xt75736m3b0k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt75736m3b0k/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1913-02-07  minutes 2004ua061 English   Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, February 7, 1913 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, February 7, 1913 1913 1913-02-07 2021 true xt75736m3b0k section xt75736m3b0k “*7








of Kentucky,

Feb. 7th,1915.

The Fe wit; convened, February 7th, at 5:50 P H., those present
being Vice-P we aident White in the chair; mtlers present being Profes—
sors Anderson, Allen, Boyd Carrel, LJha1k1eey, Davis, Dantzler, F-ston,
Freeman, German, Gillie, hamilton, Healey, Hooper, Jones, Gullion,
Lafferty, Mackenzie, MLt e we, helcher, Killer, Pence, Peter, IDryor,
Rowe, otrabfiS, Tuttle, Tuthill, Tigert, Zembrod and Frankel, Miss
Chinn, Miss chenev Prof. Bryant.

The minutes of the meeting of December 6th were read or d, on


The reports of the Saululli commit


were then

called for in

?rof. Boyd, for tne committee on ca1en da.r repnrted that the work
of his committee was deing ,goor: oiogr1ess, bLt was not yet completed.

Dr. TFry/'01; For the co.nmittee on student organiz zations, reoo rted
that his Committee had held tvo or three brief meetings recently,
and had made Visits to seve re1. oi the 11a ternity houses. In the
three visited, the con :mittee found the conditions very satisfactory
and he believed thzwt fro: appear ances, the fraternities were conduct-
ing themselves in a cdlbuble ma nner.

For the committee on 11hrrr" geen Hamilton reported that the funds

available for the ourchs
hausted, and W} t no further addition
general fund: ttntil the bewinninq of

e of books for the Current year,

were now ex-
coulC thereiore be made from the

the next fiscal year in July.

Prof. Miller presented to the feCulty, a recomme dation coming
from the facu ty of art~ and sciences, that, beginning with the next
collewiete year, the two- seme ster arrangement of terms, be adapted

for the University, in Lhe
nised, and moved its adoption. The
lenvth by Drmessors White, Vethews,

and others opoosed to the change. The
be not

posed arrangement woulo

Prof. Allen moved that, as a substi
to the council of deans with
meeting as early as possible.
ed, was carried.

Judge Lefferty
dorsing the

And 81"

three- term
recomnend1t1on was di scus-sed at some
son and Bryant,
the engineering courses and in the agricultural department,
so satisfactory as the
the question be referred
the request that they report at a called


presented to the faculty, a
stand recently te1.en by Circuit Judge


Iranicrren+ now recog—
some in favor
was expressed that in
the pro-
present system.

The substitute motion being duly second—

of resolutions, en-
Kerr and Commission-

er George Land, with his associate commissioners, in pushing forward
the work of removing crime and lswl lessnes in our city. The resolu-
tion was seconded by Prof. Miller. After a somewhat extended dis-
cussion, participated in by Professors Alle Wackenzie, White and
Dean Hamilton, it was, upon motion or Prof‘. Anderson, seconded by Drof_


president of the University

moved that action uoon this resolution be
occupies the chair.

postponed until the
The motion was carried.








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-Jn o Laffel Liy preeente a se oTTno rheoliblb upon the subject
of the Un1versity canoes. n7 afol1cwe, and moied its adooticn'
”heso] vem ‘: Th ' thereulte. . 1 do 11088 given un‘er the

6‘ of the EJniveTfi"3 or any etr”r“' 01" '15“?LQ£, whether

\ 3’1 or TeonnTre, no Toe.¢ a; m as the ”Turkey Tr
or any other unconventional eh311 be a110wed.T1 =,;
Committee having in one: . n' T’nmente shall see that uh:s
Ieeo1otion is Luoe known to e11 organinntisns “*‘Lotoj by 1t, and


report all V1c1Ttlono."


The resolution was eeooooeo bV fir. PrVor a.no after brTef som~
went: ';iton, Prof. 7e mbrod and others , was adoo ed.

. 11118 reporteo LC foot1ty, e reCent action of the
students Te1m11Ve to the honor system, ae follows and moved its


ratificationz" Reeolved: That ArTL1o e V., Section 7 of the present




oonstitotu»n be amended to read a” folJows: Tn all cawee of onset-
irg on teete or £21n4t one, the Committee ha11, when the not used'
is founo Cliltj, eLTs eoend him from the Ur:iver: ity IOI a oerl od of one
month; tre eeocno o1f nee tn: atodent shall he excelled from the

The resolution was ad013ted by the body.

1.n.C. Johnson, P’-

1 we 9 dn1v Seconded and was dis

White. T? #1 and }illie, ne opinion be1 g 3 ; 3

t * , as taken by the student body ‘w

some mod' ‘ a ”on bpt upon the suggestion of Prof. G

{x action ' an3 onee brobably be amended soon by the student body,

Kw“ its ratificaticn has approved upon an eye and no vote of fourteen eyes
and thirteen noes



d hy prof. h1119r



On motion, the facnity adjourned.


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