xt75dv1cnm5k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt75dv1cnm5k/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1983-12-08 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, December 08, 1983 text The Kentucky Kernel, December 08, 1983 1983 1983-12-08 2020 true xt75dv1cnm5k section xt75dv1cnm5k ._ . __ ,, ..______ ___ —_______—__. —______- __._ .__.., .-.., M. ,_ ._. , -____ ___ _. ._
DE c Mm N6.“ Wu" UHOW.W. Ire-My Indopondom smco i971 thondoy. mafi
* R lilfOIlS ke in [”3801le 1'61 S 3
8 By StaffandAPreports Mich... was flown by the M81105 to said Goodman was captured after senomly." Olson said They think become at prim in thy truancy. loin. ln‘tlmn'i uzll \‘isll ltrtldlll Mini-lay
the aircraft carrier Independence he bailed out of the stn‘cken plane they are in a state of war He mid illt‘l, saying \iiiictit c .ill :.. 1 not ' ni this.» \A‘H‘. l'riiizi- \limstrr \iar

Syria released the body of US. off the Beirut coast for its eventual Sunday they will probably not trims» the siitutes tllnxmfi‘ pi-nmi at t \ r‘ Kiln" mllrtwr «It Thc‘ future at lhr
Navy pilot Lt. Mark A. Lange yes- Joumey homer scald Ma]. Dennis Charaa said the conditions for re- prisoner until the L'nllad Stain mil \ulu-nwnl t: luau-ct. .it.nl inc Ht‘t :ittil(.:l.ifiiittai pram-kirpinx liri‘r .ii
terday hit said the Pemm 0‘ Ameri- BFOOkSnmeManheswkesmah- Ieastng Goodman. the “PS! Amen- negotiate regarding the Mnat‘. and sided posttmt. him-t. in In. \l.i:"'i- thalli' lrltim-sr inn-nun \tiiiutry
can prisoner Robert 0. Goodman de- Lange’s A-6 fighter-bomber was can sen'iceman held prisoner in United States involvement in lA‘tl iiiuic-intci-vmlcti it‘lhla'lni'mt wit-ion wit
pended on relations with the United shot down Sunday in an attack on Syria. depend "on the development anon. t‘l‘hll'iid l't‘llt'litlul \c- .. n .ii-w: :i,..:i lwr \Q‘Slt'rth railimmt
States. Syrian positions in bebanon‘s cen- of relations between Syria and the "One thing many people are not initiation to 1111' on t \ :i'ittlll..t,~ iiint...i: s t‘tlllllllillllt'lll to the tram-

Syfia also accused the United Uglgmtgigs. His Mgmwasbadelw- Unltfll States ” aware of IS that only ‘20 percent of sulk‘i‘ plume lltlfls' I'\I'l \.1 _it L"“ nu‘lt ti,‘ tut‘ir ll.tl\ and Fratkr
States of direct involvement in the er yt yrians to Le nose 7 ~. _ the population in Lebanon supports [illnsmll'lkllltlr .ci... l: Mi. .‘iwlll'ltutlc' tn the tit-ii-
Lebanonwar. army, which in turn handed it to the 501330312 2:25:21??? 3113:): me the tProstdent Amint Gemini-I gm 1“ Wm” Mr” .W ‘ . , .k \I‘. cum iicn l‘ttlltJlltKi mm will pull iKll

Meanwhile, bombs and rockets MgnngSs. state minister for forei East. said the handing over of the :fnrnent. hel sattihé'i'tltuti‘u u‘eakniess d “WNW H“ “mm” 1| JUN], I” l't.« ‘l'J. .iii gc-u-niiiii-til \ialrrttax
slammed into residential neighbor- “£5 Farouk Charaa told a nest: body is a sign that Syria is willing to we'flmW‘; . l [hf “3““) ~(t) m.“ on. “Mk-hymn; .n, in :--,. \l .’ “”I‘“ "" ' “mi"? l'Wkfi't‘Hw
hoods in Christian East Beirut from aonf ren e in D ma ‘ that G ]_ negotiate over US. and Syrian inter~ support ‘ ‘5' “Mr; ‘I “‘7le U" l\l(‘l' shatili tux/hi: .ihni n ..i .m-i 1"" ""vl \ """h‘

Druse positions in the hills overlook— c e c f .a .jfus ah , eels tn Lebanon. 75 to 80,9“:me 0“ ‘ “”9“ d“ ”"I \Klllt‘ll\l.|\ \tltclllillul‘um' -‘n 1' ""“L‘l "" """" ““"""“"”
ing the city Police reported two Ci- man, y26, 0 Virgi..i.. 38?». , Va, . ‘ . agreeWith m 2 'ln' lldil‘siJM' l.tlI‘l.tllt'1 llrx.‘
vilians killed and 16 wounded by Langes bombardler-naVigator, was He said they Will retain the prison Olson said the [mud States gm) “.llx'dll iillcl‘u‘. to :m l-c 4 m...”- ch...’ ._.l, im .ymmq-M M“ urn-u
shrapnel. considered“a prisonerof war." er so the United States will consider is to have a Catholic govemment in My int n “Alumni Monty.» « "tom imwngm shit“ in rvat‘ttatr Plio i...
“He ts well-treated in accordance Syria,“The United States has not powerwithalliancesofIsrael to stu-i lA‘lldlltil‘i Hlli .n: nit-int mm cumin“: Liw-i \i..i..v .tlki .itnmt -
The body of Lange. 27. 0f Fraser, with international rules." Charaa taken the Syrian position in Lebanon Charaa Charged the Marines hail ot t'l\ll nurturi- i II ..3 Pin Lglt'rt s linti. lat-cl:
U Senate chooses r‘ - ! New “mm
o as
s .. c? for commuters

three new members - .

; available soon
0 -
to fill vacant seats
g lto'lnilli'l

,; “‘ \i-u wrnt‘e’s tor the- nearly 13 I“)
By SACl‘llA DEVROOMEN . : . .3. ' ’13 -.. \lllllt‘lllh who commute to school \Hll
StaffWrtter “I view my Senate . p ¢ g s: 3 tr .l\illl.tlllt‘ [or the Spring sic-mm
_ , . .r s c!” . y T v” . ti-r .ii-t-ordiiiu to Sharon ( hiltts pro

Three faculty members. have been p051non as a - § ”1- fl , “twain \\ gram t‘tlirtlllllllflr at the mw-ntlt an
emote? t0 the UmverSity Senate res onsibilit fr"- the 7' I ' - - i \ tittilistiml(‘uiiiittutrr Student Uillt‘r
COUhCll and WI” be amqng those S- p y" I. 3 ‘ 3 fi if Tho Hitlt't‘ Itl‘ntfii In 2” Mrldlry
tabltshlrlg academic P011015 for the faculty, as a matter of ‘ c“. p ' ~ ll.ill \tlll olli-r H‘rHt‘f‘.‘ such as oil
UmverSity. . . a" t.llllplt\ housing and t‘arponls and

The counCtl members are Donald confldencefrom your 3‘ . ' j lll.l\ also prtltldl' parking spam-2i on
Ivey, Robert Altenkirch and Glenn c s . n; i _ . i rumpus iii-signaled for commuter
conihsn and they Will take office COIIeagueS. ' ' ' [have gr fig 4?“ ”(a “ w: hi ~tiitlvtits only said ('hildic whim of
Jan'hll. thy . . be f agoodgrasp OfIhe if“; X “$3 in” ' . ‘ . __ " A lll't' 1‘ port of the- Human ltrlatitim

“ e ee incoming mem rs o . . 12;; , ’lgt’ Q : Tiger . i" k “a- " ‘_ , ”my,
the Senate are very able and experi- [Otal Umvemty .) . its $23? €23 ‘ ya; e _' 5g??? 3 . \i . hinting in Tom Padgett, dim~
enced members of the faculty." ,0 rams and gin]? “j . I "" ,c ll)! at t K l'tlllllt' Stitch the npfi‘ml
a)“ thMimah 0f the Senate invi'gronment and] wfififs he“. ‘ 3 ' -_ y I. ' parking arms haw not tin-n up

unc1,sat . 9 y j . . s u‘ ‘ ‘ '3‘ ‘ ‘ F t ‘ lirotml but it (ll‘t’lhllm should he

Ivey, a professor of music. was " I haw .; ‘i g ' . ' ‘ ‘\ ' ; inhicti- M .t.inu.-m 3“? ro- wry mi
Senate Council chairman. last year C6?" Shire those . 3 h “ p \" ‘ M _ w l qlz‘n- n.. n... mmmmm with... A
3nd alzeofowristzgtthe women for three VleWS. .3 __, ‘ . . 3,. ‘t . ‘ . 1 ‘ iimtc llt' \dltl

eats . V . c '1 2 ,. .aa‘ — s ... '. .

Ivey was chairman of the. council Glenn Collins, an” . ’,’ . a; ' g l e \M- n- tumult at the Mt Wu
while the selective admissions lic ’ .. etc» 3": _. ' . - .., \. lion l’adut'" Mid "1 (‘In'l II) '0'
was established. He said the Selecy agronomyprofessor , . .mp1} _3 ' “=__ ' 7, ‘ \lll!’ “NOT" the) tilt! parking
tive admissions policy will reduce _ """"' g . \ . ‘ :ln’it OW! “Iltluilll in- or him they would

' . ' " ' . ~ ‘- .r ' n-ttm hi or
stars: antistatic“; nctcc or cnnncnc ncnn o - . ~ -- » can

_ , - leagua’”hesajd. as“ l ,1 , . ' m " Jdm' Stu-phrnsmi. director of the
mgherfluahty Of sttltients you have ' . ”m“ _c- "~c.~_‘t‘ -. 1 ' ’ N . ' c. Human ltl'lillllluh (Miter. defined
to sacrifice numbers. “It (the Senate) Is the VOICe of the e“ .' “ "‘ V. y! g . commuting students as that who do

_According to Ivey, the Senate is faculty in terms of academic is- . r _ M. i W h". m ”mem“ Mum“ A“
at“! working toward an admtsswns sues,” Collins said “It is an 099°" A 333 commuting students icy-mild he emu
Shiite). ngdeztgeggfidghgerifielug: tunity tObeheardntObeihVOIV‘ad-H ,K ' 3 * liit‘ {or iiltlinnu the propane-ti wry
those taking only a few clasm at Collins said he will bring 17 years cy -~---, ‘ W
UK and they also should be included 0f experience as 3 faculty member ., J 3". , f I t'hilits said lhlh prupim prim-m
intheselective admissions policy. to the UmverSity. I havea 800d _ _ c _ ' _ ' . o Ellltl lhl‘ other student aid: which will

Altenkirch, an associate professor grasp 0‘ the total UmverSity pro- s . it”- A , . a 7 - o . he nth-mt in 1934 are Mignon to
of mechanical engineering, has not gr am and 9nV1FQPmemc and I can it” -* ‘ ‘ ttuiki- services more scramble to
been on the council before. “He was share those “ews- ‘, "' " ‘» to; ‘ . mnimuti-rc.
chairman of the Admission and Aca- Collins is the chairman of the . . r” . ,

. . 1 mn ut students an m y tu-
demic Standarm Committee and has Prior Service Committee and also . ., 1’ they . (o it mu s ‘ ( a, d
.. _ . .. , ’ . .i hung: in the set and {l )or in Bra
been Ycery gal“: for the past two served as Chairman 0f the Meant. 3 ‘3 3 In ”all in between classes and I
, - years, Rees“! ' . Committee 0f the Senate. The Prior ' V , telephone ('htldr. said "The com

Altenlnrch said he believes he can Set-Vice Committee considers faculty . .u ,

. . . , . tliuli-r student doe-ant have a room
bring some representation from en- members’ request to waive former . ”if“; ' to go back to on campus to in- I
gineenng 0" the hard seiencos, hhe experience. The Research commit- '. ‘ 'ccc . io-lupmm- ‘stieuid
physics and chemtstry. 33‘ don't re- tee deals with needs in the Universi- . Mus-W. -. Li’iéi? . , 3
member when there was a person in ty for stimulating and making re- . Q‘ ”‘51- . . .51 .‘th 56mm!“ 3, ,0" drink me
the Senate Council from this ”83' search more effective and more y ‘ ' . W ‘ 3 3‘ \ t'hint- and a snack machine also In
0‘“ “mem ‘5 “mewm‘ were” productive. Collins said. " z». . “r - ,. our to be nnntattect out to the
than someofthe other groups.” _ ,_ 36” /. lounge. according to (With. making

Collins, a professor of agronomy, Thecouncd members were elected - - " , _,_, W. “n.5, an N", m." dumb“. .
was in the Senate Council this by the Senate and will serve for a "’ “‘"m" ” ' pm”. for students to ".1"

Spring and has been in the Senate three-year term, Rees said. The Sen- santa Shy
for several terms. He said he en'o s ate Council consists of ‘3 members, . . . . “7““ “WWW "V "W'- “m“
his membership in the Senaterile- which comprise nine faculty mem- Jim Warner. l7-month-old son of Bob and Julia Warner of Mt. Sterling. was not \cry happy on muteni vnll also have an opportumty
cause itis a very important body. “I bers. two students elected by the the lap of the man in red. Santa Claus Visned the seventh annual Neonatal l( l ( hiistiiim, “lllcll m sump“. the other ”mm "my
view my Senate position as a re- Student Government Association was held yesterday for former patients ofthc prematureinfants unit iiiilie (PK Nlcditalt t’llit‘t my. m Wm A ”m m "(x-m",
sponsibility for the faculty. as a andSGAPresidentDavid Bradford. tit-st'rthtnfl venom .wrwces the pro
' gram offers is tentatively slated to
O O tx- plan-d then- as well u in the
rlstmas lres ('onimuter Student Mitre. ('htlth
_ , . , Tho-y mll be available- to anyme
Firefighters spray trees, greenery for the holidays to prevent flames m homes mic-count inc-cinnamon». «nu-«t -
Set. 8'1"" )3. {mar ‘
By LYNN D. PARKIS -mmnm Salli-e said candles tree lights and "
. Reporter wrapping paper also are holiday lire
- :2. mm"- hazards INSIDE
Firemen burned two Chns’ true; :3» H m n. m (‘andles should tx- plfll'Hl where .
trees in the parking lot of the Car 7 _ g u, the flames cannot him. against _ wig?
tral Fire Station last week todemon- ’2 "H n m ' IA drapes. other decimations or park» . , 5.57 ’
@ strate the effectiveness of a fire re- 5‘ 3 ,n . age wrapptngs. he said He t-auc '. 7‘": i safe-ice
\\ tardant spray. ' tinned against smoking near decora- .. " _' . -- = hzfi;
’ ‘ The tree that had not been tions. wrappingpaperor trees W h” w M g, a,
t h' 57 Sprayed threw tall flames toward He said light Wires should be a.
the sky. Its needles wa‘e completdy ”“ checked and replaced it they are “if“ if = Tic
consumed. The treated tree gave (it spraying. trees should be allowed to "3de New light strands mum in M. *9 ”.1“?
o more make. but burned with tea drymuxrallymtside labeled by a safety-mung agency l' - M _ - em“... .
n . \ flame. Its needles we aimed, not Bureau Mal R00 Meadows said No more than three or tour strands M' ~'-' ‘ , . c;
Q 0y totallybumed. the swarms semce has been ot- oi lights should be plugged Into the “ah-““3" a
h h .\ __ “mt hld m Nd m {and it! 10 (1’12 years Several hun same outlet [1 more are M be “-mo 4“ 3;“;
year we and . . m c.
b D « \ caused by Christmu treu." Maj. pemuplfncreutzet‘be 33'0" :2} :‘d' a m 1"”: “:3: gm“ . ,..;...1- 1"
'5 James sluice. or the tie-um m 3"” . 5" "I“ 1"" l8” 5 . u" 3431?? .
; Preventim Bureau, said. In a bane, ne'ewtedmeuid. . when ”“33“ “My" - . with" "1
' i shooting names from an mun-ted my :g'unawwm‘t‘rflag‘mw he; Sallee laid other holiday tire safe» a“ -3“... .
treecan spreadtocwtalmeni- toptckotnonewithomdryneedla tytipsinclude
r. — m" and carpets. l” “n 7"” mlt"Salleeuid com: lfllllClal trees helm buy- WEATHER
‘4‘ sprayedmthntardantdomtbln Heabouidoneincholthetree ingtobesurethcyaref‘irenelar-
£1 __._ ' s ”Wchy"””“m‘°‘ mumwoecuioamueooe dent are
/ f m“ amw.mmmitdoemin - Never hang electric ham on Tint-ail... .
is i F‘trefighta'sw’tllsp'aytnulnd amblemmmrotwata.mdheat mflictreu uh. ‘0, ’
_. I I ‘ my with fire retard!!! cheml- minarthetreeahould becloaed - Do not buy hl‘N)’ combuttblc flu. .. , 1,...»
(I: cal: at the Central Fire Static: ally. uDart nap trees over to to 12 day: toy! or toy: that me flammable lion um w} t.
. 219 E. Third St. daily bum O lnthetnue."heuid uni , .. .
N am. and a pm. Fea- ran: from 81 "the longer they my my. the . Make sure pluun electrical toy: I. -, ”Mn
tor a thee- or mm tree to“ la «ht they will get — wet with the have labels verifying that they were :1».
rmuwwm very large trees. Sell-e said. an. mmm."maid t-udiornrealety ' " "

THE MEN OF THE ‘80'3 ‘Gl 9 h l
a D amour to onor top co lege women
a” ‘ ”WWW
‘i’ a 4_ \ suttwi-iter 4;, " . . . .. , ‘1 W
Thursday Evening from 9 until ii is for Ladies ONLY. Top college women mint achieve *W
You'll have a ball with the men. academic ”we“ “ well “ success in WW *' fl ‘
personal, camp: a- community activ- ‘V " " " ' . ..,_.4_. 4,.
ities 11:?” to qualify”;d tor a national 5w 4; B

. - .. ,. LIBRfRY ,w A... mm?" W by .mmm" *5: s. -
.4 “ .e.‘ / ‘y‘ ; . T'I‘oTbe selected as one of Glamour’s 4;.“ a m w B‘

'1 " '. W odl d t I I . . Op enisa “ve im i honor," U”- . .

', \3 i4 "-. Eughd EyenSGS ;‘ l 4-' i \ said Susan Van Bliyren,::sidleent oi Stu- w “0 ~ to P... ; l-Y '
- ‘ . ‘ ' ,-’ ' - . r if I dent Activities Board, which is sponsor- 4 ' e smn
7,4 4 a: _ .4 j 4 -~ 4;: 4; ,4 ® ‘ ing the campus competition. The last " ” ’3 , 59’“

5 4 4 -.44 444’ 4 . 4 {:3 5 . . 4 \. person from UK ‘0 “Flue" W33 Boni- tngnph, any newspaper clippings or a ball]
' . p" - -. .’ 4 .4: \ taBlackln1981.5tiesaid. description of local recognition, a col- H
‘ 1) Accm “4’ V3“ Buren, Black, 191 loge tramcript and a college calendar. 8
a . .. a ' i § 33.2%me arms 1. mm, a... m... r» f;
§ ”'me 4444.44” 4 .444. 1 ‘mimlim K \ ' ‘ wading? smgletarydellwardj, fleshy 3%?ndhtliggmtsstilgggg mm “ea
4 Win 4, 4. .;.i~4--4;4;fftm . - 4 ‘sey, vice presi nt sai . ck “Last UK didn' “
7 W : M’:' 5’ "Mail. ' Q ”A“ M r ‘3 “0‘” mm“ “3"“ 1“” 5¢h°°lv competitizfil‘fVan Buren gall?” the “fa .
- ..- “we? like... l- U ‘A‘Mufi . ......t... I Vaannsa'd- , . “It’s up to the individual to request 7“”
According to the application. Glam- the forms."Dorsey said. 5'30
Don't miss our U.K. Rugby Benefit Frida l our’s Top Ten competition is open to “The winners appear in Glamour’s tea
, any woman enrolled in courses leading August issue," Van Buren said. Prim ”u
to an ““9”?“an degree at an ac“ consist of national recognition in Glam- T
credited collegeorumversity. our, an all-expense-paid trip to New lhe
. The competition is “strictly based York City and meetings with top pro- :3 S
H l h a n upon the application” sent to Glamour, fessionals in their fieldsof interest. (if!
I I Dorsey said. The application must in- In addition to the Top Ten 8 selected .
, clude a 500- to 700-word essay describ- number of young women will receive In";
——-—-—————-—-———————— ‘ . té t7\ Q ing the most meaningful and stimulat- honorable mentions, Van Buren said. ,0
e I ~% 5 r’ S “a ing achievements of the individual's All applications must be postmarked l9:
Low r I ca ('11?! college career. no later than Dec. 9. Applications may dint
I I ‘ It also must include an 8-inches-by- be picked up at the SAB office, 203 Stu- p e44
J.TIM HAYS/KernelGraphlcs 10-inches color or black-and-whiie pho- dent Center. peri
______________-_____ __44__“a__________________________‘__#___4_# I and
V0 V
each cassette _____________,_,_ w. ._.,A.__..._fi.___________*__i*_ :21.
l I a g \ . . . . . . ' ‘35 e, . 4 u . . .. -
W four days only (.W§@ % -E§ éfl’é‘clgéfig 5th:
9 . ' ° mor
‘3“0“ “avg LPslboI Santa S ForeSt W This is your invitatiogto loin us- 2 P‘
90‘3", ChristmasTrees V as we begin the hall ay seasonll ’ J V WI]
”MW 79, wreaths ‘ roping ‘ holly 3:" 44 4 "4o witl
.e ~- ‘31:" W in s eci l d' i i ; d i. romem es: ' ‘ :5:
was! . , 44 .l. “950 p a Iscoun o s u ents, $2»). ‘ \4 -_ .84 m
__ 4 , 4 f 4 ‘4 staff and faculty. 44.4. 4 Q _. .4 U3 .
E. (“(00% Si .00 off tree with coupon W “Nor“ . ‘3’ 4
4 4.: W ': his Zondale Shopping Center ’2'. ‘cofi‘dfi s I .7/ §% .
-' - . 4 deltas“... a... . TWO KEYS TAVERN I.
, - . . ' 4 Phone 277-3053 * ~ .
1. WWW g g . 4' *Be on hand for the lighting of our treel! . ‘4
m“"""'°°’°°‘°m 4" Q. 4 (Donate an ornament for the tree and i
4 - ‘ 6Q? Y"u 99' free admission) w 4 '4
gDISC Moore Drive - "w: . CaLL Respiratory ‘44” *Santa will be here with candy and a .42; . 4
/ OCKEY 27""434 v: ’4) . . Tilera py l We 4 ' glass of champagne for everyone. -.§
J ._ LakeV'ew P'aza ’ N ‘ a cardiac. ' l * II n
266_9423 Visa & MasterCard / have t l l 44 Live music by JUMPSTREET
4 A record store and mom, ._ 8-??st - ' $25 *SOC DRAFT 901. 'l .00 Mixed Drinks '- ,
. '/ ‘fi' Cover only 5 'I Q
. . ,l. . . l. b t or? ,.' . ' . ' . T ‘ t. .‘éij .' '..%1:T£
EASTWOOD l8 .. . °“" °” ° .. r. ... . ' . .
[wary ‘ ' *" ‘H . /4, RespiratoryTherapy -, 6,) 5 ‘4 5 s -, a) 3 $63 -. -. Q) \
iiilh'e'éfl mm 7’ M ‘K "’ "°"°"‘ m
. >1, \ ‘ ' l
r' . i a .1- 0/2 EXCELLENT Jos OPPORTUNITES ' 00 ‘
.mnu MW 4 Don tget B KED UP
W . or more information. contact Tri Roberts, ‘9 U)
0 fix} A 25"""0- . .- Register your used books 4
STARTS WWSWW’ ~ * now . “9
— TOMORROW — Eyeglasses ' '0 appear ll“ the Spring 84 t!)
s4 TERAFRIBS RAAN I) Buy One Pair (39! Another Pair
h l l a FREE .~ 4 Omake extra money ‘ :
,7 ‘ . 0 rl - _
SCARFACE \ E‘N'I L 4 44 44‘ 44;? sell for more, buy to ess 4,444
" ' .. ‘ .3432: Soil C o t t »;.
[3 E0: .4»- 4 n 0C Lenses ' Registration forms available at' 4 4
- . '.~ ' --.-._._ the Student Center information '
m "’““ Emm.__smm'! $594 complete ( l i El desks and S.G.A.offlce. ‘9 I
[my limo MAI/~55 32.00 Prior to 5:00pm. 0.in laxcapl”RigII!$tllff") S h I d -~_4—4»- __ ,—.-. 4
CHEVY CHASE 31.50 Prior to 6-“00p.m. only 0 U f a n ._~;_4' ' U) ,
. ___—_..- -. ) i .
Op 1 I ca I Q _ -—~ re.- Sponsored by: 4 4 .
' - \ .~.—.-:- - -L...-.”l UKSGA U
. calmm Plaza Bose 48 EUClld ‘ I ' “‘3' E Student Government Association 3 -
next to Boston Rohbsis 4 4 . ,. 1
2532351 H "'~' 4 * ’ ?
. .':'/ , l
347 Southland Drive g “ i
”“375 W l
Thursday Night-December 8th! N“ “H 210mm
Featuring: All the Draft You Can Drink “WM WM
Special! '. . ' want more "4050:4011. l
Santa Claus U “ " ,- than a desk job? Woman
Bud Man w Magnum ;
Gifts 4 ~ .1 4. ‘ Looking for an exciting and challeng- you-tum i
D | , 7 ‘- "4;.- ing career? Where each day is dif- man-ammo: 3 4
raw na ‘ " '3‘: - ferent? Many Air Force people have "I‘M-Mall“ 4 ;
‘4’ 4 " . _ . such a career as pilots and mill-Hat ‘ !

Plusl Present a can of food for charity at the .. ! ... . 44_ ‘ navigators. Maybe you can join them. WWme 4

door and receive up to one dollar off our $4 Find out it you quality. See an Air 5
. "1.0.815" l
admission price. , Force recruuter today. mm m !
Can food 0"" ‘0' 0‘0"” Contact MSgt lob Smith «My Karen. i
sponsored by 74 at too I. Vine so. amsoi muse-sm- i
Surf City and Conrad Chevrolet \ 4 ‘ Lexington, Ky 40501 or call my“ 1;
Au. INVITEDI Pom . g. ’ “°‘””"“‘ “W mm
Surf's Up! - Come on out! ma mm- mun-a, 4
Must present |.D. with picture I.“ [My .
. .

 THE KENTUCKY Issuer "uneasy, Oceans:- 5. 1” J
Au-non'Seom Educ» Porn-Its taken 9a.m.-Sp.m. '
V y m I y ‘ mm 1984 Spring Advance
. - WWW ' e
‘ Room 306-C
,= e- 4!" . , O
Iv} After twenty-one years Keightley s seen it all “M 5 M 9 “WW
"H: B) (‘ONCEPCION LEDEZMA azing to me at his age 156) the ball player for his hiyi school while m __ r ‘ x F". WWNWI
3'3” Senior Staff Writer amount of work he puts in both jobs. hisfuture wife wasacheerlesder. EN 1 U LKI A ' . ; it . II . ; . .. '
«z whichisabout 15hoursaday. and “Icheeredhimineverygsmehe n l kit \pnung " ' " “'
Bill Keightley's expressions clear- henever complains." played," Hazel said "He was a good --'—'——-—-———————-—
a "‘5’ ly dictate his good memory and pas- Keightley said he had no plam of athlete."
FEW sion for the past as well as the pre- retiring. ”,"Noo-o-o Keightley im- After graduatim from high school.
.' it sent. mediately said, when asked if he Keightley went overseas in the ‘
Igs or a ‘ Keightley is currently the basket- will retire soon, “I‘m just getting midst of the wa-ld War [1, When he
1 a col- ball Wildcat equipment manager. started. I like working with the returned home. he had an Whini-
slendar He is in his twenty~first year in the young people. There's no generation ty to earn a basketball scholarship
nust be program, dating back to Adolph gap around here. I was their age too at Eastern Kentucky University. But
y advis- Rupp‘s last 11 years as the Wildcat and I did the same things they did. he decided to get a job and "never
head coach. People have to adjust to what hep gotaroundtogetting into college " ' .
sor the “George Huckle was then the pematthepresenttime." “That's an error that I hope oth- I
team statistician.“ Keightley re- Slade knew of Keightley even be- ers could learn from," he said. “I ”a,
request calls. “He had to be out at the fore starting to work in the equip left [overseas) as a young man and I
scorer‘s table while the freshman ment room last season. came back as an adult. I wanted a
amour’s team was put in the cage. as it was “I knew about him already be- job to make money. I thought then .. . .. 8",
Prizes called in thosedays." cause I always followed Kentucky that I could afford to give it (the ' ' ' 0
'1 Giam- The “cage" was the name given to basketball," Slader said. “My first basketball scholarship) up," ,
to New the equipment room, which now has impression of him was real good; Keightley evaluates his basketball _ ‘
.0 ro~ a small sticker saying “Bald is when you’re in a bad mood, he‘ll al- abilityinhis younger days. - . '
.tp p Beautiful.“ ways find a way to get you up. He “I thought I was (a good player),“ '; ,. . .
selected “George was a close friend of tells you what to do but he doesn't he answered. “But the players of -
receive mine and at that time I volunteered put pressure on you. He is really today are superior to the players of
aid to help him. In Coach Hall’s second good natured. I never heard of any— the days when l was playing. If I'd
marked year ias head coach) George retired one around here getting mad at played today, I‘d be, at best, the I ‘
ns ma and I took over the whole thing com- Bill." team manager, The scores are so ‘ . I ’v N
203 Stu): pletely. Keightley is married to Hazel much higher and the players can ' , I ‘ '
“Besides being my immediate su- Robinson. Both grew up and went to jump so much better. The game of l H" @611
. perior, Coach Hall is my best friend high school in Lawrenceburg. Ky. basketball. as a whole. has im- . , V
__ and I will always be grateful for the They have a daughter, Karen. who proved. ' ~" ”g .
opportunity he gave me to be in- is an agriculture science sophomore “Back in 19 an‘ 47 we won the na E a
volved in the most successful pro- at UK. tional championship hitting 18 of 58 _ a
graminthe United States." Hazel, who works at the Financial (field goal attempts). If that would - ‘ .. . .
. . . Aid Office on campus, said the large happen in 19 an‘ 84 in the NCAA fi~ . ' a
AdJusm‘ems and Mano," has amount of time her husband puts nals we would lose by at least 30 ‘. . \u‘“ \ 3' ‘5
been the reason for Keightley 5 long into his jobs is all worthwhile points .. H‘h“ \ . "\- Jo.
stay, His dedication extends to his “It . .. ' . ‘ . , . “\\\—.~ ’
. ‘ . . IS a labor of love, she said. . , . ‘ “3L3
@% post office Job where he starts work “Never havi a son of our own he Keightley regards himself as a t 0 . “\\
L ', -. at 4 am. He then heads to the Me- ets alo :igth the la ers from a positive person. “I don‘t see the bad No“ I‘ '
' - morial Coliseum equipment room at g ng . p y in anything." he said. “You'll find
2 m and works until as late as 8 father standpornt. He gets so many the positive things if vou look hard
p. ' letters from the basketball players enough“ “ , . ' '
'4; pm. who played here thanking him for ‘ ‘3' 5: ,-, i. I“ , M...“ ..I . , g
-. “I know that he goes through days his guidance and encouragement. He certainly does not find any "3 .. A ~- ,- , ...,. .‘ 1. . ~, ,. . :
.' without sleeping." student manager And that is very gratifying to him. negative aspects about his “sons“ Ax . .. .,, . .. .... . . . . I!
~ ‘ Greg Slade said. Slade, a Business He loves his job at the post office on the talent-rich Wildcat team who .1, ‘ .,x1 . . ,, , ._ H. ‘ .. '. ,. H. , , . I
Q and Economic sophomore, is in his too. Hejustenjoysbeinghimself." are favored to win the NCAA ' “1.53;“. ‘ ,t n . .. l» . ,, .- . r, ,, , ._ -. i
DE ' second year as manager. “It is am- Keightley was a standout basket~ championship in“19an’84.“ _ , ' , . . . . v 3
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fl . TRIVIA tomorrow ; --.......... ...........~.
_- . WI 95c Pitchers 10:30 pan. Vocation" ‘
(check today's personals for the 803 Trivia 3» E2172 ii:°:;a;:ond:::mdnufi
ell . ciuestion of the week. Answers must be “1'“ 2: ”'3'“ 37"“ °"‘9"° “d
Ind . ' submitted In written form by ID p.m.) l M" scum“; Midnight! Doc. 7 . UnlvonIty
:3, ; .L E om ”FEMALE nouns" . o.¢_ 9 “9:00—3:00. . ‘ .80on Store
. y 803 s 6 u a I :oetzovzr:::n funnier than the out W...” .. i a”. ‘ ,4, 5-“ ~. .r ‘- ~ _ , ,'. ,.-.
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i? , 803 SC). broaUWa 233-9178 JE n IX) :23" (m- use '0va and MM ? -
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m — ' Register your used books
, 1-) 1 I‘ I' -‘ ,I’ . 1, _
’G ‘. , ‘ -, I, .9," {/12 1? in appear 0er I.hruimtu IIn-nk in the
fl.. . We'll be behind the wuocar BLUE noon on s 1., //)>’ 5, ,. A E3
y ‘ ; the first floor of the New Medical Plaza. En. ., 1’ T 4" ' ; BOOK EXCH NG
s - - trance lust below the overhead walkway on s .1 ; 4/ --’u: ‘ _ 3,, CATALOG s
W Rose Street! 1 fly” ' : s
at’ _' s ,4. 7:3,, ' (similar to a "Thrifty Nickel‘)
Ian ' . 2
U; (Map BeloW) Cm s l ’ Make extra money. .
I 3 k ‘ ‘
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. a Z Ht's our New Year's Gift! 8 . -4- _ - — - --— Buy for less ’ SC] 0 s
(1;; ita on In WILDCAT ! ‘ “-v .
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,.., i a: muffin desks and S.G.A. office.
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