xt75dv1cnm40 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt75dv1cnm40/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1982-03-29 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 29, 1982 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 29, 1982 1982 1982-03-29 2020 true xt75dv1cnm40 section xt75dv1cnm40 - l
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Happy days or. hora agelnl .OX Election IMHO“ .
. lh krrn-l anno nces its endorsement '
welcomee:;:rlo é'insr'gg [1:995:85 :8: for8 Student Assoljtation presudent Vice .
worm w wt I l ' r id: Al I it rm f dd t I
Tonight will be partly cloudy with laws in are?» sngnomsromz Zivoen 55,; :2:;,:;: . ,
the 405 page. I ’.
. Vol lXXXlV No lJl Monday March 29, I902 University of Kentucky lelluglon Kentucky An mdependenv student Viewxpopei 5 .., o iw: V C — _
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l Helping to train experimental albino rats for a psychology class is he was uncomfortable workin ‘ 3 l: ~
g wnth the rats, but now he thinks the . ,
Don t rat on me David Potter, electrical engineering sophomore. At first, Potter said little creatures are not so bad.
Fate of many bills unknown 'n f'nal eek of As e bl "'"
————————- The bill, which goes back to the plan as an adequate hold-the-line system onasound financial footing. Although supporters said there might that a woman give her informed con-
By DIANszP‘AYLt‘)NR.m House next week, now calls for a 9 document with some additional An effort to stiffen the penalties for be a slim chance of reviving the sent before an abortion and, if she is ~."
ASSOC” ‘55 l" r percent wholesale tax on distilled money for education. drunk driving was stalled in a House measure, they did not appear op married. tell her husband that she 1. '."
_______.._____._ spirits, wine and beer. Retail taxes, In other areas, action in the Senate committee at the end of the week. The timistic, plans to seek an abortion. 3;
with the exception of a 5 percent levy apparently ensured the demise of a so-called “Slammer" bill would man- Among the bills sent to Brown last Brown also received a bill that will " ,
FRANKFORT — The final full on by-thedrink sales, would be measure that would have allowed the date that drunken drivers be jailed on week was one that would require girls make Kentucky the last state to adopt j, 7‘,
week of the 1982 General Assembly, repealed and in-state breweries formationof multi-bank holding com- their first offense. under the age of 18 to receive parental an auto-title law, Law enforcement 5' . ’-
although hectic, did not resemble the would beawarded tax breaks. panies in Kentucky. Efforts on the House floor to wrest permission before obtaining an abor- officials believe the measure will help I, ,l , -_
frenetic pace of the past, accordingto The truck tax — originally sug- The finality of the Senate's 2019 the bill from the Judiciary-Criminal tion. the state lose its reputation as a dum-
legislative leaders. gested as an assessment based on a defeat of the bill is subject to a last- Committee were unsuccessful. The measure also would mandate ping ground for stolen vehicles.
Even so, the state‘s 138 lawmakers weight-distance formula - emerged minute parliamentary maneuver 3‘, ' .
found themselves grappling with from the Home in an altered form which could be forthcoming today. . . '
questions concerning taxes, that includedacollectionofincreased But supporters of the bill will need a D bl d f d II at f m ‘jfy'g'
unemployment, banking, drunk Cll'lV- {0°5- constitutional majority of the Senate Isa e In ca ages 0 o r ;_I j}:
ing anda numberof other issues. But the Senate Appropriations and —or20votes——to consider the matter . . _ . 1" . L ;
As the week ended, it remained Revenue Committee held a rare again, __.____— held Saturday at the Carnahan House UnwerSlty nursms senior, and ,3. .
unclear what form Gov. John Y. Saturday meeting to tinker with the An administratiombacked bill aim- By DENFSE COME“ Conferencs Cam“- (““10“ Dew: d‘m‘“ 0‘ Special '75.;
Brown’s proposals to increase liquor House version. Thecommittee action, edat bailing out Kentucky‘s financial- Staff Writer Frustration was the key word at the student 59””‘3‘5 at EKU- acting as 3
and truck taxes would take before if approved by the full Senate. would 1y troubled unemployment compensa- _ . conference. , , . moderator, , . 1
receiving the approval of the guarantee another trip for the truck- tion system made it halfway through l" a Panel discussion 19" by dlsab" ”319‘ ,Who ‘5 §°nflned ‘0 .a ~
legislature. tax bill as well. the legislative process last week. Only a handful 0f colleges meet the ed college students, members ‘9’" wheelchair, complained about dll' ,"' .
In the Senate, yet another change The Senate panel also was the reci— Thebill, which passed the House, is 1930 SUldellM for the disabled, ac- Pmfised problems and frustrations “cuma “all getting ”W550” to ‘,-" " .r
was approved in the liquor-tax pient last week of the House—passed designed to repay the federal govern- cording to Harry snyderi executive they face daily. hOIdFlassa m buildings that are ac- .’ i, 7.15 .
measure, the result being the budget bill. ment more than $30 million the state director of the Kentucky Council on . Panel members were Judy Hale, ceSSibletoher. 3;._ ..
removal of a provision to repeal the Rep. Joe Clarke, D-Danville, chair- has had to borrow to pay unemploy- Higher Education. JOUFMIl§m junior; Charles “0“” a Some pr°f$5°r5 suggested She Set .." .-
fair-trade law and the restructuring man of the House Appropriations ment benefits. Supporters also hope Snyder was one Of the speakers at UniverSity 0‘ LouiSVille student; notes from someone '“ the class and ‘g' ‘.
ofthe tax rate. Committee, described the spending the measure will put Kentucky’s the Conference on Disabled Students Elizabeth Clubbi Eastern Kentucky See 0'5”“0 p09“ ‘-‘ 3
fl , i, e .
POSSIb/e dust storm worries offlCIals Space information available 2;..3, .3;
,3. t, , .:
s I . I l t ‘-
pace shuttle scheduled to land today through NA SA 3 UK office
ill/”l "'4
_ tend its stay an extra three days — space and retrievi them for re ir. observin the owthof lants. .—_——————-— - 2 ‘t‘X ‘ ‘
gmfiggfimggmN fuel, power and food are plentiful. , n8 , pa ,8 gr . p By ANDREW OPPMANN lngmthe “5,8. 0‘ salience and memo.”
and the Assoc, MP, Bringing the orbiter to Earth a few " mum” was summed . ‘0 The third Columbla mission ran in- Senior Staff Writer ‘“ .. 9,9“ ‘° sec. " , .m be . ., i
a ess hours early would give ground crews 5W8"? thermal stresses by exposmg to a number of problems — ranging We re not ".Wo ved wl .sm 2 3 ’
_______.________ time to secure the spacecraft before different portions of the ship to the “web—wwemvse research; we re involved With taking \
the winds worsened said Alex Pac- te froma stuck toilet tothe troublesome the results of hard science and q ' :1 T».
Editor's note: This is the third of a kl NASA . ' . mperature extremes 0‘5”“ and protective tile attachment -— and NASA'S UK TeChDOlOSY Applica— technology to give information to the '1' ,'
""391",“ Kernel series ,9 rtin the zyns ‘,a . senior enguleer. measuring the effects. Sh’p systems overcame mostof them. tions Program makes knWledSC leadersof our state." Strong said. ‘2 2‘
. . . po 3 M33: Davtd Olmsted, a mute Sands seemed toperform ‘0 expectations. about the space program available to Th off‘ ds to ts for '2 _. ‘- .
"‘"d "“3"” “the 39““ “mm“ C0" spokesman said more than 500 Flight 3 began uncertainty even - e we "5pm ”qua. 3 :
umbia. . ' . . ,, The astronauts [formed a ' - state and local busmessmen and information from public or private
soldiers from area nulitarybaseshad , , , , pe _ before launch, when NASA determin- leaders Program Director William t d "e ts t l the -. 2. ,‘
Despite worries about the weather been called into service to aid "gt? 0‘ SClelzlllfli 35351 93100551“ ed that the Edwards Air Force Base, Strong Said. mwolzdgagga? “8,12%,“ ”(:6 235$ pm ,2: 3 ,-;
‘ 8"? mg!" wmanlgnnfiahonhggfilefiv Sightseer-S and keep them from m“ m oines an s u ying e sun, Calif. landing site was toowaterlogg- The National Aeronautics and gram towardstherequest, hesaid. ".l
CO um la 3'. 10mm“ 88“:st M e s terfenngwuhthelanding. assessing the ship's environment; ed to permit a lakebed landing. The Space Administration established the NASA has amassed a wide variety ‘ '8’]- .
8mm m , i - - . The space shuttle lo“ 75 percent 0‘ watching bees, flies and motls flapp- primary landing site was switched to campus office in February 1977 to of technology and knowledge from the _ , f ‘ -‘
National Aeronautics and Space its “SBand” radio transmitting - the' - 'nw lghtl . and - . ~ ~ _ . . . ‘:
. . . . . . , , , "‘8 “Win”! e 88068. New Meluco. develop strategies aimed at increas space program - including up—to- _ ., . ,
Admmstratlon flight officials decided capability on Friday. However, com- hni ment ‘. *
Saturday the space shuttle will land munications with Mission Control “a“ ‘5; ““5 0". ”“3356”,: .
as scheduled at the alternate landing continued mum“ hitch, _ figmhgusam P'W’amm‘“ 8“ 2- .. ‘ .3
siteintheNewMexicodesert. mound systemisusedtowld . - . .
Touchdown was set for 2:27 pm. and receive computer-to-computer in- ' Elle ”Am/,3 1:019: ,Offfimlvfi
(ES‘l‘)onahardsand runway located formation that guides the shuttle in 2 . ,_ ,‘ » . , F" "pr , tf‘ , gr __ ra . .
ontheWhite Sands Missile Range. orbit andonits descent. » 3 a” g g. ’ orma ion as 13:18 y ng-ing ‘ . .3 .
There had been concern over UHF voice communications is . , a ,_,,,y_, _. 2.3;, ,is‘ from adv”; 0" e 9:99" opera 9" » 3. _'
rmsumwnsamm. mm mm mm... ~_ a » $“31it’é‘ifitfiofiiitél‘ofimmf‘dl
which might have prohibited Colum- have been able to communicate with a.” ~ 4 3 ,, 45hr»? ,Nffihmsfitg 2 , teclisnolo on com uters and ‘ . ‘
bill from landing this afternoon, and astrmauts Jack mm and diaries figficg saggtitgzzsftgjg ,» 8y f P t ,
NASA management discussed mov- nillcrton. ta M ‘ r "meme” °§i§m§§°vmflg n'e, -
ing thelanding date back toSundayor NASA flight officials. despite m was .. ,, “tagged 1... » . ,NOASAQVK, Tm“, {3,55, and . : ~
moving it up byoneortwodays. sion rules suggesting theflight should , in: “9» N as: sew,r._.§;, . , » a: l a 515m, l . d . .
the chief forecaster for White be ended early became of potable » : 3' . tr %« s “ .2 bell: ”me" ”tame" 2'" “m": '
s-nds Missile Rance. David Nevin. communion mum. me u. -» as. is .u -' “°"““““"~ t”"“;.°;."'s°tfi.. * -
predicted possible stiff winds beginn- gwhadmaumyiorupiunm - :sgut . , 3 * 4: do. it; a .d "“9”“"3 ”‘5 "‘8 ' ‘ . -
ing about 12pm. (EST) and NASA of- sion. ' ‘ "dial-t - ”'w , . tobe the . arm ‘ .
ficials nldtlieshuttle'slandingcould The S-bond hum, while bother- :-.r,.;»,-~:- , 1 , fi . of mist: trySIns 'd inervllwe ct!o out -. .
cornea-titer than scheduled today if mandmfully madafloodmos- ragga} " ”My :55?" nd deal. mugs 3" I. on fine-to- , ‘
ticwindsidchup. ednothreettotheutronnuts. was ,. ‘: :.. ' b, .“" .dim.:,m;,,m ,0 ~ 2
“We have multiple opportunities Columbia — the world's tint iuid if" . W, .. a,” ,‘B'WP'PV' “:3 ‘ ..
each day to doablt." said Flight only rel-able spacecraft —. eom- s * ’ . . . -~ « ti; pso ve irprob ems.
”humanitarian-tantalum thirdmiaeion: “5‘5! estimated that the informs. tlon eer- ,_ -
mboflmcomingbomememolu- .4 The estimate niece-hilly . “will”? wan “m“? ~
tioneerlycaneolvethntproblem,we taetadthubilityoltlnlhmfle'srobot “m 3:“ “ ' «an. "I: :
cancertalnlydothet.” arm to Ice-in III w in the m: “mm by NJ; ‘
apt-ammonium» cargobayJatehontoitandllltitou ”mm“, 9"“ “'3‘ 1' “"3"“ - .
donyuterdaydlandlnganwbtteer- of the vehicle. The Camden-hilt ,, ,‘mr‘mmumf‘:
1y, if may, to get ahead d til arm b vital to the “'0 metal The third flight of the space shuttle Columbia is scheduled to land at 2:27 651’ today at White Sands, N.M. ce 'l'gh time I | I an?“ abut
mm. Gil-able abounds:- minim d m MUM. into The photo is the landing of the Columbia from its second mission at Edwards Air For"- Bose, Calif. 9 ml | ‘

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DeleOJAonon »
. tdtltu lLI' hi '(l
. . P I
out Stoldon it... am... it..." m at" (vouch "M 1W a. My ecu.
rdttot t not Day tom: Nancy I. out. 3W,“ (duo, Ant Editor Graph-u (duo: Photo “no.
_ mthlnuuvls
’ ' n Annnchlvhl Lian-‘Ih Job-mm- echelon-“0' whales-tau Doggy-out. JJ-V-dh.
‘ e Euaslo Manaqmqtdi'w‘ « . m ill-'1“ A”"'°"' MONIQ'NJ him!" Antwan! SDOIH Editor AutntomAtn Editor loyom Editor uh... Moloqmptnt
D. kl dB adfordbestchoioeforSA
7. This year’s Student Association presiden- his running mate, Doug Kennedy,are the most prepared a mid-year financial report, he perience, while allowing fresh and innovative
- ; tial/vice presidential campaigns have been unusual candidates in the race. Although made several serious mistakes in additionand approaches to the problems facing SA, will
~ ~ relatively calm, compared to past years: but neither have been formal members of SA in subtraction that later had to be publicly cor~ probably prove a liablity in the long run. The
. ‘f‘ in contrast, the individual qualities and plat- the past (Kennedy is a member of the Student rected, much to his chagrin, to avoid the allot- leadership of SA requires a certain degree of
‘ ‘ forms of each candidate are unusually clear- Center Board), they have mounted a serious mentof non-elustent funds. familiarity with theorganization that can only
-: 3, . cut. and surprisingly succesful campaign centered The end result of this fumbling has been the be deve10ped by coming up through the ranks.
. ._.= Chief planks of each platform are continued on making SA more responsive to the average removal of money from the Student Organiza- Learning the ropes at the top is, potentially,
lobbying for student financial aid, concentra- student. Despite their inexperience, their can- tion Financial Assistance fund to ensure SA’S very hazardous.
tion on improving communications with the didacies are as legitimate as those of their op- continued operation and the de facto replace- Also, the conservative stands taken by the
,_ ’ 4 student body and increasing concern for the ponents. ment of Dupree as comptroller with an ad- W0 on several issues, Particularly dorm
_ .5 quality of academic programs and teacher In terms of experience, Will Dupree is ob- ministrative assistant majoring in accounting visitation and teacher evaluations, is not
_. '._ evaluation systems. viously the bestqualified candidate. He has (a change of titles was avoided, apparently for altogether with our thinking. Both are badly in
‘ Other issues include: improving campus held responsible positions in the SA ad- political reasons). need of reform, and McKinney and Kennedy’s
- lighting and safety. opposition to mining of ministration for the past two years and has Taylor’s competence is equally ques- status-quo positions on these issues would be
—_' 3 Robinson Forest and increased flexibility in made valuable connections with Kentucky’s tionable. His attendance at committee regressive.
. 3 . . dormitory visitation hours. powers-that-be as director of the lobbying ef- meetings has been poor and his contribution Thus, the Kernel endorses the Dinkle/Brad-
.- _‘ The candidates themselves are, for the most fort. nil. His qualifications as a vice presidential ford ticket without reservation. Dinkle has
, part, a well-qualified group, and their pro His stands on the issues, while vague in candidate areamystery. repeatedly proven his integrity and concern
posals reflect real concern and thorough places, are realistic and based on his past ex- McKinney and Kennedy, while lacking ex- for the students and has proven particlarly ef-
f». research. perience. As the candidate endorsed by the perience, have demonstrated a wealth of fective as chairman of the Political Affairs
. ~. Jim Dinkle, running for the presidency, has present administration of Britt Brockman and sincerity. Unlike many of the students on this committee, bringing one of the best lineups of
~'.‘ served this year as a Communications Bobby Clark, he would continue to build on campus, they believe the ineffectuality of SA speakers to this campus in recent memory.
" senator, chaired the Political Affairs commit- their initiatives, particularly in the area of in the past is not so much an indictmentof the His competence and dedication are unques-
. , tee and vice chaired the Senate Review com- lobbying and consumer protection (i.e. the organization itself as the people who run it, tionable.
, mittee —— two of the Senate’s most important General Telephone rate hike suit). His ideas and they propose to attack the heart of the pro- The same goes for Bradford, whose
. committees. His running mate, David Brad- and programs would thus draw directly on blem by doing everything in their power to in- research into the dorm visitation issue was
= -". ford, has served as a senator-at-large. those that have already been tried and proven. crease the range and scope of student involve- professional, impeccable and well-presented.
f._ ,' I: Will Dupree, running with Bill Taylor for the But when it comes to past service, both ment in the SA while decentralizing the power An open, outgoing, intelligent individual, he
presidency and vice presidency respectively, Dupree and Taylor fall flat on their faces. structure, allowing the real representatives of would be a tremendous asset as vice presi-
.' has been a member of the SA administration Dupree’s vast incompetence as comptroller the students -— the senators — a greater share dent.
; i . for two years. This year, he has served as both has been the subject of numerous Kernel of responsibility. Also, Dinkle and Bradfords’ positions on the
. _: ~ ._ comptroller and chief lobbyist. Taylor has stories —he proved unable to keep track of the The Kernel has been equally concerned with issues are forward looking and original.
. “,1. served as a 88:13 senator this year and is presi- organization’s income and expenditures this problem. and would eagerly endorse Together, they promise to bring an openness
'_ .- dent of AGRfraternity. despite numerous request from the senate for McKinney and Kennedy but for a few impor- and aggressiveness to SA that has been
v'j Presidential candidate Keith McKinney and such an accounting, and when he finally tant considerations. For one, their inex- seriously lackingin the past.
5"." _"-
_ .- Bullets

. , 7 .‘5. . .. , . .77... .. W... Wm, , . .,.. W7. -. . 7,. _w* _ .._....,,,,A.A,#.,,,..,.'. .. __.._ isflis.‘ ..,-,, .e.v___~___.~__~_____H__ _,__,_ W_
i, i D i n k | e_ say. This points out to me that either which are more important to him D ' kl pleased toannounce our endorsement because Lynn Spoonamore will make
' ”.3 (1) he was too scared to speak for than his personal ambitions. In 9' of Jim Dinkle for Student Association adifference,

. 3,3 himself or (2) he was unable to speak As Campus Relations Committee President. - .. . . on: i

[if Bradfo I'd for himself, SA presidents should be vice chairperson for University Rela- Bradford Jim has playeda vital role inrelay- _ . - _ .DebbieEal-ley
.. , made of better stuff. tions, David has shown to me his con, ‘ ’ ing our needs to the Student Associa- ’ Greg Bandy
.2 '3“ ‘ On Tuesday (March 9), Jim Dinkle This is by no means a paid political cern for the students. In the fall of As chairman of the Student tion and Providing a supportive, Alesia Adams

. f. "t and David Bradford announced their announcement or anything similar. 1981 he visited many Universitiy of- Association’s Student Organization cooperative link between us. Tom Uram ‘
.= ., ‘ candidacy for president and vice- This is simply one student’s view of ficials, including the Academic Om- Financial Assistance Committee, I We feel that the purpose of the Stu- Denise Salter

‘ '. . 13L president, respectively, of the Student two candidates for an important stu- budsman, the vice prsident for stu- feel that I must set the record straight dent Association is to aid all campus David Glimp

2‘ 1 Association. I attended this function. dent office, If lhadachoice, andldo, dent affairs, and the public safety concerning presidential and vice organizations and students in their
.; 1 . as did about 300thcr people. I would choose Dinkle-Bradford. And directorlle didn‘t make these visits presidential candidates Will Dupree endeavors and we know that is Jim’s M CK i n n e _

‘ j The announcement was a small Iwill. to get any press; he just wanted to do and Bill Taylor's interest in financial- objective. Y
~ [ gathering, somewhat ceremonial, but his job. ly helping student groups on campus. Socially Concerned Students is an K d
In“: important in its own way. I‘ve never Doug Woodward In his quest to expand visitation While these two candidates have organization dedicated to heightening enne y
.‘v .; 3,." been much of a politician, but what Business sophomore hours. I have seen his ability to do in- been touring campus claiming to be social awareness and action on cam-

s, impressed me mostabout this Dinkle- . depth research and to present the advocatesof student groups, it is a pusandinthelexington community. ,

‘ Bradford team was the fad that they D | n kle- facts he has found. Most importantlyl fact that Bill Taylor has the worst We regret that we were excluded on March t,” and April 1' the St“'
" -' seemed t0 be ”StUdent represen- have found a strong sense of fairness record of attendance of any SOFAC (either accidentally or. deliberately) qeht Assocmtlon “’1“ be holding elec-
'-f=,_=‘j{_\l tatives“ rather than politicians. B radfo rd in David. committee member and has done the from the recent campus project: trons. ‘ 918488 my SWt t° the can-
3,2; It that‘ th . Please vote for Jim Dinkle and least toenable student organizations Operation Motivation but we can that“ Kath McKinney and Doug

* jig-f seems in e past few years. David Bradford. to receive money directly from assure this campus and community Kennedy, running for the offices °t
the repmenht‘m have 30"“ 5° ' have been a Student semi” ‘0' Vincent Yeh some. Additionally, while both can- that our activities are continuing and [Wildent and V1“ Pm'dem MW‘
, 75"?“ $3122}th paying “lrfnporh'int 3:115:35); imecuggigty :2;th PhySiCS graduate student didates are members of the Greek can onlybeenhanced with Jim Dinkle tively.

,- ,:;r_ } ey V9 OFgO en l a - - - v -.
fl. :1 ,1 about the students they were elected senator can be elected to), Senate system, neither have voted favorably as the Student Associations Presl . Doug Kennedy m.” (0119“,-

., 2,. . . . . on applicatons for finanClal dent. l m rtant leadershl tr ts-

, . ‘.-- .. to represent. ReVlew Commlttee chairperson, and Jo we one . . {18 Po . . P 81 -

93,3; After ex r . th , _ . aSenate Council member asswtance by IFCand Panhellenlc. suicerity, active involvement, 8 will-
," _ P essmg 9" we“ 0" . ' , . Finally, as the primary author of Patricia Wack i Mme rate andtheabilit to

.3,th several Vltal student issues. Dlnkle ‘PTCVIOUSlthaVC not endorsed can- As a former Student Association this year’s SA budget Comptroller Vicepresident ng_ oope . . y

" and Bradford opened the floor for dldatGS; however. I endOrse Jim president who occasionally still reads Will Du ' - - motivateotlielstopartiClpate.

V . , . , . . _ pree slashed a promised 25 Socially Concerned Students

.(t‘: I'. _ questlons. The first one to ralse his Dlnkle for student body president and the Kernel. l WOtlld like to COD— percent of the SA’s additional dollar . .

1".) -“-' hand was Will Dupree, another can- Dawd Bradford {01‘ student body vice gratualate Britt Brockman, Bobby per student which was to be directly . _ that“. my senior year, DOUG has
;: didate for the presidency who seemed president. Clark, Will Dupree and the rest of the channeled back to student organiza- WI I I DU pree inspired me to become more actlve.
,f'::=:,“ to think that this was a good time to P l' . , , Student Association on their great tions to a mere 6 percent of the He encouraged me to become a

'-'.t,'ri"-.’." challenge Dlnkle to a one-on-one h? Oltlcal. Affairs Committee success in getting a student on the budget. It gives meagreat deal ofpleasure memberof theStudent Center Board

5 3' 5; 1;}th debate: Wrong. :0 mimmzogbiliiyntfig2$2fhldag Council 0" Higher Education. It is inconceivable to me that Will to endorse the candicacy 0‘ my committee, Centerstage, Wthh DOM

“i; 2‘, , ecu“, 13,. e ,0- ts e H ‘0 A5 0" 0f the many 'hd’V‘ftuatS Wh° Dupree and Bill Taylor can describe friend. Will Dupree, for your student serves admirably as chairman. Doug

In fact, all Dupree succeeded in do g p 3“ I . '8‘ 'Ct’ Vt?” have worked for the past eight years bod ' ' ' ‘

.1 . k' f hi if on campus and the V‘s" ofcuwdlan , , . . , themselves as advocates of student ypres1dency. encouraged me to participate in the
~_.= .5.. mg was me "18 an 855 0 mse - Angel Curtis Sliwa and small ro- for this cruelal piece of legislatlon, I organizations with such a poor I‘ve been associated with Will dur- Rally for Higher Education (which is

, "if". if; Dlnkle refused to debate tingss the jects e.g. the Brown Bag Fonllltns truely appreclatethe magmtude of record. Therefore, I strongly urge ing his involvement with the Ken- still ‘ cause of great concern for
it"I-i'.“ 1/ Other. candtdatss were liinchu 3d an Because he has kept his committee Student Assoc1ation s accomplish- students to vote for Jim Dinkle and tucky General Assembly during the Doug).

h! ,. admirable posltl0n W C “Pree active the entire year he has shown ment. _ . , David Bradford, both of whom have past six years, and sincerely believe Doug Kennedy encoumged me fur-

; .'-‘ ‘5". ;' ”dd“ tst’emtounderttand' . meabim tomam e ' I Once agamv C°“8r3tulatl°ns Britt demonstrated a solid record of ser- that his experience with the the to - d If h taki the

. 2 f... , In, I‘ Something else l noticed about WI“ y g mop e. Bobby and Will fora job We“ done. vice to thestudents [em-slame 0"“ him Valuable ”Bight 1: . Ellie Inyse y “8
_, ' ' ' Dupree was that, while he was argu- More important than the executive Gene Tichenor ' intothe 1941um ”mm as codu'ector'of Student Af-

ing with Dinkle,he had two henchmen ability he has demonstrated, I have pmh District Scott S. Hisle His grape of the mechanism of fairs and Student Sex-Vices Within the

5,: 3,1,4“, by his side telling him everything to found that Jim has strong principles Urban County Councilman Senator-at-large government will assure his presiden- StudentAssoclation.

{uh-i. ChairmanofSOFAC Cy willresultinastimg,expeflm Keith McKinney is the other SA
“12;: , . voice forUKstudents in Frankfort. mm” °f Student Mm“ “d 5““

» McKinney- dent Services. I have observed

.1, ,1 051 CT / .. d Rep. Charles R. llolhroolt whim“ “9' ‘3‘: ”$3113

' A.B.196II,J.D.1970 “mm 9 WP ‘1 “h
=52-,: g 0 Ken ne state steofRe have. m; dedication, the ability to

h ,3 =, g y prawn work with the University administra-

:; .- '. I. . , . After seeing the advantages of be- s 0 tion, the ability to delegate authority

.‘ ’2, _ , / / mg involved with school activities at n m re and the willingness to be open to and
| \ ,' thelughschoollevelldecidedlwould p00 0 objective towarrk advice offered to

o “.0 ; a: azhiélvolvetli as Nimbus at We arecomernedabouttheupcom- him.

1': r t ‘ L - PIObem was to t ’ ' m hm .

, started. ge mfiwdmm” Sor inf I strongly urge all students to join
’ iii-h"; When I first came ‘to school here in may. affxt‘ the life a every gm. mgm ““thsiltmed leaflet?!

. Januaryoneof UnflrstpeOpleI met dent at this University. A student ' ‘

'j" , ... was Doug Kennedy. with Doug’s en- government is effective only if its BrianDerer

, X . ‘, couragement and enthusiastic sup- - l

,- .- f: ; port I have become a major office members care about the campm Nth“ Sclencesenlor
. 1 7 I holder of a major student mm- glommunity. 111:3, it is our duty to
. «3"? ::\‘.\ ., ,l. , tion. ectrespomib campinleedenwbo
- \\*§ ‘ t“, t "I "- ,//’// Assameonewhohasbeendirectly Mlllistentoourmedsandconcerm DOUQ Kennedy

' ,, \ \ ' [t/ affected by him I support the can- andwillactupmthan.

'« , , ‘\\\\ /. ' / didacyof McKinney-Kennedy for Stu- 00“! KM" lmm
‘2 ' \ /H '3 » ' \ dent Association president-vice. We believe “It Lynn We". on the Student W Board qualify
, , ‘;.\ / / - \"‘ l l ’ president, 1 feel they will be m. candidate for senstor-et-Iarge, is himuthebeetcandideteforSAvlce
' - . , ‘2".2/ ~ ‘3} / o cessful luau, of the UK 3W; smhaperson.8behdedicated,herd~ W. Meant-thin. it!) per-
‘, fh‘v‘ ‘ ' f ~ \Lx- 5’ body. working, cal-clutter- and will out to whetevc he is doll! and
‘9‘} 2t 00 1 "= ‘0 alweyeplaeeflntthebeetintereehof motivetuotlunodothuame.m
' " .th.,8°’g_)P’ 13/ 5' ’3‘ KarlSegnitx “Wholly.“lemeflem mummittnmtelweyelrwbto
, A .3 / ~ w action. Vote Don M SA
V Itt \\\\ n 10 fa” ’ / O o B WIIUOGI'WIM‘N mm.
. \ 6) ' A pr _ Jlm Dlnkle future of 8A to elect Lynn
. = U I / We ”maintenance-nets mm ,
’ Maui?” WWMhmMmmm um

 1 , . ' ’ .
O - . . ' .0 b. ‘ .
1 ‘ ' ,
S tu d e t A o . THE xmwcxv no
I 1 Nil. Mona.
SSOCla [Eon Candi Yr March 29. 19.2.;
- dates for S t
Amoultue (1) 38E (4) . end or
A.'r'. Halui Engine”?
Ag. Econ. )unior Michel A. GOldbor mg (1) I000 h A .
8 ensure that - . P - Howard A
I am a junior Economics junior ed, this 81.0me accofliplish- Thom. L Ad 390- Eng. senior l'aw schOO| (1) I
- majoring in 0 am
al‘fllculture econo - . I am seeking - . B . ‘ .
With my farm hwy? main ream_ "115 office far two 51:31::‘Ién Chem Eng Junior C(JllIesgegfng elcCtlon as senator of the AngydCOIner .
volvement in the - Y in- One, I would 1‘ . lunior I ama . ' vi d Engineering. 1 hope to pm i n new
fleeltlike I know £5115: wealth] VISIDS system 1:: It'llemgzfivezglead- Today's students are faced 'th thedeathof "team": :31: mm), Is cs: fixflgifnficfilk‘e II" ac- To maintain an open 1- of I
gmflfinczgdesi; :15 about'Student firm“: of classes advising elfn. :finufuggy Trifle"! and diffirult 2i; 1;? 21:3: ”“CWntstuaenino‘fi “mule Student Associatiothg fluxifisio; “333“" "0m the Colllege of C12,: '-
uee_ . an at too 0er - . . ent Assoc‘ - 8 encourage - - ' 3“ Student As ~ -
If elected I pledge to Two 1 ~ stud t - II II ‘5 the tinu ' - IIIIIO" ‘0 con- engineering students SOCIaIlon-
. . ' ou to base . : WOUId like to s . en who I055 In the end elsacnme, and faculty to ad ' ‘
my decisiOns on what is y diversified ‘39 a more like the - ' I, would ma . V159 me as to how 1 f
college, because you are tlbstsmdenfor "It: campus ‘0 t'iIrIiptIezi-Iilfi(3))“[1,32353 r f?" to dent mammzymm W9“ wItt'h it“. y Support the" career Interes‘s- MIIIICI’I" A. Moses
w . - s u e . . Ili'lIISalc ivi ' .
£33,131] regress.” :gaezgonger placement for 81% :gi‘dleigtgsktigldevowd to helping ti: fine I “ ts (1 So ' I ‘n’ ‘15“ “I“
II. pm a tin mewiu ' in it pursuit of As .'
bea 18 ed - 8 better 0 a college Sena! . .
pprec ted. ucation. Dan Clifford Ia ark 1 the College of Law. Tbfifirfjefmc’gfi I.
Comm. A“ my Alison C. Wells make a valuable contribut' r ’.
flied H Lenda L'HISII’ Gregory Ya“ m Social work senim My involvement in the 21:38:): I I
83ml (1) Fman‘ieIuI‘IW Accounting 56mm "$200111?“ 0f Fine Arts has not N Eula' “mm” I“ the College of "
. . 0'13 y been involved °Siatement w exemPIifiw my concer
The .COIIese 0f Busines I am seeking this office in orde in. student government. strongly Pie and my willingness tos n for peo- ;
Ec . s a, k r to H full erve ,
Mark R. Hull °n°mlcs at uK 15 one of th .eep abreas‘ 0‘ Current iss "“5 trend can chan ope y, My eXperience ha ’-‘ I
Med T _ ‘ rapidly Wing . e most ting us as well , 0% affec- khOWIedgabl . Se as accurate and to th Y . . 5 not been limited .2 1
. ech. iumor in our UNVersit in; dynamic schools avenues availablast-I'o ltz‘glement the is certainly gamut from the college comeeTbm‘gI-SIIY' A5 V01unteer 1n. 3 y
. to . . - senatol-y I Want . . e 01's ent impact. n ed, 3X Sistance Coord' t «I '
Sglgavealways been_ IIIIemiedinthe Wright” my three years or ex_ thtlgmtfndwamsmemal in seeing Ann D. Wessels horse to start a we“ organiggdorfgl
Publgm ASSOC.