xt759z90cf8t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt759z90cf8t/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1996-10-21 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 21, 1996 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 21, 1996 1996 1996-10-21 2020 true xt759z90cf8t section xt759z90cf8t _ . ‘ q *w.‘*~u-.atmw.m ",,.¢_,.._, .,\_.,._Wa~h~»ewa:-:~n; . r- , ,. ‘. .. .. n. . . _ ,., ... _ g . . ‘ _ _





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4nfi-Wi-uuaflu anus


WEATHER Partly sunny
today, high mid 60s. Cloudy
tonight, low 50. A'Iostly cloudy
rain likely tomorrow, high 67.


Zippers and The Dirty Dozen ignited the

October 21, 1996

Cromz'ord 7 Sports 2



Diz'mions 4 Viewpoint


dance hall. Review, page 5.



WWI plans walk

to lllllll at Campus saiety

Student Government Association will sponsor
a “Safety Walk” at Complex Commons and Blaz—
er Hall tonight at 7:30 pm.

The walk gives students a chance to voice their



- I - I
till, city to open new dialogue
l/Vor/cers 5d)! arena EEL‘EES'S‘EEQSJTBE‘S l1?153532;“Rifézii’iiiirlfi‘ifli‘ifil
would kill business

Rupp, plus 15 percent rent, 5 percent
By Mat Herron ‘ .

higher than other groups who use the


tions have relocated to Lexin ton because of eco-
nomic possibilities -— and \Vildgcat basketball.

Illusions co—owner Ann Simons is more

“If we build a new arena, it will abso-
lutely kill downtown,” said Simons. “It will
take at least a third of my business."

In the off-season, Kentucky Korner


facility. In exchange, the men's basket-
ball team is provided the city’s largest
arena for game days and eight practice
days per season, said senior associate

V _ pulls in $300 a day, with an average ofone Ifwe build“. director of athletics Larry Ivy.’ _ EBEBZZIIZEIdiIfhgoIlsISEi:fizgfirzfiiiisiiigedrdzDrhsfiii
General consensus among (.iVic Center shops: customer per hour, said communications new arena, 1t (d)r;a thrfi‘e—year scale, Liik pilljiave Stockham dean ofstudengts I
N0 new arena. senior Lindsay Burke. will absolute] pai 9 mi ion to retire t e )on s in .‘ ’ . ' . ‘
W .. .. A. W 0, W WWW: infirm,“
employee layoffs are among the many reasons why Burke sai gross income approaches . ' ment has already paid $10 million. . . ’ .
store owners OPPOSC construction Of a 27,000‘598t, $40,000 on game days. Thoroughblades [It 3111:2132”; Despite the disgrutitled vibes comlilng hghfghnegffikpxfiil aiitaggfzgihgfglly‘i? minutes to
eaairo . j.- ..,,-.
from the ath etic (epartmcnt Mi er an hour.

on-campus venue for the men’s basketball team. ames take in $2,000, but if basketball
“I really believe in this town there's not a market Feaves, she said, hockey is hardly a substi-

for two arenas 20,000 seats and above,” said Michael tute.

Stutland, owner of Artique, a store in the center’s “It wouldn’t be Rupp Arena ifwc didn’t

first floor. “The Lexington Center should re-cxam- stay,” one employee said.

inc its relationship with the University of Kentucky, Lexington Mayor Pam Miller and UK

and make it more advantageous for both parties.” Athletics Director (LM. Newton
Though Artique has been in business for 17 years, announced Friday that both the univerSity

Stutland said the absence of UK may eventually and the city are “opening a new dialogue"

cause layoffs, and divert attention from corporations on the arena.

to Louisville and Cincinnati. In the past, corpora- As it stands, the athletics department covers

said the team is still foremost in the
minds ofthe city.

“We don’t disagree that Rup is
showing its age," she said. “But wet ink
there are ways to rejuvenate it that will
benefit the university and the city.”

Newton, Ivy and the rest of the ath-
letic board, as well as UK President
Charles Wethington will meet tomor-
row to decide the specifics of the feasibility study.

my business. ”

EPA soentlino tops 31 million

WASHINGTON -— The Environmental Pro—

tection Agency has spent more than $1 million

since 1993 on training seminars at ritzy resorts or

on subjects unrelated to environment such as

“defensive driving” or speed-reading courses,

according to congressional investigators. ‘
Posh inns in West Virginia, a beach-front

Ann Simons

Co‘o'wner of

Illusions in the
Civic Center shops








,1, any“. ..,.






ID ilat Madness

By 0. Jason Stapleton
Senior Staff Writer

Memorial Coliseum was the
site of Friday’s Bi Blue Madness.

This is not to e confused with
Midni ht Madness, however.

Mi ni ht Madness was a wildly
successfu event that filled the
Coliseum to capacity year after

Big Blue Madness, on the other
hand, found itself unequal to the
standard set by its predecessor
Friday night.

The major difference between
the two events was the time.

Midnight Madness always took
place just after midnight on the
ver first day the NCAA declared
colliege hoops could begin regular

Big Blue Madness ignored tra-
dition and took place on a nonde-
script Frida evening.

The en result, to everyone’s
surprise, Memorial Coliseum was
not filled when the 1996-97 UK
Wildcats were formally intro—
duced for the first time.

“I was surprised because the
Way everyone talked, you had to
stand out in line forever to get a

Speaker to
UK to vote

It Kathy nailing
damn: New: Editor

- The 1996 presidential election
iacoming closer.

Even if the actual candidates
an not able to fit UK on their
schedules, campaign representa-

are coming to cam us to
maketheir party’s pitch to estu-
' an eat, de ti cam ai
manager for Clin‘tbnthorep Wigil
k for his candidates in 230
cm Center today at 1:30 p.m.
‘- \


ticket,” said Matt Mulcahey, a
business freshman. “Then I get in
and look up at the top rows and
see that all the seats aren’t even

A general feeling of disappoint-
ment came over the fans who were
in attendance, many of whom felt
it was a waste of their time.

“I enjoyed it, but I was really
disappointed for a lack of hype,”
said Kim Fister, a social work
junior. “I think it would have been
better if they had stuck with tradi-
tion and held it at midnight.”

Fister also said ifthe event had
been held at midnight, more peo—
ple would have come.

Some fans were still at work
when the event started.

On the positive side for Big
Blue Madness, the slam dunk
competition between the players
ignited the fans that had attended

The highlight of that would
have to be when freshman sensa~
tion Jamaal Magliore dunked two
balls at once. That shining
moment still doesn’t make up for
the overall lackluster night, show-
ing that tradition should not be
messed with.



BID Bl"! "ACME“ (L )jaclyn Pitino shows her dad how to do the ‘Mamrena’ at Bi Blue
Madness. (Above) junior orward Scott Padgett shoots during the scrimmage in Memoria Coli-

seumon Friday night.


hotel in Puerto Rico and a mountain resort in
Colorado were among venues chosen for classes
and conferences, Republican investi ators with
the House Government Reform anvaersight
Committee reported.

Training sessions included:

VFour-day seminars on improving managers"
productivity, held at various resorts in \Vest Vir~
ginia and Maryland. Cost: $20,000 per seminar.

VA $7,000, one-day session at a beach hotel in
San Juan, Puerto Rico, to train EPA lawyers on
preparing for administrative hearings.

VA two-day auditors’ conference at a Brecken-
ridge, Colo., lod c costin $4,400.

The EPA de ended t e seminars as training
sessions necessary to boost worker performances.
like those any company or agency sponsors.

Bus gunman wounds two, '93”: out
BUTTE LA ROSE, La. — A assenger fired

several shots on a Greyhoun bus Sunday,
wounding two people, then jumped off the bus
and was killed when he hit a guard rail.

The wounded passengers were not seriously
hurt, said St. Martin Parish Sheriff’s Capt.
Audrey Thibodeaux. “He wasn’t shooting at any-
one in particular, just shooting,” she said.

Other passengers told investi ators the man
had been drinking alcohol on the Bus from Hous-
ton to New Orleans, Thibodeaux said.

Jay Gladden, 30, of Columbus, Ga., said, “He
reached in his pants, pulls out a .357 and starts
brandishing his gun.”

The bus driver be an slowin down and
o ened the door, Glad en said, anfthe gunman
“fires off six shots, hits one gu in the hand and
shoulder, runs out of ammo andv'umps off the bus
and hit the cement guard rail.”

The gunman was identified as Jose Roberto
Moza, 46, of Pasco, Wash.


Jackson cots rolls welcome

TAIPEI, Taiwan — Michael jackson got a
rude welcome from a couple of city councilmen
angry over the pop star’s alleged child molesta—

jackson received a meritorious achievement
award Saturday from the mayor of
Kaohsiung, Taiwan’s second-
largest city, wherejackson was to
perform yesterday night.

As the meeting was concluding,
city councilors Huang Chao—hsing
and Lin Ti-chuan burst into the
room and angrily demanded to
know what Jackson’s qualifica-
tions were for receiving the

Huang kicked over a tea table in front ofjack-
son. prompting the surprised pop star to ask, “Is
that guy all right?" the Kaohsiung—based Com—
mons Daily newspaper reported.

Compiled/rm staff wire reports.




NPll's Morning Edition' host to visit campus Friday

Black Student Union and Stu—
dent Government Association are
co-sponsoring Wheat’s visit.

SGAdpresident Alan

sch of the Kentucky Democratic
Party, to try to convince minority
voters to vote democratic.

Wheat, a former


Aja sai he expected
Wheat to talk about
student involvement
and this year’s elec-

Aja said he was
a proached by the
éiinton/Gore cam—
paign to see if SGA
would sponsor the


Congressman from
Missouri, was one of
the first black con-
gressmen to represent
a non-minority dis-
He served in
Congress from 1983-
“He supposedly
relates well to a lot of

“We are trying to Alan Mat will minorities on a cam-
educate students and We“ at 1:30 pus and student level,”
get them out to vote,” [MIL in 230 Stu~ Aja said.

Aja said. do!!! C's» Elected to the U.S.

Wheat is in charge
of minority con-
stituent outreach for



House of Re resents-
tives in 198 , Wheat
became the youngest



the Clinton/Gore

campaign. He is comin to UK as

part of this position, sai jon Mgr-

person in congression—
al history to be appomted to the
Rules Committee.


By Scott Hays
Contributing Writer

Bob Edwards, the award—win-
nin host of National Public
Ra io’s “Morning Edition,” will
5 eak at UK Fri—

ay during the
20th anniversary
celebration of the
Martin School of
Public Policy and

The Martin
School, which is
ranked 27th EM“!
nationall b US
News an Whrld Report, will hold
the celebration on Oct. 25 and
26. Edwards is scheduled to
s ak at 3 pm. on Oct. 25 in the

rat-floor courtroom of the Col-
lege of Law. Admission. is free.



“It seems like the perfect way
to celebrate our 20th anniver-
sary,” said Eu enia Toma, the
director of the Martin School.

Edwards, a Louisville native,
has worked for NPR since 1974.
He worked as co-host of the
evening newsmagazine “All
Things Considered” before
becoming the host of “Morning

UK officials thought he would
make an ideal speaker for the cel-

“Since many of the students
are interested in litics, they
thought he won] be a good
speaker, mainly because he inter-
v1ews so man liticians,” said
Joyce West, m lteswoman.

Edwards was t e recipient of
the Edward R. Murrow Award
from the Corporation for Public

Broadcasting for “outstanding
contributions to public radio” in

In 1990 he won the Gabriel
Award from the National
Catholic Association of Broad-
casters for a five-part series about
Fetal Alcohol S drome entitled
“Born Drunk.” dwards received
his bachelor’s degree from the
University of Louisville. He was
hired by NPR after serving in the
U.S. Army and worhng in
Washington, DC, where he was
an cvemn and weekend anchor-
manifordd OP-AM.

n a man to broadcasting,
Edwards ublished a book in
1993 entitfed Fridays with Red.
Edwards currently serves as a
national vice president of the
American Federation of Televi-
sion and Radio Artists.




2 Monday, October 21. 1996. mm Kenn!

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Cats blast WMII
6-0 in case finale

By Jill Erwin
Staff Writer

The UK men’s soccer team
sent the Cage out in style, domi-
nating Western Michigan yester-
day to the tune of 6-0 in the final
game ever at the Field.

It was the most goals UK has
scored since 1991. The second
half included five goals and five
assists, setting a record in both
cate cries for a half.

“ t feels good to come out and
bury a team like we did today,”
Toby McComas said.

“We've been threatening to do
it all year, and we finally came out,
topped talking about it and did
I ”

i .
UK had 22 shots to Western’s
three, and had twice as many cor-
ner kicks as the opposition, con-
tinuing a trend that has continued
the whole season. UK has 96 for
the season to its opponents’ 41.
The Cats dominated from the
beginning, with UK’s uicker
players often intercepting MU
passes. McComas opened up the
scoring with a free kick at the
35: 16 mark.
As UK lined up, McComas

turned down Sean Mondelli’s
offer to take the shot.

“I told him, ‘Nfo, I think I’rE
oin to take it’.I elt pre 00
Ebougt goin up there andthigting
it,” he sai . “I don’t think too

man people moved.”

he team nursed a fragile 1-0
lead at halftime, eager to prove
something. Less than 10 minutes
into the second half, Mondelli
scored off an assist from Sean

Six minutes later, Mondelli fed
McComas on a no-look, behind-
the-back pass. McComas dribbled
and passed to the front of the goal,
where Endicott tapped the ball in
with his left foot.

Also scorin for UK were Chris
Villamil, Gra am Wilk and Jay
Armstrong. Wilk’s and Arm-
strong’s goals came off of headers
less than seven minutes apart.

“Scott (Sersen) crossed it over,
and I was all alone by the post,”
Wilk said. “I crouched down and
put in the back end.”

Sunday’s ame also helped
Endicott and cComas move up
the record lists. Endicott claimed
second place all-time assists and is
one assist away from tying the sin-


gle season mark. He has played in
only 35 games for UK, while the
others have played at least three

McComas is now three points
out of second place all-time, and
moving up in the ranks in shot,
goals and assists.

“We didn’t give up today, we
just kept putting it on them,”
Endicott said. “A win like this
really helps your confidence going
into a big game Thursday (against

Sunday’s game is the kind that
UK Coach Ian Collins said he
loves to see.

“Our intelligence out there was

aiu iu‘iiiowt Kernelstafl

STAYINE “HEM, The UK men ’s soccer team closed the Cage with a shutout
win against Western .Mirhr'gan. The Cats play Indiana on Thursday.

outstandin ," Collins said. “Today
we put it afi together. It was by far
the best 90 minutes we’ve played.”

UK played without junior
defender Brien Baltzell. He had
started in the first 13 games of the
season, earning six assists, but
injured his leg last week against
Miami (Ohio). His calf is swollen
and he will be evaluated on a day
to day basis.

Stepping into the starting line-
up was Mondelli. Mondelli is
recovering from an injury himself,
after suffering from a torn quadri-
cep. He showed no ill effects yes-
terday, often burning past the
larger WMU players.

IIII win streak ends in loss to llawgs





Blll MARLOWE Kernel staff

BALI. CONTROL The Cats travel to
Knoxville, Term, Sundayfor a hat-
tle with the Volunteers.

By Dave German
Sufi" Writer

Goodbye to the Cage; hello to
the new soccer stadium.

That is what the women’s soc-
cer team had to be thinking on

_ Friday after losing in overtime 2—1

to Georgia.

The Cats lost the battle for the
No. 2 spot in the Southeastern
Conference Eastern Division in
their final game at the Cage as the
Dawgs (9—4, 4-1 SEC) snapped
UK’s regular-season 10-game
winning streak at home.

“The first 45 minutes went
well, but there were plenty of
times we didn't finish,” Lipka said.
“We did not play well as a team,
there were 11 individuals out


UK all-time leading scorer Kim
LaBelle added to her record on an
assist from Jennifer McMaster
10:31 into the first half.

Things were going the Cats’
way as they outshot their oppo-
nent 11-4 in the first half. But
when Nikke Ornelaz assisted
Nicole Winfieldon a oal with
1:59 left in the first half, Georgia
tied the game 1—1.

The Cats continued their
offensive attack, outshooting
UGA 9-4 in the second half. but
couldn’t find the net.

1n overtime, UK failed to sus-
tain its offensive pressure. And
with 6:27 left in the first period of
overtime, Georgia‘s Mandy Aiken
assisted ()rnelaz on her second
goal of the game. It gave the

Daw s the lead and the win.

T e game ended with no goals
scored in the second period of
overtime and UK came up short in
a tough one a ainst Georgia.

Despite t e loss, UK goalie
Carrie Kuhnell sparkled between
the posts.

“Carrie really stepped in when
we needed her,” Lipka said.

The Cats can’t afford to dwell
on this loss as they play against
No. 21 Vanderbilt and No.11
Wisconsin in two of their last four

UK, which fell to 9-3—2 overall
and 3—2 in the SEC, will hope to
regain its winning edge in the new
soccer facility.

But for now, they can only say
goodbye to their “Old Kentucky
Home,” the Cage.




m campus (1111211sz

The Campus Calendar appears In the Monday edition of the Kentucky Kernel. All organizations wishing to publish meetings. lectures. special
events and sporting events, must have all information to Student Activities room 203 or call 257-8867 1 week prior to Publication.


R E.-uc-»¢c\o-¢-.a---.c--n--v-r-¢





WIIHI WAS the last time the UK football

team beat Georgia?

'tZ-9Z thtwa an Iraq sing aqz (0661 “I :v






Kama by K (I ml, 1) family, (Amber 2] , I996 .

“MST YEA" was til/ale. It was afluke up

tbere. ”

1 . vu""F~MUM-.-—.u~*w” .


Cl’IlICK Wiley, LSU (Ir/mm mil/e, on UK '1' am or" the 'ligers lanyear.

“Death Valley' lives III] to its billing as "ll talls

LS U unloads on PVildeats; loss

ensures another losing campaign

By Rob Herbsl

Assistant Sports Editor

Ladies and gentlemen, it’s official.

The UK football teatn will not
be going to a bowl game this year.

What made it o ficial was a 41-
14 drubbing at the hands of LSU
Saturday night at Tiger Stadium.

The loss was UK’s sixth of the
season, thus preventing them
from having a winning season.

There may have been a dozen
or so believers who thought that
UK (1—6 overall, 0—4 in the South-
eastern Conference) could some—
how muster enough to win five
straight ames, including the one
in “Deatfi Valley.”

Those ho es may have been
dashed as early as the first posses—
sion of the game.

The Tigers (5-1, 3-1) started
the game by marching on a profi-
cient, ei ht-play, 84-yard scoring
drive w iich took all of about

Kevin Faulk’s 23—yard scamper
to the end zone capped the drive.

Faulk would finish with 138
yards on 21 carries against the

Well, even after the first drive,
there may have been a few UK

But after a UK punt, LSU
decided to perform an equally effi-
cient drive as their first to take a
two touchdown lead on the Cats.

“You receive the kickoff, score,
and then go up I-l-(l, that could
have an itnpact on your opponent
when you’re favored by a lot of
points,” said ISU Coach (iert'y
DiNardo, who apparently had lit—
tle sympathy for a UK team that
will be hosting a bowl party in
Lexington, and not in some sun—

drenched locale.
But after the second touch-
down, it was quick to see that UK
would not be heading to New
Orleans for the holidays. Or
Orlando Or Tampa. Or even
Shreveport, La. for that matter.
For UK fans, preparing .

UK did have opportunities to
put more points on the board.

Early in the third quarter and
already down 27-0, the Cats start—
ed possession on their own 10-
yard line. Not ood for a team
that had a totaFof 83 first-half

But thanks to a fourth-down
personal foul on the Tigers and a
52—yard pass to Chad Spencer,
UK found itself with first-and-


to make a trip with some
bowl—bound Cats, Shreve—
Eort and the Poulan Weed—

ater Independence Bowl
would look like a tropical

The final piece of evi-
dence that UK need not

book any hotel reservations DINardo

for the holidays came at the
end of the half.

Already down 17-0, LSU
decided to try a 54—yard field oal.

Needless to say, Wade Ricfiey’s
field goal was dead on. It tied LSU
record for the longest field goal.

Who knows, maybe the
Cats could find some way