xt75dv1ckr6b_7 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt75dv1ckr6b/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt75dv1ckr6b/data/1997ms510.dao.xml Dickey, John Jay, 1842-1934 0.45 Cubic feet 1 box The Reverend John Jay Dickey papers documents Dickey's career as a minister and educator in Eastern Kentucky. John Jay Dickey (1842-1934) helped found Jackson Academy, an elementary and high school, in Jackson, Breathitt County, Kentucky, in 1883 and the Sue Bennett Memorial School in London, Laurel County, Kentucky, in 1895. The collection includes diaries, teaching materials, and historical recollections about Breathitt County. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Reverend John Jay Dickey papers Education--Appalachian Region Education--Kentucky. Jackson Academy teaching registers text Jackson Academy teaching registers 2014 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt75dv1ckr6b/data/1997ms510/1997ms510_1/1997ms510_1_7/4343/4343.pdf 1885-1886, 1889-1890 1890 1885-1886, 1889-1890 section false xt75dv1ckr6b_7 xt75dv1ckr6b r · t   il
‘ @°Neatness·and‘ accuracy in keeping this Book are enjoined upon the Teacher, and cor- I
rectness and promptness on the part of the Chairman of the Board of Trustees, as it must be
_ filed in the 0iHce of the County Superintendent, who will use it in making out his Annual
 Report ho the Superintendent nf Public Instruction. _
. {5* _ _
x “ V E _
· A OF
FOR SCHOOL DISTRICT N0....._.....,, c
............»»-.....~.......~.........COUNTY, KY.
pnawd st mm caprrax. cmcm Frankfort., xy. A ` A

 · A A X @..,EIRE0TI0N-S T0 TEACHER AND TRUSTEES ,l Children Enrolled in Census Report of Trustees; »
hi .. · .   . ‘
OFFICE OF SUP EN'1‘ OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION. ·_ Distance rrrmm name Am _ _neasnn or reasons rar
·* i ‘ ` to School-liousc. MMU. EUHEI not attending school. ,
n _   I n n · FRANKFORT, KY. 1] n ; E E
It is the.dutygof~—tl1e Superintendent of Public Instruction to secure, as far as imay bg . V · I ·
racticable, orde and uniformity in the pract1cal workmgs of the Common Schools of the A?
Commonwealth. With this object in view, the following plan of a Teacher’s Register and l
Report of Chairman of Board of Tmstees was mvented and adopted by_th1s office. It has , 
been revised and enlarged, regluiring a register or record of eyery material fact concerning y  ‘ .
each Common School, chool- ouse, and School District. It 1S, therefore, confidently com- * _
mended to the County Superintendents, Trustees, and Teachers of the Common Schools of .
the State, as a proper method by which accurate and reliable statistics of " the practical , , ·
workings of the Common School System" may be obtained and forwarded to the Super- ~  `
intendent of Public Instruction. _ . , - _ -
Attention is, hereby, invited to the following extracts fro_m the Common Scl1ool Laws _
of Kentucky: _ _ · ~ · _ i
Art. IX., Q 4. It`shall be the duty of each teacher of a number of volumes in districtlibrary, if any; and any other l
_ Common School to keep such a register of the school as the information required of him by the County Superintendent ’
County Superintendent may require of him; and within touching the school. l  
· ten days after the close of the session he shall make a report Art. I., Q 3. It is therefore declared that no school shall l
· - of the entire number of pupils enrolled, and highest, lowest, be deemed a " Common School," within the meaning of l,
and average number of pupils in attendance during the this chapter, or be entitled to any contribution out of the _ l
session; the books used, the branches taught, the number of school fund, unless the same has been, pursuant hereto, ac- .
pay pupils, if any, in attendance, and spch other informa- tually kept by a qualified teacherfor three months in dis- .
tion as the County Superintendent may cern of importance tricts having thirty-five pupils or less, for four months in W .
and interest; and he shall furnish a copy of such report to districts having more than thirty-five and less than forty- t
the County Superintendent; and if he shall willfullyneg- five pupils, an for five months for districts having forty-
leet or fail to do this, the County Superintendent shall five or more pupils during the samgschool-year, and at _ 4 _
withhold twenty dollars of his salary due, for the benefit of which every chil residing in the district, between the ages ._ _
. the district. A of six and twenty years, has had the privilege of attending,
' Art. VIII., Q 13. Whenever a district shall become en- whether cont`ributing towards defraying its expenses or not;
titled to receive its proportion of the revenue, or a part Provided, however, That nothing herein shall prevent any
·A thereof, as provided in section eleven, article second, of this person within the district, over the age of twenty years, from A
act, by reason of having had a school taught in full or for attending a Common School who will pay his tuition fees. ,
’ onevhalf of the session, it shall be the duty of the Trustees of Art. 1., Q 5. The school-years shall be in on the first day .»
` A such district to immediately make report thereof to the of July, and terminate on the thirtieth day of June.
County Superintendent; and at the termination of each Art. I., Q 6. Less the legal holidays, twenty school davs, _
‘ ‘ ·» school-year they shall make a report to the County Super- or days in which teachers are actually employed in the ·
intendent, showing, in tables of details and aggregates, the school-room. shall constitute a school-month in the Common
length of time taught, the highest, lowest, and average Schools of the State.
‘ number of children at school; the cost of tuition of each Art. II., Q 11. Whenever a qualified teacher, duly em-
child for the session and per month; the number of private ployed by the Trustees of any district, ursuant to this '
V schools, academies, and colleges taught in the district, and chapter, shall have completed one half tile session of his
length of sessions of the same; the number of teachers em- school by the 10th of January, or by the 15th of February, A
V _ ployed, male, female, and total—for the Common School; or by the 15tlr of May, such district shall be entitled to · ‘
the wages of male or female teachers; the amount of money forty per centum of its proportion of the school fund for l _ `
- raised for Common School purposes in'the district, by that school-year for the payment of the teacher, and on the ,
county and district tax or otherwise, and for what the same completion of the schoc , to the residue. Y _
was disbursed; the kind and value of school-house, and the
_ When the_session of the school is completed, the Teacher should carefully complete in
his Reguster, sign it, and present 1t promptly to the Chairman of the Board, who will uly ,ll
a fill ont and su scribe the Report. _ 'l‘h1s book should then be presented to the County * —
Su erintendent, who will re utre 1t 1n makin out his Annual Re ort to the Su erintendent   .
. . _. . P ,,, .
of ubhc lnstrucuon. . fi; .
. ·i Superintendent of Publzh Instruction. ig,.] T
· V Atl  ‘“ |’rr·s<·nl its nvlirly as muy bo possible, the exact alistnnco by the nearest prnclicnlxlo route.  
; , _ ' . I _ _ _ ` BMV lllnrle at ·|· llcforu the mime ofevery one who cannot rend.  
 s A, A _ - a or ___ .__ . o _ I C . vane .r.r_. 1 .cc. no .   .._r   rt

  { . . . .  
1 . P111)11S E111*0110d 111 S011001, Age; S0X, 810. Pup11s E111*0110d 111 S011001, Ag0, S0x, &0.  
  NAMES ""1€¤ E¤1‘0"€d·   ,115;*1%£;£1.§`i2i3Z$,£;T NAMES W*"’“ E“”°“°"· —· · · · —m.   f?f,ufii§ii§E,§£;T  
  1*   1
i /
 1 " V I
V V V V VV NV V VV VVV-_“£·-·-V _ iV VV V V " V" VV V V VVVV V V ` V `AV"VV VV `"` " `T` I. 1; .L’ TE`§""’fC_; _ Q" _;j;1`»  

 .¤— l L
  Pupllo Eurollod m Sohool, Ago, Sox, &o. Pupllo Enrolled m School, Ago, Sox, &o. 2 
_} __ __ A 2. · - _· A 4· , ‘ · S , e  
 > NAME;. X\l1eu Em·0lle(l,   flhlsemaloé-_         NAMES. Whgn Enrolled, -,Mnl€·   ;§;;5sgl0g1(;m;@i]?;Oi'    
Z, 'I " ll w 
l f/ ·   I
l . `/‘ l
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 [U ° [fly, • I 'ia I  
» Daily Att©11dm1©@7 Mouth of _ __,._ 9 h_h__4 ._ ..A.¤................L...»...._,Aé.. . ,....¤,.._._...._...,`.,L,........»... 7 ISS ..4___ __ , Dguly Attendzmcc, M011’1J].1 of ...........»».... . ...4....A.-.........-.---.-·-·-------   -»-----   ---—---—~-------~·—~· ; 188- ·-·-··- ·
J (2`i?1$JJ§if     i1“ """"°]“’??“J OSIILU-S 1¤1·¤>111RKS.   (§`S1E`E§$if 1 N""` ’(°'` i" M°°"d°"`°°'   ~r0I§$Yh··s RWM*K5-
» , Days. Mulcs, Fcumlcs. Tutu}. taught. _ ]),,yS_ )[,.lcS_ ]<`0mul0s. Total. Ulllght-
1 1   1
. 52 1 gg
  3   3
/ .f ,1 / y ‘
0 4 % Y '// 1, ; 4   / ( 1
 Y , 1   , "  · 1
 t (J ` X wi, 6 ` `
` 7 \ ` V /`\ l. : `/.· 7 2
8   W-;) l »/N   ,- 8 I
1 10 I      , 1 11 10  
» 11 _ .   A1   (jp L.; ~ Q H  
 { ] 9 V ` A i _   `V I   I/3   I   f 1   i
1 ’ g  ,  
  13 {¤     A`   / 0 , · 13
; M 1    fi 6 .0   ”   14 1
1 r i~ { , A 'V `- _ j _  
  li) l‘ ll   L') Lg / f     li)  
2 16 , 0 · Q 16 1 0 *
* 17   ( T ’ 1 ., T 17   1
Y IS 1 18   1
E 19 `v·~ 19    
    QU V  
E2]. 21   0
22 22  
1 93 gg.;  
94 24 !
25 , 25  
l Average cettemZa,71,eg af the ,7I[0n,th.. .............. , ...1.,1,.. . ...11.,,,r1., . ....1.......,.......,. _ 0 djygyugg a,M(;mZg,;1,w of the Month »-~~~~—»»--·· ` ·----·-0 ¥- -·----·-····· 0 ·······»·········· 0 ·000‘0   1

 .41 , _
  Daily Atte11d21,11ce.l\I011tl1 0f ¤q . .A . ._4,,,q   ,.,: .3..,. 4 ..,..L    ......,..._..AW.¤....   .q.q.._..L, . 3 188 __,_   Daily 1\t’6e1l1d21.110e, Month Of ................. 8 »V8888.....   ....8....A».........,..,...V.,............4*....»..........». , 188 v8....... 8 , 
 I Order 0f Number in Attendance. Nm. U ()1·¤l<·1·of Numlmr in 1\ttm·ndanc0. N0.  
Q $611661 #88 8 88 -88. 8 8 of 116111-S 1<1·;m11x1<1nd2mc<>, Mwinhe of A.......A·.· . » ....». 4...»..... . . ..,.. .. . . .A. 2  .... » . .,.A.. . ,188 8.»88.»8. . K 
  Oggggf 1 Nlllléii in Attendance. Of§;Qu·s 11153111 R1{3_   (;`;}l‘1¥·l;·Hf N""`b°l` in Ammdamcc. <»f§;i1u·s ]1El\I1\1:i{5_  
  ‘ 1177)-2 11711717. Females. 1*01711. mgm. Q I’=*>’S- M=**¤$— F¤*·¤·*¤#- Tow'- t=¤¤2M· 1
{ 1  71   r 2 2 /(,   1  
. 2   1. *?’ >/{     2 1
`8 2 Y2 / »   / {   2 .
4 K7" i   ·;`   {      
 2 7 17 7/ » 1 L :7 7 7 3
, 3 V ' 28 \;{ Y gv A   S {
 7 9         7 4 ‘     7 ?
‘ 10   ¤> / ri       10 1
. 1 11 / ’W / / Ti   18   jl_1  
812 1/ Q   " AE? 6 (B 12  
L 13 ./I J /' 3   lil 1::  
  14 ·' `   j' / §> 1 14 1
z 15 / L 7/ 1 E   ,5 » m  
` 16 _ 16  
  17   17  
18 12  
  19 19 T
1 20 20 i
21 21   4
22 22  
23 23 -
24 24 .  
25 25 i
1 Average mttemzmwc gf fhlg _y1[O,L,;h,__ _____   7   ,_,____.____1.71.........,....,._ 8 Average aitendmwe of the Month ~------—-—--- - -»--77~ — —7~—·-——·——»·--—--77»-~7~-7·---—--Y 7 »——7--»   A 

 ‘ i
. Report of the Teacher of Common School _ _ _ _ , ,_ , _
· , ,/ , , t Miscellaneous Iniorination lrom the Al eacher and the 'lrustees.
. . . · . ‘ »   , / ' = ‘
For Dtstrtczf .7V`o ..._., 4 T 4....`_..A.. , to the Superuttcndent for the County of ..4...   4.,. , ..... s%.A;.{1...< .,.. ,..4 4..,,. , for g ’ ,
r_ ~
 . the School-Year ending Juine 30, 188€.A. Sec .Art. LX., Sec. 4., Common School Laws. g ··—Y  ,
’ Total number of children enrolled in the Census Report of Trustees, Males ..».......~.· Fe¤lf1l0S »»·»-~----» Totnl --·······»··------ - -~~·-—---    
i · ; - ‘ A ~ f the S ·h l Dirtrict in sr uarc miles * ........................ - »·--·-·-·--- · -·-·~4—·-----·r-—--r—---- ~
Total number ot` children enrolled in school ......   . . Nlailessdafin. l"eHH1l€5-·»>Z»·i --»· Total -·-··»     —·--Yr—--—-----»   ml O ( UO l l i \
H,gheSt ,,,,,,,b€,. ,,, ,,m,,,d,,,,C€ at School _____________ NIRIBS_13__[j__FGu~m_]8S ____ ,§__Q_TOm] _______   ,__,   __,__________   (ircatcst length of District in milcs .,...... Greatest width in miles ........,.... Least width in miles . . . .-.---·-~·-·V - ------A--·--»··-~·-»------ ·
~ ·‘>   ¤
I L0“`€$t llllml·>€l` nt $€ll00l ·······-········ ‘*   · · Allclaga lllllllbar nt Sallllol · · · ············*·*·*‘ · ·’··’*···‘·‘   Distance of school-house to most distant part of the District, in miles . ....... . . . . ......................·.-· - -----------· V
i *Pereentage of attendance based on highest number enrolled in school .............. . ...,...........................   V _ _ _ _
e Distance from school-house to nearest point in boundary line ................ . ...... . ,·..,rr-.....·{·-»-------·--·- {
*Percentage of attendance at school, based on highest number in attendance at school ....... - ·Y--···~»·--·-·--··-—-·------· _ T ‘
i gPpl_c€mag,_ Of atmndmcc b,\_cd On BVGMUB Mtmdmlcé at school Nearest distance to a schoobhousc in an adjoining district, in miles .... . ......... . .......».».. . ...------------···-·-·-v·  
,, , 1 r 5 ( G ‘ , .... . . . .... . . . · · ···»- ~» ·~-- » --·-·--------------· `
  Number of children attending school under seven years of age .............. . . . ....·.....-.- · ·~»r~~rr · -~---- Kind of sr·l1ool—hou$c? ..,..... . .....,..,........ \\’hcn built? ............. . ............ Condition? ...4......... . ................ Value? ---·r-····—r--·--·rYr - ---—---·Y—·——-—-·  
t Cent nt tnitinn nt etch child per Session, counting highest number at Svlinnl ·-·-·-······ - —--~··-—-~e-—--—--—-·-—------ ,,,,,,,.,,,,. d,,,,0,,,,O,,s Of sC,,,,,,,_,,,,,,,O, ,,, M,  _____________ {,0,,,,,,, ·,_ ____________ W,d,],q _,,,_________ Heigllt? _ _ _ _,,_ _ __,_t_, _ __o,A_A_,_______ _ ________  
Number of pay pupils under twenty years of age ,.... Total receipts from same for tuition fees .. H .....,,.,, . ,r.·· _  
  ll r * door"? ............. II xv n * rind ws? ............ rn how man sides? .........i . ..........,,.........·-»-·.--- · ------- i
Number of pupils over twenty years of age ,....... Total receipts from same for tuition fees .....,..,,............,,,,...·4 , lm mlm) D 0 mul “ U i Y ,
· Total number of days taught during entire session of school ,,.,......... . ..... . .........   ,,,i..,. Salltlllg clllmcltyil -······~····· llnw llllllly Stalls? ············· Tntnl lcllglll nt dash'? ········*·· · ···‘‘·‘‘‘*‘‘‘‘‘’’‘   ‘‘‘‘’‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘'`‘“ f
` Avalaga lllllllllal nf llallls lenght Pal ‘laY dllllllg Bllllla Saasloll of Sallatll ············· · -··----·-··· Qi -5 ···r · ····rr· · Is the school·house furnished with charts? ............. Maps? ,..........,. Blackboards'? .......... . .........r.. .. .. ...... . .--------·--  
l Number of children over ten vears of age in the district who cannot read, Males ........ Females ...r.... Total .............. . ................ _ _ _ ‘
- “ ls it properly ventilated? ....r,....... ls it properly heated? ................... . ............ . .........4.....~.~r~4»·»-»  
- Number over ten years of age, enrolled in school, who could not read, Males...D .... Fenialesul ...... Total .............   ...........l.l. —, ;
 ’ oscar ass or at teacher to different patrons during the   of at savor .......... . ......... ,4 ...,,,..,,   llc ile   r·‘··Pe‘ ~¤t‘~*l____   Number not attending on account of diflicult roads or impassable streams? ..,,,..,,. . .,.A_....AA. . ..,.A,, . ,,..,.   ,.,,.  
—ariégéniégééaétaéadance igéaitainedl iiyiahdrng rO$`[§§»Ke}i§HiEQsiS on §vi]iEiYi@§t{aQ{E§5 K§QEi§§1”[1iviai@   __     NN', _ , V  PPP   P PN P      
Q Qby the number of children enrolled in Census Report. H‘SUlt’ ln Ul my 085% the mmmlllm BlccS?' .
‘ I

 i ~!· Y . · · V1 .- u -1 l
. I ' ’
·~ 1 1 1 )U1'iE of the i,)15}C].1Cb T1 ustces > · . · 1- ,. 1 1
_ Annual {Gl ‘ 1 Aniiual lloport oi the Disti ict T1 uste0s—(,011t111u0d,
For District JV`0. _........, 1,   1V,,. , .,,.,,_.___.11... . ..,,, ..1, to the COUNTY SUPERTNTENOENT OF COMMON SCHOOLS for ;
fhg Cgunty gf ___,___ l _A___>_____________ _ __________ _ ______A_________V____ 1 _________________1___,..,._,____.............. , f0r the year Gfbding JMTW 30, 188 .-...·..· ·   For District JVO. ,_,,, 1 V_Vi . ......_,,___V_V   to the COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT OF COMMON SCHOOLS for *
Number of District .·-···-»······ · ······-····· V ····‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘`‘‘‘‘‘‘'‘‘‘‘‘‘‘`‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘   H C f _ th d_ _J 90 188 C
_ , Qi I0 07/bfb 7 0 ....       1 .1,.     ................... . ......._..r 1. iiiii, O7' 6 7 8dT CTL L7?/5 1 ZLTLG ...., .. . 1
Total number of chilclren curollcd in census report vi T1‘¤5i€€$ = Mules —-»---—------ F€m**~l°$ ··————-·—-·-- TOM -···························4··········   J f ' f J ’ U ’ .
. .   \ t f` 1* ·   d` t} l'stV` tl V 1 tl 1 . ................. 1 ............1,....... ...,- ......,...,.. I
Total mmm,. Of clllldml enrolled lll School; _____,___ Males ,.1.......... Females ............. Total Y......·V..V......»....·..·...·.......»..   ’ '“"““ " "““‘?} TW "‘ U "’·" "° C ml} 0 "" “‘°‘"‘ 1
N b f Ll taught   Total n1110111‘1t I`}lISL‘(_l 111 the d1st1·1ut f'l'(lI]`l all sources , ,,,, . .,,.,.,,,,,,,.. . .,,.,.,,   1._,,,,,,........__,____,_,
11111 er 0 n1011 is D ., .........·.- · ········ - ········· - ····*···················· V ·······‘···· ,_
. ¤ ii 'l`.tzl: t f l·l t. f` tl xl ld`st`1t .....,......,........... 1 ..1...,.,, , .... . .....1............... ‘
Highest number of children at school: ..,....... - · M¤l€S l--»------—-—- B emales ·-·—------»-» Total ·*····--·----· · ·-····~···· - -------·-—--· ;_ U l mmm] 0 ( L ) Q 0 10 SC mo I mi l
s i 'l'tl td`.‘b zdf .`> . ·   ..,...1...,,1.,,,,,_,, _ ________________1_____ _ ______ _ _____ __ `
Lowest number of children at school: .........-·· MUGS --·»~—·---»-· E Cmilles --—---·-—-Y·-- Tomi ·--—----——--· - -—····--*--—··-·~···-··--· Y U H Hmmm li UNC or mths Of School hou (S ' '  
Average Humber of Children at School; i I I I I I _ l I A I l Mal€S_mMm__FemalesU ___`_r_Vw "T0ml _____________ _ ______________________4__ lotal amount disbursed for building scliool-lioiiscs ..................... 1 ............ . ........................,  
Numbgr attending School under Seven years Of age I _‘____ Males __________4__ Females _____________ Total ______________________l____>___Y________ 'l`<>tal zuuouut disburscd for repairing scl1·1<·l-houses ..................... . ................ , .................... E
Number attendinv ~ch00l eighteen years of acre and over- Males Females Total {hill] *lmOlUll· ¤¥'5€€l fur fUl`lli$lllllg' $Cll')Ol-l1UllSOS wit}1 l)ltl()l{l)()ll]`(1S’ globes, maps mlm;-ts, V l
Number attending sollogl over twenty years of age ...... Males. ..:.:....... F€m2ll05 .... . ....~... Tbltlll Vr-»--»-----··-—»»-»-------4~···-·--··· books and nmmmtus ''''''''''‘'''''' ‘ ‘‘'‘``‘`'``'` ” ''’‘’‘`’''' ' ''`‘‘‘‘''‘'' ‘ '‘‘`'`''‘'‘' I
‘lPgl·cg1ltage of attelulllllee based 011 highest number in attelidanee ut SCl100l .....»·.·· » --—---------——--·»—--·····»---------·· Mm] amount dlslmmwl for desks and Suits '`'''''''‘'''‘'''‘'''`''' ‘ ‘'‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘'‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘’''`'‘'‘  
Tpcrccnmgc of Mmmlllucu based on Hwmge attendance at School _ _ _ _ ' l l _ l t _ I l _ _l___l>______ _ ________l__{___________V_ Iotal an1_________>____ _ _____________________ Total amount disbursl-l10ll5|3, including desus, seats, blackbonrds, globes, maps, I 
Number of Private Schools taught in the district ...............·..·- · - ----r·Y-7rrrrrrrr   ----—~r~»~r~r~r·- chmlm Um' (xw ''''''`‘‘''‘‘‘‘`'''''‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ ’‘‘’‘‘‘’‘‘‘‘ ’ H ’‘‘‘’`‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘’‘‘‘  
Average number of months taught PH year _ l _ l l _ 4 _ _ l Q l _ l _ _ · _ _·_·_4 _ _________________lV_ W l_______________ Sunibcr l)l1llt during thc school year l8S ,..... Value of ..,,,,,,,,,,__1, _ _______________,_________ _ _1____,_____ ~ 
_ _ Sd l-l .;:s ·: t,·l ................................... . ............   ...1.1..1...1 .
Number of Acadcinies taught i11 thc district .................-·-·· » - -~-»------·---»-»-»-----—- ~ -—-·····--·- my MN UH (L ‘ 
.\ t `ll"‘*L l`s·l l-l sn ........1... ··· ...,,....... . ____1,,_,..,_. 1 .....1.... 1 .,..........
Average nunlber of months taught por year ................... . .... . .......- .- -.-.-.·::- - :------·-·»~·- Hmm] lvm M Un U ( ww wu la g
"l ‘·l J s·l ssrl l-l s·:V ..........1............1.,.... . .1.1.1.., . ,,,, ,, ,1.,,,,,,.... é
Number of Colleges taught inthe district .......,..............-·- i -----·--·-r-1··»·--—------»-—-- - —·--·· Nm wi U M M ( Hm mu U l
N l é` t` l'rt `·t l`lV:·'1. ...........,..1..1...,.....1...   1........,.,.,. . ......,..... »
Average number of mouths taught per year ...................·...· · »·--   »--------··-·-----l—rrrr-- Um M 0 ( Ii rh 1 H mi E l
wumbe Of m le tmche i the Comn S h 1 Nll|l1l)Ul'Ul. volumes i11 district libraries ,...,..,......._.,__,_____   ,,,,,,   __,,   ___,,,__ l
1 1- a 1 rs ll 1 011 . 0 00  ..1................. . . ..... . .,... . :.....-·... - »--»·-· · --·- ,
. liil : f l`b ·`  ........................1........11. 1 ......,.......,.,..., . ...,. , .,1. .
Number of female teachers in the Common Schools ..................... . --.--,------------:·~---- - -·»----—-——- I W O | ml I0 5
, l·"v.`*' ’l .. l *` rtl1.;:} I-’· ........,................ . _____,,,   ,,..,,. .. ..1.   I
Total 11u111be1· of teachers employed 111 the Comnion Schools ................. . ...,...rr:r· . ...».....·.--- - --·-r-- H H ML m ` U mum; ( mm&’ W `( MO Dun- {
Avcmqc wages of mak teacher pw month Nl|!lll>Cl` of visits llaid by Trustees to thc district school ...........1,..1..1 _ ,,_,__,_,___,,,,,,.,,,,,.___   ._  
:3 ' D ’ ‘ S _,,_ , ,_,,. . ......... 1 . . . 1 ..........1......------------ ··- -------· ` ·
Awmwe wages Of female teacherg pw month Nuuiber of visits paid by tho Cou11ty Sup0rintc11d1~nt to tho dist1·i1,rt school ....,..... . .1..,...,,.. . ..............   _
',l‘0t;1l average wages of t,(?8,C}](éI‘$ per month ____,___,,,_,,..,...1.1. , .........1........................... .. Tho (,`llllll`Ill2\ll ol` tho Board of '[`1·11st1·¢·s ol` the District aforesaid. lll‘l'l‘l))' l'l’I)Ul`t$ to the County Supcri11tc11dcnt ot` I
_ V _ iI**llllll(>ll Schools for tho county at`or1esaid, lllllb the above and i`lll'Cg(llllg is a true report of thc Conlinon School taught l
Amount of mCYl€.Y l`m$€d by (»CUUl·}` T¤X&UC'l ··-··-··----··-····-··· · --··----···- 4 ···················**···: lu >=¤irl district during thc your ending Juno 30, l88 ; and hc t`l1rl.l1<—1·1V1·po1·tstl1at said school **has l)(3L¥Il2\('l1ll1\ll}' kept by '
Am nt f l Y i_ d b D._t_. _t Tr t. ri rlualilicd lU}\l,!ll¢‘l`,U tllr ll|lillill$ during thc year, llllll at which ovcry white child in thc District. l _
(Ju O morn} ru °0 y l° UL Mm mn ````''‘''`''‘`'‘`'``'' ` '`‘```''``’'''`’“““````'``````'`'``'` " i"‘l1’·Vl‘Ull tho ng1¢sol` six and l.\\'(‘lll.y y1~a1·=, has had tho l\l`l\’ll(‘g'U of` attondiiig, \\'ll€l',llO1` C(]llt,I'll)lllQll]L‘ anything towards l
Amount of money raised in the dlstrlct by poll Ot, caplmtloll tux _____l______ _ _____________ _ ___l________ _ ____________ ‘ll'ii|'rl}'iIlg its oxlmnscs or not; and that thee 'l`l`llSU‘\‘$ ol` said srhool did *‘i11vitc and cntvonrage nl} tho cliildren i11 the l
1l1>tr11·tto111l1V·11·l thi- s¤·l1<»<>l,:l:11l d1 l ··111l··1·111 LI10111 and tl1o11·l>a1·1¤11ts that such is tl1c11·1V1gl1t.." C0llllllf QV-•*_·_— _`>___A*——l*-.>_A -~~*·r~———"_•`_‘-—<_W`________Ti_______________,___ij__;,....—.;_. Tw. . » · ·
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 Suggestions by School Olhccrs lor thc lmprovcmout ol thc School, thc School-housc, &o.   Sugg°Sti°nS M Twchw to Impm°m°Ht ll uw S°h°°]· uw S“h°°l‘h°“S"· &°·
Suggestions by the Trustees:  
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  Suggestions by the County Superintendent; A 
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Form of 4&§Il'CC111C11t l.>Ct~WCC11 the Trustccs and H10 Tcznchw. AR 
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  ff as ayrecz? by am? Z20z‘n·00n , Tou<·7u)r,  
and 1*720 Trz¢.sf<¤0.s Qf Scizooi ])zszf1·z¢·z* An. , nz QQ  ·
C'0/mfg], f7¢m‘ s< 1z`< Z T0m·7zer $7mN, undor H20 .szrp01·z·z`s z`w22 mu? (”.1'(‘7//Slll'0 (7/2‘vr·h`022 Qf   ·
said Trus2‘e0.$ am? Hm/r .szm·os.w»·s, but .szz?gj0w‘, ~1z0z·02·f7zo/z».ss, in Hu} !'{·.'<{·Z‘(l//`()}l mul  4..
Zuzqfui 0u1"7mriz‘y of 1710 C{UZ(I/Zl_// f$'npw·z`»z!