xt75dv1ckk27 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt75dv1ckk27/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1953-10-16  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, October 16, 1953 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 16, 1953 1953 1953-10-16 2013 true xt75dv1ckk27 section xt75dv1ckk27 oral uupy












AlLornev Condemns

Lances Plans
Fall Carnival,
Dance Tonight

Atlempt To Anienti
Slate Constitution
lays Gives
Views Of

Arguments against tli promised amendment of Section ISfi


Will Register

For Informal Rush

1:30 Curfew Set;
Trask Will Play

AU men interested in signing
up for informal rush this fall
must do so between 9 a.m. and
3 p.m. on Wednesday or Thurs- day. Oct. 21, and Oct. 22 in
Room 127 of the Student Union.
Bid day will be held on Oct.
23. The men will fill out their
preference cards in Room 128 of
the Student Union on that day.
Carter Glass, IFC rush chair- man, said this week.
The IFC will hold its regular
meeting at 7 p.m. Tuesday in
Room 128 of the Student Union.


of tlie Kentucky Constitution
were made Monday ntglit ly attorney
II. Hays, chairman of the Levington Committee of 1.IKKI. winch favors Section ISfi as it now stands.


Lances Fall Carnival, an annual vent on the UK campus,
held on the intramural fit Id from 7 to !):' o'clock tonight.
dance, in connection with the carnival, w ill
In gin at 9 p.m. in the Student I'nion ballroom. An admission of
Si. ."50 per person will Ik- charged at the door. Chde Trask and
his orchestra will play. Cirls going to the dance hae Ih'cu granted
:() a.m. permission.




Section 18fi deals with the dis1
tribution of school funds in KenSororities sponsoring entries in
tucky and states that funds shall be
the carnival, thtir queen candidates,
distributed according to the numand shows are A'pha Delta Pi. Jo
ber of school-ag- e
children living
within a school district.
Ann Barrett. The Web iA Crazy
Under the proposed amendment,
House' : Alpha Gamma Dtlta, Pat
Grey. Sasjnet in
Alpha Xi Del- school funds would be distributed
by the legislature, which, at the
ta, Lucille Gentry. Puppet Show;
present time, cannot plan distribuChi Omega. Tillie McCracken, Court
Dr. Amry Vandenbosch. dislin- tion.
and Cupid; Delta Delta Delta. Slur- Mr. Hays. In an interview, said ruished professor of rolitical sei- Present
Hairis. The
Delta Zeta. Yvonne Eaton, From
that "even if the amendment is care, will begin a "Y" series of talks
passed, it will be left on a per capita o'i world relations with a speech on
Here To Obscurity; Kappa Alph.i
basis for the next two years until the contributions of the U. N. to
Theta, Sylvia Lawrence, Me The
yL'KLN CANDIDA! KS A total of 27 girls were nominated lor Lances Carnival queen this week. They are pictured above
Judge; Kappa Delta, Marcia Wilder,
Governor Wetherby has finished world peace at 7 p.m. Tuesday, in
the Student Union Ballroom.
his term as governor."
Th:s Is New York: Kappa Kappa
left to right, front row: Georgia Lee Cox, Patsy McCoy, Hose G nl W'atei fiekl, Carolyn Sue West, Norma Jean Hrandcnhurg.
Hays was referring to the fact1 Other sessions will concern the'
Chickie Schrider, Wonder- Lillian Rubin, and Barbara Rarnette. Second row: Shirley Harris, Lleanor Shelton, Lynn Gicnow, Sylvia Laurence, Marian
that, under the proposed amend- - World University Service, racial re- land Nursery Rhymes; Phi Sigii'.t
McGnire, Marcia Josselson, Chickie Schrider. Margaret Priestley, and Tillie McCracken. Third row: Jo Ann Rarrett Lucille
mcnt. distribution would be (prob- - lations (a joint meeting with the
Sis: ma. Lillian Rubin. Candy Acr.ie
ably) equalized, and that districts "Y" of Kentucky State College), and
Booth: Zeta Tau Alpha. Ma
Gentry, Btxrtsie Galfin, Virginia Jennings, Yvonne Eaton, Hildegarde Taylor, Jane Thornburg. Marcia W'ildce, Joyce Mosley,
vanAii-- ,
hitfifn otinno I itYirvirt.
nnnnir oo(ArHitiiT tn ttV&r itomc
MeGinre. Devil's Den.
when the picture was taken.
Barbara Rercaw, and Jan Combs. Pat Grey
needs but still on a per capita basis. ance.
Kraternities Have Entries
A question and answer period will
"After Wetherby leaves." he said,
Fraternities presentin? shows are
"we'll have no assurance that the follow Dr. Vandenbosch's talk and
Alpha Gamma Rho. Carolyn West,
system will improve. It will be up a worship service will be built
Nickel Toss for Turtles; Alpha Tau
around the theme of "The Chris- to the Legislature."
Omega, Boots Y. Gaff in. Turtle Der- Speaking of the inequality now tian Student in the World Struggle."
by and Raffle; Delta Tau Delta. Jane
The "Y." together with the Hillel
existing in fund distribution. Hays
Thornberg. Devil's Smoker: Kappa
What is the physical side of datAn exhibition of 14 paintings and Alpha. Georgia Lee Cox. Fly In The
said that, even under the proposed and Newman Clubs and the
drawings by Dr. Donald L.
"there will be a natural tucky State College "Y's", last year mg?
Rye; Kappa Sinma. Rose Gail Wat- inequity based on the economic dif- - resolved to abolish race segregation
Not only the physical, but also
head of the Department of
A newspaper editor, two histor- The first lecture, that of Editor Art, was put on display yesterday erfield. Shooting Gallery.
ferences in various districts."
in higher education, and formed the social and moral sides of dating ians, two political
Lambda Chi Alpha, Virginia Jen- scientists and a Catledge on Friday, Oct. 30. has at
"We need to examine this situa- - committees for that purpose. These will be discussed during the
the Art Center Association Gal- nings. Go To The Devil; Phi Delta
philosopher will be the speakers in been planned in connection with the lery
more carefully," he said. "There groups will meet Nov. 17 to discuss man Club dating conference next ' TTir'c
in Louisville.
Theta. Joyce Mosley. South Pacific;
TTnitrfti-cittr'- .,..., . lOth annual rHnr.Qlinn.il
RlaWT T oMura di-i........ ..
w .......
Tuesday '
is a lot of waste and inefficiency futher developments,
Dr. Weismann will conduct a gal- Phi Kappa Tau. Hildegarde Taylor.
Identity of the six persons was Conference, which will be in pro- now, and I don't think we re getting j The annual "Y" retreat will be
lery talk at the center this afterThe social side of dating will , be '
, ..
...disclosed yesterday bv Dr. Thomas eress then. His topic will be A noon in which he plans to take DarkCombs. I ThePi Kappa Alpha,
our money's worth."
held the last weekend in October at
Jury; Phi Sigma
Clark, head of the UK Depart- - Free Press m a Free Society with
Refuting points brought out in a Camp Daniel Boone.
and Villa Madonna Students in the
three pictures and explain how he Kappa. Barbara Bercaw, Sketches
hatrman of he program scheduled for 8 p.m. went about doing them.
- Music Room of the Student Union "?,ent
speech before the UK Student Gov- by Spillane; Sigma Alpha Epsilon.
Commit- - in Memorial Hall.
ernment Association last week by
8t 4 p.m.
"I will try as honestly as I can to
Catledge began his newspaper: give some idea of why chose to do Patsy McCoy, From Here To InThe speakers and the dates of
Ginger of the De- Mr. and Mrs. Lee Grote will conDr. Lyman V.
career as a country editor in Phila- thir Prance follow :
partment of Education, Hays said,
duct the discussion about the physi- the kind of subject to do and what
Sigma Chi, Margaret Priestly,
i ui iici wlicuc, managing cunui uciiimx, xvxi.so. in huuilkhi iu ma my objective was in doing it," Dr. Hairnet; Sigma Nu. Lynn Gienow.
We already have a minimum
cal side of dating in the Music Room
of The. New York Times. Oct. 30; work on the Times, he has been!
standard of education in Kentucky
Weismann commented in an inter- - Subpoena For Grandma; Sigma Phi
The UK Army ROTC unit has a and Room 128 at 6:30 p.m.
Hale, professor of modern associated with the Memphis
"There are certain standards as
At 7:30 p.m. the Rev. John Mur- Oron J.
Epsilon, Norma Jean Brandenburg.
history at the University mercial Appeal. Baltimore Sun, and view.
quality of textbooks and to sharpshooters if the results of sum- - phy will lead the discussion on the
to the M,
One of his paintings, a 4'x4' oil UK Infirmary: Tau Kappa Epsilon.
of Virginia, Dec. 10; Benjamin P. the' Chicago Sun. He is
tic standards of grading.
Eleanor Shelton, Schmengence Is
mer camp held June
1. at moral side of dating in the Social Thomas, executive secretary of the with Joseph W. Alsop Jr. of "The called "Night Sky." is an interpretaDr. . Ginger had argued that Ken- tion of the sky directly overhead Mine; Triangle. Barbara Barnett.
George G. Meade, Md., are any Room. Coffee will be served after Abraham Lincoln Association in 168 Days."
tucky s education standards are way Frt
this part of the conference.
filled with stars, the moon, and an White Mouse Race; Zeta Beta Tau.
111.. Feb. 17.
Prof. Hale will address the local airplane. Since
below those of surrounding states.
A question and answer period will Springfield.
the night sky is
Leonard D. White, professor of audience on "The American Impact actually many different colors. Dr. Marcia Josselson. Penny Pitching
and we are number one in illiter- required Qf M a(jvanced RQTC stu. be held after each part of the disFor Cigarettes.
Uni- - Upon Germany." He is a former
public administration at the
Weismann explained that he comFor the first time, the Fayette
dents between their junior and cussion. All students of any denomi
"As far as illiteracy is concerned." senior years for a period of six nation are welcome to attend the versity of Chicago, March 11; Erwin U. S. commissioner for Bavaria and bined all the colors to get the effect County chapter of the UK Alumni
Edman' Professor of Philosophy at was a member of the U. S. Army: he wanted in this piece.
can be blamed weeks.
Hays concluded, "it
Association will take part in the
The main purpose is to put conference. Joe Fister and Marilyn Columbia University. April 1; Dr. Military Intelligence. Among his
on lack of attendance rather than into practice all that has been Brown are the
of the
"Kites and Boats." another paint- - carnival. Thev will have a booth,
of govern- - publications are two books, "Ger- Robert J. Carr, professor
the method of distribution."
ing in the exhibition, depicts the an(i group of Lexington men who
learned in the classroom.
ment at Dartmouth College, May 13. many and the Diplomatic Revolu- - similiarity of things
that depend on
Fort George G. Meade, head- Announcement of the speakers tion." and "Publicity and Diplomacy,
wind. Dr. Weismann said. It shows
quarters of the Second Army, is the
marks the fifth year that the Blazer
many kite strings and boat riggings.
official infantry summer camp.
"Lincoln's Democratic Faith" will
Lectures have been offered to both
"Coffin Lid For a Knight" is a
Other camps In Georgia, Kansas,
UK students and townspeople. The be the topic of the talk by Benjamin
statement about mid-evVirginia, Alabama, and Texas are
free lectures are possible through a P. Thomas. Before accepting the
armor. Its implication. Dr.
used for specialized training for the
fund established by Mr. and Mrs. post of executive secretary of the Weismann explained. i.s the useless-nes- s
Signal Corps, Medical Corps, and
Tryouts for the UK Troupers will Paul G. Blazer of Ashland.
Abraham Lincoln Association, he
Teams from the women's resi- various others.
of any armor that is too heavy
be held at 7 p.m. Tuesday in the . Theme of this year's series is "The was a member of the Department
"What can be done to make the
dence halls and the eleven
Seventy-tw- o
ROTC students from Guignol Theatre Lab, Curtis Songs-UUnited Nations more successful?"
Challenges to Man's Freedom." Dr. of History in Birmingham Southern or thick.
sororities are competing for first
Done on a wooden panel and finranged themselves beside units ter, Trouper president, has
A roving reporter w ill present this
Clark said that persons throughout College. He is the author of several
place honors in two intramural
all over the northeast section nounced.
ished in gold lear. "Mexican Idiom" question to students next week as a
state are invited to hear ad- - works on Lincoln.
tournaments, bowling, and tennis, of the United States at Port Meade
conquest sym- part of the program scheduled for
The Troupers, an organization
dresses of the panel of speakers.
Prof. White will discuss "The combines
.sponsored by the Women's Athletic
33 ROTC students attended signed to give students with talent
bols with Christian symbols now in UN week sponsored by the activities
Crisis of the American State" in
i.s the oldest painting in
Camp Gordon, Ga., for signal train- - a cnance to nerform is interested
committee of the Student Union
March. Before joining the Univer- Mexico. It
At the end of the first week of mg.
Chicago faculty he taught at the exhibit.
sity of
in people with ability of any kind,"
Kappa Alpha Theta and Alpha
Col. C. N. Mount, former professor
Dr. Weismann receied his PhD
Making the UK student aware
Clark College and Dartmouth, and
Son8ster said.
Delta Pi rank first and
of military science and tactics, was
he is best known for his works on at Ohio State University, his MA of the importance of the United Nain the bowling tournacamp commander. Dean M. M.
Officers for Troupers for this
municipal and federal government. from the University ot Wisconsin, tions is the purpose of the week.
ments, with Jewell Hall in third White of the College of Arts and year are Curtis Songster, president:
Prof. Edman, lone philosopher on and his BA from Wisconsin State Pat Watlington, chairman of the
Sciences, visited Fort Meade and Bill Thornton,
College. In addition he has studied committee, announced.
this year's schedule, is well known
In the bowling meet, which began witnessed the UK Army ROTC in
As a climax to colorful solgans, as the author of such books
The guest speakers for the week
as at the University of Minnesota, St.
Kelly, secretary; Ann Pruitt, treas- Oct. 5 and will end Oct. 22, the or- normal training. He was accom- penny plastered posters, and vote- - Philosophers Holiday,' "Fountain- - Louis University, and Harvard. He include Dr. Amry Vandenbosch.
ganizations have entered one team panied by Capt. John T. Henderson urer: ann- Bernard Johnston, spon-o- f swaying candy and chewing-guheads of Freedom." "On Going to taught at Wayne University of De- head of the political science deparof four girls with an unlimited num
the UK Army ROTC.
the officers of the women's resi- - college" and 'The Philosophy of troit and is in his third year here. tment, who will address the YM- group
ber of substitutions. Each
dence halls have been elected
Santvana." He now teaches at Co
bowls on Monday and Thursday afIn the freshman league, the offi- lumbia University and formerly was
ternoons at the Wildcat Grill, with
cers of Patterson Hall are Betty at Amherst College, University of
make-u- p
panics .scheduled on TuesGaskin, president; Lucy Ford, vice California, Hamilton College. Na- day.
resident: Lucy Daniels, secretary: tional University of Brazil and the
An unlimited number of women
Martha Jane Weathers, treasurer:
may compete in the tennis singles.
Sorbonne in Paris.
and Sue Winter, sorial chairman.
The tennis competition began Oct.
Final Blazer address of the year
Donna Sturdcvan is the
3 and will continue until Oct. 29,
of Bcyd Hall, the sopho- - will be given on May 13 by Prof.
a week later than the
more women's dormitory. The other Carr His t01,ic wiu De -- Congress
officers are: Nancv Allen Turnitn. and Its Investigatory Powers."
The fast, second, and third elimivice president:
Kathy Reynolds,
secretary-treasurenation matches will consist of one
and Martha
V. Vial, social chairman.
" """"""
set to be played on the courts of
In Jewell Hall, the senior women's
either University High, Memorial
doinutory. the ol fivers for this year
Coliseum, or in front of the men's
ire Jane Clrrk, president; Elsie
dorms In the quarter-final- s,
"owie, vice president; Margaret Ann
Powell, secretary; Waller Braden.
and the finals, the
Manuscripts for "Stylus." UK
:r eial chairman: and Mary Carlyle
champion will be decided by the
literary magazine, must be subW.i'kler, council rep esei native
mitted no later than Nov. 10. acwinner of the best two out of three
Jndv Brennan is the new prcsi- cording to Dr. John L. Cutler,
ent of Barracks No. 3. senior womfaculty advisor for the magaTrophies will be awarded in both
en's residence. The other officers of
Barracks No. 3 are An-tthe tennis and bowling tournaments.
"Stylus" is interested in short
'ice president; Betty Bos Hodtkin.
stories, poetry, one-asocial chairman; and Emily
and e.says written by graduate
council representative.
and undergraduate students, he
The officers of Barracks No. 2 are
Mildred Kubis. president; Phyllis
A ft
' - -'
.":' " - "' - nnnirStudents interested in work-in- '!
T X"-- :
, vS.w
Roberts, vice president: Cordellia
or editorial
on the literary
i.arr amC 'Jm m Jk Pchmnick. social chairman; and
staff of "Stylus" may attend a
All manuscripts for Chi Delta Phi.
Earnest ine Cordell. council repremeeting of staff members at 4
women's writing honorary, must be
Tl'KF QIT.KN FINALISTS Five- finalists in tin- Sivjnu Clii
p.m. Monday in Room 206 of the
in by Tuesday, Miss Jane Haselden.
In the graduate women's resi- llie ADI'i pledge class won 111
Di:i;nv comit: i
Oiu-ci- i
il tin- - Tnrl contest last week are pictured ;iloe.
Journalism Building. Dr. Cutler
dence. Barracks No. 1. the officers
assistant dean of women, announcsaid.
i Dclt;
points to take tlie tro)li in tlie lonrtli aiimial Sionia vlii
Lelt to n'olit tliey are Lynn Cicnow, Ti
Susan llicronv-moiifor this year are Juanita Kurt.,
ed. Miss Haselden is still accepting
Manuscripts should be subl)elli last wet ki nd Hit Mnlia (iains were second w itli live
Kappa; Lill Thompson, ADI'i; ("oiiitnev Noel. Alplia
president; Nancy Evans, vice presimitted at his office in Room
the stories and poems in her office
s are sliou n in a clown costume cliaml- points. I li re tlie pit
(!lii (). Tlie winner was Cointin v
224. McVey Hall, he said.
Cain: and Sally Norman.
dent; and P:iifiei:i
and any of the members of the orrelax won In
Ipha i
Noel, a iresliinaii lioni Levintitou.
ganization will also accept them.

Dr. Vandenbosch
To Begin Series
Of 6T Lectures



Neivtiianites Plan

Six Speakers Engaged
For Blazer Lectures

Talks On Dating



Weisnia mi's Art
Goes On Display










Corn-Europe- an




UK Troupers Plan

WAA Holds

1390-1914- ."

Tryouts Tuesday




an-fro- m


Women's Ilalk
Elect Officers








Writers Invited
To 'Stylus' Staff



Writing Honorary
Accepts Scripts

fxi i



















(u-l- ry

runners-u- p
A queen

will receive plaques.

and two attendants will
be selected to reign at the Lai.crs'
dance in the Student Union. T'..e
queen will be crowned dur:n;
mission. She will be awarded a per- manent trophy and a bouquet of
red roses. Her attendants will receive whi'e roses.
Admission to the carnival shows
will be 15 cents a boo'h. The mini- inter-Gamm-

ey will be divided

Lan es


and the Greek organizations p;.ru- cipating in the carnival. Proceeds
received by Lances will go into a
fund which provides three schol.ir- ships a year to deserving students.
Judges for the shows and qn en
are Paul Cowley. Joe Cox. Ralph
Campbell. Dean Cecil Carpenter.
Hank Bowman, and Mrs. Shelby

Chaperones Announced
Chaperones for the dance are Col.
and Sirs. R. S. Larson. Col. and Mrs.
H. H. Rogers, and Dr. and Mrs. Earl
Kauffman. Two more chaperones
will be selected.

Heading Lances' carnival and
dance committees are Ken Cole,
committee; Charles
Palmer, dance committee: Leslie
Morris, publicity committee: Levis
Barnett. ticket and finance commii- tee.

Lances, a junior honorary, selects
its members from second semester
sophomores and first semester ju- niors who have a 1.5 standing and
are active on the campus.
Current officers for this year are
president: George
Bill Gerrard.
Shadoan, vice president; Ltl:e Mor- ris. secretary; and Wayne Carroll,

Program Planned To Make
Students Conscious Of UjN



are alumni of the University, w.'.l
present a song and dance routine,
From this group of men. a "qaeen"
will be selected for the broth by
persons attrnUmi the staue hhu.
Booths To I Judsed
The booths will be judged un
originality and quality. Winners m
both the sorority and fraternity
visions will be awarded booki i..;s;

YWCA meeting at 7 p.m. Tuesday;
Dr. Thomas Clark, head of the history department, who will speak to
the Political Science Club at 3 p m.
Wednesday: and Dr. Herbert Dr .linen, assistant propesror of political
science, who will talk to the League
of Women Voters at 4 p.m. Wednesday.
A. E. Lacy of Georgetown Collets
will speak at the Baptist Snidcn;
Union noonday devotion and

the discussion at the Coifee Chat
at 4 p.m. Thursday.
Dr. Vandenbosch will also
at the Cosmopolitan Club meeting
at 7 p.m. Friday.
A declaration of human r:. i.t.;
theme will be carried out m the
library displays. Posters will be put
up in the Student Union. Beytl,
Jewel, and Pat Halls. These
and posters were prepared by the
"Y" World Affairs Committee, t'.ie
Le.vuie of Women Voters, and the
Student Union Activities Comn.it-te- e.
During the week a poll v:l! betaken on the controversial , iet;(,i;,
Should Red China Be Artnutu 1 d
the UN"1" Some facility
and students will be quired on their
views, and sta'ist.cal n.ul:.s w.'.l be
Student participation in oSit.s t
certain phases of ti.e 'C'.-are scheduled for presentation otr

ill-Camp- us




Pershing Ritles Aill sponsor an
p m. r.cxt
dance at
Friday in the Student Union. Ballroom. A queen will be ch sen by
vote of active members of the sroui

trom the candidates lioniu.a-cdv
sororities and residence houses.
Forest Dean's orchestra will play
for the dance.
The queen will retell e a iota;i:.0'
trophy and a bouquet of roses. Sue
will a, company the group at parades
and out of town lueetinns.

� oesi oopy MvaiiaDie


Fivl n-- . O.


at UK. Then it would go
University for approval.

result of a record number of girls not
pledging anv sororitv .it Ik tliis fall, the prospect
of another sorority establishing a chapter on tlie
campus is being considered.
Out of 324 girls, tlie si end lamest uuiulier ever
to go out for rush, a record 115 did not pledge a
sororitv. The fact that such .1 large group of girls
vent out lor rush must le taken into consideration.
of these
Even so. since approima?ek
girls did not pledge, it
dt nt that there is a
;na a some. here, perfundamental mistake Ix
in our rush system.
According to Miss June ih.selden. assistant dean
of women, five sororities ofi campii1- have put in a
hid to establish chapt rs here at the University.
They are I'i Beta Phi. Camma Phi lief a. Delta
Camma. Phi Mil. and Alpha Chi Omega.
The procedure in establishing a now sorority on
campus would Ik-- Kithtr Panhellenic or the Dean
of Women would make the recommendation.
would then either approve or reject the
proposal. Should they endorse it. the recommendation would Ik' tkeu licloie an organization composed of representatives from each of the colleges





Pan-hellen- ie

OfDiorm Incident
Becomes Evident

A few days ago. two juveniles in the men's dorms
had a clash of personalities, resulting in tajx and
bandages for one and suspension from the
for the other. Dr. Bennett II. Wall, director
of tlii- dormitories, asked even one in the dorms to
keep the story to themselves. Dr. Wall's reasons
for the request wore good enough a law suit might
lie brought against the dorms by
parents, and law suits usually bring someone
bad publicity.
As a measure of protection. Dr. Wall, in what
may have seemed the best of FBI style at the time,
liad witnesses of the incident record their accounts
of the fight on a w ire recorder-ju- st
in case evidence
may le needed in the future. There wasn't anything wrong with such an action, and it certainly
didn't call for the galactic size of the rumors that
started lumbering over the campus.
dorm residents wore willing to swear that Dr. Wall had
planted w ire recorders in tht rooms and "warned"
them not to speak alxmt the matter to anyone.
These rumors were, probably, the result of a com- Uni-ersit-







lxfore the Faculty


"Cot any

"No", msw ered Dilbert. "the prof got all mine."
"Did he win 'em fair, or djd he confiscate em?"
"Aw. the sorehead, he came in to the 'Torts and
room and copped them all. We were sitting
in a
just like the
counselor manual says all good men do, when he
stormed in and just took everything in sight."
"You know, we've got to keep him out of that
'Pleading" room. Fverytime those seniors get hold
of him he comes over to our room in a very bitter
Just then Counselor Bribemore. the pride of the
set, caromed his 1923 Essex off the
building wall and slid into a faculty parking lot.
Quickly he sidled up to the building, nimbly
avoiding the uniformed policeman stationed in
front of the building, and squirmed through a window into the hall.
"My ideal" fawned Charlie, looking wistfully
after the retreating figure of Bribemore. "Did you
he. r what he did for his las', client"?
"No.' said the other in reermtial tones, "w hat
did he do?"
"He got the fellow o,l with life." answered
"Beat the case, oh." smiled Dilbert Sectiorari,
"what had the guy done"?
"He was out playing in the traffic one day and
got caught
"He was pretty lucky to g t Bribery working for
him." stated Charlie emphatically," no telling what
cross-legge- d

jxMiiiies on you.


penny-pitchin- g

The Kentucky Kernel
I'mvfrsiiv or Kimickv
.it 1 . ::i'lori. kiiitllikv. us
at till' Post
class inattir hniI.t tin A t of M o. ii 1, 1S7H.
li iluii'ii: vl.-- ui t o ;,t li.ji..i.( and exams.
M (ill




Noi 111 Hi
Wws Editor
I )iam KrNAkkH....M.inaioiii: 1.1.
hni ('ii uiH Asst. News Ed.
As (I l.uihk .... Society Edittw
i'.ai.i i s Am in h Asst. Mon. t 'l.
( tc i is
.u iiaho Khai'S
i.ir. Mur.
I.akky Vl.tl.ft
Sorts l..!ilor
lYatiire Editor
Dolly Silltiwiit
1 x. haiiiri- Edaor
DiM.k- SihuarU
I artooiosts
Jim p. rry. C url May Jr.
Hoimii Putli-r- ,
Leslie Morris
St.iH-I.lai- iulloi,l,.k Jim barm Lilian. John
Moorr. Ii
Stru. uan
".. ..if. ii. DiKkuorth. Km
P. jxnti is- -k , n l.it hfi 1.1. .:lh I . i.
Kul-mAll.-n- ,
S I.. .1. r. D.iw
Donna Vill.sn.k.
Aiidif-l.oom-sI),. Slniii.uk. boll Powell,
Km'. l.o:,i,i.- Hhoih. P.arl.ara Moiimii,
Mill Walton. .Von
V. .;;.ti,i
.: i ..,.
i .atliain, Charles
uu.ua. Ul.d Jim VvHi.
Sports-Do- n
Duk l. rlius. J !,n 1!;..ii,s,
Kl.ifcht, Hauk
Mavo, bill burli-soi!Ki.. r
A(K 'Ttismc Salesmi-C'ov r. Jolm Spnri
JailP Coin


Science Fiction

definite proposal to bring another sorority to


mon freshmen feeling that the University is "out to
get them sooner or later," or at least to deprive
them of freedom of speech.
There are more tlian 5fM) men living in those
dorms, most of them away from home for the first
time. Going on the assumption that Heaven is the
only logical place to look for angels, it is reasonable
to assume that these men are not inclined to gather
in the halls to sing hymns each evening.
It is also reasonable to assume that Dr. Wall does
his best to keep them from murdering, mutilating,
and mangling each other during their annual stay
in the dorms. If his voice rises a bit now and then,
lie should be excused, because one year of stink
lximbs, flooded rest rooms, exploding firecrackers,
rotten egg barrages, threatening letters to monitors,
broken furniture, lamps, bureaus, washing machines, fire extinguishers, and upturned Coke machines just might get his dander up now and then.
Just as there are usually a few rotten apples in a
barrel, there are usually a few adolescents in every
group of men, sand Dr. Wall can hardly be blamed
for trying to protect the dorms, and the University
as a whole, from the results of one juvenile act.



Penny Pitching Pals Avoid Cops.
Chatter On In Chaotic Fashion

Hand Producing


prove the University's sorority rush.
The increase in the num!er of girls going out for
rush has not lieen determined as a definite trend.
Should the number of rushees continue to increase
in the next few years, more than likely, another
sorority will be established, to the advantage of
lxith the rushees and present sororities. It could
take care of the overflow of rushees and ease the
plight of the established sororities.
Some sororities on campus have a numlier of
acancies, and should some of the rushees decide
to pledge these organizations, the situation would
be eased considerably. The possibility of another
sorority coming to the campus would not affect
this group of girls. Such a move would go into
effect after these rushees have already !een graduated.
In an attempt to remedy the situation, a new type
of informal rush is Ix'ing instigated. Instead of
waiting until a specific day to pledge, as in previous
years, a rushee and a representative from the sorority may report to Miss Haselden's office at any
time before Nov. 11, to announce the pledging.
Since l'anhellenic pledge presentation is scheduled
for Nov. 12, the girls should report before that date.


some inexperienced crow would have gotten him."
"Say, Charlie, who's got the front lawn for prac-

tice this next hour? Has anyone made out a schedule for it yet?
"Don't talk so loud," cautioned Charles Buy it by
the pint Mandamus, "some of those characters
may hear you; they've got gendarmes all over the
"What's a John Darm," asked Dilly?
"That's a Frenchman's version of dragnet, stupid,
ain't you got no smart," snarled Charlie?
"No(K)," drawled Dil, "but I'm pretty couth," he
"Clever, clever. Who writes your briefs for you,
Dil, old man? He's gtxxl," praised Charlie.
"Oh, just one of the graduates who doesn't make
enough practicing law," confided Dil, "A nice guy,
but he just doesn't know 'anyone' that is anyone,
get me"?
"What you're trying to tell me is that he doesn't
know anyone, he just isn't 'connected', is that it, Dil

"Yeah, that's it, Charlie, he doesn't know anyone,
he's just not connected," returned Dilbert.
"I hear that Snodgrass is running this year," said
"Finally caught up with the old scroundrol, oh"?
agreed Dil.
"No, dope, he's running for a seat in the senate,"
chided Charlie.
"He'd do better to run for a seat on the train,"
sneered Dillx-rt"I think he is a fine man and an example of true
statesmanliness. He will add to the prestige and
dignity of our great state legislature anil will have
a great effect on future statesmen," puffed Charlie.
"Is that the nomination speech on page 409 for
neophyte politicians," asked Dillx rt?
"Yeah", answered Charlie.
"You said it real goxl", complimented Dil.
"I learned it from my
uncle. He was
a fine man."
"Yeah? Well, let's hit the books."
"O.K. How much did you lose ttxlay?"
"About 14 cents." ended Charlie.



UK students living off the campus have been
victims of several burglaries in the few weeks
since classes started. Iexington police have a
drive on to reduce the number of break-ins- .

deduced, is
Better still,
their rooms.







Last night the Martians told me the world would
come to an end today if we didn't surrender, but I
didn't believe them.
On the night of Oct. 14, we first spotted the
strange lights in the telescope out at the observatory at Coopcrstown. As the lights came closer, we
logan to doubt our senses, but it was true.
It was a space ship, and we were the first Earth-meto see it. They landed near us, anil, naturally,
we got there first. Curiosity goes