xt759z90cb0g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt759z90cb0g/data/mets.xml Pennsylvania Survey of Federal Archives (U.S.) Pennsylvania United States. Work Projects Administration. Division of Community Service Programs Pennsylvania Historical Survey 1942 v, 173 leaves; 28 cm. UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries. Call Number FW 4.14:F 317/ser.11/37 books  English Philadelphia: Survey of Federal Records This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Pennsylvania Works Progress Administration Publications United States. Department of Labor -- Archival resources -- Pennsylvania Labor -- Pennsylvania -- Archives Archives -- Pennsylvania -- Bibliography Pennsylvania -- History -- Sources -- Bibliography Inventory of federal archives in the states. Series XI, The Department of Labor, No. 37, Pennsylvania text Inventory of federal archives in the states. Series XI, The Department of Labor, No. 37, Pennsylvania 1942 1942 2019 true xt759z90cb0g section xt759z90cb0g 2 , \"LJ.) ("/1 (L71 1 fl} 7" > ‘,,-"// 6:45.; ( 59/1/11”? :f . " - . ' ’ ' V
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'ii‘ll‘x/ERSETY or KENTUCKY! V

_ Prepared by
ri‘he Survey of Federal Archives
; Division of Community Service Programs
Work Projects Administration
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania ‘25) -
_ The Survey Federal Archives in Pennsylvanizfl
The Pennsylvania Historical Survey , --
1942 '

 The Survey of Federel Archives ii
Philip M. Homer, National Director '
Howard 0. Hunter, Commissioner
R. C. Dranion, Kegionel Director
0. K. Yeager, Acting State Administrator
Division of Community Service Programs
Florence Kerr, Assistant Commissioner
Agnes S. Cronin, Chief Regional Supervisor
Anne M. Butler, State Director
Research and Records Program
Harvey E. Becknell, Director
Edward J. Bennett, Regional Supervisor
Robert McCullough, State Chief
V ’The Pennsylvania Historical Survey
Sargent B. Child, National Director
J. Knox Milligan, State Supervisor
Iboloo‘tvnuu‘ioli '
The Pennsylvania Historical Survey
- is sponsored by the
Pennsylvania Historical Commission
Ross Pier Wright, Chairman
Edward R. Barnsley Gregg L. Neel V
Frances Dorrance Roy F. Nichols
, Donald Aw Cudzow, Executive Secretary, 8. K. Stevens, Historian
i Francis B. Hess, Superintendent of Public InStructions, exoffioo

 . PREFACE iii

1 The Inventorygffi;Tederal Archiy§s_jgijduzffipfps_is one of the
products of the work 6r”tfié Survey of Federal Archives, which operated

‘ as a nation—wide project of the Works Progress Administration from
January 1, 1936 to June 30, 1937 and has been continued since that

2 date as a unit of the Historical Records Survey, also operating as a

. nation-wide project of the Work Projects Administration, and a group

1 of state or local projects of that Administration.

. The plan for the organization of the inventory is as follows:

3 Series 1, consists of reports on the administration of the survey,

‘ acknowledgment and general discussions of the location, condition, and

{ content of Federal Archives in the states. Succeeding series contain v
the detailed information secured by workers of the Survey, in inventory

Z form, a separate series number being assigned to each of the executive

1 departments (except the Department of State) and other major units of

h the Federal Government. Within each series No. l is a general introduc—
tion to the field organization and records of the governmental agency

‘ concerned; the succeeding numbers contain the inventory proper, separate
numbers being assigned to each state in alphabetical order. Thus in
each series, the inventory for Alabama is No. 2, that for Arizona Fe. 3,
that for Arkansas 4, etc.

For each local office information regarding each series, or unit of
related records, is presented in the following order; title, exclusive
dates (”to date" indicating an open file at the time the information was
secured), general description of informational content, description of
the system of filing or indexing (if any), a statement of frequency and

: purprse Ff use, form of the record itself (bound volumes, sheets in
folders, ctc.), linear footage, description of the containers, physical
condition of the records (not stated if satisfactory), location by room

‘ or other identifying information, and finally, the number of the Form
588A on which this information was originally recorded by a survey work-
er and from.which it was abstracted for the inventory. This form is on
file in the National Archives. When it contains substantial information
on addenda sheets which has not been included in the mimeographed ab-
stract, indication of this is given by the use of the reference "See

, The work of the Survey in Western Pennsylvania was under the direction
of Mr. Louis W. H. Johnston, Regional Director from February 11, 1936
Until October 4, 1937. From that time until the unit was abolished on
April 30, 1939, Mr. John T. McMahon served as Unit Project Supervisor.
The Survey in Eastern Pennsylvania was directed by Mr. Richard Heindel,
Regional Director from February 26 until August 1936 and from August

‘ until December 31, 1936 by Mr. John P. Corry. After Dr. Corry's resig-
nation the project was reorganized with Dr. Richard B. Morris of New

Y York as Regional Director and James L. Whitehead as Assistant Regional
Director. In October 1937 Mr. James I- Whitehead was appointed Project

1 Superintendent for the State and acted in that capacity until Septem—

' ber 19, 1938 when he resigned and was succeeded by Miss Williametta
wallace. This Inventory of the Department of Labor was prepared in the

1 Philadelphia office of the Survey, while the mimeographing and publish-
ing of the volume was made under the Pennsylvania Historical Survey,
and was edited by Mr. M. P. Claussen of the office of the Director of
Research and Publications, The National Archives.

. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Mfigflfngfififnflfiliflgi' ,
1 9 4 2. v

IMMIGRATION AND NATURALIZATION SERVICE . . v . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Erie, Sub—Station . . . a . o o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
LewiSburg, Immigrant Inspector's Office . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
' Philadelphia, Field Service Branch, District 4 . . . . . . . . 5
Boarding and Re—Entry Permit Division. . . . . . . . . . . 5
; . Divisional Director's Office . v . u . . . . . . .'. . . . 9
é Pittsburgh, District Director's Office . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
8 Wilkes-Barre, Sub-Station o a n o o a '2 c o o a o o o o n o o n 25 '
g UNITED STATES EMPLOYMENT SERVICE 0 o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
” Allentcmm, NR8, Lehigh County Office . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
§ Altoona, Federal-State District Employment Office . . . . . . . 28
E Bethlehem, NR8, Northampton County Office . . . . . . . . . . . 54
§ Bradford, N38, District Office. . . o . . . . e . . . . . ; . . 55
} Butler, NR8, District Office . . . a . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
* Carlisle, NR8, Cumberland County Office o . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Chambersburg, NR8, District 5 Office . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 ‘
Chester, NR8, Delaware County Office 9 . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Clearfield, NR8, Clearfield County Office . . . . . v . . . . . 55
Doylestown, NR8, Registration Office. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
Du Bois, NR8, Clearfield County Office. . . . . . . . . .-. . . 58
v Easton, NR8, District Office . . a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
Erie, Federal—State District Employment Office a a . . a . . . 65
‘ Greensburg. NR8, District Office . c . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
Harrisburg . u . . . . . . . . . o . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
' NR8, Dauphin County Office . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
NR8, State Office a o o o o a o c n o u . n n c u o o o c 76
‘ Johnstown, Federal—State District Employment Office a . 9 a . . 81
Lancaster, NR8, lencaster County Office . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
lebanon, NR8, lebanon County Office . . . . . . a n . . . . . . 88
Lewistown, NR8, District Office . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 -
Lock Haven, NR8, Clinton County Office . , L . e . . . . . . . 95
“ New Castle, Federal-State District Employment Office . . . . o 98
? Norristown, NR8, Montgomery and Bucks Counties Office . . . . . 104
' Oil City, NR8, District Office . . . . . . . . . o . . . . . . 106
' Philadelphia, NR8, Philadelphia County Office . . . . . . . g . 111
Pittsburgh, NR8, Allegheny County Office . . . . . . . . . . . 115
Punxsutewney, NR8, Jefferson County Office . . . . . . . . . . 119 ;
’ Reading, NR8, Berks County Office . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125 »
,, Ridgway, NR8, District Office . . A . . . . . . . v . . . o . ¢ 126 ,
3 Rochester, NR8, Beaver County Office . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130
, St. Marys, NR8, District Office . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137
Scranton, NR8, lackawenna County Office . . . . . . . . . . . . 141
; Sharon, NR8, District Office .r. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145 -
3, Somerset, NR8, District Office . .1 . . . , . . . . . . . . . 148
f Sunbury, NR8, District Office . . . . . . g g . . . . . . . . . 155
; Towanda, NR8, District Office . . . . . . . . . . o . . . . . . 156

 i . v
V Page

’ , UIJITED STATLS LI‘HDIOYMLNT SERVICE (Continued) 3 a v 0 b o} 9 9‘ A o .u
Uniontown, NR5, Fayette County Office . . . . . . . . , . .‘.. 157

j washington, NR5, District Office 0 . . . . . . . g a . . . . 160

’ Wellsboro, NR8, Tioga County Office . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164
"West Chester, NR8, Chester County Office . . a . . . . , . . 165

, Williamsport, NR8, Lycoming County Office , n . . . . . . . . 167
Wilkes-Barre, ERS, Luzerne County Office , .,._. , J , ,,. . 187

‘ Y OI‘k, MS, District Office 0 I a o a a fin o a p o p g ,1, a . . 169


The Immigration Service and the Naturalization Service were merged
October 24, 1955, now known as the Immigration and Naturalization
Service. V

Port of Philadelphia, the State of Pennsylvania, excepting counties
McKean, Warren, Erie, Crawford and Mercer; the State of New Jersey
lying south of the counties of Monmouth, Middlesex, Somerset and
Hunterdon; that part of the State of Ohio lying south of the counties
Mahoning, Stark and wayne, and cast of the counties of Ashland, Knox,
Licking, Perry and Athens; and that part of the State of West Virginia
lying north of the counties of Jackson, Roane, Clay, Braxton, Webster
and Pocahontas, and west of the counties of Pendleton and Grant, and
the State of Delaware.

‘ The duties connected with the business of the Immigration at the
Port of Philadelphia in accordance withthe provisions of the Act of
Congress approved August 3d, 1882, were administered by_and under the
auspices of the Commissioners of the Board of public charities of the

. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania beginning November 7, 1882. Allotment
for the cost of conducting the work was made by the U. S. Treasury
Department; the Board of Public Charities of the Commonwealth of
Pennsylvania was responsible to and reported to the Secretary of the
Treasury; the Immigrant Service work of the country was under the

’ \\ Trearury Department. The Board of Public Charities of the Commonwealth
of Pennsylvania, acting as Commissioners of Immigration, Port of
Philadelphia, made their final report for the year ending June 50, 1891,
when a Commissioner of Immigration and Inspectors of Immigration_was
appointed by the Secretary of the Treasury. Under a law then passed,
the administration of the Immigration Service passed from the U. S. >
Treasury Department to the Department of Commerce and Labor and sub—
scquentley to the Department of Labor when that department was au-

' thorized as a separate department.

The office of the Port of Philadelphia was first located at 1224
Chestnut Street November 7, 1882 and remained at this address until
November 1, 1905 when it was moved to the 2d floor of S. E. c 5d and
walnut Sts., and later to 132 — 34 - 56 8. 3d Dt. The United States
Department of labor then purchased the Administration Building and
ground at Gloucester City, New Jersey and subsequently built a large
pier and detention building there, the District headquarters was moved
to Gloucester City, N. J. May 25, 1911. The Boarding and Examination
Division of the Service, having to do with the arriving and departing
vessels, remained at 152 S. 3d Dt., and was removed to quarters in the
New Custom House Building, 2d and Chestnut St., when that building was

The Immigration Service records extending to Nov. 7, 1882, are kept
at the Department of labor, Immigration and Naturalization Service
Building, Gloucester, N. J. Such records of arrivals of passengers
as were in the custody of the Collector of Customs at the New Custom
House, Philadelphia, between November 7, 1882 and December 51, 1955
have been card indexed and are now at the Custom House and will be
transferred to the Government at Gloucester, New Jersey.


 The Naturalization branch of the Service and its records is located
in the Post Office Building 9th and Market Sts., for the eastern sec—
tion of the District and for the Western Section of the District in the
New Post Office Building in Pittsburgh, in custody of the divisional
director serving under the District Director at Gloucester, N. J. The
records over the entire period enumerated are constantly in use for
Immigration and Naturalization purposes, Old Age Pensions, in the
various parts of the United States, Social Security, etc.





Old Federal Bldg. State St. and So. PerryVSquare.

There has been an office of the Immigration and Naturalization
Services since 1909, always located in the Old Federal Building. It has
undergone no administrative reorganization except that incidental to
departmental and bureau reorganizations at washington. This office is a
sub-station of the District 7 Office at Buffalo, and serves the Pennsyl—

' vania counties of Crawford, Erie, McKean, Mercer and Warren. The inspec-

’ tor has no independent authority regarding the destruction of useless
papers or the forwarding of records to washingtcn. These are matters
handled by the Buffalo District Office. Inactive records are centra-'
lized at Buffalo.

1. GENERAL INDEX, nad. Name or subject to the financial records,
the naturalization correspondence, and the service reports. '(Daily,
official.) 5 x 5 cards, 5 ft., in steel card cabinet. R. 13,2d floor.
(14> ,

2. GENERAL ORDERS, SERVICE, Dec. 1922 to date. Orders, circular

: letters, and memoranda from the Dashington office principally regarding

‘ the interpretation of immigration and naturalization laws and on other

{ nonadministrativo matters. Filed chronologically. (Daily, official.)

; 10 x 11 loose-leaf books, 6 in., on movable book rack. E;"13, 2d floor.

7 (8)

E 3. GENERAL ORDERS, ADMINISTRATIVE, Jan. 1935 to date. Orders, cir—
cular letters and memoranda from the national and district offices on
administrative matters. Filed chronologically. (Frequently, official.)

, 9 x 12 folders, 2 ft., in steel filing case. R. 12, 2d floor. (24)

4. FINANCIAL RECORDS, Sept. 1926 ~ May 1951. Records of all finan-

, cial transactions incidental to the work of this office. 5 x 5 card
index in R. 15. (Occasionally, official.) 8fi*x 11 envelopes, 6 in., in

F. bundle on floor. R. 9, 2d floor. (7)

g- 5. PERSONNEL RECORDS, Mar. 1931 - Feb. 1934. Miscellaneous person—

i nel records of former employees. Filed alphabetically.' (Rarely, offi—

7 cial.) 9 x 12 folders, 2 ft., in bundle on floor. R. 9 2d floor. (22)

6. REPORTS, SERVICE, Mar. 1926 to date. Copies of detailed narra—
tive and statistical monthly reports to the Buffalo office on all phases
of service rendered, including naturalization, immigration, deportation,
and emigration. 3 x 5 card index in R. 13. (Frequently, official.)

9 x 12 folders and envelopes, 8 ft., in bundles on floor.. R. 9, 2d
floor. (9)

 , Immigration and Naturalization Service, Erie 3
E 7, FINANCIAL REPORTS, July 1935 to date. Copies of monthly reports
to the Buffalo office on administrative expenses. Kept for current fis«
cal year only. (Frequently, official.) 9 x 12 folders, 7 in., in steel
, filing case. R. 12, 2d floor. (25)


3 pondenee with clients regarding naturalization procedure and requirements,

. in cases not involving a formal application. Filed alphabetically.

2 3 x 5 card index in R. 13. (Frequently, official.) 9 x 12 folders,

' 2 ft. 6 in., in steel filing case. R. 12, 2d floor. (12)

j 9. IMMIGRANT FILE, 1909 to date. Brief personal histories of

} aliens admitted and rejected at Erie, showing name, last address, birth—

“ place, nationality, race, color, age, height, weight, local relatives,

? if any, date and remarks. Filed alphabetically. (Frequently, official.)

fl 4 x 6 cards, 1 in., in steel card cabinet. R. 12, 2d floor. (16)

‘ 10. NATURALIZATION RECORDS, CLOSED, Nov. 1911 to date. Applications
for citizenship granted and rejected and miscellaneous supporting papers
and correspondence. Filed by case number. 5 x 5 card index in R. 13.

I (Occasionally, official.) 6 x 8 and 9 X 12 folders and cards, 12 ft.,

in steel filing case. R. 12, 2d floor. (11)

11. NATURALIZATION RECORDS PEEDIRG, Apr. 1935 to date. Applications
for citizenship not yet granted or rejected and miscellaneous supporting
papers and correspondence. Filed by case number.’ 3 x 5 card index in
R. 13. (Daily, official.) 9 x 12 folders, 1 ft. 4 in., innsteel filing
case. R. 12, 2d floor. (10)

12; ALIEE CHINESE FILE, 1926 to date. Giving names and addresses of
all alien Chinese and other Asiaties resident in the counties served by

i this office. (Frequently, official.) 3 X 5 cards, 2 in., in steel card
‘ cabinet. R. 12, 2d floor. (19)
. 13. RE-EETRY PERMITS, Aug. 1926 to date. Copies of re-entry permits
7 issued to resident aliens leaving the country temporarily at Erie, with
‘ a notation of the date of re—entry, if any. 'Filed alphabetically.
(Frequently, official.) 4 x 6 cards, 6 in., in steel card cabinet.
R. 12, 2d floor. (18)'
f 14. CREW LISTS, Apr. 1927 - Dee. 1935. Record of the names and ad—
E dresses of the crew of steamers entering Eric Harbor.' Filed alphabetia
g” cally by steamers. (Rarely, official.) 18 X 18 jackets, 4 ft., in
? steel filing case. R. 12, 2d floor. (15)
‘, 15. DEPORTATION FILE, July21929 to date. Records of persons de—
3 ported at Erie, showing name, last address, reason for deportation, date
-' of deportation, destination, vessel, and remarks. Filed alphabetically.
. (Frequently, official.) 5 x 8 cards, 4 in., in small wooden box on
,; table. R. 12, 2d floor. (15)

 Immigration and Naturalization Service, Lewisburg 4

16. LITERACY TESTS, 1950 to date. Copies of the tests and records
of the results in examinations of immigrants for literacy. Filed a1-
phabetically. (Frequently, official.) 4 x 6 cards, 3 in., in steel
cabinet. R. 12, 2a floor. (21)

17. EMIGRANT FILE, Mar. 1930 to date. Records of aliens leaving
country voluntarily at Erie showing port and date of entry, place of re—
cent residence, destination, nationality, and brief ersonal history, if
port of entry was not Erie. Filed alphabetically; (Frequently, offi-
cal.) 5 x 5 and 4 x 6 cards, 1 ins, in steel card cabinets. R. 12, 2d
floor. (17)

18. IMMIGRATION RECORDS, OPEN, Apr. 1951 to date. Miscellaneous
papers and correspondence pertaining to immigrants whose status is yet

' to be finally determined. Filed by case number. 3 x 5 card index in
R. 15. (Frequently, official.) 9 x 12 folders, 1 ft. 3 in., in steel
filing case. R. 12, 2d floor. (26)
{ 19. IMMIGRATION RECORDS, CLOSED, July 1951 to date. Miscellaneous
papers and correspondence pertaining to immigrants whose status has been
finally determined. Filed by case number. 3 x 5 card index in R. 13.
(Occasionally, official.) 9 x 12 folders, 11 ft., in steel filing case.
R. 12, 2d floor. (25) .
20. COURT DECISIONS, n.d. Clippings from official and private
‘ periodicals on United States court decisions pertaining to naturaliza-
‘ tion and immigration. Used as a reference to avoid consulting legal
books. Posted on cards and filed alphabetically by assigned titles.
. (Frequently, official.) 3 x 5 and 5 x 8 cards, 2 in., in steel card
cabinet. R. 12, 2d floor. (20)
, Court House and Post Office Bldg, S. 5d and Market Sts.
This office is part of the Field Service Branch, District 4, and
4 was established on Feb. 14, 1935, as part of the Immigration Service.
i In Aug. 1933 the Immigration Service and the Naturalization Service were
3 combined into the Immigration and Naturalization Service.
? 21. CASE REPORTS AND CORRESPONDENCE, Feb. 14, 1935 - Oct. 5, 1936.
Reports, correspondence, and disposition of cases in thié department;
«7 reports of investigations; disposition as regards to the deportation of
' aliens; cases seeking registration; and records of the completion of
_ naturalization. (Daily, official.) variously siZed folders, 27 ft.
Z in., in 29 drawers of filing cases, and card cabinets. Rs. 401, 409.
7 y

~13 Immigration and Naturalization Service, Philadelphia 5
vii Esaraiaslanijdzsexterinanittlltwisinn
EE New Custom House, Re—entry 2d and.Chrstnut Sts.
En? The Boarding and Re—entry Permit Service was established in 18€2
f: as part of the Immigration Service. At the Port of Philadelphia this
‘g work was carried out by the Commissioners of the Board of Public Chari—
,7 ties of the Cmmnonwealth of Pennsylvania, under the Treasury Department.
)9 In 1891, a Commissioner of Immigration and Inspector of Immigration were
5 appointed by the Secretary of the Treasury, and under a law passed at
, that time, the administration of the Immigration Service passed from the
Treasury Department to the Department of Commerce and Labor, and subse—
‘ quently to the Department of Labor. In Oct. - 1933 the Lmnigration
. Service and the Naturalization Service were merged into the Immigration
7 and Naturalization Service.
" This Division is part of the Field Service Branch, District 4,
pg of the immigration and Naturalization Service, which has jurisdiction
.fé over the Port of Philadelphia, and State of Pennsylvania, except the
7%? counties of McKean, Warren, Erie, Crawford, and Mercer; the State of New .
T§§> Jersey lying south of the counties of Monmouth, Middlesex, Somerset, and
‘fi? Hunterdon; and parts of the States of Ohio and West Virginia.
if“ 1905 - 1914. Stating the result of investigations, the port of entry,
fi date of entry, case number, and name and address of alien. Indexed.
‘; (Monthly, official.) 9 x 14 vols., l in., in drawer or steel filing
‘3 case.‘ Bindings broken. R. 605. (8916)
i 1905 — 1914. Record of Chinese merchants who are applying for re-entry
,i into the United States having arrived in port showing the name and ad-
" dress of alien, case number, date of arrival, and port of entry. Indexed
' (Daily, official.) 9 x 14 vols., 2 in., in drawer of steel filing case.
' Bindings broken. R. 603. (8915)

name and address, case number, date of departure, and from what port. ’
Indexed. (Monthly, official.) 9 x 14 vols., 2 in., in drawer of steel
filing case. Bindings broken. R. 603. (8917)

name and address, case number, date, and port of departure. Indexed.
(Monthly, official.) 9 x 14 vol., 1 in., in drawer of steel filing case.
R. 603. (8918)

26. RECORDS OF CHINESE INVESTIGATION, 1904 - 1915. Records of in—
vestigation of Chinese cases by the inspector; reports on minor sons,
native born, returning natives; duplicate certificates of residence, of
merchants‘ wives, students and the Marshal's data; records on investi-
gations, of young Chinese boys, their status on remaining in the United

' States, showing case number, name and address of boy, where investigated,

 3 Immigration and Naturalization Service, Philadelphia 5
date, port of residence; report of investigations of native born Chinese;
investigation of returning natives, giving name and address, case number,
where investigated, date and port of entry, duplicate of certificate of
certificate of residence showing the case number, name of Chinese, in—
vestigated, residence, date and port of entry of Chinese; arrests of

' Chinese thought to be unlawfully residing in the United States showing
case number, name and address, where arrested, date and disposition of
case; investigation of merchants‘ and natives' wives showing case num—

. bar, name and address of person investigated, where found and date;
student Chinese are recorded by name and address, case number, date,

‘ place of investigation, and port of entry. Indexed. (Monthly, official.)

' 10 x 14 vol., 2 in., in drawer of steel filing case. Bindings broken.

R. 603. (8908) ,

27. SRIP ARRIVAL REPORTS, 1904 to date. Records on cards of the
date of arrival of vessel, name of vessel, registry, and rating. Filed
alphabetically. (Daily, official.) 3 x 5 cards, 16 ft., in 8 drawers

5 of steel filing cases. R. 603. (8956)

. 28. CHINESE CRIMIEAL CASE RECORDS, 1914 — 1957. Showing date of
entry, date of arrest, date of investigation, case number, place where

l investigated, and disposition of case. (Weekly, official.) 9 x 14 vol.,

: 2 in., in drawer of steel filing case. Bindings broken. R. 605. (8914)

29. DESERTING SEAMEE, 1921 to date. Name of deserter, age, national—

- ity, name of vessel shipped on, date of arrival, and port of arrival.

. (Daily, official.) 9 x 14 vols., 2 in., on desk. (8922)

30. CHECK—OUT CARDS, 1922 to date. Forms 5480, are record cards of
seamen deserted, discharged, and signed on at specified port stating
name of seaman, age, occupation, nationality, residence, port, and date
of entry, and name of vessel. Arranged alphabetically. (Daily, offi—

v cial.) 5 x 5 cards, 15 ft., in 8 drawers of steel filing cases. R. 603.

51. DAY BOOK, 1922 to date. Date of arrival of vessel, name of ves-
sel, rig, number of crew, date of boarding, pier at which it docked, and
record of check-outs recorded by the Immigration Inspector. (Daily,
official.) 9 x 14 vol., 2 in., in drawer of steel filing case. R. 605.

52. INSPECTORS‘ OVERTIME RECORD, 1922 to date. Showing day and date
of arrival of vessel, name of vessel, owner, number of crew and passen—
gers, agent's advice to inspector as to date of docking, name of boarding
officer, where boarded, time of boarding, time required to inspect, time
charge, amount billed and bill number, also date bill was submitted.
(Daily, official.) 10 x 14 vol., 2 in., in drawer of steel filing case.
R. 605. (8929)

” 55. SEAMEN’S IDENTIFICATION CARDS, 1922 to date. Form 685, showing
name, age, and nationality of seamen, a photograph of seamen, attest of
examination; signed by Immigrant Inspector. Filed alphabetically.

' (Daily, official.) 3 x 5 cards, 1 ft. 5 in., in drawer of steel filing

' case. R. 808. (8958)

 ldhigration and Naturalization Service, Philadelphia 7

54. DESERTING SEAMEN, 1924 to date. Name, age, and nationality of
seamen who has deserted, name of port of first arrival, date thereof,
and city where seamen deserted, Filed alphabetically. (Daily, official.)
5 x 5 cards, 2 ft., in 2 drawers of wooden card cabinet. R. 605. (8955)

55. RECORD CF HOSPITAL CASES, 1924 to date. Name of ship and sta-
tion file number, date of arrival of ship, seaman‘s name; certificate of
surgeon showing disease found, name of surgeon, whether or not patient
was confined thirty days, more or less, nmne of hospital, date of re-

‘ lease, amount of bill, date of ptymunt, and disposition of alien. (Daily
official.) 10 x 14 vol., 5 in., in drnwer of steel filing case. R. 605.

56. HOSPITAL BOARDING RECORD, Feb. 1925 to date. Correspondence
with shipping agents relative to payment of seamen's hospital bills;
letters of hospital bills giving name of seamen, ship, days in hospital

. and amount of bill; Form 571, gives name of seamen, file number, and

' name of steamship. Filed chronologically. (Daily, official.) 11 x 15
papers, din., in drawer of steel filing ease. R. 605. (8950)

57. RECORDS OF RS—ENTRY PERMITS, July 1926 to date. Permits for re—
entry with date of receipt, name of applicant, application, permit num-
ber, date of delivery, and by whom delivered. Arranged chronologically.
(Daily, official.) 7fi‘x 10 loose-leaf books (12),2 ft., in drawer of
steel filing ease. Bindings broken. R. 605. (8951)

58. RLGISTLR CF SHIPS ARRIVAL, 1927 to date. For the Port of
Philadelphia; showing date arrived, name of vessel, nationality and rig,
name of pcrt'sailed from, agent's or owner's name, place and time
boarded for inspection, inspector's name, his report on stowaways, crew
and rassanger, file nnmber, date of clearing, and port of destination.
(Daily, official.) 8§~x 15 vol., 2 in., in drawer of steel filing case.
R. 605. (8920)

59. REPORT OF BOARDING OFFICER, 1928 to date. Forms 660, reports of
Immigration Inspector on boarding a vessel; showing recorded names of
port and vessel, port sailed from, number of passengers, crew, stowaways,
stockmen and Chinese aboard, who were detained or discharged at port,
birthS, and deaths. (Daily, official.) 3 x 5 cards, 7 ft., in 3 draw; '
ers of steel filing case. R. 605. (8955)

40. APPLICnTION FOR IEAVE OF ABLENCE, 1952 to date. Form 540, is a
request for leave :fabsence on a specified date by employee of the Ser-
vice stating name of person, recommendations, and approval, and signa—
ture of officer in charge of district. Filed chronologically. (Daily,
official.) 8g'x 11 records, 6 ft., in drawer of steel filing case.

R. 605. (ages)

41. APPLICATION FOR REeENTBY PERMIT, 1938 to date. Name of applicang
place of residence, file number, and date application was made. Arranged
alphabetically. (Daily, official.) 5 x 5 cards, 7 ft., in 5 drawers of
steel filing case. R. 603. (8925)

 Immigration and Naturalization Service, Philadelphia 8

y . 42. LOOK-OUT NOTICES AND REPORTS, COPIES, 1952 to date. Copies of .
notices to the district directors, requesting that a copy be posted; \
notice concerns a named alien who is suspected of entering the United
States illegally, showing name, file number, and description of alien.
Filed chronologically. (Daily, official.) 8%-x 11 papers, 4 in., in
drawer of steel filing case. R. 605. (8919)

showing activities on warrants and investigation work for a specified
month, stating number of aliens investigated in penal institutions,
hospitals, and at large; warrants issued and served, and number of aliens
released under warrants of arrest. (SomiM%fiih;y,official.) 8é'x 11
papers, 1 ft., in drawer of steel filing case. R. 605. (8927)

44. OVERTIME SERVICE REPORTS, July 1, 1954 — Jan. 1957. Vouchers
for payment of overtime boarding service of inspector listing date,
name of ship, name of inspector, date of service, nature of service,
time charged, basic pay per dicm, and amount certified by district
director. Filed chronologically. (Daily, official.) 9 x 11 envelopes
and 8 x 10% papers, 1 ft., in drawer of steel filing case. R. 605.

WARRAETS 0N CRIMINAL ALIENS, Apr. 1957. Summary of activities of inspec—
tion sent to Cmmnissioncr of Immigration, Gloucester, N. J., recording
file number of case, whether case concernsinvestigation or service of
warrant, location, date assigned, date completed, remarks, and summary
showing number of prospective warrants for arrest. Arranged chronologi-
cally. (weekly, official.) 8 x 10 papers, 2 in., in drawer of steel
filing case. R. 605. (8912)

AT VARIOUS DIVISIONS, Mar. 8, 1957, to date. Statement by the alien
criminal giving his record, name and location of prison, name of alien,
aliases, age, native country, when last en