xt75dv1ck46d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt75dv1ck46d/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1915-07-aug25-ec. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1915-07-aug25-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1915-07-aug25-ec. 1915 1915-07-aug25-ec. 2011 true xt75dv1ck46d section xt75dv1ck46d 

     AL a meeting of the Executive Committee, held in Pres-
ident Barkerus office, August 25. 1915, there were present
Messrs. rdelen, Terrell, ` rown, Johnson. Nichols, Brock and
Stoll.   he minutes of the previous meeting were read and.
approved'  Whe reports of President -'arker', bean Anderson
and Dean La~gferty were refported, read and ordered to be
recorded. they are as foll ows:-

          LFXINGTO1N KY.

Gentl emen:

     6everal of the projects drawn up by Professor Mutch-
ler for the purpose of carrying forward the Agricultural work
under the Smith-Lever bill and the contract between State Uni-
versity and the United States secretary of A rialture. ha3e
been disa-poroved by Dr. Kastle, Dean of the  ollege of Agzi;
culture, and thework -o be done under these projects, is at
a stand still.   he Federal authorities nre insisting that
we forward to them some written proposal for the work in
question, and as I have not been able to harmonize the differ-
ence between Dr. Kastle and Dr. Mntchler, and thereby satis-
fy the Federal authorities,   have concluded to bring the
matter before th.e Executive oGommittee and place it in your
hands for final settlement. I have invited botI, Dr. Kastle
and Dr. Mutchler to meet you today, and you will hear the
respective contentions as to the merits in the matter, and
decide, as in your wisdom seems best.

     I also bring before you a list of the names of the new
instructors and holders of fellowships who have been appoint-
ed under the authority of the budget es             you0
In the selection of these instr-ctors a)      ---,a of fellow-
ships, I have been guided entirely by the wirsdom of the dean
of the derrrtment in which they are to teach. and have no
doubt that he has done the very best that could be done uvnder
the circumstances  and I therefore, beg that you ratify the
appointment of these several people.

     Dean Lderson of the Gollege of Mechanical and kIectri.
cal Engineering, desired an increase In the salary of '?rofessor
Duncan, an instructor in his deoartment, and also an increase
in that of Professor Cassidy.  I desire to have  rofessor
Anderson heard by the 0ommittee, so that you can fully obtain
the meritsof his claim. If there is any way possible that
Professor nderson's claim can be granted, ' hope it will be
done, as Ibelieve they are entirely meritorious, and his
department will be seriously hampered if something is not
done to relieve it.

     Since your last session, I have been taking my vacation
by visiting the various farmers' chautauguas that have been
held throughout the State, and have made speeches at several
of them.  I have six or eight speeches to make beX'ore the
season closes.  I mention this to show you the basis of the
statement that Xenttuky is makin.- greater adv)nces along the
lines of scientific agricultural education, than over before


In its history, and in -y opinion, the deep interest taken
by the people in agricultural work, will be shown, this
fall, by the increase in the roster of the University.  it
seems to me that every thing potnts to e great Increase In
the amber of students in the whole University.

                         Very rs-ecs-etfuly subamitted,

                            (signed) . S. barker

                                    August 25, 1915

President Henry S.Barker
State University of keatiucky
Dear 3irz

     In accordance with the order of the Sxecntive ;ommittee,
I herewith submit to you the monthly re-port from the College
of Mechanical and Electrkcal ngineering, for their consid-
erat Ior..

     The last month hans been devoted to patting the building
and equIpment In shape "or the fall term.  A room 9X1 2 f eet,
has been built between the walls of the ad-tatstration part
of the bttlding, the engine room and the wood shop  t o ba
-aed as an ofi-tee for wood shop instructor. Re belteve that
the character of work done in our wood shop can be materially
imnroved by having a place to syslteratically handle the assign-
Ment of work In some formal Way.

     The building has been painted and thornu.,hly cleaned and
all of the apparatus and machinery has been repaired and over-
hauled, so that every thing Is in reditness for the opening
of the fall term.

     Two sets of letters have been sent to the editors of
the nswspapers of' the state, to the alumni, the high school
gradua t et; a letter 1has been -written to every hirh school
principal and county superintendent. ,e have written a letter
to all of our underalassmen, oallin- nttentioa to the nocess-
ity of making  p1 any :onditlons that they night have record-
ed against them;  the value of spending the sum-mer in some
enagineering work, and at*isabilitt of reporting on time at
the beginning of the fall term.   e have written to every
underolasa-man who had any conditIon, stating spe-cifically the
delinquiany and urging that thise  ondition be rmoved before
the beginning of the f-all term. Vie have sent two bulletins
to high school graduates. undexrclusmen,   entucky editors.
alumni, eouanty superrintendents, county Judges and attorneys,
high sbhool principals and a aueber of' promeine;t busIness men
in Lexington.

     Ve have received more direct requests for infoomatton
Concerning the college of Lechanical and i'leotrital"tagineering


than ever before, and from present proonects, our enrollment
will be larger than in any previous year.  "e have undertaken,
through Mr. John Uicker, the repairs of buildings on the grothds.
Mr. Dicker has employed a number of students and excellent
service has been rendered.

     I respectfully request that you consider the following

First - that 0400.00 be transferred from the 1915-16 budget
item "Laboratory Equipment and 5upplyO to increase the sala-
ry was not increased, and in justice to Mr. Duncan, his sa-
lary should be placed on the same basis as the other assistant
professors in the department.- Second:  that $400.00 be add-
ed to the budget appropriation of the department for the
purPose of increasing the salary of Perry Cassidy from l1P4O.Q-
to $l600.00.  I regard 4r. Gassidy as one of the most
brilliant men that we have ever had in the organi7ation and
in order to retain his services, it will be necessary to
give him this year, a salary of $1600.00.

     I would respectfully request the privilege of appear-
ing before the Board and discxssing the subject of Mr.
Gassidy's increase in salary.

                            Respectfully submitted,

                            (signed) P. Ppul Anderson

To the  xecutive Committee of State University,

%Xentl emen:

     I herewith submit my monthly report and state that I
have made arrangements for the employment of Mr. B.M. Hutch-
craft Jr. of Parts, kentucky, to take the place in our law
fac.alty which is authorized in our budget for this year.

     In making out our course of work for the coming year we
have added two new subjects to our course and also have pro-
vided that all students entering under the age of twenty-
one years shall do et lenst 15 units of college literary work
before the completion of thd law course.  his, in effect.
inorease! our course to full four years for students of that
class.  i t is generally conceded now that that amount of lit-
erary work at least should be done by every man who expects
to practise law. We have adopted the use of illustrative
case books in most of oar work except three classes in the
senior year, where we are using case books e6^clusively.  This
plan of instruction is now to ,  eos popular in the law
schools of the American Association.

     I have made inventory of all the property of the law
department, listing each Item and its value and filed same
with the business agent, that the same might be recorded as
required by the Board of Trustees.

     I believe that the cOming year will be exceedingly


prosperous, and that our work should be the best of any year
in our history.

                             Respesctfully submitted,

Ahe employment of Mr. RA. Hutcheraft, Jr. as an instructor
in the school of law is now approved. Upon motion made
seconded and unanimously carried upon a yea and nay vote, the
sum of $400.00 Is apnropriated out of the general funds of
the University as an addition to the salary of Mr. Cassidy
an instructor in the College of Machanical and Electrical
Engineering, and $300.00 added to the salary of 'r. Duncan
and $100.00 to the salary of 4r. Nollau, each of whom is an
instructor in the same Gollege. Whe last two sums art to be
taken out of the appropriation to the Mechanical and lectrit
cal Engineering College In the budget for the present year.

     At this point andiscussion arose concerning the Home
Demonstration and 'irls' Club work in the extention Lork of
aome Economics of the Agricultural  xtention work.   ean  astle
of the Agricultural College, was heard by the emmittee, and
also Dr. Mutchler, "ead of the Agrieuleulral Extention work.
After both was passed upon a yea and ftaty vote:

     BE IT RESOLVED that it is the sense of the Board that
the project in Home Demonstration and Girls' work and the
project known as Extention work in Home Economics. be consol-
idated in one project, under the leader, and that the Super-
intendent of the Agricultural Extention be Requested to re-
draft the projects in accordance with this resolution, and,
by him, submitted to the Dean of the ollege of Agriculture
for his approval.

     Be it further resolved that the title of 1. .Bryasxt be
assistant Superintendent of Agricultural Extention.

     !he resolution was adopted. Upon motion made and second-
ed, the Committee then adjourned.