xt759z90c84q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt759z90c84q/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 2013-05 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, May 2013 text GLSO News, May 2013 2013 2013-05 2019 true xt759z90c84q section xt759z90c84q ”EGLSO

A??? w w

- 2 O l 3 -
Sponsored by 5
Imperial Court of Kentucky

 O 6 Q Q 3
M” 9“
w bud I | .
2013 Pride Festival There will be entertainment
Coming Soon! on the stage all day. This
year’s performers include
The Countdown to Pride Domino, Bridge 1_9, Sylwa
Begins and the Mockingbirds, and
headliner Poppy Champlin.
Do you fee| proud yet? With Of course, there will be drag
spring comes the count— ShOWS, t00-
down to the Lexington Pride . ‘
Festival. There Will be food of all
types and activities for the
This year’s festivities will kldS- Don’t forget there Will
take place in the Robert F. be nearly 80 vendors as well.
Stephens courthouse plaza . _ _ ,
on Saturday June 29th from Th1? '5 year SIX‘fOV Lexmgf
11 a.m.to9 p.m. tons Pride Festival, and It
promises to be the biggest
Put this information on your and bESt YEt-
calendar. This is the must— Make sure} to come OUt and
attend event of the year. stay a Whlle-

 ISSUE 5 20 13 Feature Story
Pride Festival Plans Underway
GSA Meeting
Every Tuesday, 7 pm.
The Final Twist Pride Center
GLSO Board Meeting
Thursday, May 2, 6:30 pm.
Pride Center
Egfiigrstound Lexington Gay Geeks Club
7 Friday, May 3, 17, & 31, 6:30 pm.
Trans Kentucky
Gay and the Saturday, May 4, 6:30 pm.
Gray Pride Center
KY Bourbon Bears Meeting
Consider Saturday, May, 9 pm-
‘ Becoming Pride Center
Smoke Free
15 Imperial Court of Kentucky Meeting
Sunday, May 12 & 26, 6 pm.
Pride Center
Classufieds 16 Pride Festival Planning Meeting
Thursday, May 30 7 pm.

 GLSO News Issue 5 2013

The thfil‘sbo Ndews ti: Eublished Paul Brown, President
mon y y a'.‘ or -e exmg on Ginger Moore—Minder, Vice Presi-
Gay and Lesbian Servuces Organi- dent
zatlon members and community. Karen Taylor, Secretary

T B db k T
The mission of the Lexington Gay ommy ro ec ’ reasurer
and Lesbian Services Organization
is to provide support and services GLSO DIRECTORS
to the GLBTQQIA community.
Paul Holland, At Large

The vision of the Lexington Gay
and Lesbian Services Organiza- Don LOWE, At Large
tion is to empower the GLBTQQIA
community through voice. Cindy Sommer, At Large
The Lexington GLSO is founded Trilby Trent, GSA Advisor
upon the core values of fun, in-
clusion, respect, integrity, dignity,
service and competence.
GLSO Pride Center Chad Hundley, Office Manager
389 Waller Avenue ,
Suite 100 Pride Center Hours
Lexington, Ky. 40504 Call Ahead for Appointment
859.253.3233 and Office Hours.

"Views expressed in this newsletter are solely those of the contributor and

do not necessarily reflect the views of the GLSO."


 The Final TWIST... Time has gone by so quick—
By TriNity, ly, it seems that only a short
Contributor time ago, we were just be—
ginning our Reign and now
As I sit and write this, the we .ere in the Ineme Streteh
next to the last article for rapidly . approaching our
Reign 31 of the Imperial F'h‘Sh L'he-
Court of Kentucky, it's hard .
to believe that in just one The month. 0f May brings
month,Daryl and 1 will be the remaining events for
stepping down. Reign 31-
Just this morning I wrote May let brings you our an-
and emailedmy step down nual M'SS Derby Phhe pag-
letter for the Coronation eant securing the last two
program we are in the contestantsfor our Enter-
planning, stages for Coro— tainers of the Year Finale
nation, and by the time you 0“ May 8th-
read this we will know who . .
our candidates are for our tWhee Dvelr‘hymESr/(e ‘Paeritltghglgg
New Monarchs of Reign 32. by Just Fund Derby week-
So mucR has happened this end.
ear, T eIm eria Court of .
Kentucky hag traveled to The rest 0f May .‘5 allocat-
several out oftown Corona- ed to our candidates for
tions, including Washington Monarch, 50 watch OUt for
DC‘s lst Coronation, we the postings about those
have been to Toronto, San events and Please come
Diego, Montana, Idaho, 0”? and see who '5 cam-
St Louisand most recently paigning to become the
New York's famous Night of newest Monarchs for the
a Thousand Gowns. Imperial Court of Kentucky.
Our numerous and some- We invite you to attend
times hilarious in town COVOhehOh 3_23 A nght at
shows have been a blast the TW'Stee Circus.
to put on and have helped W'th SpeCial Guest perfor-
us raise so much needed mance by .Cmennaes OWh
funding for our Charities: Penny Traiton from RU‘
AVOL,Moveable Feast, Lex- paul 5 Drag Race Season 5-
ington Fairness, GLSO and Which Will be held May 3lst
JustFund Kentucky. thru June 3rd.

 M°re Kentuc'dam 3r§t2c53%vs‘di39 52$ iitfie‘segfs'
SUpport LGB T rights straight couples lags in the polls
Recent SUI'VIGYS. reveal, anearly — currently 70% support com-
20-point gain in support Since pared to 63% in 2004 _ Ken-
2004' tuckians believe in fairness for
Just over 50 years ago, Kentucky gaitdgvrfiggggegaxhgng$335332;
became the civil rights leader in t l' - d 'd f
1960 Human Rights Act. else. ’

Since then, cities like Lexington, -
Louisville, and Covington have Pr'de Prom
all worked tirelessly to honor Candy Land
this legacy by enacting fairness Apocalypse
ordinances — laws that ensure
everyone In our eommonwealth This year’s Pride Prom, Candy
has equal PrOtECtlon- Land Apocalypse will be on
A recent poll shotws us Ke‘ntuck- EafiYdrleza"s7Tthoealtgr p2118atwte‘se‘zt
ians continue to elieve t at ev— - ’ - _
be are: d
opportunity to earn a living, Wt hi hschool a e teens to 'oin us
a roof over their heads, and have f 9 th' 9 C t . $115 d
dinner at their favorite restau— gr '5 'ell/ebn If 05 '5 ft d _ar‘i(
rant without being turned away t ere W' . e r_ee so . rm 5
just because someone doesn’t and food, including SPeF'al Un-
like who they are. dead Gingerbread cookies.
83% of registered Kentucky vot- Dress up or come casual. We
ers agree that gay and transgen— welcome Queen Frostien, L_0rd
der people should be protected Licorice, Sugar_ Plum Faeries,
from discrimination in the work— as well as the Gingerbread Un-
place, in housing, and in restau— dead. We have some prizes for
rants or other forms of public ac— great costumes, great dancing,
commodations. or for whatever our prize team
wants to acknowledge.
The survey results confirm what
tastiest? tastes-49h.- ghee w... be {3 piotogrtapher
Kentuckians want to be fair but picstufiartakgnp acveo as. 23:;
many have “0 iidea thatl erfnplgy- have information about Lead—
ers can ega y re peope or e— - - - -
9 eat
Eafigntwsmg or sen/me m a res- your friends and bring group!
Public opinion has come a long If your parents want informa-
way since the last available data tion they can check the par-
in 2004, when only 65% of vot- ents tab at www.lexgsa.org.
ers supported these same [1011— YOU can also send questions to
discrimination protections. And mary@g|so.org.

 SisterSound is “In Are you part Of the
Our Element” gay and the gray?
Winter is final! behind us and not GLSO is bringing LGBT seniors
a moment tooysoon! Join the Sis- together to talk about quality
ters as they continue to explore of life in Lexmgton forlour Silver
the Elements _ earth, air, fire and treasures! . You are inVIted to be
water — and variations on the part Of th‘s important conversa-
theme like wind, rain, oceans and he” 0h Friday, May 24 at 6:00pm
rivers. Some of the selections will at the Phde. Center on .389 Waller
Enough”, “Dance in the Rain", 40504-
“Heatwave”, “Riversong”, “Blue . . .
Bayou” and “This Land is Your This is nothing fancy or formal. As
Land”. Caught in a “Landslide”, a matter 0f fact: .We 'nV'te YONG
the chorus goes with the “Orinoco bring a covered dish to share With
Flow” and rises with “The Wind the group, put your feet up, and
Beneath My Wings". It promises \smply tell your story.
to be a great evening! We know there are many LGBT
olderd adults liVing IR Lefiington; we
Brin our famil , friends, si nifi— JUSt OhIt know W 0 t ey are. It
cantgothers andyanyone elseg you is easy for them to be over looked
can round up to celebrate Spring bY aging serVices, because many
by joining SisterSound for their 5““ assume that people over ‘a
Spring concert on Saturday, May certain age are all straight. It Will
18, 2013, 7:00 pm, at St. Michael’s be very Importantto heat from 0!“
Episcopal Church, 2025 Bellefonte LGBT elders about what ‘5 90°.d ‘h
Dr., Lexington. Tickets are $10 for the" lives, and what they might
adults and $5 for children 5 and have a need f0“ We sheuld never
under and are available from Sis- assume we know What ‘5 best for
terSound members or at the door. someone else; we should listen to
what they tell us.” Troy Johnson,
SisterSound will be singing at the MSW: Director Of Programs and
Pride Festival this year so plan on SerVices for the Nursmg H9me
joining us on Saturday, June 29 on Ombudsman Agency and Che" 0f
the Stephens Justice Center Plaza the Bluegrass Elder Abuse Preven—
at the corner of Main and Lime- he“ COUhe'l
stone in Lexington. It promises to .
be a fun day! If you are over 55, gay, lesbian,
bi, or trans, we want to hear from
you!d We wagt to1 know how you
' ' are oing, an w at concerns you
IntereSted I}; Blble might have about life as a senior
Study . in Lexington. Finally! Professionals
. in aging services are beginning to
1am thinking about starting a take an interest in the concerns
Bible Study and 1 am looking for of Lexington’s LGBT seniors! We
People that WOUld llke ‘20 come. hope to learn from each other and
. teach them how to better address
Have not set a time or piace yet our needs and concerns_
,50 if YOU are interested in com- If you can't join us in May, please
Ing, please either call, text, or e- try to make it to the potluck on
mail me at Iggiekv@gmail.com or Thursday, June 20 at 7:00pm. We
(681)-205'6071 Will continue this very important
, conversation then. We hope to
Thanks and God Bless Iggie see you soon.

 Reflections on thatE if in preseéitirtlg thisllet‘ter the
- - con ents soun s rangey ingian
Mam“ LUther K'ng instead of 'Paulinian, attribute it
By Karen Taylor, to my lack of complete objectivity
Contributor rather than Paul's lack of Clarity.
As I began researching this topic It '5 mlraCU‘OUSI indeed, that the
on March 28th, we had the Su- Apostle Paul should be writing
preme Court arguing over the le- a letter to YOU and to me nearly
gality of prop 8 and DOMA. You 1900 years after his last letter
couldn’t turn on any news Chan— appeared-in the_New Testament.
nel without it being discussed. HOW thle '5 POSSlble l5,50methlh9
So I started thinking about what Of an. enigma wrapped in mystery.
the Bible had to say about equal- The important thing, however, 15»
ity in general. One of my favor— that 1 tan imagine the Apostle
ite verses addresses it, Galatians Paul What.) a letter to American
3:26-29 “for you are all sons of Christians in t956 A.D. And here is
God through faith in Christ Jesus. the letter as it stands before me.
For as many of you as have been ,
baptized into Christ have put on I, ah apostle of Jesus Christ by
Christ like a garment. There is no the Wt” 'of G0d, to YOU WhO are
Jew or Greek, slave or free, male in America, Grace be UhtO your
or female; for you are all one in and peace from GOd our .Father,
Christ Jesus. And if you belong through our Lord and SaVIor, Je-
to Christ, then you are Abraham’s SUS ChhSt-
seed, heirs’ according to the
promise.” For many years I have longed
to be able to come to see you. I
In my research I found this ser- have heard SO much 0f YOU and 0f
mon given by Martin Luther King what YOU are a0th- 1 have heard
Jr in 1956 and I wanted to share a of the fasohatlhg and astounding
part of it with you as I think it was advances that YOU have made in
very Cleverly written. the SClentlflC realm. I have heard
of your dashing subways and
Delivered at Dexter Avenue Baptist flaShth airplanes. Through Your
Church, Montgomery, Alabama, SClentlflC genius you have been
on 4 November 1956. MLKP. able to dwarf distance and place
time in Chains. You have been able
“1 would like to share with you an to carve highways through the
imaginary letter from the pen of stratosphere. So In your world you
the Apostle pau|_ The postmark havelmadelt DOSSlbl‘e to eat break—
reveals that it comes from the City fast it) New York City and dlhhel’
of Ephesus. After opening the let- in Paris, France. .1 have also heard
ter I discovered that it was writ— 0t your skyscraplng bUHdlth With
ten in Greek rather than English. their prOdIQlOUS towers steeping
At the top of the first page was heavenward. I have heard of your
this request: "Please read to your great medical advances, ,Wthh
congregation as soon as possible, have resulted in the CUth 0f
and then pass on to the other many dread plagues and diseasesr
Churches." and thereby prolonged your lives
and made for greater security and
For several weeks I have worked PhYSICal well—being. A“ Of that is
assiduously with the translation. marvelous. YOU can do 50 many
At times it has been difficult, but things In your day that I could not
now I think 1 have deciphered its do In the Greco—Roman world of
true meaning. May I hasten to say (continued on Page 9)
_ l

 (Continued from Page 8) to carve highways through the
_ , stratosphere. So in your world you
to dwarf distance and place time have made it possible to eat break-
‘h chains. .You have been able fast in New York City and dinner
to carve highways through the in Paris, France. I have also heard
stratosphere. Se in your world of your skyscraping buildings with
you have rnade it p055ible to eat their prodigious towers steeping
breakfast |h_ New York CW and heavenward. I have heard of your
dinner in Paris, France. I have aiso great medical advances] which
heard 9f your skyscraping bwld- have resulted in the curing of
“195 With their prodigious towers many dread plagues and diseases]
steeping heavenward. and thereby prolonged your lives
, and made for greater security and
I have heard or your great medi- physical well—being. All of that is
cai ladvances,.WhiCh have reSUit' marveloug_ You can do 50 many
ed In the curing or many dread things in your day that I could
plagues and diseases, and there- not do in the Greco—Roman world
by DFOiOhQEd Your lives and made of my day. In your age you can
for greater security and phySical travel distances in one day that
well-being. took me three months to travel.
, That is wonderful. You have made
A“ Of that ‘5 marvelous. YOU can tremendous strides in the area of
do 50 many things In your day that scientific and technological devel-
1 could not do in the Greco—Roman opment.
world of my day.
, But America, as I look at you from
In your age you can travel dlStahC' afar, I wonder whether your moral
es in one day that tOOK me three and spiritual progress has been
months to traVei. That is Wonder' commensurate with your scien-
ful. you have made tremendous tific progress. It seems to me that
Strides in the area 0f SCientifiC and your moral progress lags behind
technological development. your scientific progress. Your poet
, Thoreau used to talk about "im-
BUt America, as I i00k at YOU from proved means to an unimproved
afar, I wonder whether your moral end." How often this is true. You
and Spirituai progress has been have allowed the material means
commensurate With your soen- by which you live to outdistance
tth progress. It seems to me that the spiritual ends for which you
your moral Progress lags behind live. You have allowed your men-
your SClehtlfiC progress. Your poet tality to outrun your morality. You
Thoreau used to talk about lm' have allowed your civilization to
proved means to an unimproved outdistance your culture. Through
end. HOW Often this iS_true. YOU your scientific genius you have
have allowed the material means made of the world a neighbor-
bY Which you ilVe t0 outdistance hood, but through your moral and
the spiritual ends for Wthh you spiritual genius you have failed
ilVe- to make of it a brotherhood. So
, America, I would urge you to keep
You have allowed your mentality your moral advances abreast with
to outrun your morality. You have your scientific advances.
allowed your civilization to outdis-
ziiecsutsugefii:Warm; . em dmimded ed
8r the worlg a| neighbor to rdwarf cernmg the responSibilities laid
istance an ace time in c ains. -
You have beefi abte (continued on Page 11)

 SisterSound Presents Our 17th Concert Season "
Eii o » ~ my E ‘ - = ’ I t
,. 4 . V «gs ”
M“ M V _, .4 >4 a; :9”- '
" " ;'- we“: 9 “are
. »‘2; . h :3?»
WM » aw, via???
":3”- . . £1? ' ":7
. ‘ , ' ~ , "1.252% f._."
. , - . ~ 19‘ a 7 M _
Episcopal Gum _
Weeflefont @3119 - ~
EMF-L}. “M1? @5331: 9:“ {six MM ' >
- My Tickets $10*(aduii§);’$5 (children 5 and under)
.Mavailahle m adyance(info@sistersolm("For 859-806-0243) or at the door
5.7.: 3‘ ° , ‘3’:
‘7 “M. . M WM . " W -
'35ng More infqrmation aboutKSisterSound: http://slstersoundmry ‘
W ‘ > _'_  “Nag—r”
‘ .. »:”~'7"“—“'"?'. “

 (Continued from page 9) I am afraid that many among you are
. rrri‘ore corLcerned| about making a liVing
. . . . t an ma ing a ife. You are prone to
sass.s”.sass..aasssssssssa ...ss...s.
what I had to do. That is what every by the 'RdeXhOf ‘ygur salary and the
Christian has to do. ButI understand S'Zeb-Cl) t ehw e: age on lyourfauto-
that there are many Christians in 'L'Tt‘agvi'cgltrgthifrrntanfit‘yt e qua 'ty 0 your
America who givedtheir ultimatej alle- '
giance to man-ma e systems an cus- - - -
toms. They are afraid to be different. in“; misuse Of CapitalismThcan‘ also
.s .s .s as
Egpcl'ealglé {REY llésewbicarciss’laflngnfl' tell me that one tenth of one percent
so it must be alri ht .. For so man of of the population controls more than
. . 9 ' y forty percent of the wealth. Oh Amer-
you Ylorality ‘5 anerely gfllmp “Bilge“ ica, how often have you taken neces-
Ehjgirri‘oyrlgsjrarrreo aircrepc‘gdogsgffie fight sides from the masses to give luxu-
- ways You have unconsciously come ries to the classes. If you are to be a
‘ ‘ to believe that right is discovered by 32%, Chgistian nation youtmuslt sotlrve
taking a sort of Gallup poll of the ma- prgblgrm) grturgfiigcetgngonsigwnenisme
A‘ {grin (lipinion. Fm." many 3:? giving for communism is based on an ethical
e" u ima e a egiance 0 '5 way. relativism and a metaphysical mate-
B t A . Ch . t' I t rialism that no Christian can accept.
tou youmaeslgast‘ai d tgstfigséomg‘nlsChitasY You can work within the framework _of
tians years ago "Be not conformed to democracy to bring about a better dis-
this world butlbe ye transformed by tribution of wealth. You can use your
the renewing of your mind " Or as I powerifyulfeconctwicfresource; to write?
. '.. pove rorn eaceo eea.
sssass.Ps‘sassssssssasssa intended Mrs“? sssds.
.s. ....s... y... inntha sassass.sas.aas..sasa 'ssss:
*s'aaasss ass...a neeeenne none-rev nenn.
d ‘ 't' p Y W b th in time for all of his children to have the basic
:nduaetgrhzify‘ryboghl :ne hgaven and necessities of life, and hedhas left in
. . _ this universe “enoug an to spare“
Sims Tshfiziftéeshye°32vma§§. egg, gordthaasurpoas-bm ca“ ”gs“ you to
to the state, not to nation, not to any eir‘tygaend Seugeurfluois Sign? iec pov
man-made institution. The Christian '
owes his ultimate allegiance to God, I would that I could be with you in
39% if a8." eafih‘Y instithJZtti‘on conféicts person, so that I could say to you face
sssss ssss ass. a .s necewneghen; fence; .s Say
never allow the transitory evanescent yell’erf'gfiwshid ow ong 0 S are
demands of man—made institutions to Let me rush on to say something
take dprecefienpcr: 9V? tgedeternal de- about the church. Americans, I must
man 5 0 t e "“9 ty 0 ' remind you, asI have said to so many
I understand that ou have an eco- others, that the church is the Body
. t . AV . k of Christ. So when the church is true
gom'clfiys ewhm hmegca ”own as to its nature it knows neither division
sssaass ...sss.. as: .saaass ”a: ......... an earned gene;
. Z w at you are oing to t .e Bo y_o
Eggs-ixcifié‘a‘xl’gééecgnmdefgfirAEQZSEBfit Christ. They. tell me that in America
up the greatest system of production zit?“ tavehwritgiind Emgisftta/nstiirgengorr‘e
. . an o u re i -
sasssai.sasssssssaas'sssss ngeenns- gne tragsdv so
the danger that you will misuse your a you ave suc a
Capittjalistrn. I stillfcolntenld that money
can et e root 0 a evi . It can cause -
one to live a life of gross materialism. (contInUEd on Page 12)

 (continued from Page 11) argue that the Negro is inferior by na-
. . - . . ture because of Noah's curse upon the
mggpllocf‘htgmdegegmaagmgz baugtatirr‘gg children of Ham. Oh my friends, this is
each other with a claim to absolute blasphemv- This _lS_ aga'het eVery—
truth. This narrow sectarianism is thing that the Christian religion stands
destroying the unity of the Body of f0“ 1 must say tow” as I have said
Christ. You must come to see that to 53° many ChhSt‘ehS before, that ‘h
God is neither a Baptist nor a Method- ChhSt there '5 neither Jew nor Gen-
ist; He is neither a Presbyterian nor a the! there .‘5 neither bond nor free,
Episcopalian. God is bigger than all of there is neither. male .nor female, for
our denominations. If you are to be we are all one. in Christ Jesus More—
true witnesses fOr Christ you must over, I must reiterate the words thatI
come to see that America} uttered on Mars Hill: “God that made
the world and all things therein . . .
ButI must not stop with a criticism of hath made 0f one blood all nations 0f
Protestantism. I am disturbed about men folrlto dwell on all the face 0f the
Roman Catholicism. This church earth. '
stands before the world with its pomp _
and power, insisting that it possesses Please send any comments you might
the only truth. It incorporates an ar— have to Karen@glso.org Much love
rogance that becomes a dangerous and blessings.
spiritual arrogance. It stands with its _
nhoble Popel whoh sorrnehova risefi. bto Lexmgton PFLAG
t e miracu ous eig ts o infa i il- ' ' ' ' |
ity when he speaks ex cathedra. But WInVItefS V?“ to 10'“ US. .
I am disturbed about a person or an e lr‘neet' mm 30 to 8'30 at St- M"
institution that claims infallibility in chae 5 Episcopal Church, 2025 Belle-
this world. 1 am disturbed about any fonte Drive, on the second Tuesday of
church that refuses to cooperate with the rgonth. 4 . . d
other churches under the pretense Tues ay, May 1 Sumte Preven-
that it is the only true church. I must tion for the LGBTQ. Population Donald
emphasize the fact that God is not a Ta.Y‘°r: LGBTQ .ath‘St and Executive
Roman Catholic, and that the bound— Director of LOUiswlle Youth Group
less sweep of his revelation cannot be What factorskmake LGBTQ teens 7
limited to the Vatican. Roman Catholi- t‘ih‘es more hehy to attempt smude
cism must do a great deal to mend t an the" straig tpeers.
its ways. What can we do to decrease these
risk factors? _
There is another thing that disturbs H.0W can we create savfer, healthier en-
me to no end about the American Vironmentsfor YOUth- .
church. You have a white church and HOW can .1.'deht‘fy someone who '5 at
you have a Negro church. You have risk of SUlClde and what should I do?
allowed segregation to creep into the Learn about resources for SUiCIdal LG—
doors of the church. How can such BTQctieens . d
a division exist in the true Body of Tues ay, June 11 Fa'th an Sexual
Christ? You must face the tragic fact Ohehtat‘ehx Part 1. HOW do we rec-
that when you stand at 11:00 on oneile religious beliefs and teachings,
Sunday morning to sing “All Hail the Scripture, 69d: and h°m9$exualitW
Power of Jesus Name“ and “Dear Lord How have .fa‘th communities changed
and Father of all Mankind,“ you stand 'h. their'attitudes? .
in the most segregated hour of Chris- D'SCUSS'Oh by e Scripture scholar and
tian America. They tell me that there clergy from various denominations
is more integration in the entertaining Faith and .Sexual Orientation, Part 2
world and other secular agencies than Will follow In fall of 2013. That discus-
there is in the Christian church. How sion will focus on current issues stich
appalling that is. as ordination of gays, poliCies
_ . and rituals regarding commitment or
I understand that there are Christians marriage ceremonies for same-sex
among you who try to justify segrega- couples.
he“ on the baSlS 0f the B'b'e- They More information at www.pflaglex.org

 i J F l l
/’ ‘ g i ‘ l
[i (r j/ ‘K' ‘1 T ! Ml/M Ml ,M [I 77 _\ /' »\ (MM _ l/ “ ‘
xl lit 1 t l J 1 i, j)
Be on the lookout for this logo attached to a new and improved
publication for the LGBTQIAA community for Central Kentucky!

 Berea Passes torical trend and I would rather
Fairness Berea be a leader rather than a
- latecomer."
The city has yet to move on
The Berea Citizen and Rich- an anti-discrimination Fairness
mond Register newspapers law, which would prohibit dis—
report Berea Mayor Steve crimination in employment,
Connelly has signed an ex— housing and public accommo-
ecutive order which not only dations citywide, though the
amended the city workforce's council recreated its Human
non-discrimination policy to Rights Commission in 2011 to
include lesbian, gay, bisexual investigate the issue and make
and transgender workers, but recommendations to the city.
also extended domestic part-
ner benefits to its employees.
mayor Connelly's move makes
Ber ea, home 0f one Of the re- Greetings Balagulagans!
gion's most famous and beauti-
ful college campuses, thedtl’grd TWO PRODUCTIONS To
Kentuc y city to exten o-
mestic partner benefits along- EggSBbTGIRIISIL-SER%%%
side Covington and Louisville.
Though enacted by executive Spring ‘5 here! The_ seasons are
order, the benefits and non— changingand 5° '5 Balagulas
discrimination policy could Season W‘tb some eXC'bng ad—
have been opposed by city d'bbns-
council objections or a nullify-
ing ordinance, none of which For those bf you who are keep-
were ralsed. According to the '99 a close eye .0“ our produc—
executive order, couples ellgi— U9“ 0f. The Trial Of God by
ble for the benefits must share El'e Wiesel (Directed by Na-
the same residence for at least tasha Williams) our dates are
the previous 12 months and be production dates have moved.
finanCIally interdependent. The NEW dates for TRIAL OF
Mayor Connelly's movements GOD are... JUNE 9-12, 16-19.
toward Fairness follows nearly Please be sure to make your
two years of organizing and reservations at _www.balagula.
public education efforts by com for this epic and beloved
Bereans for Fairnesfs, a gdrass- conclu5ion to our Season.
roots movement 0 resi ents '
supportefd by thekFairnehss Co- THATS NOT ALL!
aition o Kentuc y. Fo owing . . .
his state of the city address While we wait for Trial bf
in February, mayor Connelly God, we have included an E).('
stated that extending protec- TRA. production 0f the Actors
tlons was the “right thing to Ch0ice (Lomswlle) bf Topdog/
do," adding gay, lesbian, bi Underdog by Susan-Lower“
and trans civil rights is "an hls- (Directed by Kath' E."B' EH‘S '
Balagula s Steady Rain).

 ' ' gathered from bisexual individuals
congfiglzeBgfgglng is even more scarce.
The tobacco industry has a history
The Lexington—Fayette County of targeting members of the LGBT
Health Department will be offer- community, whether through spon-
ing one of the first tobacco cessa- SOhhg LGBT eventsor depictions ‘h
tion programs in KY specifically for media and entertainment. Stress
LGBT participants. The class will be 'h a .major reason people say they
held in Lexington beginning in July continue to smoke or cannot stop.
2013, final date and location to be Smoking '5 the only effective Way
announced soon. If you are inter- many smokers have to deal W'th
ested in becoming tobacco free, or stress. The chronic stressof com-
want information for a LGBT friend lhg out to file—“<15 and family, deal—
or family member who smokes, mg daily With discrimination, and
please call (859) 288-2457. The a lack of LGBT—friendly healthcare
pilot project is being funded by the prOViders can make ‘t very hard
KY Office of Health Equity and the to stop 5m0k'h9- Members Of the
KY HIV/AIDS program, and will be LGBT community are less likely to
provided without charge, and in- have health insurance or access
cludes nicotine replacement prod— to quality care and prOViders who
ucts. can help them qUit. Use of tobacco
creates grave health dangers, and
Kentucky consistently has one of sharply increasesa person’s risk for
the nation’s highest adult smok— heart and lung disease and many
ing rates. Recent statewide esti— types 0f cancer. Smoking can also
mates range from 25-29%, and make any kind of medicme, but es—
vary sharply between regions in peCially HIV treatment options, not
KY. The adult smo|king rate for the as effective.
enera US. 0 uation is aroun .
%9%. Data grepvery limited, but The DQDU'ar'W 0f the bar and CM)
show that tobacco use is high in scene 'h the LGBT community may
the LGBT community. contribute to higher smoking rates,
espeCially in counties Without
KY’s LGBT smoking rate is not re— strong tobacco—free ordinances.
ally known, but is likely higher than Being surrounded by tobasco and
other states because the overall tobacco. users can make 't much
adult smoking rate is higher. LGBT more difficult to stop, and very
adults may be up to 2.5 times more easy to start. While certainly not
likely to smoke than heterosexual everyone from the LGBT frequents
individuals of similar age and eth— bars and clubs, the “m'ted data
nicity. that public health researchers have
collected show that LGBT, espeCial-
This lack of information is created ly young gay men, do spend more
in part by the fact that surveys time there than their heterosexual
used to collect data on individual counterparts.
tobacco use do not typically ask
about sexual orientation. There is There are net many resources
also much concern over smoking available to LGBT.WhO want to
rates for young LGBT and the lack .StOD smoking: G‘y‘hg up tobacco
of information about their tobacco '5 ”Qt something 61.93509 should
use. do Without help. QUitting cold tur—
key” only has around a 5% success
The few studies that have been rats-I Wh'le Programs that prOVide
done show that 18-year-old gay soaal support, nicotine replace-
men may be as much as 80% more ment products (patches, lozenges,
likely to smoke than heterosexual or gum), and Education can in-
men of the same age. Information crease that number to 30-50%-

 May 2013 Need Your Print Jobs
- - Done?
Classrfieds The GLSO Pride anter is get-
- ting up a copy an print 5 op
I :gofigk?n;°¥0? grghségofi in the Center to complete all
drawers and/or dresser. If you yofur pritnting needst. fig” more
have one please contact Mason m orma '0” con ac onovan
Ewin at 859-382-2010 at info@glso.org or the Pride
9 ' Center at 859-253-3233.
Volunteers Needed - - _
Your GLSO Pride Center is con- Agllélalt flsedtTVlglce 5
tinuing to add more services P' . ( ego '3 _e) [
thus we are in need of vol- hgumo PAC. (:1sz A" con-
unteers. What’s your area of ditionmg unit With remote
interest? We need people to control and all that has barely
help sell advertising for the been USEd' Works greatl Re- [
Newsletter; people to open tailing normally for_ 200+ but f
the Pride Center and answer selling for a negotiable $150-
telephone and help keep the Contact the Pride Center at
Center clean; technology as- 85972533233 for more infor- [
sistance; and more. If you can matron and/or to see the unit.
provide 1 hour a week or more . 1
please contact Karen Taylor at Writers Needed!
Karen@glso.org Or come to Do you like to write about cur-
one of our monthly volunteer rent events going on locally l
meetings which will be the last or JUSt write a “tile something
Saturday of each month begin- for? our expanding newslet-
ning at 12:00 at the Pride Cen— ter- We nesd Your “8‘9 as we r
ter. ar