xt75736m3456 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt75736m3456/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1971-09-01 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 01, 1971 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 01, 1971 1971 1971-09-01 2020 true xt75736m3456 section xt75736m3456 7' I . I I i
P . I .
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an in ' . . . - I . , ,
dependent newspaper published by studentSat the univerSIty of kentucky ', .. ,-
\\'t1luesday September | l9" . '. I II
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I I 1 I-f‘e; '77 “ade- (rabb tIlett) ll\!Cn\ intently as Democratic Mayday Booth on the SC pain; “till information ii
. ‘. I‘I’Ir ' Lt. (my candidate Julian Carroll explains an issue aplenty about L'K organizations and political '~
/ . v. yesterday at the Student Actiyities Fair in the parties. The Activities Fair is continuing through i\ i I
' I . InI { student (enter. Aboye. Marsha Hughes '.eayes the today t'roin 1-5 pm. (Stall photos by John Hicks). ‘\ .‘l
I ‘V l"?’, —————_—_...——-——-—_——m—_———~ ‘ 'I,
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Pa 113th11 CBS ['6 ealed
I / i.
. By JANICE FRANCIS ley y a charge tor handling Illcscs. “What Will happen." said Dr. "
Ag”. Assistant Managing Editor which \Hll be separate troni the Zumyvinklc. “is that students
,Ig; . May L'K graduates Wm be graduation charge. desiring diplomas and Wishing to ' ...
, I . e\emp[ from paying a Dr. Robert Zumwinkle, participate in graduation "
m ‘ ,. I ‘ ’ ’ V
. . mandatory graduation tee as a V ice—President tor Student exercises vyill pay more than Was .. .~
o t t result of action taken Aug. 17 Affairs said the fee abolition was charged in the past for these i.
‘ lnlverSl y ,rles by the executive committee of “a matter of extensive services. and l think that was
the Board of Trustees. discussion,” stemming from a r e co g n i/. e d b y S tude nt .’..
. Approvnig an administrative request last February by Student Government when the decision \-
centrallzed dro ..ad recommendation submitted by Government and results of a was made." it -I
\ President Otis Singeltary. the questionnaire issued last spring No decision has been made on "
I c ommittee abolished the b' the Board of Student the amount of W dua ') ‘, v ) - .'

ByJERRYW, LEWIS enrollments and further . ~ . . . . y . I . II . ., I . _ 5“ IIKIHHH‘ v; _

Associate Editor (1 'dl‘ required fee tor all degree Publications concerning ways 01 be changed in 1971. The charge .
, rop-a I‘ 5‘ I . . candidates. financing The Kentuckian. will be a combination ‘tf .-. i '

A new centraliz *d d -' dd “I k ’ ' ‘ - ‘ ' t

. ,c rop a thin its a step in the right A ‘h' . . . . . - " - <

. d I . I .2. _ I .. . . II . c arge ranging from $11.50 A report based on the results ind ivid ual tees set by .- .
proce u” tor the “‘11 UK 1971 direction, lrv1n said. 0‘ course for undergraduates to §7§ tor of the poll indicates “m K *ntu ‘kian ‘d tor L ‘ri
semester sent students rambling there was confusion the first 1 . . ., - .i M h t , . . t i - t. "-k k» L 1 A” |' " ‘ .

. I . _ . .. L Octoral candidates nad overwhelming sentiment against lxielkopt. the bookstores (which ' ‘ ‘
through Momorial Coliseum time, there were bugs in it. ,.~ . . . » ‘ - "

, _ . . PFLVIOUSl} been charged each reuniting any segment oi order caps and gowns) and the .
Tuesday. their hands full ot Irvin noted that in the past . . , - , ' , ' ‘ - ~ .- ‘ . . .- ‘

I II . I .- I I . stitdcnt tor a diploma. hood. cap students to pay tor the Registrar s ()ttice (R‘st‘tqisiiiic . -»
drop-add slips \yith sweating tactilty members had not been . . . . » . . , ' ~ ‘ . . - '

. I . _ , and gown. a copy ot Ll\ s yearbook. tor the \lll‘iUlllcl charger ‘ .
taculty members thumbing involved as much in the ,_ l . 2, ' , A , ' .. . - _ K ‘ ‘ ‘ -'

I _ yeariook. the kentuckian. and l‘ightvone and one halt pei ‘
through class cards and schedule drop-add process and he pointed [h . .. )‘t f . . . , ., ‘ « ’, _ . ., o o t " 1
books out the hard work they had .L ft ‘ U LOP.) writing. “”1 ot \m‘lknh .esponding to [{ 11""! “ l ’I i . ‘

_ ‘ I . . ‘_ I -I ‘ microtilniing and binding theses the questionnaire opposed the ( ... c I (1 l()|] - .

The new ProceSs. designed to pertormed in Inc hot cohscum. anl d' _ - .. .. _ ~ . . ‘ "-‘

I . . I II . I I II t isscrtations oi graduate present system oi iettiiiiiiig lll L .'
allou students to 11nd all the lrvni said he iiau heard one ot in 1 'nt ‘ , . a. ,_ . ~ . o :- ' ‘
departments under one roof \i'a the faculty in ‘llllt ‘I‘s su ' 1 ‘st that 3 t-L 5‘ bunk ”h to N) MI [M 3 ””3le ('(Hl(l I l i A I I

. ‘ I II . ‘ 5 ‘ — I‘ I ‘ * - be“ hraduating students now have as part wt their §!l.1tl:t.lll\il2ic‘c‘t ‘ '1‘ . -'2"
an experiment by Ul\ admissions everybody simpiy he put in the the option ot Plif‘gh']§1ng m any l‘her' .\ .1“, align... ‘11.! i ' ’ ' .

II II I I «v t .k c l ’c i. L~i 'c “or ,
otticials to make additions and coliseuin tor three days and W” m or none ot‘ the articles 0} N t u d L. ,. , \- d H ,1 ot { 1‘ m ' ‘ , . -
d ’1 ‘ V ) S i I I ‘ v ~ ~. ' J \ ' i 7‘ \ ‘- Y ‘ V 9‘ ‘ ' ’ i i I ‘ > ‘ L . ‘ . .l ‘ V i t l. I ‘
“LitLhtolii? ”11“”: LlldSD mll’ lu‘It 1“ ””5 WI“- “Em ll out - services previously included in compulsory graduation tees tot ‘1 ) ,l ()‘l( 1‘ y‘ .‘ '.
around from diiildiiilidto [$131175 'oki ’11.,Isundtl‘3 “H“ “‘5‘ the comprehensive tce. lhe things they don t want. said the - . -

. y . si . I I I I . . I. . r ' ,‘

I -. E 1 ms J 115. 1‘ 5“ graduate school \Mll continue to report. By RACHAEL KAMLTF .' ' '
to drop add. . N . . . . ' *

The one-day experiment III . IAssistant .lanaging EditorI It .. I.
combines with the regular ;‘ w: . ff“ . {“6314} IN ”1'“ tinal ‘1‘” I‘m .
drop-add proeedure which will a’ . '2‘ .i .. ~ 3.. IL ‘ ‘ l‘cmmmum “m ”gm” 1” ““‘L' .5 ' ‘

I continue through Sept. 8. \ . . 33 oI , in the .\oycinbci statcuide '. -

The experiment was the result ‘ , - ' g . “5" ' “lutmm‘ '.1 i .‘
of several co m mittee's . ,"f. .. s! . . m. \ ountl Democrats and Young f' .J
suggestions and University '5' ‘ or“ . " ,~ Republicans throughout the , "‘
Senate action last spring. The - " . I .. _ 1' state have been holding ; -' ‘I

. new centralized process, while " _ - , ' :. registration drives in an ct’t‘ort to ' ' i
. :.. ‘ 35v i '

often confusmg, brought out I ‘, m «o ‘9; ‘ get college students registered :; “

many students who waited in :5 2f. ‘ ' . ’ betore ”W “WWI” 19“ it” ' 3. ‘

lines at a number of stations to ' ' ‘. 2"” . ’ "x . school. ’7- '

complete their schedules. ' r I . ”I In order to register a potential ~ .I

“I think most people may say a ”’“é‘ . ' ml” ”“1“ bk‘ 1" 1‘} \(Wcmbt‘t T f

it’s chaotic for 30 minutes," said . gt \ "“3; a“ l~ “ ”mm” m the “a” li‘" it '
Dr. Wimberly ROYSter. dean of “’~ {:‘V ” . - " I 3'9““ (“I‘m-V 5“ ”“mth ““1 .
. Arts and Sciences and chairman N‘ " ‘ 'p? 3! ‘ . l‘rt‘k‘mk“ M) d«l_\\ l lk‘ Wm mm! ‘
T of the drop-add committee. r « i V ”El-“CV 1” WW)” -" 511* ltt‘t‘ilt‘ ‘ l .
“But at least when they‘re Isaw- I s , .. Aflfl—w \I- I county courthouse. ltHihHllt' .I _ --
through they know it’s all over." at” ' ‘ : .WW: \ I I" - II “(Mu—4% x residents i'cgistcr at ( omention '. .'

Dean Royster explained that » . . "A _ W A“ \ . A . . ; ‘ " “at “ (“‘m” “bl i” “‘WVH'H‘“ “"47"” 'l ' ‘ '.
he was sure a follow-up study of W ' ' . -. t. i- .. ‘ ’ ” placed thioneEw-ia the l oinsxziic ‘ - " .
the drop-add experiment. along m, .4 1 . ‘ A, ...mn : "m" ‘ “i ' .i

, with statistics of the number of ' " V f I' ‘ ‘ layettp ('onnvt {\‘\l\lk'il\ . ti. . -
drop-adds. would be Prepared 1 . ., ’ ”3"qu S“l""”‘l‘*'l l ““‘i ‘ ~’l . - ‘
soon. ' V. ' 1*“ , . i " l-“lldml Sl‘i‘t‘é‘mii ~ ‘ “ .i
< i i ' '- ' ~ E ‘

Dr. (. lyde lrvm. another “ l . ‘ 4‘ — Ri'El‘lrilll‘m l‘W‘ll“ “V“ 'i‘i‘ . '
member of the drop-add ; ... . . . ‘ placed at ’l‘uit‘lanil Hall a: d I '- “
committee. watched as students ' ‘ ) N w ’ . Georgetown Street last \scck and ~ ' ‘
filed in at hours depending on ’ earlier this week. ‘
the initials of their last names. -- . _ m. _. - . . I T he f; 3 ye t t e (~ 0 u n t ." ~. . ' fl

Later he said the “proof ofthc . Which way is right, on or off the sidewalk? According to the Courthouse Whim 15 "0mm!” . V ‘

- n - ‘ . ' - . s ‘ I i
pudding Will come in the days THAN!!! off Lexmgton Police. Department the street is the preferred place for closed on Saturdays “H“ be .
after classes start, when there bicycles. The unidentified girl runs the risk of a citation and an Opened ”“5 Saturday for ‘ I i ‘
can be a look at the class . ‘ l '

I appearance in court. (See story on page 7.) Continued on Page 2. Col. 5 ,

 V; .
. . . 2 - THE KENTFCKV KERNEL, \Vednesday, Sept. I. l97| __________________________——————-———————_——————
. ' ' P o , o _-
, one servme an 6 1n tu ent enter
‘. V 4 Students living off campus this members, the office will remain the student, Al Surmount, a increase in customer service business is iricreziVSillg filStCT than
' . year may find it easier than ever open until Sept. 10. General Telephone business orders due to returning students. expected, 0fo1€1315 say. Last
‘ to have a phone installed lIl their Company officials beheVe the director, pointed out that the Sltrniont added that during month S quota W85 VSVUfpassed
. ' Jl‘JVrllllt‘Ill>.V new temporary office will new office will relieve telephone the first half ol the year and company . Officials are .
. : (.eneral telephone hasopened eliminate much of the usual applicant congestion at the customer orders averaged about expecting one 01 their busrest
f 4 branch Olllfl‘ 1“ R001” 111 111 standing in lines. as well as the downtown office. This is 3.300 a month. In August and years- V . .
. ' Ill“ Student Center. [)t‘SlgllCd m long hikes downtown to order :1 especially important during the September the load ot . Work Despite the large 111CTCBSC 1n
V . simphty the matter of acquiring telephone. months 0 1‘ August and requests are expected to tripltho teVlePhone . requests, Surmont ‘
. ‘ V . - . a phone tor students and faculty Besides making it simpler for September when ”1ch 1'53 blldrl’ nearly l0.00U monthly. So tar. said that it Will take only a
V ~ ' -V . couple ot days to have a phone
'. ' V , l. ' . . installed.
, . . . . All manpower, materials and ‘
‘VV . V ~ supplies have been “beefed up"
2V V ' ~ ' 0 ~ he said, to absorb much of the
', ' . i. ‘ . ‘ increase.
‘I . V'V "V .' i V » . o I
. - ~ . ; i
. . _ ~ RetVlStl‘dllOn ,
; ' ’ ' S : V: - r ' Continued From Page 1
~ e . ~ residents who hate not yet
,- ' “ . a . ' registered.
' ,‘ Anyone who has never voted
IV? . 7 ' . » before or whose name has been .
'fV . , ¥ . ' purged from the registration
. V' . ‘. . ' books must register. Also peeple
‘ 4. _ .l ‘ ’ who have changed their name or
.’ " ' : ' , W address or who wish to change
I‘: ‘ «I ' parties must go to their home
;' ‘ ‘ ‘ '3 ‘ courthouse and make the
.~ . necessary changes.
. . ’- .2 ' .- The deadline for returning
., V .' .' V , . . . applications for absentee ballots
:2 . V ~ ‘- . - is October 13. The organizations
.' .' ”i will have applications at their
” 7 . campus campaign headquarters.
V - ' . ' " '— ‘ ’ f " . Applications may also be
' ' L ‘ obtained at the Fayette County
-‘ 7 . - . 6&W » Courthouse or at Courthouses '
‘ ' throughout the state. Notary
. y ' ' 5' b5 - . headquarters.
Limit 1 with $3.00 or more .
.. . GIANT SIZE ' .
i“ I ' I; 4' ‘ T 1” E 58 ‘3: \\A¥
-. r1 5 lb' 3. Limit 1 with $3.00 or more - price fag
. E'svaR’vs skinless NORTHERN . , 071.
_ . 4 . athroom . Integrity
W1 ner . 39 4r i 28 ____»_-——\
:1 " ‘ ..- . .12 OZ . Tlss‘le 0| 8 . 2;-—-—-___—=\
5.’ , V NABI SCO 4 kinds WT ‘
V VV ‘\ . . . ~. V‘ VV i; i'Q-S“ é" :::::A—*~
.- .. -. cooxuzs :—
. ‘ - « - ~—,—’Q-—-qb '
. . 3pkgsl on ,. .—
. —; . I ,, ,5.
. ' 'V ‘ ' 9‘ W"""“"‘°‘""‘" ”5:21-5:13- :5 - . ‘
V V. . , . .‘ .V / T‘L‘i’éfi' QWW Judging the quality of a dia-
VV . ~. a :17!th gfigV meg mond is not a simple matter.
. 1 -. V. 1.3%» : Egg; Many factors influence the
, ‘.-' , _ K ll . - - ’4' price you pay. To serve you
I: V V » m, '; V better, we took the time to
’. . '. .V V V -_ . 1 ’V g e acquire the necessary scien-
g .- ‘. . . r ' " it?" ’a gs, tific knowledge and gemo-
: ' 3 '25.." L ', I; . .
V VVV 1 VV VV . U S N 0 1 A L L. P UR I O S E. Sfigflafi: My; logical instruments to prop-
, . '. l. V .. ,V V-V ;.g,§%§& 4V“ . orly grade every diamond .
.‘ V o a oes ”$339on We sell. Our title of Regis- -.
_V ; . V V‘ . ' taredJeweIer,American Gem
A SCOT LAD Society,mustbcrc-woneach
.= . . V . , . year through additional
. . . : V Vx V V V emon study. It is your assurance of
3, , , -V V , . 3V V full value for the dollars you
VVV. . 20 lbs. spend. Come in and see our
VV V 'I '- 'V ‘ diamonds, soon!
.. . . . r .«- . » s , .. ., FULLER sat}, rLoa.
- , . . 7* “m . 'm’ .
. . ' . - ‘. " : _ . $392222- «* 6 02 can ' .jflll 6’ Md)
. . ~ : ‘ é» ,23535'5??? 5-525::s'r1:i~232:2:2232ééiiéi"i-°i:i§:§:%sas§:;;i5:532:35::-‘ ' p ”M“
4 -. . , ' ' " 5.;"v'.E:ii:--:si;3::;;g=;"g-;;:5::'z.s:,=..‘3::':3135323;a"' "'
V . '. . V. E" ‘ ' , L I M! t 4. PLEASE
.1 . 4 _ ‘ - .j. , a ----> »-~---«--~----~w-.- .----_,._ -_. --.._-.,., - . _——-———'——
"i . t I. , . V .. 1)" .. . ' . 1V "f" ’ p The Kentucky Kernel, University
V V . . §*‘ . a Station, Universrty of Kentucky. Lex-
'. ' .' . v, ' #- muton. Kentucky 40506. Second class
' .' . . . ‘J ‘ V ' VV : , postage paid at Lexington. Kentucky.
. V V . , V F V Mailed fth‘ times weekly during the
‘ , . . " . 3 per p a (,k . whoonV year except holidays and exam
~ . -. ,' wr'o s, it (1 r' 7 h g r
V '_ V V MEADOW MOOR V «It-sslmn n once du ms. t e summc
. . . « """‘*""~ .- .ww...‘ . Published by the Board of Student
. ‘ ’ ' - 20/ l’UVlVilH‘utions. UK Post Office fig); 49M:i
’ , c'un :s it - C; it an
.1 y . I ‘ .° P R ICES o o o o “m“
' . - ‘ . M ‘lk I . .-\;lv;*rrianit; publishcdd berg”) isAin‘
. , . , _ 'vH'er .. ‘1 i th _. ntv‘
z .I , ga C t n T H R CL] 6 H S A TU R DA Y the orlmigleadm; airflcerf‘t‘isinxgvshould
. V . “\mw - ht- reported to The Editors.
. . , - . Yearly, by mail -— 59.45
V , O a . r a wa l’er copy. from files ——- $.10
’ ‘ , .. l I I I l u . KERNEL TELEPHONES
' t I . Editor. Managing Editor 257-1755
. . Editorial Page Editor.
V V ( Associate Editors. Sports .. 257-1740
, . V a I 0 Advertising, Business, Circula-
_ e (: Ill I I tron.....................,..2584640
‘ —_—_—_—————
l’h -
.4 .
t .
l t .r

 > W.— TIIE KENTI'LKT KERNEI.. \VHIm-ulgiy. Sept. I, I‘ITI —— ’i I A I
A erSIty entuc y Stu ents!

What Y ou Must Know About The I

. ATTE a - :1: ' ’I.: i


' Graduate and Undergraduate o x
——_—_—_ _ ,1.“
(called Part A) to cover on-campus medical STUDENT PROBLEM "
expenses. Last year a student-faculty committee wrestled
m“— with two problems facing students. J

Full-time students will now have free Health Service care. . w . '7'
Without this plan, this semester, students would have had to pay . The Health semce bUdget for. 19/1—‘72 d'd nor Cover
for all lab and x-ray tests and all care by hospital specialists lib or xmy legs. needed for diognOS'S and treatment

. ordered by Health Service physicians. 0 many student illnesses or referrals out of the Health

SerVice to hospital specialists. Charges for these
PARTICIPATION IN PART A BY ALL FULL- se’V‘Cf‘lYou;xvéajellSeagfzcghigtugems’ re— ..

. SponSi l l y. Ll IES PAY '
QUIREMENT! __ cost: $7.00 a semester. 0 A much broader hospitalization-accident policy was

ded to adequately protect students from risin med—
. ical costs. Many students were discovering that they -
* Part—time students can enroll in the plan. Physician services at were under-insured. l
the Health Service will be on a fee-per-visit basis. The prepayment 3'
plan pays for other expenses. ' l "S
. . PART A: A payment of $7 a semester from every tull- ‘ ' )1
FUII-Tlme and Pa [tall-[me time student would create an insurance pool to pay for I
the lab and x-ray tests and specialty care that students
NEW THIS SEMESTER. An excellent brOGd- might need. This would mean no additional charges
————____—_—_—_ for these SGTVICES when 0 SI' d i I Ih H lIh '. ’,
coverage, low cost, GROUP HOSPITALIZA— Service. U e” comes 0 e e° .- j. ,
TION and ACCIDENT PLAN (COI led PO rt B) Acting on a recommendation by this student-faculty ‘3‘: ,Z :;
———————_———_—_______.______ committee, Student Government and GPSA, the Board ,9 "
UK now has one of the best student plans anywhere. It pro— 0‘ TWS‘eeS ”ted *0 make this PGrt 0* the Program ' .
tects you year-round, anywhere you are. Any student may enroll. mandatory for fUH‘tlme “Udems- EWOHmem by Pm- " 7
time students is optional j 1._
PART B: Specifications were drawn up by the com- I ‘
mittee tor a full-coverage hospitalization-accident 2, f: f ‘_
ENROLLMENT INSTRUCTIONS plan ——one of the best plans in the country. ‘ _ - V
Full-time students must pay $7 each semester for Part A (or Blue C'OSS'Blue Shield was the low bldde" 1'" '4 l‘i
apply for a waiver by Sept. l5). Coverage begins August 29. ADDITIONAL FEATURES: _.
THIS IS A REQUIREMENT. Enroll by mail or come TO the Health . Students currently enrolled in the Blue Cross GPSA . -
SerVice. plan or the Medical/Dental Student plan can transfer “ . f
Enrollment for Part 3 ends September 20. Coverage begins W“ no loss Olbenems' . l"
August 26. The semi-annual premium, due now, is $23.70. 0 It is available to port-time students. .- 3.}
Coverage for dependents is available. This is not mandatory . There are no exclusions for preexisting conditions / I
but it is highly recommended. ' ‘ ‘ _. l .g i
3 0 Student with non~student spouse coverage available— .
I To enroll in Part A and/or Part B, use the en- “F""w'" mmem'” benefits -
. , , , O amily coverage a a'lable— 'th t "t b. f't . - » I
rollment card distributed with the insurance V I. m mommy W's
. . . 0 A new student committee called the Student Health ' ’
brochure and mail it to the Health Service. Advisory Committeewillmonitorbothparrsofthepro- .‘

' Additional enrollment cards and information 9mm -‘
brochures can be obtained at the Health Ser- ”i'-I 3
vice, Student Govt. office and GPSA office. NOTICE: Full-time.» students who i j

. do not either make the Fall Se- I - ~ -.
For additional information . . . mester $7 payment for Part A or y '_

Call Student Health Service: make arrangements for waiver by . . ; .j .
23-62”, 233-569], 233-6125 Sept. I5 will be delinquent. ' y

 A i
4 —THE KENTUCKY KERNEL, \Vcdncsday. Sept. 1, 197] —_—_—//—
' P l ' t t t 1 9 71
' ‘ ' { l w'll crate
. An attempt to explain how the I .erne 1 0p
~ , , , . . - -. . x bc-wii libelous. or accompanied by the writer’s .
1 . I I {\ineteen sexenty-one has been a school and this community not WlllLll are 0 oceie. d . L initon address
. momentous year for the newspaper always in equal amounts. but which make undocumented SlglltlItllrL~I “X :d t It hone
» ' . . . . ' s ) )1“ ' x “‘ ‘ ' V“ "L a u C ‘ ' ‘
' . . business. Papers ll;i\ e borne attacks always With a constructive intent. allegations. Lettes must not was classifitTiItionI II 1d b subtiitttd
V , I , . .' by Spiro Agnew. weathered legal [n that spirit. lxernel editorials Will 300 WOde «111d Soapboxes mast llOt number. lenyIlIEII: Journalism .
' ’ I _, ' ; assaults on their constitutional be written by a four-student board CXCCCd 750 words Wltllout Pm” [OI room 'tl b, lll‘lll or ‘in
' V . . ‘I freedoms. and witnessed the rise of editors alid will be based on the arrangements With tlieIedltor. b Building. ti itr y . _
‘I.. . I ‘ and decline of an opinionated collective opinion of that All letters and “Hides must i person.
I m . underground press. board ~not on what is likely to gain
, ,‘ . '. ; In the midst of this. and on the enthusiastic approval from readers. 0 ’ ; 3 -
... ‘ I‘ I . ‘ . . . s. I . I I I ~s . . GSA—A ‘
.' .3 i . i. brink of financial ilideiIitndtncIe. However. the Kernel is aware of 7“ ’2) 7‘ If’ /I€V”e/V . l .
. , . t t . . - u - s . . x» ‘ _ . . . ' 2 UC . ' /~_ ,
. . “1L FLHIFU‘MI husk! mu” ”5 its respons1bility to report news ” e" / . I; >
. .IinliuaI Iet ltorlaI po it.) dstattment. fairly and as accurately as possible. -. I . ,’ \J \ »v<
I A .‘ Iv -. ‘0“ ‘21 5mm“; Pdl‘IUSI 0 It WU: Every attempt will be made to keep ’M\\\\(\ II IV? ,J
' i . year. LW “mum mt 1” t0 “‘1 opinion and reporters’ bias out of , V‘ if file 606”
. . ‘ _- , NIB t H l' . ,. t . f the news columns. Commentaries l i > / 8—?0'0 .
. .. j . u _ 1‘ DIOltIy :UILITIEHIIIS ar and news analyses will be ‘i>/ « ’/\ N/ 0 @393 ‘ I
=1 « 7 ' mortI TWO: ? tun 1ltb P17} IoIr prominently labeled as such for the _ \‘7 J A \ '
. . . , , . r . s. 3‘ V . I ‘ .
I . I_ rtgu a.i y in leates. t is tiis readers’ benefit. L I
.I I _ . ,' newspaper s first~and most S ,1] l b 'd \‘\( k \
If . . basicvrattempt to explain Why and ti p29: W11 aso fe progi ed I?“ 2,2'. ,, gggq I. flw ‘
, . .- . . . = t , v , , i N EW
. . . how it Will operate. If the paper dl't ( 10nd plage or “a IeIrs W10 ”we: ,;. \ filing . .inéff '
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' - - p a As a student-run press, we . W 0 us en e ers 0 me it” M ..
- . I- - I -- . . Editor are encouraged as well as / *ij,3éj§fj."'~ii‘:7"‘“1‘23":E"”w _M W ,
. I. I, .- consider our first obligation to be lon er art'cle f K 1 MAI;‘7‘“1’333;"SJ-2.3.35""I .-.-.-I-II.I.I.II.I.._ ..:".:;:::=.-.-v=-~--...:;:..:;~__-.-.~ II
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' I , ,, . . to the UniverSity community. News Soapgboxes S or erne W 1
' . , .. fi ; " articles will focus on campus events ' /V*M '
_ ' . . . . . The Kernel reserve e ' ’1'" ” .s.‘.-}'-'.:.'..-:_~,-'-'I.I:'::~:.:~-,~;‘~'i:"..-.;:-.-'-'Lizzy-.5:..;;‘._;;:;=._;;fi ;
- _ l. ~.I and national events of Significance . 5 th fight. to 5%.a/I/fifjmm \é ’
I V to students and facultv 6d” for length any article ’/’é éNil“:

‘ I, ' its an independent campus Submitted for publication. When \‘m '
‘ r V _. . many letters expressing the same mt??? ' 49‘ ‘ "it“: 1
: . W - “CWSPZIPGR we face new and o inion are ece'v d t t' ‘3'~.."’ A \s. . “1% ..
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-' ‘_ - pressmg problems. Our ability to p . . epresen d we ’ \\\\\; ’4 Q/ E % I
. I - , I . .. . . samples Will be printed. “$535. §|\ <23: A "’="~ -
_ . surVive fliianCially rests on the ~