xt759z908z6c https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt759z908z6c/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1922-05-05  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, May  5, 1922 text The Kentucky Kernel, May  5, 1922 1922 1922-05-05 2012 true xt759z908z6c section xt759z908z6c The Kentucky Kernel






MAY 5, 1922

No. 27







Appreciative Audiences Acclaim it Best Stroller Performance Ever Given




Students and Faculty Look
Forward to "Stroller Night"
The Strollers will present "Thir
teenth Chair" at Woodland auditorium Thursday evening May 11 and
May 13.
Saturday evening
Junior Prom coming on Friday evening and so many of the present cast
being members of the junior class, it
was decided to have it on Saturday instead of Friday as this class has
completed arrangements for its annual dance.
The Strollers have completed a
most successful tour in several Kentucky towns, and many discriminating
auditors, including theatre managers,
editors and other folk witnessing the
performance in these towns, were
generous in their comments on the
historic triumph that this representative organization of the University
made in the towns. The press was
very favorable in its comment on the
production and the scenery which the
students themselves made.
The cast and members of the executive staff who made the trips wero received very warmly in Paris, Georgetown, Richmond, Middlesboro and
Pineville. This reception was not
extended the Strollers because they
were personal friends of the promo
ters in the towns in which they appeared but because the citizens themselves knew what the Stroller dramatic organization represented and the
material composing it. "The Admirable Crlchton" was the first play ever
taken to Middlesboro and Pineville
by the organization and in this trip
they so established themselves that
an urgent invitation was extended
them this year and that same hospitality that only the warm hearted folk
of that section are capable of extending
At the Kiwanis luncheon In Middlesboro, where more than 100 citizens wero present, Mr. Russel Hill,
president, said, "Strollers, what ever
we have is yours, and if we haven't
got it we will get it for you."
The production is well nigh on to
professional in its makeup because
the "rough spots," if there wore any
have been worn off after having been
presented before largo audiences in
the towns in which they appeared. The
play when it is given hero Thursday
and Saturday night should and will
bo the best production ever given by
This is
this talented organization.
thovllrst time that the play has been
taken on tour before given two performances in Lexington.
In the review of the play given In
one of the towns where "The Thirteenth Chair" appeared it was stated
by one who it critically inclined and
(Continued on page 5)



Urges Students to Boost University
During High School Tournament Here Next Week


"We, as students and faculty of the
University of Kentucky, shall have a
wonderful opportunity to boost our
school during the high school contests
in essays, oratory and debating which
will take place in Lexington, Thurs
of this
day, Friday and Saturday
week," said professor W. M. Mikesell
in his address to sophomores in chapel
"Boys and girls will be here from
all over the state and it will be the
first time many of them have seen
the University of Kentucky and the
impression we make on them will
probably determine, to a great ex
tent, whether they will get a college
they will
education and whether
choose the University of Kentucky as
the place for obtaining that education,
Professor Mikesell said. He urged all
students to come to the contests and
show these young people that we are
interested in them and in what they
are doing.



Kirk Elected
Managing Editor; L. B.
Hall, Business Manager
At a meeting of the staff of the Kernel hold in the Journalism department
Tuesday afternoon Irene McNamara
was unanimously elected
Raymond Kirk was
elected managing editor without opposition, and L. B. Hall was elected
business manager.
Miss McNamara is a junior in the
college of Arts and Sciences and during her connection with the publication has held every position on the
staff. She has the unique distinction
of being the first girl to act in the
capacity of editor, in the history
Before her elecof the University.
tion to this office she was managing
editor; is a member of Theta, Sigma
Phi, honorary Journalism fraternity.
Circle, ami recently elected
representative on tho Woman's Student Government Council.
Raymond Kirk is a junior In tho
College of Arts and Scionces, enrolled in tho Department of Journalism.
Ho is a member of Kappa Sigma and
Keys, honorary fraternity, and has
been doing roportorlal work on the
Kernel for two years. Ho has been
assisting his father in Ills nowspapor
office in Paintsvlllo during vacation.
L. B. Hall formerly
manager was promoted to business
manager. Ho is a member of Alpha
Delta Sigma honorary Journalism fraternity.
William Blanton and William Tate,
freshmen in tho college of Arts and
Scionces havo boon appointed assistants to the business manager. They
are members of Phi Delta Theta

Funds to be Raised for Erection of Building in Memory
of Kentucky Heroes


Students are Requested to
Pledge $10 Toward Building

Are you loyal? Loyal to your University, to Kentucky, to America? All
three need your help and support. Be
a builder, a climber, a helper.
On the campus of the University of
Kentucky there is to be erected a build
ing , a Memorial to Kentucky men who
died in the great World War. The students of tho University are given the
privilege of sharing in the building of
this memorial and are asked to give all
that they can.
The Memorial Fund Drive starts on the
University campus Tuesday, May 9,
and continues until Thursday, May 11.
During these two days every student in
the University will be solicited by a
member of the Su Ky Circle for a subscription.
Likewise will the faculty
members be asked to contribute in the
building of the memorial. The price
set as the minimun amount for a student is comparatively small, keeping
in mind the great sacrifice made by
the heroes of the war and remembering also that other Universities, the
(Continued on page 5)
















"The Prophet of the Big
Smoky" to Close Little
Theatre Season
The mountain folklore play "The
Prophet of the Big Sandy," the last
program of the Little Theatre season,
will be given in the University chapel
Monday, May 8. There will be a matinee at 3:30 especially for students, and
a second performance at S:15.
The entire cast of tho play will be
composed of mountain students. They
are: Ann Riddle, Martin Porter, Lenore
Patrick, Max Howard, J. L. Hays, L.
C. Fielder. D. V. Sublet, Paul Bicknell,
Owen Kolley, M. J. Skidmore, O. W.
King, and Fletcher Walker. J. M. Patterson will havo charge of building tho
stage and Henry Harper will manage
the lighting.
Among tho unique featuros will bo
the genuine
ballad singing done by a company of
Borea College students who havo mado
a Bpoclal Btudy of tho subject. Theso
ballads aro older than the presont day
civilization and run back to tho old
folklore period of England. Those who
havo studied mountain singing claim
that tho Kentucky mountaineer retains
tho old songs of hundred and hundreds
of years ago und that thoro is no other
(Continued on page 5)

Being Formulated For
Early Next Year


At a meeting of the Romance Language Club Monday afternoon the following officers were elected for next
year: president, Mamie Miller Woods;
vice president, Hallle K. Fry; secretary, Marion Parson; treasurer, George
Committees on publicity,
program, decorations,
and refreshments were also appointed.
It was decided that the next meeting
of the club will be held Wednesday,
May 17, in the Little Theatre at 3:30.
A very interesting program has been
arranged for this meeting, and refreshments will be served at its conclusion. All language students are
invited to be present at this meeting
and to become members of the organization.
Plans are being formulated for next
year and the club expects to present
either a French of a Spanish play early
in the season.







Annual Meet Opens With
Preliminary Debate;
Finals Tonight

Lexington Editors Donate
Cups in Oratorical Meet
The annual

here yesterday and will continue
through today and tomorrow when the
finals will be held.
Two hundred and fifty high school
students from all parts of the state
are taking part in the contests. About
175 track and field contestants
70 debators have arrived. Many came
on special trains
The program for the tournament began at 130 o'clock Thursday when the
debators from the various parts of the
state met and drew for "pairs". The
ALPHA XI DELTA HERE finals will be held in Chapel tonight at
S o'clock and will be open to the public. The preliminaries were given in
Elaborate Plans made for private.
Entertainment of ConLast year Mr. Harry Giovannoli,
vention Delegates
editor of the Lexington Leader will
give a silver cup to winning debating
The eleventh biennial convention of
Alpha Xi Delta fraternity will be held team. Mr. Desha Breckinridge, editor
In Lexington, June 27 to July 1, in of the Lexington Herald, will award a
elusive, with XI Chapter and the Lex
(Continued on page 5)
ington Alumnae as hostesses.
one hundred fifty andtwo
hundred girls from all over the United SIGMA XI INSTALLED
States are expected to attend the con
vention as delegates and visitors and
special train accommodations
already been arranged for transporting them to the Bluegrass State. The
guests are to be entertained at the Dr. H. B. Ward. National
Lafayette hotel, where also all meetPresident to Conduct
ings, conferences and a banquet will
Installation Exercises
be held.
Plans for the convention have been
This afternoon will witness the indefinitely outlined and each girl in stallation of a chapter of Sigma Xi,
the college chapter, as well as many the national scientific society, in the
an alumna In Lexington and else- University of Kentucky. Dr. Henry
where, is busy doing her part to make B. Ward, head of tho department of
this convention a success and to show Zoology at the University of Illinois,
the visitors what Kentucky really who is president of the national orgahas to offer. Arrangements have been nization, will be here to conduct the
made for trips to various places of in- installation exercises. He will bo asterest, among which are "Ashland," sisted by Dr. Edward Ellory, head of
Shakertown, Frankfort, Man 'o War tho Department of Chemistry of Union
trips to College, of Schenectady, N. Y. Dr.
and probably
Mammoth Cave and Berea.
Ellery is secretary of tho national
At the last convention of the fra- chapter.
ternity, the place for the next assemThe installation exorcises will bo
bly was not decided, being undeter- conducted during the afternoon with
mined between Chicago and Lexing- a banquet at tho Phoenix Hotel in the
ton, but when put to a vote during evening. Tho University of Kentucky
this last winter the quostlon was is to be congratulated on securing
finally sottled, owing to tho many In- a chapter of tho fraternity, for Sigma
teresting tales told about tho
Xi Is to tho scientific world what Phi
State, and tho desire of Alpha Beta Kappa is to tho Arts and Sciences
KenXI Deltas everywhere to taste of
Tho installation of a chapter of this
tucky's southern hospitality.
fraternity on tho Unlvorslty campus
Many letters havo been received will undoubtedly increaso interest in
from othor fraternities ami faculty research work, for those showing unmembers at tho University of Ken- usual ability in this lino will bo eligitucky, assuring tho local chapter of ble for initiation.
Alpha XI Dolta of their help and coChapters of Sigma Xi aro Installed
operation and it Is believed that with only in those Uuiversltles doing a high
by every- grado of research work. Members of
tho gonoral interest shown
one, the convention will undoubtedly
(Continued on page 5)
be a marked success.
Bluo-gras- s


field and debating tournament

discussed briefly the iden of
forming an nlumni club hero. There Is
no renson why wo should not and I, for
one, will endeavor to start such an
J. Preston Cherry '20,
Price Bldg., Bowling Orecn, Ky.

Alumni Notes
Philadelphia, May 6 Annual Meet-

Washington, Mny 8 Annunl Meeting.
Cnrrollton, Mny 9. (Second
Lexington, Mny 13 (Second Saturday), luncheon 12:30, Phoenix
Detroit, May 27. (Last Saturday),
dinner, Dixieland Inn.
Denver, June 1. (First Thursday).


Logan, Win. P. Marshall Ruth K.
Mntthews, Mr. and Mrs. Fred O. Mayes,
lames E: McClellnn, Win. D. McDougle,
Oscnr V. Petty, Homer Puckett, Robert
J. Ralble, Irmn Wcntzcll, J. Wnrd



It has been announced nt State
Headquarters that the drlvo will be
continued through May, If necessary,
until the $300,000 Is raised. Alumni
in ench county have been requested to
encourage the local schools and campaign committees engaged In the drive,
they have given much assistance alClub.
ready. James C. Wilson, State Chairman, says he Is plensed with the way
in which the campaign Is progressing,
especially with the helpful attitude of
"Since 1 left school at the beginlng the nlumni.
of the second semester I have been
A meeting of the Executive Committrying to keep up with events nt old
'Kentucky'. I am doing engineering tee of the Alumni Association will be
work in Knnsns City at present. Have held Monday evening, Mny 8, at the
met two or three old state men; among Phoenix Hotel at 7:15 o'clock. A rethem Lynn B. Evans '14, 'Skinny' Lane port of the Nominating Committtee for
'13 and E. O. Porch. If you will send officers of the Association for 1922-2me a list of the Kentucky men here we will be received and ballots prepared
will get together and complete an or- for the election. Amendments to the
ganization. I feel sure we could get Constitution will be considered.
Plans for the Alumni
the ball rolling without much trouble."
Y. M. C. A., Kansas mencement Week will be one of the
L. R. Rlngo,
most Important features of the meetCity, Mo.
ing. The program last June was con- xx
Notable Work Done By A Graduate Of. sidered one of the most successful ever
arranged for the old grads. Members
The Class of '95.
"Professor Ellen A. Reynolds, Exten- - of the faculty and resident alumni have
sion Specialists in Hygiene and Sani- declared they intend to provide even
tation from the School of Home Econo- more entertainment this year.
mics at the State College of Agriculture will be in Erie County the week
of April 4th. Miss Reynolds willl speak z
on the subject of Communicaable Diseases and the responsibility of the m? ?
n$ngMnEnn,frfr if, y
1 $l
homemaker toward the same. Her
Professor W. J. Grinstead, '99, of
schedule while in the county follows: Richmond, was an interesting visitor
"Professor Reynolds holds the
in the Alumni Office last week. He
of B. S. and M. S. from the Uni- says there is plenty of good material
an A. M. from for an alumni club in Richmond and
versity of Kentucky and
the University of Chicago. She has believes the organization will soon be
had experience as a teacher and lec- doing great work. Professor Grinstead
turer on health subjects and in addi- spoke of the necessity of close
tion to this has carried on research in
between the University, the Norsanitation and social hygiene. Miss mal Schools and public schools of the
Reynolds will discuss such topics as State but more particularly the Unithe national and economic espects of versity and Normal Schools, and said
health, the new and old ideas of health, that he knew the spirit of real friendthe relation of the community health liness is growing all the time and that
to the home, the home as a health cen- there is no better leader to bring out
ter, and the essentials of healthful liv- this necessary union than President
ing. Miss Reynolds advocates a care- McVey who has inspired the confidence
ful study of the sanitary and hygienic of the people who are interested in
conditions of different communities in higher educatnon.
rrior thnt. thev may inaugurate a Mr. Grinstead received his A. B. in
health program based on their individ- '99 and his A. M. in 1910. He has been
ual needs." The Erie County Farm connected with Eastern State Normal
and Home Bureau News, Buffalo, New at Richmond for several years, as Pro
fessor of Latin, and is now Head of the
Department of Foreign Languages. He
By working for additional subscrib has the honor of being appointed a
ers and by other means, alumni who member of the summer faculty of
have contributed to the Memorial Teachers College, Columbia Universi
Building Fund announce that they in ty, his subject being Latin Methods.
tend to make up for subscriptions Professor Grinstead lives at Gil West
smaller than they desired to make.
Main Street, Richmond, Ky.
Every check to the Treasurer at
Campaign Headquarters, 210 Fourth
"On May 1, I began my new work
Street, Louisville, has been accompanl as Instructor at the University of Wis
ed by a letter that shows how militant consin Library School, my address will
is the "Kentucky" spirit. How the bo University of Wisconsin Library
alumni stand behind the University School, Madison. Best wishes for the
has been demonstrated clearly many University of Kentucky." Susan G.
times of late.
Akers '09.
Typical of this spirit is a word from
Miss Akers was librarian in the DeDr. A. S. "Sandy" Mackenzie: "I wish partment of Hygiene at Wellesley Colit were in my power to contribute the lege for several years. At the Univerentire sum necessary for the Memorial sity of North Dakota she was cataBuilding." which was accompanied by loguer in the library.
a check for a substantial sum.
-- X X
"Received The Kernel today and I
Two hundred
was made happy. It made mo feel that
alumni have contributed $5,700. to the I owed some obligation to the Unlvor
have sent slty yet, and the opportunity to read
Memorial fund. Thirty-eigh- t
in contributions since the second drive its columns has induced mo to inclose
was launched. Somo of these were ad two dollar bills. It is neglect on my
ditions to former pledges.
part that I havo not rtono this sooner
Subscriptions were received early and I realize that I have lost a great
this week from: Susan Grey Akers, C. deal by not being a member of the As
C. Anderson, Harry A. Davidson, C. W. sociation.
Donham, W. II. Dlx. Ruth Gregory, I.
"There are a number of alumni from
Horine, Mary Elizabeth James, J. P. the University of Kentucky in Bowl
LaMaster, George C. Lewis, Lulie ing Green and wo havo on several oe

netwixt Us


6 --

13--- 2



Old friends of Thomns Frederick
Hudglns '09, wero glad to see his smiling countenance on the campus Inst
Snturdny. They wero nlso glad to welcome Mrs. Hudglns, who nccompnnled
him. Mr. nnd Mrs. Hudglns hnvo just1
returned from London, Englnnd, whore'
Mr. Hudglns hns been European Director of Engineering for his company,
The Nationnl Supply Company of
Oklahoma, sinco September 1921.
After graduation, Mr. Hudglns wns an
instructor in the College of Engineering nt the University of Kentucky for
three years and afterwards in Purdue
University, for several years. He served his country with distinction during
the World War. Since his discharge
he has been connected with tho above
named company.

scf In tho second year class. Marian
Sprnguo '20, Polly Prewltt and Nancy
Are tnklng
nurses training work nt tho Johns
Hopkins Hospital.
"Colin Cregor '18, who hns boon n
drnughtstnnn for the B. & O., loented nt
this plnce, left Snturdny for Kentucky
to be nt homo (Springfield) for sometime. Dr. II. L. Amoss '05, of tho Modi-ca- l
Research Department of Rockefeller Institute, Now York City, hns been
nt Hopkins during tho past winter, doing research work In Pnthology nnd delivering lectures to the students. Dr.
Curry Mnrtln '1C, who finished nt Hopkins in '20, is now nt Sydenham Hospi-tn- l
for contagious diseases nnd tnklng
work nt the Johns Hopkins School of
Hygiene nnd Public Health." Virginia
Helm Milner '20.


Mr. nnd Mrs. Cecil H. Heavrin and
now residing in Hartford, Ky., where
Mr. Heavrin is engaged In the prnctico
of lnw. Mr. Heavrin is n graduate of
a class of '19 and until recently has
been mannger of the Lexington Branch
A letter asking information concernof the Parker Tire and Rubber Coming certain farming details was receiv- pany, which position he resigned in
ed last week from I. A. Brown,
February to take up the practice of
His address is Miami, Oklahoma, R. F. his profession. He is a momber of AlD. No. 3.
pha Sigma Phi fraternity.
Mrs. Heavrin formerly Miss Gertrude
"Slim" Ehrlich is still 'lifting Mis- WalHngford, of Cynthiana, is a gradusouri out of the mud' and it keeps him ate of the class of '21. She is a memmoving. His address is Noel, Missou- ber of Alpha Gamma Delta fraternity.
ri. He is General Superintendent of They will be glad to hear from their
many friends on the campus.
the Mprley Construction Company.



John Douglas Wood '20, who hasj
been electrician with the Arizona Power Company at Prescott, has returned
to Kentucky and is connected with the
Forbes Maunfacturing Company at


Harry Cottrell '20, is now county
agent of Marshall County, headquarters at Benton, Ky. He has been assistant county agent of Washington
County at Springfield.


"I think you would be interested in
knowing that Howard Evans '17, (who
is now living at 'Winton', the old Peter
home) is making a great success at
an engineering
farming although
"Mr. Cooper, who was in 'the grand
old gang In Bob Estill's class, is one
of the partners in the Logan, Haggin
and Cooper Ford garage at Georgetown
It is the best and most dependable in
this part of the country.
"Mrs. Frank Pace (nee Eugenia
was a recent visitor at the
University. She is now living in Larch-monNorfolk, Va.
"I am keeping books and assisting in
the management of Castleton stock
farm. As a side line I am teaching
some children In the neighborhood."
Katherine Herring '21.
ex-2- 1




" 'Pars' (R. C.) Preston '13, and I
are the only Kentucky men located in
'Pars' moved bore from
this field.
Kentucky, about two
months ago to form a partnership with
Judge James Damron. The firm Is
known as Damron & Preston, with the
best equipped offices In the city and a
large clientele.
"I have been in this city since leaving the University in 1817 and am connected with the Mack Coal Company,
Tug River Ins. Agency, Looney Milling Company, Wayne Brick Company,
Fairviow Land Company, Matowan
Light and Power Company and West
Virginia Land Company. So it is not
difficult to flguro where my time goes.
Williamson Is tho hub of tho Thackor
Coal field, just beginning dovelopment.
There are 101 coal corporations within
miles, employa radius of twenty-fiving from eight to ton thousand men."

A. C.




Bldg., Wil-

liamson, West Virginia.


"Wo havo no alumni club in Baltimore but there aro many Unlvorslty
of Kontucky people here. Threo alumni aro medical studonts at Johns
Hopkins Medical School, Reuben Pear-ma'17, a third year student, William
Wilson '21, a first year studont and my- -


II. O. Lytic, B. C. E. '11 Is assistant
Engineer, T. & P. Railway, Dnllns.
"'A hint to tho wise

Is sufficient.'
Encosed find my check for threo
to cover balnnco duo on 1921-2and dues for
A. L. Donnn '07,
Supt, Providence Coal Mining Co.
Providence, Ky.

1922-23.- "



"Wo hnvo consolidated tho Perrlno
Store Service Company of Minneapolis
with tho Stnndnrd Conveyor Company
of which tho writer becomes a Vice
President with hendqunrters nt North
St. Pnul. Tho Perrlno Store Service,
Compnny wns organized seven years
ago, tho chief product being Pneumatic Despatch Tube Systems.
"The combination gives us a complete lino of convoying equipment and
sales organization covering the entlro
United Stntes. Havo thought several
times recently thnt I would try and
get in touch with somo of the old boys
that must be in the section, nnd have
a little get together. Best regards to
any of the old crowd of '09 days who
might still be nround. E. B. Perrlne
'09, Standard
Conveyor Company,
North St. Paul.


Miss Mary Atkins '95, teaching
Home Economics at the Pine Mountain Settlement School, writes that
she finds her work most interesting.
Among other classes she has one of
ten boys learning to cook, says they
are ambitious to learn "hard" things
like biscuit and pie, not just easy cook"I have gotten several Kernels for- ing, and always most anxious to know
warded from my home adress. I fully If they may eat all they cook. It seems
intended sending my two dollars last that fundamentally, boys of the mounfall, but carelessly neglected it. How- tains and the Blue Grass are the same.
ever, I shall never miss sending my
dues on time again, and enclose check
"H. E. Maddox '19, has moved to 133
Halsey Street, Brooklyn. He has been
"My address is Queens College, married nearly a year and is still In
Charlotte, N. C, where I am head of love. He Is still with the Charles
Mathematics Department In our city Hartmann Company.
Panhellenlc, we have girls from every
state but I'm the only one from Univer"I have just returned from a busisity of Kentucky." Edna Berkele '19. ness trip to South Gardiner, Maine-- was
there three weeks." Wm. WalX
W. G. Campell 02 chief food and lace '20, Charles Hartmann Company,
drug inspector under Dr. Harvey 9S5 Dean Street, Brooklyn, N. Y.
Wiley's regime, and assistant direcX
tor to Dr. Alsberg, the past director
"B. W. Bennett '08, Is now president
of the Bureau of Chemistry, is the act- of the Charles Hartmann Company 9S5,
ing director of that Bureau in the De- Dean Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Mr. Ben
partment of Agriculture. Trained in nett went with the American Blower
agriculture and law with his natural Company immediately after graduatability and personality, needless to ing and was connected with that comsay he is making good.
pany until 1911. For one year he
maintained an office as consulting
Walter S. Baugh, '19, has been In engineer in Brooklyn, New York. In
Detroit for three weeks studying the January 1921 he went with the Charles
Kelvinator, an iceless refrigerator for Hartmann Company as treasurer and
which his company is to be agent in has rapidly advanced to his present
Kansas. He recently signed up with position.
the Kansas Light and Power Company
"G. K. McCorkle, '08, is general
at Wichita, Kansas. Walter is quite
interested in one of the inhabitants of supervisor of traffc for the Illinois Bell
Schenectady where he was connected Telephone Company with offices in
Chicago. Mr. McCorkle went with the
with the General Electric company.
Russell David, engineer '19, is in Chicago Telephone Company, now the
charge of the radio sales of the Gener- Illinois Bell, in the summer of 190S
al Electric at Schenectady, whore re- and sinco that time has rapidly adports have him doing very well indeed. vanced to his present position which
David married Josephine Thomas of he has hold since December 1920. He
Frankfort, who graduated in 1918.
lives at 272 Poplar Street, Winnetka,
Ruby K. Diamond, '19, who was in 111. He married Miss Fannie MacFar-lanDetroit for several months as a civil
of Lexington and they have ono
engineer in the construction of tho daughter.
new mammoth filtration plant, has
gone back to his home in Louisville.
"J. R. Watkins '15, is associated with
His address is 811 Realty Building.
the Chicago Mill and Lumber Company In their experimental laboratory
James G. Ronoy, B. C. E. '17, As- where the strength and wearing qualisistant Engineer, The Texas and ties of boxes and shipping containers
Pacific Railway, Marshall, Texas, is in are tested. Mr. Watkins was employcharge of engineering work In connec ed by tho government during the war
tion with maintenance on Marshall, and was assigned to tho division of
Texargana, and Longvlow
Aoroplano esearch, testing strength
The Texas & Pacific Railway, of materials of areoplano wings, struts
reporting to Chief Engineor. Ho mar- and beams. Tho work was done at tho
ried Miss Nancy Talbot Morris, of University of Wisconsin, Madison. An
Lexington, March C, 191S.
Thoy article on tho adaptability of various
havo two children, "Jimmy"
and kinds of wood to tho purpose of con"Billy."
tainer manufacture, by Mr. Watkins,
II. Fried, B. C. E. '17 Is Instrument-man- , appeared In a recent issue of "Barrel
T. & P. Railway, Marshall.
and Box," n paper devoted to tho InterMr. WatJ. C. Morris, B. S. In C. E, '20 is road- ests of box manufacturers.
man, T. & P. Ry., Marshall.
kins is married and resides at 5314
Wiuthrop Avenue, Chicago."
A. J. Rankin, B. C. E., '10 is
T. & P. Rallwa'y, Ft. Worth.
"Mr. McDowol Foglo '11, la AssistF. R. Naylor, B. C. E., '11 Is assistant Editor of tho "Herald," Hartford,
ant engineor, T. & P. Ry., Dallas.





"Mr. Oscar ShulU 'OS and Mr. Wilbur Hhonrtp '21, nro teaching In the
Hnrtford High School.
Mr. Otto C. Mnrtln '11, Is county
Oblo County, nt Hnrtford.
"Mr. McIIonry Holbrook 'I I Is visiting bis parents at Hartford. Ho Is
Corconnected with the
poration, Nntlonnl City Hank of Now
York, and bas neen located at Kobe,
"Mr. Cecil Heavrln '20 Is Junior
member of the firm of Heavrln and
Heavrln, nt Hartford. His wife was
formerly Miss Gertrude WnlHngford

The Department of English of the
University of Kentucky wishes to express the deep sorrow felt by this do
pnrtmont In the loss of one of Its most
brilliant students, Jessie Dodd, who
was In the classroon an Inspiration to
both her fellow students nnd her
Always alert nnd Interested, Always responding to the best
In lltornture as In life, always Joyous
In her work, she was a student whom
to have In one's class was a privilege
nnd a delight.
The Department of
English looked forwnrd with Interest
to the work thnt she was yet to do nnd
to the life thnt she was yet to live.
Wo desire to express to Mr. and Mrs.
"Mr. E. E. Allison and Miss Sally Dodd and to their family our most proHenri Coleman '21, nro teaching in found nnd heartfelt sympathy in this
the high school at Denver Dam, Ky." hour of their great sorrow.
Elizabeth Davidson '20, Asslstnnt
Principal High School, Beaver Dam,
"Mr. Arthur L. Hicks '07, has returned to his permanent position as special
The English Club mourns the loss of
examiner In the Department of Justice,
a loyal and talented member In the
Washington, D. C. Since last Novemsudden death of Jessie Dodd.
ber he has been attending U. S. District
meeting of all obliChicago, 111. Mr. Hicks has Her conscientious
Court at
gations and eager participations in
been with the Department of Justice at
of the club had made her
Washington for a number of years." the activities
a valuable
and esteemed member
whose place can not be filled. As a
"Enclosed find check for two dollars,
my alumni true friend and honored student, she
which plense credit to
was an inspiration, and her premature
dues and subscription to "The
departure from this life must only
Kernel." My very best wishes
serve to immortalize the qualities that
Association." W. S. Berkshire
to the
we found and loved in her. With a
'15, 607 Two Republics Building, El
sincerity of purpose and generosity of
Paso, Texas.
spirit, she assumed a natural leaderX
ship that all acknowledged and rePORTER AND
Therefore, be it resolved by the memWIN DEBATE HERE
bers of the English Club that we shall
extend sympathy to her bereaved
C. M. C. Porter and J, L. Hays, representing Kentucky in the' debate be- family and place on the records of our
tween Kentucky and Vanderbilt on organization our small testimon