xt75dv1cmh9r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt75dv1cmh9r/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky 1994 athletic publications  English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Football Media Guides University of Kentucky Football Media Guide, 1994 image University of Kentucky Football Media Guide, 1994 1994 1994 2015 true xt75dv1cmh9r section xt75dv1cmh9r g ~*`?{//V   ; 1
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  1994 Media Guide

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I994 Wildcats Guide Table cl Contents
-  ’ Media Policies ..................., 2 _ ` " " University of Kentucky Profile ..... 124 ‘
t f 1 { o UK Phone Directory ............... 3 = _.‘0l` Ksutusky
  Q uotor/Anrtno/rzontar ctnrnto. ..... 211 +— — CAlti1l·;i 1 sstgistiuru
' Lexington/Kentucky Profile ....... 212 __________ M _ __ · · wsu- “`€ct9"·
· at t   mt mmmon Written & compiled bv ....... David
 1     1¤»‘1 t ‘‘·=1   Histsu sf Ksmuskv Fsetbsll ~—···— *3% Kobuszewski ‘ I
I t r 1t y in Prospectus ...1................... 6  7 * UK Football Glossary ..........., 135 Editor _______ Rena vioioi
i : .3'\ is   Alphabetical Roster ............... 14  dt V UK Retired Jerseys .............. 138 Editorial Assistants ______ Julio \viedi“€i··’  
1 1] —< 1 • r Numerical Roster ................. 16  { __ 1_l  All-Americans ,,____,__,_,__,__, 140 Sandy goykon, Tony Nooisn Goii Dont mis
  iv _ Offensive Depth Chart ............ 18 1-1 ._‘r.;_1;i‘V; jdt;-{ ?· All-Southeastem Conference ...... 142 Photography _______ David (joyio, Amy
1 L, I     Defensive Depth Chart ............ 19 #$7 UK Football Honor Roll .......... 143 Boyanowski. Action Sports of America  
i _.__ 1.   lofi Roster Breakdown/Spring Awards . . .20 `"` Wildcats in the Pros .......,..... 145 (Jody McKown1. C.W. Pack Sports. "
t ss "f""‘·‘—tlij Wildcats in the NFL/AFL Drafts .. .146 Lexington Visitors Bureau
i UK in the Polls ................. 147 Typesetting/Graphics ...... By Design  
  UK vs_ Tgamg in the 1>o11S _________ 143 Cover Design ...... Cameron Creative 5
t   Bow] Gan-ies ___________________ 149 Printing ....... Post Printing Company N 5 1
_ j Bill cttny ....................... 22 ` *‘‘s * i
gonversyon :rtltB1ll lgunyd ...._..   t inf? dit    FF0Ul¤N·l·_ _ _ Additional copies of this publication may nh
uny s ear- y- ear ecor ....,. this- oo,  U ootball Facilities ............ 154 be purchased t-nt. $9 each, which includes Ltd
Fx Assistant Coaches ................ 29 · ‘ _ UK Indoor Fieldhouse ...,......,. 156 postage and handling Write tn:
1 on   Graduate Assistant Coaches ........ 33       Nutter Training Facility .......... 157 University ot- Kentucky, Medio Rotations,
i   4 I Football Support Staff ............. 34 1   ` Us Commonwealth Stadium .....,.... 159 Momot-ioi Coiisoom i
t · <=’ · {,<1¢Jf)“f   _ Commonwealth Stadium Records . .161 Lexingtorh KY 4()5()6.o0i9 M l 1
_ [sr ,_ -» to CATS ......................... 1 62 `·<¥
Q       _ To if 1; EEG { Community Outreach Program ..... 164 t
  »   Player Profiles ................... 38 Academic Achievement Award . . 1 .165  
    , Q UK Stren th Provram ............ 166 A 1 l
.p>`i 5 V, g e t
‘ 7 ’l   Nj UK Training and Equipment ,...... 168  
  T, ii; -   'IIIE RECORDS l i
: ·4. ._    .1,,,,  Individual Records .............. 170 ·     t
  l     fit V   Team Records .................. 174 Citation jfnr Excellent: 31n 13u11lirati¤ns   ~  
  I   ojv _   R€COYd$ Held by UK · .177 College Sports lirtorrnnticrt Directors ul Arrrtsricn ~ l
¤ F i' V "' THE OPPGNENTS ‘ 1*; _ if  _~ ` Career Leaders .................. 178 -*>-·¢·/# s
· _   1 . . yo . -   nn...n1,.1...1tt..n.1..n..nt1.1. % ~
A st, > o  Loursvrlle ....................... 86 J A n ,,. Season Leaders .......,......... 180 n..n....no... 1
at  a1__1     Florida .......................,. 87 "  '   Longest Plays ........,......... 182 {tion 31,1 mi, _qnt10n-;;,i,is,,,,, g
LQ ·‘¤1 ' [ 1r- `{ Indiana ......................... 88 ;_·;~;.;;7..~’ - »· 100-Yard Rushers ............... 183 1 e   1t~1 tt   o `1     t   t
Jill   _; · South Carolina ................... 89 M ` ii ' 200-Yd. Passers/100-Yd. Receivers .|84 ````     H   M
    I  { · Aubum .....................,... 90 300-Tackle Club ................ 185 g 1·$*·r"T;»—~·’¤·/ 1
  §"   LSU ........................... 91 Opponent Game Highs ........... 186 Thi]; iota., _  
l ·ji.,tt t- 1 t. I Georgia ........................ 92 Year-by—Year Statistics ........... 187
1 M A V V I V Mississippi State ................. 93 Year-by-Year Record ............ 188 . , . ,  
‘ * vtnoonttt ..1.1................. ot nttnnno eo11ona—n Ccor ds ....... no QM {fifty;}¤g¤¥d·>f’~¢~u·¤ky se-.: 1
| Northeast Louisiana .............. 95 UK vs. All Opponents ............ 190 00{ a e_m l" e gms named
_ - ur es rn te o ron y e _,
1 Tennessee ...................... 96 UK vs. Major Conferences ........ 191 “T] dB I H N I U b th [11:
I Aii_—i—im€ Series Scores ___________ it;2 College Sports Irjormation Directors
1 _Q __ or ;·,, `   Former Assistant Coaches ......... 194 vfAuwr·iw tCvSIDAJ-  
i l ` 1·111 _ A Look Back at 1993 ............. 98 All—Time Lettemien ............. 195  
    t   Game-by-Game Recaps .......... 100 All—Time Results ................ 199
l   `·"}·\· Final Statistics ............ , ..... 107 UK Football Lists ............... 203  
Q     Superlatives .................... 109 `L“
o " Vi" ’*. 'l‘l .
1  ·_ V _  if 1 ‘ Game—by-Game Statistics ......... 110 1   DIGI.  
it  `V W jj in Game—by-Game Offensive Statistics 111 é  
1 . 1 5 "  ', ‘ C Game·by·Game Tackles .......,.. 112 · ,_ t Juv 201 1973 'Jldy 17, 1994
· . .·¢.> ... .
_ Lrneups ....................... 113 _ ·
1 Graduated Lettermen Profiles ...... 114 _ {L The 1994 Wildcats football
l THE scum   media   dedicatedikto the .
“ memory 0 `s outstan g young it
go;] Y · CUNFFRENG   man whose life tragically ended 1
t [t _ Q _    H History of Southeastem Conference .118 ’ ‘ much too sooo The soo ofMjkc
    1994 SEC Composite Schedule .... 1 19 and Ann DiGint.o’ Trent remains o mombot- of oot-
 1   res ‘ 1993 SEC $“"¥S‘¥°S”°?"T ········· *20 teamandamember ofthe Wildcats rootroarr rontrry.
— I `T" l 1993 SEC Statrstrcs/Indrvrdual 121 · · · - = ·
  " °"‘“ An T. SEC St ` d. `‘''' ti, "We all loved Trent, and we will miss hrm terribly
` 1... - rme an ings .......... - in ev W ·,,
t j._;L. ml all Coach otzrcurry

 . @ Covering Kentucky F¤¤Ib¢|II y
    THE   EDITION of the University of Kentucky Football Media Guide is a comprehensive source of · 
— infomation for media covering the Wildcats. Additional information or photos can be obtained by calling UK 1
  Media Relations at (606) 257-3838. `
August 8, Monday Ts PLAYER mm S 1
Freshmen report to campus     All player interviews must be coordinated through  
August 9q Tuesdav the UK Media Relations Office. Players are available to the é
First Freshma;] practice MONDAY PRESS CONFHENCE media during game week, Monday throu]g1;hWe;inesday.  
University of Kentucky Coach Bill Curry will The best times to conduct interviews wit e p ayers are g
  August l0_ Wedncsdav conduct a weekly press conference each Monday during the during the lunch hour or following practice. Interviews will  
Varsity Reports to  ampus 1994 football season. The press conferences will be be conducted at the Nutter Football Training Center or by »
' conducted in the Wildcat Den at Commonwealth Stadium. telephone. On game days, interviews will only be granted
  A I 1 Th d Media members please enter the UK Football Office after the conclusion of the contest,
ugust ` . urs ay complex to access the Wildcat Den at Gate Three of Telephone interviews are available to the media on a
c-H, I994 Mmm Day Commonwealth Stadium. "call-back" basis only. Individual player telephone numbers .
Au ust 1,, Frida The opposing coach will be available via telephone WILL NOT be given to members of the media. Players are
Em g_ "‘ _ y _ _ hook-up. Selected Wildcats football players will be instructed NOT to conduct interviews when contacted
` Flrst Vmslty Pmulce available at the press conferences. directly by telephone. The UK Media Relations Office will
The weekly press conferences will begin on Monday, arrange for telephone interviews at a time most convenient
Q August l;4· Sunuuy Aug. 29. Press conferences conclude on Nov. 14. No press for the student-athlete. Generally, the UK Media Relations _
1994 Mus Plctum Day conference is scheduled for Oct. 3, which is the Monday Office has found the most convenient time for call-backs on
rior to UK’s o en date. telephone interviews is between 6 and 7 p.m. ET.
E August 16• 'fussduy P The pres;) conference schedule is as follows -— lunch The Kirwan I dormitory, the Donovan Hall dining
First D3! in Pads is set from l 1:30 a.m, to Noon; Curry press conference area, team locker rooms and team training rooms are
from Noon to 12:30 p.m.; UK player interviews from 12:30 considered private team areas. These areas are OFF-
m August Z4. Wednesday p.m. tc 1 p.m. LIMITS to the media tmicss accompanied by UK Media
First Day of Classes Relations Office personnel. g
August 26, Friday UK Coach Bill Curry will again conduct a weekly FOOTBALL PRACTICE X
Kickoff Luncheon Sunday teleconference following Wildcats football games. Kentucky football practices will be open to the media
Mui The teleconferences are 20 minutes in length and begin at 3 during the 1994 season. i
September 3, Saturday p.m. ET. Media members should contact the UK Media I
  GAME QNE - UK vg_ U gf L Media members can participate in the teleconference Relations Ofhce for practice times. Please call (606) 257-  
`”' by dialing a MEDIA ONLY telephone number which can 3838 for practice information. i
be obtained from the UK Media Relations Office. The  
' '"'¤ Sunday teleconferences will begin on Sept. 4 and run E
through Nov. 20. No teleconference is plzmned for Oct. 9,   1
the week of UK’s open date, g
The teleconference is broadcast quality. Please PRESS BOX  
Wg, contact the UK Media Relations Office (606) 257-3838 for Credentials for working media and photographers for Q
wi further infomiation. Kentucky’s home football games should be directed to  
Rena Vicini, Assistant AD/Media Relations. f
mm SOII'I'IIFAS`I'ERN CONFERENCE SERVICES Requests for media credentials — season or single- l
The Southeastem Conference Media Relations game — should be submitted in writing by sports editors or
Ky, Office, headed by assistzmt commissioner Mark Whitworth, sports directors of accredited media outlets on company It
V A" offers a variety of services to the media throughout the letterhead. Requests for season passes should be submitted  
academic calendar year. no later than August 21. Requests for single games should  
WFT! Statistics and league standings are available to the zurive at the UK Media Relations Office at least one week  
media on a 24-hour bulletin board. Media members can in advance. i`
Wa, access the bulletin board via computer by a telephone hook- The University of Kentucky follows guidelines set by `
,1 ifi up. For parameters and further information, contact the SEC the NCAA and the Southeastem Conference in issuing
Media Relations Office at (205) 458-3010, credentials. The UK Media Relations Office attempts to fill
All SEC head football coaches are available each each accredited media request.
Wednesday via a teleconference. Each coach is given a Season credentials will be granted only to daily A
period of five-to-10 minutes to address media questions newspapers, radio stations, and television stations that cover
about his upcoming football game. The staning date and the UK Football Program on a regular basis — i.e., weekly ;
telephone number will be available to the media by press conferences and all home games. Because of limited qt
contacting the SEC Media Relations Office. space. season credentials to radio stations will be limited to
Video highlights by satellite are offered on a weekly one per station (sports director). l
basis through thc SEC Communications Office. A 30- All credential requests should be sent to: Rena Vicini,
mimitc satellite feed, which includes player interviews and Assistant AD/Media Relations, UK Media Relations Office,
highlights, is available to television stations each Memorial Coliseum, Lexington, KY 40506. }
\Ve1.lnesda1y iiioming. For further infomiation, contact the
SEC Communications Staff.

 .  i t
. •
2 Covormg Kentucky Football 6  
Q Photo credentials will be issued only to accredited Media or photo credentials which have not been
  media outlets — daily newspapers, specialized publications mailed can be obtained at the Media Will Call table. located     A
% and television stations. Three types of photo passes will be just inside Gate Seven of Commonwealth Stadium. Media ‘
l issued in 1994 — l.) PHOTO COMBO — allows access to Will Call opens two hours prior to kickoff and closes l5    
  the sideline and photo deck; 2.) PHOTO DECK — allows minutes following kickoff.
· access to the photo deck only; and 3.) PHOTO SIDELINE
— allows access to the sideline only. Please list the type of TELEPIIONES .
photo pass needed when requesting credentials. The Commonwealth Stadium press box is equipped
Adtnission to the Commonwealth Stadium sidelines with eight courtesy telephones with long—distance r
is by a combination of photo pass and wristband. capabilities for use by the media on a hrst-come, first-    
· Photographers must sign in and present their credential at served basis. The UK Media Relations Office strongly _ ’f " _ _ REN? WON,
1 the UK Press Will Call table, located inside Gate Seven of suggests each media outlet with deadline restrictions should   * A5$'S;2;{£3g;gEDIA  
  Commonwealth Stadium. to obtain an armband. order its own individual telephone line. Members of the '   OFFICE: (606) 2576838  
  media wishing to order phone lines can do so by contacting »   H0‘\[E: (606) 278-7773
i MEDIA PARKING John Fuller of the UK Phone Services Department. His g___ _) _. _      
4 Media parking at Commonwealth Stadium is telephone number is (606) 257-7727. Please order phone   »   _.‘` _   V A
available on a limited basis. Requests for parking should be lines at least one week in advance. a I       vit pw l
{ made when submitting press and/or photo credentials. The  
media parking area is located in the Blue Lot just behind the DARKROOM FACLITIES O ,
’ West side (Alumni Drive) of Commonwealth Stadium. The Limited darkroom facilities are available in the _ I V ·· }=l_  
Blue Lot is accessible via Alumni Drive. Commonwealth Stadium press box. Photographers wishing SP0R;_2‘;;;;3`i5:TION _  
to use the darkroom facilities should make arrangements IBIRECTOR} ` ' ,   T
PRESS BOX with Tony Neely of the UK Media Relations Offices at FOOTBALL CONTACT "l "
The Commonwealth Stadium press box is for (606) 257-3838. gpncg; (606) 357.3333 . `
working media members ONLY. It is located on the West HOME: (606) 266-8176 ‘
side (Alumni Drive) of Comtnonwealth Stadium between ‘
{ the upper and lower grandstands. The media entrance to  
{ Commonwealth Stadium is Gate Seven. Two press box
j elevators are located just to the left of the Gate Seven      
l entrance.   i = gm .
l The photo deck, radio booths, television booths.   g 6,411, DENT s l
V coaches booths, and VIP booths are located on the press   -;._   I ‘ ·*\$$I$7`AN7` DIRECTOR    
box level of Commonwealth Stadium. All can be accessed  E?   L. l OFFICE: (606* 257:3838  
. via the press box elevator.   Z.? R _ HOME: (606) 272"V03 1.
Z ..   
  ` ;
Assrsmzvr DIRECTOR  E
. .   V. OFFICE: (606) 257-3838 .  .  
_ cc *=· -.._ A _ HOME: (606) 233-0682 (
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V A/J,  y - V   Fx _ O-, Q   ~ COORDINATOR gl sl`? _. ,,·’ j
·   — 4%  2 T''. J;   . "j;_ __ OFFICE: (606) 257-3838     .  .»
r A V   r  -       HOME: (606; 263-2374 -s   . -‘ ii
’ The Commonwealth Stadium press box is located between the upper and lower grandstands on the Westside. I
 ‘ 3

 • i
  @ Covenng Kentucky F¤ofb¤II  
VISITING RADIO The Kentucky locker room is CLOSED to all  
The official visiting radio broadcast network should members of the media. UK players requested for interviews .
Kemfky fads be designated in writing by the visiting team`s sports are brought to the Wildcat Den following the conclusion of  
· infomtation director or athletics director. Four phone lines Curry’s press conference. Interview cards are distributed in
GENERAL mE°RMA“°N will be made available. including two in the locker room the press box during the second half of the contest in order ;
Location; Lexington, Ky_ area. at E1 cost to be determined by Mike Dodson of Host for members of the media to request Wildcats players.
pounded: 1865 Communications (606) 226-4678. The visitors` locker room is located at the northwest
Enrollment: 24,000 Networks wishing to install additional telephone comer of Commonwealth Stadium. A press conference area
president: Cherries Wethington lines. either in the press box booth or locker room, can do is located just outside the visitors` locker room entrance.
Athieties Director: C_M_ Newton so by contacting John Fuller of the UK Phone Services The visiting coach and players generally conduct their
pnenity Representative: Virginia Atwood Department at (606) 257-7727. respective post-game comments from that area.
  Conference: Southeastern
Cninrst Bine and White UK Coach Bill Curry will conduct his postgame press The UK Media Relations Office will provide a
  Stadium: Cnmmnnwentth conference in the Wildcat Den, located under the East complete pregame packet (including facts sheets, Hip card,
I :9 Capacity: 57,800 grandstand in the UK Football Office complex. Curry amd game program) approximately 30 minutes prior to
Surface: Grass tttermndni begins his postgame press conference approximately I5 r kickoff.   complete running play—by-play, dnve charts and
mea minutes following the conclusion of the contest. The media team and individual statistics are made available at the
F°°¤I·BAu_ STAFF entrance to the Wildcat Den is located in the northeast conclusion of the contest. Quotes from coaches and players t
ttm Head Coach: Bttt Curry comer (nearest flagpole) of Commonwealth Stadium. of both teams are alsovprovidedn I
(Georgia Techt 1965) V   FAX service is also available. FAX request forms {
UK Record: t7_28_0 (4 years) will be issued during the second half to media members (
Q Career: 74-81-4 (14 years) fequemg than
Office Phone: (606) 257-3611
gg}; Assistant Coaches: Mike Archer, II°||I'|‘IW   schedules
’”" Daryl Dickey, Ray Dorr, (note: all times are eastern time)
I Bill Glaser, Tommy Limbaugh, 1
  .Ioker Phillips, non Riley, 1994
Rick Smith, David Turner Sept. 3. .......................... LOUISVILLE ................. . ............................................... 7 p.IT1.
10 ........................... at Florida (ABC TV) ................................................. 3:30 p.m.
  1994 °u“_°°K 17 ........................... INDIANA ....................................................................... 7 p.m.
l993 Record: 6_6_0 24 ........................... SOUTH CAROLINA ..................................................... 7 p.m.
n on SEC Reenrdt 4_4 (3rd East) 29 .........,................. at Auburn (ESPN) ........................................................... 8 p.m.
` ()i·i·enset Stack_I, Muitipie Oct. 8 ........................... OPEN
it Y Defense; 4,3 15 ........................... at LSU ..........................................,............,.........,........... 8 p.m.
  at Starters Returning: 10 (5 0i·t·enSe_ 22 ........................... GEORGIA ...................................................................... 7 p.m.
5 defense)   .............. . ............     ................... ...... .... .... ...................7  
rw =t· Starters Lest: 16 (8 Offense, 8 defense) Nov. 5 ........................... VANDERBHJT ........................... , ...........................,....... I p.m.
Lgttgrmgn Returning;     ............. .,....... .....     ........... . ............................. I p.m.
Lottormon Lust; 3; 19 ........................... at Temiessee .......................,.............................................. TBA
it I _ _ _ 1995 ‘
F ___. { ”d"`”f“ Player $’””"'g '” at ’”“S’fi"” Sept. 2 ........................... LOUISVILLE .........................,..................................,...... TBA
` "*‘ g”'”“· 9 ........................... FLORIDA ......................................................................... TBA
16 ........................... at Indiana ........................................................................... TBA
"?=¤ 1993 Rlsuns (6-6) 23 ........................... at South Carolina ............................................................... TBA
tx Sept. 4 Kem   mum-35-0 Oct.   ...,................................,.............................,....... TBA
I `“ H F'°'*d” ········--··-·-····-· L ······· 20*24 14 ........................... Lsu ................................... TBA
_ .............. . ............ gra ...........................................................,..............
¢}—5_.=t 23 at South CaroI1na..W ....... 21-17 28 at Mtsstsst t State TBA
out 2 me Miss    1-0 ........................... pp ........................................................... _
I6 LSU W 35-17 Nov. 4 .....................,,.... at Vanderbilt ...................................................................... TBA
;   23 at    28-33   ...........................   ...................................................................  
Nav. 6 at Vanderbilt ........... L ......... 7-12 1996
lj East (;1no11nn _________ w ___________ 6.3 Sept. 7 ........................... LOUISVILLE ................................................................... TBA
20 Tgnmggggg ________________L _________0.48 I4 ........................... 31 FIOIICIZ1 ........................................................ . .......... . ....... TBA
nec. 31 mentson * ________________ 11 _______ 13.14 21 ........................... INDLANA ......................................................................... TBA
28 ........................... SOUTH CAROLINA ........,...................,.......................... TBA
*Peach Bowl Oct. 5 ........................... at Alabama ..................................................,..................... TBA
~ I2 ........................... or>BN i
19 ........................... at LSU ............................................................................... TBA I
26 ........................... GEORGIA ......................................................................... TBA i
Nov. 2 ................,.......... MISSISSIPPI STATE ....................................................... TBA 1
9 ........................... VANDERBH.T ................................................................. TBA ·l
16 ........................... at Cincinnati ................................................................,..... TBA  
23 ........................... at Tennessee ...................................................................... TBA  

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 @ 1994 Kentucky Wildcats Football  
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Rome wasn`t built in a day, and neither is a Division I-A college 4 V LV-{   n i
Q football program. V/,  V  I /»/   · i ·* '  is V X ·
But there’s no question that the l994 University of Kentucky Wildcats __ .. Q   ,
are standing on a firmer foundation, thanks to the success of their immediate X . .   ,
° predecessors. ~    
Kentucky compiled a 6-5 regular—season record in 1993, finished fourth V
l` _. overall in the Southeastern Conference, and played in the Peach Bowl, the by
school`s first postseason appearance since l984. lineup ".
The success could have been greater. Four games were lost by less than entering _
I_ a touchdown. fall »,
What is it going to take to win those close games and construct practice. , 
= consecutive winning seasons l`or the first time since I983-842 Fortunately, the .... _ . \  .
ln a word . . . toughness: 22 retuming V * V ° ` 
—the toughness to overcome the loss of I6 players who started five-or- defensive {  ’ ·
° Ill()l'C g2llIlCS 21 y€1lI' 21gOQ l€[l€I`lTl€l'l l .i  
—the toughness to overcome a sobering schedule. Six Wildcat are well-
opponents won at least eight games last year; distributed  
—the toughness to overcome the raised expectations of opponents. In among the y
In 1994, Kentucky will be viewed with greater respect as a team that played in a various positions. .
bowl last year; Experience also will be a premium on offense, as coordinator Daryl · 
—the toughness to overcome the opponent when the game hangs in the Dickey must find a new quarterback, decide among a new set of receivers, and `
z balance. rebuild the offensive line. Dual—sport star Pookie Jones, a three-year starter at `
"Last season made a very clear impression on anybody who is quarterback, has taken his talents to professional baseball. A quartet of ,
— thoughtful and looks at these kinds of things." said Coach Bill Cuny. "And talented but inexperienced QBs are vying for the position. 1 
what last season said is that we`ve gotten closer than most people imagined The new quarterback may be throwing the ball more. Dickey has  
we could. installed additional variations of Kentucky`s Stack—I offense with the intention  
"But when it came down to the moment of truth we were not confident of beefing up the passing game. i.
enough. So what we have done and will continue to do is build that The Wildcat running attack, which ranked 24th nationally last season A 
touglmess. lt is time for us to grow up and believe in ourselves, and when we with more than 200 yards per game, could be solid again. Sophomore V 
do that, then we will make those plays in the fourth quarter to win those halfback Moe Williams is the SEC’s leading retuming rusher after gaining I 
games." 928 yards last season. Fellow sophomore Donnell Gordon showed plenty of  
Fortunately for Curry and the Cats, a number of resources are available. ability last year as Williams' understudy at halfback. Daymon Carter, a junior `_
Ten players return who started at least live games last season. That`s college All—American, hopes to quickly establish himself in the SEC. Steady
among a total of-I8 returning lettennen. fullback Damon Hood provides blocking power and tough yardage up the  
The I99-1 team appears to be the most athletic ol`Curry`s live Kentucky middle. - 
squads. Any offense goes only as far as the line will take it, and for the second ‘
Despite the team`s relative youth. C utry believes that Strength Coach year in a row, Kentucky must replace four starters from the forward wall. The ` 
Mike Florence has the team strong enough to eornpete in the SEC. few veterans. such as tackle Mark Askin, tackle Aaron Purdie, and guard »
And there`s good continuity among the assistant coaches. The staff Barry Jones, must lead an unproven group of hopefuls in the line.
returns intact after three new assistants came on board a year ago. Kentucky will be challenged by one of the most ambitious schedules in g
Among the new assistants in 1993 was def`ensive coordinator Mike school history. The slate features six opponents that won eight-or-more _
Archer. whose enthusiasm helped spark the Wildcats to a new level of hard- games last season. The young team has five games in the month of
nosed. aggressive play. Archer`s expertise and enthusiasm should again be September against a crew of opponents that totaled a 43-16 record a year ago. ‘
invaluable in I994. l·le has numerous holes to till. including the sizeable gaps Indeed. the foundation is being built. and the 1994 Wildcats will need ·
left by the graduation of All—SEC linebacker Marty Moore and All-SEC every bit of toughness they can muster in order to keep the construction .
strong safety Marcus Jenkins. Sis sophomores are in the tentative starting progressing.

   1994 Kentucky VI/ilclcots Football 6 ,
exclusively outside this season   Wyatt’s tackle in the SEC if he continues to get quicker   g
~  '(ENTUCKY GFFENSIVE breakaway speed and athletic ability make him a Other capable