xt759z90cf3w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt759z90cf3w/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1992-04-28 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 28, 1992 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 28, 1992 1992 1992-04-28 2020 true xt759z90cf3w section xt759z90cf3w  

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AIDS affects UK, world;
college students at risk

Students not immune
to deadly HIV Virus

Contributing Writer

Editor's note: "Jim" is (l pseudonym. His real name has been changed

to protect his identity.

AIDS may kill someone at UK this year.

“I know students on this campus who have AIDS,“ said Jim. an AIDS
patient. “It is out there. Right now at UK. people do have AIDS."

Jim is a college graduate who was diagnosed with AIDS in November.
lie is heterosexual and receives treatments daily. He said be contracted the

disease through a medical accident.

lint does not look sick. With a medium build of 180 pounds. he looks
like any student sitting in class or walking down the street. He could be the
person who sits next to you in class. your friend — or even you. AIDS is
striking the heterosexual population in large numbers.

The epidemic proportions faced from this disease is evident when ob-
serving recent survey results taken from the student body.

In a survey conducted for this article. 19l of 200 UK students said they
were concemed with sexually-uansmitted diseases and AIDS. But only 48
percent of the same 200 students said they have changed their sexual habits

to combat disease.

“College students would rather live in denial than face reality.“ said Lisa
Stofer. assistant dean of students and health education coordinator.

In fact. Rebecca Welch Cline. from the Department of (‘ommunications
Processes and Disorders at the University of Florida at (iainesville. said
college students may even belong in a greater-than-average risk groiip be-
cause of the high level of sexual activity at the college level,

“One in 500 college students will test HIV positive, which means that 60
or more students at large universities may be infected.“ (line said

HIV is the blood antibody that carries the AIDS virus. although people
who test HIV positive may not necessarily contract the deadly disease.

(”line said young men and women. particularly college students. feel iii-
vincible and often experiment with alcohol and other drugs. This. in mm.
she said. may impair their judgments about safer sex practices. Ultimately.
they fail to comprehend the risk to which they subject themselves. (‘line


“th prevalence of AIDS in the age groups 25-29 and 30-34. in conjunc-
tion with an average latency period of eight to 10 years, probably puts the
traditional college-aged population in the midst of an age group at highest

risk for infection." she said.

Mary Brinkrnan. director of health education for llK‘s Student Health
Service, agreed with (‘line‘s assessment.

“lhe risk for college-aged students begins when we consider the latency
period of the AIDS virus." Brinkman said.

See AIDS. Page 5


Ashe: no
. to speak

Associated Press

mer tennis superstar Arthur
Ashe said yesterday he plans
to speak out publicly on the
issue of AIDS. but “no AIDS
activist group is going to
force me to do anything I
don't want to do."

Ashe, without being specif-
ic, said he had been pressured
by such organizations since
his reluctant disclosure on
April 8 that he has AIDS. But
he said he still is considering
what role he should play.
and. meanwhile. “high-
pressure tactics absoluwa
will not work on tne."

Ashe talked with reporters
after speaking at a science
day celebration at the Benja-
min‘ Benneker Academic
High School. He did not
mention acquired immune de-
ficiency syndrome in his talk
to the snidents.

In the news conference.
Ashe said AIDS is one of the
top three issues to which he
wishes to volunteer his time.
cial discrimination in South
Africa and helping student
athletes make realistic career

“I atn not going to drop
everything else I do in life

See ASHE, Page 5

Kentucky Kernel

Independent since 1971

Tuesday. April 28, 1992‘






As Dead Week gets under way. Lori Turner. a junior from Shelbyvrlle Ky . studies organic cliemr
istry in the Chemrstry-Physrcs library




Health care matters hit close to home

Senior Staff Writer

Roy (Iividen does not take health
care for granted.

When he was 21). (iividen was
left paraplegic when his spinal cord
damaged during an operation to
treat cerebral palsy. a condition he
has dealt with since birth.

Because of cerebral palsy and
paralysis. he has spent the past two
decades in and out of hospitals. he

But he said yesterday that UK
students should not wait until they
desperately need health care to feel
the way he does about changing it.

(iividen. 32, is one of the organiz-
ers of Central Kentuckians for
Health Security. which is sponsor-
ing a forutn on health issues froin 7
to ‘) pm. at Lexington Public I.i-
brary‘s main branch downtown.

The group plans to collect ideas
to present to a state health task force
that is gathering infomiation for a

special session of the Kentucky
(ieneral Assembly.

Health care is expected to be ad-
dressed sometime Ititer this year or
next year.

(iivideii wants to make sure that
the task force and lawmakers hear
the “voices of the people who are
in need." including those of Ken-
tucky‘s college students. when they
begin considering the refonn of
Kentucky's health care system.

“Many times when special ses-
sions are called. you get the experts
-~ the doctors and the lawyers." he

(iividcn. a UK student himself
front IQSI to [980. said students
should be aware of the services
available at Student Ilealtli Servic»
es as well as the limits of dint ser-
vice and costs of the alternatives.

"1 lnless you have something sim-
ple like a cold, they send you over
to UK (Hospital) and then llK
(Hospital) sends you a bill." be

Spanish Club holds first

Staff Writer

If staying ahead in Spanish class
seems impossible. a group of UK
students may have an ideal solution.

Spanish Honor Society members
Bill Nelli. Scott Ferguson and Re-
becka Keelan last semester decided
to create an organiiatiori that would
give students practical experience in
spoken Spanish.

“If you really want to leam Spati-
ish. you‘ve got to get out there and
do it." said Keelan. vice president

of the UK Spanish (‘lub.

Keelan. a mathematical sciences
senior. said the club offers students
who are not fluent in Spanish rui iri-
l‘onnal setting in which to brush tip
on their speaking skills liveryoiic
is free to speak linglish.

Students also get the opportunity
to learn more about Ilispariic cul-
ture through discussions and spe-
cial activities.

()n Tuesdays at 4 pm. club
members meet for “tertulitt” i’ll Iy
nagh's Irish Pub. At the gathering.
beginning szuiish students. as well

The problem with health care at
UK and elsewhere is loopholes in
policies. (iividen said.

“(‘zm they guarzuitcc that what the
students pay for is going to meet
their needs?"

Finding any type of health care I\
a big problem for (iividcn Ilc and
his wife. who also suffers from cc-
rcbriil palsy. cun‘cntly carry no
health insurzutcc. he said.

(letting it job is it problem tor
them both because placing people
with disabilities on it company‘s iii-
suraricc policy hikes the company’s
insurance rates.

“Because we Ili’l\L‘ disabilities.
employers won't look :it us." he

As a result. (iividcn consults a
doctor only when absolutely neces-

“There were nitury instrmces
when I should have gone. btrt l
didn’t have the money." he said.

One obstacle which must be over-
cotne is ignorance. he said. Iii par-

as graduate students. engage iii iri-
fonnal conversation. Kcelan said.

In addition. the club holds sched.
trlcd meetings at the Student (‘eiitcr

Another function of thc orgzuii/a-
tion is to teach students how they
cart apply Spanish to everyday life.

“We started the Spanish (‘lub so
that we. along with the other stu-
dents at the University. could find
out what we could do With the Ian
giiitgc." chlttti said. As many as 40
people have attended club meetings.
she said.

ticular. the public should be educate
ed about whirl scr'xrces tire tl\lllI1t-
blc and what the} cost so that
they are better health care consir~
mers. he said

"for c\;irnplc. you look III the
newspaper and say "I want to buy
this car ltotri IIll\ lads bcciiiisc I‘ll
savc \5ill)‘ l’coplcvdon't ktrow
enough about health care to do
that." he said.

IIIIS is a problem that (iividcn
feels is especially preyiilent on col-
lege campuses.

“Students don‘t know what illicit
health plan) covers and what it
doesn't." he said

(iividcn cliarrictct'i/cd health care
in the l'iiitcd Strilcs its "the worst
health care system in the industrial-
iled world."

Several plans that may come bc-
t‘orc the Kentucky legislature. (in,
ideti said. including it pool system
iri which the giwei'nment insures


organizational meetings

At the next meeting. today at 2
pm. iri 206 Student (enter. first
graders frorn Maxwell ltlcrncntary
School will sing and read poems iii

the 24 children are part oi the
school's Spanish immersion pro~
gram. they spend half ol each
school day learning various sub-
iects entirely lll Spanish

llK Spanish (‘lnb does not re-
quire dues. and all students are wcle
come to attend meetings. chlnn



Sigma Phi Epsilon
returning to campus

Assrstant Editorta: Editor

Sigma l’hi Ipsilon is looking
for il tcw good men

Ilic social Irritcr‘nity is p|.in~
riing to return to l'K irltcr dwin-
dling numbers lorccd the chapter
oll' cnnipus 1i lcw years .igo

(ircg Ilood. it member ot the
I'tiiu‘i’sil) ol lottis\illc\ chirp-
tct‘. dctarlcd his lintcrtiity's .llTl
\:il this tall ttt I'K‘s IllIL‘l'IfilICllll~
t) (‘oirncil meeting last night

“All ol Ilic plans are set
We belicic with the number ol
students Iict‘c at 17K. it won‘t be
hard to bring iii ‘6 men who are
looking lot it litttcrnal c\pcrt-
encc. which is one they can h.i\c
their own iriptit iii." hc \;lltI

I‘liosc new members will con-
stitute tlic lr'atcrnitys Ioiinding
tzttliers oi the Kentucky Alpha
chapter at l’K.

Sigma Phi I-.psilon. which has
rriorc nzitioriril chapters than any
other t'riitcniity III the country.
boasts l'nriious .rlirmni such its
\cteran actor (‘itrroll ()‘(‘onnor.
who plnycd Archic [lutikcr' on
the telcusion series "All [it the
lizuntly." and author l'hcodor
Seuss (iciscl. the legendary Dr.

Ilic lrirtcr‘nity’s plans to begin
rush with student intcrxicws in
mid»Septciribcr. lollowing carri-
ptiswtdc r'ttsli iii late August

l‘hc ot’ticral recoloni/anon. iri-
cliiding obtaining it charter for
the fraternity. should take trotn

onc to two years. llood \tlltI

\‘igniii I'Iii cirr'icntl} is renting
|l\ lot'rnci lt’ntct'tnts lioirsc to
Iictn lhctn I’i \tltldl fraternity

Ron I cc. .isststniit tlc.iti of sin
dcnls .itid ttntcrnit} .llI\I\L'I. \.tltI
.ictotdttrg to ptcnous rental
.igr’ccnicnls. Sigma Phi can re-
tttrn to its liottsc the beginning
ol tlic 100104 school year,

In other business. Iliyan Mot
risori. ll'( president at
large. said he is attempting to rc—
\'I\L‘ [lltk'c‘tllll'k‘\ IllltI rules for the
annual Strident (ioxct'nnicnt .\._

st‘c‘ldlltlll t'lc‘Lllt‘ll dclxitc

\ It‘c

Morrison. who cowootdttinlcd
the (neck Political \ctton (ioni-
inittcc dchitc. s.rid there are no
permanent rtiIi-s ::o\criting tlic
dcbntc of \t I \ presidential can»

Rules governing (il’v\(‘ are
“gciicrally lct't tip to thc llllt‘l'pl't”
ltllltlll ol thc clinitpcrsons iol
(iI’A('i We want to hioc tthe
rtilcsi set in stone." he said

Morrison said hc c\pccts to
have the guidelines complete
soriictinic Ill early lzill

Ilic conirnittcc clcctcd cho
Dcziton :l\ slk‘L‘»pl'C\ltIL‘lll ol li-
naricc to. II-(‘ tor l‘l‘lZ-‘lI lien»
ton has scncd :is president ol
lambda (‘hi Alpha social lrtitcr
titty He will replace l’clc No
vciribcr‘. who resigned because
ol lits t’ct‘cltl clcclttili 1l\ .\(ix\











Story, Page 2.


UK men’s golf team earns sixth-place finish
in a tournament in Columbus, Ohio.

“Little Secrets: Child Sexual Abuse in
America” —- a three-part series — airs at 3

pm. on UK's public radio station WUKY-FM


Jazz legend, clas-
sic films among
week’s events.
Column, Page 4.

Spons ............................ 2
Diversions ..................... 4
Viewpornt. ,




 a; mineral Kernel, rue-day. April 23. me

Staff Writer

The UK men’s golf team kept its
NCAA hopes alive this weekend by
capturing a sixth-place finish at the
Kepler Intercollegiate Tournament
in Columbus, Ohio.

The Wildcats' performance boost-
ed the team from 10th to sixth in the
district rankings. A sixth-place dis
trict finish after next week‘s SEC
Tournament would earn the Cats a
ticket to the NCAA Regionals in
Dallas next month.

The Wildcats were led by senior
Robbie Davis and junior Marshall


Golf team finishes Six

Butler. Each fired a 2 l -over-par 237
to finish tied for 27th at cold, wet
Scarlet Golf Course.

The weather seemed to have no
effect on Ohio State. Playing on
their home turf, the Buckeyes domi—
nated the lS-team field. They out-
distanced second—place Iowa by a
whopping 44 strokes, and placed
their top five players atop the indi-
vidual leader board. OSU's Steve
Anderson captured medalist honors
with a 6-over-par 222.

According to UK golf coach Tom
Simpson, the Buckeyes benefited
from playing at home. OSU coach
Jiin Brown narrowed the fairways

to 30 yards, hid all of the pins from
the opposing teams, and left the tall
grassy roughs alone.

“It's a tricky golf course," added
Butler. “Ohio State is the best team
in the district, but they play that
course so well. They know where to
hit it, and they hit it there."

The Cats occupied third place af-
ter the first I8 holes. Davis, UK’s
top player, jumped out to an early
lead Saturday in the individual
standings by firing a l-under-par

“I got off to a really th)d start,
but things just went sour on the sec-
ond 18," Davis said. “I had two

A.P. Indy impresses Drysdale
during first Louisville workout

Assocrated Press

hangs his head during a race, but
holds it high in the winner's circle.

That‘s where trainer Neil Drys-
dale hopes to greet the colt after the
running of the Kentucky Derby Sat-
urday at Churchill Downs.

"I’m very pleased With the way
A.P. Indy is coming to the race; he
couldn‘t be any better,” Drysdale
said after watching the Santa Anita
Derby winner work out yesterday.

A.P. Indy, winner of his last five
starts, should be no worse than the
third betting choice in the Derby.
The strong favorite will be French-
based Arazi.

“To win the race, you have to
beat Arazi," Drysdale said. “But.
it’s a horse race, and who knows
what’s going to happen.”

Working in company with the 4~
year-old filly Quilma, A.P. Indy,
with exercise rider Marcelino AI-
quin up, went three-quarters of mile
in 1:15 2—5.

“Everything went the way we
wanted," Drysdale said. “He’s not a
good work horse. He’s lazy."

As usual, the colt ran with his
head low as if he were looking for
potholes in the track.

Jockey Eddie Delahoussaye once
said, “I wish he wouldn’t drop his
head as low as he does. He's a fun-
ny horse, not easy to ride."

Drysdale, however, feels that
“horses are able to extend well
when they have a low head can
riagc. l have seen quite a few hors-
es carry their heads low."

“It has no bearing on his Vision at
all," Drysdale said when asked if
A.P. Indy’s style of running could
lead to traffic problems in the I 1/
4-mile Derby. At least I9 3-year-
olds are expected to start.

A.P. Indy is tied to past Derby

His sire, Seattle Slew, won the
Triple Crown in I977. His dam,
Weekend Surprise, is a daughter of
Secretariat, who won the Triple
Crown in I973.

The 40-year-old Delahoussaye
will be riding in his 10th Derby. He
won on Gato Del Sol in 1982 and
on Sunny’s Halo in I983.

A.P. Indy was bought as a year-
ling at Kecneland for $2.9 million
by Tomonori Tsurumaki of Japan.

The A.P. is for Auto Polis, a lei—
sure center built around a race track
that Tsurumaki owns in Japan. Indy
is for the Indianapolis Motor

The colt finished fourth in his de-

but, thcn won his other three 2-ycar-
old races, including the Hollywood
Futurity Dec. 22.

He returned to action Feb. 29 and
won the one-mile San Rafael at
Santa Anita. In his last start, he won
the l l/8-mile Santa Anita Derby.

All but three of the expected Der-
by starters wcrc at Churchill

Devil His Due and Snappy Land-
ing are scheduled to arrive Wednes-
day from Belmont Park in New
York. My Luck Runs North is ex-
pected to be vanned to Louisville
from Keeneland Thursday.

Arazi and Derby candidates Dr
Devious and Ther arrived by plane
from France Sunday and went into
quarantine in a converted ware-
house near Churchill Downs” main

They were expected to be stabled
at the Downs by Today.

Irish—bred Dr Devious and Thyer,
bred in Kentucky, as was Arazi,
have done all of their racing in Eng-
land. No horse has won a Derby
without having at least one previous
race in the United States.

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double bogeys on the first four
holes. After that, I was just strug-
gling to stay above water."

Though they slipped some during
the final two rounds, firing scores of
324 and 3l7, respectively, Simpson
was generally pleased with the
Cats' performance.

“I was satisfied," the UK coach
said. “We played extremely well the
first 18 holes.

“But the way Robbie Davis goes,
the rest of the team goes. He played
an incredible first round, but did not
play well thereafter. And no one
else would pick up that necessary

UK's Chris Liner and Andrew
Price finished tied for 42nd, each
shooting a 241. Sophomore John
Cain rounded out the fivesome with
a score of 244, good for 66th place.

“We have to be more aggressive,"
Simpson said. “We’re just not —
and I‘ve pounded this in them —
accepting the responsibility of ade-
quate golf course management. And
until we do, we're never going to
reach that upper level."

The Cats hope to reach that upper
level a week from Thursday, when
they travel to Gainesville, Fla., to
compete in the SEC Tournament.

“For us to play with those teams


like Arkansas and Florida, we‘ll
have to be at the top of our games."
Davis said. “It's going to be tough,
because we have limited practice
time with finals coming up next

“But I think that might be good
for us. It will give us some time to
relax, and focus on what we need to

And that is maintaining their hold
on the No. 6 position in the district.
If the Cats don’t falter in Gaines-
villc, they will most likely join dis-
trict foes OSU, Kent, Wisconsin,
Iowa and Michigan State in the
NCAA Regionals.


Staff Writer

LOUISVILLE, Ky. m It was
6:l5 am. Saturday and the back-
stretch of Churchill Downs was
pitch black, except for the sparse
illumination of lights plotted
from stable to stable.

A dry, chilly air wispily
roamed around the stables and ca-
ressed the thoroughbreds that
were being groomed, as well as
their trainers and a freezing few
who showed up without jackets.

It is the northern comer of the
backstretch that is packed with
stables owned by different train-
ers. Most of the stables aren’t ex-
actly what one would consider
the vision of cleanliness — ex-
cept one. D. Wayne Lukas’ stable
even sparkles under a dark sky.

What appeared to be a stable
boy mucking out stalls wasn’t a
paid hand. It was Lukas. Onlook-
ers were a bit shocked to see a
man of Lukas’ horse racing stat~
ure performing menial labor.

“When I have some extra time,
I like to tnake sure we manicure
inside the barn and out," Lukas
said. “It‘s always a good idea to
pay attention to detail. If you are
capable of taking care of the
small things. big things rarely get
a chance to get in the way."

Randy Moss, who covers horse
racing for The Dallas Morning
News, said paying attention to
minute detail separates Lukas
from all other trainers.

“He has become the most im-
portant man in the racing industry
becaotc he cares about the entire
industry of horse racing," Moss
said. “He goes out of his way to
try to improve relations for the
sport, noljust himself."


Attention to smallest details
secret of D. Wayne Lukas’
success in Kentucky Derby

Each stall was stamped with the
“WL” seal and each horse was
dressed with green and white
checked saddle cloths. On the out-
side of the stable, specks of dirt
couldn‘t be found; all shrubs were
evenly clipped and were sur-
rounded by white rocks; a fresh
coat of white paint was recently
applied; and “Stable 44” appeared
on the side.

Lukas‘ first-class attitude im-
pressed all onlookers and moved
one lady to say “his horses live
better than most humans." What
they didn’t see was that training
facilities, employees and plane
rides —— which all of the horses he
trains are obliged — cost him an
estimated $2 million last year.

Morning sunlight came and so
did a new conglomeration of me-
dia. Lukas, who will enter a horse
in the Derby for the 12th consecu-
tive year and was in a joking
mood, will run two in the field
this year: Dance Floor, owned by
rap star Hammer, and Al Sabin,
owned by Henryk de KWIBIKOW»

“Dance Floor is obviously the
better of the two." Lukas said.
“He‘s like Alydar. He‘s very ag-
gressive. btit he‘s not a good

Dance Floor. who Will be rid—
dcn by Chris Antlcy, was the first
horse to arrive at Churchill
Downs and Lukas alludcd to the
fact that he wanted his horse to be
comfortable. Lukas also joked
that Dance Floor doesn‘t like
plane rides.

“It’s fun to be up there at
33,000 feet and know that any
moment the son»ol'-a-bitch can
kick the sides out of the plane,"
he said.

Lukas said he was relieved be-

cause this would be the second
time Dance Floor would use la-
six, which is used to treat horses
who bleed internally and exter-
nally from overexcrtion.

“I like second time lasix be-
cause that’s when a horse's confi~
dence level comes back," he said.
“It‘s like when you’ve come
close to drowning; you‘re hesi-
tant the next time you go in the

Sunday, Arazi, the Derby fa-
vorite, arrived. Arazi has pro
duced more hype than any other
horse because an air of mystery
surrounds him.

He’s had surgery to remove
bone spurs from his weak knees
and many horse gurus aren’t im-
pressed with the level of competi-
tion Arazi has faced. But as many
stories as Arazi has generated,
Lukas said Hammer would pro-
vide the hype for the Derby.

“He‘ll be big-time here," Lukas
said. “With all the hype Arazi has
brought to horse racing this year,
he (Hammer) will upstage him.
We could bring back Secretariat
and still upstage him.”

However, Lukas, like everyone
else, is confident Arazi can win.

“If the real Arazi shows up, the
horse you (the media) have built
him tip to be. we can mail it in,
Let's hype the hell out of him anti
beat him. He's going to have to
weave in and out of 20 horses."

One got the impression Lukas
wants to win the Derby, but he
might be just as happy as long as
Arazi doesn't.

“We have to beat Ara/i," he
said. “If we don't it will open the
floodgates from Europe and we'll
have [0 (European) horses here
next year. Let them win a grass
race but not the Derby."



Everybody at Churchill Downs
is talking about arrival of Arazi

Associated Press

LOUISVILLE, Ky. — Arazi,

“Everybody’s talking about Ara-
zi," veteran trainer Sonny Hines

Finally. on Sunday America‘s
horsemen got to see him again —
albeit fleetingly.

Since winning the Breeders’ Cup
Juvenile here last Nov. 2, Arazi has
been holed up in France, where he
resumed training under the none-



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too-talkative Francois Boutin after
knee surgery in November.

Arazi arrived from Paris at about
2:15 pm. Sunday and went straight
to quarantine at the Downs, where
he will be favored to win Satur-
day’s I I/4-mile Kentucky Derby.

“He‘s a great horse, no doubt
about it." said Bruce Headley. who
trains Derby outsider Disposal.
“And if he wins the Kentucky Der-
by, he's a wonder-horse."

Arazi‘s return was not particular-
ly cercmonious. He was taken off a
chartered plane at Standiford Field
under tight security and vannetl to
Churchill Downs, where he was led
into a converted warehouse used as
a quarantine barn.

It took handlers less than a min-
ute to walk Al'illl from the van to
the white, concrete-block building
across the street from the track.
That was the extent of his appear-
ance before a small group of on-
lookers, most of them reporters and

“Boutin is sure doing II the hard
way." said Hinc. who trains Derby


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contender Technology. “He ships
over, goes right into quarantine and
misses a couple days of training.“

Accompanying Arazi on the
flight were his stablemate and trav-
eling companion, Akiko, and two
other Derby hopefuls from Europe,
Irish-bred Dr. Devious and Ken-
tucky-bred but English-raced Thy-

Blood samples were taken from
all four horses at the airport and
were immediately flown to the Na-
tional Veterinary Services Labora—
tory at Ames, Iowa. Track officials
said the colts could be out of qua-
rantine as early as Monday night.

Boutin is not expected to arrive
until Tuesday, and Arazi is sched-
uled to gallop the next day.

When Boutin‘s traveling lad was
asked how the colt handled the
flight, he answered: “Trcs bicn."

Despite Araxi's status as an over-
whelming favorite, the Derby prob
ably will draw a field of at least I‘).
the tnost since the maximum 20
went to post in I‘m-’1 when Sualc

“The large field is a kind ol ‘out
of sight, out of mind' type of
thing," said D. Wayne Lukas. who
trains Derby probables Dance Floor
and Al Sabin. “Reality will set in
Wednesday or Thursday, and then
it’ll be too late."

“To think that Arazr won‘t be ill.
that he won‘t be sound, that he
won‘t show any talent. you‘ve got

to have been drinking bath water,"
Lukas said.




 Kentucky Kernel. Tuesday, April 28, 1992 - 3

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 4 - Kentucky Kernel. Tuesday. April 20. 1902





Local jazz legend, fresh film, art top week’s events

After 40 years laying down his
chops, Lexington jazz saxophonist
Duke Madison is being honored
for his achievements in “A Tribute
to Duke Madison” 8 pm. Wednes-
day at Memorial Hall.

Madison came from the old
school of jazz, nurtured by the
sounds of Coleman Hawkins, Lest—
er Young and Charlie Parker. He
began his career touring with jazz
greats such as Nat “King" Cole and
Leo Hines.

Tired of the rigors of the road,
Madison came to Lexington, where
he became a postal worker by (lay.
At night, he perfonned jazz stan-
dards, ballads and contemporary
jazz at local nightclubs and parties.

Madison‘s longtime friends and
local jazz artists Mike Allen, piano,
and Jim Rankin, vocals, will per-
form with the Mike Allen Trio.
The UK Faculty Jazz Ensemble
with trumpeter Vince DiMartino
and saxman Miles ()sland will also
perform. And, of course, Duke
Madison himself.

Tickets are SII), 58 students. sen-
ior citizens and Jazz Foundation

This week at the Kentucky
Theatre some of the best films re-
leased in the last year are featured:

' “Barton Fink” (I991): An in-
tense, powerful, visually mesmeriz-
ing black comedy starring John
Turturo and John Goodman. Fink is

by John Dyer Fort

a stiff, arrogant playwright who
claims to be the “Voice of the Com-
mon Man." Lured to I940s Holly-
wood to write movies, Fink is
sucked into the corrupt. sleazy.
nightmarish underworld of sunny,
southern Califomia. The hypnotic
camera direction is as haunting as
Lynch‘s “Eraserhead” and reveals
the slimy underside that the scared,
blind Fink never imagined. By the
same team that did “Raising Arizo-
na." Goodman is madly hysterical
and brilliant as Fink’s neighbor.
Wednesday and Thursday.

- “Mississippi Masala" (I992):
A romantic comedy that speaks
gently about the pain and senseless-
ness of racism. Demetrius (Denzel
Washington) is a black carpet
cleaner; Mina (Sarita Choudhury) is
an Asian Indian whose family was
forced out of Uganda when she was
six. Both live and meet in Green-
wood, Mississippi 7 a hot. wilted
town in the middle of the Delta.
Washington and Choudhury literal-
ly light up the screen in a clash of
Old World and New World cul-
tures. The cinematography is lush
and colorful. The soundtrack fea-
tures African rhythms and songs.

Hollywood proves

Associated Press

Thelma and Louise looked down
the road, didn't like what they saw,
and drove off a cliff. For real-life
women in Hollywood. this scene is
more like a perpetual head-on colli-

Call it sexism. the backlash
against feminism or plain prejudice.
When it comes to doing business in
the entertainment industry. 20 years
into the modern women‘s rights
movement, the playing field is any-
thing but level.

Women. Men and Media. a na-
tional organization headed by “The
Feminine Mystique" author Betty

Find out how

April 30, Thursday

II .i.m.-I

2: if) pm.
lirarlltw Hall, Room 207

Friedan and USA Today founding
editor Nancy Woodhull, held a con-
ference here last week. Its title was
“Hard Times: Polarization and

Its upshot was contradictory.
Male and female television report-
ers, producers and feature film mak-
ers said yes, there are more oppor-
tunities for women in Hollywood.
But the opportunities are rare. And
an opportunity to make a product
that depicts women as self-
sufficient, intelligent and well-
balanced is rarer still.

“It’s a very. very uphill battle."
said Jon Avnet, producer and direc-
tor of “Fried Green Tomatoes."

“For me and other people, I think
there’s a feeling of desperation."


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Indian sitar strains, and African-
American Delta blues. Saturday,
Sunday and Monday.