xt75736m3796 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt75736m3796/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2000-09-08 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 08, 2000 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 08, 2000 2000 2000-09-08 2020 true xt75736m3796 section xt75736m3796 Campus works

Story time

Everybody I know who



has a dog usually
calls him “Rover" or


to prove

' is no


“Spot." I call mine
Sex. Now, Sex has
been very
embarrassing to me.
When I went to the
City Hall to renew
the dog's license, I
told the clerk that I
would like a license
for Sex. He said, “I
would like to have
one too!"

Then I said, “But she is a
dog!" He said he
didn't care what she
looked like. I said,
“You don't
understand....l have
had Sex since I was
nine years old." He
replied, “You must
have been quite a
strong boy."

When I decided to get
married, I told the
minister that I would
like to have Sex at
the wedding. He told
me to wait until after
the wedding was
over. I said. "But Sex
has played a big part
in my life." He said
he didn't want to
hear about my
personal life and
would not marry us
in his church. I told
him everyone would
enjoy having Sex at
the wedding. The
next day we were
married at the
Justice of the Peace.


When my wife and I went
on our honeymoon, I
took the dog with
me. When we
checked into the
motel, I told the clerk
that I wanted a room
for my wife and l and
a special room for
Sex. He said that
every room in the
motel is a place for
sex. I said, "You
don’t understand.
Sex keeps me awake
at night." The clerk
said, ”Me too!"


When my wife and I
separated, we went
to court to fight for
custody of the dog. I
said, "Your Honor, I
had Sex before I was
married but Sex left
me after I was
married." The Judge
said, “Me too!"

Last night Sex ran off
again. I spent hours
looking all over for
her. A cop came over
and asked me what I
was doing in the alley
at 4 o'clock in the
morning. I said, “I'm
looking for Sex.” -

My case comes up next

-Ron Norton


E-mails to date: 18

The e-mail count has
now been stagnant
for a couple of clays.
The goal Is 100. If
that happens, I
promise never to ask
for another one


8.2 as

If you're going to the
game, take your umbrel-
la. You'll get a little wet.

new t'fiirfii ..
3: NV"

VOL. $3106 ISSUE m3


Nieves; til)”
Call: 257-1915 or write:


Students share at search forum

On a more personal note: Students say they want the next UK
president to get involved with students, fund more programs

By Tracy Kershaw

The next UK president will
spend an afternoon coaching a
theatre student through her lines.
eating lunch at Mom's Kitchen or
supporting student interest in so-
cial causes.

About 30 students gathered
last night at the first presidential
search student forum. offering
these and other suggestions for
the qualities they want (‘harles

.9» v v

‘~ u v...



Wethington‘s successor to pos-

Wethington retires in July

A reoccurring theme in the
students‘ comments was hiring
someone who interacts with the

"Maybe if the next president
loves theatre. he or she might not
mind directing a student play. or
tutoring a student." said Laurie
Warnecke. a 1999 UK law school
graduate. "Maybe he or she can't



talk to every student on campus.
but it would go a long way in pro-
jecting an image that the presi-
dent cares about the students."

Susan Roth. a biotechnology
junior. said she wants the presie
dent to be someone who will rec~
ognize social issues at UK.

“I think the president should
care not only about the universi
ty's academic learning. but also
the social learning." she said.

Jason t‘arddick. a computer
science and math sophomore.

firtying on the patio

Faith Scott (left)
and Nicole Foster,
both members of
the Sigma Gamma
Rho sorority,

on a step show for
the people that
came out to the
Black Student
Union Fall Fest yes-




High steppin': Black organizations on campus speak out about their

missions at Fall Fest 2000 with the help of a little food, fun and dance

By Lamin Swann

The Black Student Union
came out in full force with their
annual Fall Fest at the Student
Center patio Thursday afternoon
that drew nearly 500 students.

Students indulged in music.
dance and food while learning
about the black campus organiza-

Many students stomped the
ground exhibiting their latest
steps in an impromptu step show.

Several black fraternities and
sororities came out to show off
their steps. while speaking out
about their missions in servicing
the community.

Alpha Kappa Alpha and Sig-
ma Gamma Rho sororities. the
Kappa Alpha Psi fraternity and
the Angel Social Club performed
in the ritual dance marathon.


()ther organizations repre-
sented at the festival include the
UK chapter of National Associa
tion of Black Accountants. the Na-
tional Association of Black Jour»
nalists. the UK Black Voices and
the Sunz of Hetep.

BSlf and other organization
members took time out of the fun
and excitement at the Fall Fest to
have a moment of silence in re-
membrance of Jerry Stevens.
Stevens was a pioneer in estab-
lishing a minority affairs office at

He passed away over a week
ago after a long fight with cancer.

Clyde Pickett. interim BSL‘
president. emceed the event and
said he was pleased see the large
outcome of students.

"This is an annual event to
bring African-American students
together. to expose them to the re-
sources available for them," Pick-

ett said. "I am pleased to see so
many students come out for the

Pickett also stressed the im‘
portance of black students joining
organizations on campus.

Marketing and finance junior
Aaron Jackson came out to
Thursday's event to find out more
about black organizations and
what they have to offer.

"The event is a chance to
come out and see what's here to
do." said Jackson.

Jesse Day. a criminology se—
nior. thinks it great to have all
black campus organizations come
together at the Fall Fest.

“It's shows that there is rep-
resentation for students like me
here. and there is an outlet away
from classes where you may be
the only African-American in
class." said Day. a member of the
Phi Beta Sigma fraternity.

shares Roth‘s concern for the
president's interest in social is-

"I want a president who will
allow students to get involved in
activities without penalizing
them for trying speak their
minds." he said.

Roth said she hopes he or she
will get involved with campus is»
sues. such as improving the recy
cling program.

The next president should be
concerned with funding all acade~
mic programs. she said.

“I don't think it is fair that
the fine arts professors can't even
afford copy paper." Roth said. “I
hope the next president realizes

‘ cunuiic.

that you can‘t have a strong uni-
versity without strong programs.
and you can't have strong pro
grams without funding.”

Presidential search committee
members have travelixi throughout
Kentucky this summer. holding to»
mms like the one last night.

A formal list of presidential
qualities is scheduled to be re
leased Sept. 13.

The committee will then begin
reviewing resumes and selecting a
batch of candidates to present to
the board of trustees. who will
make the final decision in March.

"I'll be active on campus in
some way or another." Schiller


kicks off
roots festival

The Fields challenge: Louisiana legislator
speaks about roots and heritage in politics

By Kathy Wyatt
contmauTnc WRITE?

Most 24-year-olds are mud
dling through graduate school
or working an entry-level job.

Cleo Fields. on the other
hand. set a record at the age of
24 as the youngest LS.
Representative. Six
years later. he became
the youngest member
of Congress.

Fields. now 37. was
the keynote speaker
Wednesday at Wor»
sham Theater to kick
off the month—long cele-
bration of Lexington's
12th annual Roots and
Heritage Festival.

He challenged l’K students
to vote this November. He said
not to be apathetic to poli-
tics. but to unite with all
votes and make political deci
sions right now.

“College students can deter»
mine the outcome of elections.
local and major." Fields said.

Fields said he does not

I want to be a career statesman
j with roots in politics. but roots
I from where he came.
“i wasn't born into (‘on-
; gress. I wasn't born into Senate.

I wasn't born a lawyer... I was
I born in a shotgun house."
I Fields said.

With that statement Fields
brought an outline of hope for
today's black youth. (‘hildren

. £RlML

need to be aware of their roots.
because roots are the lifelines
to a person‘s soul. like they are
health to a tree. he said.

Fields said he believes if a
child is armed with a hard
work ethic and a fear and love

of (lod. they can sue
ceed even with the bin»
drances they face in
Along with the issue of
voting. Fields rallied in
favor of affirmative ac-
tion. He explained that
affirmative action is
not raising someone up
to a level they have not
reached. much like
bringing together two
parallel lines. but it is
like a circle where everyone is
trained to do the job.

“There are women in the
service that know how to fly
planes but they never get
chosen to fly a plane." Fields

"Affirmative action pro»
vides that if you have a quali
tied minority who can do the
job You have to promote

(‘hester Grundy. minority
affairs director. was pleased
with Fields‘ presentation.

“He was an excellent speak-
er. He spoke to the kinds of
principles and values that are
influenced by this festival."
Grundy said.

Mini-Medical School returns to UK Woman robbed in lot

By Toni Knight


Those who have always been
fascinated with medicine now
have the opportunity to get a taste
of what first and second-year med-
ical students study.

Mini-Medical School. a series
of lectures on different topics that
first and second-year medical stu»
dents study. begins Wednesday.

The seminar. sponsored by
the UK Medical School. will run
two nights a week throughout
September and October.

The seminar is booked. but
those interested are being put on
a waiting list.

()ne lecture will examine the
use of drugs to treat illnesses and
the cutting edge technology of

managing illness today.

Another lecture topic will be
on the understanding of the physi-
ological and psychological aspects
of menopause for women, given by
[)r. Phyllis Wise. professor and
chair of the department of physiol-

“The lectures are presented to
allow interested people of varying
educational backgrounds to get
something out ofthem." Wise said.

“At first glance. men may
think that the menopause only af»
fect women. but there are more
subtle midlife changes that occur
in men and impact many organ
systems as well.“

Wise, who has lectured at the
Mini-Medical School since its in-
ception seven years ago. said it is a

rewarding experience.

“The students always seem to
have interesting questions and
life experiences that add to the
richness of the lectures." she said.


hosting a Milli-Medical School from 79
pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays be-
of the Health Sciences Learning Coir
College’s Salvation Army Ciink. To
register. call (859) 2574000.



By Tracy Kershaw


I'K police are searching for
a man who attempted to rob a
woman on campus shortly af-
ter midnight Aug. 30.

The unidentified man at-
tempted to rip a purse off the
arm of a young woman walk-
ing back to her car in the front
R3 parking lot behind the Kir~
wan-Blanding complex on
south campus. said Detective
(lreg Hall. who is investigating
the case.

She was able to keep the
man from taking her purse.
Hall said

The woman was delivering
food to a dorm in the Kirwan-


Hlanding complex. Hall said.

This attempted robbery is
nearly an isolated incident.
Only two or three robberies
are reported to I'K Police
every year. Hall said,

The suspect is described as
a black male in his early twen-
ties. approximately ti feet tall
and weighing 180190 pounds.
with skinny legs. He was wear-
ing a white ball cap with un
known lettering. dark gym
shorts. a white T-shirt. a watch
on his right arm and a gold
necklace during the robbery.
according to police reports.

If anyone has any informa»
tion about this case. call Detec-
tive (‘yreg Hall at 237 3770 ext,









The Low-down

Clinton cites oil price recession rlslt

I‘m just
getting all
and stuff.
I‘m still a
- Madonna, on
her stalled movie

career, to
Rolling Stone.

N EW YORK As crude prices hit a 10~year
high. President (‘linton yesterday said the price
of oil is too expensive “not just for America but
for the world." He said he told Saudi Arabia's
crown prince that OPEC nations would be hurt if
exorbitant energy costs caused a recession and
urged them to raise output. Oil prices have more
thati tripled since hitting a 12-year low of less
than $11 a barrel in December 1998. before ()PEC
slashed production to force prices higher.

Bush vows to help ease GOP jitters

DETROIT l’elted with unsolicited advice
from worried Republicans. (ieorge W. Bush said
yesterday he would try to re-energize his White
ilonse campaign. using "real people“ to promote
his [)(111( ies as well as popular supporters such as
tot mer Joint t‘ hiets of Staff( hair 1n 111 Colin Pow
ell. He also suggested that sotite backers wet e get
ting jittery too soon. Bush campaign officials
liken the rising nervousness among party lead-
ers to fears expressed last winter after Bush lost
the New Hampshire primary to Sen. John Mc
(‘am of Arizona.

UZ's Bono helps promote debt relief

l'NlTl-JD NATIONS 112's Bono joined a sea
of protesters and politicians yesterday calling for
the world‘s wealthiest countries to forgive the
hundreds of billions of dollars of debt saddling
the most destitute nations. “The only thing that
is standing 111 the way of forgiving this debt is b11-
reaucracy and red tape." said Bono. standing
next to Nigerian President ()lLisegun ()basanjo.
"Show us the money!" The two men presented
St‘cretaryrt‘yenei‘al ix’ofi Annan with .1 petition
signed by 21.2 nullion people from 13:? countries.

Kmart takes stand on violent games

\V \Silthi'l‘ON Km itt announced yester-
d 1y it will tel use sale of matute tated games to
anyone undei 17. using a batcode scanner that
will prompt cashiers to ask for identification
from youtig people. After Kmart‘s news confer
ence in \‘i'ashington. Walrxlart announced it
would enact the satne policy. Alabama Sen. Jeff
Sessions applauded the move. but said he would
prefer that retailers stop selling mature—rated
games. as Montgomery Ward and Sears. Roebuck
and (‘o. already have done.

House bill helps welfare parents

\\';\Slll\lti'l‘11\' Single parents leaving the




The 30th
anniversary of
Jimi Hendrix's
death this
month is cause
for a bitter-
sweet celebra-
tion - with
music. On Sept.
12, six days
before the
anniversary of
his death, his
family will
release 56 rare
traclts in a 4-
CD boxed set,
"The Jimi
the name of
Hendrix's first


A judge refused
a request by
O.J. Simpson
on Wednesday
to bloclt a TV
about his sen-
sational murder
trial that the
former football
star said would
expose privi-
leged and confi-
dential informa-
tion. Los
Superior Court
Judge David
Yaffe said
Simpson did not
prove that he
would be
harmed by the

welfare rolls would receive all the child support
payments collected by the states under a bill that
passed the. House yesterday. The measure could
provide more than $3 billion for the working
poor over a five-year period. Under the 1996 wel-
fare reform act. the government takes half the
past-due child support it collects for families
leaving welfare to compensate for past welfare
payments. The legislation would require that all
child support arrearages go to the single parent.

Colombia cops find cocaine sub

li‘ACATATlVA. Colombia Police raiding a
warehouse in this rural town stumbled upon a
llltl-footlong. half-built submarine they say
would have been able to ship up to 200 tons of co-

caine below the ocean's ssurface (‘ olombian au-
thot ities displayed theit find yesterday. a day af
ter they discovered it along with documents in
Russian a half hour's drive outside Bogota. The
submarine‘s discovery marks a new chapter in
innovation for (‘olombia's drug cartels. which
have previously used refitted commercial airlin-
ers and oceangoing freighters to ship cocaine.

Owest to cut 11,000 jobs

DENVER (Qwest Communications interna-
tional Inc. is cutting 11,000 jobs as part of its
plans to refocus and streamline operations fol-
lowing its acquisition of regional phone company
U S West. In addition to the cuts. which will af-
fect mostly white-collar positions. Qwest will
eliminate 1.800 contractor jobs. Qwest chairman
and chief executive Joe Nacchio said today. Nac-
chio said the changes would help Qwest refocus
on broadband. internet. wireless. and bundled

Nasdag up 80, Dow down 13

NEW YORK High—tech stocks moved high-
er yesterday after a two-day downturn, while
blue chips fell following another spate of corpo-
rate earnings warnings. Just before 3 pm. EDT.
the Dow Jones industrial average was down 12.67
points at 11,297.97. Decliners on the NYSE led ad-
vancers 1.1011311. The Nasdaq was up 79.60 at

Satin joins Sampras in semis

NEW YORK - No. 6 Marat Safin of Russia

joined Pete Sampras in the US. Open tennis

semifinals yesterday. advancing with a 76. 4-6, 7
6(5). 6-3 victory over No. 14 Nicolas Kiefer of Ger-
many. Safin. who next plays the winner of
tonight‘s quarterfinal between Todd Martin and
Thomas Johansson. had 16 aces whistling shots
of up to 131 mph at Kiefer. Serena Williams. beat-
en by Lindsay Davenport in the quarterfinals,
withdrew frotn the doubles competition today be-
cause of an inflammation in the big toe on her
left foot.

Compiled from wire reports.


Kernel wins top
design awards


The Kernel was recognized
as the top college newspaper for
overall design in the nation
Aug. 31-Sept. 3 by the Society of
News Design at a conference in
Minneapolis. Minn.

The Kernel placed first in
student society newspaper de-
sign. first in best overall design.
first in special sections. first for
best spons page and third for
entertainment for the 1999-2000
school year.

Production Manager Chris
Rosenthal and Chris Campbell.
a 1999 graduate of UK. worked
together on the categories of
best overall design anti special

Rosenthal. who has worked
at the Kernel for four years. said
the recognition made him want
to strive to work even harder. "I
am psyched. and 1 am glad that
we won." Rosenthal said.

Campbell, who now works

as a page designer for the St. Pe-
tersburg Times in St. Peters-
burg, Fla. designed the enter-
tainment page.

Mike Agin. former media
adviser for the Kernel. was
pleased to hear of the awards.
He said the recognition would
help future graduates as well as

“it shows what our students
are learning. and 1 think it will
help the newspapers of the fu-
ture when we see them gradu-
ate and go on to fulltime jobs."
he said.

Buck Ryan. director of the
school of journalism and
telecotnmunications. attended
the conference. He said the
award was another indication of
the national recognition that the
Kernel has received over the

“We are lucky to have such
a great newspaper on campus,"
he said.



Firestone garter tire

BfldgestonelFlrestone Chief Executive Masatoshi Ono waits to
testify before the Senate Appropriations transportation subcom-
mittee on Capitol illll Wednesday. The panel is investigating the
current recall of Firestone's ATX and Wilderness tires.




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