xt759z908z46 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt759z908z46/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1926-12-03  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, December  3, 1926 text The Kentucky Kernel, December  3, 1926 1926 1926-12-03 2012 true xt759z908z46 section xt759z908z46 :







Debate With Oxford
At Hotel Tonight







Carnegie Corporation Announces
Distribution of $100,00 Collection to 20 Colleges
and Universities



KY., DECEMBER 3, 1926





The first international intercollegiate debate ever held in Kentucky will
take place in the ballroom of the Lafayette hotel tonight at 8 o'clock when
the debating teams of Oxford College,
England, and the university meet on
the subject "Resolved, That Society
Has More to Fear Than to Hope From
There is no admission
charge and all students and faculty
members are Invited to attend.
The debate tonight is to be of the
split team type, which is the English
One Oxford
method of debating,
man, Michael Franklin, of Queens
College, and two university men, W.
H. Hanratty and J. C. Burnett, will
take the affirmative, while the negative of the question will be upheld by
George C. Robbins, of the university,


Sutherland, head of the department of
speaking, stated yesterday.
This is despite the fact that only one
member of last year's team is debating for the university this year.
W. H. Hanratty, junior in the College of Law, is the veteran member
of the team. Last year Mr. Hanratty
was rated one of the best debaters m
the state and was the winner of the
Southern oratorical championship
Mr. Hanratty came to the university
from Hopkinsville high school where
he won distinction as a speaker and
The university team this year is
strengthened by the addition of two

Patrick Monkhouse was senior
scholar at Rugby in 1917, and head
of the School House in 1923. He received first class honors at Trinity
College in 1922.
In the past Mr.
Monkhouse; has. been treasurer of Oxford Union" Society, president of Oxford International Assembly. He is
a writer of short stories, verses, plays
and criticisms.



Michael Franklin, of Hants and
He Queens College, won the British Em-

Gyles Isham is the holder of the

Historical Scholarship at Rugby.
was editor of "Isis," the leading uni- -'
versity periodical; president of the
Oxford Union Society in Hilary Term
in 1926; president of the Oxford University Dramatic Society Jin 1924-2and played several important parts in
their productions.

pire Shakespearean Society's competition at Haymarket theater, London,
in 1925. Mr. Franklin has also played
important roles in the productions of
the Oxford University Dramatic Society. His hobbies are acting, journalism, painting and book collecting.






Wins Tenth Place in Competition
With 23 of Leading Universities of United States
and Canada



Watson Armstrong, a member of


Mordkin and Dancers JOURNALISTS TO
To Appear Next Week


Noted Male Dancer Will Present
Russian Ballet at Woodland
New Courses in Art AppreciaTuesday
tion for Students of Department Will Be Offered
The niest unique event of the season in the field of the theater, the
Next Semester

and music in Lexington, will
undoubtedy be the appearance of the
noted male dancer, 'Mikhail Mordkin,
with his Russian Ballet of 55 artists
with a symphony orchestra of 15
The appearance will take
place at the Woodland auditorium
Tuesday night, December 7 at 8:15


Supporting Mordkin will be Hilda
Butsova, former primadonna ballerina with Pavlowa, Vera Nemtchinova,
of the Leningrad State Opera, and
Pierre Vladimiroff, the former partner of Karsavina. The young members of the ballet group having been
trained by Mordkin himself in his
school of the ballet.
Uhe program will include Mord-kin- 's
original improvisation from an
"Arabian Night Tale, Carnival," a
dramatic story set to an entirely new
music score, "Cupid in Camp," a dramatic comic episode of the lighter
side of war, "Shopiana Chopiniana,"
a new interpretation of the spirit of
Chopin's music and others. Among
the divertisements will be Mordkin's
famous "Bow and Arrow," "Pierrot,"
"Italian Beggar Dance," "Voices of
the Spring," "Bacchanale" and many
A unique feature of Mordkin's Ballet will be the incidental singing interwoven in the dancing, and the relator of the story of each ballet in advance by the announcer.
Prices of tickets will range from
$1.10 to $3.85 including war tax.

judging teami which represented the
university in the International Live
'Stock Exposition in Chicago Saturday,
'" won fifth place as an individual, with
115 in the contest. Mr. Armstrong
'is a senior in the College of Agri
culture and is president of Alpha
Zeta, honorary Agriculture fraternity.
He is a member of the Alpha Tau
Omega social fraternity.
In the contest among the teams,
't Kentucky won tenth place. The teams
placed fifth on sheep, ninth on hogs,
thirteenth on cattle and fourteenth on
horses. Oklahoma won the contest,
with Kansas second and Nebraska
teams, represent? third. Twenty-thre- e
ing the best universities in the United Dr. McVey and Professor Gillis
Go to Southern Association
States and Canada competed.
- The Kentucky team, composed of
Dr. Frank L. McVey, president of
Watson Armstrong, Flemingsburg;
H. C. Brown, Colesburg; Wl O. Black- the University of Kentucky, left Monburn, Dry Ridge, and R. E. Proctor, day night to attend the annual meeting of the Southern Association of
(CONTINUED ON PAGE EIGHT) Colleges and Secondary Schools which
will be held in Jackson, Miss., from
November 30 to December 1.
Ezra L. Gillis, registrar of the uniPhi Upsilon Omicron, national hon versity, left Sunday for Jackson in
orary economics fraternity, will en- order that he might attend a comtertain with a tea at Patterson Hall mittee meeting before the opening of
from 4 to 6 o'cldck on Thursday, De- the general session on Tuesday. To
cember 9. Pledging exercises will be the colleges and secondary schools
:held and the Phi Upsilon Omicron seeking admission in the association,
Freshman Honor Medal will be pre this meeting will be of the utmost importance.

Attend Meeting

ffley Says

"Ain't" Bad!

Being Broke Should Be Taken Casually Along
Examinations, Love,
Measles, Fallen-Aifche- s,
Fraternity Dues

With Professors,



Here's the first again and the
monthly check is in college life takes
on a sumptuous gaiety strangely contrasting with the poverty stricken
mien of the last week.
The shows will be full, and the
tea rooms, and the taverns. How joyous life is when o ne can deposit
dad's check and take up those of frigid temperature strewn about in moments of prodigal recklessness. Fellow students here is a riddle: Why
is it that dinner dates always come
toward the first of the month? Life
seems filled with tragic problems like


that one.
Billy who hasn't had a date in
two weeks, and who has hocked everything from his Sunday socks to his
last year's overcoat will be carrying
a watch and taking Sally out again.
steps out with
Sally is a
collegiates the first two weeks of the
month, and then encourages visiting
butter and egg men the last two.
There is something wonderful about


being young and having a momentary bank account you can forget all
about the penury of the week before
and never consider the possibility of
being in want again. Past days of
poverty are like nightmares experienc
ed by someone else
feature visions
of destitution unlikely stories to be
forgotten in the lightheartedness of
the present.
After all, being broke "ain't" as
bad as it might seem. You learn to
take it casually along with profes
sors, fallen arches, examinations, love,
measles, and fraternity dues,
one of
the ordinary problems of existence
to be met or evaded, and at any rate,
to be dropped into oblivion.
When you are in the prevalent col
lege financial condition you have a
wonderful opportunity to test the
bounty of your friends. There is a
certain pleasure in bumming ciga
stamps, and rides
In the outside world, the total lack of





A course in art appreciation for
journalists' will be started the beginning ef ' $ext semester, according to
an awwBcement from the journalism
department. Professor Carl Sax will
conduct the class, according to' the
This is the first time a course of
this type has been conducted for journalism students. It will be a three
hour course and the probable time,
according to Professor Sax, will be
the second hour on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
The course will include the subjects
of criticism of plays, appreciation of
settings, appreciation of music, design paintings, and architecture, according to Professor Sax, who further
states that the course does not pretend to develop art critics in one semester but is merely an introduction
to the field and intends to give familiarity and scope with the subject.
The course is intended and designed
to point the way out of certain difficulties that beset the path of young
journalists who are obliged to report
art exhibitions or give dramatic criticism, according to Professor Grehan
of the journalism department.
It is very frequently the case that
graduates from the journalism department can secure more advantageous positions if they are equipped to
report art exhibitions, dramas, concerts, and other art events that are
becoming an increasing part of American community life. This is especially true in moderate sized cities where
specialists are a luxury, according to
Professor Sax. Mr. Sax, also states
that many of ourjeading critics have
obtained their prominent metropolitan


Honor System for All
Classes Is Advocated
Omicron Delta Kappa Takes
Steps To Inaugurate This
Movement Here
Nu Circle of Omicron Delta Kappa,
national honorary campus leaders fraternity of the university, decided at its
last meeting to advocate the introduction of the student honor system in
all departments of the university.
Declaring that such a movement
must come from within the student
body, definite plans were made to
bring the idea before the students,
according to Charles Heidrick, president of the fraternity.
If the honor system is to be installed at the University of Kentucky
the students themselves must request
that it be tried again. The honor
system was installed at the university
several years ago. The trial given
did not prove very satisfactory as
there were many students who did
not vote for the issue and did not
support it.
Students of the university who are
interested in the movement should
support the plan of installing the honor system in case of a vote.

Accepts Position
John J. Kennedy, Former Band
Instructor, Now in Detroit

John J. Kennedy, former member o
the military staff of the university,
has accepted a position in Detroit
with the United States Radiator Corporation.
For the past three years Mr. Kennedy has been in charge of the cadet
band, which has become
throughout the South as one of the
(CONTINUED ON PAGE EIGHT) leading college musical organizations,
coca-cota- s,

Dramatic Organization Will Give
$25 For Three Act Play
Suitable for Evening's

Professor Sutherland Says That
Outlook for This Season Is
Encouraging; MaMost
Players To Present Winning
terial Is New
Offering in the New
Romany offers a prize of $25.00 for
Prospects for a successful debating the
best play for full evening's perseason are brighter" this year than at formance in threea or more acts, proany time since he has been coaching vided at least
three plays are subthe university teams, Professor W. H.


The Carnegie Corporation of New
York has just announced 20 colleges
to which their celebrated art collections are to be sent, and of this num
ber the University of Kentucky is the
only state university to be so benefited. These collections on which the
Carnegie Corporation has been at
work for more than a year, are now
complete and ready for distribution
to 17 colleges in the United States
and to three colleges in Canada.
Jt was the belief that instruction in
art was impossible without proper
equipment, no matter how good the
instructor and earnest the student,
that the Carnegie Corporation appro
priated $100,000 to make up collections which should serve in the teach- gkef art as the laboratory serves
in the teaching of science.
The collection, which includes reproductions, original prints, textiles and
books, are designed to stand as a
systematic representation of the
of Occidental art. In them are
shown the works of outstanding men,
of different periods, different schools,
different techniques and distinctive
cultures. With such a collection an
instructor can make his references in
He can illustrate a
the concrete.
generalization. A student can have
aesthetic truths visualized. The canons of art are studied in art's objects
rather than in the abstract which is
the only way they can be understood
even if they can be studied otherwise.
Collection Has Many Reproductions
The major unit of the collections,
which are virtually identical for each
college is a set of 1,800 reproductions
of the greatest works in architecture,
Of these
sculpture and painting.


Representatives of University and of Oxford College, England.
Meet Tonight in First International Debate Ever Held Here PLAY FOR BEST

INSTRUCTION Hanratty, Burnett, and Bobbins
Will Represent University
in Debate; Will Be of
Kentucky Is Only State InstituSplit-teaType
tion To Be Benefited
by Gift

Don't Forget the Cadet
Hop Tomorrow

Hop Tomorrow

First of Cadet

Dances, Given

in Gym Saturday

The first of a series of five dances sponsored by the advanced
corps of the university R. O. T. C.
will be given tomorrow afternoon
in the men's gym from 3, to 6 o'clock, according to Watson Armstrong, chairman of the cadet hop
committee. The Kentuckians orchestra will furnish music for the

BIBLE DISCUSSION Phi Deuteron- of Phi
Sigma Kappa Installed
GROUPS STARTED Is Fifteenth National Fraternity

on University of Kentucky
Talks Are Given by Ministers,
Faculty Members and BusiPhi Deuteron of Phi Sigma Kappa
ness Men on "Facing
was installed as the fifteenth nation
Student Problems"
al fraternity on the university
30 CLASSES ORGANIZED campus last Friday and Saturday.
Dean Boyd, Dean Weist and Profes-s- o
Bureau, Chi Sigma Alpha's three
faculty members, eighteen active
members, and fifteen alumni members were initialed into Phi Sigma
The installation and initiation
by naceremonies were conducted
tional officers; Mr. Alvin T. Burrows,
111., national president,
of Urbana,
Mr. Joseph H. Batt, of Washington,
and Dr. Edgar
D. C,
T. Fell, of Baltimore, Md., chairman
of scholarship. The officers of the
local chapter were initiated Friday
afternoon and the 'rest of the members and alumni Saturday morning.
An installation dinner was given
Friday night in the Palm xoom at
the Phoenix hotel. Mr. Charles
president of the local chapter
acted as toastmater. Talks were
made by National officers, faculty
members, and alumni. Brothers from
the chapters at Georgia Tech, and
Tennessee and representativs of all
the other national fraternities on the
campus were guests.
An informal dance was given at the
Phoenix hotel Saturday evening to
which members of all fraternities on
the campus were invited. Music was
furnished by a local orchestra.

Bible discussion groups have been

mitted before March 1. Should the
management use this play for Romany subscription performance, an additional $50.00 royalty will be paid for
the use of it. The Romany is very
eager to afford encouragement and
opportunity to all those interested in
writing and wishes to point out to
students the valuable opportunity to
gain experience in thb fascinating
The management wishes to
urge those submitting plays to deal
with characters, locality, and situation with which they are familiar.
Plays dealing with youth, the home,
the local community or the campus or
more likely to be chosen than plays
dealing with international continental
society. Purely imaginative plays
may be safely attempted.
It is ako advised that those intending to compete write the director
of the Romany in care of the art
department for an appointment any
afternoon except Saturday or Monday from 3 until 6 p. m. and the appointment will be confirmed' by post
card. The management asks that
one allow four days to elapse from
the time of sending in application until
date of appointment. The Director
of Romany will advise students as to
suitability and probability of theme
from the production point of view and
will be glad to give criticism and
suggestions as to handling of material.
In previous years the principal difficulty with plays submitted trite
ness of theme, unfamilarity of subject, and unnaturalness of dialogue.

started in the fraternity houses and
men's boarding houses with a greater
enrollment this year than ever before,
according to Bart Peak, secretary of
the university Y.M.C.A. and organizer
of the groups. Mr. Peak says that
30 groups have been organized thus
far and that the group having the best
attendance will be the guests of honor
at a banquet to be given at the city
Y.M.C.A. sometime in February.
It has been the custom of the uniBand Makes Impressive Showing
versity to hold these discussion groups
Before Crowd at Tennessee-Kentuck- y
May 7.
each year.
The groups are lead by
Football Game
ministers, faculty members, and busiThere Thanksgiving
ness men of Lexington and topics of
interest to the university student are
The course of study this
year is, "Facing Student Problems"
Kentucky's Blue and White clad
by A. Bruce Curry. Mr. Curry spent
"horn tooters" lived up to their reputwo years visiting colleges and univertation Thanksgiving in Knoxville and
sities of the United States and studymade it uncomfortable for their rival
ing their problems. This book is the
musicians, according to reports com
Tau Beta Pi, Honorary Engin- result of his observation. The 10
ing to The Kernel office.
And as
eering Fraternity,.' Holds
lessons to be studied are:
usual, the sponsor, Miss Charlsey
Pledging Exercises at
1. Where Do We Need Standards?
Smith and Drum Major Waller Jones
2 How Honest Shall We Be?
Regular Vocation
drew their quota of "oh's and ah's"
3. Where Shall We Stand on Refrom the assembled multitudes.
DEAN ANDERSON SPEAKS lations Between Men and Women?
The following paragraphs are tak
4. Is Campus Popularity Worth
en from an article written for the
Seven students of the College of Seeking ?
Knoxville Journal by E. M. Plummer:
5. Shall We Always Keep the Rules
Engineering were pledged to Tau
"There may be those who think the
and Laws?
tears of one eminent gentleman, yclept
Beta Pi, national honorary engineer6. How Shall We Treat Other
ing fraternity, at the regular Engin- Races?
Dr. P. C. Taylor To Appear Be- J. Pluvius, have a dampening miser
Said dampness
eering Convocation held on Wednes7. How Can We Test the Truth of
Accountants in St. Louis ably to affect the spirit failed band
of the
day, November 24, 1926.
Religion ?
and rooters of the University of Ken
jOf the seven pledged four were sen8. Where Does, the Church Come
Dr. P. C. Taylor, of the College of tucky. To judge from appearances,
Commerce will read a paper on "Adiors in the College of Engineering and In?
the band was only pepped up by the
ThO&e pledged
9. Is There a God; If So What ministration of Income
three were juniors.
in Public said "Jupiter," and their efforts only
were: Arno Neiser, CHarles Boyd Kind?
Utilities" before the American As- redoubled by the dispiriting' nature of
Smoot, D. J. Haury and Arthur Lewis,
10. How Nearly Perfect Can We sociation! (of University 'Instructors
the weather. '
seniors; and H. M. Otto, Joe Kraus Be?
in Accounting at St. Louis on De"The band, due in at 7:30 a.m. ar- and Roy Allen Stipp, juniors. J. M.
cember 29 and 30.
Rachel, presfcent of the Kentucky Candy
Party-Wil- l
Dr. Taylor's paper will deal with (CONTINUED ON PAGE EIGHT)
chapter, was in charge of the pledging
the incomes of public utilities, showBe Given
exercises. Election to membership in
ing financial and operating ratios in
Pi is the highest scholastic
Tau Beta
public utilities statements, and the
accomplishment which can be attained All Students Are Invited to En- attitude of public utility commissions
The Lexington Alumni will enterby students in engineering.
on the rate of return, reasonableness tain the senior football men and their
tertainment in "Y" Rooms
After the pledging exercises, which
of income, and expenses of public manager at a luncheon in the LafayTuesday Night
were attended by the entire student
ette hotel Saturday, at 12:30.
body of the College of Enginering,
Dr. Taylor received his doctor's guests of honor will be Captain Frank
Dean F. Paul Anderson, dean of the party will be given in the Y. M. and degree from the University of Illinois, Smith, Denver DeHaven, Henry
college, addressed the students and Y. W. C.
Ted Creech, and Manager RichA. rooms on the second floor and is a certified public accountant
explained the ideals and purposes to of the armory Tuesday night at 7:30 in that state.
ard Conn.
fraternity. After complimenting o'clock, it was announced following a
the new pledges and members of the joint meeting of the cabinets of the
organization upon their attainments, two organizations held Tuesday night.
Dean Anderson cautioned them and
Admission to the party is free and
the others present against taking too all men and women students of the
seriously the honors which have been univeiity are. cordially invited to
Listen, Dear Children, and You Shall. Hear the Tale of a Cat
and may be theirs.
attend the affair.
Who Knew No Fear; He Wasn't Big and Strong
The dean stated that men entering
party is one of
Like Some, But When He Fought
life as university graduates were a series of social entertainments
He Made Things Hum
greatly handicapped.
He said that which the "Y" is planning to give
this was an unusual statement for a for the enjoyment of students durStory Editor)
(By the
Then there was the time he almost
university dean, but modified his ing the present year. Last year, in
statement by explaining that these addition to general entertainments,
And little Willy Wildcat was so, oh drowned through he tried to do an
men were handicapped to the extent there were sleighing parties, hikes,
the Tide. Old Mothso mad. Some one had said that he er Student Body who had been so
and marshmallow roasts and the as- would not fight and was afraid of
(CONTINUED ON PAGE EIGHT) sociations expect to give similar
good to little Willy Wildcat just sighall the other jungle folk who lived in ed and sighed and the merry little
parties this year.
meadows of the South. breezes sighed too as they watched
the happy
Chemists To Meet
WSHy Wildcat was so mad that he
him trying to find a way to show the
'lowed he'd show them and the merry jungle folk that he would fight.
Two Papers Will Be Read Before
breezes which played over the
Willy had also had some trouble
Society Wednesday
Elected President of American sports pages of the happy meadows with a great, great big Gobbler and
shiwered as they whispered it to just as he was thinking of this
Society of Animal Production
The 115th regular meeting of the
the other folk of the South.
Willy had a grand idea. Gobbler had
Lexington section of the American
But what was he to do how would suggested something to him. He just
Professor E. S. Good, head of the
Chemical society will be held Wednes- animal husbandry department of the he show them? Poor little Willy knew
it would work. He would slip
day afternoon, December 8 at 3:45 University of Kentucky Experiment Wildcat was worried something aw- away from home up in the Blue Grass
o'clock in Room 214 in Kastle hall. station, has been elected president ful and he decided to go over to talk on Thanksgiving "turkey
All members are urged to be present. of the American Society of Animal with little Sammy Jay whom he and challenge that big bad giant VoThe following program has been Production. The election was held at called "Daddy," and Uncle Freddy ciferous Vol for a fight. Yes sir,
the recent meeting of the society Wildcat, both of them his good friends. that's just what little Willy Wildcat
. "A Review of the Progress Made in Chicago.
Poor little worried Willy Wildcat.
decided to do and after telling little
in the Chemistry of Physiology and
It was true that he had showed Sammy Jay and Uncle Freddy WildThe society is composed of 400
Nutrition" by R. K. Flege of the Uni- members, including leading animal) Algermon Alligator his place in the cat about his plan, he slipped away
versity of Kentucky.
husbandry and stock men of the happy meadows of the South. 'But on his great adventure. And the
"Progress in Chemical Education" United States. Professor Good, until there was that trouble he had had with merry little breezes were almost ex- the Genby Professor V. F. Payne of Transyl- his election as president, was vice-- I those military persons
I erals,
Colonels and that Squadron. (CONTINUED ON PAGE EIGHT)
vania College.
president of the society,

Ticket books entitling; students
to admission to all dances are
priced at $1.50.
Admission to a
single hop is 50 cents. Both books
and single tickets will be on sale at
the gym Saturday afternoon and
may be purchased either then or
beforehand from members of the
advanced corps, according to Lieutenant Armstrong.
Dates for the other four dances
have been announced :is follows:
February 5, March 5, April 2, and


Mil-like- n,



Read Paper


by Y


Port-woo- d,

Hearken, Little Ones



Is Honored



ii iV'iifftf-if-





Subscribe for




And Help the Association

Edited by

Published By And For University Alumni



152 South Lime

Quality and Service

Alumni Assn.
J. A. VonderHaar





Blue and White Musicians Are

Chicago Alumni Club, luncheon
third Monday in each month in the
Men's Grill, Marshall Field Co.



W. C. Stag



Kenneth King and Miss Dorothy


Called Best Band in South
Patricia Huyck Married
Another chapter of the football his
With the football season hardly
Buffalo Alumni Club, meeting
by Sport Writers and
Recently in New York
closed preparations for the beginning tory of the University of Kentucky
second Saturday in each month at
of the basketball season already are has been written by the blue and white
Chamber of Commerce, Seneca and
under way, with aspirants for both clad warriors of the gridiron. Much
Main streets, 2:15 p.m.
the varsity and the freshman squads
said both pro and con of
limbering up stiff muscles and has been
The University of Kentucky band,
Kenneth King, '26, former Wild
form- getting in focus the basket shooting this last chapter. Alumni and
recognized all over the South as the
cat football star who is at present
freshall over the country best university band in the South or
eye. Coach Jimmie McFarland,
playing' professional football with
man mentor, is busy whipping his have voiced their criticism and praise any place, has come in for more than
Newark, N.
City the, Miss DorothyJ., Patriciawas married
Huyck of
charges into shape enough to enable of the team. Many have remained its share of favorable comment this
Cincinnati, November ,22, in New
him to pick out first team material. passive, saying nothing either way. year. At each of its public appear
ances it was welcomed by thunderous j Graduate and Former Military York, according to an announcement
From all indications there will be
individually and collective- applause and loud cheering, and folInstructor Honored by Citi-- I in the Louisville Courier Journal of
material a plenty on hand for him The team
made its
zens of Eau Gallie
last Sunday.
ly has come in for a great deal of lowing each game highly it
to select from.
praised by
appearance it was
The wedding was solemnized at
varsity squad has begun prac- discussion. While the team did not spectators and sport writers alike.
Joseph E. Torrence, '16, who for "The Little Church Around the
owing to the resig win all of the games that it played
tice minus a coach
The University of Kentucky band several years was a Captain in the Corner" in New York.
nation of Ray Eklund last week. Dur this year and perhaps did not come is one of the 'organizations on the
The wedding was the culmination
campus that has had a phenominal U. S. Army and an instructor in Milcollege romance. Miss Huyck
ing the absence of a coach Captain
up to the expectations of a great rise tofame within a few short years. itary. Science and Tactics in the R. of a
entered the University of Kentucky as
Paul Jenkins has been putting the
the Blue and It does not take a very old grad to O. T. C. unit of the University of a freshman last year and attended
varsity squad through workouts for many of the followers of
White there still is a great deal that remember that when in his day the Kentucky recently was elected Mayor Summer school last summer. It was
several days.
band came out it was more often met of Eau Gallie, Fla.
on the campus that they first met.
Basketball within the last few years can be said for the team.
jeers than cheers. Having its
Ken came to the University of Ken
Each year the Wildcats have been with
Captain Torrence left the univer tucky from the Manual Training
has become one of the most popular
beginning with a few loyal musicians
sports and now is second only to foot- meeting stronger teams. Within a who held it together in the face of sity in October 1925 and went to Eau High school where he was a stellar
ball in college circles. Kentucky very few years the schedule has inadequate equipment and too few Gallie where he became interested in performer on the football team of
teams always have been among the shown an absolute and complete players it has grown now until it js the real estate business. He now is that school. During his four years
the strongest in the South and have change in the calibre of teams met. an organization of more tlian 60 president
th Eau Gallie Construc at the University of Kentucky he was
one of the outstanding players for
been held in high esteem since the Kentucky has ceased playing small pieces. No longer do men have to be
leadership of and weaker teams except in a few in urged to come out and join. They tion Company and interested in real the Wildcats. He is a member of the
Wildcats under the
now are anxious to become recognized estate as well.
Alpha Sigma Phi social fraternity.
"Squint" Hayden won the Southern stances and has taken on teams that
every one
Ken still is affiliated with the New
He was graduated from the College
Chamnionshin in 1921. While the are outstanding all over the South. as one of the band and not
who comes out is found capable of be of Law
of the university in 1916 and ark football team and at present he
squad lost a great many of the stel Not so many years ago we were ing one of that organization.
and Mrs. King are located at 42
entered the army shortly after grad Chancellor avenue, Newark, N. J.
lar performers of last year the 1927 playing the weaker teams with an oc
Under the capable leadership of
present indications will casional big team as opponent.
season from
Professor Carl Lampert it has flour- uation. He was at the university for
be a successful one.
There are very few teams in the ished and grown strong until now it more than three years