xt75dv1cnj0j https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt75dv1cnj0j/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1999 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, July 1999 Vol.70 No.7 text The Kentucky Press, July 1999 Vol.70 No.7 1999 1999 2019 true xt75dv1cnj0j section xt75dv1cnj0j L ~~ .r -r.-~Mme-9WWM :"iufi'w‘nrkylw't'mr-v-a.MJ. .1». -....-».. .. . . .. I ,. i I .. , , l H»; . 9- .-. _ , ~ .- - . .. ' .1 , . - . . .~_-~'-. ‘s.’ .. ' ‘. I
Volume 70, Number 7 - July, 1999 I I ( :S S S ..j:{
i ———_—_——_—_—__—.'.—_—.————T__—— 1‘
,. »- a: . .. . g KPA JOlnS su1t challen gm g ..
at. it closed sess1on by UK board >
i: g ‘ By LISA CARNAHAN moving forward." said Fleiseliaker.
g g i v KPA News Bureau “The process is the important issue '
‘t y f ‘ KPAjoined The Courier-Journal with us and what we believe were
, A and Lexington Herald-Leader in fil- violations of the law at that May
V f.~ . 2‘“ 5 M ing suit against the University of meeting. The fact they‘ve changed
E "‘1” 3., “a‘ ‘ i ‘ . a Kentucky Board of Trustees and its the contract does not alleviate the
i .. W » -’ ,- _ ‘e‘emsgt’z'twwwfi’ chairman conceming the controver- need for the litigation."
W . “a?“ "W “LERSJ a. sial closed session to extend the con— A fax was sent to the KPA -
- - "3"“ > g ' fig}- '15,? .326 tract of UK President Charles Board of Directors on June 9 con-
.» an. ’ ED " ’ I“ Wethington. cerning KPA involvement in a possi-
. i ' gwmgxfitflfi The board worked out a compro- ble lawsuit. The board voted 20-1 in
, W ‘w'ffifw’fi mise June 29 to satisfy some of the favor of KPA entering into any I
-:-.. Aggfloé" J‘B .7,“ 'r .. complaints raised by university fac- action — as a party to any action
‘ " r» W ulty, the student body and other filed by a member newspaper or on "
we -. ' constituent groups, but that compro- its own - against the L'K Board of .
’1 Summer convention fun mise doesn't. affect the lawsuit. Trustees for apparent violations of . ‘
.. Dale Morton of the London Sentinel-Echo and wife Melody posed in C Joan IQ'SChaketrt‘ KPA (f'engrhal SR‘ZIQ'XI? and “muck” 0pm ,
6 front of the Jailers Inn Bed and Breakfast during the summer conven- C’OUI‘S‘EJa“ in a'dogniy. 0d“ 1' 9 * “fig? C“ 't . r] d J . 11 I
. tion in Bardstown. It was the oldest operating jail in Kentucky in 1987 “um?" 09m? ’ 33‘ t e ,0,” .5 at‘ e awwl st .‘9 'un‘ ‘ .
-‘ when a new jail was built and it was converted to a bed and breakfast. est action didn t deter the litigation. The LK Board of Trustees held _
“I think we’re committed to See LAWSUIT, page 16 /,._..
* Headhnes, spot news package categones added to Fall Contest , .
', Categories recognizing the best headline and make suggestions for either contest. The committee considered several comments
writers and spot news packages have been The committee received suggestions for new and took action on those that could be incorpo-
added to the Kentucky Press Association Fall categories on editorial cartoons and websites rated into either contest.”
Newspaper Contest. The new categories will be along with a category to recognize headline The committee did not recommend adding ‘
added to the 1999 FNC contest and were writing. The committee considered all the sug- an editorial cartoon or website category. Don
approved at the June 17 KPA/KPS Board of gestions then took its recommendations to the White, publisher of the Anderson News and co-
Directors meeting. board. chair of the contest committee, told the board
A contest committee, formed by president “I want to make sure we continue looking at that the committee felt there would not be
Tom Caudill, examined the Fall Newspaper and ways to improve our contests,” said Caudill, enough entrants for either category.
Better Newspaper contests, after inviting mem- “and make sure that we hear from member “There are not a lot of on-stafT editorial car-
ber newspapers to comment on the two contests newspapers about what they want in a contest. See CONTEST, page 12
1998 ° b d “5545954 eiaee_el .
newsprint report holds good news, a news What’s ahead
' ' Kentucky Press Association and filed with the ‘ I _ V V' i Q _
TOtal tons Increase SUbStantIaIIy Kentucky Cabinet for Natural Resources to measure HWY”: ”mm . .
' but rGCYCIed tOtaI decreases use of newsprint and recycled newsprint on an annual ‘ I . g 0 . ,_
basis. The report is required by House Bill 282 from the nsu 18 i ‘ ‘
Just how strong are Kentucky newspapers? One 1994 Kentucky General Assembly. i t "
has to do little more than compare newsprint use in the On a comparison basis, the total newsprint con- mm hull l ‘ ;
past year to answer that question. sumed in 1998 for Kentucky newspapers was 88,658 I ”ml" ml"
According to information supplied by Kentucky’s 42 tons. up from 1997's 83.585892. an increase of 0Pg3zmwmblm
printing plants, newsprint consumption in 1998 rose 5,072.438 tons. Kentucky's lowest newsprint tonnage features UKstudent .
more than 5,000 tons over the previous year and year was 1996 when 81.285033 tons were used. . '
reflects the highest total of newsprint tons in the past In 1993, the first calendar year reported to the cabi- ~Pg.8.AG I
six years. net, 85,816.35?) tons of newsprint were used. That total -Pg. 10: FutureofiounflsmatWKU
The information is compiled annually by the See NEWSPRINT, page 16 WWWbtmtechnology _
i I . - - . -‘A~<~ ‘- . V~~<~. :1-‘M»v .. -- » .u ..“t . ~-1 . ,. .- .- 1 .. . . . - .f' '3- ..:. ,.—-‘..;_‘u, ~%“-:~T-.v....o‘ n. . c.., . ‘.
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. . '_ \ ' '- A . _ , -. .~ .-‘ “.9 it'c'tsfl . ,_‘ .‘ ”er-J» . .

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Page 2 - The Kentucky Press. July, 1999 t,
’ , , V , .. ); ' \‘ .\' “>4 e‘- d in Har soi bur" ha'l been maniwintr editor of the V ‘ d i l
Ixentuclu New E1 a I. “l ‘ l t 'r .” ‘ . ~~ 1 ~. ~ . , CINHI eoor mates ,.
- \ .2 \\het‘e he was managing editor. llarrtsonburg Daily I\ews-heeord . . ~
names managing editor; up it .i iii/mi mot-t. with Mimi- 27 sinee 1989 nanonmdc effon | l:
, ‘ ‘ _ ~\ears‘ oi experienet in the newspaper Jatezak Worked about 23 years . _ , l
marketing/sales director business mm mnwmt-t— opt-mom; Arby's tor tomado Victims i.
s _ , ~1'.‘ -' ~. r. "z ' e o'et e " 's w . v » “.~
I “K exet‘utn (,5 a 1,233? P lattzak. 11 , will toordrnitlt . 1\Vt r if ”Kl-11%; H] m \ 11 up th .rank (ommunity Newspaper Holdings, 1:
l‘AdVC llg‘t‘h llll‘t‘kl bV Vail-uh,” "Q’gg Jill >li!k‘> itllkl lnilrlfl‘tlllfl llli' til. (HIDU r0") .tn UlUr) (“11) ()_V('( t“ Ytfitninsll' Inc‘ ‘.(‘N}{Il is cunrdinating (I “211“,“. I:
, -. ~ ’ ., ~l.‘ .R .....,- " '. “ .\ ; t ; in} z 1;: . . - ~ ~ ‘s
the Rentuem .\\ w l .5 I; j rat, .1 oiling. exit. p tor l\ 1.). H» t. r in “(tilnliht‘r to {tit 11 suptlr isor t wxde print campaign aimed at 30th l"
Era ,0)”. t» . 5.“, .- J? ., 2,. a \\iseonsm natiy'r- who has in”! n: :Il‘lltl‘n: (‘tl (‘tilile . l wau \ee QXrea ing help for vietims ”th Mav 3 tor" 54
- . ....l , \. .-. \-.~ -; xvt; 3; r2 :2 , , i ,
uperati “e H; “a“; __ . g llepkmsx ll tor aimo_t 115th, am. It in“; «i; {gt} minis Lgrit uHitr nadoes m Oklahoma and [\ansas.
.illtl :1: arm t:r;' .illti "*“fi‘i'it W”) ”N‘ r ”H . l - 5 “H ll . Ml I“ ‘ l‘ t H “(P1 “ll 11’2“? 1‘1 ( i\IIi is partnering,r With the -
: 'A Y ' .1", iv‘ .-v‘ 1‘ w - 1"‘71 . ' . ‘ ='~; (‘ l i! ‘ h V ‘ . t: t‘ r ' '
.\_l£t‘> ”“ “’“~~ E’ "”' ‘»l‘~”" " Am.“ “'7 I“ “"“T‘; ”F?“ l' l “ Uklahoma l’ress Assoeiatioir the .
NT: Blink “1 .‘J‘H‘t #11.th ’ """‘“‘~"‘:‘lll"‘ I; ‘i mnmlllliwur ”n ”.11 li’i.l\til,nll(h~\ Robert Trent, Jones (iolt Trail and '
fkl‘ 1117.11" «1‘ ”-Jhdrr ”ml" " l ““ L- l“lr~l”‘“ mana,. ( ‘5 H“. Up ”1‘ ”l (()K ’ 217“”) the Associated Press to produee and
”_ .1. ,. .‘.!,e \‘t . .1 ‘ln ,. \ ,3 ,i V‘.tn'r\;i .v_ ' ,, ' ..' ir‘y \' .'; t t; ;; , .‘ 2'1 \{‘ , . ~ 2
‘- - ‘1 ““k i . “‘ ‘ “ i ‘1‘“ H A. H mum! l" h ”- (illelil in. m K ’1) deliver tull-DaL’e advertisements tor
" ‘ » -‘ a...“ W : «x ‘2 x -; s :q is . ‘v
:74. :..:;n.v_ it. Mi 1 , 1 " "H‘ ' ‘ "“ "‘ ‘2‘ hit”. \m ”m H) l'( H ”11:“!le ,1 publication in ( NIH newspapers
i Y 9 .,‘ v ,‘ "I 4..” ‘.v-‘ p‘.‘ i. , l \ , ; ‘1 1 T ‘; V 1‘ ‘J“ 1.7"“? r\
.- .. an is mi N r- ; tut-- »« NM \ ”1v" l-‘IU .l 1‘ ‘ tlnsp “H: {\l “”1? ‘ [3‘11" H ’ l“ itationwide. Ilie ads ask readers to
* . .3 N ,* t-v. '-,‘ x- t -. -\ ‘n. ' i“; on et : ' i t l\' - -
k -'f-- ~le - tl‘ :1 ‘_ g M . » l‘ A ."l ”3‘ “1 “3 Am VHH‘ ( ' mt ‘5 ”N r ‘ make contributions through their
*‘s t-'1 "s-1s Hm .-'»s.\e"t'i".t‘;.i:ti. .. 1 .
~ ~ We?“ ' ~ ~ : .. .4 . ‘ 5‘ V *“l‘l‘ ‘ "l'n ‘ ’ lotal Red ( ross chapter and target
".6" r',t'~v,v' , 1.. ; 1.x.v\ ‘Iavwv-n' tr." 7‘ v 1'1 .‘ ti 1 ' ~ 4 - w
“““\”“““*“ “ r l "‘1; "1‘ "Mr”? "“ " W" ‘H " SCXtUn ndlned GM them tor the storm Victims. Portv-
ml: f; .. I.“ ~ -. ,V. . ,,.. 1-“. ug‘h‘ti i . . , ‘
“H“- ‘-' ”‘m‘ * ”W‘s“ ‘ “1' ‘ ‘ " ‘7‘ "H“ i“ - 1“ tour )eo)le were killed and hundreds
tat .t‘\‘t\tv1,tt'f ii .1. - “nth it .is sit}. tzlitor a. tht dtLOmCIBLt CW'S‘ ()UIH - - ‘lW‘lt‘l 7Ht\"stl <} t tletvo
_ .. . JAT"ZAK l \ InJUY‘H i ,1 H (r. ii i x
the Harrisonttur: 9 'n'q «s .or: Tenn "iiiies»i'e\\'s. and . . ,, , ,.
' ‘” l Brenda Sexton has been named states.
1 I gtnnvral "landgtxr {Ur the Sonlprscte hpdCL‘ it)!” th(J L‘thL‘r‘tlSL‘n‘lt‘ntS 15
i 6 el ltuc y reSS Pulaski Ni.“.g-,}(,unm1_ being donated by Alabama s Robert
I SUXtUn Will“ prnnlutod fron] hvr Trtlxlt JUIH‘S (hllf '1 Fall, \VhlL‘h llk(‘
.i ,wwbng ,:“';_m‘..‘\». I ”of“: . . . 1' ., ,
[.nl" 5‘1““? i 3“) I‘T\“'T‘ 13‘4 ‘ l ” LR (A \1 } t t t prewous position of advertising man- ( XIII. was tinamtd through the
ll>l‘L’U munit‘. \v CK ..‘.t‘i\L'l1l§l{l\‘-' T'.“~\ vlt’llil .rt'. t]'t]\~ lL'S t‘Y' n "n‘rlSt‘ ., R ' . ‘ y . v ‘ / . .- .
, . - . 4 - , ,. -‘ ~~ t 1. et rements h stems of Alabama.
"\‘N‘CEHLK‘. ht'ttttl- lK‘. Prev“ \‘vr'wt‘t- lit. (1?“ T‘ and hdfi I“ arl} Z“ _V( (”.5 0t (XIX ‘VLII _ ll 5; l l l , ‘ .
' pvrhkihxlggm»pawn.““mm “mm”, Dame: :4. rienee m the newspaper held. hhe ( A t“ - Pm‘” “ t 1" PH" “111"“
HO. 42w“. \Libx'ru‘tniti prim is Earsger mar \{11‘};'{ mm} Wye l began her career at the Wayne and (1"lIW’Y'Y “l the ”(‘5 and 1h“ com-
itlst:n.;~rt r i'I-tl it yogi-o address rot: ,. is,“ g. 5.37;“? 71%” “My“; ! (_ ”UHU' ()utlook as a receptionist and pany also plans to make a signitieant a
lixev‘f‘ain Press 1 goes-.3». t r 5.2:. Nicnimry In 1957 Sexton camp to cash donation to the rebel etlort
li'if‘VL-tf' rt l0. tr ‘3 ~' ‘-." SEEMS ', , - a .- . 1 W
' ' l “L" ' m ”WV 7 »\ l’uiaski (ounty and began as a pro-
Uta-int 4,. w kw.“ . . - ~ 1
Ir,“ w 1'11'rreo N ' “ "' “‘ “ " D“ “ l duetion manager tor Pulaski \Keek. C.__] W'lng nanonal
. I ».‘A' i\ A|L4L12A yin V ‘
Hurt-V" my“ _‘\‘MK11~.H,, [h m x _ 1' l hhe was later promoted to ad manag—
.\_~.i_.., it.“ \ 1 g-s.., . . i
. . . , - . . . I, _ , a.
F with \eisoix lhmtllt .“\tl\\kiltt'~.\v1t.\>\’nfl‘€r ' ‘ ! IOU] n‘lhbn] d“ ‘1‘ d8 ,
i TL>‘.JU1." ‘ ‘ ' 3
I 1m (awful: {.txztn'ten litralt‘lvi “1:4 , r 1- - . .,. The ( otirlet‘wlournal has been
1 in“ 11”?” H , . IllC\ IOIUS “tn/VS Stall honored reeentlx’ in two separate ,
liltilllir. r H. Loiii‘zei'-m:irii.ii . ~ ‘ '
lllresitlei‘t ! a1“ ' ‘ ~~ - w 7 award programs. l
lit‘Y'L‘Nt l‘:L".ll'tt \ll k'dl‘k t"117l‘. k\t‘x‘.'\ P‘ l L . l5 , ()1 f‘lcrxllnngLug (quette ’I‘ht‘ ”‘x\\'gp- “t 1 5 1 . _ ,
‘ ‘ (Jloria Dams, Advertising Director hpld gm“. 19m; A native of lrimble ( ounty. she
J. Dismct8-9 Llsa Camdhan. News, Bureau Director Marshall “is“ compiled a 1327 married ( harles In Adams-an
KenMetz,BathCnuntyNowsOutltmlx REbfllkM’lh,RfN *arehrtvtarkehng(oordmator page book ”1- reader;requested employee of tlie SlielbyVille
SueCammack, Administrative Assistant . gmnlnpl \‘pwg 'md toUetlier the\
~ _ ~ . reeipes and menus whieh was pub ' ‘ A ‘ h .
- Dismct tO—lt Butt) 53mg” B‘MH‘WPU‘F” A”"‘mm ( ~ ‘ pu reh'ised the H'ill'it in (‘ount V
. Jerry'f’emungttm Big Sandy may“ Rachel Mtfl‘artv, Advertising Assistant “”th ”1 1‘“! 5h“ ('olleeted ("'“k V I l l t‘ “i ll
' ’ , . " ' I '1 ' '- ' .
“ . HollyShgers,TearsheetLoordmator books. studied home eeonomu s at ‘ “‘5 1”” ”1"” “ “5““ ”l t “
. DistrictIZ Karen Martin, INAN Aceount llxecunu- the l'mversitV ot Kentuekt‘ and also "“rh Hm“
Stephen Bowling, lackson Times Tina Shrytrk, [NAN Btmkkmping Assistant wrote for Southern LIVHI‘J magazme See DEATHS. page 12
‘ ~ g . . . t .. . . .\ . ~ , l
_ ' l
u l ',
. ~ \ 4 i
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.. ' 5» . 1’; l
. . . 5
. ' ‘ ’ t l
. l l I

 t ,
t .
l’ . .
f The Kentucky Press. July, 1999 - Page 3
K’ ° W '
U s Heron workin g as ashington bureau reporter
i. B LISA CARNAHAN ,, . . . ' "' _r-~_‘~——~:—'1_1 ' x ml. h i z 1- i2: 1 t l '—
l i KT’A News Bureau “I his Is definltely the best I " ‘ tionrtiif th: :tltiil:ntrrlihti) phrbgiasm 131:”: 2:13: ’ -
f A Kentucky college journalist is among a mternSh'p I’ve ever had...You[ 5 “We are a news wire service of college journal~
I i group of energetic students in the nation’s have to find every Single story! “i i ists brought to Washington by the Scripps I
I l capital this summer working as the yourself. You gt‘t some ideas . as i Howard Foundation to cover the nation's capi-
t Washington bureau f0" any interested newspa- and leads, but for the most i , tal for people outside the Beltway. For people
I- per. , 9 , 99 I J at the grassroots For people such as our class- .
g The five students make up the Scripps part you re on Mmrown' L._,... ' mates, parents, friends back home. For people -
Howard Foundation Wire and Mat Heron, a ' ' such as your readers.”
E University of Kentucky senior journalism Mat Heron Heron‘s already done a lot of work for the
‘ major, was lime Of those SE’leCtOd for the sum- Summer intern, Scripps Howard Foundation Wire T“P“kfl~ Kama-Q Inbylf‘ffiptirtindugmg a Story
. nler Interns ip M 0n a gun Cont”) l I] O y a ansas C(ln'
~ " - ~ . ._ . i. ( 2N "'2 ‘1' ‘
- t Hing/5‘2“ page eihiyhon WhIi/i Se walttid group of five arrive and stay until Dec, 17. if: :fiiiiiilr rli rhtfih‘ K‘::::‘j:iz:lnd Eflbégllihsgni .
' 0 go 0 as ington, w a e “.10“ 0 once e The students can write an ' tV)e of story, Y . i ,. L ‘1' ' .. . ‘4 “ ‘1“ ‘ .p ‘
got there and why he was qualified was judged _ . _ y » l I - anersttv ot hansas graduate nominated to be
‘ best at UK and qualified him for the “Semester from congressional profiles t” stories on hm“ ambassador to South Africa
in Washington” Program. He’s working with that‘have .8 significant 1W3! impact. Enterprise Heron‘s story about a presidential scholar
students from Ohio University, the University stories wrltten by the students can be used by from Lexington recently ran m the Herald-
of Florida, the University of Texas at Austin any newspaper and obtained off the website Leader
- ~ - (wwwshfwirecomi, with credit to the Scri )s ~‘ ‘5 g- “. ». .V f. .e . c- ‘
and Indiana Umverstty. Pl Th1 It l illiltt II th l)t . t an rn. hip I ye
- - , ~ Howard Foundation Wire. News )a ers can ever had." said Heron a 20vearold Louisville
One of the reasons Heron is qualified for . . . . l P . . i
the program is he’s no stranger to the working also give the students indiv1dual assignments native. “There‘s not an editor standing over
press. He’s already had internships at the and have the stories e-mailed to them. The stu» you. You have to find every single story your» .
Lexington Herald—Leader, the Kentucky Post dents would appreciate clips of anything pub- self. You get some ideas and leads, but for the
nd the Voi e- rib me 'n ' ' . w s lished and would also a reciate honoraria for "10% part YUU‘N‘ on .VUUF own
a c T u i Louisvflle He a PP ‘ . I . .
editor of UK’S student newspaper, the their work, sent directly t0 the reporter who . .ThlS internship 18 really What you make of
Kentucky Kernel, last year. does the story. You can mail checks to the It, he said. I“You can sit for three weeks'and
Heron and the other summer interns will re orter in care of Scrip s Howard Foundation “(’t do anything, "1' Wu CH“ go baCk and WNW 3
P P ‘ . , . . . .
be available to cover stories out of Washington Wire, 1090 Vermont Ave. N.W., Suite 1000, ”to” ””3 d3." But m 1‘ “W 11k“ Washington
until Aug. 13. In mid September, another Washington, DC. 20005. See HERON. page 15
; o o l. 0
Put some work 1nto stones Free on me serv1ce now
I ‘b f ’ ' th '1 b1 t ' 1' t
1 get help, it has so many traps Through a grant from the Pew this area is protected by copyright
, coach ,5 and webs and false starts it Charitable Trusts, a new free Re-use is subject to permission 1
i m rarely helps and sometimes even online neWs service is now avail— from the original source. Also in
1 corner '5,“ _ .9: hurts. able, the section are “issue specxfic nut
5é% The time to catch and repair Written by journalists for jour- grafs, facts and information that ’,
-———— ' a bad story idea is wher~ the nalists, it’s called statelineorg and can be compared state-to‘state," \\
By Jim -. ‘ . . . ‘ each week provides news and according to a news release about \‘
Stasiowski , reporter is still thinking about it, . . . f
i ’ not once he has written 25 para— information on all 50 states. the serVice, It
. ' Included in the site is in-depth Information on governors and
ra hs ab ut t. . . . . .
My buddy Bruce Westfall was g p . O l. .‘ I reporting by statelmeorg staff state legislators and a regularlv
I the best coach I ever had and he Think Of it thlb way. Would . . . . . . , -
. _ , . ' writers on policy innovations in the updated calendar of national and
. never even knew it. you butld a house, then go to a states St'lt‘ 3V1] ts -. 1‘ rt f 't t)
Bruce, Who recently left carpenter before you an the first ‘ Initially the focus will be on llf‘lt“(t)l(‘g( 1 i 15 a 50 a P3 0 5 a (i '
. I) ( , t . .
reporting to become a teacher, Plangnocfewooodfi have written a education, healthcare, state taxes Statelineorg is a news and
was always curious and Willing to t l y h l t and budgets, Welfare reform and research project of the University
listen 1‘5 3’09 came to him Wlth an S ory,'un’ess yo: ave atmos :0 utility deregulation. This part of of Richmond and financed by the
idea. APY time I struggled w‘th a :gO, )chu re not gfiing .0 maf e the site is free to use without Pew grant. It is administered by
story, Id‘talk to Bruce. ”11159 angyes a . stu‘rhg.lfl2g‘0 a restriction. The Pew Center on the States, a
Talking to hlm worked c0 eagueh 0“ 31g ft] shome There's also a daily roundup of non—partisan, not for profit organi~
because I never asked for adv1ce. palrlagrap Sin?“ e ‘13!st {‘de g“: what's happening in state capitals zation that. according to the
IJUSt talked, tow a story the way ca I" even C hange £ 1‘ ‘t ' ‘ u as reported by newspapers release is “driven by the belief that '
any two friends Chew the fat un ‘35 you ave more tlm‘ on throughout the country. with links democracy is nourished by an /
about anything, from Big Macs to your hands than most reporters, to the full stories The content in informed citizenry," .
the big bang theory. when you show a colleague a ” .
Bruce‘s face told me if my story, you’re asking for patcheup l
story was good or bad. Polite to a help, “Ot reconstruction. Th a
fault, he never said, “Jim, this Th? pr1nc1pleis simple 0““ e 1:1 A NEWb Bureau
one really stinks.” But a frown or you write something, Wth‘T ”.5 . .
averted eesy said he was hoping good W t haw: is here for you. Take advantage
I’d stop boring him. an emotional stake in it. But it.
On the other hand. if he nod- before you write. you test your h - -
ded and smiled, I knew I was on idea against what a colleague Of ang a reporter In Frankfort.
the right track. thinks. then you have risked
Most reporter-helping-reporter 31mg“ “3mm? ’t' 't 5
efforts start this way: “Hey Sally, ne ime, was w“ mg, w“ ' i , , , - _ , , .';.;~:.
I’m sendmg you a story‘ how about ing, writing a difficult story but (all New .s Bureau Duet to; _
ivin it a read and tellin me getting nowhere. (No, it was not - , w _ ____‘.'_"
gvhat 50“ think?” g about treadmills.) Dejected, l LIA“ C (Ulla/HUI T2“. _
Even tough that sounds like a walked over to the. water foun- l_800_264_5 72] miumirm
good technique for reporters to See WORK. page 10 *‘ "d'll'll‘h'ig
‘ l
! _« ‘ I 1 L, \ , . A I ' .L ' u ,
i ' . * '
. . . a:
. t ' . ’

Page 4 - The Kentucky Press, July, 1999 i
mm .
. . 6 o .
Classdieds face double When mistakes ha en 5
pp 9 l
9 , . i
t re at rom Internet take correctlve action fast *
By KRISTEN MCGRATH friendly as it can possibly be Young M" W’Uld run C‘WWCUY “BUt it’s time L
Much has been made of the people, especially. Will not use A 0 (C) (a \ t“ Pliu't‘ ”UT W‘Xt ad,"..lim 531d “DO , -
threat the Internet poses to classi- resources that are not easily search— d'llbs ' YUU think ROI) can handle this situ— :
fled advertising revenues. The able. m if if“ '1‘ ation'7" l
threat to newspaper readership Although newspapers in recent W " Mary reassured him, “Oh, this
posed by the migration of classifieds years have made major efforts to ByJohn Faust _ a? was just an unfortunate incident.
to the Internet may be Just as redesign their classified sections. Raleigh, N.C. If}! Bob is one of our best people. He'll
severe many still have a long way to go. » take extra precautions with your
Classified advertising is espe- Since we work for so many newspa- True story. next ad. You have my word on
cially important to younger readers pers. I read a lot of classified sec— An out-of—town advertiser (let's that."
— not a surprise, since they often tions lotten Wish we had a national call him Jim) contactfii his sales Feeling a little better about
are looking for ‘dJUb, a car. a place to standard on. for example. how to rep and provided wring“ instruc~ things, Jim sent a new insertion
live or a new love We often find that organize the automotive classifieds. tions to run a two—color ad in a order to Bob. asking him to call
the classified advertising section is Sometimes it is by year. sometimes beginning~of1the»vear business him as soon as the order was
the number one section for reader. it is by make and model. sometimes forecast section _ Em 185m. which received.
ship among young adults it is make and model Within year— was sure to have a long shelf life Two weeks later. Jim had
With this in mind. please think aind so or; The Jrgzmltliitmn “fl your This particular ad had run before. heard nothing
about young adults and the c assifiets nee s to )e comp etely ‘ ) ) , ‘ ., At t w ' ' U , ' z“ '
Internet The same people who read transparent to readers dust as an it 3:1: thLn‘ZnUd to “Mt type told me viii/hat 1:;23("n(3121.£i}333i ‘
newspapers mainly for the classi» aside. I find that Wilding a newspa- Sounds “:19 doesn't t” wouldn’t be surprised if he pulls
fieds also are the most avid users of per's classified section is a very good I3ut somethin witnt] ’ , all “1‘ his adHTugmg out of Bob's
the Internet me my own mph“. way toget to know the market i Th ) rd ‘ ‘ 1 fl {3 .t “f“mf“ Papt’r- If this ‘11 ) “15. it won't be
ence, here are two recent examples Third do cxtensive erUSS-refer- ( d was v . Wt ”t the hpemdl (1w. m the 7 1; (. 11p, ct k: It '11
ot'the pom-mm] threat encing of your newspaper classifieds issue and rantinstead. a full two- b , b . .. . , mt- Im ,n,“: i ( ), xiv:
.WL. at MORI Research a” and your ”“1”“. classifieds Among weeks later. Jim learned. about it t . ' ((ausi o ousy (us omtr ser-
looking for an account executive We ”th‘fl‘ thlntlF- thlS can help bring at when he‘received an invoice and a ”U Of -o s , t > * 'd ' * t' ‘
SPQAnt $500 for an advpnlgpmpnt m least some Ulillnt' classified users cuuplc 0f tt’fli‘Sht’OtS y (hur ( :1]: f :(Iry f1 -V_( rBl‘S-
the local Sunday newspaper and back intothe newspaper In an ““0” t" trace the proh- ”film!“ :pkh hi” (Araradltlf‘. u't
practically nothing to post the ad on Fourth. create a multi-media lem, Jim placed a call to th“ sales r in in”. d (1: (WW “3 ,( n are d
the Internpg \‘t tht' gotten ”1““. brand l(lt‘fltlt_\' for your ClélSSlfit’dS. rep (call hlm Bttbl. 80b “’85 0U_t ”1 (W p()]nt;10 “(1).)“ Innidl *
and higher-du;ilit_\ Tt'SI)HIts‘e> from For example. The Press Enterprise th“ ““3“ 5” J‘m 1““ 1‘ d"t”‘l“d ‘ 1 A“ m” mhtukm (WWW-V]
the Internet :id than troni the news in Riverside. (‘alitornia recently """C" mail message and ”‘(lUt‘Stt‘d hm)“ though Wm H. busy, It 5 a
lLiper ad Created what they call The Job Zone. a prompt return Cit“ good ”k“ m spend a few niinutes
0A colleague looking for a car consisting of employment ads in the A Week passed and Bob had ”Try day Chm‘kmg up on ”“7 ’
posted the "XiH't tar >IN‘L‘lt-li ations lil‘\‘\‘li.t})4'r. online and in their total- not 0311‘“ ”Him-\- IS everything on Mihmiillv) i
he wanted on the Ilitt‘rni't one- market~roverage product 80'1”“ Uillt'd th“ ”PlS manna A“. the” M.“ running correctly" 1
eW‘nlIlL‘ Iiariv the next morning. he l‘itth this almost L’oes With t‘r 'Méirfi'h Wh” 531d th“ Nd WWlld H 'W)” find a mISMk“ ’M'l'n a
had A Hill than] .1 llufiil dealt-r “h” .iiit Vitiiifl. lJUt It 15 HT} important l)(’ Ht)—Chiir}_{(‘d and thitt future ads See MISTAKES, page 14
had the car he wanted in stotk .ind " ”114k" ‘lm‘ ”Mt 3” "1 .V‘WT kt'fi'
”fund a good prim.- My i._w,]].il,!m, =l.t.\sltlt'(l advertising t':it“§f”rlt's stay
also had an e~niail message troni .i ”filth
financial institution offering IllIIi .i MW” A” l'“ <“‘“>t‘i“th (illlwnt Vd kSh h I
lJrl‘W‘I/PPWWt auto loan {Hr §3ii_tiiit~ in your situation analysis of the I eowor op can e p
at a WM} mhfl.“ rate lassitied adxertising environment
I am sure that you can think ot Th“ PM" "I ”HIV" ‘” th‘” “r“n” your Staff create better ads
many more. similar exaiiipli-s What “WWI ”Mk“ WWI) >l)‘~““l “Tm
can newspaper marketers do about ‘l‘M 5"
this maJor threat to their readershii. [h M' (WWI I‘ z')"">1‘/l"'t’)/ ”I" '7?!” .. - ' I i
especially among young people -”’""“‘”/”I/=’\ ”I" ‘4" “URI R"“"“’"” I? ’ t
and to their classified advertising lf“/’Vl’i’"“/it””” /‘/'"1‘M’I'A’(131’1" ’ W ' ‘Mm‘tww'hhwl MW” ', l
revenues" :z‘ 1 q «4' .1222; 9 \w
First follow that famous mar 6 ~ , - ~ ~- , -» ~ _. rs J I “Z" WI 5 . ’
keting maXim “It‘s better to (‘tinlil .' :m 1
balise yourself than be eaten by . . ‘ ‘
someone else " That is. of course. ‘ ct“ ”fi‘ I“: i X
why Proctor & Gamble offers so ‘ ‘ _ ’
many brands in the same category ”a” Money with ”an, l ' ' 7
Make sure that you have the best ‘ l' ‘ , , 3 ,- , ’ ,_ . _,
MW] Web mp m WW ”ML ”m , . ‘ A ast.,.a programthat is tailor~madt for newspapers.
WM (,lasflfimh “‘1’ {m n ‘md mm <~ . . flaws of Layoutandtopyisgetting ravereViews from
they are easily searehable M M . publishers and lid managers C(iiis‘tto—(‘Uast
(,ur vxwrmw, h”. H“. mm? ‘ ‘ ' " ’ _ lt'sa workshop. not a lectureYourstaff willbeinvolved
part. 1‘ that newspapers .tro' , tromthe start—workingon layoiitsgetting ad ideasand
.ll'Tiltl'».il“Ilt about tlit'lr‘ mi ~ltl's writing moreeffeitiveheadliiies.
The: .ire hesitant ”ml-tr tlii'Ili t ,- LouAnn Sornson Find out how totrain your staff tltt'tlillt k and eas‘. way
gw'i‘l fur tear I? liiir‘titie their "re ‘ ”'7‘!!! {IN/r13 Ln‘fru [Wm/INN
vrr,(tii o It? ..t‘vi \ ., . -
Vi‘ K} “£73m”: ‘r‘ "H" ’ i , ) jolmfiiilstildiiHif‘nzgfiix—ijom:~- . W
\t" “,1 {Like s'i" 'fit' '.. 8002251600 i I()l"‘\l‘IHfll-Rliltllxil.\k .At‘tlll,('1'(tl““iitr‘l-lt l
iiI"-‘-~tmin"r tersiwii vt . '1' .1 i i i I, P i i I ' i l
‘. 1», i oil-av .. » i i
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