xt75736m3b63 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt75736m3b63/data/mets.xml Historical Records Survey (Mass.) United States. Work Projects Administration. Division of Professional and Service Projects. Massachusetts Historical Records Survey (Mass.) United States. Work Projects Administration. Division of Professional and Service Projects. 1942 v.: ill 27 cm. UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Library Program libraries and the Federal Information Preservation Network. Call Number FW 4.14:M 382/3/no.13/v.1 books  English Boston, Mass.: the Survey  This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Massachusetts Works Progress Administration Publications Boston (Mass.)--Archival resources Public records--Massachusetts--Boston Boston (Mass.)--History--Sources Archival resources--Massachusetts--Boston--Bibliography Archives--Massachusetts--Boston--Bibliography Inventory of Town and City Archives of Massachusetts. No. 13, Suffolk County, vol. I, pt. 9, Boston, 1942 text Inventory of Town and City Archives of Massachusetts. No. 13, Suffolk County, vol. I, pt. 9, Boston, 1942 1942 1942 2020 true xt75736m3b63 section xt75736m3b63 NIVER









Bosion, Massachusetts

DIVISlon of Community Service Programs

Work Projects Adminish'ation
89 4 ;



"To bring together the records of the past and to
house them in the buildings where they will be preserved
for the use of men living in the future, a nation must
believe in three things. It must believe in the past.
It must believe in the future. It must, above all,
believe in the capacity of its people so to learn from
the past that they can gain in judgment for the creation

of the future." ---------- Franklin Delano Roosevelt.






Prepared by
The Historical Records Survey

Work Projects Administration

No. 13. Suffolk County
Part 9

XLIV Public Welfare Department
XLV Soldiers' Relief Department

* * * * *

The Historical Records Survey
Boston, Massachusetts

‘ ’1 I,
‘ ’ /
l , ./

Division of Professional and Service Projects


The Historical Records Survey Program

National Director

State Supervisor of Research and
Records Programs in Massachusetts

State Supervisor of the Historical
Records Survey in Massachusetts


Division of Community Service Programs

Florence Kerr Assistant Commissioner
Harold G. Dunney State Director
George F. Burrows Administrative Assistant

werk Projects Administration

Howard 0. Hunter ‘ Commissioner
Denis W. Delaney State Administrator

Sponsor of the Historical Records Survey in Massachusetts

Frederic W. Cook Secretary of the Commonwealth


This volume, comprising the archives of two departments of the city
of Boston, is the second in the Boston series to reach publication. Unlike
the first volume, which covers the archives of functionally unrelated
departments, the present volume constitutes a natural grouping of depart—
ments-—namely, the welfare agencies and the Soldiers' Relief Department.

From the very beginning, officials of the welfare agencies have been
persons selected for their adaptation to the work of relieving those in
need of financial assistance. Particular tribute was paid at an early
date to the overseers of the peor by the Honorable Josiah Quincy, who
remarked in one of his speeches that "members of the board of overseers of
the poor were always chosen for high general character, integrity, capacity
and adaptation to the services; and that they always had the confidence
of the people."

As an indication of this, the welfare department has taken the lead
in progressive administration through newly-created social agencies.
Constantly the attempt is made to so improve the recipient's health that
he may once more be fit for gainful employment; therefore, the medical—
social division employs workers trained in medical problems who make
periodic check—ups on the health of recipients, supervise recommended
hospitalization, and give other medical attention. The insurance division
not only protects the taxpayers from fraudulent or undeserving cases, but
also serves as consultants to applicants temporarily embarrassed and in
need of advice on insurance problems. The employment division restores to
employment, either temporarily or permanently, many recipients able to
fill positions offered to or obtained by the agency.

The original field work for the volume was done by Florence Willis,
Alice Walton, and Jacob Gardner, under the supervision of Birger R. Headstrom,
field supervisor. The editing of the field forms and the compilation of
entries were the work of Florence Willis and James Hindlian, under the di—
rection of Morris I. Wartow, editorial supervisor. The research for the
writing of the historical sketches preceding the inventory of records in
each department were done by Meyer Reines and Samuel Levenson. Multilith
stenciling was done by Sophie Pollack and Irene Lewis, under the direction
of M. Louis Haffer, supervisor of publications. The index was prepared by
Charles B. Haskell and Leon Fenton, under the supervision of Leon E. Ryther.

The assistance of the Honorable Maurice J, Tobin, Mayor of Boston, and
the generous cooperation of the departmental and divisional heads of the
city's welfare agencies are gratefully acknowledged. The Survey also wishes
to express its indebtedness to the Honorable Frederic W. Cook, Secretary of
the CommonWealth, without whose sponsorship this publication Would not have
been possible.

Paul A“ Baker
State Supervisor V
Historical Records Survey




The Inventogy,9£ the Town and City Archives Q: Massachusetts is one
Of a number of bibliographies of historical materials prepared throughout
the United States by workers of the Historical Records Survey of the Work
Projects Administration, The publication herewith presented, an inventory
of the archives of two departments of the City of Boston is Part 9 of the
Boston series”

The Historical Records Survey was undertaken in.the winter of 1955-36
for the purpose of providing useful employment to needy unemployed histo—
rians, lawyers, teachers, and research and clerical workers. In carrying
out this objective, the project was organized to compile inventories of
historical materials, particularly the unpublished government documents
and records which are basic in the administration of local government, and
which provide invaluable data for students of political, economic, and
social history. Up to the present time more than 1800 publications have
been issued by the Survey throughout the country” The archival guide
herewith presented is intended to meet the requirements of day-to—day ad—
ministration by town officials, and also the needs of lawyers, business
men and other citizens who require facts from the public records for the
proper conduct of their affairsl The volume is so designed that it can
be used by the historian in his research in unprinted sources in the same
way he uses the library card catalogue for printed sources.

The inventories produced by the Historical Records Survey attempt to
do more than give merely a list of records—-they attempt further to sketch
in the historical background of the county or other unit of government,
and to describe precisely and in detail the organization and functions
of the government agencies whose reCords they list, The county, town,
and city inventories for the entire country will, when completed, con-
stitute an encyclopedia of local government as well as bibliography of
local archivesr

The successful conclusion of the work of the Historical Records
Survey, even in a single town, would not be possible without the support
of public officials, historical and legal specialists, and many other
groups in the community“ Their cooperation is gratefully acknowledged.

The survey was directed by Luther Ha Evans from its inception in
January 1956 to March 1, 1940 when he was succeeded by Sargent B. Child
formerly National Field SuperviSor, It operates as a nation—wide project
in the Division of Professional and Service Projects, of which Mrs.
Florence Kerr, Assistant Commissioner,-is in charge~

Howard 0, Hunter
Commissioner of Work Projects


Preface............ ....... ........... ..... ............................ 1
Foreword.....................‘ ....... . ................. ................ iii

Abbreviations, Symbols,.amd Explanatory Notes ..... .................... 5
Honsing, Care, and.Accessibility of the Records ............. .......... 8

Jverseers of the Public.We1fare ..... ..... ..... ..... ........ ........... 25
Office of the Executive Director....................... ......... ...... 81
Director of Social Service. ....... . ...... . ...... ............ ..... ..... 82
Intake and Applications Division ....... . ......... ..................... 84
Dependent Aid Division ............. ................................... 86
Aid to Dependent Children Division ..... ............................... 90

East Boston.0ffice — 1... ......... . ............. .... ....... ......... 94
Charlestown District — 2......... ............ ....................... 107
Blossom Street District Office — 5 ........ .......................... 112
Fayette Street District Office - 4 ............ ...................... 116
Whittier Street District — 5 .................. ...................... 124
Brighton District Office — 6 ..... ......... ....... ................... 126
Jamaica Plain District Office — 7 ............ ....................... 150
Hyde Park District Office — 8.................. ........ ........ ..... 152
Hancock Street District Office - 9 ..... . ....... .............. ..... .. 155

' South Boston District — 10..... ............ .................... ..... 141

Old Age Assistance Bureau — Central Office ..... .......... ....... ...... 145
NPA Certification Office... .......... .... ............... .............. 155
Temporary Home for Women and Children.... ....... ...................... 157
Wayfarers' Lodge amd Woodyard........................... ....... ....... 162
Burial Division .......... ...... ............. .............. ...... ...... 166
Trust Fund Division .............. ..................................... 168
Real Estate Division .................... ... ..................... ...... 175
Insurance Division...... .......... .......... .......... ................ 176
Business Manager's.Office............................................. 181
Maintenance Division............... ...... ............. ..... ........... 18g
Settlement Division............................. ...... ...............~ 186
Paying Division.... .......... ......................................... 195
Bookkeeping Division......................................;........... 201
Auditing Division...... ....... ........ ....... ......................... 220
Collection Division....... ..... ................-...................... 222
Legal Division. ...... . ........ ........................................ 224
Employment and Work Assignment Division............................... 228
Personnel Division... ....... ....... ..... .............................. 255
Soldiers' Relief Department... ........ ........... ..... ................ 256

List of Sources....................................................... 249
Index”............................ .......... .......................... 251
Publications of the Historical Records Survey

.in;Massachusetts........... ....... .......-........ ..... ............... 287





The titles and location references of two divisions of the overseers
‘ of the public welfare department have been inadver'ently omitted from the
i inventory. These divisions are the Bank Division, which should precede
‘ entry.470 (p. 178), and the Medical Social Division, which should precede
entry 474 (p. 179): The inclusive entry numbers for each division are
; therefore: Bankaivisio , entries 470—475; Medical Social Division,
i entries 474—481.

The location reference following the title Bank Division is: Except
where otherwise.noted, all records are in the office of the bank division,
annex, Overseers of the Public Welfare Main Building" The location ref—
erence following the title Medical Social Division is: Except where other—
wise noted, all.records are in the office of the medical division, annex,
Overseers of the Public Welfare Main Building‘



arr .




C. H.









Abbreviations and Foreign Terms

Aid to Dependent Children etc.
Alphabetically FERA
arranged, arrangement f.
assistant ff.
box(es) fl.
Boston City Hospital hdwu
bundle(s) ibid.
bookkeeping incl”
building(s) MA
basement misc.
chapter no(s).
City Hall num.
Civilian Conservation Corps OAA
chronologically off.
clerk op.cit¢
commissioner OPW
cardboard p., ppr
carton(s) ptd.
drawer(s) PWA
Dependent Aid rm(s).
department sec(s).
discontinued secya
district st.
division(s) strm.
editor supr°
employment supt.
envelope(s) TA
Emergency Relief Administra~ va.
tion vol(s]r
established HPA
by n
continue to date

Explanatory Notes

Inventory Arrangement

and so forth

Federal Emergency Relief


and following pages



in the same place


Mothers’ Aid




Old Age Assistance


in the work cited

Overseers of the Public



Public Works Administration








Temporary Aid



Works Project Administration


denotes omission is quoted

equivalent to

The divisions of the welfare department are arranged in the order of

their importance from a functional viewpoint. Records within a division




First entry p. 65


Explanatory Notes

are classified by subject. Within each subject classification entries are
listed in the order of their importance, and forrecords considered of equal
importance, a chronological sequence is used.



Exact titles of records are written in solid capitals without paren-
theses. In the absence of titles, descriptive titles have been assigned
which are written in solid capitals and enclosed in parentheses. If a
record title is not descriptive of the contents of the record, an assigned
explanatory title (or explanatory words), written with initial capitals
and enclosed in parenthesest has been added. The current or most recent
title of a record is used as the entry title, and any title variation is



. All dates used are inclusive. Missing records are indicated by
broken dates.


When two or more types of containers are considered in a single entry,
the quantity is shown in chronological order, insofar as possible.


Figures or letters in parentheses, following the number of volumes,
file boxes, or other types of containers, indicate the labeling. If no
labeling is indicated. it may be assumed that there is none.


Where no statement is made that the record was discontinued at the
last date shown in the entry, it could not be definitely established that
such was the case. Where no comment is made on the absence of prior, sub—
sequent, or intermediate records. no definite information could be obtained.

Cross References

record series which has been kept separately for a period of time and
with another record or records for a different period of time. An example

Title—line cross references are uSed to show the continuity of a
is shown in entry l48: "l928-June 1959 in Index of Closed Cases, entry 142-"






Explanatory Notes First entry p. 63

In entry 142 there is a corresponding body—of—entry reference carrying a
descriptive title and number of entry 148: "Card record of case—history
jackets transferred to other district offices, l928—June 1939, entry 148."

Separate third~paragraph cross references from entry to entry, and
See also references with subject headings or subheadings are used to show

prior, subsequent, or closely related records which are not parts of the
same series.


Themmrds "state department" used in descriptions of entries stand
for state department of public welfare; the words "district office" stand
for territorial branch office; and the word "unit" for the territorial
division of a district officeo


If a record is indexed, mention is made of a self—contained index
or reference to a separate index is indicateda If there is no index to a
record the fact is stated in the entry,

Condition 2f Records

If no comment is made regarding the condition of records, it may be
assumed to be satisfactory,


Except where otherwise indicated, dimensions of volumes, file boxesm
file drawers, and other containers are shown in inches. Dimensions of
volumes are given in the order of length along binding edge, width, and
thickness; dimensions of file cases, boxes, and drawers are given in the
order of height, width. and depth=


The location noted is that at the date of the final field check of
the inventory, approximately 4 months prior to publication. Many records,
especially current ones, are in constant use by officials and subject to
transfer between offices, and fronioffices to storeroom. The Historical
Records Survey cannot guarantee that the record will be found in the
location noted, but merely that the record was found there at the date of
the inventory field check.


First entry pr 65


The records of the department are housed in seventeen buildings
throughout the city. In addition to records kept in the main welfare
building at 45 Hawkins Street, and in 10 district offices, many records
are also kept in the White Fund Health'Unit and public libraries.

The main building, containing a large part of the department9s current
records, is a brick structure of second-class construction and contains
54 depositories. The records here are for the most part fairly well
housed. Several office~rooms, however, are crowded, and in many other
depositories, such as vaults, storerooms, etc.0 the arrangement and accessibil-:
ixty to the records are poor, owing to the limited amount of space. Condi—
tions in these depositories could be improved by providing larger quarters
or by the regrouping of certain departmental divisions" It is also suggested
that the older records which are no longer in current use be removed to
the storage building at 22 Leverett Streetu

The storage building at 22 Leverett Street contains the great bulk of
old recordsu These have been deposited without any special regard for
their preservation or accessibility, having been, for the most part, placed
on improvised metal shelves without any arrangement as to type of record
or chronological sequence, and in some rooms, the records have been merely
dumped or piled on the floor. Several rooms in this building are poorly
lighted and sanitary conditions are not quite satisfactory.

The housing facilities in the White Fund Health Units and at the
Wayfarers'.Lodge are in excellent condition and there is ample room here
for the storage of additional records;

Conditions in the various buildings and depositories are summarized
as follows:

Overseers of the Public Welfare, Main building
43 Hawkins Street



Main Rmo Off‘ of Diva
Employment and Waiting of Employment—
Depository Work Assignment Divl Rm. Women
Location Bsmt. Bsmtg Bsmt.
*Dimensions 8% x 10 X lO 18 X 25 x 8% 12 x 18 x 8
Cubic Feet 850 5825 608
Fireproof Na Ft P, N? F0 P; Ne F. P.
Shelving None None None
Containers Steel Steel Steel & Cloth
Lighting Good Good Good
Accessibility Good Fair Fair
Arrangement Good Good Good
1hysical Condition Fair Good Good
Room.for Expansion Crowded Limited Ample
Divs. Using Employment and Employment Employment
Work Assignment and Work and Work
Assignment Assignment


*Dimensions are given as length by width by height in feet.




Housing, Care, and Accessibility of

the Records


First entry p. 63

Overseers of the Public Welfare, Main Building

45 Hawkins S

treet (Cont°d)






Depository Photostat Rm, Strm“ Va.
Location Bsmt, Bsmt, Bsmt,
*Dimensions 16 x 7 x 11 55 x 17 x 11 9% x 18 x 24
Cubic Feet 1252 6545 4104
Fireproof N, F, P, N, F» P. N, F5 P.
Shelving Wood Wood Steel & Wood
Containers Metal None Steel & Wood
Lighting Fair Good Good
Accessibility Fair Fair Fair
Arrangement Fair Good Fair
Physical Condition Poor Fair Good
Room for Expansion Crowded Ample Limited
Divs. Using Employment and Bkkpu, Medical

Work Assignment, Paying, Social

Bkkpn, Burials, Overseers,

Business Manager, Settlement

Medical Social,

Overseers, Paying,

Settlement, Temporary Home

for Women and Children,

Trust Funds, Wayfarers9

Lodge and Woodyard

Bsmtu DA DA

Depository Hallway Outer Off, Inner Offu
Location Bsmt. 1st flc lst fl.
*Dimensions 9% x 5 x 55 12 x 18 x 12 16 x 8 x 12
Cubic Feet 2612 2592 1556
Fireproof N“ F, Pu N“ F“ P, N, F, P,
Shelving None None None
Containers Steel Wood & Steel Metal & Wood
Lighting Good Good Good
Accessibility Good Fair Fair
Arrangement Good Fair Good
Physical Condition Fair Good Good
Room for Expansion Limited Ample Ample
Divsn Using Employment and DA DA

m’r:.—nwmnmu—¢——‘ ...-_» a.

Work Assignment,

* Dimensions are given as length by width by height in feet.



First entry p. 65

Housing, Care, and Accessibility of

the Records

Overseers of the Public Welfare. Main Building
45 Hawkins Street (Contid)









Off. of Business Off. of Executive
Depository O A A Off. Manager Director
Location lst fl. lst fl. lst fl.
*Dimensions 10 x 55 x 60 12 x 18 x 20 22 x 15 x 10
Cubic Feet 2l000 4520 3500
Fireproof N= F. P. N. F. P. N. F. P.
Shelving None None None
Containers Metal Steel Steel
Lighting Good Good Good
ACCessibility Fair Poor Poor
Arrangement Good Good Good
Physical Condition Good Good Good
Room for Expansion Ample Ample Ample
Divs. Using 0 A A (Central Business Executive
Bureau and Manager Director
Dist. 1), Overseers
Trust Funds
Depository Hallway Rm. 1 Rm. 7
Location lst fl. lst fl. lst fl.
*Dimensions 30 x 6 x 6 12 x 10 x 12 8 x 10 x 12
Cubic 1080 IAAO 960
Fireproof N. F. P. N. F. P. N. F. P.
Shelving None None None
Containers Steel Steel Cloth
Lighting Fair Good Good
Accessibility Fair Poor Fair
Arrangement Fair Fair Fair
Physical Condition Good Good Good
Room for Expansion Ample Limited Ample
Divs. Using Intake and Director of Intake and
Applications Social Service Applications
Real Estate
Depository Rm. 9. Record Rm. Div. Off.
Location lst fl. 2nd fl. 2nd fl., Annex
*Dimensions 8 x 10 x 12 60 x 60 x 8% 20 x 15 x 10
Cubic Feet 960 25980 5000
Fireproof N. F. P. N. F. P. N. F. P.
Shelving None None None
Containers Steel Steel, Cloth Steel & Cloth
and Pasteboard ‘
Lighting Good Good Good
Accessibility Fair Poor Poor
Arrangement Fair Fairr Fair
Physical Condition Good Good Good
Room for Expansion Ample Crowded Limited
Divs. Using Intake and Overseers, O A A Real Estate
- Applications (Central Bureau),

*Dimensions are given as length by width by height in feet.

Trust Funds



i—zlr" ALF-UH I

ir—iPflE-rffbbi—l mm

t‘J‘IJ’Ti'D-Zbl—‘Omiz'io *l—‘lI—i


[:1 o *HIHI



(D I



Housing, Care, and Accessibility of

the Records

First entry p. 65

Overseers of the Public Welfare, Main Building
43 Hawkins Street (Cont'd)




Insurance WPA Certifi— Settlement
Depository Div. Off. cation Off. Div. Off.
Location 2nd f1., Annex 2nd fl., Annex 3rd fl.
*Dimensions 20 x 15 x 10 25 x 16 x 12 40 x 35 x 11
Cubic Feet 5000 4800 15400
Fireproof N. F. P. N. F. P. N. F. P.
Shelving None None None
Containers Steel, Paste— Steel & Cloth Steel

board, & Cloth
Lighting Good Good Good
Accessibility Poor Poor Poor
Arrangement Poor Fair Good
Physical Condition Good1 Fair Good
Room for Expansion Crowded Ample Crowded
Divs. Using Insurance WPA Certification Settlement



Special Sec.






of Settlement Prescription Medical Social
Depository Div. Off. Rm. Div. Off.
Location 5rd fl. 5rd fl. 5rd fl.
*Dimensions 8%.- x 8 x 15 9%; x 16 x 10.13 45 x 20 x 10
Cubic Feet 1020 1655 9000
Fireproof N. F. P. N. F. P. N. F. P.
Shelving None None None
Containers Steel & Wood Steel & Cloth Steel
Lighting Good Good Good
Accessibility Good Good Good
Arrangement Good Good Good
Physical Condition Good Good Good
Room for Expansion Ample Ample Ample
Divs. Using Settlement Prescription, Medical Social


Depository Rm. 21 Bkkp. Div. Off. Legal Div. Off.
Location 5rd f1. 5rd f1. 5rd f1., Annex
*Dimensions 8% x 10 x 20 9 x 40 x 40 50 x 22 x 10
Cubic Feet 1700 14460 6600
Fireproof N. F. P. N. F. P. N. F. P.
Shelving Wood Steel None
Containers Steel & Wood Steel Steel & Pasteboard
Lighting Good Good Good
Accessibility Good Good Good
Arrangement Good Good Good
Physical Condition Good Fair Good
Room for Expansion Ample Ample Ample
Divs. Using Collection Bkkp. Legal


*Dimensions are given as length by

Width by height in feet.


Housing, Care, and Accessibility ?
of the Records E

First entry p. 65

~. Overseers of the Public Welfare, Main Building .
‘1 45 Hawkins Street (Cont'd) ,




Bank & Burials Paying Auditing Personnel
Depository Divs. Off. Div. Off. Div. Off. Div. Off.
Location 5rd fl. Annex 4th fl. 4th fl. 4th fl.
*Dimensions 25xl2x8 60x50x8§ 8%x20x10 8%x10xl2
Cubic Feet 2400 2550 1700 1020
Fireproof N. F. P. N. F. P. N. F. P. N. F. P.
Shelving None None None None
Containers Steel, Cloth, Steel & Steel & Steel &

& Pasteboard Wood Wood Wood
Lighting Good Good Good Good
Accessibility Poor Fair Poor Fair
Arrangement Fair Fair Poor Fair
Physical Condition Good Good Good Good
Room for Expansion Crowded Crowded Crowded Crowded
Divs. Using Bank and Paying, Auditing Personnel

Burials Maintenance,

Trust Funds,
0AA (Central

A D c, Bkkp.

Temporary Home for Women and Children, 41 Chardon Street

Supt. Outer

Supt. Inner

Closet, Supt.


Depository Off. Off. Inner Off.
Location lst fl. lst fl. lst fl.
*Dimensions 14 x 10 x 10 10 x 9 x 10 5% x 2% x lO
Cubic Feet 1400 900 78%
Fireproof F. P. F. P. N. F. P.
Shelving Wood None Wood
Containers Wood Steel Wood
Lighting Good Good Poor
Accessibility Good Good Fair
Arrangement Good Good Good
Physical Condition Good Good Good
Room for Expansion Limited Limited Limited
Divs. Using Temporary Temporary Temporary
- Home for Home for Home for
Women and Women and Women and
Children Children Children


*Dimensions are given as length by width by height in feet.'



 r r:

Housing, Care, and Accessibilty

of the Records

First entry p. 63

Wayfarersf Lodge and Woodyard, 50 Hawkins Street






Supt. Inner Supt. Outer
Depository Supr. Rm. Waiting Rm. Off. Off.
Location lst fl. lst fl. lst fl. lst fl.
*Dimensions 12x15x8 54X18x12 50X15xll 40xl5xll
Cubic Feet 1440 7544 4950 6600
Fireproof F. P. N. F. P. F. P. F. P.
Shelving None None Wood Wood
Containers Steel Metal Steel Steel
Lighting Good Fair Good Good
Accessibility Fair Fair Good Good
Arrangement Good Good Good Good
Physical Condition Good Good Good Good
Room for Expansion Ample Ample Ample Ample
Divs. Using Wayfarers' Wayfarers’ Woodyard ' Woodyard
Lodge Lodge
« Storehouse, 22 Leverett Street
Depository Rm. on lst fl. Rm. 1 Rm. 2
Location 1st fl. 2nd fl. 2nd fl.
*Dimensions 80 x 28 X 14 65 X 48 x 15 50 x 51 x 13
Cubic Feet 31560 40560 12090
Fireproof N. F. P. N. F. P. N. F. P.
Shelving Wood & Metal Wood & Metal Wood & Metal
Containers None Metal None
Lighting Good Good Good
Accessibility Fair Good Fair
Arrangement. Poor Fair Fair
Physical Condition Poor Fair Fair
Room for Expansion Ample Ample Ample
Divs. Using Auditing, Bkkp., Bkkp.,
Bank, Bkkp. Burials, Em— Collection,
Collection, DA ployment and Employment and
Director of Social Work Assign— Work Assignment,
Service, Employment ment, Overseers, Pay—'
and Work Assignment, Overseers, ing, Temporary

Insurance, Mainte;

Paying, Settle—

Home for Women



and Children,
Trust Funds

ment, Tempo—
rary Home for
Women and Chil—,
dram, Trust
Funds, Way—
farers’ Lodge
and Woodyard

Dance, 0 A A (Central
Bureau) Off. of Busim
ness Manager, Over—
seers, Paying, Per—
sonnel, Settlement
Temporary Home for
Women and Children,
Wayfarers' Lodge and
Woodyard, W P A Certi~

*Dimensions are given as length by Width by height in feet.




First entry p. 63


Storehouse, 22 Leverett Street

of the Records


Housing, Care, and Accessibility




Closet Rm. 1 Rm. 2
Location 2nd f1. 3rd fl. 3rd fl.
*Dimensions 5% x 5 x 15 25 x 21 x 11 25 x 14% x 11
Cubic Feet 215 5775 3775
Fireproof N. F. P. N. F. P. N. F. P.
Shelving None None None
Containers None Pasteboard None
Lighting Poor Poor Poor
Accessibility Fair Good Good
Arrangement Poor Poor Poor
Physical Condition Fair Fair Fair
Room for Expansion Limited Ample Ample
Divs. Using Bkkp. Bank, A D C, Bkkp.,

Business Mana— Collection,

ger, Bkkp.,

D A., Director
of Social Ser—
vice, Employ—
ment and Work
Paying, Per—
sonnel, Settle—

Director of Social


Service, Employment
and Work Assignment
of Executive

Director, Overseers


Paying, Settlement,
Temporary Home for
Women and Children,
Wayfarers' Lodge

ment, Temporary
Home for Women
and Children,

Trust Funds,

Wayfarers' Lodge

and Woodyard

and Woodyard

East Boston District Building, 154 Maverick Street, East Boston



Depository. Rm. 1 Senior Visitor's Rm. Diet. Supr. Rm.
Location lst fl. lst f1. 2nd fl. '
*Dimensions 39x26x9 20x9§x10 l4xlelO
Cubic Feet 9126 1950 1400
Fireproof F. P. F. P. F. P.
Shelving None None None
Containers Crdbd. Wood & Cloth Steel
Lighting Good Good Good
Accessibility Good Good Good
Physical Condition Good Good Good

Room for Expansion Ample Ample Ample

Divs. Using

*Dimensions are given as length by width by height in feet.

East Boston East Boston

Dist. Dist.

East Boston Dist.



e for

Housing. Care, and Accessibility of

the Records


First entry p. 63

East Boston District Building, 154 Maverick Street, East Boston






WPA Inter— Social

De ositor viewingL§gb_ _Workers' Rm. Rm. 2
Location lst fl. 2nd fl. 2nd fl.
*Dimensions 9 x 7% x 9 14 x 14 x 10 9 x 7% x 9
Cubic Feet 607% 1960 507%
Fireproof F. P. F. P. F. P.
Shelving None None None
.Containers Cloth Cloth Cloth
Lighting Good Good Good
Accessibility Good Good Good
Arrangement Good Good Good
Physical Condition Good Good Good
Room for Expansion Ample Ample Ample
Divs. Using East Boston East Boston East Boston

Dist. Dist. Dist.
Depository Rm. 5 Rm 4 F. Rm.
Location 2nd fl. 2nd fl. 5rd fl.
*Dimensions 15% x 13% x 10 9 x 7% x 9 13% x 9% x 10
Cubic Feet 1822%- 507% 1282%
Fireproof F. P. F. P. F. P.
Shelving None None None
Containers Cloth Cloth Steel & Crdbd.
Lighting Good Good Good
Aboessibility Good Good Good
Arrangement Good Good Good
Physical Condition Good Good Good
Room for Expansion Ample Ample Ample
Divs. Using East Boston East Boston East Boston

Dist. Dist. Dist.


Charlestown Health Unit Building, 73 High Street, Charlestown



Asst. Supr. Asst. Supr.

Depository Outer Off. Inner Off. Closet
Location 2nd fl. 2nd fl. 2nd fl.
*Dimensions 12 x 12 x 12 15 x 12 x 12 5% x 2% x 12
Cubic Feet 1728 2160 165
Fireproof F. P. F. P. N. F. P.
Shelving None Steel Wood .
Containers Steel & Cloth Wood Steel Wire
Lighting Good Good Fair
Accessibility Good Good Good
Arrangement Fair Fair Good