xt759z90b60r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt759z90b60r/data/mets.xml  University of Kentucky 1919 bulletins  English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Press Bulletins The University of Kentucky Press Bulletin, Vol. II No. 2, January 30, 1919 text The University of Kentucky Press Bulletin, Vol. II No. 2, January 30, 1919 1919 1919 2015 true xt759z90b60r section xt759z90b60r Off' i
nc al News-Letter oi the State Council of Defense
To Editors: The
' th` B ll t'
··=~· ·¤ ·· ¤ · ·¤ THE UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY shtml ... $.,,0,,.,
la prepared for the _
press and is released   t V class meter at th°
for publication cn l. post office at Lex-
receipt. - ln9l°"¤ KY-
January 30 1919
' “W 
» In view of the many inquiries being W_ C_ Ceoydg , f B it 1t__ - "" *—··
  made at the District Insurance Office ing amhitgctl mer dbg Oélgrtlrttrtgtttntsuof An important step toward brlnging I The Senate of the University or ·The practical miners’ course wjr]] be
. regarding Liberty Bonds, attention or Kentucky, has been asked by the cooperation Instead of compet1t1on of {tS¤€l1€ky has announced that gradu· EIYBH at the University of Kentucky
men who are about to be mustered executive committee to Select a Suit. Kenlllcky colleges ill Prgspfltlllg the ;9l°?1€€i’§€l`$$S€S for the class 1919 will] this ·SD1j1¤E. _b€‘g1Il11i¤g April first and
 _ outt of the service. has been called able place on the. Campus for a Statue advantages of higher education to two Weeks 1;?;_8i?1ay’ .Ju;l€ 18’ 1918’ ggngdlulng mgm wepki Them Fvlll l`
again to the advisability of compleflllg of Dr. James K. Patterson, former DYOSDGCUVG Students, and of prepar· the Universit   ls me custom pf In iirfg for th€·cOurS?'
 Z their bond payments. president of the Uuiv€,.Sity_ The ing to increase interest _ H d Gnd F Ib Y- 9 flFSt term will b fl 1 1011 to arithmetic, which yvju
t At the District Insurance Omcd Statue wm be Subscribed by the alum- _ lu co ege e - _ 9 rllary 21 and the second be- 9 SWSD lh_1'0ll€h0ut the course, ac-
ntress is laid on the necessity of not ni gf the ;nStjtuti0n_ uclmon expected to follow SVGYY greet gm February 24· _ _ °Pl‘l“‘g_ lp llldlvldlml Deeds, instruc-
allowing the bonds to lapse in any Doctor Patttwson was présideut Of war, were taken at the meeting of rep. {Phe seniors are eligible for grad`,- tion. will be given in the following
way, it being Stated that many banks the Universit fort ODS, ears nd msgntativcs from eight Kentucky COL a ion and have been passed gn by lthg Subtlectsi Coal mining, blasting tim-
are leluslng l° *`°l“m Payments mane retired from nthat yoseionl · igio loses held at the Uni e ·t Senate bGCaus° they haw °°ml’l‘°’l°‘l b·ml1g’ principles and mGlll°‘lS °f l’€¤·
OD 9- Daffialily Daid for bond, The movement to ILC; Stgt Ot t I v rs1 y of Ken- the necessary work previous to their l*latl°¤» drainage, mining machinery,
It was patriotism and the viewpoint him on the campusp was Ztarteém by up ly W€dp€Sd¤Y, January 22. fourth year. Seniors falling short of mcluding haulage and hoisting. mir
of soundness as investment that in- Charles Lt Brock Denver Colo last The meeting was called by President the ltelllmled number from one to three gaS€,S’ safely lamps and testing, ex-
duced men in the Servicg to buy Lib_ year, and he amltmncad His intgntion Frank L- Mcveyt at the request of tlllgedlts will have opportunity ·to make FIOSIOHS. I¤1T1€ fires, rescue and relief,
erty bonds. It is argued that if is personally to the Alumni Association the American Council Dt Education Gln “'Ol`k up- S;01d1€·{1‘ Students re- Surveymejilld map drawing, and Ken,
Still a m‘al·l€l` of Pnlrlpllsnl to llplll °n lat its annual meeting last June The Dfimarilly to discuss a 12 l lummg to the Umverslty are permit- tucky mmmg law`
to the bonds, because Selling of bonds fund $10 000 wm be Subscribed by tt e t me ns lor pre- edt to take three-fourths of the pre- Mfmday. Mary 26, the board or ex-
in the market has {tendency to ref gmdtmtgs, Mid former Students A sen mg to soldiers in demobihzation icllppd W01‘l< 1n their respective col- airliners of the State Department of
duce the saleable value of such secur- large part Of this money has altéady camps, especially at Camp Zachary felgtes but will, be given credit for the Mines wi·ll be in session. This will
» ities. The government maintains its been promised to ML Brock. Taylor and Camp Knox, the advan- tdkexellgeilfns Wplk 01} the Studies Défmlt those who matriculate for the
. gamer stability bythe people back- ... - . - - ages of in hg ,1 - . I ell “°°““°l"*‘l‘“"’““’ *“° °°“.”G “’ like the mlm f¤reme¤ ex-
mg it up_and holding on to your U t lg r e ucation and the pur. satisfactory. amlnation, if they so desire, immedi-
,,0,,,, ,S ,,,,9 Of the best ,,,,,,.S to back STUDENT ENRGLLMENT 643 ml nl li m colleges- ———————— amy after are close gf the S_,,Ss,0,,,
the government, now that you d0n't NOTWITHSTANDING Bpllevmg that the rapid develop- STROLLERS ELECT AND thus avoiding an extra, tl-ip to Ldx_
have to hack it by force of arms. l DRAWBAGKS ment of the high Schools of the state WILL GIVE ANNUAL PLAY mggn _
Permitting either government bonds and the rg t · 1 _ _ _ B Unlvplslty ll3·S iSSu€d 9. special
or government War Risk Insurance to The Enrollment of .Stud?DtS’ men educrtil gl   Impu SB toward collage Gus Gay- Léxmgtoni l€¤d1¤g mall in Circular giving detailed information
lapse now is revealing nad business and W°“?€¤· at the Ull}""’lS1lY Of Km ' Q- Onhw lim have f°u°wBd lll nw Pnlvwslty Of Iiimmckyls annual lllayr °°n°"l”nlll=‘¥ lhls °°“rS°· whim may be
judgment. H a man Ou the Station tucky since the opening,. January 6, WQFS 111 t e hlStOI\y of the nation will MISS and MSH, 1SSt Y€¤I‘» W¤S 9160tGd had 1111011 application.
goes back to Civilian me with his Ltb_ tilde ¤ow_£eacl1ed;i43, and it is thought bring iabguig next yea,. an attendance ptesident of the Strollers, me gram- _________
ery Bond all his own, he will at least tagging; atp$h;l Ogggflnénsgiliiesgléoig far above normal at Kentucky colleges itgitilgb gfégl€TgE;_;;;s;tYJ;;uaaEallfél BACK IN GLASS AFTER
. » _ · · · . _ v i Y .
het; ml? h¢;n1((;;1I];tt‘in(;;'€;,a5)(;t;;)1a;0ijiigt Semester. TWO hundred and eight of ond universities, their representatives Miss Many Turner, Louisville, is vice- MILITARY SERVICE ENDS
Ezgthtlents the Same resuqt is being the Dumber ngyv guygugd are Women Interchflllgéd ldé-ES 011 means Of ac. pI`BSld€I`lt fOl‘ 1919; J. B. B?lI‘Il€’S, B'3.I`dS- S
_ and 435 men. commodatine the increa · town secretary—treasurer· L M - lnce the Enhance of the United
it na. . _ ·= SG ml ev- .* . i 68 ° -
ll ;1L?berty Bond is the finest kind ot Many Students whose work was ln' pointed a committee to use all avail- Clam, Bardptowm busmass mamlgmn glliililfgrsilg lh; Kwai Students of the
V _ _t tdwuptdd by lnnugnza last term de. _ _ _ and Frederick Jackson, Versailles, Y 0 GD uckly have Volun-
eellateral and any bzmk Wlll &CC€P#. 1 _d able m€'3I1S to g1V€ returning soldiers um- ·t . l.€GI'€d their services until e 1
without hesitation. . Thus. Libervy °l Gd l° my °“l and stm °"‘°’l lam and high School t —, - . D ml Y mamgm . was redu a · BV ly C ass
Bonds may bel the means of starting and manly former students have re- S lllllnts lnf°l`m3~tl°¤ The Strollers have declded to DTV . . CB m nuDlbG?S’ but Smog the
many gf these men bac]; in business turned from the service and 118VB €X· about the &dV&T1t·E1g€S of the different dl1CB a modern comedy this year under slgnlng of U19 3tI`I111SIZ1C9 the students
pursuits pressed their intention to return to institutions and ·the courses they Offgyg the nllpcllpn pf ll pmlpsslpllnl Coach- havelbegn Stpadlhi returning tO Work'
S0 img, up that Liberty Bond either the University for the second semes- The committee, which is cOmpOS_ The play committee will select thelplay gglihiégég Egg? li intact againtand
from your Own resources Or with bop ter. ed Ot Pres MOVE)? D M B early in February so that a decrsign _ D 6 0.be Seen marines,
towed money and avoid losing part OI- Three men are now enrolled in the . l ’ I" ’ ‘ Adams' may be m€¥d€ and the l€1‘y01l’fS held Slgual corps and nl`llll€l`Ym€¤·
` all of what you have paid in and help- University of Kentucky sent by the president Of Georgetown College, and immediately after examinations Among those 1'€l2l11`ll€d fo iinish their
ing wen in this Small Way in Bmbap Federal Board Of Education of the, D1`. R. H. Crossneld, president of {amateur night has been abandoned EnlY°l`SltY Cpurse M9? _W9·1t€F PiD61‘.
rassing the iinancial position ot the United States under the provision 'of Tm-¤SY1V3¤ia College, was also auth- lhls ypailfbecapse of the request that C;i·{p;$t(l%ed1d;ipin;;tks1¤ mpg Slpual
g,,,,e,.,,ment_ the Federal Board of Vooatlo¤alTre.u1— orized to obtain the ee.Op,i,,,,,,,,, of n° SOM nllclllms be held `°°"l°’€ FSF . ’ . ° °ll· ‘°’l`Sall8S·
· _......-.-» ing which gives training to disabled high Sch 001 Supgrmtend t ’ _ TU?-TY examinations. Members arg ed- ?’I&:`1l¤€» Just returned from Paris Is.
SIGMA XPS ORGANIZE Smdigtst Sailors and marines who rd Ci 1 _ t t 611 S 3116 prin- niittetd annually to the Strollers orga- Inn nnll Qllantlcp? Ed Deb¤€Y» H°P‘
FOR WORK IN UN John H Atkerson formerly of the ams Of this Yeah i¤f0I‘lIl3.ti0n about night program and prizes are awarded ed at HOPE College, HOIIB11, Michi-
. . . ` ` . them, the - to the best performers in each line of gan? Lee M`cCl*lln» Bm`dSt0W¤. lieu-
An organization meeting of the U- S- S- Mpnlnnlb now pnlpllpn ln lll? _ Courses they desllp lp pur` work p,·eSent€d_ . liellallt of artillery at Columbus, S. C.·
members or Sigma Xi among the fac- D€P?"lm?“l Ol Ag“°“ll“l"’ °l lng Um' Sue ln f’°ll€S‘3· ml my ether matters ...__.. Thornton oonneii, Paris, from the Of.
ulty lofldthe tgnigersity gf llgentuhdkvv Efgsglg  nlsl man to pp Sent l° ln? mlght aid College authorities in CLASS OF 1919 ELECTS ilcegsi training school in Georgia; BM'-
wcs ie in e cience ui ing, r1- · in eresting them. It d ' nar Moosinick, Nich 1 vi]; {
ad 6,,-emu mmm- 17_ Deen p_ p_ Forrest Milton, who was injured was ended that SHOUSE PRESIDENT the sam ‘ cas- .6l mm
y gl J y when a. wago overturned ‘s the See an the C°ll€e€S of the slate which ——-— B Camp. in Georgia, Henry .
§;’g";,,,§if;2§gi,§§,;;’QfS,§§dwS§‘§i€§i on to emu under the provieieu of ‘“"“°“"° me   ¤¤¤¤ Hr me ¤¤ much i,.‘ii2d{§’Zu§;°‘;i°;ig’;?§ti{",f$§’ 5i‘“°5 gligigésleliiléiiigr f?i’?»é°3mie€iE§Z
Orizdd to appoint .,1 committed of three the Board ot Vocational Training. He €?l3iVBly
er, Minnesota; H. H. Downing, Chi- agent under the Sniith.Hnghe·e Aer; L- Patterson, president or Centre. COI. Lamp and Cross, honorary fmtemt f01‘ the cafeteria.
cago; W. D. Funkhouser, Cornell; E. He will be paid from. $80 to $95 a lege; Pmsldgnl T· J· C0a‘t€S» Of East- ties, and is cadet major of the Uni- For Sevcml mouths Students °f tll°
S- Goode, Illinois; M, C. James, Illi- month, and his expenses at the Uni- Gln KGHWCRY Normal SC}100·l. and Varsity, battwltont HG attended the Department of Home Economics have t
nois; P. E. Karraker, Missouri; C. W. versity will he paid by the govern- Professor Leiter, representing Dr, H, Otdcgtly training camp at Camp Zack been Serving ji cafeteria-. lunch daily
Mathews, Cornell; R. N. Maxson, Yale; ment. H· Cheefy. of Western Kentucky Nor- my Taylor last Sufnmw Where he m' at the Experiment Station for em-
Mable L. Roe, Chicago; C. A. Shull, Captain Phipps je e native gf Se]- nlal SCll°°l· ceived his commission as second lieu- D 0ly€€s' Al the Umverslty °nf°l°l`l8
Cornell; G. W. Smi·th, Colorado, G. I-I, ywsvmey M.dg,,m., County, and was fgpecilal hpains will be taken to reach tenant and afterward returned to the gist Igsgli it dayl dill be served at
_Va1lsell, Kansas. in the Kentucky Nationa·l Gua d h O cars W 0 Should be in c0m€`g8’ high U l lt · a er a 1 me meals daily
Y-——-— it was Sant to the Mgxtcanrbgdgg school graduates who went mm the mversl y`_________   be S§1`V€dhat moderate prices_ The
OWENS ENTERS FIELD. While in d contingent pmt, r- to service before having an eppeytun. _€'3¤ SUS W 0 arettaking the work
Sail for France, he was zétlgmly tty to get at College Education, and JUNIOR CLASS ELEGTS- grttél zhlaite almost entire charge of the
. . a. ·
Ralph W. Owens, new general sec- W0lU1d€‘d 111 the foot when a gun which me lguudgld; ef cpllngp Students wllo ~ Edward Parker, Maysville, a junior Whtlgh thlgglvzlifrgggxgg 0§_tf°°d* f°l`
rotary or Y. M_ c, A, work in the Uni. a fellow soldier was cleaning was dis- an One   all Snlllles to SGYVB thm in the College of Agriculture, has been cou f cm 1 ml thm
versity, has entered on his dutigg at charged. Cpunllpn Dlsllplpd Spldlers will b€'»D·T0· elected by his classmates as president ttonrse O Study and extra c0mpBnSa`
th(·) lX1StitutlO11 and   has bBQ]]_ dg-       tnle govern' of U18 CIASS   year   Misg Mary     who is taking Work in   `
cided that monthly joint meetings of , ’ ` _ _° Gln Blllg glV9¤ VOC? VanMeter, Lexington, vice-president; . . 9
l the cabinets of Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. S0PHO  ELECT twual tmmmg and it Wm be left t° Jess THDD. Corydon, treasurer; Kath- gigxpalidldlresnt Wil be mqlmled to Spend
C. A, are desirable. l Earl N. Wallace, Wilton, was elect- geegglgges do fput the claims of high- lene Brand. Mayneld. SBCYSWTY and and some (Elaine Eaielpvdillk tpghlddcliliu .
Committees will be appointed to ed president of the sophomore class, Att tgon .€ Pm the °th€rS‘ Edlvard Dabney- H0Dki¤SVm‘>‘» 0I`9·t°l`· counter for which she w'll hu ida C
boost interest in the annual Blue University of Kentucky, Friday after. the Cir te Cwll War the Colleges Of Mn Parker is a member Ol Kappa Credit for laborator work in the gm l ll
Ridge conference held in North Caro- noon, January 17, with Miss Jean Well, wm. un mil WB]? Ov€?Cm“ld€d’ and Alpha ll`nl€l`nllY and both TSPP and economics course wsill be ive Bt O3? l 
lina and also committees will be ap- Hawesville, vice-president- Miss Mar. Y War. as allan ldentlcal effect Dllpney belong to Alpha Tall Omegn girls fo ' g· n 0 6
pointed to arrange for the accommo— garet Ford, Shelbyville, secretary, and ggtuigrgulatuii an interest. in college Dabney is 3 Student ln the Cpllpge Ol and forrcigzdggi agiliingrgglagripg food :
dation and entertainment of delegates Fred H. Shaw, Lexington, treasurer. tu k mpi , ecpgmzlllg this fact' Ken- Law and Tapp in the College pf Agl`l' Any profits that aecrui w'lllb d l‘
and guests who ure 10 attend   MYI Walllatca was treasurer Of the thc y citegesy as was brought out at Cu1[’,u]'Q_ Miss Brand and Miss Val] do   for extra B ui meilt Gtuii  
Sa,.   to bé had in LEX- freshman mass as year and is a ..,i.‘£ii;§§’ti2?;a1§"?Ei§;“*§"‘lgplm Mm   "°“‘ ““"““$ ll ***8 "°"·   and when ellgqullpmentlis me Tl
1 1 - · · ’ ‘ i
ingtont t member of the Sigma Nu fraternity mgdgtjng an additional Or gcccm lege of Agl”lC“ltm`€· MISS Bland ie cured the profits will be placed in a ·?
Pubns programs will be announced and the, KB S M, Sha - . mlm "”° °l e member Of Alpha Xi Della Sorority fund tor b th l
to be given after examination y . . w is a member students by adding to their faculties and Miss V&nMBt€,. is d m b t . , use Y 9 department- Thi? .
. of the Kappa Alpha fraternity. and increasing their equipment. Kappa Kappa Gamma em er 0 gdryversgy cafeteria accommcldates ll
` · or 2 0. "