xt759z908x4n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt759z908x4n/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1919-01-jan15-ec. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1919-01-jan15-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1919-01-jan15-ec. 1919 1919-01-jan15-ec. 2011 true xt759z908x4n section xt759z908x4n 

         Minutes of the Executive CoMidttee
of the Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky,
                   January 15, 1919

     The Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees,
University of Xentucky, met ir regular session at the
office of the President of tlie Ur.iversity, January 15,
l9l9,: .gt 11:00 o'clock, a. m. The meeting' was called
to order by Lo. Stoll, the Ohairman.  On roll call, the
followirg members were present: Ir. R. 0. Stoll, M1r. R.
P. Ernst, and Er. P. P. Joirston, Jr.  The President of
the University, Dr. Frank L. T.cVey, -mnd tle Scecretary
of the Committet,-'Wellington Patrice, were also present.
The minutes of the pre'7ious meeting ware read and adopted.

     (1) The report of the Business Agent was then pre-
sented, read, and ordered incorporated in the minutes.
This report was as follows:



                                         Jenusry 15, 1919

Dr. P. L. MoVey,

     University of Kentucky.

Myr dear Doctor McIVey:

     I am. handing you the report o2t the Business :igent for DIecember
 1918. I am unable to present heo ranort in the form contemplated
 by Or. Forsyth, owing to the fact that the entries in the new bookz
 have not been cornleted, the ayrount of work has been such that this
 could not be done without help.   I have thought that not best
 chiefly because such heln as vrwe might get would be more in the vway
 than do good and. bosiJ.6s it is best for the office force to do the
 work.   The quection of expense ia another item.

     The report Yill, I th-ini:, be self-explanatory.  The estimates
are close, I fear too chse for sayetr, especially the estimate on future
tkildinie~penre. The esi;imate on salaries is based on the Deceer.
betr peroll, and I fear the estimate is not large enough.   On the
vwhole, I think the probabii-ty of collecting the total statement
is remote and that rea]lly we wil have _ shortage of $30,000 or
more if the present zrcjram is car~'ied out.  Thi.s will be increased
about $10,000 owing to the fact tHat Lr. Forsyth charged off about
$10,000 of the amount we carried as accounts Receivable.   Of course
the remedy is to curtail expense vheiever possible.   I might sug-
gest that it is possible to carr.y the cost of purchase of property
and perhaps some new building operations as assets chargeable
against next year's income.

     I call your attention to the enclosed letter of Dean Cooper
relative to insurance policies. I will be pleased to do this, if
satisfactory to you.

     I call your attention to the attached order signed by Captain
Royden.   These uniforms, as I understand, are the ones purchaeie
by Captain Royden with what -we have been calling the "U. S. Uni-
form Fund" money.   There is a small overdraft of this account.
In addition there is a debt to the Peerless Dry Gleaning Company
of ai72.  I have no money vith which to pay this.   I attach the
account and ask your advice.

     You have a copay of the buwlletin relative to the disposal of
Students' AOr Training Corms property.   Perhaps you will wish
to take this up vwih the Executive Corvettee.   I have taken care
of the smaller items, such as food supplies and office supplies.

                                              D. H. Peak,
                                                  Business agent.


General Pind IC.18 and 1919.


       - Received in: Received to
       : December  :    Date

Federal Appropriation.
Gexneral Education Board...          :
Student Fees.                 :
Patterson Hall ..................
Patterson Hall (Balkice last year):
State Tax .
State Tax (Received in anuary)..
Interest on Bonds ..:
Miscellaneous .....
Credit from 1st 1i:ditnrry Contract
Credit from 2d i:ilitary Contract

     Total .

.:$.. bz zt     ,42,9750.00
   .750.00    2,250.00
   90.50     8,986.24
   331.12    5,148.58
. @ * @ @ 6   * @749.68
43,018.01   96,285.01
. *ov **160,919.71
..........    4,322.25
   478 22     1,425.13
.......... *  3,500.00

44,667.85   329,603.24

Estimated Ircomre for Remainder of Year.

State Tax ....................
Interest on Bonds.................
Vocational Education ...................     .
General Education Board .................
Student Fees ...........................
Miscallaneous               ..................
Amount at $0.29 a man S. T. 9. C.............
Amount at *$0.29 a man v,-y ...................
Due from S. A. T. G. ezpense of Adninistration
Patterson Hall .........................

     Total ..............................



Possible Collections and Savings S. A. T. 0.

Auto Shop ....................................
Reconstruction of Roads, etc...............
Instructors' Salaries ........................

     Total ........................



Grand Total .......... . .

$ 30,600.00

329, 603.24




Grand Total (Brought formarc) .................... $4P4,802.55


Paid to December 31, 1918 ..........   .........
Paid in January...............   ,    .   .
Outstanding Orders ...........................
Estimated 3uilding Expense until July 31.
Coal, Light, Water and Gas ...................
Salaries .....................................
Janitors and Labor ...........................
Student iActivities ...........................
Department bspenditures ......................
Patterson Hall .................


Total..                                  .480,487.41

    Balance .......



Statement of Cash ieceipts and Expenditures to December 31, 1918

IFLnds     Last Year

-Co'llectionsPTotal Col-
:in Decermber:lections

!Total Col- : Paid to
:1ections on : Date
:. IL",d ;1

General. :($83,221.26):$44,667.85 : ;9 S135.53    -l07,914.27 :$225,688.65 :($117,774.'
Experiment:              :
  Stationn  47,884.26  15,216.11   108,220.10 : 156,104.67 : 107,646.77 :      48,457.9
"Xtension : .........    3,099.45    57,850.25 : 57,850.25 :  44,250.06     13,600.-I(
Trust.... :  1,025.35   .5......        5 3 33. 85 1,559.00       591.50 :     967.&

   Total  :( 34,311.34) : 62,983.41 : 357,739.53 : 323,428.19 : 378,176.98 :(     54,748.'
-__    _ _  _ _  _ _  _ _  _ _ _  _   _ __^_ . _______i____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ * _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _   _ _ _ _ _

:Estirmted   :Paid to
: Incorme    : Date

:Outstanding: BU3lance
: Ordero   : Available

G-eneral .............. : 471,894.50  : b7219,1*98 : 71,375.43 ' 6:p181,007.09 #.
Z;7periment Station ..'. . 215,500.00  1 07 , 6 107,646.77 : 11,528.78  96,324.45
E.-tension ............  157,617.22    44,250.06 :    604.68   112,762.48
                        :-- --- --_               ---------   -     --------
    Total..            845,011.72    371,408.81   83,508.89 : 390,094.02

                     This includes operations of First Ca=.
                  ,= This does not include operations of First Cai-.

: ianflt


     (2) The cornittee appointed         Aot  - previous meeting for the
Vurpose of providing a suitable itenrbrial :'or the men who have lost
their lives in the Great Var anl t'he Sanish American Var Xconsis.-
ing of President 15c0ey and Nr. Stoll) mrake a renort on the progress
o-. the matter,  The cormittee indicated that onlly prelimnary in-
quiries had so far been nare.   The report was accepted and thp
comxmittee ordered continued.  The 1{egistrar vas directed to furnish
the names of students killed in -the Spanish Americ= 'iar.

     (3) The financiz-l situati:1 i.n its relation to Government
matters was taken up anc discuosod end the Presi.dent presentes the
following statemernt v.wnich had Peen prepared by the Business Agent:

            Operations of Studa.G;ts' Amrq Training Corps
                     Bagiiri-rig July 15, 1918


Vocational Section.
College Section ..............
Ifava1 Section..............        ..
Miscellaneous...........I......-      ..

     Totai ..........................

10-2, 122.02
41 ,2D5.13
11. 90.55

0155 ,937.06

Aiyx.QitS Due

Vocational Section ....................
Iliscellaneous ........ ..-.-.-...*.-
Surgeon General (Emergencyl ...........

     Total ............................

7, 29S.60
  15:L. 31

Grand Total ...........................



Paid to date (includes University kdininistration
     Exper.se and  al .............................

     Balance cash on hnad .........................

Due University at $0.29 per man per dier ..........

     Balnce ....................







Outstanding accounts ...................
     Belance     ...................      5,658.66


                         rue University

PReconstruction ............ 10,000.00
Auto Shop ........     .     .    .    . 20,000.00
Instructors' salaries .................. 12,600.00

     Total ...*..........                 42,600.00

Less Salvage ........................... 22,710.00



     (4) President lvcVey stated to the Cozraittee that the W;Xar De-
partment had issued a statement "o the effect that unless the bar-
racks and other buildings constructed for Goverirnent work were dis-
posed of, the `.';ar Depa-trnent in its final settlement vith the Uni-
versity would assume that the buildings have a use value and would
be so salvaged.  - 'Thereuporn a motion was made by 1.1r. :rnst and
seconded by himr Johnston that the President be authorized to accept
bids for the disposal of the barracks and other buildings built
and ,other -roper t  and equipment aRquired for Government use, with
the right in the University of accept or reject the bid at any
time within sixty days.   On ,Tote, the motion vws carried.

     (5) The attention of the Committee vwas called to the fact that
the term of irs. Shelby T. Harbison as a member of the Board of
Control of Patterson Rall had exmired.   On recorsomendation of the
President, it vws moved, seconded, and unanimously adopted that
hirs. 2arbison be elected to succeed herself as a member of the
Board of Control of Patterson Hall for a period of six years from

     (61 President acbey then presented to the Conmmttee a mem-
orandum of ag-reement prepared by the Division of educational  -
tension df the Department of the Interior proposing to cooperate
With the University of Kentucky in the work of university extension.
The President recommended that the agreement be entered into, say-
ing that the matter of university extension had been in mind for
sometime and that provisions had been made in the budget for the
work, and that he thought that the University should not lose the
opportunity to make at least a beginning in this field.   It was
moved, seconded, and unanimously adopted that the agreement be


entered into.  The agreement and the letter of transmittal read
as followvs:

                     Departrent of the Interior
                        Washington, D. C.

                                        January 0, 1919

To the President,
     University of Kentucky,
          Lexington, Hentucky.

My dear Sir:

     Re have established recently a Division of Educational Ex_
tension in the Bureau of Education, Department of the Interior,
to cooperate with State Departments of Education and University
Extion Divisions in their educational extension activities.  The
President has given us mroney from his special fund to conduct the
work until June Z0, 19194  During this period we shall render
service to the Extension Divisions of state universities, and to
other state agencies, by collecting educational material (such as
syllabi for courses of study, briefs, reports, etc.) that vas devel-
oped and accumulated by the Federal Government in conducting its
war emergency educational work; by assisting, thru field repre-
sentative service and literature of information, the development
of Commnity Centers; by distributing to Extension Divisions for
circulation, visual instruction material (such as films and lan-
tern slides); by suggesting programs for the Americanization work
of university Extension Di-isions, and by giving some assistance
in the development of these programs; by helping university Ex-
tension Divisions in their promotion of public discussion of im-
portant questions;by selecting and lending in'quantities govern-
ment publications which may be given a wider and more effective
use thru university entension cooperation.

     In order to carry out this program we desire to establish an
official relationship with the Extension Divisions of the state
universities.   We have established such relationship with the
universities that have formally organized Extension Divisions or
departments.   Ve are now ready to weork out a plan of cooperation
with state universities that do not have formally Organized Ex-
tension Divisions.  In looking over the literature from your in-
stitution, vwe find that you are not doing University Extension
work other then in agriculture.   We are, therefore, suggesting
in an enclosed outline a plan whereby we may make an official
connection with your institution.  I hope you will give this plan
immediate and serious consideration and then write us frankly
whether your institution vill meet the conditions we suggest.



     There is a Possibility that if the viork of this division
proves viotthy, Congress will appropriate rmone y to continue its
wFork after June 30. and such an appropriaction my carry vith it
Federal. aid for university extension, siimlar to that now given
to the land grant colleges for the cooperative extension service
thoy render the Department of Agriculture.

     Trusting we nay be of wervice to you, I am

                                         Yours sincerely,

                                                J. J. Pettijobn,


                      Liemorandum of Agreement

I.   The University of Ientucky agrees

     1.   TO appoint a meinber of its faculty aSa  official
          director of the lExtension activities, and to supply
          him with sufficient cler.ical help and office space
          to conduct the rdniimum amount of 'xtension w.orlk re-
          quested by the Division of Educational Extension,
          Bureau of Education, V7asLhin-ton.

    2.   To conduct the following Extension work:

         a.   Visual instruction; the circulating of films,
         slides, and exhibits, thru the local agencies -_
         public libraries, public schools, co'mnunity centers,
         and similar pribl.c institutions.

         b,   Class instruction; conducting beyond the uni-
         versity camrp.rus in centers -where classes may be or-
         ganized  class instruction of a university grade,
         and correspondence study vwork of a. similar grade.

         c.   Public discussion; to render a package library
         service, suIpOP   club study outlines, and promote
         discussion leagues, the work in general following
         the outline subnittedlby the Division of ERducational
         Extension, Bureau of Education.

         d.   Conrnmity centers; cooperatizg with State De-
         partments of Education, and other state agencies,
         in the development of com~nity centers.



      3.  To Dermit the director of the Extensioln Division
          provided for in (1) to be responsible to the Director
          of the Division of Educational Extension, Bureau of
          Education, for monthly reports, for cooperation in
          collecting data, and various forms of information
          required by the Division, and to be responsible to
          the Director for the policies of cooperation with
          the Washington office.

II.   The Division of Educational Extension in the Bureau of Edu-
     cation, Departyrent of the Interior, agrees.

     1.   To extend the franking privilege to the Diredtor
          of the Extension Division of the University of
          Kentucky for use in conducting all of tahe Extension
          vwork done in cooperation vith the Division at Wash-

      2.  To supply stationery, printed forms, and other
           office =aterial necessary for conducting the Ex-
           tension :or1: stated in (i).

      3.   To pay traveling expenses of directors of Ezten-
           sion Divisions for work ordered by the Division
           at *,ashington.

      4.   To supply the Extension Division of the University
           of Kentucky with whatever educational resources
           ray be available in the departments at Washington
           for circulation and service in the State of Ken-
           tucky.   (It is understood that the educational
           resources are such material as package libraries,
           films, lantern slides, syllabi for courses of
           instruction, etc.)

      * This memorandum of agreement is established as a temporary
 expedient.   Should an appropriation by Congress be made, a comn-
 prehensive mremorandum vAll be submitted for muntual agreement, and
 after such an agreement will be substituted for this temporary one.

                                          Prank L. *cVey,
January 15, 1919                                       President.

      (7) President MicVey read a letter from the Attorney General
regarding the Hickman County controversy, which was ordered in-
corporated in the minutes.   The letter was as follows;



                                   Frankfort, Kentucky,
                                       December 13, 1918

Dr. Frank L. CoVey,

        Lexit~ton, Kentucky

Dear Sir:

     I beg leave to acknowledge receipt of yours of December 4,
and. vil.lsay that the matter about which you vrite therein; that
is, the legality of the action of the Court iniappointing a County
Agent for 1icinasn County or making appropriation for the purpose
of paying same, has been properly looked after and is in the hands
of Mr. D. 0. Hyatt, First Assiistant in ny office, who will give the
matter attention in the courts.

     I wish you w6uld say to Doctor Miutchler that on account of
illness of an extended -eriod I have been unable to comply with his
request .heretofore made to Yrite him concerning this same matter.

                                        Yours very truly,

                                              Charles H. .Iorris,

                                                  Attorney General.

     (8) The President presented a communication addressed to Mr.
Stoll from ir. Charles R. Brock, President of the Alurmi Association,
asking that the Executive Conrdttee provide a suitable site for a
statue to the memory of Dr. James R. PgAtexsoIL, President Emeritus
of the Institution.   After discussion, a motion vas made, seconded,
and adopted authorizing the President of the University to inform
Mr. Brock that when the statue is provided a suitable location will
be given by the University, and that the landscape architect, DMr.
Olmsted m may be called into conference to aid in the selection.

     (91 'Mr. Stoll reported to the Comnmittee that he had forvwarded
the papers regarding Doctor Patterson's annunity to the Attorney
General the latter part of December.

     (10) A letter was read from E. A. Tipton, President, Kentucky
Trotting Horse Breeders' Association, asking that the kitchen which
Was built on the fair grounds last spring for the use of the soldiers
in training for vocational work, be turned over to the fair rounds
in lieu of certain damages to the roads and other changes which the
association had been compelled to rake since the removal of the
students.   After discussion, the matter was referred to the Presi-
dent for adjustment.



     (11) A cormunication was rend from 2Tr. R. C. Stoll, Chairman
of the Executive Comidttee, with reference to the Peabody Fund, and
on motion made and seconded, wss ordered spread upon the minutes.

                                   Lexington, Kentucky,
                                        January 15, 1919

The Executive Connittee of the University of Kentucky,

     Lexington, Kentucky.


     I am handing you herewith a letter, for your information,
which I received from Doctor Wicklffe Rose, formerly Secretary
of the Board of Trustees of the Peabody Fund.   In this letter
is a co'y of the resolution of the Board of Trustees of the Futd
at their fifty-seventh meeting in Few York, held November 1, 1911.

                                        Yours very truly,

                                                   R. C. Stoll.

                    The Rockefeller Foundation
                    International Health Board
                      61.Broadv.wy, New York.

                                        December 15, 1918

Nr. Richard C. Stoll,
     605 First National 3ank,                      -
          Lexington, Yentuck-y.

Dear Sir:

     Your letter of December 14, addressed to Mir. Abram Flexner,
has been called to my attention.   I was agent of the Peabody Fund
w.,then the contribution to the University of Kentucky referred to in
your letter was made.   I conducted the negotiations with the Uni-
versity of Kentucky and presented the proposition for action by
the Peabody Board.  A.t its meeting on INovamber 1, 1911, the Pea.s
body Board adopted the folloving resolution:

Voted, That to the State University of KZentuclky, situated a.t Lex-
        ington, Kentucky, be contributed $40,000 as endowment, to
        be 1novn as the George Peabody endowment, the income to be



         used.as maintenance for the school of education; this conr-
         tribution to be made on condition that the trustees of the
         University agree to supplement this income annually by
         such sum as vill make the perpetual annual income for such
         school of education at least 1lO.000.   (Proceedings of the
         Trustees at their 57th meeting, New York, November 1, 1911,
         page 19.)

     Before this money vns pai.i over to the University, the Univer-
sity signed a contract binding itself to carry out the conditions
stipulated in the above resolution.   I do not have a copy of this
contract. It was filed as a part of the official records of the
Board.   Upon dissolutton of the trust these records were sent to
the George Peabody College for Teachers at Nashville. Tennessee,
and it is quite probable that the authorities of this institution
would be able to sup-ply you with a copy of the contract here re-
ferred to.

                                        Very truly yours,

                                                   Wickliffe Bose.

     The follovwing resolution was offered, duly seconded, and on
Vote unanimously adopted: BE IT RESOLVED by the Executive Comnittee
of the University of Zentucky that the Chairman of the Executive
Conrdttee and the Secretary of the Board of Trustees be and are here-
by authorized to execute vith :the Phoenix and Third Trust Company,
Trustees of the George Peabody Fund, an agreement substantially in
"ords and figures as follows:

          THIS AGRE MENT made and entered into this 1st day of Novem-
bez, 1918, by and between the University of Kentucky (hereinafter
sometimes called "The University"), party of the first part, and the
Phoenix and Third Trust Company as Trustee, of Lexington, Kentucky,
(hereinafter sometimes called "Trustee,") party of the second part,

                       77 I T N E S S E T H:

          That, whereas, the Trustees of the Peabody Fund gave to
the University of Ientucky the su5 of Forty Thousand ($0,000)
Dollars as an endowment, to be known as the George Peabcdy Endows
ment, the income of which is to be used by the University for the
maintenance of the school of education; and.

          WHEREASi the Phoenix and Third Trust Company has been
elected by the University as Trustee of such fund.




          1.  The Trustee has, vAth the approval of the Univer-
sity of Kentucky, invested the George Peabody Endovnrwent, amounting
to Forty Thousand ($40,000) Dollars, in Liberty Bonds of the Fourth
Loan of the United States, and the Trustee now holds said bonds.

         II.,. The Trustee agrees to register these bonds in its
name as Trustee of the George Peabody Endownent to the University
of Kentucky.

        III.  The Trustee agrees to pay to the University the in-
come from this trust fund, when and as received, for the use of
the University in maintaining its school of education, and the Uni-
versity agrees annually to so supplement the said income from said
trust fund that the aggregate amount expended upon the school of
education shall be at least Ten Thousand ($10,000 ) Dollars.

         IV.   The Trustee shall, at the direction of the Univer-
sity of Kentucky, change the investment of said trust fund from
time to time, and such reinvestment or reinvestments shall be held
by the Trustee upon the same terms and conditions as herein provided.

          V.   The Trustee, has simultaneously with the execution
hereof, executed a bond, payable to the University of Kentucky,
in the sum of Forty Thousand ($40,000) Dollars, for the faithful
performance of its duty as Trustee hereunder.

         VI.   The University of Kentucky shall have the right
at any time to change tile Trustee hereunder, and if it should se-
lect a new Trustee of the George Peabody 'ndowment, the Trustee
hereunder agrees to turn over said fund and any accumulations
thereof, upon demand, to such new Trustee.

        VII.   This agreement is executed in duplicate, each copy
to have the force and effect of an original.

          IN WITNESS MEM;REOF, the University of Kentucky has here-
unto set its hand by Richard 0. Stoll, Chairman of the Executive
CoMmittee, and has caused his act to be attested and its corporate
seal to be affixed by Wellington Patrick, its Secretary, and the
Phoenix and Third Trust Company has hereunto set its hand by
i/. A. McDowell, its President,  and has caused his act to be attested
and its corporate seal to be affixed by John B. Dojning, its Sec-
retary, at Lexington, Xentucky the day and date first above vritten.



                                    UNIIVZPITY OF KaTITUCRY

                                    By, Richard C. Stoll,

                                       Chairman, 7_xecutive Committee.



      Wellington Patrick,


                                    PHOENIX AN)) THIPD 'MUST CO'-TNY,

                                    By, W. A. LicDowell,



       John R. Dovming,


     (12) Lo'. Stoll said to the Comnittee that according to the
newspapers rmny German camnon were to be brought to the United
States, and that, if possible, he believed one of these cannon
ought to be mounted upon the grounds of the Universtiy; that it
would be peculiarly appropriate for a German gun to be presented,
not only to the University of Kentucky, but to all of the state
universities, not only because these universities are supported
in part by funds provided by the United States Government. but
because many alumi and former students of these universities
entered the war and many enlisted men have been trained at these

     Thereupon, upon motion made, seconded and carried, the Presi-
dent of the University ,ars authorized to coimmunicate vith the
Honorable J. C. Cantrill, Representative from the 7th District of
Kentucky, and vith the Honorable J. C. W. Beclkham and Honorable
George B. IMartin, Senators from Kentucky, and with the Secret&ry
of War, requesting that a German connon be given to the Univer-
sity of Kentucky.


     (13) A commumication was

read from Dean Thomas P. Cooper, as

                                   Lexington, Kentucky.
                                        November 30, 1918

President P. L. HioVey,

     University .of Kentucky.

My dear President 7cVey-

    A number of the county agents, home demonstration agents and,
In. some instances- other employees of the institution, may at time
adva~ntgecuslyr base use of m.otoi- vehicles, saving the institution
expense and their time.   It is desirable under this condition tc
prescribe a method of procedure and to determine the rate to be
allowed for the use of privately owned motor vehicles.  I, there-
fore, wish to recommend the following:

     The administrative authorities of the University of Kentucky
may authorize the use of personally owved motor vehicles and the
payment of mileage incurred in actual and necessary travel in the
performance of duties, at the rate of six cents a mile.  Such
expense may be incurred only then the vehicles are necessarily
used as a means of transportation.   Each individual to whom the
privilige is extended shall be given direct authorization and
mileage for which charge is made shall be audited and checked as
are other accounts.

                                        Yours very truly,

                                                Thomas Cooper,

                                              Dean and Director.

     After discussion, the matter vas referred to Dean Cooper for
further details relative to the use of the fund, methods of check-
ing it. etc.

     (14) President .ilcVey read a statement from the Registrar
showing the following enrollment at the present time in the various
colleges, exclusive of women in drafting courses in engineering
and students in tile tvio weeks' course in agriculture. The state-
ment was as follows:



                              Girls        Boys        Total

     Arts and Science       *..157           109         245
     Agriculture   ......... ;  67            64         131
     Engineering .........*...               215         215
           .Law            *    ~~~~~4 31                35

           Total....                   .     ....        ..a.. 208419        627

     (15) A communication vras read from Dean Thomas P. Cooner stat-
ing that in the instruction in meat wzork given by the College of
Agriculture; it -would be.necdssary to dispose of the meats from
carcasses slaughtered.   For the information of the Board of Trus-
tees Dean Couper wished to present the follovwng as a matter of
institutional policy in this matteri

     For your information and for that of the Board of Trustees,
and for their approval, if required, I vish to state that we pro-
pose to purchase and kill such quantities of cattle, hogs, sheep
and poultry as are necessary to give the student a working know-
ledge of methods of si.aughtering, cutting and curing.  The prc-
duct vill be disposed of for cash either to members of the faculty
and staff or the larger parts of the carcasses vill be sold directly
to local butchers.   The price will be based upon the cost plus the
necessary handling charge.   We do not propose to take deliveries
and do not propose in anyr any to cater to or encourage trade greater
than that sufficient to dispose of this product.

On motion by i;r. Johnston, seconded by fir. Ernst and unani