xt759z90ck58 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt759z90ck58/data/mets.xml  Kentucky  1964 newsletters  English Eddyville, Ky.: Kentucky State Penitentiary  This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed. Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically. Physical rights are retained by the owning repository. Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Please go to https://exploreuk.uky.edu for more information. Castle on the Cumberland Kentucky State Penitentiary -- Periodicals Journalism, Prison -- Kentucky Castle on the Cumberland, May 1964 text Kentucky State Penitentiary v.: ill. 28 cm. Call Numbers HV8301 .C37 and 17-C817 20:C279 Castle on the Cumberland, May 1964 1964 1964 2021 true xt759z90ck58 section xt759z90ck58 ’ K!



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Volume III, Number XI

The Honorable EDWARD T. BREATHITT, Governor

The Honorable HARRY WATERFIELD, Lto Governor


JOSEPH CANNON, Commissioner Letter

(City of Smithland) 2
MARSHALL SWAIN, Deputy Commissioner

Editorial 3
Dre HAROLD BLACK, Director of Institutions

w. z. CARTER, Director of Education (A Helping Hand) )4


Dro FRED MOFFATT, Executive Director Umpire's Corner


WALTER FERGUSON, Chairman Fading Funds 10
SIMEON WILLIS, Member TIME "Servant or Master" 11
ERNEST THOMPSON, Member Theme by James Fox 12
Mrs. LUCILLE HURT, Member Poems 13
LUTHER THOMAS, Warden Tall Tales 15
lLOYD ARMSTRONG, Deputy'Warden Statistics & Movies 19
We 00 LONG, Captain of the Guard Crossword Puzzle 20


Rev. H. E. INMAN, Protestant Chaplain

Reve THOMAS CLARK, Catholic Chaplain Cecil SpringS, Editor

HENRY E. COWAN, Supt. of Education James McKinney, Art Editor

WILLIAM EGBERT, Vocational Instructor John Busby, Multilith Operator


The Castle on the Cumberland is published on the second Monday of every month
by the inmates of the Kentucky State Penitentiary, Eddyville. Subscriptionse.
One dollar a year. Opinions expressed in this magazine do not necessarily rem
flect those of the administration. Permission to reprint any part of this
magazine is granted, provided credit is given author and sourcee






EDITOR'S NOTE: Once again we are printing a letter of thanks on the behalf of
the City of Smithland who wish to let all the men who participated in the voluntary
flooducontrol work there know their gratitude, This letter was passed on to the
office of the Castle on the Cumberland by warden Luther Thomas who feels that the
men should know that their labors were appreciated.

Smithland, Kbntucky

Mr. Luther Thomas, warden
Eddyville State Penitentiary
Eddyvilleg Kbntucky

Dear Mr. Thomas:

We appreciate your sending the laborers from the penitentiary
to work in Smithland during the flood threat last month. Also, we
are conveying our thanks to each one of the prisoners that workedo

With the generous donations of both materials and labors the
town once again was able to avert being floodede

Sincerely Yours,

Board of Trustees
Town of Smithland

Marble Champion
City Clerk





'As you read this issue of the Castle, you will probably discover that the news
section of the magazine is missing, and that this issue contains only twenty pages
instead of the usual twenty four. This was not an over sight on our part, and all
future issues of the Castle will contain twenty four pages.

The reason for the change this month was brought about by the fact that the compe-
tent nditor, Lawrence Snow. resigned during the month. Needless to say the
smooth routine that characterized the news office was disrupted. Larry is now in
the process of becoming a leather tycoon.9 having been employed at the leather shop.

In the three years that Lawrence was liditor‘o he proved himself to be a most ef-
ficient and capable worker. Possessing a pleasing personality. he made many friends
while on this job. and his experience will be missed around the office.

bredit is certainly due the capable Associate Iditcry who was instrumental in gets ‘
ting this issue ready to go to press. In the short time this Editor hasd been on
the job, Harold has been a cooperative and valuable associate.

In all future issues James McKinney will continue as our Art Editor. He is of inc
valuable assistance in his illustrative drawings plus the fact that he has taken on
the added job of lettering the heads of our different departments. I am sure that
our readers are aware of the fact that we here at the Castle office are limited in
our efforts publicationewise. As.has been mentioned in past issuesa here in
the lditerial office of the Castlea we compile all material. edit and justify to
out the papermasters from which the magasine is printed. Our equipment is one
typewriter, a ruler and a ballepoint pen. In all future issues we will endeavor to
bring to youg the readers of the castle. the very best reading material that is aa
vailable to us.

we would like to ask that you keep in mind our limitations (over which we have no
eont:el)and where ever possible. grant us I for effort.

 A HELPING HAND FOR EXmCONVICTS -— by Carl Apone, Staff Writer, The Pittsburgh Press

ON THE FIRST FRIDAY of each month, 29 Pittsburgh gamblers hold a meeting in St.
Joseph’s House of HOSpitality in the Hill District, a residence for homeless men.
But rather than contesting for money, the gamblers take risks for human beings...

The 29 are members of the Penal Committee of the St. Vincent de Paul Society, and
they gamble that murderers, thieves, strong—arm men and other convicts will go
straight upon release from prison.

The committee takes a risk in providing a parole plan to guide parolees through the
rugged days they face in the transfer from prison to the life outside the walls.
The plan includes a sponsor, job and residence. And just about any prison in—
mate eligible for parole, who asks for help, gets it.

DISMAS HOUSE in St. Louis, founded by the late Father Dismas Clark -- "The Hoodlum
Priest“ we in the late 1950s, is regarded as the first halfway house in the nation.
But this institution was highly selective in the type of ex-convict it would ac-
cept. The Penal Committee is different. With few exceptions, it takes on all who
ask for help.

In practically every case during the two years of the committee's existence, the
inmates who ask for help are those abandoned by family and friends. Thus, in con-
trast to the high type of parolee at Dismas House, the Penal Committee takes ones
that nobody wants.

THE FAITH of the Committee has been rewarded. Of the 59 convicts for whom the Com~
mittee has provided parole plans, only six have been returned to prison.

The work of the penal group has not gone unnoticed. The Pittsburgh Foundation gave
them $5,000 and private individuals have added $2,000 more. At present, however,
these funds are nearly gone and the committee is seeking help.

THE PENAL COMMITTEE has its orgin in the St. Vincent de Paul Society, a lSO-year -
old worldwwide organization of Roman Catholic laymen dedicated to ministering to
the needs of the poor° And the society has had considerable dealings with ex-
convicts, who most often, are from the ranks of the poor. However, the Penal Com-

mittee is the first group in the Society dedicated exclusively to helping ex-

The seeds planted by the Pittsburgh group is expected to bear fruit elsewhere. Mem—
bers of the Penal Committee reported on their work at the recent national conven-
tion of the Society in Atlantic City and many groups expressed interest in estab—
lishing similar groups.

ALTHOUGH THE St. Vincent de Paul Society is a Catholic organization, six of the
most valuable workers of the Penal Committee are not Catholics. Among them are Dr.
Herbert Thomas, a psychiatrist, and.Robert G. Meiners, professor of law at the Uni-
versity of Pittsburgh. The non—Catholics heard about the accomplishments of the
committee and asked to join.

Professor Meiners said, “God knows this work needs to be done. Yet, except for re-
ligious work, no one seems interested."

IN ADDITION TO Professor Meiners and Dr. Thomas, members of the committee include I






priestsg lawyers‘9 parole officers; Judge Joseph Ridges State Legislator, Thomas
Lambs Physician Emil Trellis” an architects and even a prison guards Each man acts
as an advisor to a parolee and meets with him twice a montho

FATHER PAUL BASSOMPIERE9 diocesan director of the Ste Vincent de Paul Society; is
Spiritual advisor to the committees Attorney Frank Pohl, founder of the committees-
is its chairman; and Thomas O'Brien; an echonvict and committee member» manages
the House of Hospitalityo

Professor Meiners says of Mrs Pohls "He does three times the work the rest of us
do and if it were not for him we would be in real troubles" Of Mr. O'Brien, the
Pitt profeSSor reportss "He is an intelligents articulate and dedicated man who
can identify himself with both sides of the street."

ATTORNEY POHLQ a white-haired organizer who gets things done with a minimum of fuss
and fanfare3 got many of his early recuits for the committee by keeping an eye out
for the business and professional men who attended the noon mass at the Uptown
Epiphany Churcho He reasoned that any man who thought enough of his faith to at“
tend daily mass would lend a hand in helping God”s bad men.

Mrc O'Briens h59 former Boston businessman and combat pilot with an excellent

war record in world War II9 got into trouble in Pittsburgh on bad check charges inc
volving local hotelso He served two years on a lé-to 3 year sentence before being
released on paroleo ’

Upon release from prison, Mr. O'Brien made plans to enter a Trappist monastery in
a Western state. However; his parole plan would not permit him to be leav-
ing Pennsylvaniao So the prison chaplain persuaded him to manage the House of Hos— ;
itality for the Pittsburgh Catholic Diocese until his time had expired.

He took the job and soon had the house, which is home for about 100 men (35 of the“
paroles)9 operating in the black for the first time in its historye He excels in
scrounging free food and clothing and in seeing that the home is operated ef-
ficientlyo But more importants he took an interest in the mens and because they
like him was able to maintain disciplines

AND HE FREQUENTLY goes out of his way to stop a parolee from frequenting his old
haunts or avoiding a bout with demom rumo

MR0 O'BRIEN'S PAROEE TIME is up but Bishop John J. Wright, Who has a deep inter-
est in the work of the Penal Committees has persusded him to remain at the House
one more year.

Says Mrs O‘Brien9 "I don't like this work, but I know that I should do ito This
iss after all;9 living for God in otherso 19d like to be a contemplative, but God

may not think that this is best for meo What we want is not always best for use"

The House of HOSpitality is not a pretty placeo The threenstory brick building9

is darks dingy and dilapidated, a perfect companion for its shoddy neighborso But

the house does fulfill the parole board's requirement of a place of residence. And
thesite is being used until such time as the Penal Committee is able to build the
home to serve exclusively as a halfway house for paroleeso


 BECAUSE THE HOUSE OF Heepitality and the surroundings aren't any kind of prize
package, the Penal Committee will not assign men under 35 to the house. The young-
er parolees are usually sent to a local YMCA or a rooming house.

Employment provides the most difficult problem for the committee. Even during pe-
riods of high employment, an ex~convict is handicapped in finding a job. DeSpite
This handicap and the high unemployment rate in Pittsburgh, the committee has feund
jobs ranging from baker to store managel for parolees. Members of the committees
provide most of the leads for jobs.

In many cases, the jobs are of temporary nature, such as working on pickup trucks
for the Society or working as cook, handyman or office help at the House of HoSpi-
tality. St. Barnabas Free Home, a residence for homeless men Operated in Pitts.
burg by the Episcopalians, has hired several of the parolees.

ONE BUSINESSMAN WAS so pleased with the work of a parolee that he hired several
others. One of the men he hired, a convict who had served time for murdering his

wife, did so well as a stock room worker that his weekly pay went from $30 to $100

in a period of three months.

A 21myear-old parolee with an IQ of 132 did so well in a bargain store here that
the firm made him a manager of a branch store in Buffalo.

A CARPENTER whom the committee gave $80 to purchase tools has done well enough to
pay back #50 of the loan. And a h8-yearuold convict with a long prison record for
breaking and entering and assault is now a valuable worker in the service force of
a local college.

The requests for parole plans usually originate with the chaplains of all faiths in
the various prisons. The chaplains determine which prison inmates eligible for
parole deserve a chance and forward such requests to the committee. Thus far the
committee has provided parole plans for inmates of Michigan, West Virginia and
North Carolina as well as Pennsylvania prisons.

ONE OF THE local prison chaplains says, “People can't understand convicts. They
generally think of them onlt as wicked and rough men. But these men are human be-
ings who have the same fears and weaknesses as the rest of us, yes, even more fears
and weaknesses.

"Those who come out of prison need encouragement. They don't have a friend in the
world. You have no idea of how difficult it is to make the transfer from prison to
the life outside. These men are so insecure and fidgety there is almost a compul-
sion to go back to the safe pattern of prison life. The Penal Committee makes the
transfer easier for them. Because of the committee these men aren't thrown back
into the jungle without anyone to help them."

THE FIRST 60 DAYS out of prison seem to be the most difficult. The experience is
much like getting over a heart attack. ThOSe who survive gather strength day by
day. But the pull toward their former habits is great and many are so shocked by
freedom they want to drink themselves stupid or take depe to escape reality.

Many of these men have been in penal institutions since childhood and simply re-
leasing them and telling them to sin no more is not enough. They need continuing
help. And Dr. Thomas frequently comes in the middle of the night to provide this
continuing help. .

ism a


HE DISPENSES the medicines or words necessary to prevent‘ a parolee from plunging

back into the alcoholic bucket or from‘returning tr his Tormer life of violence.

Mrs O llrien.9 who has often called Dr. Thomas to Hospitality House in the wee hour
of the morning, said of the psychiatristVS help for one parolee: "If it had not

been for Dr; Thomas, that man had no more chance of going straight than a bull

has of going across thin ices"

Attorney Pohl says that if there is one quality the parolees have in common it
is that they are the most gentle people he has ever met. "And because they are
gentle, we try to give them tenderness without sentimentality," he said.

THE APPRECIATION shown by the former prison inmates bears out Mr. Pohl's observao
tion that the parolees are gentle peoples One murderer has shown his appreciation
by coming to the House of HOSpitality once a month to help with the many chores
thereo And the committee receives frequent letters and personal calls to express
tha nks a

One parolee‘9 who received numerous cards, letters and spiritual bouquets when he
was illa tearfully told the Committee: "No one ever paid any attention to me be»

FATHER THOMAS JACKSON, chaplain of a local prison, said of the Committee: "They
look on all persons as Jesus Christ in great and dire need. And they are not so
sophisticated as to exclude alcoholics or homosexualso Truly they follow the words
of Christ, "I am a stranger and you took me in."




by Perry Joseph

It is axiomatic but often forgotten that Courtesy is the basis of that polishe
a man who is to have friends must show To cultivate polish, guard against
himself friendly. A friend is a gift, a letting your actions become mechanical
sacred reality. Ambition has no and make it a habit to do one good and
friendsfi and Greed wants none. kindly thing each days Don't expect
courteous treatment in return and don't
Friends appear early to us as represent- use discourtesy as an excuse for lack
atives of fixed ideas which they never of courtesy in yourself.

A man who seeks to make friends simply Remember that in the deepest sense, it
for personal gain will never know the is impossible to be insulted. A gentle»
meaning of friendshipo The best way to man will never insult you and no one
attract and gain friends is to be one. else can. Be courteous for your own
If you are merely polite, you are simply sake° As your actions are, so are you.
following the usages of society. Po» You can expect a grunt from a pig, but
liteness is an artificial polish: why should you grunt in reply?



 7 ure? The answer to this

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This column in the main has been limited
to a discussion of religious topicso
Actually” this is the one area in which
I am qualified to writee Howevers I
would like to digress for this one and
discuss a subject which I would love to
be qualified to talk about and work tee
ward and this is the subject regards
ing treatmento

My personal feeling is that society is
not getting the protection it requires
by our present systemg and neither is
the prisoner getting the helps he needso
Figures show that 67 percent of Federal
prisoners have previously been incarcew
ratedo In Californias the percentage is
even higher we 88 percento Obviously
punishment is not a deterrent to crimie
nalso What is the cause of this faile
question is
very simples Our punishment is based on
whether a man has committed a crimeg and

tends to disregard whyo Before we can
take even the firs steps toward rem

habilitatiun‘9 we must discover why a man
committed a criminal acto K~_doctor
cures his patients not only from the
standpoint of the symptoms but also from
the standpoint of the cause of the
diseaseo In other words he doesnlt pree
scribe an aspirin for a brain tumor even
though the patient may' suffer from see

vere headacheso

The important thing is that society
should seek to aid the offender? not rem
ject himo When we punish childrena we
tell them.9 WI love yous but I hate what
you dido“ Does our society really say
"You are a failure as a human being we
and we are going to make you feel ito"

Erle Stanley Gardner has offered some
nuGood Advice" concerning the attitude of
most people toward criminalsg

(Please turn to page 18)



It was the morning of the tenth day
after Christ had ascended into Heaveno
The Apostlesg were continuing their
vigilg waiting for the coming of the
Holy Spirit as Christ had directed them
to doo How long they would have to wait
we and exactly what was going to happen
-_ no one really knewo And as one day
had given way to the next, the Apostles
had done some very serious thinking and
discussing, as well as prayingo The
general outline of God's awesome salvaw
tion plans brought to light by Christ,
was clear to them now° Yet many de-
tailss even prominent details‘9 were not
very clear° So they talked about things
that Christ had said and done, sharing
their thoughts with one another. Christ
had said: "But when the Advocate has
come, Whom I will send you from the
Father, He will bear witness concerning

We can see theng that the Apostles had a
fairly accurate concept of the Holy
Spirit before the moment of His descent
oanentecost Sundayo They also recog-
nized the sign of the Holy Spirit's per-
manent descent upon them: "And there

appeared to be parted tongues as of
fires which settled upon each of theme"
Christ's promise was fulfilled: "They

were all filled with the Holy Spirito"
(Acts 222=ho)

The transformation worked by the Holy
$pirit in these men was astoundingo The
fullness of Christ's truth broke upon
their minds like dawn upon a clear sky,
diSpelling the last traces of darkness°
Their hearts were changed tOOo The fear
that had prompted them to remain behind
locked doorss even after seeing the
risen.Masters disappearedo Heedless of
the consequences9 they burst forth into
the streets of Jerusalema

(Please turn to page 18)








By Bill Burton

As I wrote this article for the coming
issue in May, I was told by Mr. Cherry
that at a meeting of Board Members yes-
terday, (consisting of warden Thomas,
Deputy warden Armstrong, Dr. Black, Dr.
Wysocki, Mr. Cowan, Mr. Cherry, Rev.
Inman and Father Clark) it was unani-
mously voted EDI'to have baseball this
year. 1‘his decision was made in order
that there could be more room for other
Sports activities. Such Sports as soft-
ball (two diamonds) a volley ball court,
a shuffle board court, a shot put pit, a
horse shoe court and a place for the
field and track team. However, there
will be a fast pitch Softball League
consisting of at least h teams who will
be playing on the big diamond. A slow
pitch 'choose up teams' will be using
the alternate diamond. Whenever possi-
ble, outside teams will come in to play.

Now I Know that a lot of you baseball
players will be disappointed to read
this, but I also know that most all of
you fellows are very good softball play-
ers, so instead of grumbling about it,
lets all go out and have as good a team

in softball as we did in baseball. I do
know that for the first time in two
years I'll have something to do this
summer besides work and set in the shop

all day, and believe me I'm going to use
it. Anytime I see an opportunity to
better myself I'm going to take ad-
vantage of it. Let me say here and now
that whenever they call yard, if at all
possible, I will be there to go out. I

hepe that the rest will feel the same
Say fellows, if you are ever in doubt,

(whenever a certain manager is playing),

just go ask Grandpa Riis and I'll bet
a dollar to a cup of coffee that he will
say 17 to 3 even before the game starts.
How come old man, do they always spot
you all them runs? "

For the past three weeks I have had more
fun watching the youngsters learn how
to play ball, and I might add, some old
fellows trying to act young. It has
been like a three ring circus. However,
I have also seen some really good fast
pitch games that would make anyone sit
up and take notice. I'll predict that
this institution will have a team that
will be hard to beat.

The laugh of the month occurred last
week, when with two men on base, the
batter hit a high fly into center field
which wasn't caught. All three runners
ended up on third base.
umpire walked over and called all three
of them out. When asked why he did so,
he remarked that he called one man out
for not running, another one out for
running, and the batter out for causing
all the confusion in the first place.
Keep that up Goat, and you'll be carry-
ing water the next game.

The most improved player out back is a
tall lanky guy by the name of Spud.
He didn't even know where left field was
when he came out. Now he is getting
balls that some fellows who have been
playing for years couldn't get. Keep up
the good work Spud, and some day you
will be playing with the big team.

well that is about all the news for this
issue. In closing, I wish to say,
"Don't find too much fault with the um-
pires, you can't expect them to be as
perfect as you are".

Seeing this the *





ACCORDING TO AN article published by The Louisville Timess renovation of prison
housing units at the La Grange Reformatory is ending far short of completion be-
cause the money has almost run outs

Lack of money also has delayed starting work on honor farm complexes at Eddyville
Penitentiary and at La Grangeo

The scheduled $2909h3591 remodeling of the nine dormitories at La Grange Rea
formatory began last September after an investigation showed the buildings were "in
a shocking state of deterioration and disrepairo"

Abouo $989600 has been Spent so far and the renovation of one dormitory building,
housing some 200 prisoners9 has been completed.

State Finance Commissioner Felix Joyner said it is "doubtful that we can continue"
the projecto He said the Corrections Department's budget for the next two years
is "so tight" that he doubts “we can do more than repair the first building."
Corrections Commissioner Joseph Cannon said continuation of the repair program "is
pretty much out the window"

The Finance Department“s budget division said that $8273000 will have been spent
during the tw0wyear budget period ending next June 50 for construction and re-
novation of buildings at La Grange and the Eddyville Penitentiary.

In the new twomyear budgets ending June 309 19669 there has been set up $58090000
Thiss howevers has been earmmarked for maintenance and deferred maintenanceo

Joyner said he and Cannon plan to see if a small amount of Capital construction
can be done by using a portion of the maintenance money. This might include con-
struction of a prison forestry camps perhaps twos in the next two years. One has
been built so fare It cost $7795009

An Executive Task Force on Correctionsg appointed by former Govo Bert Combs,
recommended last November that the State Spend $1102 million over four to five
years for prison construction and renovations

Joyner said that the investigating groupls recommendations -- in the main -~ "are
just outs at least for a twomyear period."

Another t0p priority prisoneimprovement project we construction of honor farm
dormitory complexes at Eddyville and La Grange _i has been delayed for »two years
and perhaps longero

The Eddyville complex would have cost $7OOSOOO and housed 250 men. The units at
La Grange carried a price tag of $8003000 and would have provided room for 500 meno

There is no money for the construction of the farm units. It will be available,
howeverg if a proposed $l7émmillion bond issue is approved by the voters in Novemw

ber, 19650
The penitentiary was opened in 1888 and "continually needs attention,“ Cannon

saido The reformatory opened in 19589 is "very run down" because of a lack of
maintenance over the years, he saido '





TIME ~e SERVANT 0R MASTER by Ronald Cook

Every man while serving his sentences
has a fateful decision to makes He has
time on his handse To what uses if anys
is he to put it?

Time can bear down on one as an awful
burdens To sit, day after day‘9 brooding
over one's imprisonment, can lead only
to frustrationg deepair and eventually
to mental illnesso Even if one keeps
his sanity” he is apt to become a hater
of society, which on his release, can
only lead to more trouble.

Counting the hours‘9 days, months and
years already served (and those yet to
be served)is a poor pastimes There is
nothing to be done for the time one has
already servedo It is gone» But the
decision of what to do with your remain»
ing time is yours to makes If you do nc;
thing, except count the days as they
slowly passg you have become a slave w
a slave to your times Thus time has bem
come your masters

Time, a poor mastery if used prOperlys
can be a good and valuable servants Time
can be put to use by the individual to
render benefits to that individuals Was
your education disrupted in time past?
take advantage of the Academic SChDOlc
A grade school diploma may be obtained
and you can later study for High School
Equivalency Certificates

Do you have a trade? If not, the voca»
tional school offers training in mason~
ry, harboring, woodwworking, mechanics
and othersa This training not only prev
pares you to hold a job upon your rem
leases but like Academic Schools gives
you a means of better passing your time;

If your difficulty is personality adm
justmentg there are classes that offer
group counselingm By understandingg
ourselves and othersg we learn our feelw
ingsg and how we may correct themo Thus
we learn to live successfully on the

adult level with others. This will help
usg when releasedg to live successfully
outsidee we learn citizenships self
control and a more sensible adjustment
to authorityo It is now time to make
your decisions Your choice is yours
alone to makea Is your time to be MaSu
ter or Servant?


A FATHERS PRAYER; by Geno MacArthur
via Hill Top News


Build me a song 0 Lord, who will be
strong enough to know when he is weak,
and brave enough to face himself when he
is afraid; one who will be proud and unm
bending in honest defeat, and humble and
gentle in victory»

Build me a son whose wishbone will not
be where his backbone should be; a son
who will know Thee «a and that to know

himself is the foundation stone that
is knowledgeo

Lead himg I prays not in the path of
ease and comfort but under stress and
spur of difficulties and challengeoo
Here let hhn learn to stand up in the

storm; here let him learn compassion for
those who fails

Build me a son whose heart will be clear
whose goal will be high; a son who will
master himself before he seeks to master
other men; one who will learn to laughs
yet never forget how to weep; one who
will reach into the future, yet never
forget the pasta And after all them
things are his, adds I pray, enough of a
sense of humorg so that he may always be
seriouss yet never take himself too sew
riouslyc Give him humility.9 so that he
may always remember the simplicity of
true greatnesss the open mind of true
wis domg the meekness of true strengths

Thens I his fatherg will dare to wispera
"I have not lived in vaino"





Today in our Penal System the emphasis is on a rehabilitation program.
We read and hear this almost everyday, but what does this really mean
to those concerned? There are several theories on the subject of rev
habilitationo Some do not even believe in a rehabilitation program
at allo I would think firstwoff that one theory would be to change
the individual (whatever be the problem) to such a state as he may be
rendered useful once again. All this requires a planned program in
which step by step the persom is gradually processed to such a state.
However there is a more involved theory in which, althou_' the person
goes through basically the same procedure, such concepts as personali-
ty, moral reaponsibility, and virtue are developed to a higher stand-
ingo This procedure is not based on changing the individual to a
point whereas he is not thesame persono Or in plainer words, not to
be made someone he is not qualified to become. To remold an individu-
al's character to such a degree would possibly create a different,
perhaps, even worse situation than the original situation encountered.
However, if the individualis character can be handled in such away as
that he is given a more liberal outlook of his situation, he can
realize that there must have been a problem somewhere in his past. So
with added confidence.9 a sensible, educated and open ninded individual
is not going to pursue the same path that got him comfined to start
With 0

Often we have heard this familar quotation, "You can help only those
who wish to help themselveso" Certainly this is true, but what is to
be done with the individuals who haven't really given it a thought one
way or the other? This is where a special program dedicated towards
such achievement as to include these persons into a rehabilitation
program who are not the present time concerned could be developed..
Those who desire to help themselves certainly will pursue such
measures as to obtain that statuso But certainly, at least half of
the others can be inepired into a rahabilitative attitude through
such a program designed for this purpose. And of those made through
a Specific interest or motivated by such a program many could be
put on the road leading to a normal life. A great majority of this
group are not really "hardmcore" criminals, and thus do not deserve to
remain in confinement beyond the period of time than that they, or we,
may have been given a better attitude.

History and literature are full of examples of the miracle of chang-
inga Do you know the Persian story of the hunchback prince