xt75dv1ck57j https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt75dv1ck57j/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1923-07-20  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, July 20, 1923 text The Kentucky Kernel, July 20, 1923 1923 1923-07-20 2012 true xt75dv1ck57j section xt75dv1ck57j The Kentucky Kernel





BRIGHT OUTLOOK IN U. K, Professors to Collect

Specimens for Botany Department




Dr. Frank L. McFarland, head of Candidates Pledge Aid and Support, But Are Reticent With
the Department of Botany, accompanSpecific Statements.
Coaches Winn, Pribble, Rhodes ied by his assistant, W. A. Anderson
will start on a tour of Kentucky soon
to Begin Early Football PracBy J. A. Estcs.
after the close of the summer session.
tice in September
The University of Kentucky, follow
They will leave in Dr. McFarland's
car and expect to be gone seven weeks ing a custom long established in the
during which time they will collect state, is receiving small attention from
the political campaigners seeking the
Freshmen Champions to Scram- species of wild plants characteristic to offices in
whose province it lies to deKentucky and will be brought to the
ble for Varsity PoUniversity to be used as demonstrative termine the prosperity or poverty of
work in the Botany department for the institution. Since the Lexington
Alumni Club invited J. Campbell
The athletic outlook for next year next year.
candidate for the
Mr. W. A. Anderson was graduated
is the brightest in the history of Athletics at the University of Kentucky, in the class of 1923 and acted as stu- nomination for governor, to speak here
according to Prof. S. A. Boles, athletic dent assistant during the past year. He early in the campaign, the University
expects to begin work on his masters' scarcely- has been mentioned by the
director. Every day numerous
aspirants for the major offices of the
degree at an early date.
ants for places on the football,
Kball, baseball and track have written
Each of the three men still in the
to the athletic director concerning
qualifications for such positions. Pro- COLLEGE OF EDUCATION running for the governor'9 chair has
pledge himself to do all in his power
fessor Boles has a list of high school
to help the University of Kentucky
students and personal letters from
ESTABLISHED- - AT U. K. in any way possible, but not one of
many throughout this and other states
them has said anything definite as to
many of whom were All American
the attitude he will take toward the inhigh school football men last year,
S- - Taylor Appointed
stitution. It is to be left to the
stating that they are coming to the Dr. William
Dean ; Plans Made for Educaof the candidate, rather than
University this fall and make sometional Advancement.
to the vote of the people, as to whethbody work hard to get a position on
er the University shall be construct
the team.
The Department of Education at the on broader and .more efficient lines of
Winn, of Mt. Sterling, Ky.,
endeavor or restricted
within yet
congraduate of Princeton College, will University of Kentucky has been
separate college and will narrower lines.
be head coach for football. Mr. Winn verted into a
be known as the College of Education.
The Republican party in convention
whiip at fnnrMnn was mcicen as
plajer, and later It will be conducted under the super- here on June 26, placed the following
American football
Taylor. plank in its platform:
served as assistant coach in that col- vision of Dean William S. ,
pro"We recognize that the common
assisted by Birkett This college was established to
lege. He will-btraining of teachers, su schools of the state have not yet been
Lee Pribble, captain of the Wildcat vide for the
elementary and high school brought up to the standard contemoutfit in 1922, and William "Doc" pervisors,
principals, and city and county super- plated in section 183 of the constituRodes, former Wildcat player. They
"public schools of tion, which commands the legislature
will come, to the University early in intendents for the
to establish an efficient system of
September and begin practice with Kentucky.
Heretofore school boards were not common schools throughout the state,
are planning to arthe players who
requirements for and we therefore pledge ourselves to
rive two weeks before the opening of very rigid in their
teachers, but today they are demanding the support of all reasonable legislathe regular school year.
professionally trained teachers, super-- , tion having for its purpose improveThe following letter men will reThe cur ment of the condition of the common
visors and administrators.
turn: Dell Ramsey, captain; A. T. ricula offered by the College have school system of the commonwealth.
Rice. T. R. Russell, Givens Martin,
"We pledge our party to the generbeen planned to enable the student to
Turner Gregg, Ted Brewer, W. H. procure the education that will best ous support of the university, the norRice, R. L. Sanders and J. W.
prepare him for the work he contem- mal schools and to the common
Members of the squad who
schools of the state, to the end that
plates doing.
did not make letters last year that
the youth of the commonwealth may
C. Brown, C. I.
will return arc: J.
have opportunities for education equal
McLean, Cornelius Anderson, E. L.
BACKER OF CAMPAIGN to those of any other state in the union.
Bicknell, J. C. Ray, C. S. Stith, Ray
The provisions for the care of women
Moralle, R. L. Mays, W. M. Insco,
in our university are inadeSidney University Man Seeks State Public students
D. J. Gatton, Gardner Bayless,
quate, and to remedy this condition
Neal, Elliott Netherton, H. A. McVey
Education Post
we pledge ourselves to provide for
and Tom Benyson.
adequate accommodations for a womFootball Schedule for 1923
"I most heartily endorse the move- an's building that can be used by the
. Sept. 29
Marshall at Lexington.
ment to raise funds for the Stadium, women students and as a meeting place
Basketball Building, Patterson Memor- for the women of the state."
Oct. 6 Cincinnati at. Cincinnati.
Oct. 13 Washington and Lee at ial and Student Loan Fund," says
Besides the specific statement with
Professor McHenry Rhoads.
regard to the building for women, the
"All arc worthy objects. Yourserforts University is given no more reason for
Oct. 20 Maryville at
Oct. 27 Georgetown at Lexington. should meet with hearty and generous hope than it has ever before been given
responses on the part of all who are in a political campaign. But it is a
Nov. 3 Centre at Danville.
interested in making it possible for the dumb politician that never finds out
10 Alabama at Tuscaloosa.
Nov. 17 Georgia Tech at Atlanta. University to serve the State in the which way the wind is blowing.
Nov. 29. Tennessee at Lexington most effective way."
Next year the intelligence of KenProfesor Rhoads is a candidate for tucky is going to be put to the test
nomination for Super- - again.
Already candidates of the
Personal letters have been received the Democratic
from practically every member of last micnacm of 'raouc University people state are lying awake concocting orasuppwrt of the
torical waterfalls to be loosed when
year's freshman team and they are 'the
He has been a propon the famous debate on the evolution
all working hard during the summer
ent of thi best educational interests all ' bill is renewed in the 1924 legislature.
to "keep in form and get hard" for
life, For several years he has
One candidate for representative J.
opening of the fall scrimmages. his
B. McKeehan, of Whitley county, if
freshman team were
Last year the
His daughter, Mrs.
the name is desired has informed his
cnampiuua ui iU. University
the unueteateu
P. Hatter and his son, Wayland constituency that it is his firm belief
South having defeated Tennessee UniRhoads, are alumni of the University. that the teaching of Darwin evolution
versity which had previously defeated
between the UniCloser
Sewannce and Vanderbilt freshmen. versity, Normal School! and the pub- in Germany was responsible for the
World War. And one elderly candiAU of these men will be eligible
and high schools making date for representative in another dislic gradj
pohsible iK greater Kentucky is his trict
threw his arms heavenward, and
fervently exclaimed, "Thank God I
The basketball" latter men who will
wasn't educated in the State- Universireturn next year are Carl Reifkin, A.
Several of the outstanding men on ty."
feice, captain, William Pointz and
the baseball team were lost thru gradThe voice of the university, how- W. G. Wilkinson. All members of last uation, and their places will be filled
ever, is not likely to be so weak in the,
year's squad will return.
by members of the squad and from
(Continued on page 4)
the best material in the freshman team.
(Continued on page 4)

Cam-mac- k.








tion of




ISSUE BY POLITICIANS Dean Woerner Expresses



No. 34




$170,000 WITH





Miss Emma J. Woerner, acting dean
of women at the summer school expressed, herself as being very pleased with the
that the wom
en students have given her, and the
attitude which they have taken in enforcing and abiding by the rules set
aside for residents of the three dormitories.
The spirit of
friendliness and good will among a group
of women students ranging in ages
from 17 to SO, is indeed a happy combination when taking into consideration the different interests of the various teachers gathered here for concentrated work for a brief period of
six weeks






Prof. fCarol Sax to Act as Director; Townspeople Financing

Scattered Alumni to be Reached
Thru Mail on
Basis, Says
Prof. W. S. Webb.



Subscribed by Summer
School Students During Two
Day Campaign


The stadium campaign for the


tion of a football stadium, basketball

building, Patterson
Memorial and
Student Loan Fund which was started
several weeks ago has been subscribed
to the total of $170,000. Many counties, alumni clubs and cities have not
as yet been heard from, and the drive
in Oklahoma, California and Pennsylvania is incomplete.
Prof. W. S. Webb, chairman of the
Student Loan Fund is making an effort
to reach scattered alumni thru mail
and have them subscribe on
basis, which means $125. It is hoped
that this method will prove beneficial
in bringing in thousands of dollars as
many alumni have made no response
so far.
A drive will be started in September among freshmen and new students for an average of $25 each. One
gift of $14,000 is hanging on the University's acceptance of conditions. Information of this will be announced
The various counties that have been
heard from in regard to amount raised are as follows: Barren $375; Bell,
$3,310; Carroll, $310; Christian, $75;
Davis, $250; Garrad, $566; Fulton,
Henderson, $387; Jessamne,
$336; LaRue, $142; Lincoln, $276;
$2,164; McLean, $325; Montgomery, $493.75;' Nelson, $375; Perry,
$1,805; Trimble, $260; Union, $250;
Washington, $261; Webster,
Whitley, $1,229.50.
Teams for Stadium Campaign
General, Miss Emma J. Warner,
Dean of Women.
Team No. 1. Miss Irene McNam-arcaptain; Miss Helen Wells, Miss
Margaret Hall, Miss Georgia Lee Murphy, Miss Bettie Brown.
Team No. 2 Miss Teresa Buchig-nau- i,
captain; Miss Carrie Bean, Miss
Ruth Hughson, Miss Margaret Yar-brMiss Allene Edwards.
Team No. 3 Miss Margaret Ligon,
captain: Miss Marjorie Warden, Miss
Margaret Lovett.
Team No. 4 Miss Katherine Hodge,
captain; Miss Virginia Dare Stout,
Miss Myrtle Glass, Miss Lela Willis
Pogue, Miss Ann Crabb.

A Little Theatre is being built on
Winslow street on University property to replace a building formerly used
as a negro church. The theatre is being put up under the supervision of
the Strollers Dramatic Club, of the
University, financed by townspeople
interested in dramatic advancement.
All .work in construction of this building is being done by five university
students: Dan Morse, Henry Harper,
Sam Shouse, Cornelius Anderson and
Frank McVey, Jr.
The Little Theatre movement was
recently established in the various cities and communities throughout the
United States tor the advancement of
dramatic art. Prof. Carol Sax, head
of the art department will be director
and he is now in New York gathering,
scenery and making plans in the, interest of the Little Theatre. Mr. Sax
was .formally director of the Vagabond
Theatre in New York city and is thoroughly familiar with the technique oi
stage and play management.
The building when completed will
have a seating capacity of 200 and' will
have the largest stage of any Little
Theatre in the country. All coloring
and decorations will be vivid and futuristic, following as nearly as possible
Gypsie colors and decorations. The
house lights will be wall brackets, installed by students of the College of
Engineering and operated in an asbestos covered room beneath the stage
and operated by Henry Harper. The
Men's Team
outside walls of the building will be
General, Dr. M. S. Taylor, Dean of
painted green, and the roof, red. Large Education.
iron beams and braces will be placed
No. 1 Louis Clifton, captain; team
between the walls and make the build- No. 2 C. D. Morrison, captain; team
ing secure and eliminating
inside No. 3 Tom Clore, captain.
posts in the audience.
At the final meeting Thursday a
picture of the clean-usquad was
taken and will be placed in the trophy
room of the proposed basketball building for which Prof. S. A. Boles, proNearly every school within the state
fessor of physical education, is colis in need of a teacher to organize and
lecting trophies. In this room there
direct glee clubs, operettas, direct high
will also be a book, probably in parchschool orchestras and lead in
ment form, containing the names of
Musical leaders
organizers of the campaign and the
and directors may be developed thru
names of the subscribers.
a course in some branch of this departThe clean-u- p
squad is composed of
ment. One need not necessarily be
Guy Huguelet, Dr. Tom Marks, G.
naturally endowed with such qualifiR. Smith, R. S. Wobb, W. Duncan
cations as one would imagine for such
Hamilton, Miss Ruth Gorman, Miss
positions. Teachers interested in this
Nancy Innes, Miss Marie Barkley,
matter should inquire for further
(Continued on page 4)





� The Kentucky Kernel


fttWinhei tverjr Friday throughout the College
year by the student body of the

of Kentucky

The Kentucky Kernel l.i the official newspaper
01 the students and alumni ot tne university
of Kentucky
'Subscription One Dollar and Fifty Cents a
tve ucnts me opy



Fcitoffice as second

Entered at Lexington

class mail matter




By every indication and with faith
the average alumnus justified by his
.subsequent action the "Greater Ken
lucky" campaign is already a success.
Alumni in every section of the coun
slogan but
try huvc accepted the
llicir .iitniLcr is less than 500. Others
who should have given more have
subscribed $25. One millionaire grad
ii.ntc gave $125 and a graduate of the
diss of 71, earning a moderate salary,
subscribed $500.
Repot Is have been received showing
approximately $175 000. Many county
chairmen have been slow in making
reports, others lax in opening the
campaign, some ut tlie alumni ciuos
have been delayed with good cause,
among these being New York, which
is expected to measure up 100 per cent
as usual.
Howard P. Ingels is chair
man. He was unavoidably delayed.
Frankfort (Ky.) was the first club to
reach its quota, followed closely by
Pjnevil'e. Philadelph'i opened with a
fine avenge but has not finished.
Lexington opened up in a big way
s 85,000. A clean-uand mow
took charge at the close of the regular
drive facing a shortage of $18,000 and
made it up in one of the most courageous and successful campaigns of the
The Kiidergrr dilate body takes the
palm, however, with subscriptions of
$55,000 from 1,.'00 individuals. If the
average alumnus had been as enthusias
tic and had g'ven in proportion to his
means the ismpaign total would be



Tlie Kentucky Kernel is the official
6tudcnt publication of the University
of Kentucky issued weekly throughout
fthe regular scholastic year by the stu
dents of the Department of Journalism. Its purpose is to keep the students informed on matters of general
information pertaining to the various
departments on the campus. This is
the first issue of the Kernel ever published during summer school, and the
purpose is primarily the same although
it falls short four pages of the regular

Plans materialized for this publication following suggestions that students gathered at the University for so
brief a time as six weeks were too
busily absorbed in their studies to familiarize themselves with any branch
of the University, other than their
department thus it is
largely for their benefit, this special
issue of the Kernel
"A Greater Kentucky" has been sent
broadcast for the past several weeks.
This slogan to which the Kernel has
reference is, however, in regard to the
movement started for soliciting funds
to build upon the campus of the University of Kentucky a football stadium,
basketball building, Patterson memorial and Student Loan Fund
The adventurous
which has characterized
throughout the entire world, could be
retained in no better way than to train
its youth in athletics with the desire
for victory in fair contests. Can such
telong to Kentucky to the University
of Kentucky with facilities for play
such as thev are now and as they
have been since the establishment of
No. A thousand
the University.
times, no, never until the citizens of
the state realize the need for such.
Many persons, anxious to find excuse for not backing the movement,
have brought forth the question that
such funds should not be raised fcy
popular subscription, but should kc
ippropriated by the State Legislature.
So thty should and the Kernel agrees
in their viewpoint, but when the Leg
islature appropriates funds for furth
ering athlete interests of the state,
neiMier this generation nor generation!
to come will ever know of it. Some
thousand decades will have come to
The Greeks and early sculptors establishe da custom of erecting to their
hero warriors and leaders tome sell
of memorial, usually m the form ot a
statue to the likeness of the leader, in
front of the capital building at Washme
ington cltv there stands a
morial to Chief Justice Marshall, the
orrcat and neerless expounder of tne
Constitution of the United States. At
the campus of the
groat university which bears his name
is do be found a similar memorial to
John '' Harvard. On the campus of
life .University of Kentucky SHOULD
je. 'erected a memorial to its pioneer
and financier, vr.
leader, warrior
James K. Patterson, the "Grand OH
Kan" of the University.
Everv vear the Student Loan Fun
keeps in school hundreds of young
men and women who are ambitious for
a college education but who have not
the funds necessary to meet living expenses Short loans are made, but
when hundreds of students borrow
money, and for the time it takes them
to repay it, which many are unable to
do for two or three years after leaving college, there must be a larger
fund to care for them.
"A Greater University of Kentucky" means a greater Kentucky and
a better state in which to live.


manager of Mr. Barkley's cam
paign, and George R. Smith '15, is in
charge of affairs in Central Kentucky.
Both declare that Mr. Barkley is the
better friend of the University.
his public utterances, however, he has
made an attempt to "pass the buck" to
the University, saying that "if it plays
fair with the people it will get adequate
All candidates say they want do do
everything for the University but with
the veto he can BLOCK everything,
viz: Governor Morrow; A chief exec
titivc favorable to the University needs
a broad minded and
islaturc. Candidates will be named in
the primary election August 4 and in
the final election in November the tale
will be told.

'Greater Kentucky" Plan of Executive
Committee Wins.
Judges of the "Best Plan" contest
rejected all plans submitted by the
alumni in favor of the that of the
Alumni Association's Executive Com
mittee which originated the "Greater
have been notified accordingly. Don
ors to the $100 fund also have been
or ac
notified and will 'be
credited with that additional contri'bu
tion to the campaign fund.
The campaign was directed by the
Clarence E. Hewitt organization, of
Spartanburg, S. C, working for thir
teen weeks with a maximum field force
of seven men and clerical assistants
that finally reached a round dozen.
Members of the campaign executive
committee have praised highly the
service of this organization.
It op
erated on a budget basis with a charge
of $12,490. Other similar campaigns
have been conducted at a cost twice as
great fcjr a less experienced and less
able organization.
Effort Will Be Made to Give Public
Education Its Dues
Individual alumni have been charg
with playing politics in
Kentucky. A strong effort will be
made this time to prevent the schools
from being buffeted about with a lot
legislation and inade
quate appropriations.
The candidates For Governor
Charles I. Dawson, ex, of Pineville,
the Republican
nominee; and Congressman J. Campbell Cantrill, of
Georgetown, and Alben W. Barkley,
of Paducah, candidates for the Dem
ocratic nomination, have 'been reason
ibly satisfactory in their response to
inquiries about their attitudes to
ward the University.
Only Mr. Cantrill accepted an iuvi
tation to speak to the Lexington Alumni Club and in his talk won from Pres
ident McVey the declaration that his
was the snost satisfactory speech made
on education by a public office holder
in Kentucky in five years.
Elwood Hamilton, a former student,
ed accurately



Green E. Dowis, ex-- , is cashier of
the First National Bank of BmckweH,
Oklahoma, and president of the Oklahoma Bankers' Association. He writes
that Major Dillard H. Clark, former
commandant of the University and
is also a resident of Blackwcll,
dividing his time between that city and
his home on the Pacific Coast, in California, Mr. Dowis married Miss
Nannie J. Spencer, February 11, 1892.
They have no children.
cx-7- 0,

January, 1905, was transferred t the
office of the Comptroller of Currency,
Washington, D. C. He was graduated
from the National University Law
School, Washington, D. G, in 1909,
with the degree of Master of Laws,
and was appointed examiner of the Department of Justice in 1909, later promoted to supervising examiner, am!
served continuously as such until the
time of his death.
"Mr. Hicks was married to Mist
Ella Brawley at Chicago, December
28, 1903. Mrs. Hicks was born in Dallas, Texas. They met in 1901 at
"He leaves a widow and one child,
Miss Ernestine Hicks, who reside at
the Gtorge Washington Inn, Washington, D. C."


"I have resided

in Central America
years, have
for more than twenty-fiv- e
learned the Spanish language and
know how to appreciate the benefits
Will Issue Directory
higher education. My brother and
The Alumni Association and the of
I have ventured in cocoa, sugar cane
Greater Kentucky Campaign Commitbananas. I expect to spend the
tee expect to issue an Alumni Direc- and
rest of my life in the tropics but my
tory in the fall. Data sheets arc being
heart is with you in the memory of
scut out now to the alumni.
lang sync.' " Ulysses G. Asch,
The book will bear an indication of 'auld
Rama, Nicaragua, C. A., Rcc- all those who contributed to the camomendada a Hong Fai & Co.
paign. This will be a permanent record.


"You may be interested to note that
I have been askc to repeat the summer courses which I gave here last
summer in the teaching of Latin. During the year, I have been engaged in
research in Teachers College, in connection with the survey of the teaching
of Latin which is being conducted by
the American Classical League. I expect to return in September to my reg'97
ular duties as head of the Department
The following notes reached this of- of Foreign Languages and instructor in
fice, relative to Arthur Lee Hicks, who Education in
the State Teachers Coldied in the late spring:
lege, Richmond, Ky. My business ad"Mr. Hicks was born in Prestons-bur- dress is Box 33, Teachers College, CoKy., July 11, 1870. He entered lumbia University, New York City."
Kentucky Agricultural and Mechanical Wren Jones Grinstcad.
Ky., and was
College, Lexington,
graduated in 1897 with the degree of
Bachelor of Arts. He taught school
Correcting a note that appeared in
Boyd, Carter and a May issue of the
in the counties of
Kernel, Bennett M.
Greenup; studied law privately and at Brigman,
is professor of enthe National Normal University,
gineering and drawing, and advisor of
Ind. He was admitted to the men, in the University of Louisville,
bar in 1900 in Boyd county. He was 119 West Broadway, Louisville, Ky.
appointed clerk in the Naval Yard at
f Continued
on pure 5.)
Norfolk, Va., January 2, 1903, and in
cx-'9- 3,

Keep Up Average.
A former student who docs not give
$125 to the campaign should not rest
until he has tried among
quoto raise the remainder of his

Many outsiders have made $1,000
contributions to the campaign. It is
expected that at least half the fund
will be raised from such sources,


ex-0- 3,



$225,000 tods-y- .
Students Can Get Valuable
A tremendous effort is being made Former
V. S. Webb, '01, chairby
News Through Alumni Office
man of chc "Clean Up" to round up
all scattciing .lumni and clubs that
A membership drive for the AssociaFive hundred more tion will be launched in the next few
were delayed
b'asis would put weeks with the
alumni :n the
of alumni

the campaign over.


clubs and class secretaries.
The Kernel next fall will be bigger
and better than ever. All former students will want to read about the development of the recent campaign.
Prowess of the Wildcats will be the
subject of countless news stories this
year according to present indications.
The freshmen of last year won four
state championships and three of them
held southern championships.
With a
larger and stronger coaching staff it
looks like the Blue and White should
wave high.
Philadelphia Notes
The Philadelphia Club held its last
meeting on May 12 at the home of Mr
and Mrs. Frank Daughcrty, Jenkin- town, Pa.
After a very enjoyable auto ride to
Doylestown and return, the hostess
served a delightful supper. The regular business meeting was then called
to order by the President, Mr. George
C. Lewis. Present were Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Daugherty, Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
C. Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Taliaferro, Mr and Mrs. L. M. Allison, Mr.
and Mrs. C. M. Boswell. Mr. and Mrs.
Newland Waters, Mr. and Mrs. Roy S.
Clarke, Henry N. Marsh, H. P.
R. S. Arnold, Vincent Bartlett,
H. B. Hedges, W. T. Clarke and guest,
Miss Elizabeth Farra and mfther.
Mr. Bartlett, chairman of the Kentucky Society organization committee reported that work was progressing and that they hoped to have an
organization meeting soon. The present plans call for complete organization prior to the
football game on October 27. Mr.
Bartlett especially requested the membership of our club to mail to him at
1127 Lincoln Building, the names of
people eligible to membership in this
new society. Further than this the
committee could not report at present.
It was with deep regret that we
learned of the death of our fellow
alumnus, Henry F. Cromwes.at the
University of PeunsylvanfeEkspital
May 10. Henry N. Marsh wiHPpoint-e- d
a committee of one tarmft suitable
resolutions to be sent to Mr.
Cromwell's mother. The secretary was
instructed to have a properly engrossed cop prepared fer this purpose.
After, a rising vote of thanks to Mr.
and Mrs. Daugherty for the excellent
hospitality with which they received
us, the
meeting adjourned. Roy
Clarke, Secretary.



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� 3


OTAL OF 743 isory note for

Courses Offered

Subjects Will be Limited to Arts
and Sciences College Next
The first session of the regular
six weeks summer course offered hy
the University of Kentucky under the
direction of Prof. Wellington Patrick,
head of the Extension Department
opened June 25, at which time 743 students registered. This is the largest
enrollment in the history of the University and it is an increase of 100
over that of last year.
The summer school was inaugurated some several years ago by University authorities for the purpose of offering training to teachers, students,
supervisors and administrators
desired to take advantage of the opEvery year since its esportunity.
tablishment the enrollment has increased rapidly due to raising educational
requirements for teachers throughout
the state, and to the liberal variation
of subjects offered here.
Special registration of students for
second session which wilt begin Aug
ust 6 was held Monday afternoon at
which time 130 students registered.
This includes only those students who
were here for the first session. Regular
registration for new students will be
held Monday, August 6.
Of the 743 students registered for
first session 697 are residents or teachers in Kentucky; the remaining 46
from other states. Of the 697, Fayette county is represented with 142
A distribution of students as to the
various departments, classes and colleges are as follows:
Arts and sciences students, 593;
teachers, 173; high school students,
92; high school principals, 56; city superintendents, 16; county superintendents 2; students last year, 288; new
students, 176; special students, 116;
graduate school, 45; seniors, 88; juniors, 151; sophomores, 102; freshmen,
146; graduates of Georgetown, 11;
graduates of Transylvania, 9; graduates Western Normal, 16; graduates
Eastern Normal 24; graduates other
schools, 34.
Subjects for the second session will
be limited to the college of subjects in
the Arts and Sciences College only.
"Ikey," said his father, "What for
you go up dem sthairs two at a time?"
'To safe my shoes, fadder," Ikey
"Veil," said his father, "Dot's right,
my son; but look oudt you don't split
your pants."

with a personal
check for $25 to cover the first install
mcnt. I wish that my finances permitted me make this for a much larg
er amount and if next year I am able
to do so, will increase the payments.
I hope the campaign for raising this
fund is succcssfull for certainly the
cause is most worthy." R. H. Gucr-ran- t,
Industrial Appliance Co., 322 S.
LaSallc St., Chicago, 111.
"I am enclosing pledge card for fifty
dollars and wish that I might make the
amount a larger one but have had. so
many calls in the past year I find this
is my limit. Best wishes for the success of this campaign and the continued growth of my Alma Mater."
Frank M. Wilkes, care Arkansas
Light and Power Co., Pine Bluff, Ark.

is farming
Thomas W. Clark,
near Dry Ridge, Ky. He married
Miss Clara Belle Vest, January '12,
1911, and they have one
Doris Vest Clark, aged ten.


One of the visitors in the Alumni
Office during Commencement was
Mrs. George W. Freiheit, nee Jennie
May White,
who is now living
in Louisville, Ky., Areda Court, 28th
and Grand Avenue.
Abe S. Behrman, who has been; in
California for seve