xt759z90cc26 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt759z90cc26/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1973-06-26 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, June 26, 1973 text The Kentucky Kernel, June 26, 1973 1973 1973-06-26 2020 true xt759z90cc26 section xt759z90cc26 JULIVL Z L, | \q 13
Vol. LXV No. 4 four pages

$1.59 million

financial aid
package set

Copy Editor

an independent student newspaper

University funds for financially needy

students will total $1.592 million for the
next school year.

The new federal money will permit UK
to continue financial aid programs at near
the 1972-73 levels, but will not provide any
great increases in available funds, said
James Ingle, director of financial aid.

THE NEW FEDERAL funds are a result
of congressional action which reversed
some reductions in student-aid programs
proposed by President Nixon.

The $1.592 million for student aid is
distributed into:

«$800,000 for national direct student

«$550,000 for work study programs

«$242,000 for educational opportunity

A new program initiated by the Health,
Education and Welfare Department


(HEW) will make additional funds
available to students. The program will
provide $120 million in national funds for
basic grants to students.

3,100 students at UK each year. National
direct student loans will aid about 1,400
students; federal grants aid 500 to 600
students and the work-study program
affects about 1,100 students. About 400
students were turned away last year, Ingle
said. The figures should remain about the
same for next year, despite the new
federal funds.

Students seeking aid from the new HEW
program should make applications
directly to HEW. They will issue the
student a “certificate of eligibility” if he

An eligible student then presents the
certificate to the University financial aid

The Kentucky Kernel

Lexington, KY 40506

office with a statement of how much he or
his family can pay for his tuition and other
educational costs. The amount he can
provide is deducted from $1,400, and the
remainder will be the amount of his grant.
The total may not exceed one half the
student’s educational costs.

GRANTS MAY BE reduced if ap-
plications exceed the $120 million in
national funds available.

Entering freshmen will be eligible for
student financial-assistance programs for

the first time this year, Ingle said. The last
day for freshman application was Feb. 1,

1973, but the financial office will accept
some late applications, Ingle said.

Notification of the financial-aid
programs will be sent to interested

students within the next 10 to 14 days, he i


VA dedicates

new hospital;

plea is made

to end wars

An end to the Veteran’s Administration
(VA) through the eradication of wars was
the thought amplified Saturday by the
administrator of veterans affairs at the
dedication of the new regional VA hospital
near University Drive.

Donald E. Johnson, the featured
speaker, cited developments during the
Nixon-Brezhnev summit and the end of the
Vietnam War as steps toward a goal of
continuous peace.

The administrator centered his com-
ments on the idea that the hospital, with all
of its modern equipment, will still have the
most important Quality-people.

He related the history of the VA,
especially its medical facilities and
praised the conveniences and quality of
the local hospital.

Cost of the six-story structure was over
$15 million, and it contains $7.5 million in
the most up-todate equipment available
for health care. Most of the equipment is
the first of its kind in this area, according
to Dr. William G. Malette, chief of staff for
the hospital.

During a recent tour of the facility,
Malette pointed out the numerous X-ray
units, neurology instruments, cardiac
equipment and surgical units which are

since the facility contains major equip-
ment not available elsewhere. Major
surgery patients from West Virginia
hospitals will come to the new facility for
treatment as will those from the UK
Medical Center.

Malette pointed out that the two
hospitals will operate jointly to provide the
best facilities and equipment to patients. A
walkway connects the two structures,
which are some 40 feet apart.

Continued on Page 2. Col. 1

The $15 million Veteran’s Administration Hospital opened with dedicatory

contained in the 370—bed hospital.

Managing Editor

Malette said the hospital will serve as a
regional location for area VA hospitals

ceremonies Saturday. The 320-bed facility is one of the most modern in the
world. The new hospital will work in cooperation with UK’s Med Center.
(Kernel photo by Charles Wolfe.)






UK stars shine
on tour

Kevin Grevey and Jim Andrews helped lift the
US. All-Star basketball team to two victories last
week as the State Departmenmt sponsored team
continued its tour of China.

Andrews, using his 6-11 height, controlled the
backboard game while Grevey shared top scoring
honors with 16 points in a 94-67 decision. See story
on page 4.

Hearings continue

The Watergate hearings resumed yesterday with
John W. Dean III reading a six-hour statement
concerning his role in the scandal.

During the course of the testimony Dean revealed
it was his “honest belief that while the President
was involved, that he did not realize or appreciate
at any time the implications of his involvement."
See page 3 for the complete story.

Library receives
new service

In the not too distant future UK students will have
the opportunity to expolrc millions of books not
available in the M. 1. King Library.

The library has just recently joined the
Southeastern Library Network (Solinet) which.

through a computer link-up, will connect the UK
facility with 83 other libraries in the southeast.
Initially the service will aid in catalouging and
bibliography records. See story on page 3.

Sports shorts

Mike Clark explores everything from new ceiling
tiles in the Coliseum to planting grass on the new
football field in his weekly sports column on page 4.

Today's weather

Today‘s weather may become a bit sticky under
partly cloudy skies as the temperature climbs to 90.
There will be a chance for thundershowers in the
afternoon and evening with tonight‘s low expected
to be near 60.



2-THE KENTUCKY KERNEL. Tuesday. June 26, I973

Sanctified Hill
Mudslide victims

The University is negotiating
the sale of land near Southeast

Community College (SCC) in
Cumberland, to the residents of
Sanctified Hill left homeless by a
mudslide last December.

Lawrence E. Forgy, vice
president for business affairs,
said the sale must be approved

by the International Harvester
Corp., donator of the 123-acre

tract. The deed stipulates that
any land not used for educational

purposes be returned to the

acre site separated from the

main campus at SCC. Forgy said
the University has no plans for

the land and he thinks the sale is
possible if the appraised value of
the land is paid and the money
goes to SCC.

Appraised value of the land
ranges from $4,000 to $6,000 per
acre because of the scarcity of
level land suitable for building.

The former residents of Sanc-
tified Hill plan to build 80 low-cost
homes on the 20 acres, creating a

want UK land for

new neighborhood in Cum-
berland. Forty-four of the new

houses would replace the 17
homes destroyed by the mudslide
and those in various stages of
deterioration. The remaining 36

would be sold to low-income
families in the area.

neighborhood will range from
$15,000 to $16,000. The money will

come from the sale of the land on
Sactified Hill to the Appalachian

Regional Commission. The area
then would become a city park.

Three committees working on
relief for the slide victims have
given approval to this plan.

An alternate plan, favored by
the city, would turn the SCC land
into a park. The existing city
park will be closed when KY 119
is rerouted around Cumberland.

BILL RISDEN. a member of
both the park relocation com-

mittee and one of the residents‘
relocation committee, said the
park and the housing project
could occupy the land if UK will


The state and federal govern-
ments have pledged $1.2 million
to assist the residents in buying
land and constructing new

homes The city’s share of the
cost would be $15,000 to $25,000,
for the development.

John Sweeney, an Appalachian
Regional Commission consultant

said the first houses
could be available in December if
the proposed plan is executed.

The plan calls for a local
professional staff and the use of
local labor for construction work.

New hospital boasts latest in medical equipment

Continued from Page I

The VA Hospital is made up of
full—time UK Med Center per-
sonnel who, like Malette, will
temporarily serve the VA facility
on a part-time basis.

Cooperation between the two

hospitals is also shown by the
training of medical students at
the VA Hospital through the use
of closed-circuit television. Video
instruments are installed in most


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of the surgical areas.

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modern system of getting sup-
plies into the rooms.

Instead of each patient's
supplies being taken into the

room by the nurse, the materials
will be placed in a recess in the
wall from the hallway. When the

nurse attends the patient, she
opens a door on the inside of the
room and removes the supplies
for that particular patient.

Malette explained that this
sytem will avoid unnecessary
disturbances to those inside the

room and will provide more
privacy to the patient.

Specialty equipment includes a
two-bed training unit for in-
struction to patients and their
families in the use of a kidney
dialysis machine. The objective
of the training is to make it

possible for a kidney transplant
patient to continue treatment at
home with the aid of his family.

The 9,000 square-foot
laboratory will contain various
offices and an SMA 1260, capable
of performing 12 different tests
on a single blood sample.

Hospital physicians will be able
to measure absorption and
retention of various compounds
in the body through the use of
radioactive materials and a

linear whole body scanner, only
the fourth of its kind in the nation.

Only a small portion of the
hospital is now open with many of
the old hospital’s patients being
transferred to the new facility.

The entire hospital will be in
operation before July, 1974.





THE ASSEMBLY fa- Political Actitm will
hold its monthly meeting on Tuesday. June
26, at 8:00 p.m. at the Catholic Newman
Center. 320 Rose Lane. The "Energy Crisis”
will be discussed; with a practical emphasis
on analysis of the problem and m the
question: What can we. as private citizens.
do to alleviate the problem?

John Fish. a representative of the Kentucky
Petroleum Council. will address himself to



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THE LEXINGTON Association for Parent
Education is ofterina Lamaze Childbirth
Classes at the following locations beginning
each night at 8 p.m. Good Samaritan
Hospital. June 26; UK Med Center. June 27.
and St. Joseph Hospital. June 20. For mire
information. call Ms. Sue Buxton. Registrar-



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M. l. King library ioins
central computer service

The Margaret King Library
has joined a centralized com-
puter service which will connect
the facility with 83 other

academic libraries in the
southeast United States.
The service, called the

Southeastern Library Network
(Solinet) will provide additional
aid in cataloguing and
bibliography records, Harold
Gordon, acting director of UK
libraries said.

further developed, Gordon ex-
plained, it Will aid in records for
serial publications, book pur-
chases, and circulation.

Other Kentucky schools which
are members of Solinet are
University of Louisville, Asbury
Theological Seminary, Southern
Baptist Theological Seminary,
and Northern Kentucky State

At the outset, the system will be
funded by the member in-
stitutions amounting to about
$254,000. Gordon said the system
will probably be self-supporting
after the first year with the in-
stitutions paying for the services
they receive.

(anDON SAID THE com-
puterized system could be at-
tained only by working together
b(-.~ause individual libraries
cannot afford computers.

"Solinet will enable the UK
library to scan the holdings of all
84 members and know within a
short time where the requested
book is and whether it can be
borrowed by UK students and

The regional concept is ex-
pected to become nationwide,
Gordon said. The regional idea
came from an Ohio computerized
system, originating at the Ohio

College .Library Center in

PRESENTLY, universities in
New England and New York are
organizing similar systems.

Other member universities in
the southeast include; Florida,
Georgia, Tennessee, North and
South Carolina, Georgia Tech,
Tulane, and Auburn.

Solinet’s main office is in New

Gordon said the UK library
system is considered to be
medium-sized compared to
Harvard, Yale, Michigan, and
other similar schools. He said UK
purchases 4050.000 books per
year while Harvard, Yale and
Michigan buy 387,000, 219,000 and
148,000 respectfully.

Dean links Nixon to disastrous
'cancer' of Watergate scandal

Associated Press Writer

testified Monday that President
Nixon was involved in the
Watergate affair and ignored or
failed to understand his repeated
warnings about “a cancer
growing on the presidency," that
could destroy Nixon.

”When the facts come out,”
Dean said as he read a day-long,
uninterrupted recitation of his
own complicity, ”I hope the
President is forgiven."

THUS BEGAN the first
testimony at the Senate
Watergate hearings to point
directly to presidential in-
volvement in the cover-up of the
Democratic Party break-in-the
incident that touched off the
explosive White House scandal.

Last Sept. 15, when seven men
were indicted for the Watergate
break-in, Dean said he received
congratulations from the
President that the case reached
no higher than G. Gordon Liddy,
the former legal counsel to the
President’s re-election and
finance committees.

“I left the meeting with the
impression that the President
was well aware of what had been
going on regarding the success of
keeping the White House out of
the Watergate scandal,” Dean
said. “I also had expressed to
him my concern that I was not
confident that the cover-up could
be maintained indefinitely.”

with the President, about
Watergate, this year, Dean said,
“it was quite clear that the cover-
up as far as the White House was
going to continue.”

Dean, who was Nixon’s official
lawyer until he was fired April 30,
said, however:

“It‘s my honest belief that

while the President was involved. ,

that he did not realize or ap—
preciate at any time the im-
plications of his involvement.”

Others had pointed to Dean as a
key member of the conspiracy to
hide official involvement, as the
conveyer of executive clemency
offers, a raiser of funds to keep
the Watergate defendants silent.

Efforts by The Associated
Press to reach others accused by
Dean for comment were un-

Dean quoted the President as
saying he had personally
discussed a clemency offer to one
of the Watergate defendants and
said Nixon told him it would be no
problem to raise up to $1 million
in hush money.

tially, was that he did not know
about the June 17 Watergate
burglary in advance-that he was
in the center of cover-up ac-
tivities but did nothing without
concurrence of HR. Haldeman,
the President‘s chief of staff, and
John D. Erlichman, his principal
aide for domestic affairs.

Dean had immunity from
prosecution for any self in-
criminating statements he made-

but not for evidence developed

His story was one of trying to
get the White House to admit the
truth and that he told the

“I THOUGHT it was time for
surgery on the cancer itself and
thatall those involved must stand
up and account for themselves

and that the President himself
get out in front on this matter.”

But, he said, Nixon did not
understand. Eventually, he said,
Haldeman and Ehrlichman

realized “I was not playing
ball. . .could present a serious
problem to them,” and he saw

they were interested most in
protecting themselves.

It took Dean nearly six hours to
read his statement and
questioning by the senators was

put off until Tuesday, the 13th day
of the hearings.

Press Secretary Ronald L.
Ziegler said Nixon was being kept

informed of Dean’s testimony,
but would have no comment this

Freeple peeple to host
Festival of Life fete

The second Festival of Life
celebration sponsored by the
Freeple Happiness Conspiracy
will be held July 1 in the
Memorial Hall amphitheatre.

Freeple Happiness Conspiracy
coordinator Steve Dunifer is
expecting over 5,000 persons to
attend the event which will
feature some 20 rock, fold,
bluegrass, and blues hands. They
include feature groups Hatfield
Clan, Genesis, Honey is the Rock,
and Taurus.

In a press release, Dunifer said
the celebration is being con-
ducted to “Celebrate the oneness

of all living organisms and to
bring people together in a joyous
union of life, love, happiness and

A similar free festival was held
in April. Only about 1,000 persons
attended the event due to over-
cast skies and occasional rain,
although coordinators had ex-

pected 5.000 for that event. too. L..- - u» ,



THE KENTUCKY KERNEL. Tuesday. June 26. 1973—3

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The Kentucky Kernel

The Kentucky Kernel, 113 Journalism
Building, ' University at Kentucky.
Lexington, Kentucky 40506. Mailed live
times weekly during the school year except
during holidays and exam periods, and twice
weekly during the summer session.
Published by The Kernel Press, Inc, 1272
Priscilla Lane, Lexington, Kentucky.
Begun as the Cadet in 1894 and published
continuously as The Kentucky Kernel since
1915. The Kernel Press, Inc. founded 1971.
Second-class postage paid at Lexington,
Advertising published herein is intended to
help the reader buy. Any lalseor misleading
advertising should be reported to the editors.

Editor, Editorial Editor 257-1755
Managing Editor, News Desk 2571740
Advertising, Business, Circulation...

............... 258.4646
Sports, Newsroom 257.1800
Photography 250-5600






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 4-THE KENTUCKY KERNEL. Tuesday, June 26, 1973



by Mike Clark


Coliseum gets new ceiling

Assorted tidbits from the UK Athletic Department:

Memorial Coliseum‘s ceiling is presently being replaced
with a new one, at the cost of approximately $110,000. The
R.T. Jordan Construction Co., of Lexington, is performing
the task. to be completed in mid-August.

The center section, which stands over the basketball floor,
is almost finished. The side sections which cover the seats
will be a bit more difficult. Scaffolding must be constructed
over the stands before work can commence on those areas.

The new ceiling will include a grid-type support system,
which allows for replacement of individual tiles. The old
tiles had to be patched. Chicken Little can wait a long time
before a piece of Memorial Coliseum’s new “sky” falls on his

Concession contract due today

The concession contract for UK’s Commonwealth Stadium
will be awarded this morning at 10 am. , in Frankfort.

The company which receives the contract will work out of
28 concession stands currently under construction in Com-
monwealth Stadium. State health regulations forbid
preparation of food at the stadium, so food will be cooked and
then shipped hot to the.stadium.

Food will be kept warm with ovens after it reaches the

Grass day set for Friday

Friday is the target day for groundskeepers to begin work
on the new football field. Bermuda grass sprigs will be
spread over the huge playing surface and allowed to grow
until September. Hopefully, a lush green carpet will await
Kentucky and visiting Virginia Tech on Sept. 15.

Sunny skies speed building

The suddenly sunny skies have allowed work crews to
catch up with tasks laid aside during a rainy spring. Painters
are busy covering almost a million square feet of the new

The final large concrete seating block has been installed,
and seats are being placed now. Hagan said he would like to
have ticket holders visit the stadium on a date to be deter-
mined to “get a feel“ of the stadium. This orientation session,
it is hoped, will allow fans smoother entry into the stadium
and to their seats. It would also give people a chance to
choose which parking lots near the stadium are best suited to
their needs.

U.$. leads series 3—0
UK's Grevey, Andrews
pace rout of Chinese

Sparked by Kentucky’s Kevin
Grevey and Jim Andrews, the
US. All-Star basketball team
buried China twice last week.

The US. won 94-67 and 95-75
against a pair of Chinese All-Star
teams, marking the third U.S.
win without a loss. Five games
remain in the State Department-
sponsored tour.

Meanwhile, the US. Women’s
team dropped its third straight
game to the Chinese women.

Grevey, the Southeastern
Conference Player of the Year
last season, scored 16 points in
the second game of the series,
sharing game honors with
Memphis State’s Ronnie
Robinson. It was Grevey’s second
half magic which boosted the
US. from a 46-31 halftime lead.

Andrews, using his 6-11 frame
to g'reat advantage. dominated

\ ‘“ till

both boards and added 12 points,
a figure equaled by North
Carolina’s George Karl. Ohio
State’s Wardell Jackson had 11
points as the US. placed five men
in double figures.

Karl and Indiana’s Quinn
Buckner teamed at guard,

keying a US. fast break which
wore down the smaller Chinese.

Before the third game, U.S.
coack Gene Bartow held a
coaching clinic.

Chinese coach Ghang Hsi-Shan
said the Americans were “better
ballhandlers, rebounders, and
shooters,” and added that his
team had “learned much from
the American players.”

Incidentally, the TVS

Television Network will delay
broadcast one or more of the
U.S.-China games, beginning
tomorrow night. As of now, none

will”, rum/W '/


l... .. .....
“will W

of the Lexington television
stations plan to air the broadcast,

Frosh set

The University Of Kentucky
freshman football team will play
a four game schedule this fall.

The Kittens open with Ohio
State on Friday, Oct. 5 at 1:30
p.m. Other games include
Marshall on Monday, Oct. 15 at 4
p.m.; Tennessee on Friday, Oct.
26 at 4 p.m.; and Vanderbilt on
Saturday, Nov, 17 at 1:30 p.m.

The first three games are
scheduled for Commonwealth

'Stadium, with the season finale

opposite Vanderbilt set for Nash-


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