xt75736m3837 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt75736m3837/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2003-04-09 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 09, 2003 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 09, 2003 2003 2003-04-09 2020 true xt75736m3837 section xt75736m3837 Bat Cats defeat Wright State 4-2 | PAGE 6



April 9, 2003

Celebrating 31 years of independence




By Paul leightty
surr WRITER _

The post-election sea-
son has begun for Student
Government. as candidates
for last week’s election met
their deadline yesterday to
file complaints and obser—
vations — “claims re-
ports”— concerning the

About 40 claims have

been filed. and students
may hear by Thursday if
and to what extent the SG
election could be over-

The SC Supreme Court
will meet Thursday to hear
arguments for whether a
new election should be
held. SG Supreme Court
Chief Justice Phillip
Wheeler said the court will
hear arguments from both

Election Investigator Eric
Mills and from some candi-
dates who will argue
against a new election in
all races. The meeting will
be at 8:30 pm. in the Law

“If you don’t have this
hearing. then I guess all
the other claims don't mat-
ter." Wheeler said.

Some claims state that
the election should be
thrown out. and some state
that certain candidates did
not submit their campaign

finance reports by the
deadline on Friday. In one
claim. presidential candi-
date Matt Falk said that SG
vice president elect Matt
Rippetoe initiated a verbal
and physical altercation
with him on campus, vio-
lating the Student Code of

Two students outside
of SC have filed another
claim against Election In-
vestigator Mills v the per-
son who prosecutes claims
-4 saying that he is not im-




Nearly 40 claims filed involving 56 elections

Election issues: 56 Supreme Court will meet Thursday
to hear claims concerning whether to have a new election

partial enough for his

Mills said he wanted to
stress that a claim is just a
charge. similar to charges
brought against someone
in court.

A claim is neither true
nor false necessarily, he
said. but something to be


The SG constitution
outlines a process for filing
complaints and observa-
tions that begins with any
student or candidate who

wants to file a claim to the
election investigator.

The person filing the
claim submits it to Elec-
tions Board of Supervision
Chairman Kellen Baker.
who receives the claims
and passes them on to

Although about 40
claims have been filed.
Mills said he won't give
much consideration to
many of them. because
they don't meet the consti-

See CLAIMS on 5


Cruisinngubby Way

e not for long




t may

New name? Street has had several names in the past;
conflict with 911 system may mean current name won't stick

ey m Color

Some motorists may have
noticed a street sign giving
part of Cooper Drive a new
name. but that name change
may be temporary

The stretch of Cooper
Drive that runs from
Nicholasville Road to Univer-
sity Drive was named Tubby
and Donna Smith Way in hon-
or of the Wildcats coach‘s
banner year. but because a
city policy wasn‘t followed.
the sign may have to come

To change a street name.
the Lexington-Fayette Urban
County Government must

file a “911 agreement.“
which allows the street name
to become permanently
changed. This is done so
that police can respond to a
call to the correct street in-
stead of having to guess
where a temporary street
might be.

The problem is that the
new street sign was posted
without adhering to this

“Tubby and Donna Smith
Way is a violation of the (911)
agreement." said Kenneth
Clevidence. vice president of
Auxiliary Campus Services at
UK. “It would have to come
down at this juncture."

Without adhering to the

.MM.._._. _ .. WWW»... ”gm-“ WA

911 agreement. the 15 mem-
bers of the council unani-
mously passed a motion to
honor Coach Tubby Smith
and his wife Donna at their
March 20 meeting.

“I didn't know about the
(911) agreement." council
member Paul Brooks said.
“As far as I know. UK asked
for that change."

The order to put up the
street sign was given from the
council to Cecil Warner. who
works at the Traffic Opera.
tion Office. “I had a contrac-
tor put the sign up under the
direction of the city council."
Warner said. “That‘s all I

The strip of Cooper has
typically been used as a trib-
ute to UK coaches who have
fared well during their respec-
tive seasons. Recently. it was



The Student Mpfiattne


nviert of tciiy, Lexingtno

The recently named Tubby
& Donna Smith Way is at
the corner of
Nicholasville Road and
Cooper Drive. The city
council agreed to change
the name to honor the
Cats' recent season. The
street used to he called
Hal Mumme Pass, but
that name was removed
alter a series of football
scandals. The current
moniker may be removed
due to an discrepancy
with 911 emergency
system regulations.

JOIIII woman I xmnsurr


named Hal Mumme Pass. for
the former UK football coach.
but the sign was removed
when Mumme was fired for
NCAA violations.

City officials are not cer-
tain what they will do in the
future with the street name.
They could just remove the
sign or they may make an offi-
cial change later.

But some said the street
will keep the name of Cooper
Drive unless a more major de~
cision is made.

“It's Cooper Drive and
will always be Cooper Drive
in the eyes of the Urban
County Government until it's
changed by a resolution." said
Phillip Stiefel. who has
worked for seven years as an
addressing specialist for the
transportation department in




U.S. claims full control
of Baghdad's airspace


Developments: Saddam not found in wreckage:
troops pull civilian bodies from bomb's debris

WASHINGTON —— The United States declared air
supremacy over all of Iraq on Tuesday, asserting its
warplanes can fly anywhere with impunity even though
an Air Force attack plane was shot down near Baghdad.

Until now. the Pentagon had said it owned the skies
over all of Iraq except in the Baghdad area and over
Tikrit, the hometown of President Saddam Hussein,
where air defenses were the strongest.

“Coalition air forces have established air suprema-
cy over the entire country which means the enemy is
incapable of effective interference with coalition air op-
erations," Maj. Gen. Stanley McChrystal, vice director
of the Pentagon’s Joint Staff, said.

He did not mention that an Air Force A-lO warplane
was shot down near Baghdad on Tuesday It is believed
to be the first allied aircraft other than a helicopter to be
downed by an Iraqi surfacetoair missile since the war
began March 20. US. Central Command officials said
the pilot ejected safely was recovered by allied ground
forces and was in good condition.

The military also announced Tuesday that a US. F-
15E strike fighter had been missing in Iraq since Sun-
day The two airmen aboard the plane remain missing, a
Central Command statement said.

Iraq began the war with formidable air defenses in
the Baghdad and Tikrit areas. which had not been dam-

See VAR on 4




US. Marshals arrest man
near UK on rape charges

An FBI fugitive was caught on Linden Walk Monday,
bringing an end to an 18-day manhunt.

Roger David Carder. 53. was arrested by US. Mar-
shals on charges of 23 counts of rape involving his
daughter and stepdaughter. who are under the age of 13.
He is wanted in northern Ohio for the charges. which
police say occurred between 1988 and 2001. He was also
arrested on five counts of being a violent sexual preda-
tor. said Dave Sacks. spokesman for the US. Marshals.

Sacks said Carder. :1 Cleveland native. tied after he
posted bond for the charges. The FBI. US. Marshals and
other police agencies began searching in Lexington
when they learned his brother lives here.

(‘arder's brother could not be reached for comment.

When Carder was arrested. he was living and doing
carpentry work at 315 Linden Walk. off Euclid Avenue.

“He was somebody who had rented here before."
said Bill Reed. one of the home‘s owners. “He said he

was all right ”

See meat on 3


 2’01 wrpucsoxv. APRIL 9, 2003 l xcurucxv Kaitlin”

Kong. where health officials warned Tues
day the crisis could worsen even as new in-
fections in China's Guangdong province
have tapered oil". The global death toll
climbed to at least 104 with new fatalities
announced Tuesday in Hong Kong and Sin
gapore from severe acute respiratory syn»
drome. or SARS. and public worries were
also on the rise.

Israeli missile kills five, wounds 47

GAZA CITY. Gaza Strip - - An Israeli
warplane fired a missile at a car in Gaza
City after sundown Tuesday, killing at least
five people ~ including a Palestinian mili-
tant in the first Israeli airstrike in Pales-
tinian territory since the war in Iraq be-
gan. At least 47 people also were wounded

_ eight of them critically 7 by the missile
strike. doctors said. The wounded were
civilians ranging in age from 6 to 75. doc-
tors said. Witnesses reported a huge explo—
sion in the Zeitoun neighborhood in Gaza
City. known as a stronghold of the militant
group Hamas. which is responsible for
dozens of attacks that have killed hundreds
of Israelis in 30 months of fighting. One of
the dead was identified as Saed Arabeed. 38.
a Hamas commander. Casualties include
women and children.

CINCINNATI A Presbyterian minister CHICAGO _ A studv has found a star-
who has publicly stated his commitment to tlinglevel of despair among obese childrett
tiiart‘ying same sex couples awaited the de- with many rating their quality of life as 10“;

The “V- noininauoit's first trial Tuesday before church as that bof voun cancer atients on
“amps; colleagues. The Rev. Stephen \‘an Kuiken. 44. chemotherapy Thegresearch gublished in
v pastor of Mount Auburn Presbyterian » ' ~ _

0f MOW“ AUDUT" Church. also was to be tried on a charge that Wednesday 5 Journal Of the American Med

Presbyterian he ordains as church deacons and elders gay gfiafifgfisaifi: gg‘efiaiiogggg $111325;qu
Churchaboutto people who won't adhere to a requirement of nationwide The' are teased aboutgtheir
be tried for chastity for unmarried lay ministers. “This is size have troubley la in s rts and suffer
marrvmti 9*“ an issue that I can't compromise on. Ibelieve h sical ailmentsplitilkegi gotheir wei ht
oldgfdiiizagfy it is a matter of conscience." he said Tuesday. glib: study was published in an editiofi; of
. . "For me. it is a matter of doing what is right - -
non-celibate and treating gay and lesbian people the way I the journal devoted to ObeSIty research.

deacons and think Jesus would want me to." The highest HOUSE blOCkS terrorists' diamonds
elders. Presbyterian court ruled in 2000 that minis WASHINGTON _ Diamonds that fi_
ters may bless satire-sex unions but cannot nance terrorists and African civil wars
mm 13 SUN] couples. would be banned from US. import and ex-
- port under a bill passed by the House on
Naviglgllggig $31535??? 332$?0ta Tuesday. “It makes a step in the right direc-
. ‘ f‘ ‘1‘. ' if, ‘ ‘ . pe tion to wage war on the international trade
purportedly ttotn ()sama bin Laden exhorts nexus of money diamonds and weapons
Muslims to rise tip against Kuwait. Saudi Ara- which help fuel‘conflicts in Africa .. said
bia and other governments it claims are Gregory Meeks D-N Y The bill enters the
“agents of America“ and calls for suicide at- United States into an international agree-
tacks against US. and British interests to ment that bans tradeinso-called conflict di-
“avenge the innocent children" of Iraq. The amonds Conflict diamonds have been
27-minute tape quotes extensively from the linked t6 civil wars in Sierra Leone and An-
Quran and says jihad. or holy war. is the “only gola Rebels use the proceeds to purchase
solution to all the problems." There was no weapons and finance military action Law-
way immediately to confirm that the voice on makers also argued that blocking trade in
the tape was that of the al-Qaida chief. But it . . . . . .
was translated by an Arabic~speaking Afghan illegitimate diamonds W111 cutoff financmg

who met with the terrorist mastermind years to international terrorist groups. The Trea-

ago and said he believed the voice seemed to Ruggmgegfflesgét:filigcctgrfiizggfiisg 131;:
be bin Laden‘s.

diamonds as they are forced out of the tra-
SARS still raging in Hong Kong “10m” bankmg ”Stem
HONG KONG -—The new flu-like virus
has shown no signs of letting up in Hong


The Low-down

Education council given legal
l~‘R.-\.\'Kit til'l‘ .-\ panel of state lawmak-
ers on Monday allowed funding for the (‘otut-
ill on l’tWISl‘t‘UlltlillX l-Itlucation's legal defense
in a lawsuit brought against them by the
chairman of Eastern Kentucky University's
Litiyt'l‘llllig board. Fred Rice is suing the coun~
. g l il over a law the General Assembly passed
This 15 an this war requiring the council to fire Rice be-
155119313” cause he moved to the Virgm Islands. He has
(“Ht _ obtained .1 court order to at least temporarily
“0111910111139 liltlt'b his l't‘llltnill. tioy l’aul Patton had ve-
‘_’“- [believe if toed .t different House bill that would have
151‘ 1113(191‘ 01 ousted any regional university regent living
if‘UITSCIE‘nCF- outside the 30 states or District of Coliunbia.
P0" ”it’- 1‘ L? 3 l’atton said the bill he vetoed was a hodge»
matter Oi . podge of issues. and that violated a constitu-
doing WIW 15 tionai itiantlatt- that legislation tnust ttot re~
”Bill and late to more than one subject. He also cited
”WWW-'7 Say the bill’s retroactive parts and general “ambi-
dlitl leSbltln :11]I\ M
people the
way I think
Jesus would
want me to.“



Selected UK policce reports from
March 317to April 6


s. a

March 31: Suspicious person reported from Limestone St. at
10:20 am, male carrying chemical container.

March 31: Theft reported from Greg Page Apartments at
4:18 pm. approximately 10 DVDs stolen.

April 1: A male playing his violin was reported from
Administration Drive at 3:57 pm. had his case open so
people could give him money.

April 1: A loud boom was reported from the Kirwan-Blanding
Complex Area at 9:06 pm.

April 1: Indecent exposure was reported from 401 Hilltop
Ave. at 10:30 pm, male subject at computer on 5th floor.
April 2: Noise complaint reported from 845 Red Mile Road
at 12:56 am.

April 3: Assault reported from 305 Euclid Ave. at 12:17 am.
April 4: A subject causing a disturbance was reported from
758 Woodland Ave. at 1:21 am

April 4: Assault reported from 765 Woodland Ave. at

5:40 pm.

April 4: Noise complaint reported from Oldham Ave. at 11:04
pm, party disturbing the peace.

April 5: Suspicious car reported from Greg Page Apartments
Overflow Lot at 4:37 am. big rig running with lights on.
April 5: Theft reported from Kentucky Clinic Drive at 8:23
am. wallet stolen.

April 5: Burglary reported from Greg Page Apartments at
4:14 pm, chased subjects from apartments and afterward
found his roommate's missing items.

April 5: Suspicious person reported from Slone Building at
7:42 am. male attempting to gain entry.

April 6: Criminal mischief reported from 101 Ave. of
Champions at 4 am, vandalism

April 6: Criminal mischief reported from Rose and
Limestone streets at 4:11 am, male and female carrying
traffic control sign.

April 6: Burglary reported from Pennsylvania Court at

4:34 am.




iii * i2


Source: UK Police Log at www.ulry.edu/Police and police
reports. Compiled by assistant news editor Emily Hagedorn.









Honons MEMBERS annulus 4.00 son THE FALL 2002 SEMESTER

Lcin Proffitt
Becky Reynolds
Kelly Rezny
Meagan Rideout
Lindsey Sanders
Lauren Snyder
Jessica Sparks
Sarah Webb
Lora Winstead
Kristen Stone

Alpha Delta Pi
Katie Allen
Erin Azar
Kirsten Bright
Christen Bymc
Erin Caylor
Allison Clark
Lori Compton
Casie Cook
Mehrin Doolin
Emily Esham
Mandy Gill

Christy Hruska
Leigh Anne Lochner
Lauren Logan
Alecia Lohaus
Brittanic Mason
Caroline McCoy
Nicole McHamm
Sarah Murphy
Amberlec Nickell
Ashley Tablet
Rachel Tierney
Allison Williams

Brayc Justice
Tiffany Konwiczka
Amanda Lampi
Christi Lee
Amanda Mills
Abbie Ncary
Jennifer Nicholson
Laura Otis
Lindsey Preston

Shannon Slough
Diana Viltrakis

Kappa Delta

Cristina Elizabeth Ashy
Beth Millincr

Kimberly Jean O‘Donnell
Brooke Raquc

Stephanie Simms

Aimc Weber

Delta Gamma
Lauren Baldwin

Alpha Omicron Pi Kappa Kappa Gamma

Jenna Harden
Erin Lampson
Laliy Lchmann
Bonnic Lirrlw
Christa McAlpin
Jennifer Mitchell
.iiII Morris

Nikki Stretcher
.-\iii_\ 'iiiotnas
Kathryn 'Iohiil
l.l|1tl\t‘} loincs
Stephanie Isang
ch‘ltul‘» \\.ill\t‘1'
Rachel Walls
\TtiIL'ali \t‘il’s

Laura “stilling

Alpha (vlllllllifl Delta
lilliaii it ll'\i

\lai\ I\.ttliciinc liltilllt‘}
it." L} I‘H‘iiits
Brittney I‘dwaids
Katherine deards

I csitw I l\ll

Iiili.iii l‘ltti'tfilkt'

I Illilst"y {twill}
litalliti (i'.llil

Ii tii lliillliiit‘

\ I\ll.I Il.lillt‘:\

\i.ii\ \itI tiIl

\illlli‘ \ioit'~
t‘liirtina \litlllsitil
liilit \ltiii.i\


Katie Berghauscn
Erin McBride
Nichole Owens
Liz Richardson
Kim Skcene
Katherine Smith
Shem Sullivan
Susie Thcis
Ashley Watson

Alpha Xi Delta
Julia Elliott

Lisa Marie Perryman
Susan Scott


Kathryn Ellis
Shannon Gnau
Stephanie Goode
Suzanne Laboy

(‘hi ()mega
Anne Marie Abcll
Iiii/abcth Baird
'I‘cai Baxter
Kristy Carroll
.iuitc (av sc

l‘.IIlll_\ do_\lc
Beck} Iiliingsworth
Mar) Bclh Elliott
laurel (iaddic
Ashley Hammond
Rachel Hattcbcrg

Laura Wills
Bethany Wright

Delta Delta Delta
Lara Clay

Whitney Combs
Rachel Dawson
Kate DeFrancesca
Mary Collins Evans
Mandy Goldsmith

The Panheilenic
Association stands for
good scholarship, for
guarding of good
health, for
maintenance of fine
standards, and for
serving, to the best of
our ability, our college

The University of Kentucky
Panheilenic Association,
575 Patterson Office Tower,


Melanie Cahili
Stephanie Logsdon
Andrea Maurer
Brittany Nathanson
Jenny Raincy
Emily chkcnbrock

Delta Zeta
Nicole Cisowski
Dana Croech
Shannon Glancy
Bethany Lambert
Becky Leidgen
Steph Norctto

Kappa Alpha Theta
Elizabeth Boison
Emily Cuntz
Amanda Dauit
Lauren Hart
Amanda Haynes
Kim Hindman
Emily Kinnaird
Kathryn Knapp
Rebecca Lawrence
Sonya Lichtenstein
Mci McT‘Iincy
Lauren McIilroy
Brandi Moore
Brianna Shaffer
Dcyin Smith
Leslie Smith
Kcilic Sowcll

Natalie Beavcn
Paula Brccn
Jillian Carrico
Rcbccca Collcy
Lcslic Cotter
Jenny Extcrkamp
Lilly Georganna
Kathy McDonald
Sara Merton

Liz Peace
Meredith Peck
Ashley Ray

Liz Smith

Lisa Williams
Angela Wilson
Lauren Wolfrom
Jessica Carey

Pi Beta Phi
Kortncy Bryan
Jacque Chevalier
Lindsay Farris
Kimberly Fisk
Emily Humble
Bonnie Laurie
Ashley Richardson
Lindsay Sharp
Janet Siaubic

Phi Sigma Rho
Anna Marshall
Yckatcrina Mogilcvski




 Speakers Will explore
issues facing Christians

By Abby Heath

UK student McKinley
Neal wanted to create an at-
mosphere where UK stu-
dents. faculty and staff dis-
cuss the basic. troublesome
issues facing the Christian

The Veritas Forum.
which begins tonight in
Memorial Hall at 7 pm. is
the realization of her vision.

The forum. named after
the Latin word for truth. is a
first for UK. It features lec-
tures by two local professors
and one visiting speaker.

Neal. an English and
psychology sophomore. said
the speakers were chosen for

their expertise and desire to
share truth. Jerry Walls.
professor of philosophy of
religion at Asbury Theologi-
cal Seminary. speaks tonight
about Tragic Evil and the
God of Love. Alvin Planti-
nga of Notre Dame will
speak Thursday and UK pro-
fessor David Bradshaw will
speak April 14.

The Veritas Forum is
free and open to the public.

"We encourage people to
come. regardless of their
personal beliefs or philoso-
phies. in order to under-
stand more about the Christ-
ian perspective and engage
in thoughtful reflection and
discussion." Neal said.

Forum organizers said
they hope the speakers fa-
cilitate understanding and
discussion and help people
see the relationship be
tween faith and reason.

“We'd like to encourage
the university community to
see that the Christian faith
is intellectually sound. and
that both scholars and stu-
dents can be productively en-
gaged in discussions about
the intersections of faith
and reason." said Dr. Larry
Grabau. director of the
Teaching and Learning Cen-
ter and professor of agrono-

Veritas Forum organiz-

ers hope to host additional


fora in the lutuie to dist iiss
other disciplines and issues.
including the natural and so-
cial sciences and environ
mental concerns,


All lectures will be held at 7
pm. in Memorial Hall

Tonight: Jerry Walls of Asbury
Theological Seminary will discuss
“Tragic Evil and the God of Love."

Thursday: Alvin Plantinqa ot
the University of Notre Dame will
discuss "Evolution vs. Atheism."

On April 14. Dr. David Brad-

shaw of UK will discuss “The Rela-
tionship Between Faith and

In war, Buddhists emphasize peace



Peace and love — and
transcending a human in-
stinct to fight back . are the
keys to finding personal peace
at a time of difficulty. said
Donald Rothberg of the Bud—
dhist Peace Fellowship.

Rothberg said Buddhist
teachings of love and inner
peace are the best ways to
solve problems in the midst of

The speech. “Cultivating
Peace in a Time of War." was
presented by the Gaines Cen»



Continued from page 1

Reed said five US. Mar-
shals arrived suddenly Mon-
day and arrested Carder.

“We didn‘t know." Reed

Despite the arrest. some
Linden Walk residents said
they don‘t fear for their

ter and the Buddhist Studies
Club last night.

Rothberg said hatred in
the world comes from an end-
less cycle of the human in-
stinct to defend oneself. “If
someone says something
nasty. our first reaction is to
defend ourselves." he said.
“Some withdraw. some react.
It all depends on personality."

Humans have the ability
to unconsciously and auto‘
matically fight back against
negative experiences. he said.

“We tend to reproduce
positive experiences and fight
back to negative expert


“He‘s locked up." said
Martha Birchfield. an infor-
mation management and de-
sign professor at LCC.
“There‘s criminals every-

Birchfield. who has
lived on Linden Walk for 18
years. said there haven‘t
been many problems on the

Some students who live
on Linden Walk agreed.

ences." Rothberg said. adding
that this is a cyclic pattern.
The best way to overcome
these reactions is to follow
guidelines that use Buddhist
techniques. Rothberg said.
One guideline he said
was to “recognize if it's out
there. it‘s in here.“ saying that
any human emotions felt are
also reproduced on a much
bigger scale in the real world.
“(Reaction to) the war is our
reflection of our souls. Do not
answer hatred with hatred."
“Cultivate love in our
own personal lives." Rothberg
said. “We can work on those

“It's scary. but the fact is
we never know who our
neighbors are." said Lisa
Grober. an architecture

The amount of people
living on the street and the
nearby LexingtonFayette
Police station comforts
Justin Hutton. also an archi»
tecture senior.

“It doesn’t really bother
me.“ he said. “I still feel

core principles that make war

He added that the human
instinct to react when offend
ed is at the center of this

Disruptive and some-
times violent anti-war demon-
strations have been counter-
productive. Rothberg said.

"They (protests) are be-
ing acted out of a will for jus-
tice. but it was really no less
reactionary that anything
else." he said. “Be in touch
with beauty. joy and growth
on a daily basis. This elimi-
nates burnout."

Carder is not known to
have committed any crimes
in Lexington.

He is being held in the
Lexington-Fayette Urban
County Detention Center
until he is extradited to

Carder has a criminal
history dating back to 1968.
His has also been arrested
on charges of assault with
intent to kill. rape. auto lar-
ceny and burglary




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it it "A 3

av af't” rm“ .T’i‘


o Raider l-ii r (‘1‘ “.1 writs '.' 0 “Mt lune ‘ "1.

Racing througi April 25

he (even av.





LLMEDNESDAY, APRIL 9, 2003 y nrnrucnv nearest.





Graduate School Dissertations




' Kate llamsheryrer Hon

. Psychology
IPrOMtne Study o‘ ”I! “(about
lot-e.- cma Disruptive Behavior
Mics lid m Mitt Surname
Ilse m Ion Ire mm It lhl mi

' Dr Doodd lynarn

: 04/11. 2003

: 9:00 am

. dim M Psrcirologr Arum

tidied Muiixril WAIIQH

Variable Order Ci»: .iilii Mtilticriil

Progr JIIl
Dissertation litie

01 Craig Douglas

Dr Carl lee

DJ 15 [Gill

I 00 yr iii

8-35 Patterwii Otfiie [om-i

Mayor Professors

Plai e


Prom am
Dissertation Title

Mayor Prulesxur

David W Held


Bash .II‘II lipulied North of
firmer feeding by the Iiyinnese
Beetle \CUIt‘ltUIt‘ll

Di DJlllrl Potter

04 I8 [001

9 00 a Ill

5101 lwurttne )1 my Leifiri Nivir'v




i In Celeste Shawler
Itorsngi‘h D

1 [rot-tron of Women s Strength
Iglig Mothers and Daughten
Securing Empowered After a
lIedth 0an
I“ W Dr. Patricia Ilouard

Date: 04/15/2001

Elie: 10:00 am

Place: 31.3 161.0 Bldg

[in John Mankind

Dissertation Title Wiilbathio lirlectiori Dvnannm ll!

iieilex Attiopictm

Dr Charles II to:

Dr Stephen 1 Dotrsiin

04116 2003

2 00 p m

S 201 Agricultural Science Center north

Mayor Hotessors



Dissertation Title

Mayor holeswi


Robert Shields


Understanding Culture Jiiil the
Challenges of leariiiiip

Dr Theodore R Sinai/h:

3'00 11 iii
N15 Patterson Ottito loner




lune: Dorothy Fisher Marsil
Mom: Psrcholoei
: Ihe bifluence of Midtiple hearsay
Witnesses on Mock Iuror
Demon—mating in a Irial of Child
Sellrd Ihiise
Idol Professor: Dr. loriathan Golding
Date: MAI/2003
Inc: 1200 pm
Place: 206 Kastle flail

Dissertation Title

When Iames Compton
Pharmaceutical Scr
Phannacodynamrc Modeling of
Ciprofloiacm Resistance in
Staphylococcus aiireus

Dr Patrick McNamara

04/15, 2003

1.00 1:50 pm . 2‘00 400 pm.
201 U810 51) Pharmacy Building

Mayor Professor:



Dissertation If“?

Mayor Professor

Kyoungnii Kim


Empirical LthIIIIUlitI Ratio
Method When Additional
Information .t Known

Di Mai lhnii
0-1, 215200}
330 p in

CB 110




Italic: M lei Itho
Prev-i: council enng
W Title: f Investigations of
Carlton Dioxide-[inauded
Fhomated Solvents as P'ocess
Idol Professor
Date: 04/16/2003
Tue: 9:00 am
Place: ISIeCC I157

lone lohiison Goodman

Princmals Perspectives on

InterafieiiCi Collaboration


Dissertation Title

Mayor Professor

Di Ian G. Byorli


8'00 am

109 ”Whey llall ‘incultr Lounge)




Mayor Professor

Dissertation Iitle'

Jason Robert Edwards

[d Policy Stud, [vat

0n the had of the Orphan
Bngatle. lracnie the Influence of
the Southern Agrariaiiism in
Higher fducational Thought and

Dr Iohn lhelin

10:00 a m
1515 layloi Education Billllllng



lame; Mayla Renee Robbins
finer-i.“ Mathematics
W IitIe: 0n Orientations of the Free


Igor Professor Dr. Carl Lee
Date: 04/17/2003
Tune: MO “n.
Hope: 845 Patterson Office lower


Dell Ward Iensen. Ii

Novel Hydroxphenalenones for
Material duplications

Dissertation Title

Dr Robert C Haddnn

100 p in

137 Chemistry Physics Budding

Mayor Professor






Dissertation Title

Mayor Professor


Brian Thomas Nipplev

le [nyuneering

Elastic Stiffness of Unsaturated

Dr BobhyO Hardin
04 1712003

100 p m

120 Raymond Building




Dissertation Title



Mayor Professor:

Paymari Nasr
3-flitrpropionic Acrd. I Model
for Huntington's Disease

Dr. James W. Geddes
1000 am

239 SandersBrovin Center Place




Dissertation Title

Mayor Professor:

Gary Andrew 0‘Dell

Eco Efficiency and Lean
Production: tnvnonmental

Performance of Japan

Iransplants m the United

Dr Iohn Heiles

2:00 pm

Cord Room. Miler llall lhsemenf











The first 50 UK
students in
attendance at the
Men’s and Women's
Tennis matches will

UK Beach Towel.

UK Women’s Tennis
vs. Vanderbilt
UK Men’s Tennis


April ’1 2th.

Notre Dame

’1 2pm

April ’1 3th. ’1 pm

Boone Tennis




U.S. Army Spc. Harrison Grimes from A Company, 3rd Battalion, 7th Infantry Regiment, walks past the
damaged model of the Saddam Hussein palace he is searching, after a bombing in Baghdad Monday.


Continued from page i

iigoil by yours of Amoriczm
and British nirstrikos in “no-
tly" zonos ovor northern and
southorn Irth. Iraq‘s ()fft-‘llSIVP
iiir t'orcos arc wonk. and not 11
single Iraqi aircraft has taken
off to challongo allied planes.
Tho Pontzigon announcod.
mozmwhilo. that tho ITS. death
toll from tho \‘I'éll' in Iraq roso
to 96. Eight Amoricans are
missing. and seven are being
hold (is prisonors of war. ac-
cording to US. figures.
McChrystal would not say
if Saddam was tho target of
tho B-IB bombor striko Mon-
day. Ho said tho attack was
"\r'ory. vory oflootivo" and tho
holo punchod in tho ground by
four ono-ton bombs was
"whoro wo wantod it to bo."
Tho Air Forco officer in
chzirgo of tho bomb drop from
tho BIB. Lt. ("01. Frod Swan.
said in :1 iolophono intorvicw
with Pontngon ropm'tors Tucs-
(l£1_\’. that thoy launched four
2.()(i()-pountl szttollitoguided
bombs _ two of :1 type that
penetrates into buried struc-
turos bot‘oro rlotonziting and
two nonyxinotrnting types.
Eliminating Saddam
would bo militarily signifi-
cant. Mol‘hrystzil said. even if
it did not couso thc immodiato
collapso of Iraqi rosistanco.
“Ho st ill controls ole-