launched and
“the target lS destroyed?" and on radar.“ The transcript also quotes the extending 2'0 minutes beyond, contains no 2*
CARE FOR YOUR EYES IWhile the Sovret admission, made in an offi- pilot as saying the “target" was illuminated mention ofawarning.
ciaIl statemegt brpadceaist on Moscow ttele- by air navigational lights and a flashing f Two hsleconds after the Soviet pilot reported -
_ . _ , ViSion yes er ay c ear up some ques ions strobe light. iring '5 missile, according to the transcript, 1i
((3)173;liuiijlewinhi FiesiIJI'IfrIIhZSIIEXIaIIrIr:sear:dveceriInIigoIztIgnt TI! surrounding the fate of Flight I007. it re- At one point in the transcript, the pilot is he radioed back,“The target is destroyed.“ an)
5/ upd > qur' w ‘Wk’gl y r If y )U silnply li/Qedoa Iensegchany kindled debate about other puzzling aspects quoted as saying, “The target isn't respond- An airline industry source with a military kin
() t i t .1) ( ge or fthetraged . l0 IFF” Whit H d . b kgr d 0 kn led b
d new style. tome to Optical Outlet 0 The Soviety‘government said the jet ‘nt r mgr ff‘ ‘_ l engu'se and cmercial 3:380:31 '8:le tedolil sea 18 its)“; the one
I e - air me o lClaS say is an ec ic mg in , In ca e was a t at it C
We prowde quality eyeglasses and soft contact lenses at the C9910? that “'30de the airliner “fullfilled an nal that Soviet aircraft use to distinguish look 12 milliltes after the attapdlk before the lees:
LOWEST PRIChS lN l.r;XlN(;'l‘()N At OPTICAL OUTLET you get order of the ground command to stop the whether a military aircraft is friend or foe_ Korean planedisappeared from radar. fool
personal. friendly servn‘e and a Wide selection of dQSigner frames. flight"of the Korean plane and shot it dOWn. They say a commercial airliner would not A heat-seeking missile, this source said, littl
Shop around and compare...we know you'll be back. th‘Thfsedsowlet pilotjlstopplng the actions 9f emitaresponse. , , Womd {pads on one, or [305$ny two, or the boy
e in rIuIer pane coI nthave known that it According to US IoffiCials, the Korean Jumbo Jets fourI engines, causmg an explo- ahe
e Gorham . Michul wasa ClVllIlaIn plane, the statementIasserted. plane imtially was mistaken by the Sowets Sion and incapacitating the aircraft. He spec- I
m us. offICIals lnSlSt that the SIOVIets should for an American RC-135 reconnaissance ulated that a fairly rapid descent would fol- Sim
tic I t' '. “ ' have known 1‘ was a ClVlllah airliner. Yet, the plane, a military version of the smaller Boe- low, with the pilot unable to control the plane.
p a u et a "g United States does not claim that the Soviets ing 707. “It .
24” Nicml'm'k’ Rd 966 09'3“” AWN" ‘ " ‘v ' ’ actually knew that’s what itwas. In fact these officials sa an RC-l35 at one seems to me that 10 minutes would be
[Effifif' 2553002 " €- VM “They made no serious effort to identify the point flew near the Koreah' plane in intema- an agfeugl’v long time If the plane was inca- ]
:l‘“°'°"'"" u“ “Chloe! unollomo ‘; h l 'i r. aircraft or to warn it," an official White tional airspace. But that was 212 hours before epsilonttiitihn Eghgigofgtififfizdho Spoke only
tore Open Saturday unill4:oo _ House statement said. “They did not appear the missile was fired, these officials say, and '
to care what it was. Instead. they were intent by then the American plane had returned to . At 35.000 feet, the airliner could have gone By
on killing it." its base in Alaska 1.000 miles away. into a low spiral that would have slowed the ASS
m: u.x.smomr anivmls some returns In their statement, the Soviets said their pi- US, officials also say the Soviets are aware dficem. bill there was little likelihood that
lots repeatedly tried to warn the Korean air- that American spy planes operate in interna- the crew WOUld have had enough control of S
7.— ' ‘ ‘pi_ linerarIid forceittoland. . . tional airspace near Soviet borders, and that the aircraft to allow the plane to glide, the Lee
'l‘llE (‘IIINESIJ PFeSldeht Reagan, "1 hlS nationally broad- the Soviets track such flights routinely. source said. For
I ‘ W run
’1 Ifil‘.‘ (‘lmllls . University police that her 10 speed bicycle, vei‘
0F TAIWAN " . valued $150, was stolen from in front of Dono- . aga
______'___.___ , ..H r1 m e van Hall between Sunday and Monday. a S Mic
Kathleen Graves, 312 Donovan Hall, report- thrt
. . ed to University police that her 10-speed bicy— . run
ThurSday, September 1 th, 8:00 PM commued ”0m page one cle and cable lock valued at $213, were stolen Continued “0m NEW“ Vt
. k one entered the apartment through the from the west side of Donovan Hall between of pedestrian traffic) with a single walkway the
“C GlS frogttéoor and took tgffpropsrty. The report Saturday an? Sunday. unless you control the traffic in some other iii?
. sai re wasnosign orce entry. Nance Genn, G224 Cooperstown Apart- way. We are proposing that we put in two
$5.00 for U . K . SlUdenlS Wllh U . K . l . D . In other crime developments, four bicycles, merits, told University police that her bicycle sidewalks pretty much along the existing foot yari
f h . totaling about $800, were reported stolen Mon- valued at $146 was stolen from the northwest paths." 1“ ‘1
$7.00 0" l e General PUbllC day. . . . corner of her building betwee Sunday and Both McMahan and Denny said a sidewalk 0" ‘
Available at the UK f m m - t - Chris Morris, 2005 Kirwan Tower, told Uni- Monday. hasn’t been built because no money has been PeWI
l0'00 AM-4'00 PM week dsausde Ce er kae Office from versity police that his 10-speed bicycle valued Meanwhile, Mary Beth LewIandonski, 420 allotted the project. baCl
- - Y - at $300, was stolen from a light pole in front Donovan Hall. reported to UmverSity police McMahan said UK uses several methods to ball
____.__— of Kirwan Tower between Saturday and Sun- the theft of a gold bead chain valued at $300, keep the flow of pedestrian traffic on existing qua:
day. was stolen from her room between Saturday courses. The method used, he said, is done ”3’
Beth Freedman, 462 Donovan Hall. told and Monday. according to the situation. the
WELCOME BACK ' “To stop the flow of traffic on foot paths we dOW
NASA ° t. can choose from several alternatives," Mc- A1
selen 18 S are appy Mahan said. “We could use a method called able
‘block corners” by either planting shrubs, "eX'
UeKe STUDENTS e , e e hedges or trees. This was done with the path punt
. With Challenger s mlSSlon one
. discount cou ans “Rock corners," another method. uses 0’
ww..wnfi322..: " ............ ....~.i . ....,, p . rocks [0 block the paths made by bicycles [£6
Associated Press Challenger ended its third space flight With and mopeds. This method may also include off]
I a dramatic and near-flawless landing on a - . - u n C l
. . pavmg or bricking. Rock corners was used en
POND El EDWARDS AIR FORCE BASE, Calif. — SPffthgh‘e‘.‘ “Way at 12-403“ Mime-VA ,, between Holmes and Patterson residence yarc
sTEAKllOUS Challenger returned from space with the . Each time 't seems to be getting better, halls, and behind the bus stop by the Chemis« any
least damage recorded on any shuttle flight Xv'd’d‘ said at a news conference yesterday. try and Physics building on Rose Street. ”I
I n .- - - I I I et and ma head back for Florida on Frida We had very few Emblems dumg the “18’“ B ildi ds ha be ‘ 'l ‘ it u
y y y (and the system of tiles glued to the shi as a u ng moun -5 en used primari y m ' I
otter good through sepiember 25.1983 :gggrygggggd “My WNW NASA batsmen) looks muchnemnisumeh 33% Krwan Blandms Complex McMahan legit,
. H . . . I ' i . .
I S I IThe six rats gist grit aloIiIiIgI as passerggjeg 30%}; wilfimhitileng) £2111: 193;;fu30’glee 0f the methods mentioned, McMahan said W912:
. 850 “were "18 .5. P6 ey appear ‘ . . . ' “rock corners" is the least expensive and .
I TWO (a n I be in very good spmts when they opened up “3:85:13: smfimfifigd t sidewalks the most costly. An estimated 33.— Of d
I d . ) - III/I I the box, ‘said Herman K. Widick. . rather ans“ on the dra lakelfetilglieie $2333; 000 was spent to block off the path beside the nior
It“ . 0r .nn/W. WlIdICR? 0‘. the. Kennedy Space Center 1“ the seven earlier Y . d ed 0 Mimng building. Included in that cost were , ted}
I . I Florida, is directing ground operations to get miSSions en seems to the trees, shrubs and labor, McMahan said. abll‘
I ChOPPC’d Bed Steak Dinners I the loo-ton spacetruck ready to be flown back ”0de {Web 1‘55 damage from FOCKS and nam
_ l l-‘\'I V 7‘” - to Kennedy bolted atop its modified Boeing deg/171% Wldleksald- . . ries
I I if, .IIII . II I: IIIIIII I I 747. becalglscekusagdthe ship gets liIetttIer all tthertIiIme seas
’ ‘ “" , , “There is a fair possibility we can improve .w improve ' eac ime - ~ - en- M
it'll/lili/ll‘ -
I pflflngggnsow "V l .' H," )\ I) I the schedule” and begin the two-day flight on ever “'8 “Pd 3 DFOblemg We analzye 1t and try Vani
RI( I, l( '{ l'[\\ I\I\ Friday, he said. That possible four-day turn- [OICIOI'I‘eCt it. ll. shouldcontinually get better. KENTUCKY prac
Nu in. low, t i i 1 around would be a day shorter than the Na- hereThSVitrhlosrteszfcriméiantturgmtolend IIweWIlziavIt: Kernel tatio
- - - t' l A on t'cs and S ce Adm'nistration ar un . 1 1c B t
.l'l' . I... ‘ E: =— - ‘ llggamanglgedableiore. pa 1 said, isapair of leaking thruster rockets. L;
offer good through September 25, I983 Challenger’s crew, meanwhile, is set to The ship has f“ 0f the. small maneuvering Clen
begin a series of debriefings today as NASA rockets andII Widick said two have “very scrii
I S I officials go over details of the six-day flight. minor leaks.
I Two can I
I dlne If'or :iI::I’;IIIII I \II ‘ fin Kontudry Kernel, 210 Journalism Building,
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I Rib-eye or l'aluo Sir/0m Strip Steaks | 0042. is matched class days divine the not
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Illli R \u'll ( uw Ifm/i/
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lanedowneContor l ( ome EACH J."W J" ' l.’,.i"'
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cuddly-I I'll em sold bar. 0 r m M 1“ M
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Aht|" ' ~3~ '|.'l‘
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and 0 0
it. Wildcats back on right track but there’ 5 a long road ahead
tere ’
B is An air of celebration has sur- cream is gone from UK's schedule known as good ol' "Redshirt L‘“ due Singletar} is valuable ot giving the you .3 tr sun' at tiiiit .i cuiiiiii- .-i‘ \i. ,. ‘4 ,"u‘. in“: 43;: “WW? .4
Wl- rounded the UK campus this week. Central Michigan IS a decent little 10 therr penchant l-x redshirting tl-(otfemiyelinefits .\iiii-r1i.inir.i.1 \'t¥1!t‘ft'll|‘l'lun‘vl’r‘ "- it' «aw: \. gm. . ‘5‘ s»: . _ n.
lla- After all, the ‘Cats won a game - football team. but that's the point anyone who lools like he might turn If Hi can d\|lltl ltldklltg \lll\ Zl'..\ t k s qxltsi to: .i filillkhh vv‘ltts - lt‘ .. t:..-.t \. ii... -.-..:i. t .‘r .. .-
1 a and they won it rather handily, at l‘m tryitg to make - they are a de- intoa decent ballplay'er takis like they did ldsl Saturday tr MlHRl .i 1!: 1hr .iiiieigriiii- --t .i- w...“ E‘h- -.~' .i- .3 mi \1, t.»
lets that. cent and little football team Satur- last year Kansas State opened only one last fumble and no llllt‘l i‘mt “chm" tillitdt‘i t‘tt'i'tul \i! ..:.i~. . -..;,-.-; it“. Hm. n, .,.
xit- “*— day‘s game was UK's one and only their season with a 23-9 win over tepttons they should be alright llrtLl\ t unit with my mum. m. p.m.: ‘ji. t»~_._ c, 3.1“ L. H.
. ». chance to play a team their Size L'K Kansas Statewent on to finish against Kansas state and eyerwtzt- rii-zicc Ht- nspiniiui tty «stung in: t..:~ ‘....t. m... git, g... ,. 3...
no ' ‘ d The mt will be quite a bit bigger with a t‘rS-l record and later lost 143 else they play for that matter at Mints .ii :1 i.ir~. cs Hr .i‘it. - .i J “r. w. .
the ‘ Mickgy andalotbetter. to Wisconsrn in the Independence Many questions were answered i'dllflll! tut! tow-s ior at mitts .ini: \~ 't.- was»: "strum. ... ti..-
.% . ‘ ’ But the Central Michigan game 30M Coach Jim Dtt‘key“s squad Saturday for {K but there are \ll. Yiirtiut in .ittatitt'imtitc blinking jtrt ."l"‘.|t iiii 't..i. p: we 1. :n- 1:“
and -».— v“; t ' PA' IERSON was just what the doctor ordered for opened this year's season with a quite a few quattili marl-u left wt ftlfllldlk‘t‘ ~':-~ .im- the - .. 1- 'ltr 'mt" .t r..- .
no ' K. the Wildcats Now they know they- shocking 28-20 loss to Long Beach temrw line play has been a thum it Hi.- ““15! v...“ 5.; am i h .it t.i h... . V... ;,..._...,g I...”
canwinagame. State L'psets liavea tendency to fire l'K‘s side for years Agdltbl i‘t-iitra. nick l‘ tiiunmrticii [Lit rty Jenkins \- \"n’ nit-i .ti. r\;r."i"‘iiw'.
ted — “Right now we‘ve got a good men a team up. Kansas State will be a Michigan the offensiye line phi} \his with .i :.ttle priitwtiiii .ind the in: an». .it;.- 'HI‘. ,.i. it s..’r "H‘t
ipt, It's not quite time to be ordering tal attitude," said UK head coach much more severe test for Hi this sporadic titliest t-irtut t iiiciiii-.iti lit-i