xt759z90cd7p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt759z90cd7p/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1986-12-02 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, December 02, 1986 text The Kentucky Kernel, December 02, 1986 1986 1986-12-02 2020 true xt759z90cd7p section xt759z90cd7p ‘ O 1 y |
IC Vol. XCl, No. 6. Established 1894 U'We’SI'y of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky Independent since 1971 Tuesday. DocemborZ. l“ V .
A-” V,

A’ x V :1. t I .‘ e erS Oln ' ‘ I

5'1 ,5 . rv' ' ' -'
3‘s.» ‘ .
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5 V,.I ‘1" 5 VV . ; ‘.
. If) J.\\'Bl..\.\'l‘0.\ old" and going to lie iii his position A ’ I .3 ‘. I
' ““hd‘mr “”Idm'mm" _ I i 3.. 5., .. .. in i)\\|i\ssi-‘iii .si-i .s.i. I.i..-i-..-. I' .5 pl't'lt‘iii 1;, _ 4 sI‘ ,' , .' '

. . . 5”“013. WWW x 'no [)lut't‘ hit ”11’ 5V; ;. Sliitl “rm-r “in 'w ‘lit't'll..l't‘ -.li.it it rm ’hw . - . . . . .
lsor Timothy Brooks. dean of stu lug” That's why 1 iii hero 5 '. 393? . .VII I.V H.IIIH.,.VI.,I1VV.III, . 5- 1 I“. V I . '- . 5
dents at [he UHH'OI‘SHX of I)Cla\\‘ill‘('. H “I'lmkN |\ VMW'H’ ‘h \lt't‘ ”In!“ ' A ‘§~.’,¢ 'l'llt' tllitllt'i'lliil s till -t' lia‘ luiiiit‘il " ti \ \ll't' ll' 1' it?" t"ll lt t"t't‘ \ ‘\ 1' t ’ ' V 1' .' I
H . . “ . ,, ,. -. . . . . .~ . 5 t . 5 gr”, ’ ‘ ’ ‘ ‘ “ ‘ ‘ ‘ . .' . .' V VzV

P‘rsmdl"? h [ht k” to (“9'97“ ””m- ”m ”l h" m" ""1”“ ”1 husi- ' ’3 ‘ lit students. litt'tlll} and .idiiiiiiisiin _ii’lli_’ to o-‘5.ilii;iti- .il 'his .i\.ii iitsiv i. RIV ~ ’ ‘: " ,. 5 I .
with both studei is and administia~ he» would be to l't'tlltiitlll/t' the stu- psi: m” {IIII.15\..(,,,II (5H,,HVVMH.”Mimi “l""tts‘ M. ii“. W110 H. \.i it 1.... ‘5 J ' " s' " I . ,'s
IUIV‘VSV. [k t V .. V . V VVVV (lent allaii‘siliiision V V tostiid) lllt‘t‘dltlplhiilt ohol polo") lto si-wr \.t‘llt|i\ mm‘ viw Ni" . m. ”(‘3 “V ' ' -’ 5'

l e 0 In” N“ someone sVlV'“ He said Ulltlt'l the tllllt‘lll student The Umnmnw “I“ ”Mimi l‘.‘ ,\[-i in”, H”, I.I,,mmii(.,. IiIiIi ‘,!,,,IIliIiV.V WV“ «5,: 7‘3"“, , V Vs. _, :. .'-
see someone Vm‘ the”. _lu”' said “mm" ‘ll‘urmw the 313““ ”l stu- ‘33», (iiiilaliei'. t‘liiini't-lloi toi tlii- Lenin; spt't illt .i l‘. Addie“ ‘ that .ii 'tii‘ I "3% x f .' V . ' .V
Blocks: who '5 ”ml of “‘9 “n'm’” ‘ll'lVllNhih ' all Iltt'pmu-t‘ ’ , . V Z; [on campus. to i‘ecoiiiiiiisiid li t'oii: l" l'iitt'I‘i *It .i do: iiii'iii_‘~ l‘litf'. \ ” 5. -' I '5’ -. ’ ‘ 5'
.furs. [11$ 5 3m" chancellor for student “I'lll'llll‘l”: ”l” $510.1.“ 1” that . fl ~ 5;" [)lt‘llt'll.\l\t' ptrllt‘} drawing will dlt‘tt tuition-195 almii' .\llt'll|t" .i m I121” '5 V M L s_ . f V, :I ‘ V
affairs 3’05aner V . V . lashion. “mm" “ml ‘f ””l “ “‘50 hol iiseonl'Kiiroix-rt) 'llitll» 'Htlll. \ a piilitu or pi ..i'¢v .‘V ‘ I} ,V V' Q"
. IaterybtidyVhas the” 0“” WIN“ ”I‘I’V‘m'lllVH' Ullpl'Uilt'll I‘IMU'I‘HV RRUOKR 'l'hi- ixoiiitimiimi. iii the i-iiiiiitii'ti-i' i'lnii [his ['l't t‘lillV‘i lwt ii a: in" itt-i’l V/ -' ' . I V. >~ ‘ I. 7‘

I} ll doesiil Mk" ‘61.) long, I” ““9 ”IV‘Vl ”MW" ”V1“ “h“l" origami/5a» ‘.\ ”’eu'elleiit. said Michael ll tn. \‘iiili-Lt lit'iltll'l\ \gdtlhl l'l'i int» -' 1‘ 3g": I ‘s “'4." '
out who controls what . and uh}. tion. he said "I d li.i\i- .i hard time students 3] .iiiil older are allutH-(l to \it'liols. “h“ A.» l..illit‘t'l V53 V llilil V V alii‘lt'll' _:t'|itl}i tit-aim: tiV‘. . 5 _‘ .. V . VVVVV,
Brooks said during a question-and timing in g. Violi wry long” under di'iiikiiitlii-iriloiiiiitor) room ”IV.” In: .1 lio'k 51 VI 5mm.” “WWII *"s’ ,- ' -I' .’ . r:
answer session lX‘lOreV to student thatsortolsti'iit-tiiri- “l lllrxt‘ this liit'l that .1 person 21 51mm ”mm,“ lt‘l’lt'\“"-l’ I I .. . .. \Wu a..'.n:i “UNIV.” .i' mm. V , 3-:

leaders at the student (enter yester- Despite thi- iliiii-reiii-es iii the yea“ oi .iae «.iii drink :it that insti “H.113“ m .i (.01.,VIHVVW.” VI”. V5,. t"""'\' 5” t ,V WNW I VI“ ”in . , . ' '_ . I'II
day - .. structuri- ”1 student “mm-N ”mm m “““l” Brmk" ““1 \\ill be (traumaI iihoii the lll>ldlil> oi tmlii l ‘ V l v ‘ .' '. ;. 3""7.

Bnmks‘ “h” say: hes n“! [hv the Mlmmmh (“I‘d probletiis ank" i] H‘ ”PUT ““1 ‘1 "d” on alum“! t-iit'l‘. tiieiiiliei’ iii llit-ii‘ .tlt'd ' said lLii‘k :.s i~ one oi lllt lllt'l.‘ ttt‘l\ ii! 5 . It, ‘ - 5 I V. ‘s
”It’mOMI'lllng UPC. has been In hi5 has dealt “llll .i‘i l)ela\\;ii'e .ii'e siiiiis uwi‘k VH'l ‘ Brooks \tt'l l llillt‘ \ii'liois. “h” [3 I”, ttiit't'twt‘ ot 7m. .1”. i..::.iiii\ .itohol l“‘ltt"» nun; V5 -_ I V' - . s_ i 3.
current position at Delaitare for 71s lai' to those llt‘ would t'tlt'otililt'i' .it lniii~ i ”unwimgmui “MM, (swim ' ' -. "i' l I .- _.I‘
years And he says he loves where [K But as i;ii il\ thi- ('tll‘l't'll' action ”I. \iittl the wmmyim. “I“ i,. 1;” V . t.» 5M.“ “Mum :5,, I, t." ‘ .s . 2V It;

' ““15 V LU" .‘t'J'l' at l’t‘lil‘~‘sll"‘- “WWW ”"112 'let'“ t’.‘ H‘ "“‘ll‘m‘ 1” ltittlxlli'ii at \\ll.i' lllllt‘l i'aiinUsoss «it 5.” . v.41 . .ii.pii~.\.ule ..ii otw ii“ ART GALLAHER ‘ C . " ‘.

But hes ready to move on ~ and dealt with it?) discipline code \iolii- t'liaiiiu- the .ili‘ohol policy Brooks de also he lmikiii‘; _ll Ki-iitiii-kx u .. ”missus: .t " ‘ -‘ "
UP llttll> Still it] lllt)\(‘ xiiil‘iliims “pro \itltl “V\iiii'i(s Lining tn hi'iH‘ _. lt'l‘l'lr \ltilt‘ ltt\\\ - I l' V .5 VVVIVVVV .itl'ltilt; (“islaltt‘ W. _‘ ‘.t‘lt lti it'sltlt‘ttligil .il‘tih 5llt liltlit...‘ ‘. 5 ' . ' ‘-. x .

..| can‘t goVV an}- ttti-thoi-V th(V.rV,_.V" ““50“.” related V . lili-tiiiii‘cliaiiuiiiuthat \lt'llttl.\ \VVM llt' ll,l\ ‘iio plt't‘ttlt VV VIVVVVVVVVV.VVVVV ‘s‘si'll'lit’l llt VV IV itltl.t!t' iii..ri lt‘tl .iiiil ,“ith't‘gl'Iiil V *V V, _ - 'V Vs '_VV

'. W'Wks‘ Mid M} ”‘5‘ '5 ”1 .‘l‘slh lloxwu-r at livliixiiiro'. tlllllkt‘ t l\. \_. I’thl in 5‘ tt‘l\('tl notions atom: how the with ","‘t .i ioi.\i attVd Hupp VV » . 'I . 'V V V '
K ' ' " an. . ” Arena tor hoiiii- ltil>kt‘llldll games g . - ~ . V.
.. bt’L’lltlilltfl with tonight's Hos uame . ' . _ ‘
‘ ‘ l ' ' auiiiiist 'l‘isxas let-h ' . . V »
~ \\ The cost is 2.3 t‘t'lll.\ met. t\.'l_\. and 5 5 ‘ ’ i ‘ '
‘ the bust-s '.\:l‘ llt‘ load 5'l‘;_‘ .llll'. unload ' . _' I ’ F
in; .i‘ \nrtti .iiiii .‘tttllll t .llltpth iota ~‘ ‘ "y , 5' . s.
, ‘ ‘ ' {lotus .ittiiittzti._ Ti: .2 t't‘lt'iht' 'll>!rl!)' ‘ " . ' i ' .
~ V . . ulell liVx \Mils‘i'i Nkzliii. dit‘et'tiii ol ' " 5 '. .V ,' _
' a. '1“ ». . lliunaiil-tesoUi‘teNsr\ices I ' I _ .‘ f.
., . . .V _. The South (Linipiis buses ‘.\lll stop ' . V . V.
‘ ~ ' s! '« w '5 5 at the intersection ol tiiiH-rsity and .3 '. . ' l -*
, ' . lltltlllt'lt‘l di'ixi-s 'l‘wo liiises mil ai‘ . 5 V '5 . Z
a rixe at r. .to. WIN} the thiid will arriw , g I I. 1 ,
. at t» 45‘» .lL't oidin: to the release V I 5 .I 5’V- .
t a. ss- a ‘ \ortt. t .iii‘:piis residents can catch 2 .v 1 I.)
at .» .. tlii- lilh .i‘ ‘ne N'tlllt'lil t‘enter bus . ‘; '
' ~ " :5. slit'l'o-i 'k’! hut ml \xi-iisii- at ti 43 V V “I, h 55 . ’
3 . .' 5 5 .: H Tllt' lttl~ .\.ll lllt'lt proceed 'o tii'eg ‘ .~ . -,s'
’ ’ '. ' l’aat-5»\p.ir'iiit-i.t~ ‘ 15‘ . ~_ '
: . - \ \lti't tltt' .‘iittit' titht" \\ sll 9'“ 5 ~ ‘ I , _'-"’..
. K M you]: lit’llli’tt‘. ‘llt‘ ”suit: Hem-no} . V_5 . . 5
Al‘ANHSSOCv unmrswu Hon-t m5 \ll‘it‘ .s‘i‘t-i" to: '5llt' return ' .5 V‘ ,' - - I VLV,
Weather pattern . ,V. ,5 V.VVV
l K is. :ls prim ole 'li‘s ser\ lt't‘ tor all ‘ i , ' ' ' s',
lltlliit' aatxvs t'\t‘l‘[t. 'lit' .\l;iti;iti5.i j ‘ ,V l I - ~
Yesterday's wet windy and (Old weather b"‘UQ"’ (-‘U’ "‘9 Umbrellas (is this suit-"st .- olhed Gst theK Lair fey-50M the (raw ”he Utrit‘(1*\9li:(9\,-p mm“ ~‘ll‘t'li “1'1 l’t‘ P1401” ”Uri“; I‘ r’ 5 k‘ ,- " Z ’ .
p p t‘ii‘ 't' l t i' or lllt tlt l\( ‘ " " “
i i.‘ .ll‘ \ ‘iil i l. . . . 1' I ls .' ' ' ’
. I . I . .5 . >
\ilti .' , .' . '. _5"‘
in ents . 4 a! .. e “In ~ saw-ta Swrft committee works
. $1-- I. I. > @J’ "v‘. . ,' 3L,- is... VT! \ , s V, c E V : . V V VV..,V ,'
h l 1 55 II, .., . .. is 3.9:! . : , . . 5
I‘ “V J’ ” : fOl' curriculum a roval ‘ " " " ‘” " '
.~ a. a . _, ~.\ '3 , "s”;s *- . ~ *' . ‘ V5 I t
e p CCl'lll “2 5 - VIIIjfiIsIsss 5 er», (”th. ”K . .' g -_5
In sch 00's 'x": ; - V‘V V . . m B) Sl-j.\\ .\\II|sIRSt)\ The requirement demands that V 1. . .' .
IV. . ,. ‘_. ‘ 9 ~ . " 5 \ " Special l’t‘oIiH‘tS htlllttt' \ttitlt'tils lilkt‘ .i pair ol elassses troin ’ ~V V. .- ~‘. -‘I
V i ' ~ ‘3 .. A .. ’ . _ -. . {J‘ ilitti-i‘ent disciplines that \\lll be ' " ‘ V ' ' V_
B) KARVlsA PHILLIPS V1 ‘ _ .m " .s g - ~, LVV "V Although the revised t'nirersity» taught to chi.“ V\[ud9nlg how they ' -’. ~
StaffWriter “ ' . "-’ ‘ . g ‘ ~. .; studies curriculum will not full} go .ire related . ' ~ -V
. . . . . ‘ .- ' “ " a into el'lect until the fall ol 1988. tour 5 '- ‘ -. . ‘

Rechiters W1” be hitting the high ‘ I .r? “ ' 35‘ mittees are working now to haw it will said llt' thinks the crossdis- 5 . V' ‘ . .‘ 5 .
school campuses this wmter. Vbut - ‘- ii approied i-ipliii.ir_\ program \Hll make a valu- _ . . .
they‘re not from the armed services "It is .i lone prm-css it has to pi. .llllt‘ t‘tinlt'llitllllit‘i to students educzi~ ' ' W ' ..
—they‘re from VUKV. . V 5 — . throuuli." said Lows Switt. chaii ‘ioii . ' _

The UK admissmns office has. for ais‘ V - man of the Swilt L'tlntt‘mllt't‘, \\hl('ll V I 1 ‘
the second consecutiveuyeaVr. orga- ' V _ V , oversaw the undergradiiiite (‘tll‘l‘lt’- ”m.” “1mm...” ,, "tractured 10., . ' ' . ' V .
mm a campaign (V) a rac aca e- 0 V .- - § .w .- V - uluiii t‘(-\-|.\ltltl much." in. sde and the course pair- .
mica"). talented . h'ghV Vschool 5‘; ~ I ' '-“ IEW V r f- . The revision . “as passed unani- mils “5,” make students "become . - . ‘ ' V
dents. said Ken Rice. Lh director 3' VV V . ’ . . . as a. . mousl} by the l niyersity heiiateVlast wnsmu. m the "immunshlpss- be- * . . I . 5 V '.
“QFV'V'SS‘OW' t l K d l ‘ PM“ ' ' K 3 “II‘V ‘1“. Feb 4 alter a tour-year study ot the tween courses . .

e proIiec uses ' stu ent vo— _ ..." ' . ‘3' 5“. 5 curriculum
uiitoers who speakVat their former / . i} 1. ' ‘,-- , - I — .' %?~, The m,“ ('Ul‘l‘lCullllll reduces mi. Another area that will attempt to .
hltlh SChUOlS about hf“ 3‘ the l'niver- ‘. avzfiifi/ ‘ - . 9“” "I Current general studies options and t—‘IH' students a broader View of the .
sity. . _ .Vl / 5 ~"‘..~ “‘3 mun“ undergraduates In study world is the cross—cultural require- ’ V :

“We are interested in any ltl\ stu- If « . V ~3*V 7 more in the liberal arts and huiniini- ”‘9'" ‘
dent who wants to make some con- ’ a. " .i \Ifl ties areas. including Ct‘OSSdISClplIIK‘ 5 _ 5 ., ‘

v ‘ v A " t‘“ ‘Ta‘5‘ .tts':‘:=.. "'
tacts back home and encourage 5 A -"-s .. - I ‘s‘ " I and crosseulturalcourses 5 1 5- _‘ infinite? ‘fsV V
g00d students t0 attend UK. Rice . . .. d $V Suilt said the l'niyersn} conimit- _ w
said. . V . ' "" ’ '5 . . *3 ‘ _ tee would be deciding which courses ‘ “‘2‘ w“““’”
d “We expect a Wide variejtonfdstu- ..' 5: aV’ . 2 i 3 V V, V “s, 5 ~ ., 1"? 5;. should go into the program and sey» ii» .
ents to rtici te." sai n rcw s‘ . ' . 4. ’Q ‘ , . > -w. ‘ . i 5- - s - ~.:.,»-_ /
”a pa- , i 5 "‘ 's , ~' . is. . 5. 5... . Wm "WM “0““ “t “E” c... u. m M s . s

Garner. 3 UK admtsstons counse or. - 5 5 ' - . .s .s - ,. ~ . , ' . lor faculty members to have some , - .
“Especially those very academical- ummum “swim" input mm to". Justice; V if

ori t and ctivities oriented. . . . . , . ~ - ~ ., F r r View, so." - - "is
[silich aesnsfgdent ggvernment and fra- A 1986 Honda Accord owned by Ali Al~Yazdi, an fell on it Saturday night. The car was parked in my“: Egl’tglgilli‘int-ll]$302939?”th .00"; 9.99.:— "s ‘- " 53....- 5

- - ~ - - - ’ m r w r . n th r' of th Phi K ' ' 0 ‘( . ' ‘ ' *‘1
ternities or sororities. I like the le‘ English sopho o e, as c ushed whe a tree e d iveway e appa PSI fraternity counml will change the program. if .
lure we get." necessary. before it becomes the of- . .

Students interested in recruiting I ll h t d ’ l'icialcurriculum Ito M ” “f sets.
are requiretho attend an admissions fee CO apses , crus es S u en S car He said if the program is finally 1““ M“ h‘ . a
seminar. which Will cmrdlilhaete their approved. faculty have 30 days to m at me am 3““ '
schedqu and re re m for . 5 . commentonit. m , .
their prosentationpRieP: said Stall reports had happened until a fraternity said hlS car was completely des swift said the process of approval «~55 . » I. W ““‘Q3

. '. ‘ brother told him -\l-Yazdi said he stroved ‘ ‘ - .. '- » ’ _.

The seminars Will be from 7:30 to . 5 , . ' . * * » . now - se 7 need :3’": 5
8'2!) toda ndt - 205 A [K students car was crushed dldnt believe it happened until he Reickert could not be reached for 3“ beginning becau [K s ' Edy " . » *‘ " .

. p.m. y a omorrow in . . . . . .. . . . . to determine the courses for the new s33“.

Student Center Saturday night by a large tree that went outSIde and saw it for himself comment. n ram b' the s rin 0f 1&8 That swat; . .. .

“We give them information about fellfor noapparent reason. Bill Young. a [K busmess sopho- Part of the tree landed on the fi'illglet ind/0min pstugents reister- '
what to say and what not to say Ali Al-Yazdi. an English sopho- more and fraternity member. said house next door but caused no ap~ in for the 1988sfall semestergknow . , ginswoaem
how to make contacts and informs: more, had parked his 1986 Honda someone iii the house saw the tree parent damage. whlat courses are available “ ' ' ».w"i*°s .
tion packets ’for interested high Accord in the driveway of the Phi collapse at it 18pm The fraternity house‘s electricny A For d Grant received b' the Col- test .
school students “hesaid Kappa Psi fraternity. of which he is The Phi Kappa psi house was not and telephone service was tempo- lege of Arts & Sci encm las: summer I awfa‘hgai

Stt de t I ' tee not an a member. located at 650 Maxwelton damaged rarily knocked out by the fallen tree. 5- . . . I... "If" ' “5'

l n voun rs are p- (‘ourt Henry Reickert who owns the Phi Kappa Psi members say they “l“ allow UK to experiment With "3 §M$M ' “
Al—Yazdi neither saw nor heard house. will have his insurance pay don‘t know if the tree WI" be removs $2.“ :Em'd'sc'phne reqmrement W“ l
SeeSCHmlS.Pue5 the tree hill and didn't realize what for the car. Al-Yazdi said Al-Yazdi ed. p "3- s- - 5

 c K ‘ ~ 1 \ i
‘ 1‘ ,1.‘ : H, 3‘ .‘T- 1, 1 1 1 . ' ' ‘

x ‘M,,'.;.. i d
., "~ ,5 {111.15. Tuosda , Decombor2, 1986

.1 . . _ 2 KENTUCKYKERNEL _ _L__._____—————————————-——-——-————————_——‘T-JJ——
“ j— 21‘ 1.1-, ‘ . '1; “‘“ fl AmEditor
.1. .r 11,, .,

1-, wt: 3.: :' wow-w

1:" \ .‘3 3:, ‘~ 1.11-1' Assistant Arts Editor
'\1\ ‘ \f‘f'qf ",1311 ,1 .

5799311" , . .13; ”'1‘. .\ . .. y .. ,, ‘ .

.“i $3333.115‘1‘ft1 “ " .' :1: .:%::=:;,;.i.i;2.:~,.11'iifs.;.:1122:i :1-.::;:-i;::i:%%i=i-' - ’ ' " - -

\{1 -_ _: g w. ', ,‘j\,\~‘ 11‘ - 5 '= .;’3:,:-;;;253;§g;~;,’.=f:=;;:;=5,,,15‘;‘ ' 573g;::5:;zrsfsi=§.agg;§gz~""‘:35M
..1. 1_u:-_..‘11..).,\ " ' - a
::-"-‘.‘1t.\‘-.i‘1'~‘-‘. “ -1" . o I d °
\ ,;.,_,.;;.;;‘,'~,; . c 9 0 cu e ’ ‘ ‘” - ; fl , l H l ‘1 \' l ”a... .gsifi serial killer mur el'S Vll'glllS,

-.1 ‘ 1“...“ 1..“ 2“”? 1' 31“! _y 1 1.i :1 .. _.

Shelter I P arti lat 1 i , . -~.-. .
‘1'q1‘-‘"\‘“.".'--‘= 1" 4' c J 9 ”1.53;“ . ‘ .f ° l

,‘r ,1. - enhances love I e III “(we
‘.,‘.\~ 7.-‘.'.,‘1'“:i;‘.'-‘i‘ It . 1‘,“

\ v :‘.,‘\‘1"\f~‘_-‘ ". fro." “1 . 7 “ 1' ti: 1 1 '1 th 37 '
"firs‘i'fit. 1‘33le ‘ h ‘d 1 ‘ t 1 I h 1 ~ A ’ 1 ' . R 9909'? are buying ‘t' .9 -year
."'31‘1;5.‘.1}1‘,1-\3:1§\‘1x1is§\’Ei s t S t () ll n r.‘ c lc es ’ , : 1' 1 ‘ , 5 Rgsggggggrzggflms old author said inan interView. .
.737;1,;:g~;<.~"g15§?,‘{53,23} _______________ , ‘7” . , ~ 1.: ' , The novel tells of Grenottiiilléesf
“mi"31"""'~’:T’5‘11‘l"'-*\1~. '5'»? . . i i . . moi ' .. birth as the fifth illegitimate c l 0
1 .._.1.,-,i.. “3“... 1i i, i ..ll\ l , - , 1.,«5 s .1 ,, ~ . FRANKFURT West Germany ,

.119, “.3 :is' tn . “h. “i -“ ..' ‘ . ' ' the
-..\.:~,-1\_*-... «:.~.‘i~;;.':.,.¥:k-.s. 1 _ MUSIC REVIEW .. , . N - . A baby is born under a fishmonger’s at :Limigongg; iliigmzmjgi'dparis
3'“ --. 7. J1». {3.x r '-‘\-1,' ' , 5‘1", ~, _ . . . _ S e
’lifilrz‘i‘l‘glcgrgt ~1 . 1 _ . 1.. iii iii ’ :5 a \~ . . , ,, , g, .. ' {r S fiktgeawylgmigegigybiigsmfe: 38 street market. She fails to snuff out
1111111111111111111‘1311111'1111‘11“ ”111 1 1 fl 1 vi 1 1 ‘ 1131 . ”5'1 1 ' ‘ 1 his life at birth as she did with the
‘sa‘ou u»- 1‘! “3’“ ‘33 . . . ., i 1 . of“- no odor. , . . .
1-11‘1i-3'11fi‘1:3‘l1‘11“i‘{13"é‘~2l‘1-1 . .iii ‘tllll‘ ll}! ': lll'llti lil.‘ 111"11:|itlp1l1t:'\l$g .’ , . , ab15331tuhegydoes possess a keen sense others. and in a delirium confesses
":-. 1‘~"\ 2.". j .. ask-V 1 ., , . . i .cc ii’1hlil " 01" t' “ ’ ‘ ‘ 1. “. ' , . 1 1 ~ ‘ . ' ' 1 .
ijiti‘1l13111‘1'1i'1t3‘1 a 12%;” 1" 1 klw \llll l1t' iiiisiiii- Main, I‘m £9”; 1:.» ' .{g “2.1.. of smell. a so highly regfdhéalent 1011;135:213: Igrog]léirtlililigdto a priest

”.2" {1;“31- 1‘1"th i :'.‘1 a. A “V .1, _, \lw. 1i, ,i‘twi .l i 1 1 1 1.. ‘ , ~1' ' .-‘~ 11,13; ., . . '. l. un_ ' -
.i, ~ taxman 1,1,: i, t, . --i [m \\llt'll lii- \\Iilltl (lushes ‘3 4 , , '2‘, for identifying scents ‘ . , -, d
‘\ "1'v. "i“. cf'iftglbi‘a‘x . . -. i\\l‘ L‘NKl ‘ 4‘” i f" 1‘ «:1: 1- . - I who names hlm Jean-Baptiste an
:1*-o'-s-»i3-ti'1\.~~=r~ ’~-:— ' ‘ ‘ . . . 1 t - i ~ it her . ' -1 . 1 1 1 1. v t about all he meets. A . . .

,.,,. .. h .H _,. .1 , , . __ .i l i lllt .it mu 1‘ t‘ . . - . a; . 1. ~1 ner‘es Jus . , ,. . . 1 ~
Ii;1:1:fitgili'ig-fifigziéfl‘.‘ ‘ 1. ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘1" '11 11 \11 k: :litlf‘lt‘rtlilllls illt'\liil ll‘ outside " 1,11; , , 9:1 1m: @913 ‘1' i . % first. Jean-Baptiste Grenoutlle mes paysegi'sleries of foster mothers to
‘t’iv‘ii-‘z _-1~u1r.:..,‘:\$‘11,1 :5 ' ' ‘ ‘ “‘ “ ‘ " ‘ ' 1 . . ,. . . i . 1 r : i‘ it i 1 ‘ir . ‘ ' an abilit . to create “UFS - .
fit'flblhtmxsgtc . “"‘f, "' “H L"'l111'1"i'\1,1h:?( 1\..,1,1.1V1I:g . “‘l ”Ill .3111, ‘ 1 ‘35” fi mgfiésltmpgglumes in)the world. Grenouille grows into a physwally
Hw}-,;,gfi,‘l., {‘1 .V , . ., . - 1i . 1 _. wig. .i “Will“ ’4‘“ ‘0" " ' ~ , i r; _ , ‘ h' tal t to 3 mon- unattractive person. Others are re-
mnant i21'{{~\=::1§.‘r t5. . _ 1m. .: tlt',\ ..i .i-iiiimiisiiiiis 1iiid she in -. He later turns is en , be" . h doesn‘t
., 1. u, . 1 .11 >1 1 u; _. : ~« ,, . . 3 ~- . _ ' 'l te the pulsed b) him will“ ‘3
i¢?i.i'«%'.§\'i,,~ we}: sing?” "' ,5 mix ll'iilll iii \illt" i‘ldNilm dp‘ gt. gi ' “Tons (Wat t0 asstml a < - . -

.‘ .o . ~ . 1i :ii »: . ‘i' ~ -i\1 ~i ~ .1 ,f". . . - - -- use the\ sense some
${;?Q}EI?3{§V§.Y3§ “k 11 “ (at l ' i' lit ‘1it \ ‘t"lt:l ii: .l\ll.L1 illitl .i7l.i« km; , {3% . a, "111 .cent 0f young Virgins to enhance ::::ge‘:?ldlkb)::llihlm ' ,
3' 3-.~ ‘11“ .1,~.,.;:'-.-:, “ "1“ ' ‘1' 1 1.1 1 '- 1 ...1. i; .ii . '" - o - . .
'“u‘igfikjhh'?u\i "‘ ' t“‘4”“l“‘l ””1”: '1 11111 1111111111 1 111 1 ‘1 1 1i11~1ii1iht: '1 * 1’1 Q ‘ ' 1‘ ' ’ lmlrt's'elf'nto this strange and malodo- As he matures. he dISClth’l-fi h“
Siltiii'xfiikgi‘fi"Iek‘iififi . : 'lt' ...i-_ii...£ i l\' Ml iiii’ i.» i“ W” ‘ , _ 1 , ,,,.. . '5' t - k S akind was born with overdevelnped tii'st
Iggéiéfgq'ffii‘ll6‘31‘;'?it‘~11 . . . 1 ,» . 1 iii ~! .-1: Llhil I,.iii ihl‘ MW» 1‘ ‘ 1 '1 1 1'111111 1111}: 1 \ ’ “1511‘ 1 g 211:5 11110rk'th1l1li'atn33)»:a Eogk Pirfume cranial nerves. which 31W mm a
531:.“ {'11 \fizié'ixg‘itli‘3'i'fi .. 1, 1 i.:1 .: i.:>.i 'ict' 1'ii‘iill“’i«i'-i“ ““1“” 1"1 ' _ - *1 1 1 ""11 ‘1 6 us wt S ‘ h' ihl v tuned sense of smell and
o‘ltffilfg'iii’yiji‘fiy? 1 11,. 1 11'1= 4- ‘t1"i ~ rx ' \lix‘l li.l\t‘ >Itt'l‘il li'.it‘ : llit \llltllti T1111)? . mmvo’wm (Alfred i? EHOPlfilztg-gshtg‘rye £31113 Iii-6“." him to become the best pet‘-
W15; *- 71' Pit-«.1: "' ‘. 1 ‘ ’ “ ' ' ' , ‘ it h» . iitli \\1tl't‘1\ul. t 0 about a ic iona -ce ‘ . ._ _ - .

‘4‘ $.31 @flasfimt? .. . in 1:”: 1 1.x i. i .\ \\ « iiiiiliL 4“ t L‘ l - iumei'ever. btill.ht‘lblelfile‘l
E'gtlt1ég‘g1‘l'if”:‘11"1-91'7’111'5'.’ _ iiiwiiiv'iiiii .1 iii“ N‘ ”'4" "““rg‘m‘” LONE JUSTICE'S 'SHELTER' mmdsrer "‘ Frame has bf?" 11 M1 Grenouille deeides he must invent
4r;3§§;3‘:1¥!§‘i?§$ . ‘ h _ . "'it"'i.‘i‘\ ,h \ whim: it. i',,;;.tiiiiit’.:iiti> Ltuttiirs seller In EUI‘Ope Sanedlzlali‘C £931; of 'i pel‘lullle that can make hlm Itn't‘d.

1‘7.‘.,i’1‘_ ' [mat-3”. .1 ' " “ "' ' .,. \. , ,1 _-, , . C ‘ ' .
5%1311'135hil§1§1§1£>111k§5§ _ ‘ g .i 'i ' 'yKllti this .iiid ll'dl Slt'rl’tlh tlllll’lll k llt 1'0 are l ‘.\'l.\ll \‘Oll1dnt’\‘('7 t'\-t1il tin-iii! "I" Outsiilii iii\ windiiu sun mi 1 H ”L thgfi?;i::?1%0eormaa:pl:ncguagg book He discovers that young \'lt‘i.’.lll>
"?."1‘11"1'1‘~151":‘135}{‘1t1'1l 1:13.133 11 i '« 'v “ ‘~ ' \i i'J' '~i\1h ’l “"“1‘ '1' I "1 111 11111111 1 It i l: .1, it so hard to live without mg - ‘1 emit the scent he needs. To Ohltllll
iigl§’%f§a;’§f§;&)§§ ‘ \ ‘ ‘ 1,1' A :h‘lv ilo“ ‘ “Wk 0“, “11h llit' t'XL‘opllOn 0;“) In“. :Ilfi‘.‘ With the solid (lt’.\'ll.'ltlllttll ol your Pas Parftum. halvenbenjgrztaltigzgncghlet the ingredlemS {or the superficvm.
{-11 '41"; {11'3" 1.163; {Iifi‘lfi' 1:. 'i 11 1 . - 1 > ' "Shelter” and ”“1 "bl “mg“ on we . « ' . t i H lll‘lli1ttl1lllt’ liiiii'sonit' spi'i'il “St wen on 53 e ' . 1 -d ~lw0 dozen \‘lr’lns
cit": Y‘aA‘I-ui} i"-r;f:1".-vt 1- . "' - ' r‘ -‘ .. 1 ~ . 1- 1 . ~ ~ " l “W” W“ " "-' ‘ ” “ ‘ > ' .1 verSion was re- he ml“ 9” F”
«‘1'-«~.i',i.;-"".'"x‘f91¥-.':"‘".”'T11’ , side “heels and Dim Storms. , _ . 1. ‘- 5 ,1 . English anguags' , , . . ,. H. m beatln’ his
:fgygfirt'Zi'gg‘flr‘f‘ngtfi‘ ,3 \_ , . {‘ ‘utiici-ii llt' “Um -.1 ”RM, ‘1”, lt'llllt‘l' "in“, honii tinii s 1111.1 \oii so ( ’0 i J'\ . . ' McKee seems to have all ”ma“, leased m the United States and Brlt- 'l‘he nuthui ls‘wa 1h- ‘ 1r)ul)l:dl\‘-
1.. 1_ ,.~':il ,1.«..-~;._1t3-:;g,,,t, , _ . , ,.,. “mm. _ , ,1 . - ltiut ii ratios (llt mi mm it to m P .. . , , , ,.,l 1 . . (tvtn dium and men as i _ ~
Shillifig,5,fi,ré,;m{,,;i.§¢ ' 1 ‘1 inset-net's liiill‘i W" “Md ”1‘1”“ 111 t t lt'l’ \'Ol down "‘1' {0' achieung .m 11p1'111‘11 11“ 111 ainin September. cussing his role in writing the irrev—
'129"151-1t‘?“"€_’i“'3§§-ti‘ 15+ w , . < 51*" . .,, " H ‘ ' ' lanceabilitv and SCll.‘lblllly. She has “ , j _. , ,. .. . .
,i‘ifirfi'ygrilgigjrkfii": , ', . \ .. ' \{tl .1 w: ‘i\t'5t ”" 1 lainsurelyhei’pyouriutotsight ltlll‘llnt‘d the contriil m (‘hrissie Sueskind won‘t even venture 3 61‘9“! T\ Selle-S h” RUM]. “d 5b.“?
:M‘i‘.&'14'fi1;l’£!fi 1~ ' ~‘« HWH‘W‘ "Ii “l"‘i'i' ili'hi‘“ “M” ”M" Forgiitaboutthi»wiii-you look Hinde both “.‘Cr her gong; and guess why it‘s been so popular "I about a prying Munich hgotsisipfeii‘:
«Cyrut-géfigizfir'éhw - . wr iit'i‘ ,L‘lliili,‘ “‘3‘” 1" ”VH1” "n 1'1“: Yoiii S"llll'.lll('“1(1\ \“HSPl’u‘2 t)\1(‘l‘ hei' liiiiill without iippmi ”.3; am the worst source to task such a uninlst and his 0010”“ lg “‘0“ -
93.31;?" 1'- s 12’1':~;,:i'5,,.‘;1~ , .,. . . iii. - , . - .- . , .5 ; ll...‘ ('55 la bk‘ 0 , , . . , t_- _ "1‘! know W i 50 many tal' e s.

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5.33;€o:1§tit;;-i;iii¥‘fir‘i? MONOV ALENT FLU SHOTS s of Admi55ions by contacting prospective students dXRnlgi the Holiday Season,

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1’i§tvf3§",'§'§ will be given to UK students, faculty, and staff and their then attend an ADMISSIONS INFORMATION 5

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tr, 9' ton-sinister“ '3de? ' I Plaza Bulldin . . 1 - -

‘11111’4'1tf1'111fiytl’ spouses at the S'Uden' Health Sorwce Mced'ca 9 A representative from the Office of AdmISSions Wlll discuss how you can help
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,1 , . ,. ., .. r m st attend an misswns
*g,§«it.§ig;i’.l,11~, (These shots are recommended for Persons Semester Break. Student Admissions Vo:un::e J . u 't sen/ice “mm For
{‘ngéfiihgz‘} UNDER 35 years of age and WIN NOT be given Seminar in order to partiCIpate in this va ua e niverSI y F kh Y-

‘.' ,'- '2'» 4,,1- , ' 1!'_~,." - ' ' . .
$315ifi’31c1i'tiilif'3‘i'? to pregnant women or anyone who is allergic further information, contact the Office of AdmiSSions, Room 100 un ouser
1lj{§il-"i’1t-1t'ilfiiéitgfailii‘: m eggs) Building, orcall 257-7148.

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r231 .11:51:11'11:“11'1‘11551'56, - ° .

figgffriiuzzifigiggfia More information. 233-6461 ADMISSIONS SEMINARS

.r » ‘.'- _- . "i, 011‘?“ l5 . .

ffgflfiffiqfifi Parking: Medical Plaza Structure

llil‘fii‘iififi’ifikii’i’?xiii-£53. Time: 8-4 p.m. Mon. thru Fri. Thru Dec. 23rd

aqi‘le‘f/V’ifh’; -- Charge: $5.00 per vaccine 1 DATE T'ME LOCAT'ON

L“, ‘1fi'121';"r::1£1:71l€ $1511" Monday, December 1 7:30-8:30 p.m. 303 Complex Commons

2. -’i-(3.v:; "I" ”has; . .

"i 2"":1211""53I{'-}'T&"i -;-.' . lth S - n '5 Tuesday, December 2 7.30-8.30 p.m. 205 New Student Center
{123441-148 T’-'1.'/’ of}; Ii» mm ' lent flu Shots are now available at the Student Hea ervtce. I ' 205 NOW 5' d lC '
_..51,:¢11,'-m,--;.i, vii-fori'ri: ‘ '“ .1. “O f h . Wednesday, December3 7:30-8:30 p.m. U en on or
”1175;277:1’5451,‘ ",.':'-11'-'-§.’ '43:}. 1 mnnnded tor person under 35 years 0 age w o, d

15gfliglififiggii—f‘;“(gig-,1 Ho .1» long term heart or lung problems Wh'Ch cause them to see a octor

£¢t1:’.'; "1‘ fa}, i1 111,3") -‘ - i - 3i i' f) " i I — i

l "3"." 1,.1111'1' .‘I'fi’ ’1'." 51". ’ \ l . 1 . .

1"?(13’2-1'1’!:3-‘J’2111I‘l'i11163; g Ha . c been admitted *0 the h05P"°l 0" been treated regularly over the

~ -- ~. :"--:.-' ,1, 1...: . - - - '

.’;;'-,1,i- ,:;.,".;':s',:,?.‘,'-;.1.-~f1.'r '.{)‘1‘ , no! tr‘ir' kidney disease, cyctic fibrOSIS, diabetes, lOW bl°°d or severe lll

4. - “TH: .1;-.-r_r,-";' ’ I; 'I, - .1' ’- '

‘- '1'...‘.-:=-’."‘t; 1 412:“; " o g '
v.1! -‘:"'-v..""“,;..',“.£fl;'.r’ ‘ . . . .

'5"§,;,;; “1.1255,, . Hm.) cancer or are being treated With a medication that lowers the ,
trails".- 1,,1y,i.»,11,,-;,1,~, - 1.1.1, « mi resistance *0 "item“- . 1 d ,h
1irié“.545'1:1"}1539ri’ "/ Vin «am who need the supplemental vaccune and have not receive e “I." ,-l
.- i,-,- .r._1.'n_’.,l‘u ' . . . -1

,,.. .' I, ,‘1,:i,--,.-,r ' jg; i__- .. ,Cimo .iaccme ottered earlier this tall may receive both vaccmes at the ‘ ,i ll
.;.:-./.r,:. '_ 1, (211,159, . 1i. g
’. .1531‘1'11,',a" ,2 1",”2'131 4 «’I'Wi him? . 1,0

.11334.71;,g';.j;,,:,.--,f,. NOT. E , - d 0 should wait at 9 "

,, »' '35. f. i it the trivalent tlu vaccme has already been receive Y U n en] en
i-y‘1, 1, way A weeks to receive the new monovalent vaccma . . L ‘J'
-. _fijz— '27 .','-':.;1f} ; it yr‘iu are receiving both vaccines they may be given in OPPOSI'e arms 0' 0/ o
: f1;"," 7.7.1 I ,11' mo some time
r,-11 1’ 1. ~1111 1'11 ‘1 :-1
\\ J 1 ’ I. - I. , '1l,‘ . .

Reagan Ol‘dCl‘S National S t C I t C ase 0]) t f 1
H) TERENCE lll'NT kllt)\\l('tlgt‘ whatsm-u-r ul ll untll 111'1-s 111 th1- 1'.1s1- t1-sl1l_\111;I tn-tura- 1411-ss11111.1l111'11l11-shuul1ll11-11111l1-11.1k 11.1111-1 ”111-“ 1 .11111 'l111' '111- .11111-1I 'l‘t11- 111151110111 added "I have dl- - l -
Assot‘tated Press Alturnv) (10111-11111 I‘lrl Mct'st‘ ('1111Q1‘1-ss Ht)\\(’\'t‘l' ht- sattl 1111111 1-3. 111 1111 111'111-1'l_\ 111.111111-1' 1.11‘1-tull\ 1-11' \t‘1ll\'ll 111' 1--..1t1-1111- 11‘ 11 1- 1-1-1- 11-1'1-11 '111- \.1tt1111da N-t'ut'tty (founc1l - 1 ' ' 11
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Councll staff )L-slerda) nut to 1'0“ 11111111111st1'at1u11 Reagan 11101 \Hlll 'd nught h1- \HIhllt‘ltl \1 1l11- \\l1111- H1111» 11111141111 4.1-.1- [tn ‘1. .1 1'-.1, '11- 111-1 11. '111-:1-.11-'.xt111atd .. ' 1
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