xt759z908z5s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt759z908z5s/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1927-12-02  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, December  2, 1927 text The Kentucky Kernel, December  2, 1927 1927 1927-12-02 2012 true xt759z908z5s section xt759z908z5s THE KENTUCKY KERNEL











KY.. DECEMBER 2, 1927

K' Dance to Be
U. K. BASKETBALL Literature on Russia
As Recommended
Prowling BE HOST TO S. C, In Men's Gymnasium OBSERVANCE IS
Princess Kropotkin TO GIVE ANNUAL Results of
Watch for the "Kampus Kat!" It
MEN NEXT WEEK one of the largesthave been made for REAL SUCCESS
FOR SMALL' SQUAD Princess Kropotkin, who recently 'AMATEUR NIGHT' is rumored this harmless and
Kentuckian dances

spoke here on conditions in Russia,
was asked for g, short list of the
books that she considered dealt most Stroller
Pledges Will Present
Coach Mauer Handicapped
Plays in
Three One-Aof Material Because of fairly with Russian affairs. She recommended the following:
Men's Gymnasium
Small Namber Reporting
Leslie Haden Guest, "The New RusTonight
for First Practice
sia," T. Butterworth, 926.
S. Miller, "Economic De- STUDENTS
velopment of Russia,
S. Kipr, 1926.
"Hearts," "The Traitor," and
Dees, Mohney, Gilb, Portwood
Dmitry Mirsky, "Contemporary
"Catesby" Are Plays Chosen;
and Miller Are Football
Russian Literature, 1881 - 1925,"
Judges Are Announced
Men on Squad

"kitty" in the form of the
official publication of Sigma Delta
Chi, professional journalism fraternity, will appear again on .the campus.
At intervals last year it prowled
about university affairs and brushed
against many individuals from whom
it gathered food. The columns of the
paper are devoted entirely to the
humorous side of campus life and
are not intended to injure the reputation of any one whose name might
appear within its print.
At the International Convention of
Sigma Delta Chi, the "Kampus Kat"
was considered the ideal publication
of campus life. Now it is back home,
a very clever Kat, fresh and eager for
its first appearance this year, which
promises to be even better than last
All comments pro and con concerning the policy of the Kat will gladly
be accepted and given due consideration. Mail all manuscripts to Editor,
The Kat, University postoffice box




1905-1914- ,"


Knopf, 1926.

ever to be held at the university, SatDelegates From Twenty - One urday, December 3, from the hours of Resume of Activities and Lec8 to 12 o'clock in the men's gymnas
tures During Period Show
Southern Institutions Will
Interest of Faculty and
Convene Here; Other ConThe Kentuckian dance is an annual
Student Body
ferences Represented
affair given to help offset the expen

the publication of
FULL PROGRAM PLANNED ses of In former years the the year

Meeting Will Open Thursday
Evening With Dinner at
Phoenix Hotel

"K" dance
has been one of the most enjoyable
dances given and this year it prom
ises to bi even more intriguing.
The hours, from 8 to 12 usually
mean that the dance will start about
10- o'clock
but Saturday night at the
sound of 8 "cuckoos," the orchestra
wffl flare up in a fit of fury and play
more jazz than Paul Whiteman ever
dreamed of. All men who are bring
ing their girls or who are inclined
to attend as "stags" are requested to
be on their way to the gymnasium Jit
Toy Sandefur
the specified' time.
and his orchestra have been engaged
to furnish the music.



Princess Kropotkin and Eleanor
Cook Appear at General

Sponsored by
organization for the study of international relations; taken part in by
the entire university and inaugurated
schedule for the
by the appearance of Princess KroThe tentative
potkin, Russian month came to an
basketball season 1927-216 Clemson,- here.
end, bringing to the students of the
university a not inadequate knowlDecember 20 Open
January 4 Georgetown, here.
edge of that strange Slavic race
January 9 Vanderbilt, here.
dwelling in a vast territory, and pro
tected by the physical barriers of a
January 16 Maryland, there.
Thursday, December 8
January 18 Navy, there.
land which only they have not found
6:30 p. m. Coaches dinner, Phoenix
January 19 Virginia, there.
January 28 Tennessee, here.
Some conception of the history of
Friday, December 9
February 3 W. & Lee, here.
this Slavic race, their temperament,
9:30 a. m. Automobile trip through
February 4 Indiana, there.
characteristics and ideals were best
Blue Grass, in eluding visit to Man-- o
February 7 Vanderbilt, there.
given students of the university by
War, famous stock farms, and o'.her
February 8 Tennessee there.
the three lectures Princess Kropotkin
pointy of interest. Ail delegates and
February 11 Georgia Tech
delivered while here.
guests are urged to take this trip if
In the first lecture, the princess,
Rhodes Scholar Addresses Stupossible.
Automobiles will leave the Nationally Known Educators to
15 Open.
speaking on "The Russian Riddle."
dents on "Pitfalls of Modern
Lafayette hotel promptly at 9:30.
Study Conditions in Land-GraFebruary 18 Open.
advanced a new theory whereby it
Professor Farquhar Urges All 12:30 Executive committee lunchCivilization"; Also Talki
Colleges of United
February 20 Open.
was shown that revolutions are not
Students to Support New eon, 468 W. Second sreet.
to Classes
February 224 to 28 Southern
to be averted, only controlled, and
Literary Magazine With
3:00 p. m First business session,
Conference tournament at
speaking from an intimate knowledge
ballroom of Fafayette hotel.
SCOPE TO BE NATION WIDE of her people Princess Kropotkin said
Address of welcome, Mayor Yancey.
that the Russian revolution came as
G. V. Portus, 1907 Rhodes scholar,
President Sanford.
Now that the football season has nnd rrtxr
A special committee of nine na- a result of long smouldering fires,
Vio TTni vprsifv
rwf occnr of f
Appointment of committees by tionally known
come to a close, the football men who
educators were com- burning in the breasts of tha Russian
SydneVf Australia, was the speak-ar- e
Prof. E. F. Farquhar, editor of President Sanford.
missioned in Washington recently by people.
trying out for the basketball J er at convocation, Thursday morning
Recess, 5 minutes, for credentials
"Letters," the quarterly publication of
"The thing to wonder about;" Prin
Hubert W. Work, secretary of the in- cess
squad will report for practice this at 9 o'clock in the men's gymnasium.
Kropotkin said, "was not that
the English department of the Uni- committee.
terior, to make a survey of the 69
Report of credentials committee.
versity of Kentucky, urges- the stu- afternoon, after a week's rest from His subject was, "Pitfalls ofguest
land- - grant colleges in the United the revolution happened, but that it
He is the
Rejport of secretary-treasuredid not come sooner than it did."
dents to , support the magazine by
the strenuous exercises of the grid- Pres. and Mrs. Frank L. McVey. He
States including the University
Report of basketball committee.
sending in contributions.
In her two other lectures, "Intimate
will deliver several other lectures
Report of track committee.
Chats About Russia," and "The Red
"Letters" is a new venture on the
The survey, said to be the largest River," Princess Kropotkin presented
With the reporting of these recruits while here.
Report of boxing and wrestling
campus, and with the support of the
of its character ever undertaken in with insight her subject the Rus
He addressed the members of the
the basketball squad will be complete,
body should become a permanent and committee.
Coach university class on international relaAmerica, was authorized by the last sian peasant. He, she declared, has
5:00 p. m. Adjournment.
estimated at three
valuahle asset. The first edition of
6:00 p. m. Annual banquet, ball- session of congress with an appropri- always been misunderstood.
the magazine was well received by
"Johnny" Mauer call for basketeers a tions Thursday evening ih the school
ation of $117,000. It is expected to
cafeteria and this evening he will
Ellenor Cook, appearing in the sec
students as well as other Kentuckians room, Lafayette hotel.
few weeks ago was not answered by give a talk to the university faculty
9:00 p. m. Second business session. take two years to compete the survey. ond convocation of the month in which
interested in this, new literary atand as a under the auspices of the American
an inrush of candidates,
Commissioner of Education John J. a Russian program was given,
The aim of the editors is ballroom, Lafayette hotel.
Tigert stated that the survey would brought with her a
result, the team is greatly handicap- Association of University Professors.
iReport of auditing committee.
to make "Letters" a Kentucky magaof Rusbe a "national study of accomplish- sian folk songs collected during her
Roport of committee on colleges.
ped by lack of material. This show- His subject will be, "Australian Instizine, containing contributions by Kentutions."
ments, status, and future objectives travels about the country And an
Annual address by president.
tucky writers, and for Kentucky pating is deplorable and Coach Mauer
Mr. Portus was graduated from the
type of education, entire wardrobe of the costumes of
(Continued oa Page Eight;
Presentation of proposed amend- of the
hardly knows how to handle the sit- University of Sidney in 1906 and
and not a collective survey of individ- Russians and other Slavic nations.
Professor Farquhar wishes to dis- ments.
under such lack of interest.
earned three degrees at
ual institutions."
The music department presented as
Saturday, December 10
courage timidity upon the part of the
taught in
9:30 a. m. Executive session, pri
students in sending in contributions,
Each of the states maintains a their program for the month the Uni
The small group of men who have has University Oxford University and
of Aderaide, Australia.
and he is confident of their support. vate dining room, Lafayette hotel.
college, and 17 states and versity Philharmonic orchestra in a
been practicing three times a week the
"Casi- works
schools concert of Russian music.
Short stories, verses, criticisms, and
At the
consideration of proposed amend territories maintain
for the last month are in the most Among his literarypublished are 1912.
tas Anglicana,"
Last art department an exhibition of Rusespecially for colored people.
Has .Published Articles in Four other types of literary material will ments.
part men from last year's freshman
and "Th Labor Movement in Aus
Report of nominating committee.
be gladly received by ther editors.
approximately 327,000 students, sian paintings and drawings were
Foreign Journals During
team, Milward, Combs, McBrayer,
McGi'nnis, McLean, Torok and Owens. tralia, published in 1919.
Invitations for next meetinir of of whom 13,000 were colored, were shown, while at the library the wholi
Harper's Magazine publishes an AnPast Year
Professor Portus was also a mem
footthology of Collegiate Verse" each conference.
enrolled in these 69 schools. This of three shelves was taken up by the
Eight men will report from the
English international rugby
Report of committee on resolutions. number were taught by 23,188 pro- works of Russion authors.
ball squad besides Captain Jenkins. ber itof the
An unplanned contribution by the year and the best verses written by
Portwood and looiuan team wnicn piuyea ugauisi. university in the study of Russia dur- university students for "Letters" will
Professors in all of the colleges of
Dees, Mohney, Gilb,
fessors and instructors, at the cost of
Members of the Southern Confer 1129,200,000, of which $4,134,000 was" the university participated, devoting
perhaps Miller, if his two injured France and Ireland in 1908
ing November was the publication of also "be submitted to Harper's for
sufficiently, are regular
ence are University of Alabama, Ala- appropriated from federal funds.
publication in their journal.
lecture hour to the discussion of
knees heal
a paper by Doctor Funkhousef on the
bama Polytechnic Institute, Clemson
Russia's enterprise in their partic
varsity men. Lyons was on the f
"Homoptera of the Russian Museum,"
College, University of Florida, Georr
ular subject. The College of Eduteam last year.
which appeared in the Anriuaire de
cation brought as a speaker of the
New Rifle gia School of Technology, University
Musee Zoologique at Leningrad.
Practice periods have been only
of Georgia, University of Kentucky,
month, Dr. Harold F. Clarke and the
Since the beginning of the college
instructive because scrimmage has
College of Engineering brought to the
Louisiana State University, Univerbeen practically impossible on account
The annual election of the senate year in September, Doctor Funkhousuniversity as their speaker Col.
sity of Mississippi, North Carolina
of 'the small number of men, but with body that took place Tuesday, re- er has published four other papers in Will
Shoot Nineteen Matches state nuoiiege, University of- the Warwick, Hester, Dundon and Charles Morrow.
the new material daily practice per- sulted in the
of Prof. foreign journals, one in the "Records
In brief, everyone at the university
South, University bf Tennesspp Tn.
Laughlin Chosen at Called
With Leading Universities
iods will consist of thorough and long George Roberts, assistant dean of the of the Australian Museum," of Adelane University, Vanderbilt Universi
shared in the enthusiasm
Throughout Country
Meeting Wednesday
technical drills. The men who report- College of Agriculture, and W. S. laide, Australia; another in the "Philwhom everyone feels should
ty, University of Virginia, Virginia
ed early in the season will make the Webb, head of the physics depart- ippine Journal of Science," at Manila;
be congratulated, both this society
The military department of the Military Institute, Virginia Polytechteam for the first games. However, ment, as members of the governing another in the "Entomologische
At a called meeting of the junior and the university having profited by
at Berlin; and a fourth in university has announced the mem- nic Institute, and Washincton and Lee class, held in Dicker hall, Wednesday
the regular team will not be selected council of the university. The senate
even so limited a study of Russia.
until the middle of January.
is composed of the faculty. The coun- in the "Journal of the Indian Muse- bers and schedule of matches for the University.
followThe officers of the executive com- afternoon at 3 o'clock, the
sev- 1927-2- 8
rifle team.
Coach Mauer states that there is cil of the senate is made up of all the um," at Singapore. He also had
ing officers were elected: Sara WarThei following men compose the mittee are: S. V. Sanford, Universiteam, deans, and two members of the senate eral articles published in scientific
trnod matreial for a
w n. v.a. wick, secretary; James Hester treasJ. O. Bren-no- ty of
but it would take hard practice and body. Each year two of the faculty magazines the the United States. by the team, H. F. Brown, Durand, J. R. munds, Georcia. nresident:
University of South Carolina, urer, John Dundon, junior editor of
C. W. Daniel, E. E.
past summer a book
rnnneration to bring this material up arc elected to serve on the council,
the Kentuckian, and Jess C. Laughlin,
Kersey, J.
to an efficient and capable standard. which acts as the gyefning body of Doctor Funkhouser, entitled a Cata- Hester, V. D. Johnson, J. E. C. May, viceUniversity and, w, D. Funkhous- junior business manager of the Kener,
Popular Student Succumbs After
M. Laughlin, E. R. Long,
of Kentucky, secretary-treasure- r;
and Bibliagraphical
He 'added that the squad consists of the university.
A. W. Hobbs, University of tuckian.
of the E. D. Morris, A. C. Munyon, J. J.
logue of the Mombracidae
Week of Illness Had Re
green material while the new style of
Miss Warwick is a Stroller eligible,
World." was issued by the Smith Col- Richardson, Jr., W. D. Simpson, S. M. North Carolina; W. H. MacKellar
turned Home
nlav is entirely different from any
University of the South; W. Heming- and a popular member of the Chi
lege Press. This is a volume of six Stagg and O. E. Terrill.
method used heretofore at the univer Dr.
way, University of Mississippi, and Omega sorority. Her home is at TalSchedule of Matches
hundred pages with the introduction,
Edwin Christian Knadler, a junior
sity. Short passes from man to
Chemical Club' in French and the text largely in The schedule of matches is as fol- F. Fletcher, Washington and Lee Uni- ladega, Ala.
.;n inppiallv be stressed which
in the College of Commerce of the
Mr. Hester has been a member of university, died at his home on Shaw
Latin. It required over ten years' lows:
winning team
tnkps efficient and
S. A. Boles is chairman of the. pro- the university rifle team for the past nee terrace in Louisville last TuesIowa
Dr. Albert P. Mathews, of the Col study by the author and is dedicated
Week ending January 14
work and gives every member of the
all State College, DePauw University, gram committee and the other mem- two years, is a prominent member of day night at 9:30 o'clock. His death
team an equal chance to contribute to lege of Medicine, University of Cin- to the use of entomologists in
Virginia Polytechnic Institute, In- bers of this committee are S. V. San- SuKy circle, and a member of the came as a result of a case
cinnati, will address the Lexington parts of the world.
the scoring.
ford, W. D. Funkhouser and Harry Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity. He lives of influenza with which he had be,
section of the American Chemical Sodiana University.
The season's schedule has not been ciety
UWt- - riflinp- January 25 Missis Gamage.
in Mayfield, Ky.
at its regular meeting, Decemcome infected and which, caused him
completed as yet It is xpected that ber 13, at 4 p. m. in room 214, Kastle
sippi A. and M., Oklahoma A. and
Mr. Dundon received his numerals to return home a week before he
sixteen games will be played during hall. Dr. Mathews, who is an author
Up until the time of the publication Oregon j State Agricultural College,
in tennis last spring, is a sports wri- died.
the season, eight of which will be at ity on vitamins, will speak on the sub of The Kernel this week, no definite Kansas State Agricultural 'College.
ter for The Kentucky Kernel, and a Edwin, mire familiarly known as
home and the remaining on foreign ject, "Recent Progress in the Field of information could he obtained, either
3 Culver MiThe Patterson Literary Society will member of Alpha Tau Omega fra- "Toots," entered the university the
Week ending March
floors. The team will make an eastof the litary Academy, University of South hold its regular meeting in the Little ternity. He lives in Louisville.
His lecture will be of from the military department
September following his graduation
ern trip between January 16 and 19, special interest to students ia chem president's office, regarding the ca- Dakota, University of West Virginia, Theater next Thursday night. AH
Mr. Laughlin is an engineering stu- from duPont Manual Training school,
and will play Maryland, Navy and istry, medicine,
bacteriology and dets marching at the inauguration of Ohio State University, A. and M. of those interested either as members, dent, a member of the glee club, and where he was an outstanding athlete
Virginia. On the southern trip, Feb- home economics. The meeting is open Governor-EleFlem D. Sampson, Texas.
or in becoming members, are invited a member of the Triangle fraternity. and where he won state-wid- e
recogniruary 7 to 8, they will play Vander- to everyone.
December 13:
Week ending March 10 University to be present.
His home is in, Frankfort, Ky.
tion for his ability as a basketball
and Tennessee. During Februbilt
of Cincinnati, University of Washingand football player.
ary 24 to 28 they will attend the baston, North Dakota State College,
During his freshman year at the
ketball tournament at Atlanta.
Western Maryland College.
university, Knadler won numerals in.'
Week ending March 17 University
three sports: football, basketball anq
of California Southern Branch, Virbaseball. Last year he was awarded
Y. M. C. A. Men
ginia Military Institute.
a letter in basketball, and was a subThe University of Kentucky rifle
stitute on the football team. . Until a
team holds an enviable record for
week before his death, he had prac1925-2- 6
the past two years. In both
ticed daily with the Wildcat candiStudents From All Kentucky
(By Sarah Elvove)
Niel shakes his head, saying, "I and 1926-2- 7
cham(By C. W. Hume)
this team won the
believe that this is the sole answer. dates for this year's basketball team,
Colleges Will Gather for .
simply can't do it. I do not choose pionship of the Fifth Corps area.
" 'Twas election day for The Kernel
The Lord caused Daniel to be Shieks and shebas at the university and a berth on the varsity five had
Annual Conference
to run!" (Heroically).
, All prospects were on hand;
thrown into the lion's den and Jonah are supposed to learn something about been jyactically assured him.
Johnny, cutting short his oratory:
He was a member of Alpha Tau
Johnny Bullock took the floor
to be swallowed by the whale, but He serpents so they won't be as easily
The State Student Y. M. C. A. ConAny more nominations?
And then the fun began."
is in no wise responsible for the four beguiled as mother Eve was in the Omega social fraternity, president of
ference will be held at Morehead State (Puffectly putrid. Page paper's poet!)
Garden of Eden or for some other Keys, honorary sophomore fraternity,
A Voice: Bill Glanz is the next loglittle frogs being put in a cage with
Normal school, Morehead, on Decem
and was recently pledged to Delta
ical man.
the snakes in the entrance of the such reason equally as plausible.
One hundred delegates from
Qavid-son- 's
President: Nominations in order . Another Voice. And Frank
Mrs. I Janet Murbachy of the Ro- Science building.
It is generally sus- of One professor, strongly suspected Sigma Pi honorary commerce fraterthe University of Kentucky, Centre, for execution of editor.
being an evolutionist, told us that nity.
language department, will pected that a certain zoologist is the
Tranyslvania, Berea, Eastern Normal,
snakes formerly had legs just as dogs
Besides his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
And so's Byron speak at the Cerclo Francais, Tues- guilty man.
A Voice: Mr. president!
One more voice:
Kentucky Wesleyan,
and cats, but in the course of time Henry Knadler, he ia survived by four
Johnny: Dot's
day, December 6. She will present a
Daniel came out unscathed though the legs grew so
Baptist TheologCumberland, Union,
far apart thaz the sisters.
And so's your old moving picture of Strasbourg, France, maybe a
The Voice: I summons Niel Plum-me- r
Bored Voice:
little bit nervous, we are snake gave down in his
ical Institute, University of LouisFuneral services were held at 3 o'as "IT."
I move the nominations be and her talk will be about Alsace. told
and Jonah was in the depths of hence he discarded his legs altogether clock Thursday afternoon in Louis
ville and Asbury College arc expected
Any seconds for .the closed!
The talk will be in English and the hell three days and nights before he
be present.
and went places by crawling irstead. ville.
(Nominees go out quietly, without public is invited. The meeting will be was
candidate ?
liberated. It is conceivable to
The visitors will be the guests of
The frogs don't seem to be enjoyEverybody unimously: Aye, age! slamming the door).
held in the Physics building, in the most persons that the frogs are in the
faculty of Morehead 'Ray for Niel!
much as the sinuous
the students and
Johnny: Well!
lecture room on the second floor.
state of the latter about all the time. viper wends his way to and fro among
entertainment will be
Normal. Free
Niel rises silently, magnificently,
Someone: Niel has done his duty
The frogs have committed no par- them in unholy glee, it seems, but
the accredited delegates eloquently, gulps audibly, and articu- faithfully and well I think we ought
nrovided for
College Convention
ticular sin, as can be learned, to de- snakes have to eat and they like frogs
Several important speakers are on the lates, "Mr. President, I wish my name to have enough regard for his wishes
including Dr. William A, to be withdrawn. Of course, I ap- to grant him what he wants. Niel's a
serve such treatment unless by their best of all. No doubt they will suffer
Professors Paul P. Boyd, W. S.
croaking they have disturbed some the same fate as Jonah sooner or Taylor, Ezra Gillis and M. E. Ligion,
Harper, president of Elon College, preciate all this and'
good scout, and he does work pretty
summer campers at on time or anoth- later, but there, is little hope that the of the University of Kentucky, are in
N. C; Dr. W. D. Weatherford, presetc., hard. He'd make a darn good editor
magnificently, eloquently,
er. However, this should be no indict- Lord will intervene in their cause Jacksonville, Fla., where they are
ident of the Y. M. C. A. Graduate but in the first place I simply can't do if you'd ask me, but ho doesn't wanna,
School at Nashville, Tenn.; Dr. A. W. it, Of course, I will if you want me and therefore why should he ?
Charlie Wert, of Covington, senior ment against them as every one has as He did with the faithless prophet. representing the university at the
We took a last look at the unfor- Association of Colleges and SecondFortune, pastor of Central Christian to, but I'd rather not. Y' see, I'm
President: Who else wants to say in the College of Engineering and this to "croak" sooner or later. But like
church, Lexington.
year's football cajitain, underwent an the rest of us the frog only "croaks" tunate frogs and sighed that we might ary Schools' which is holding its anworking on The Herald till 10 and 11 something?
Here the Kernel office resounds operation at the Good Samaritan hos once that he may "recroak" immedi- be able to describe the feelings of nual convocation there. Professor
The purpose of the Student Confer p. m. every night, and I gotta .study
with babel voices all praising Niel. pital, Wednesday, for injuries to the ately, therefore, indulging in thii a condemned amphibian, but we can't; Ligion, who is principal of the Unience is to bring together students ca- some.", (Heh! Heh!)
Mr. Portmann, in sotto voice Outside the door, faint smoke arises head received in the Thanksgiving day business too much so maybe that's so we went away sorrowfully envying versity High school, has been made
pable of Christian leadership to disj football game with the University of the reason for this latter punishment. the snake of a luscious mess of frog chairman of the crediting
cuss life problems and to bring to "You've gotta have your dates in the
There is evidence to lead us to legs.
I Tennessee,
He is resting well.
of the state.
(Continued on Page Eight)
them a better understanding of life. afternoon."

Dmitry Mirsky, "History of Russian Literature From the Earliest
Times to the Death of Dostoyevsky,
(1881)," Knopf.
George M. Paleologue, "Ambassador's Memoirs," tr. by F. A. Holt,
Doran, 3 vs., 2nd ,ed.
E. A. Ross (947:R75), "Russian
Soviet Republic," Century, 1923.
Albert R. Williams, "Through the
Russian Revolution," Boni, 1921.





. "Amateur Night," the annual entertainment of Strollers,.dramatic organization, will be, held tonight in the
men's gymnasium, at 7:30 o'clock.
Three plays selected as the best in
will be presented
the recent
at this time. All students ire invited
to attend the entertainment. There
is no admission charge.
The plays and casts are: "Hearts"
wfth Carolyn Latta, Elizabeth Goode,
Margie Edwards, and Lucile Home;
"The Traitor" with Don Forman, Robert Thompson, Robert Baughman,
John Heme, and Harold Williamson;
"Catesby," with Elizabeth Hall, and
The judges to seLouis McDonald.
lect the best of these three plays are
Miss Margie McLaughlin and Prof.
Enoch Grehan, of the journalism department, and Prof. Carol M. Sax
of the art department.
The names of the players who are
Stroller eligibles as a result of this
will also be read at
this time by Hunter Moody, president
of the Stroller organization.
The committee to select the play
for the spring production are at work
to choose a suitable play, and have
narrowed their selection to two plays,
both of which are comedies.
will make a definite selection in the
for the
next two weeks, and
spring production will be held some
time before the beginning of the
Christmas holiday which begin December 21. This is the earliest that
have ever been held and it
is hoped that with greater length of
time to practice, the play can be made
to exceed any previous, performance
by the organization. The selection of
a comedy for this year, it is beeved
by the Strollers, is in accord with
try-ou- ts

The seventh annual meeting of the
Sauthern Conference will be held at
Lexington on December 8, 9 and 10,
with headquarters at the Lafayette
hotel. Members of the Southern Con
ference and a number of men connec
ted with athletics in the Western aril
in the Ohio conferences will b- here.
The program for the meeting fol-










try-ou- ts





try-ou- ts


try-ou- ts



Funkhouser Writes for
Russian Publication








-- 1


Professors Roberts,

Members of
Team Are Announced











Edwin Knadler, Star




Albert Mathews to








Writer Attends Kernel Election;
Types Much Blah of Affection

Meet at Morehead

Humanist 'Deplores Scientist's

Callous Cruelty to Amphibians

Professor to

of France



Represent University

Captain Charlie Wert
Undergoes Operation







Subscribe for


And Help the Association







L. Kirk, '24

Dr. George H. Wilson, '04
Dr. E. C. Elliott, '02
Wm. H. Townsend, 12


W. C. Wilson, '13

Thursday the Kentucky football team closed its season by
bowing to the mi?ch superior eleven from Tennessee byt a score
of 20 to 0, a score which is by no means humiliating when the
strength of the Tennessee team is taken into consideration. The
eleven from our neighboring state, last Thursday, was a team
that could have defeated almost any team in the country. Overshadowed by a teaiA far heavier than all we could muster, the
Wildcats fought one of the best battles of the entire season.
Every graduate, former student and student that saw the game
was pleased with the showing made by our eleven.


Saturday before Thanksgiving followers and supporters of
the Blue and White saw a game that brought joy to our hearts.
Joy, to a great may, for the first time in years of meeting our
traditional foes, the Centre Colonels.
The Wildcats not only
repaid their followers for the seven point defeat of last year but
ran up en.ough points to even up the results of several years
before. Fifty-thre- e
to nothing is a big score but there was no
score that could have been too big for those who have loyally
followed the Wildcats for years.


At the beginning of the season our team was forced to face
several serious handicaps. There was insufficient material out,
there was not enough weight distributed among those who were'
out and then there wasa complete change in the coaching sysAdded to all of this was one of the heaviest schedules
in our history and one of the hardest in the South. Coach Gam-ag- e
with all these obstacles confronting him set to work