xt75dv1cm35s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt75dv1cm35s/data/mets.xml   Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. 1929 journals kaes_circulars_223 English Lexington : The Service, 1913-1958. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 223 text Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 223 1929 1929 2014 true xt75dv1cm35s section xt75dv1cm35s Ex • D• • •
THOMAS P. COOPER, Dean and Director
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Loading marl with portable chute and tractor.
Lexington, Ky.
January, 1929
Published in connection with the agricultural extension work carried
on by cooperation of the College of Agriculture, University of Kentucky,
with the U. S. Department of Agriculture and distributed in furtherance of
the work provided for in the Act of Congress of May 8, 1914.

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Thirty-five minutes are required for three men to load and spread a,
two-ton load of marl by hand.
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Twenty minutes are required for two men to load and spread a two-ton of 1
load of marl w1th a portable chute and a manure spreader.
V chil
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V In _Michigan special equipment is In Kentucky marl lies on the sur-
V required to excavate marl from face w1th very little or no over-
» lake beds. burden. th(

Loading and Spreading Marl
To date, marl has been found in large1· or smaller quantities
in seventy counties in Kentucky. Of this number more than
half contain deposits of considerable extent. Approximately
two and one-half million acres, involving thirty thousand farms,
in Kentucky can be limed with marl without exceeding a haul-
ing distance of two and one-half miles.
Since the beginning of marl work in September, 1923, 4142
samples collected by members of the Department of Agronomy, 1
county agents and farmers have been analyzed by the Experi-
ment Station. During this period not over sixty thousand tons
of marl have been used by farmers in the marl territory. The
chief reason given by many farmers for not having used marl
- is that a great amount of tedious hand labor is required to load
and spread it. During the summer of 1928 methods were de-
veloped that practically eliminated hand labor and enabled a
man to apply marl at one-half the cost. Of the various methods
r tried, we have found the portable chute and slip scraper
_ method to be most satisfactory. This method is described in
  detail in the following pages. The stationary chutes were used
i but found less efficient than the portable chute. They are illus-
3 trated, and their disadvantages are listed on page 9.
In 1928 Michigan farmers used 675,000 tons of marl where
the cost of excavation alone was $0.50 per ton, while Kentucky
farmers used only 20,000 tons and can excavate and spread marl
for $0.50 per ton. See the last two pictures on the opposite page.

 4 Kentu-cky Extension Circular N 0. 223
i V   . ~ E a.    `222    ‘:-2·   .·’.`.A¢~;     . J 2
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Plowing a marl bed before loading.
V 1. The overburden covering the marl bed should be re-
moved to the greatest practical width and length to provide for
. future development.
— 2. The lowin<>· should be done across the slo e. 1
3. Marl plowed shortly before loading will handle better
than marl that has been plowed for some time and allowed to
absorb a reat deal of moisture.
Equipment required for portable chute method of loading
ITl&I‘l. arg
» 1. Portable chute.
2. Slip scraper.
8. 50 ft. of %-inch rope. _ _ .
4. 2 open hooks. ‘
5. Team or tractor power.
6. Wagon or manure spreader.
7. Doubletree if team is used. ` ‘

 Loading and Spreading Mar!. 5
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Building plan for the portable chute.
Advantages of the portable chute method of loading marl
31`E} I
1. The most efficient method of loading marl.
2. Low cost of construction of chute.
. 3. The chute is easily moved from one bed to another.
4. It does not have to be adjusted to height of wagon or
5. Can be easily moved to various parts of the marl bed to
save labor in loading.

 6 Kentucky Extension Circular N0. 223
Sueonsrions ron Ornmrine Poarixnrn CHUTE.
1. Place the spreader at right angles to the direction of 1  
plowing. .
2. The spreader should be a sufficient distance from the i
end of the plowed marl to give room for the chute between the ‘ ‘
spreader and loose marl. j  
3. A few shovels of marl should be piled at the base of the l p  
chute to prevent the scraper from catching on the lower end of  
the chute. " T
4. Load the scraper gradually so as not to put an extra  
heavy load on team or tractor.   I C_
* 5. Stop the team or tractor so as to leave the scraper lp
balanced on the upper end of the chute. Then slacken the cable >
and dump the scraper.
6. Load one end of the spreader, then move the chute to
the other end and finish loading. Th'
_ 7. Always place the spreader close to loose marl in o1·der
to avoid dragging the scraper a great distance.
8. If a tractor is used for loading, attach the rope to the
pi front of the tractor and pull in reverse so that the operator can
see when to stop.
4 9. Open hooks should be provided for each end of the cable
to facilitate the handling of the cable.
10. Time can be saved by keeping a team or tractor at the  
power end of the cable so as to eliminate the necessity of using  
the spreader team or tractor for loading.  
is iid

 Loculwg and Sprcacling Mari 7
A/IETHODS OF S1¤Rm1>11.i»x"   ” “?¥Y‘£L'   F¤w°?·>'££’V . '
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The manure spreader is the most pructiczml machine for sp1·e:1di11g mm`]. A
I if V  
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Disks similar to those of an end gate spreader can be obtained for one  
make of manure spreader.
TV 1 ii .VL’ ’   · 2 . v he _ t   Q  ,
»ir" T °   Y » - -i » ’ · r ‘ s-   dr~» ieugiéfzfzgifzg-‘>t  
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These disks spread marl or limestone more evenly and to a. greater width.

 Laading and Spreading Marl 9
y _ O*rHE1;.,Mm·1e1oDs or Loixnmc M ARL.
T Disadvantages of the stationary loading chutes are;
1. They are not easily moved from one bed to another.
2. They are more expensive to build than the portable
3. The marl must be moved greater distances to the foot
of the chute.
4. Some are not easily adjusted to various heights of
Wagons Or spreaders.
  #{3%  <··Q¤ ‘é*>_·"' ==-    V   "=  .~ .   T · .- ` M;
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  F   .5 is ` V; ;%;°*?‘<   ‘ a        f‘<= 
Trapdoor method of loading marl.

10 Kcm‘2u2clry Exz‘mz2si0oz2·Cv}rcula·r N0. 223
‘2 = ?  §,· ¢$ZL??}2  " usual
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      2 ' $2;-3  ,4}.v;;   “ 2 #2 v~=# ig   2 2    22 ` 2  “g°’
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· t  J   2 22% . 2 2 — = 2.
2 2 2 2 Expe
The stz1t10nz11`y chute orxgnmted 1n Henry County.
; 2 1  *   2
~ ' i x 2   2 =2   »`·  ” 2I "
   ,  ‘ 2   g 2,  2 
V   I lg ;» V , A  
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_   .2 ,;   § J ' 9* _ ' • ‘ " · "-2-+ /     .
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    ··’       ‘‘V=   `Z,2   ‘»‘’`    
'2 Z I 22*;  *   V_¤»·  
St:1ti0n:u2y chute used in Union Ccunty.

 Loading and Spreading Mart 11
How TO D1s·r1NoU1sH A Goon MARL Faoin A Pook ONE.
1. The marl that has a sandy or granular look and feel
usuall is hi her in neutralizin value than one that has a
smooth or soapstony feeling and a slick or glassy appearance. V
2. When a little diluted commercial hydrochloric (solder-
ing) acid is poured on a good marl, it eifervesces o1· bubbles
vigorously, while there is little or no bubbling when the acid is
poured on a poor marl.
3. If the owner is in doubt as to the neutralizing value of
the marl a mixed sample taken from various parts and depths
of the bed so as to represent an average of the available supply
may be sent to the Experiment Station at Lexington for an
analysis without cost.
4. For additional information concerning marl, write for
Experiment Station Circular No. 32, "Marls for Liming Soils."
    ‘*  .1    · ’ . i. like  ..i.v `·   ·‘—· i * . ‘
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A marl bed in Nelson County.
