xt759z90ch2d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt759z90ch2d/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2007-10-22 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 22, 2007 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 22, 2007 2007 2007-10-22 2020 true xt759z90ch2d section xt759z90ch2d Cold Cats


over the weekend

M__ ND—Y

UK hockey continues skid with two losses

See Sports, page 6

(X TOBER 22, 2()L)7









A stroke of blue,
a touch of home



Above: Integrated strategic communication jUDiOl Katie Bradley, left, a member of Delta Gamma sororit

sorority sisters yesterday afternoon


y, paints a wrndow of the White Hall Classroom Building with her

Top Left: Integrated strategic communication senior Rebekah Bennett paints a window of the White Hal! Classroom Building yesterday afternoon as part of Paint the Town
Blue an event sponsored by the Student Activities Board for Homecoming Week.

Homecoming Week Events


Big Blue Invasion

Lexington will "see blue" as UK in-
vades the downtown community tomorv
row to start Homecoming Week.

Students are invited to ioin the UK
Marching Band. UK cheerleaders, the UK
Dance Team and UK football head coach
Rich Brooks in a march from Stoll Field to
the New Courthouse Plaza

The event begins at 4.30 p m. and
will last until 8 Students are encouraged
to wear blue and white There Will be
performances by the UK Marching Band,
the UK cheerleaders and the local band
Sexual Disaster Quartet

Game Day

Students can stop outside of the
White Hall Classroom Building and use
paint to decorate foam fingers to use
during Saturday's football game against
MISSlSSIDDt State University The event
starts at it a m

21 years and counting against Gators

By Eric Lindsey

elrhdsevdkykerne cont

Through the first sc\cii

Students can also begin to vote for
the 2007 Homecoming King and Queen
through the Student Activities Boards
Web site (www uky edu/SAB)


Big Blue Impromptu

Student organizations will perform
in an improvisational comedy show host-
ed by comedian Johnny Cardinale start
rng at 7 p m in the Student Center Grand

The event is based on the short-lived
comedy show ”Thank Goodness You‘re
Here." Students in the skit walk in on a
Situation that only the stage actors are
aware of, and they have to use irriproyi»
sation to get through the sketch Tickets
are available for St at the door.


Kitty Kemival
Students will have the opportunity to

treat riot trick v children throughout
the Lexrngton community

More than 30 organizations will set
up been is that Will have ace painting,
bobbing for apples and bean-bag tossrng
SAB is also sponsoring a petting zoo
Jarrett's Joy Cart is donating prizes to all
children participating

”It is really important for UK to give
back to the exrrigton community," said
Ben VanderHorst director of traditions
for the Student Activnies Board

UK faculty, staff and students are in
vited to bring their children for a night of
fun actrvrties. The theme for this year is
"Where Little Ghosts and Goblins Gather
loraNight (Cit nourish Fun' Children are
encouraged to wear their Halioween cos
tomes The event begins at 5 pm in the
South Campus Courtyard


Homecoming Concert
Local hip-hop group Curinirityn-

the \ittoi\ "

llir. lloridii “m e\tciidcd
the (iiitois til.
ern (‘onferciicei “inning streak

guists wrll perform a free concert
With special guests Shersty Khrist,
Mad Militia and Devme Carama at
the Student Center Grand Ballroom at
7 pm


Blue Man Competition

Students from campus organizations
wrll create their own Blue Man Group as
they paint themselves blue for the Blue
Man Competition

Participants will come dreSsed in
blue paint, and lodges Will award a win-
rier based on a cheer that partropants
perfnrrii, how they painted themselves
and the amount ol schooi spirit they pore

"They iust go as crazy as can be,"
VariderHi its! said The competition hp,—
gi its at 530 p in in WT ”ti rung Library

See Homecoming on pagr 3

12 Southeast-

When Meat loot u rote the song "

Group aims
to educate
on high-risk
alcohol use

Bil Rebecca.8weenei
nestkykernel com

With the help of beer goggles. corn
hole and shot glasses. a group of students
at L'K is encouraging others to drink rc-
sponsibly this week.

“We‘re Lisuull) known around campus
as ‘tlie beer goggle pcoplc.‘ " said Kristen
Marshall. an integrated strategic communi~
cations junior and lid\ ertising chair for The
(‘AL'Sli l(‘ollcge Alcohol L'se Student Ed»
iicators). “We often rise beer goggles iii our
presentations to simulate alcohol‘s effect
on an iiidi\idu;il‘s \ision. aim and coordi-

The (‘AL'Sli \\lll promote education
and amireness of choices with alcohol and
lilesi}les today through 'l'hursdii) as part
of 24th annual National (‘ollegiate Alcohol
A\\ arcness Week.

”Students are going to see that there's
a large portion of their peers that don‘t en-
gage in high-risk beliaiior." s'aid (lipt.
l\c\in l‘Ttlanllll of the [K Police Departs

Iiicnts begin todzi} him free breakfast
outside of White llilll (‘ltissrooiii Building
until 10 am

Tomorrow The ('AL'ST; and (iencsis. ii
national (ircek organization committed to
finding solutions to alcohol abuse. will
host Touchdown Tucsdii) \\ itli 'd beengog—
gle football toss and corn»hole grime. hob
hing for apples and free ice cream sunde
\\ichcs from 7 to 9 pm. ‘dl the Johnson

"Touchdowt TUCSLl‘d} \‘klll also giic
students ii chance to tr} their hand at Por-
tion Distonion. our latest addition to Alco»
ltol .-\\\;ircness Week." Marshall said.

Eor l’oi'tion Distortion. students “ill
pour liquid into shot glasses and a beer
mug to compare their perception of .i sin-
glc alcohol sci'\mg to its actual \olumc

"A lllzlltll'll} of students liaxe a distort»
ed \ie\\ of hots much the) ill‘t‘ iictiiiill}
drinking. “hich onl} perpetuates the c_\cle
of alcohol abuse." Marshall said.

Students are in\ tied to eat pizza and tr}
beer—goggle corn hole or a sobriet} test
Will] l'lx' police Wediicsda) in the Walk-
\Ht} hetucen Rose Street and WT. Young

Alcohol .\\\Lll'L‘llL‘ss Week iicti\ ities
\sill conclude Thursda} \\ith L'K spirit
ll‘l\l.l and tree spirit heads from ll am.
until I put lit the Student Center

“Students can stop l\} to ltllu‘ .1 shot at
some ol the questions iii our tii\ l’d houl.”
Marshall said. “Topics \Hll include L'K
athletic suhiects and alcohol issues."

The (‘Al'Sli has made a difference in
the \\.i_\ students approach alcohol issues
on campus and has elc\.itcd alcohol imiirc»
ness among students. Franklin S-lltl.

"Teaching _\‘our peers is the best mi) to
educate and set tin example for each otha
Ll " he said.

l’tillcc L‘ltll enforce llk‘ lli\\ s. ltC silltl.
but \\ithoiit education. it doesn‘t do much

Marshall said sltc‘ llU[‘L‘\ tltc e\ents.
coupled \\ itli Homecoming Week. \\ ill
raise anareiicss about some alcoliol-abiisc
issues l'l’x students face

"We didn‘t plan for Alcohol Auarciiess
Week to land on the same “cek as Home»
coming. but \ie‘re \cr} c\cited that it has."
Marshall said.

()ne—out—of—th rec
ain’t bad for UK

Tim (hit of Three Ain‘t

games of the football season. the
[TR football team hiid achieied
numerous firsts. siiappcd se\criil
daunting losing strciiks and Um.
\inced man} doubters that it
could contend tor ii Southeast
erii (‘onfcreiice championship.
But on Satiirda) night. one of
the longest losing streaks and
perhaps the most lopsided
slipped right through the ('ats‘

Behind 314 Ailrtl\ of total
ollcnsc from Honda quarter
back Tim lcbo“. the No. l4
Florida (iiitors continued their
[\Mirpllh decades ot dominance
mer l'K. dovrntng the ('ats 45
W in tront of 7|.ll34 tans. the
largest crou d in ('omiiioiiuealth

Sophomore tilleirisive tackle Justin defines covers his heart wrt


ll d it WM“

ilur'rtg the final minutes of UK 3115 3} loss to Honda on Saturday

Stadium hISIUI').

"I thought we did a lot of

good things tonight against that

First issue tree. Subsequent issue: 25 cents.

team head coach Rich Brooks
said "But vie didn't do enough
in the critical situations to get

to II games and se\crel} hurt
the (‘iits‘ (oz. 32 SEC) chances
of “tuning the Sli(‘ or making a
Riml (‘haiiipionsliip Scrics
houl Thc (‘JTS lcll to .\'o. H in
lltc Assoclalcd l‘rcss poll. drops
ping from the top Ill tor the sec—
ond time this season. and fell
lroni the No 7 to No H rank»
ing in the ”(IS standings

"We're \llll llc‘tl lit the loss
column mtli the too loss teams
lor the lead in the Sli(‘ liiist."
Brooks said ”The disappoint
ing thing is. if “c could lime
been able to “in tonight. he
“oiild haic been alone “llh
one loss."

See Football on page 5

Had." he delinitel} hasn‘t referring to the [K lootball team‘s
past three games.

At tlieit~.\'o. l l South (lirolina At
home against tlicnrNo. l Lotiisiana State.
At home against now top- Ill and defending
national champion Florida.

IJHHH,’ tuo out of three of those games
uouldn't haic been bad.

Well. that‘s e\act|_\ What happened.
And that's euictl} \\ but needed to happen,

.\'o one would li.i\e been surprised if
the (‘ats lost all three games. but the}
found a \\.|} to “in one game in as rough
ot a three grime stretch that an} team viill
m er pla}

With that one “in “hlt‘h “as a
tripleanertime thriller against the possible national champion
LSL '. in case you forgot the (HTS. at (Ll overall and 2-2 in the







See Smith on page 5

Newsroom: 257-1915; Advertising: 257-2872


 35g“ MondayOctober 22, 2007

your daily dose of entertainment, pop culture and tun Kernel ‘ a.

























By Linda C. Black

To get the advantage, check the
days rating 70 is the easiest day 0
the most chal/engrng

Aries (March 21 — April 19) Today
is a 5 m You're entering a four-
week phase With the emphasis on
planning No need to hurry rui‘ out
several scenarios before deitiding
Taurus (April 20 — May 20) Today
:3 a 7 Your friends are hill 0*
great ideas, but you'd better take
care When it comes to dipping into
yOur reserves, you'll be Wise tn turn
them down

Gemini (May 21 ~ June 21) Today
is a 7 You're entering a very busy
phase Soon you‘ll be able to ad-
vance your agenda in ways you've
barely ttibught possmle Yes, there
is work involved

Cancer (June a — July 2) Today
is a 7 M This time, the far-out idea
could be more trouble than it‘s
worth Think about what you'd have
to do to make it work, before you
say you Will Might be best ii you

Leo (July 23 — Aug. 22) Today is a
7 , It's not a good day to gamble,
buy toys or ask tor tavors Also, stay
away from the malls You'd buy
stul‘ you don't need, in the wrong
color or sizes

Virgo (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22) Today is
a 7 Proceed With caution Apart
net's suggestion seems good, but
causes a mess Don’t rush right into
anything Do a trial run first

Libra (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22) Today lS
a 7 Creativity is required on your
next assignment Troubleshoot and
innovate to get the yob done on
time You won't lind the answer to
this problem in the manual
Scorpio (Oct. 23 — Nov. 21) Today
is a 7 , » Somebody you love dearly
wants you to help them solve a
problem Don't throw your money at

free Illllfliler Buttet

$4 Pitchers

$1 Wells for Ladies

Apuz com

it That would be CtltlllitBT'pTOdUC’
Sagittarius (Nov. 22 — Dec. 21)
Today is a 6 7* Somebody or some»
thing at home needs more of your
attention This Will not be an easy
chore Great patience is required
Capricorn (Dec. 22 — Jan. 19) To
day is a 7 lt takes time to devel-
op new skills, time you may feel you
don't have Don't get nervous and
make a mistake that would yust
make it take longer Relax
Aquarius (Jan. 20 — Feb. 18) To
day is a 7 ~ You have enough to
take the whole gang out for a night
on the town Doing that, however,
would be monstrously inane Pay oft
a debt instead
Pisces (Feb. 19 — March 20) To-
day is a 7 ~ Conditions are chang
ing in your favor, You'll see, it'll hapr
pen soon This is not just because
you cleaned the garage but it has
been said that such activities have
miraculous healing powers You de—

: ror TPTBUNE MEDlA Stevects inc

\sir :ii ii is
L lull Milt NNI is \lu.1ll(tllti§_~..


1119 “SH

ln earshot of
other shoppers,
Spears lets loose
in a swank
department store

9V Kevin 0199'!

The third floor of Ncimait
Marcus is usuall) thc placc

\shcrc thc vicll—hcclcd ladics ot'

Bcwrly Hills shop among thc
dcsigncr racks. But latc at'tcr-
noon on ()ctohcr II. the ton}

dcpartmcnt stoic got a taste of

Hurricanc Britne). (‘omman-
dccring a dressing room gcncrv
all) rcscrwd tor thc disahlcd.
thc singcr. with a slcu ot' .ltiic_\
(‘outurc drcsscs to ti'_\ on. sippcd
a cup ot~ cot‘t’cc \sith milk and
sugar. rcpcating. "This cottcc is
sooo good?" and asde an out
plo) cc to gct hci' lalsc c_\ clashes
and concealer (despitc a casc ot‘
pinkc}ci to look good hccausc
“thcrc‘s so man} pcoplc out
ihcrc." Attcr hclting out Rihair
na's "L‘mbrclla." Spears told hcr
assistant Hrct shc \xantcd hcr
pooch London. [carning thc
dog “as in Malibu. Z7 milcs
away. shc said. “F--k that. That
“I” takc us an hour to dri\c
thcrc. ('an‘t \sc ha\c thc dog
messcngcrcd o\ cr'.’"

But Spcars .,. \iithin earshot
of an Us rcportcr and other
shoppers saved hcr choicest
words for thc iudgc in her cus~
tod)’ hattlc “llh Kevin chcn
linc. LA. Count) commissioncr
Scott M. Gordon. \shosc court
she had just dcpartcd alter a 45—

minutc tacc-otl. “l hatc m_\
iiidgc Spears dcclarcd to Hrct.
“Hc is sooo mcan. .IUst an old
tart. Hc told mc l xx as being cut
I) “tilt him. but he was [icing
catt} \sith mc and paid mc no
i'cspcct at all." Hcr \crdict" "His
ioh is to sit thcrc and tcll pcoplc
\\ hat to do." Spcai‘s said. ”And
that‘s (list so sad. hccztttsc hc
gcts oil on it."

The new deal

'I‘Itc "old tart" had lust
granted Spcars‘ pctition to lct
thc singer. 25. haw \xcckl)
o\ crnight Visits (supchiscd h} a
courtamandatcd monitor) “tilt
sons Scan. 2. and .la)dcn. 1.)
months. whom she tcmporaril}
lost ph}sical custod} (it on ()c7
tohcr l. “Bi'itiic_\ “as \cr) sari
castic \\ith thc judgc." a sourcc
at the Itcarmg tclls l's ot’ thc
singcr. “httsi‘ rctiucst to haw
mom l-_\nnc monitor thc \isits
\\ as dcnicd iii chcrlinc sourcc
said hc had no problem \titli
l.)nnc. "hut \sorricd ahout thc
position it \iould put hcr in. try
mg to supcrxisc Britnc) Viaich-
ing thc kids"). “It \\ as \ci‘)
much. I‘m HTIIDC} Spcars and
\\ ho arc )ou'.‘" sass thc courtv
room \iitncss. ('iordon. adds thc
sourcc. "xi as aggranitcd that shc
didn‘t sccm to hc taking him so
riousl). and \\ as cxti'cincl} sicrn
\\iih hcr. Hc madc it \cr) clcai‘
shc \iouldn't hc gctting special

More partying

.lust onc night at‘tcr licr
courtroom appcarancc. Spears.
\shom thc judgc had lahclcd a

"habitual. l'rcqucnt and continu-
ous" uscr ot drugs and alcohol
at an carhcr hcaring, hostcd a
latcrnight part) tor It) in thc
$7.5 million Bcwrl} Hills honic
shc has omicd sincc l)cccmhcr.
TtthHHltgl a pan} shc‘d attcndcd
tor rccoid c\cc Stcw Ritkind. a
tricnd ol hci' nimic-prmlucci pal
Sam l.utti. .-\ccording to .i gucst.
Spcars. in a tin shrug and
shadcs. \\‘.ts ”all o\cr" music
produccr Dallas Austin. \iiho has
\iorkcd on tracks \sith her. and
she \iandcrcd around "likc a
maniac. /oncd out," At Nciiiian
Marcus. shc said. "i rcall} “ant
to haw a garage salc. I ha\ c so
much stult'. but I rust gct so
law." But hcr Bcvcrl) Hills
honic Much is tor salc . is
l‘ttllL'l} Tlll'lilslk‘d.

What's next?

According to l...-\. Supcrioi‘
L'ourt spokcsman Allan Parachi—
m. Spcai's and licdcrlinc milst
i'cturn to court on October 26 to
mm c "thcir commitmcnt lc\cl
ol hcing good _\oung parents."
'I'hc custod} hcaring comcs inst
in timc tor thc i‘clcasc ot~ hcr (‘D
Blackout. duc out ()ctiihcr 3i),
And attcr hcr MTV YMAs dc~
haclc. Spcars has hccn making
plans tor rchcarsals. “Britnc'Vs
hookcd a considcrahlc amount
ot spacc and timc tor thc ncxt
couplc months.” hcr pal Robert
Bakcr. dircctor ot‘ North Holly-
wood's Millcmtium Dancc
Complex, tells lls'. Mcanwhilc.
back at Nciman Marcus. with a
“thank _\ou. sVs'cctic." Spears
signcd hcr rcccipt and lct‘t \‘ia
thc ticight clmator.

’.i"iP‘rP'_3il’ 3007 tiS WEEKL‘i


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 Speech to focus on link
between health, education

Bit Alice Harmer"!
ahaymonvakykernel corn

The days ot taking a fever
to stay horiie from school may
be over. but the role that real
sicknesses and the quality of
medical treatment plays in
academics continues into col-

This relationship will be the
subject of a speech today by
Jeanita Richardson. an associate
professor in the Professional Ed-
ucation L'nit from Virginia State

“Even for college kids. you
can't learn if you're not
healthy." said Sonja Feist—Price.
the director of the LiK‘s African»
American Studies and Research
Program. “It really ties in with