xt759z90cc99 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt759z90cc99/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1980-09-18 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 18, 1980 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 18, 1980 1980 1980-09-18 2020 true xt759z90cc99 section xt759z90cc99 5
Vol. I "\III. V0. 15 I niversity of Kentucky
l'hursdns. September Ill, “’80 an independent student news a r Lexington. Kentucky
-# —
O f V
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Campalgns or dad ‘ % flM/ 9;;
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B) ( .-\Rt)l.\ \ M()( I\ Republican because Republicans .1. ’ g /' //////%’//
is“ w h \. ii \ 'l l-lR\ . ~~ ' . //0//7///7/
Wm.“ .i s st [ pt ttu in > lot )Ldls, W... m. V . . , - %///7/¢%//%7%//¢
""”’““"”‘WW.WWW -' / . '24 " " /4/"42,
lh' in ii s, ,d ml ii m h l H (like ltis l.|lllL'l deeidcd to ttirt us «,~w~,.w,m,m...(WWW,..,,,_,,WWWMW~M ; 7 ,. .,, /’///%////%/’WWW’/{W%/
‘ ‘ h‘ ' ‘ " ‘ ‘ ”"""/' I .///:--~'2-/42»:y: via! /’ ”2:12:35
l m” \‘n 1 ‘[ int ‘ :k t k H: 1‘ ML .in Independent. obstacles had to he '33.; }% UW//Z%/,, é;, , é“'/,/{’//7
' . t ' s s ‘ t s ' s ' , ’7/ /, 'r‘..,,4,/:12A"1’?jr.v!;';:g;;fl’""“' /
H ‘ l‘ W ‘ H “\ciuttttc‘. he s.Ild "M\ ldllICI hill % ¢%////Q// IW’”;/x [/2
. .ittd tltettlh .it the Modern ( enter ‘ v we , V V /¢ ////%/44//Z;”, ’ ”’4’ .
~ \ . l I in in h ll ill it lll lllll l ””1“m“"‘3““”"‘“h“”““‘“““d "*3” 1% “ ”W WW“ " . ////¢/7é// .
, k‘ ' . t e . s . ' iii: -. A we - - ' ///’/ .
k \ ‘ L enottuh ttirtds. .ind did his honie- " ' ‘ “its. ._ ”23;“. {/7/7/ "“’5:.:""» :ff“:3".<.':j‘;:é§75:«. ' W
' . ilslllll \itdetsott. .ll . dlUllL‘ “llll ‘ o . ,. V A. , ‘ x, 4/40; 5:7"’::i;13:""",¥"%:2 ‘5.
‘ \sotle he would come on strong, at v rash-It...” ....~,,_ V 4,, 1‘ v . v. %%W.,, ”ti/344:4, v 1
\\ illi.tni \\ tlugdllldlL .t ntenthet ot v .. we ,. ""1 WW4? '» M "’21; M v 5
‘ | the L‘lld 115‘s -. 4, 2;, _ :_ 'f"v”i""v¥1f '22:.ng it" V :1, f 64/239 V ’
the press .ittd ptthiie l's'lttlls‘ll\ di\- *2 7’5,“ - .z..., _ WW! " n, M M"%‘ V, 4,; , .
isiott ot the \.itioit.il l llll\ ('.ittt~ "()tir eoutttrs doesn‘t need‘inother We“ 151.82»; ‘ .r v I I M ”" Wes v a, ' 15;?"
poigtt stltlt. l.iid out sonteot tlte haste gm etnor." -\ndeison said. adding. 5 "We” “4 ' xx,“ ' 4 . "MW 19v U V . a
Menu or the Independent e.ittdid.ite's "'11) Mills" “1”“ 1h" ICFL‘MWW - - " ~ ' ' ' i . /
otntpmgn the men. pet‘sottdll) We need 3! prest— , a: . “ ' ‘2. ,V-zagv 13:23.; : , . V
l he tiist llllllL‘ then .‘1-\ mi old «ls'ttl ““0 W“ inspire('ongressmen, » ’ j ’ 'fi ., “s r. //// ""51 I
- -\ndersoii told the .ittdienee to do is ““0 CU“ “Wk “”h ( ””1505- :I..,_;.:,:,__ _. " . _ . _. ’ V “4," {f/Zf/flw/ : "13‘ f' ,
“‘h’m‘“ “”d ‘l“‘“ WNW“. hi” \kttuuuntan szitd he telt that And- xy’x’ , “" W“ ; 42,2/ :% \W'
”W51 "l A” is‘tll‘ls'l 1“ ‘ 0W ”9 Mild h“ ersort etin \siii “l'nt ti DOWN” ”all“ " I 3". V I] a; a; ’ ,. . 2’ i’I/Z - “1'7 .-.. z ' . '
s . . t , . . . . . . . V . . V '- my: : , “1' who:;?'v.:v.i::::3'é'r'v’ ,1. ;, , / :"V-r'i:,3:7,.’;-:3:;,"';1;..-,.v.,,;:l:;i,,' . j' a V .
“lililksl ptoplt ti \ :‘IL Ihs H WINK H \\ e e.iti \s iii ll \ittlerson N Pl-lllt‘rm '5 .. . '1; . . . g/Z/ «@Z/g/ ///W/W”//// ,2?va '3 3:1, ,, ,
t ‘6‘ ‘md ‘1 I'l‘” 1‘ ”C “4““ h" “”1“" es posed to the public," lie said. ' ' V ‘ ,. “:27; In"??? .1: %%¢%/// / ////’///44/5////21§;;; ,»;::.:,./ //
~ v 1- ' v -'~/ ,. c 7,0!” ,:::e:::2:,:v"..-:=:"xa;averages.
Y \\ iii \\ in " l he want r\ is rihm e put I l- ”" .,"£§'.1‘ ' " : W mafia/fl; / "/1/43 ’?/////59/’/;,;/ .
‘ stiltsllif‘ \ote lot the person “ Both “Agildnt-m And “WWW” o o 0 Rs J.D. \‘ANHOOSl-Z/Kernel Staff
\tideisoit reeliiied tshen llls ldlllt‘l ‘1’“th ”W ”“lmilimu' 0' 1h“ I IK crulser hlts blker -
(”‘1 decided to “m tor president lldlltllltlll} teleuwddehutes.notonlt
"He not on the RL‘PLlhllL‘dll ticket tit because 0' thee\posttre. but “‘0 ”W t . . . . . . . .
Nd“ m 5mm” the PM“ He mm ”m \ndCNmK participation In An unidentified police officer looks over the crumpled btke Of Sarah Seminary last night whenal Kpolice officer. dm‘ing in his cruiser, appar-
mum?“ 11 ml. humus l n’ “m“ the mm!“ I‘NH“ in, \ ,dhlim Vanessa Berge, 2|. 9” Journal Ave. Berge. a l'K student. was riding with ently hit her. Berge was takento Albert 8. ( handler Medical ('enterwhere
5'1 Nip in mm Rwy” 1‘ mil d m“- ( ontinued on page -t her husband on Limestone Avenue in front ofthe Lexington Theological she was listed in satisfactory condition, a hospital spokesperson said.
7/? d t C l' f t t'
B) ls-\T\ BXN -\HA.\ ieeeo ed \\ hat SC: president Brad and hill he d\.lllclhlk‘ at the door get tickets" Sturgeon said )estedu} Arts “m 5“ ‘ “l“ Chm“ 1“ a “WW questions It that happens. i imagine
suii- w a Sturgeon described A“ “at barrage of tonight ltom (t to 's’ p m S(i ttdmtntstratne assistant Bob “0” l‘” thespeeen heetiuse '1 "d “'5“ hell leme "
pltorte ettlls requesting tickets. ' Sturgeon titttittttted the sudden ( hills 531d Memorial (oliseum ls pm“ “Dd ‘Nhu'fdm ‘[ ‘ ff 1‘” “IL“ .
B‘i‘w‘r‘” " l"’~““"l’mh“r“l“Ck“ 3“ “‘0“th PCllant‘" {0! ”W inet‘ettsed interest Iii llelsclsltltlhlttr} rttoteeonsienient than the('entertor than \leniormi ( tlllsL'LJIl Sturgeon and he does not .itttiei-
requests. The appearance h} "yon/o” nto\e h\ phiinc titim lhompson‘s in \.esteid;i\'s/ thigh.” [Intr/il'pto- the \rts tot theqttestion Llnd tinsuer \ ‘UllLlll‘l‘ [U ( ink "1 \en d “ pate d problem \sith WWII” in
”U.‘ lldli‘. ”Jillcl lhompson origt- .tgent. [um ( hut iii the Speaker s tiling lhonipson ttnd puhltei/ingthe portion of the program onl\ \ ~ll 'Lr‘oth ~r ‘tltl tick ,1 t' M‘m‘mdl ( Olm'um “‘ H hate ‘5
mi“ planned to, the (‘gnter my the Bureau late \esterdtn speech. 'tl ‘L “ Ill " lW th‘~ 1 ‘ students doing seeurtt). plUs u tot oi
V ' H -_ '- _ 7 «- .- . ., “ll t Li‘ ‘ ort ts ossi ‘\\‘ .7 s ti
"l ‘ ~"ii 5h! s“ ‘ P ”‘2 has been lhe (enter tor the Asrts auditt» "l‘\'.'l sinee ii: I! shin run. our ”M“ "'L “”‘l—“m‘ml‘s “““l'” dull “L”: l itltit m?” M k k U‘hsi‘ ‘0 ls“l" lhmé" "rdUl.\~ “s
1 ' . ~ ~ ~ . - , - . » - C L .s‘ t .e o t ‘ ,
; mi‘Wh i“ “WWW” ( ”lm'iim riunt llLls l.4()() sL‘dls \li d\dlldhlt‘ phones lime he it itzigir‘g off the ”u ( utter lot ”M W“) thitt‘pcoplc L ‘ “Nd
\'ti :ltqr NWU tiekets .iretiitnldhie riders new shit: out \esterdd\ “all \\ e de idol '; liaise the tnme “HUM mun“) “WW m lront 0‘ m AW ““2130” ‘il'd ”‘9 ””l‘ ‘l‘lll‘llll‘ ”1 ~-\ 1 d - i - it h‘ ,
s . «w v ii» 4 ~ ~ ' , _. . V ti question. said ’c lurk. “At Memor— l] ll' , l . ,.i m \ _ ‘ , _ “l “”3 U “L 1-“ J- l L “if-1
it u . tin o tttc niou intiiiiinp thisttlternoortuii~ :Mhthtndeitlled ‘0“'1LH“P““'” l‘”'”"“1( "h --( \1 'l ' l - h -'
let dv’ ti , , . i . _. ~ - . I , .til ( olisettni. the rows ot seats are , . ~~ . . . “d 5 m’ emoria k“ ”wm‘t er; ‘
t; ~Li\i\1.l .o cltdngL thL loc‘i- Memorial ( oiiseum ml. seat the printer tot lllt salltl heisets i It) i h ”H b l scum ”“1““ h ”h” “hm” might a lot less gum o\er there that can be
“'m “l ”W speech W“ ”Md“ ‘C‘lk’l' uppl'osintutel) 3.000 lhe additional "We don't “nut M thee ti rouds Em" “A“ ”“51?“ ”t g d ot "Tl 1h“ "l“‘m‘m 1‘ ”l” ot control damaged utth a bottle ot Wild lur-
d a '. ti :te: lls‘slll ht St tident tiekets “I” go on s.ile todu} lrom lil eroud ol stttdeti's "M'TiUFlUH ttieht k“ llllstiupttons lhere could get to he too nlclll) k“ ., said Sturgeon
“‘“CiiVme ”NU-1h All“ 1h“ .t tn to4 p mi irt the Student (‘enter “ho .ite tti.id hu 'll‘-t' they couldn‘t Sturgeon s.iid tlte (enter lor’ the HWHl} Ps'itl‘ls‘ Mid N0 man} sill) '
‘ . O C O C
0 the inside tate eng “ta, S CI‘ll‘lClZe
Edl‘mia'editorP31““an"dl‘CU‘W-‘Hhedflnger‘"“1““ G0 lo B) 0 W” as mOSt Olltlcal
riding. as the photo abos e illustrates. and offers some sug-
gestions on page 2.
By (‘(),\('HI I .\ Rl ll. lhe (i()P statement Also Mlld that
. s si ii is it . . . . the $3 million the (toierttor has set
Look for an account ofthelaw school forum speech on d ’ ‘ ...I/tr‘ .‘t.’ Int/Iron I/rr’ governor has set run/e for a Much,”nulmmiNHWWMUPHV
page 4 along “lth a story about I k s slow-filling carpool. nulrmm/ ('(mrpurgll. {Uprmmllt’ “Is'enttu'k i‘ and ('(mr- mote "Kenttteks .iiid common" is
‘\ panel oi three Republican sliite ., . , .. e 11 Il\ ‘1 '\t 1, "B‘mr M
“mum,” thHMFHNG (,m Mm punt Is ueruu/li‘ promo/mgr Brown and ( om- “} 1“ - Rm“ ”‘9 ." ‘ " ‘
1‘ .. ( Ulllpdl“ lhe (i()|’ s statement
_ \ Brownis pctllitpsulllclnttslpttlll' [Willi holds Brossn's politietl tmhitions
teail goternor the slult' hats L'\L‘I seen." ’ .. ‘ ‘
' - ~ . . _——__—-————————-—— ' ' ‘ ' '
ll Hiu like music, mu ll lme the heme] self-appointed l' 'l y K- 1‘ I'd h 'I rL\p\‘ll\|hl£ lot distortini. his \lL\\
. . .‘ . , dst nit. it ott.i Ullllt .\ llLJIHllld “h W he idded , l “l _ B‘ . . round the [“1 “him“ ot ”m
board of experts renews of st\ albums on page 5. Yes. icinmm, pmumm ‘ ‘ ~ ‘ ‘ , dm 4 1“ dkkh (lithium. touted . .. ‘ l‘ ‘
, “mm them. si\l « \enittor'sl tigene Stuart. | rospeet. Schmidt on the Pullk'l “3”“
lhe Republicans .t\l\L'(l Kl l lor ll R hl .
eqtitil tinte utter the llL‘lVHtl'ls tele~ ,. _ _ so _s;:s»- .Q. f_”“‘=_“ ‘» t- _ -\ K .- ~ - : . u Lpu mm“ {W‘lm‘nn ”1‘”
Used “lll\\ll‘\ "\ldlt' ol the (ttrtt- , . W sst‘ H '~ \N‘W J W ‘= W M" < ._ ' . “hilt “10“" h‘“ ”Nd '0 5C” ltimsc‘ll
rniintse'ilth \ddtess‘ \\ hieh the . .. W :0 § ” s‘ ‘* \... '* l" l “ l‘“‘l‘ ‘ “l l ‘l‘ “"l‘ .ts hk'lll- “
S )orts e itor .lo . ‘ . ' , ‘ ’egs.\\\ , \ ,i - -~ »~ \ _ . _7 .. ‘ _
l .d . hn ( la} analyzes the ( ats offensive Rypuhhmm ml “Tm, mm” mm“, s“ . ss . was _ \ _ N w\ _ .. rtori pnllllLJl pusiin. he is itisl the
problems m h" column “n page 8‘ L'tll speech to the (‘imeiiioi‘s W s\\ W ' as; NV" V “‘3. - » ‘= s ' I is “l‘l‘m”C “Hm" “J‘ “Ml 4‘ “31"5‘
“h ml ll!“ w .:» em \“ \ . sfl‘ ‘ Sig s ®m W\ - ~\‘ “the most PUlllle‘dlh-UllL‘lthsl gmei—
‘ ‘ ‘ ' . . 3E». ».:;5- . _ »- ‘ j; _, ,, x »_ ., u ~ . >
“‘“Nri W ' as *{ssWV ‘ s§ ' N ," . m riot itt otii liletime
t o d ' Brim it s spus lt .ind the press Lt‘ll N %% is \ “WW“ §W r» \. w s . ‘ :i V In .idditiott. Bio“ n ieeen ed sh.in
- - > - - , , , ‘ . \- a ‘» .. e~ __;.;: s. t . ‘ T:-
ou SI ltlLlltt “huh lollovud it was hiittrtl «ms > %\ '53 t W m “Hum” lot some ol ”u. c\“..\ he
(its! on Kl | lhtirsil.i\, August .VK, ~. , was: .33, ms 5 fig: \E N h.“ hump!" to the 31‘“ “"0“ "m“
”C “Ml “Md "" the “" “m“ "‘“rd” s‘s W .e. ss* 3 W \ \‘ lhe \I 3 million helicopter th.it he
\ nuie (in) IS In sun‘- fur ( en‘ra] kcntuck) ("duy‘ “Ith 1" L‘Plr'm d” l‘l" ‘ l“, \I‘L‘ ”HHH‘” “Q“‘W {§ \2 ix §§M “de .llt‘llllsl Ill lllsk‘ .lll \ldhpfllcltl-
. . . . '_ , . , . . i _ -». > “m s, .\. . "
sunny skies and a high.of 78. ( loud) skies and lows in the "“"H‘m '” “d" " “”m‘ ”‘““”‘” _ stew "'~‘>~ “‘5‘? "\' , .ite \\.is (llk‘sl
low to middle 50‘s are forecast for tonight. Tomorrow ”‘11 "" “l““l ‘ ”' '” “‘”‘ W “wisest \ A ~> .
es pendittires wise °"*‘* ’ ‘ ' ‘ , “It \se h.i\e to ptill oiii belts in. let s
should he partlt sunm and warm. ‘ '* ' _ ' “s
i - new sis ‘ W - ’ pitll itt on the tttlis .ittd ttot on the
(.(H‘ iiteiiitit-ts .l\l‘\t't' toi t‘qllul w“ W h [WW KW tit; ittipoti.iitt things." Selintid! s.iid
tirtit' lllltltl l edeiult illllllllllllL'tlllHll: sss‘” " “‘ i a ‘X gum” eoiitettds th.it the “a that
( ””“HNH’” I "”1"“ ”‘M'lm NW“ W/ Btoutt's .idiitiiiistt.itioti titissed itt '
ll'lllll"""”\ ”W l““““i”l1 “Wk . 93‘ \0 .T' their estitti.ites ot .tittieip.ited
ew 0r er arres e I” I ,, ., I .1 ‘ l . , l ., , l W ‘ ‘ ie\eiitie is 3| sign of titeoitipetenee oii
. 1 ti .i u s .i sllltll um .isi .wsssss / ,3 ‘ s\\‘\\\ its p.iit
riiplit lllt Reptihiitaris questioned new: ._ \ ‘
0 0 the sills lliotsii h.is iii.ide iit printiin ‘3‘; '§ ‘2“ WA ‘ \\\ *‘W\\‘\ He s.itd ll tlte si.ite's slt‘lls‘ll were
on S 0p lng ‘ arges and \t‘tltlltlttl\ t‘tlllt iitiotml programs \, § . -’ at?“ ,. g of“ s ‘ \\\\\‘\\\\ ttol _|\ high. he “otild "lcslnlt‘ ottl\
V irt ltis tlloiis to Ittllltt shin ponin "$3 t t \~ \ ' ilmse itiiiidiitgl s‘tits tit editoiiiun
iiieiit spending hx KI I4 million ,- 31 Y ‘\\u\\e\
ll» ”All Vlthlf)\ tip to the ltllltt' lllt‘ll \AL' (tilled the _>“_ I” ll .( t / . § ‘ \ lhe ptt‘t‘oss‘tl “I“ “eie presented
A “V “I l"’l"" .. t L.i ittt ti iii\t‘ltitil o slop 9‘ \W I” I rttct‘lllttl hm‘M‘tn “I ‘\\I l
_ ‘ \ \ . . . t i .Ilh
ilhtii did not knots \sh.ii hooks 'h‘ ””‘ '” "mt“ l“! UIIt tlllllllt'll\ ‘ lt‘lllsldlnt‘ leaders. but Stimtt eon-
m it .Illt'1‘l dls lilkt ii \.I\III)_' “we kept "‘l”“'“”” ""‘H'I HM Mid to make his m ‘ g W lends th.it the leuisl.itiiie h.id no
.\ l“) I“ mid HM“ WIN "HUN” ”I” ”In!“ “H ., rots irt ins (lllltdl .ttt‘us ll slated . . NM I'll‘l” M to “h.” the Jun.” (“h
liit ‘vll'llllil'llil' ltl‘ wilds lirlltl\\|l|1'.lll “.tlllstill s.iid Dttlltt .Ilt llllsllll ol “pp“.“tmlmu \Hhm \dmm” . l ems ... “H ‘ \\oti|d he ”C s.|id the legisldtois
"”1" 'l -t"' rr‘p' lit ltii' itp'it ti ti llit' llltllt'sl' ltll llit’ .illit't'il lt’xlhiitsk ( ttltl \Ptlllt'. \illtl “t‘tllltdltttlt K J .. <~ W‘lkfi ‘3 \\:“*s§§§s\\\\s§\s\\\t \ sllnllltl ll.l\t‘ l‘t‘s‘ll Ct‘ll‘llllt'tl
lliiiril f'tirti llii l ii .i r ,il‘. “rink lllt'll lllllllht'l Hllt' pltHIIHHJIHl lls‘UPPUMW : » " fl . t \‘ \
\llilt “Ht salt] luv was till his was to “Hm”. NM] “MN“ I“ the dd“ ‘ ‘ “ “X" . ““- Ilotu‘tei. he.ietees\\ttlt tltetioe
m Him. p in ii, i i. t lllll l'.iiil lsiionilli In \t‘l .ihmii hii\iitt' A It's llllllll llll' (iostiiioi ordered i “Y I“ "l [ADD/kernel 5"" elnot that the cuts should eonieiioitt
llillll rill ltii p \i'i ll’t.ll||' .i \i \s t.iiii.ittl ” li.irrisuii \Jltl ‘llt .ilso ”mum,“ “i l‘” ”WIN" mum”): ‘ , \I‘\'ll|lll\_L!. not set\is'c
\ iirl t it~, Vv «iilv ii, iii in «11-, [)ldtttl ~..iii| lit was llt rs .il l K In st't' .Ihtllll “H”, \l" ii, \s ay out
it” rum}, mi. J it, a”, h.” w“ h'lllt’ -Itlllllllttl H” II“. I “HHWH llie li‘pisIJIors “ele lllh'|\|k'\\‘.d
liniw it it. tori i'i ii‘wwi \tiidi-tits xiishutid ill iiiil.inliiI \elllllttll .ilso tlI\-lplt’t'\ uillt “” kl l.‘ A"””““ -/"””"’l W"
’ll'mriz'i li,iil l“ ' tli» limit iii 4. llellll' ttl llu l ili\t’l\ll\ lltinhslntt’ "It!“lll\ .\(III\\ I“! htmlll [\t'ttmi I .\ l'fl‘idt‘nl("i\ Singlet-r) \pt‘ll\ II lht‘Kit‘K-tlfllunf'fl‘tlfl(fifth? til-ll“ l“ 5" R-llll‘t'L \‘l lllk~ \‘M‘
'l’ """' "ll-l‘l‘ ‘ I ~ ‘ “withsllill .iii st iii ti, ill! 1). .III at \tmlt lll\ Lip't' tlllstll llIlElls‘l rdiimtioii hiidpt-I-~ t'lmpl" l'nitt'tl “my drive. l‘his year‘s theme is "l‘ls' I‘lle l‘nited sLIls‘tl l‘tt'ss tit l l.||Ith‘llv .iitd l \‘lllll
‘v1.ii.,ii 'l vs ili‘tvll'i lot: it .iid .\i. 'tllltt lihr ii s.iid llimt \Il ll the with ”(I “uriisidi'mrioii tint-ii to the “at." with I goal of $|Mt.h02. lhe I‘niu-rsih raised “27.000 lust “CHIN-III. li"-|I\\Ills‘ lt‘ls'Hstt‘Ii st.i
Hip .sl‘i. u, :siii'uiiiii iii thi w in i t .«. lltil ,i sllltlt Ill Illt' [Itllltl'tllt llltlt\lllll.ll tlllli"'('\ ” he \.|ltl \oim‘ ""' ""” “ \\I V‘ l '-"‘k""‘ \“""‘l“‘"
tori ins lllliiil'illil titliitiiiiiiimiii i.i|l-*"" . relresh the memottcs it Irtwtt “-tts t'tdi ‘il'itt'.~_ll you get oil the bike
_ ' his \yott ‘i on? who had taint: o" ' .‘ 'rie t‘d\c'.’tlt'l‘il and we would ”'if‘ - wwflflflflwf ”3' ..‘ yfoW’ who may baye toieotte' » . ,‘ ti». .ini; wak ‘
. , rs k I ijitii': snow yyna'. t saetty . I X ) /// : f. . 7- if”? WWW tic rules and cortiiiior i I). . ‘ er‘eat do itot come
. - “aprei :tf ' ‘ the et. I d iti‘t kta-w : * ' .. 3 "' ' g, :‘ :.::.;.,;;¢:¢:,f l'll'\t o1 all you mus: . ' out 'iimc I" at: the Patterson ()ttice
I-I 3‘ ,I' JV «" “0 tttw‘bs'sl it: «2 P l i’ \ ' ’g‘ , . :_ you ate expected It obiw . low ' n: tending to be racing the
. . 7, " w t.“ .i'inthet ‘tehacte How a“ , / ' ‘ ‘* " ”‘t‘t If signals just as iititottiobttiw t' "t ~ It.i.'..i:. . x ‘t.mc tycling team to the
' ‘1 " i .3» kn. w 'nat 'afltt.’\\ \tllllt V ,1 '_ ' ; 1:2, . , includes tralltc Itehts sti i . cits ‘ll".t’\
I ’ . 1"" ‘ " V 3"”“1‘403 “I”: *" Mann . i ,. 1- I sg 5'- -.:,;. ”3/ police olliceis iliii ll'g ' . t . '~.'.‘L' out lotid. please
.— sumo A i. l'sst w in gicatci It; ’ “a” .e ‘ \ :2; ‘5. railtoad crossing lights iiciki .at. tout btakes don‘t squeal
' 5' , ._ieitu It. ' I’ g cm: tesiiii might m- ‘ _- /. 4‘ “.5: . ‘9 \ou are espected - ' ' .zic' ‘ itiply them ()iI them
. my” w, “0 ‘ . ;- ' .2: ,, turns An lllllsllkdsl‘khl . . i:itt stttl -- t w Insomething Just keep
'. . ~\ tl'N‘l'Hilt‘ ittoblem esists Hut it is lt.t‘.t' all been late tot class %_ \\ ”a; dcllncslllL‘lnIL'IllttlllU1(Ii es.,,-.t 1o the-iii ewe;
A . . . E’ ' ca isef ’t. .trc-sponsibie lllttlfllr \t'iiilai incidents happened oti . _ . .. t’al"””m“l”" :33? turn lelt '\ bettd ot Ill; w I‘t as. :etiiember these sitti-
' , -. I" " .‘tt ”cs ‘1 the ta.’ :‘i'at ;' --d.iy_ \kcdnesday and Ihiitsday ‘ with hand iii a.t me: -u my ' n t" l‘ l'tlt‘\ theneyt tinieyoit
. _ 1'. '.“ is; : --.. writ» iise the b:cy.Ic as a I acli day I \tiyllltl signal tor a tight my: tip \lalibii I)riye toward \icho~ haye eyet come to actually killing iil'lllll‘t'ls'lllllLy “PM I“"‘ ‘l' "‘ “ l” “0“”) 5““‘3'IIH‘ICI
ii ' '1 I‘nlit'l " . dc {litllyt‘tllI-il t It lttt'~.' .ti‘tl ciitl‘. day lltt't‘t‘opleotttheir l.ts\llly' Rtlatl lhe light at the another person [he thought “as I)“ HUI lislt Ail-MIN 'I- W \ ltz’t ‘ I \ film ()mega l‘l’L‘tlc'l’l
, ' ~ ". t‘it' tespec' to simple ttattrc laws It .yia-s would totally ignoteiiiy sig» iiitetsection was gtceti so I saw no yery upsetting Isat thei'eloi'aboiita tratltc I tiless -,oii \\.)lllti . kl. .a .itiy'i :i .'tll brientennial yersion
, ' ", “I'm? - rust» and pcdestttans oi and pass me on the tight ieasoii to ieduce my speed which halt hout until I could regain my tip as a hood tlIllitiIty’Ii’ Is" it \ ll.|'ii.'t'lllCld‘dUlOgIdpllLd '
. ‘ 4 . H \t‘lll\tl' |.’tt":‘ tlt a ways es ip tr tt‘.\ way home one altettioott was about ~10 tiiilcs an hour) e‘tintptystttt‘ and begin dmmg on“ When a cat truck o: "v .v -. ltt si‘j‘tl
. A :‘v, ' ' a: "as case i' set -: a» ' we.k I was \tllll'iL' at the ted ilidlll Right .is I got to the iiitciscction again Iota mm “Md“ “M Ml. MW.” . L i’ .., f ‘11 ti ‘L‘IU‘L‘ to UhL‘V Iht‘w'
' if ’.. i"~"’~ ‘1' .ct, ‘1'“ at Ifti’ s-‘llltl ot \itholasyillt Road some hteyclc “with likll'lt’ dowti lhe one aspect ot the situation \ehtclc 1%.“th the .. ti:'; t .' .ics and c‘ltttltcs‘lltlcItle‘ly‘
, '.' . I zi-iy da» as' week visiept I ' .1 \\_:3:ei \yi-iiiie It wasabmi' 5M. \ieholiis\tile Road went tight which I lind seiiii»hutiiorous is the cle “ intending to m” “k h” ; Ies m. will”; iiigiy become promi»
" , . to I. a" ted .a'i'itt is at natal *4 it. "it at’etttooi, and the middle ol thiough llll light lhete wete tio gatb bicyclists ate weatlng these yotiaieSl 3e ‘kt-ltltvt' L. \ . 1: l - “~ ?<'=l ’HIUIL'
' '1 . 1- ., 't, t _. r: .aeky toow "v. .l.li.‘. with, hour “hilt: I ‘\.tIlL‘ll Itllt'clots on th; bike and he was days “hilt plastic helmets \Hlll ing J l‘ I‘l‘llliyl pi“: i .. l . . .' first warned
_‘ t, .1 ,ow:i: :Mitk .- ”IL' ot 'rtt «too ~~ Ift.‘ Netti tochangesoint lil.\ otia weatiiig \cry daik clothing I didn‘t oiiinge siiipcs black gloyes with itie h,“ A“. m, ,1. my, 3,. . , y.
. . ‘ t‘atkzt c sixicss t' tt et ‘ tot .tc?.ts\ * s we“ iteht through the hght sec hiii‘. unit! It; was about tittec lci't Iittgets ttit out knee and elbow pads “Mk
‘ . y, "ti s' t. r: "ti (item I" \‘IL\ \ I' it‘ _t.-t slowing down t'otii ltl\ ltzitot-ei litcktiy Idtdii't hit they .l'” 'eiil gtooyy and I‘m stite
' ‘. y - Ili. .1 ' i ._i.wa.s g i av Kos; \tieet \ t :‘.;'ol nights late: I was tltiy him they a.. inst a lot ot money Ilut I \\ hcti iidttigtoclass. s I.t-.i r - l’aui \Iaiiti is the Fditorial Editor.
_', and t’ . 'tL'i: tieltt -t: ( ..'tot. .' e t tiie ttoiit woik It was about I had 'o pztl' oll the toad and lust doubt the Math Helmet ot the loan; an accepted way it t'ox; ll Ills ”damn “PPM" may “the,
,l» . ‘I’ \ . i. ' get It ‘.':i l" it fly. it t‘ltlll‘e' into, I was 'tayel sit ”Rd. and 'L ias It was thecloscst I itibbet halt. \\lil cushion the ittltyact dittttig tlic (”m-s u tie-i. .- 1 * thugsdae
‘ ' ‘ W ° 11 f l ' l t t '1' Letters Polic
" t r 0 103 211' umen v
. r1 er ca 8 0 g g , no name ca mg
. . 7 .g, _' I I t. ,_ .. A; At rm/ wlcomes all
I -' I:. “eat: \tt ll 'sc' . ": t 'tt ouetspetid t g and met datiget. ti~ wit ol to icl' chatai it! ol students on? I assume the poptda Attlll "the Illsl'."l"‘l<‘ It t' t “ I“ co: 1' ti 1. I ‘lItlllIL' l'K commun-
' I - \Tev Ii Ist' \ _.-t:.t , s n .e., .i' it a dadtot' i.;t'odiictiyity \IllLlicdl: p ~iit.cs tioti in guii 3.: i :s a tcgtessiori to a Ills-tlttmls-uhtl ‘t "‘...: - I" y. , it_. ‘-' l‘l:“.-ttlit‘l! on the editorial
V I ' 11 o;- A, . s At ,,_, ~ i 1‘ . .,.t .t . «ted iictwss the bt-atd Ilti m. w cot‘setyatzsiti is .i new littttasy \~.. 'i'd lt sctms to me ilttif Pl" “I‘d U'“H‘I‘I‘ “it“ i t‘lltl ‘ 1““ 't I‘m-'1" .
h l. i" AM , ‘ ia'xr u w - . ' it ~ . .t‘. .ethlzitly wt blame the I’c.tlt\'l \tiititie \ \Itlwith I'etsh tli'totitte the «wild situation so that WINCH“ I” 0“ l‘t'ltlmt "I i i‘ “'1' l‘ ”a ”L“ \‘llldcn‘t‘ "I r'3'“:
‘ . ‘1. a wee; .tmmx'c II ;\i.s 'v . uncut oye'sta-tidttig on IllL‘ II 'I.\s _-s t\.» \ti [limit one-tan\Iingtothelibeialismotthe He chaiaiteii/t-sas ”ma _. ctrn'wlii' .s and lrequetit writeis
‘ V, ." _ ‘1 . _ , I‘" "I“ 3‘: :. .._ :t- g g t i I l’t‘lsllltti.‘ ll .ttc IIH/ ylle.‘ Illissll'c's as litlt‘ l‘NyIls L lli'y l‘Flls ts t‘\ttt'tl‘;‘i‘\ “l“lk'U’lllil It‘l“ lllle" " " J ‘ lid nm‘ l“ im‘wd ‘
V ' u - ,._- t- .i. .- : ,» y\‘ > -. rtiir ":a'atititiioiist "II \oti tlit'tllntl‘ ttiitditig the \l.\, and tattctlul \otte ol \lt Htisch'saigt; all though who hold at! ," 41m . (t\1":.l\ttl this should bedelnered
"Va . " "1"" p ,i. t y. y '... . m .: ‘lttlltsllldl I.t.'L'llL‘L'lle't' the "1‘s" .t\. :Il detct \Is \{‘1 lltl.llt£ is a iiittits itii;~' ss me as conyincing but It \It Htisi I‘. I‘ _. s." vla' i Ii I“ “PM" IHJournalism. [Ini‘ier‘i'li V
i I '-. ‘I ’ i t .' ;~.- ita 1;th . ,i ,t ‘ht ttaecdy at I '\‘\ I.t:..ii. l. ~.*toti=' '1 a titasstyi \t‘\lt" t‘.|llll.lt‘. as .t \l.ll\Il t m ol the ideology biased pIU\L his statetiti tits tot. w ”f h""“"“-“ I eungton. K." 4050“
. .. It.“ .6 I" \.~ ~ L -- l,’ t _ igittat .. t. \l- tl isir' :‘totieits ll -;. siiz'tc l‘t tt-t‘ ‘1 “VVK'II‘ ticstt: tot seleitnvii it '.lyIs \\lll\'ll leads to to Kilt-””llk'lll‘» ”"3 ””1" ' ‘7‘" “‘9 Iii. will, “mtv‘ik contributors
' . l '.i~' ~. s' sya s ".ry x i I‘a'at at‘ht.>tiiiilctiiittielits.. «III-til yya: lillltlllitlli'k'tl t‘\cll\L‘\ tot not dotttg Clllt‘llll Ml llll'\s‘l‘-.\Ht1tt‘f' Il‘t ”MN I‘ ”‘M d k I“ belorc ”h I
. i i ' :t, i "z 4 ' 12"" ' is --——_ l1 s t'iw w? u .iiiyotate tuithei those we. L‘\\itl\ tasks w hiilt teutiite \hW‘lIHll "Hm, IA" M able to accept the
. 5",: . \t .. ._ :i' .'s ' w. tit tin-tat. tba. ts Ill dc: use in the a iiiitii ”a. untitlice l I‘lC‘UIV-ll’ ”IV “I H I t" mm" H
'5 I i ' . it: . 'iii' tots s. 'tit liitt ot thi \oya't t‘ttea: that .iie llIth ~s some titetit in \1: lrttmc liit titotc liltllydl om :~.' letters. M
. .‘ .- . . fl .. J . ~ . ‘ ‘_ ‘ _ '1 ' _ h ‘ . . \lls“ i' oe til iIIlL'\ or less and no
_ l> . , . « w . ‘ t-~ " tL'IlHIml. .iaiay \ilyo..ity ot cuts in lill\\ll s sl'lllt‘litlllt coiicitning the NHL .itgunitntsthat It . : ,.. . _ .
"'3 .‘. \I- .. . .“t‘ i' up M‘ Oplmon \itiettcii'. tl"li‘ttsc' is 5hr toad to titttem ~d teibnolout/tne ol a Itbeial cle Since he will b« \'~l' 'L. ll mm“ “”1, ”U “FM“ lhm‘ should
I. . ~. .; - . ~ ~ ‘ H , . : cottcc't ”attain.“ issues. cottLL‘rtis
i, ., . 5 I,“ .’ t-; N ,. o e ii L we t'etlllr peati IIl’ s hold or a sample tact .ttts tsllltlllntll Ilte liberal aits U‘IIHHH. ltk‘ “to s ‘t u . .-. t"! m “a- “RN“: to the [K cont¥ ‘
.‘ g ". «' II‘ c 'slkt‘l‘l nmitis It stated In \ecietao ot l)etense sehoii‘s ate a \alttabletisset ol '\m'~‘t “PP“IIUII'H I" ‘1" “ ttitifl‘l
' ' 2'." ‘ ‘~ " . ‘M i. ~~ " I‘dl..c'\ are tliHIlF -__-— Ilaiold Ilroyyti ' \s otii deletisc ican sottety lhgit is what distresses
’f w. .i w ' tvit' ti.t y wczl ttut that by claiming tlat "2c lll‘. \1 .e budgets hayt iisctt th. \oyicts ltayt me thi :iiost .ibout \1t lill\c'lt\ ”Im'l'm‘
. 5 .' tlois' .i'."i,it'hey .iietheiaus' Island .icttdent w.i~ t'tdll a ‘i .t itiiteased tht;i dtlctise budgets \s d'IItlt ‘s‘i. lines or less and
. ; "is “' ..i‘ L_. ..,, It to“ at”. All mm down that .s ttt' "ttt' otii detenselyiittgetcnacegoncdowti. Ihi .ttllllt“ is it seniot itt ptlllllyill ‘ _ \I‘l'lti t‘:z:' ..-iid eyplaiti a position
of ' -‘ ~ I .y A Mite it ll|' ts nationa‘i/i lll\ .ii."iot tttcti Lliltlli\ 'l: i‘ :m then iletctist rtiidjee's llil\L iitcicased science and Itigltsh \et he \I\('\ "a?” P'C“ " a graduati- "“‘h'l‘l poi ; ma, -. Ht‘tcaltssttesoltnterestl
. '2 ‘, t ,. 1. t ,m HHMHH. “mm! .W W A U”... , ”‘11.,” .. d MM,“ 1., 7,... ”Lu.“ “ phiases sui h as "the lack ot political majoring in p“li'i“al.‘“""“:‘;' H‘ m” to tl u: Is tttl‘llillllllI) ‘
' ', t it \\.t' iiiilitai-siti i=t p'~.t;». \It lilt\yll el.i‘l‘l\ that the new sophistication lliecotttpleteinability hm” a (”'qu “Inch “'l' awn“ .
H t . .. , n t. .~ . we ,. I. c .. . t .u v». ~ 1 iIlt' . | my -tsity to coiicc tti.il1/~ot think 'ritically ” eyery other Il‘ursday. ‘
( “,W" ’,l . .t, _ .. k~\sli- is a .s.. A .. ate. ,.i. . sy. t, tl..l . .. consttyatisit i initst e p t k J
4' , - ., ’ b
7 ' ' t ' ’ °t LeP'tOnen ~ . 3 wt D‘Dn't
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. ". . p i Bait, Bottom: 21 TWO aLUmnl , - .
, j _ -'; . ‘ ( fie.- ‘ ptsmct atttt-t- l t; | Don’t neco 3va taege DeLtctttFuL
_ _ . )' pyee a. evmiyi are Here 0 #l iHeYSIY , , +""".”T'
. ' ". "'I QLY COW. see You.” at"! @‘l‘ ’ mev emulates \h.
' t .t' H ~ ~ THGY sat its awmm I
.‘ ' . .. ‘ 9 Don't even ' “a“ a .
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- ‘ ave enoucti . . I FL MG .,/ is.-
- 4. H 1 l fleet) a “awe? W
, ’. f3 PLaYe rs to 1'. , l I Q K ' c..." ’ ‘
4 ,' .- v, FIOIQH we :3 miracle! 83‘ - ,
- ‘ Season .' .X '
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 II” M \II t M “NHL. lhursdu}. September "L ”80-3 . .
I 49 W S roundup l Partners Place ‘ -‘ ,
Mm”— , .
( omptled from AP Dispatches I we ancv [eStS , I .
weapon and earrVIng a weapon “lthUl "It would bethe murst thtng that llapr \ r tt\ “ . . I It i g]? ' ‘ 'r ll : (l
' I r t,‘ t'I “l tl\ ’stltle l'» .. -' -'
State a Itcense, Bllh ”urcn‘ ‘7‘ “‘l‘ ld'lCd h" pelted stntt \1otlttt \l llt'lettsetttptetl.” l“ I I; b I ' I . . . _ I' II I
. . .. t_III‘ I \ tt '_ l‘t"'\ . ‘-I
anL‘ngW’“ 0‘ ““Wlllng d PM'U sand (term-t. “ho has been Meme ltls \ I, ‘ No l t t tan l avallable dall ' 7 t
.I ‘ \t t't\\.ls ‘."l .tttmtt tr U\t r. I ~._
olltcer lll’lattptng uar trt edttottals III the t I I t I t It t\ I II I i l l I
.. . . . I . . I I . . . . . I llttlt'l tl'lt-“t ttIt~ tL ts tattlttstt ”I, I;‘..