xt759z908x09 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt759z908x09/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1981-05-jun23. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1981-05-jun23. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1981-05-jun23. 1981 1981-05-jun23. 2011 true xt759z908x09 section xt759z908x09 

    Minutes  of  the  Meeting of the Boarc of Trustees of the
University of Kentucky, Tuesday, June 23, 1981.

    Tne  Board  of Trustees of the University of Kentucky met
at 2 p.m. 'Eastern Daylight Time) on Tuesday, June   23,  1981
in  the  Board Room on the 18th floor of the Patterson Office
Tower on the Lexington campus.

    A.   Meeting Opened and Oath of Office Administered

    Mr.  William B. Sturgill, Chairman, called the meeting to
order at 2:48 p.m. and the invocation was pronounced   by  Mr.
William  R.  Black.   Mr. Sturgill requested Mr. John Darsie,
General Counsel, to administer the oath of office to Mr.
Britt Brockman, who will serve as student trustee during his
term of office as President of Student Association.

    B.   Roll Call

    The  following  members of the Board of Trustees answered
the call of the roll:  Mr. William B. Sturgill, Chairman, Mr.
William   R.  Black,  Mr.  Britt  Brockman,  Governor   Albert
Benjamin Chandler, Mrs. Betty Pace Clark, Mr. Albert G. Clay,
Professor Opal Skaggs Conley, Mr. Tracy Farmer, Mrs. Edythe
Jones  Hayes,  Mrs.  Sally  Hermansdorfer,   Mr.   Thomas   B.
Kessinger, Mr. W. Terry McBrayer, Mr. Robert T. McCowan. Mr.
A. Stevens Miles, Mr. Frank Ramsey, Mr. Homer W. Ramsey,
Professor William F. Wagner, and Mr. William T. Young.
Absent from the meeting were: Mr. W. B. Terry and Professor
Constance  P.  Wilson.   The  University  administration   was
represented by President Otis A. Singletary; Vice   Presidents
Jack C. Blanton, Peter P. Bosomworth, Donald B. Clapp, Lewis
W. Cochran, Raymond R. Flornback, Charles T. Wethington, and
Robert  G.  Zumwinkle;  Dr.  Art  Gallaher,  Vice   President-
Designate; Dr. Wimberly C.   Royster,  Dean  of  the  Graduate
School and Coordinator of Research; and Mr. John C. Darsic,
General Counsel. Representatives of the various news media
were in attendance. The Secretary reported a quorum present
and the Chairman declared the meeting officially open for the
conduct of business at 2:50 p.m.

    C.   Mr. Brad Sturgeon Recognized

    The Chairman recognized Mr. Brad Sturgeon and noted that
he had served the Board well during his year as student

    Mr. Sturgeon reviewed briefly some of the accomplishments
and activities of the Student Association during the past
year   including  the  expanded  legal   aid  program,  voting
registration of 1200 students, successful involvement in the
GTE hearing before the Public Service Commission, and the
fund-raising efforts on behalf of Cardinal Hill Hospital.
Mr. Sturgeon pointed out that one major project of Student
Association   had   been    to   try   and   improve    student
representation on campus by revising the Constitution and by
working with appropriate Senate Committees to recommend a



modification  in  the structure of the University Senate.   He
also called attention to the Financial Aid Symposium and the
political debates sponsored by Student Association, and to
its succcessful record-breaking blood drive.

    Mr. Sturgeon recommended that the Student Association
lobby before the 1982 General Assembly to have the student
trustee term of office each year begin July 1 and end on June
30, in order to insure that each student trustee serve one
complete fiscal year.

    Mr. Sturgeon concluded~ his remarks by saying he enjoyed
and appreciated the experience of serving on the Board of
Trustees.   The Chairman thanked Mr. Sturgeon for his report.

    D.   Minutes Approved

    The  Minutes  of  the May 5, 1981 meeting of the Board of
Trustees were approved without objection.

    E.   President's Report to the Trustees   (PR 1)


reviewing  briefly
Singletary  recomme
it was so ordered.

  some  of  the  items
nded  its  acceptance.

F.   Recommendations of the President (PR 2)

    Although  most  of  the  i
nature, President Singletary
retirement of Dr. Lewis W.
Academic Affairs, who is retir
Dr. Cochran was asked to
given a round of applause.
recommending, on motion by Mr.
Hermansdorfer and passed, PR 2
the end of the Minutes.)

tems  in  PR  2 were routine in
  called   attention    to   the
  Cochran,  Vice  President for
ing after 35 years of service.
stand and be recognized and was
With President Singletary so
Homer Ramsey, seconded by Mrs.
was approved.  (See  PR  2  at

    G.   Supplemental Recommendations of the President (PR 3)

    Acting on the recommendation of President Singletary, Mr.
Black  moved  that  the   Board  of   Trustees    approve   the
reappointment of Mr. John Crockett, Dr. Roger Eichhorn, and
Mr. William Sturgill as members of the Board of Directors of
the University of Kentucky Research Foundation for three-year
terms ending June 30, 1984. Mr. Black's motion was seconded
by Professor Conley and passed without dissent.

    Noting that the recommendations regarding the two patent
assignments  in  PR  3  were  routine   in  nature,  President
Singletary  recommended  approval.  On motion by Mr. McCowan,
seconded  by  Mr. McBrayer    and  passed,   the   two   patent
assignments  were  approved.   (See  PR   3  at the end of the

in PR 1,


    H.   1980-81 Budget Revisions (PR _)

    On  motion  by  Mrs. Clark, seconded by Mr. Kessinger and
passed, the budget revisions, as recommended in PR 4, were
authorized  and  approved.    (See  PR   4  at  the  end of the

    I.   Patent Assignment (PR 5)

    Without discussion, on motion by Mr. Miles, seconded by
Mr. Young and passed. the patent assignment as recommended in
PR 5 was approved. (See PR 5 at the end of the Minutes.)

    J.   Operating Budget for 1981-82 (PR 6)

    In opening his budget presentation, President Singletary
pointed  out  that  the  1981-82  Operating   Budget  reflects
requests made in the Biennial Budget Request for 1980-82,
which had already been approved by the Board of Trustees. He
noted that the budget reduction had been built into the
$301,576,400 budget and remarked that State appropriations
amounted  to  a little less than one-half of the total income
amount.  President Singletary explained that additional State
funds for 1981-82 had been devoted entirely to meeting salary
increases, fixed cost obligations, and inflationary increases
in current expenses. He emphasized that there were no State
dollars for new, improved, or expanded programs.

    President Singletary was assisted in the presentation of
the proposed budget by Dr. Peter Fitzgerald, Associate Vice
President of Administraton for Planning and Budget, and Dr.
Donald Clapp, Vice President for Administration.

    Through a series of charts, Dr. Fitzgerald showed the
history over the last several years of salaries for Lexington
campus faculty, Community College faculty, and county agents
relative to the respective benchmark salaries for each group.
Information provided also indicated that based on University
projections of salaries for those benchmarks, and based on
the proposed salaries for 1981-82, the University hoped to
achieve the following goals:     (1)  bring  Lexington   faculty
salaries to within $800 of the benchmark median, (2) bring
Community College faculty salaries to the benchmark median,
(3)  bring  Cooperative  Extension County Agents' salaries to
within $550 of the national average for their group, (4)
bring  Lexington librarians' salaries to within $1,000 of the
benchmark median for librarians, and (5) bring salaries for
other  staff  to  within  95 percent of thc appropriate labor
markets for various categories of employees.

    Included in Dr. Clapp's presentation was a comparison of
state appropriation per FTE student for Type I institutions
in the Southern Regional Education Board states. Dr. Clapp
pointed out that the University's per student allocation of
$2,627  was  $1155  below the average, and indicated that four
schools ranked below and eight above Kentucky in per student



   in their concluding remarks, both President Singletary
and Dr. Clapp pointed out that the State appropriation per
student at the University was lower than that at four other
public institutions in Kentucky even though those other
institutions do not have the costly doctoral and professional
programs which exist at UK. Both commented that the proposed
budget addresses the salary problem in a positive way;
however, they stressed that the University operates at a
distinct disadvantage in terms of financial support.

    There being no further comments, Mr. Sturgill called for
a motion. Governor Chandler moved that the recommendation in
PR  6  relative  to  the adoption of the Operating Budget for
1981-82 be approved.  His motion was seconded  by  Mr.   Young
and the 1981-82 Operating Budget was adopted with all present
voting 'aye." (See PR 6 at the end of the Minutes.)

    K.   Approval   of  Agreement  Between  University of
Kentucky and Kentucky Medical Services Foundation, Inc. (PR
7 )

    President   Singletary   recommended   approval    of  the
agreement between the Board of Trustees of the University of
Kentucky and Kentucky Medical Services Foundation, Inc.,
which was negotiated pursuant to the "Board of Trustees
Resolution Regarding Medical Practice Plan" adopted on June
20, 1978. The terms of the document, with the exception of
certain monetary adjustments, are essentially the same as
those in the agreement approved by the Board on June 27, 1980
for the period July 1, 1980 through June 30, 1981. Mr.
Farmer moved approval. His motion was seconded by Mr. Frank
Ramsey and passed without dissent. (See PR 7 at the end of
the Minutes.)

    L.   Interim Financial Report (FCR 1)

    Mr. Clay, Chairman of the Finance Committee, reported
that the committee had met on the morning of June 23, 1981
and considered four items to be presented for action, the
first of which was the Interim Financial Report for the
period ended May 31, 1981. He then moved that the report be
accepted. His motion was seconded by Mr. Homer Ramsey, and
passed  without  dissent.  (See  FCR   1 at   the  end  of the

    M.   Contract   win   Louisville and   Jefferson  County
Board  of  Health,  et  al (FCR 2)

    With the concurrence of the Finance Committee, Mr. Clay
moved that the Board of Trustees authorize the Chairman and
Secretary of the Board of Trustees to execute the Sixth
Supplemental Contract dated June 1, 1981, permitting the
expansion to the Louisville Medical Center, Inc. Steam and
Chilled Water Plant as recommended in FCR 2. His motion was
seconded  by  Mr.  Brockman and passed without dissent.   (See
FCR 2 at the end of the Minutes.)


    N.   Approval   of  the Patricia  J.  Buster  Revocable
Living Trust (FCR 3)

    Mr. Clay recommended that the Board of Trustees (1)
authorize the President to execute a trust agreement with
Mrs. Patrica J. Buster, as donor, and the University of
Kentucky, as trustee, providing for the establishment of
three  unitrusts  upon  the  death  of  the  donor,   and  (2)
authorize the President to accept, upon the death of Mrs.
Buster, one-third of the balance of the Patricia J. Buster
Revocable Living Trust Fund, for use  by  the   University  of
Kentucky College of Home Economics. Mr. Clay's motion was
seconded by Mr. Kessinger and passed with all present   voting
"aye." (See FCR 3 at the end of the Minutes.)

    0.   Contracts with Administrative Officers

    In conclusion, Mr. Clay said that the Finance Committee
wished to add a recommendation not included on the agenda.
He then moved that the Chairman of the Board be authorized to
execute contracts with the administrative officers   providing
for the terms and conditions of their employment. His motion
was seconded by Mr. Black and passed without dissent.

    P.   Report of Investments (ICR 1)

    Mr.   Kessinger,  Chairman  of  the Investment Committee,
reported that the committee had met on the   morning  of  June
23,  and  he  presented a quarterly report of changes made in
investments   for   the   University   and    its   affiliated
corporations  for  the  quarter  ended  March   31, 1981.  Mr.
Kessinger moved that the report be accepted.   His motion  was
seconded  by Mrs. Hayes and passed without dissent.   (See ICR
1 at the end of the Minutes.)

    Q.   Meeting Adjourned

    Mr. Sturgill reminded the members that the next meeting
of the Board of Trustees is scheduled for Tuesday, August 25,
1981.   There  being  no  further business to come before the
meeting, on motion duly  made,  seconded,   and  carried,  the
meeting adjourned at 3:35 p.m.

                    Respectfully submitted,

                    Betty Pace Clark
                    Board of Trustees

     (PR's  2,  3, 4, 5, 6, and 7; FCR's 1, 2 and 3; and ICR 1
which follow  are  official  parts   of  the  Minutes  of  the


                                       Of fice of the President
                                       June 23, lPF1

                                       PR z

    Members, Board of Trustees:


I.       Appointments and/or Other Staff Changes

    Recommendations:  (1) that approval !- given to the appointments
    anc/or other staff changes which require Board action; and (2)
    that the report relative to appointments and/or changes already
    approved by the administration be accepted.

    Background: The following recommended appointments and/or other
    staff changes require approval by the Board of Trustees in
    accordance with Part VIII-B of the Governing Regulations of the
    University. These recommendations are transmitted to the Board by
    the appropriate vice president through the President and have his

    Under the Governing Regulations the authority to make certain
    appointments and/or other staff changes is delegated to the
    President or other administrators who are required to report their
    actions to the Board. This report follows the recommendations
    requiring Board approval.

                              BOARD ACTION

    A.   Academic Appointments


              College of Arts and Sciences

              Brewster, Benjamin C., Visiting Associete Professor,
                   Mathematics, 8/16/81 through 5/31/82.
              Dyer, John A., Visiting Associate Professor,
                   Mathematics, 8/16/81 through 5/31/82.
              Haney, Donald C., Adjunct Professor (part-time), and
                   Director, Kentucky Geological Survey, 8/16/81
                   through 6/30/82.
              Shannon, Christine, Visiting Associate Professor,
                   Mathematics, 8/16/81 through 5/31/82.
              Winzell, Bengt, Visiting Associate Professor,
                   Mathematics, 8/16/81 through 6/30/82.




          Co-2ege of Allied Health Professions

          Berry, David E., Associate Professor* (with tenure),
               Community Health, effective 7/1/81.

          College of medicine

          Craddock, Philip R., Professor (with tenure), Medicine,
               effective 5/l/l1.
          Fulks, Richard M., Assistant Professor, Pathology,
               7/1/8l through 6/30/82.
          Hall, Bryan D., Associate Professor, Pediatrics, 7/1/81
               through r/30/P2.
          Kraus, Robert F. , Professor (with tenure) , Psychiatry,
               effective h/l/8l.
          McMurry, James, Assistant Professor, Medicine, 5/1/81
               through 6/30/82.
          Rohlfing, Michael B., Assistant Professor, Pathology,
               7/1/81 through 6/30/82.
          Slevin, John T., Assistant Professor, Neurology, 7/1/81
               through 6/30/82.
          Wiley, Ronald L., Visiting Professor, Physiology and
               Biophysics, 6/1/81 through 8/15/81.

          College of Pharmacy

          Fink, Joseph L., III, Professor (with tenure), effective

B.   Administrative Appointments


          College of Arts and Sciences

          Gabbard, Fletcher, Professor (with tenure), Physics and
               Astronomy, and Chairman, Physics and Astronomy,
               reappointed Chairman, Physics and Astronomy, 7/1/81
               through 6/30/P5.
          Hemenway, Robert E., Professor (with tenure), English,
               named Department Chairman, English, 7/1/81 through
               /? 0/85.

          College of Communications

          Murphy, Robert, Professor (with tenure), named Director,
               School of Journalism, 7/1/81 through 6/30/83.

*Special Title Series


     College of Engineering

     Sargent, Gordon A., Professor (with tenure),
          Metallurgical Engineering, named Department
          Chairman, Metllurgical Engineering and Materiaas
          Science, 7/1/81 through S/3C/85.

     College of Home Economics

     Rothgeb, Terry D., Associate Professor (with tenure),
          Human Environment: Design and Textiles, named
          Chairman, Department of Human Environment: Design
          and Textiles, 7/1/81 through 6/30/83.


     College of Allied Health Professions

     Berry, David E.. Associate Professor* (with tenure),
          Community Health,   named Chairman, Community
          Health,  effective 7/1/81.

     College of Dentistry

     Kopczyk, Raymond A., Professor (with tenure),
          Periodontics, renamed Chairman, Periodontics,
          7/1/81 through 6/30/87.
     Mullaney, Thomas, Professor (with tenure), Endodontics,
          renamed Chairman, Endontics, 7/1/81 through
     Mullins, M. Raynor, Associate Professor (with tenure),
          Community Dentistry, renamed Chairman, Community
          Dentistry, 10/l/80 through 9/30/87.

     College of Medicine

     Kraus, Robert F., Professor (with tenure), Psychiatry,
          named Chairman, Psychiatry, effective C/l/8l.
     Straus, Robert, Professor (with tenure), Behavioral
          Science and Community Medicine, renamed Chairman,
          Department of Behavioral Science, 7/1/81 through

*Special Title Series



          Hopkinsville Community College

          Rogers, James Eldridge, Professor in the Community
               College System (with tenure), named Division
               Chairman, Math/Science Division, 7/1/81 through

          Lexington Technical Institute

          Blake, Robert J., Jr., Associate Professor in the
               Community College System (with tenure), renamed
               Division Chairman, Division of Engineering and
               Related Technologies, 7/1/81 through 6/30/84.

          Southeast Community College

          Scopa, Patricia Morris, Associate Professor in the
               Community College System (with tenure), effective
               7/1/81.   Named Division Chairman, Division of
               Physical Sciences and Related Technology, 7/1/81
               through 6/30/84.
          Simpson, Lillian Faye, Assistant Professor in the
               Community College System, named Division Chairman,
               Division of English, Humanities, Social Sciences
               and Related Technologies, 7/1/81 through 6/30/82.
          Thomas, Bonnie J., Associate Professor in the Community
               College System (with tenure), named Division
               Chairman, Division of Biological Sciences and
               Related Technologies, 7/1/81 through 6/30/84.

C.   Joint Appointments


          College of Medicine

          Norton, James C., Associate Professor (with tenure),
               Psychiatry, joint appointment as Associate
               Professor, Neurology, effective 7/1/81.

*Special Title Series


D.   Reappointments


          College of Arts and Sciences

          Liu, Keh-Fei, Associate Professor, Physics and
               Astronomy, 7/1/81 through 6/30/82.

          College of Communications

          Schulte, Theodore E., Associate Professor*, Journalism,
               7/1/81 through 6/30/82.

          College of Education

          Szekely, George, Associate Professor, Curriculum and
               Instruction, 7/1/P1 through 6/30/82.

          College of Engineering

          Deen, Robert C., Adjunct Associate Professor, Civil
               Engineering, 7/1/81 through 6/30/82.
          Foree, Edward G., Adjunct Associate Professor, Civil
               Engineering, 7/1/81 through 6/30/82.
          Roco, Mihail C., Associate Professor, Mechanical
               Engineering, 7/1/81 through 6/30/82.
          Wale, Andrej, Visiting Associate Professor, Civil
               Engineering, 8/16/81 through 5/15/82.


          College of Dentistry

          Graves, Richard, Associate Research Professor, Community
               Dentistry, 7/1/81 through 6/30/82.
          Knight, Judson M., Associate Professor (part-time),
               Orthodontics, 7/1/81 through 6/30/82.
          McClure, Laban T., Professor (part-time), Restorative
               Dentistry, 7/1/81 through 6/30/82.

          College of Medicine

          Belin, Robert P., Clinical Professor (part-time),
               Surgery, 7/1/81 through 6/30/82.

*Special Title Series


          College of Nursing

          Tarkington, Evelyn, Associate Clinical Professor
               (voluntary), 7/1/81 through 6/3C/F2.

          College of Pharmacy

          Marcus, Arnold D., Adjunct Professor (voluntary), 7/1/81
               through 6/30/82
          Tingstad, James E., Adjunct Professor (voluntary),
               7/1/81 through 6/30/82.

E.   Promotions


          College of Agriculture

          Cornelius, Paul, from Associate Professor (with tenure),
               Agronomy, joint with Department of Statistics,
               College of Arts and Sciences, to Professor (with
               tenure), Agronomy, joint with Department of
               Statistics, College of Arts and Sciences, effective
          Loewer, Otto J., Jr., from Associate Professor (with
               tenure), Agricultural Engineering, to Professor
               (with tenure), Agricultural Engineering, effective
          Stahly, Tim S., from Assistant Professor (without
               tenure), Animal Science, to Associate Professor
               (with tenure), Animal Science, effective 7/1/81.

          College of Architecture

          Carpenter, Dennis W., from Assistant Professor (without
               tenure), joint with Department of Art, College of
               Fine Arts, to Associate Professor (with tenure),
               joint with Department of Art, College of Fine Arts,
               effective 7/1/81.

          College of Arts and Sciences

          Baskin, Jerry M., from Associate Professor (with
               tenure), Biological Sciences, to Professor (with
               tenure), Biological Sciences, effective 7/1/81.

*Special Title Series



Bonner, Philip H., from Assistant Professor (without
     tenure), Biological Sciences, to Associate
     Professor (with tenure), Biological Sciences,
     effective 7/1/81.
Christianson, Eric H., from Assistant Professor (without
     tenure), History, to Associate Professor (with
     tenure), History, effective 7/1/81.
Cohen, William S., from Assistant Professor (without
     tenure), Biological Sciences, to Associate
     Professor, (with tenure), Biological Sciences,
     effective 7/l/1.
Dye, Nancy S., from Assistant Professor (without
     tenure), History, to Associate Professor (with
     tenure), History, effective 7/1/81.
Eklund, Peter C., from Assistant Professor (without
     tenure), Physics and Astronomy, to Associate
     Professor (with tenure), Physics and Astronomy,
     effective 7/1/81.
Gariepy, Ronald, from Associate Professor (with tenure),
     Mathematics, to Professor (with tenure),
     Mathematics, effective 7/1/81.
Lewis, John L., from Associate Professor (with tenure),
     Mathematics, to Professor (with tenure),
     Mathematics, effective 7/1/81.
Rawls, John M., Jr., from Assistant Professor (without
     tenure), Biological Sciences, to Associate
     Professor (with tenure), Biological Sciences,
     effective 7/1/81.
Tolbert, Laren M., from Assistant Professor (without
     tenure), Chemistry, to Associate Professor (with
     tenure), Chemistry, effective 7/1/81.

College of Business and Economics

Blomquist, Glenn C., from Assistant Professor (without
     tenure), Economics, joint with James W. Martin
     Center for Public Administration, Graduate School,
     to Associate Professor (with tenure), Economics,
     joint with James W. Martin Graduate Center for
     Public Administration, Graduate School, effective
Guiltinan, Joseph P., from Associate Professor (with
     tenure), Business Administration, to Professor
     (with tenure), Business Administration, effective
Irwin, Clyde L., from Associate Professor* (with
     tenure), Business Administration to Professor*
     (with tenure), Business Administration, effective

*Special Title Series


Milswarc, H. Brinton, from Assistant Professor (without
     tenure), Business Administration, joint with James
     W. Martin Center for Public Administration,
     Graduate School, to Associate Professor (with
     tenure), Business Administration, joint with James
     W. Martin Center for Public Administration,
     Graduate School, effective 7/1/81.

College of Communications

Kirkhorn, Michael J., from Assistant Professor* (without
     tenure), Journalism, to Associate Professor* (with
     tenure), Journalism, effective 7/1/81.
Orndorff, Robert L., from Assistant Professor* (without
     tenure), Journalism, to Associate Professor* (with
     tenure), Journalism, effective 7/1/81.
WFIldhart, Enid S., from Assistant Professor (without
     tenure), Communication, and Director, Undergraduate
     Studies, to Associate Professor (with tenure),
     Communication, and Director, Undergraduate Studies,
     effective 7/1/81.

College of Education

Bridge, Connie A., from Assistant Professor (without
     tenure), Curriculum and Instruction, to Associate
     Professor (with tenure), Curriculum and
     Instruction, effective 7/1/81.
Culatta, Barbara, from Assistant Professor (without
     tenure), Special Education, to Associate Professor
     (with tenure), Special Education, effective 7/1/81.
DeYoung, Alan J., from Assistant Professor (without
     tenure), Social and Philosophical Studies, joint
     with Department of Sociology, College of Arts and
     Sciences, to Associete Professor (with tenure),
     Social and Philosophical Studies, joint with
     Department of Sociology, College of Arts and
     Sciences, effective 7/1/81.
Gast, David L., from Assistant Professor (without
     tenure), Special Education, to Associate Professor
     (with tenure), Special Education, effective 7/1/81.
Labanowich, Stanley, from Assistant Professor (without
     tenure), Health Physical Education and Recreation,
     to Associate Professor (with tenure), Health,
     Physical Education and Recreation, effective

*Special Title Series



Mann, Ralph V., from Assistant Professor (without
     tenure), Hoelth, Physical Education and Recreation,
     to Associate Professor (with tenure), Health,
     Physical Education and Recreation, effective
Simpson, Kawanna S., from Assistant Professor, (without
     tenure), Vocational Education, to Associate
     Professor (with tenure), Vocational Education,
     effective 7/1/81.
Stillwell, William, from Associate Professor (with
     tenure), Educational Psychology and Counseling, to
     Professor (with tenure), Educational Psychology and
     Counseling, effective 7/1/81.
Wilson, Anaene H., from Assistant Professor (without
     tenure), Curriculum and Instruction, to Associate
     Professor (with tenure), Curriculum and
     Instruction, effective 7/1/81.

College of Engineering

Heath, J. Robert, from Assistant Professor (without
     tenure), Electrical Engineering, to Associate
     Professor (with tenure), Electrical Engineering,
     effective 7/1/81.


Baker, Nancy L., from Librarian III, Reference Library,
     to Librarian II (with tenure), Reference Library,
     effective 7/1/81.
Birdwhistell, Terry L., from Libtarian IIT (without
     tenure), Special Collections, to Librarian II (with
     tenure) , Special Collections, effective 7/1/81.
Bryant, John M., from Librarian II (with tenure),
     Director's Office, to Librarian I (with tenure),
     Director's Office, effective 7/1/81.
Farrell, David T., from Librarian III (without tenure),
     Cataloging Library, to Librarian II (with tenure),
     Collection Library, effective 7/1/81.
Gilbert, Harry C., from Librarian III (with tenure),
     Acquisitions Library, to Librarian II (with
     tenure), Architecture Library, effective 7/1/81.
Gilchrist, Alexander M., from Librarian II (with
     tenure), Reference Library, to Librarian I (with
     tenure), Reference Library, effective 7/1/81.
Welch, Mary H., from Librarian III (with tenure),
     Acquisitions Library, to Librarian II (with
     tenure), Cataloging Library, effective 7/1/81.

*Special Title Series


I 0

     1W.hite, Jane M. , from Librarian II (witn tenure),
          Education Library, to Librarian I (with tenure),
          Education Library, effective 7/1/81.


     College of Medicine

     Essig, Carl F., from Assistant Clinical Professor
          (voluntary), Neurology, to Associate Clinical
          Professor (voluntary), Neurology, 7/1/81 through

     College of Pharmacy

     Boylan, James C., from Associate Adjunct Professor
          (voluntary), to Adjunct Professor (voluntary),
          7/1/81 through 6/30/84.
     Rapp, Robert P., from Associate Professor* (with
          tenure), to Professor* (with tenure), effective


     Ashland Community College

     Adams, Marcella Jo, from Assistant Professor (without
          tenure), in the Community College System, to
          Associate Professor (with tenure), in the Community
          College System, effective 7/1/81.
     Kitchen, Janie R., from Assistant Professor (without
          tenure) , in the Community College System, to
          Associate Professor (with tenure), in the Community
          College System, effective 7/1/81.

     Elizabethtown Community College

     Hill, Martha L., from Associate Professor (with tenure),
          in the Community College system, to Professor (with
          tenure), in the Community College System, effective
     Moffett, Rosemary C., from Associate Professor (with
          tenure), in the Community College System, to
          Professor (with tenure), in the Community College
          System, effective 7/1/81.

*Special Title Series



Murley, James T., from Ass.sta.nt Professor (without
     tenure), in the Community College System, to
     Associpte Professor (with tenure), in the Community
     College System, effective 7/1/83.
Thompson, Ann B., from Librarian III (without tenure),
     in the Community College System, to Librarian II
     (with tenure), in the Community College System,
     effective 7/1/81.
Whelan, M. Shannon, from Assistant Professor (without
     tenure), in the Community College System, to
     Associate Professor (with tenure), in the Community
     College System, effective 7/l/8l.

Henderson Community College

Edwards, Jane S., from Assistant Professor in the