xt75736m3367 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt75736m3367/data/mets.xml Arkansas Historical Records Survey (Ark.) 1964 139 p.; 28 cm.: UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries. Call Number FW 4.14:Am 3/2/no.39 books English New York, Kraus Reprint Corp. This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Arkansas Works Progress Administration Publications American literature -- Arkansas -- Bibliography Arkansas -- Imprints Arkansas -- Bibliography Check List of Arkansas Imprints, 1821-1876 text Check List of Arkansas Imprints, 1821-1876 1964 1964 2019 true xt75736m3367 section xt75736m3367 i-‘Iistorical Records Survey
_ Check List of Arkansas Imprints
1821 — 1876
A JWML, enema
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New York
. ' 1964

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 , 2'7. Historical Records Survey
_ Check List of Arkansas Imprints
' 1821 - 1876
New York
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- Prepared by
i The Arkansas Historical Records Survey
Division of Community Service Programs
Work Projects Administration
Little Rock, Arkansas
The Arkansas Historical Records Survey
April 1942

Sargent B. Child, Director
Raymond Foster, State Supervisor
Don Farran, National Consultant
C..E. Ott, State Editor
Walter Kiplinger, Director
‘ John C. L. Andreassen, Regional Director
Howard Ho Jacoway, State Chief
2 Florence Kerr, Assistant Commissioner
Leo G. Spofford, Chief Regional Supervisor
May Bevens, State Director
Howard 0. Hunter, Commissioner
Chas. B. Braun, Regional Director
‘ Floyd Sharp, State Administrator
College of Arts and Sciences
University of Arkansas

 " To bring together the records of the past
and to house them in buildings where they will
be preserved for the use of men living in the

_ future, a nation must believe in three things
It must believe in the past. It must believe
in the future. It must, above all, believe in
the capacity of its people so to learn from the
past that they can gain in judgment for the
creation of the future."


When the American Imprints Inventory was started in the Spring of
1937 two final results were anticipated. The first was to be a file or
union catalog of title slips which would represent the holdings of Ameri—
can libraries to the limiting dates for each state in the fields of books,
pamphlets, and broadsides printed in the United States. The second was
to consist of published check lists drawn from this material, covering
the publications of the various states and certain cities, within certain
The master file of title slips has been built up until it now con-
tains more than 14,000,000 typed slips, representing possibly 1,000,000
separate titles printed in the period of American printing to 1877 in all
states but Arizona, Utah, Nevada, Idaho, Wyoming, Montana and the Dakotas.
In these States the limiting date is 1891, because of the later start
‘ that printing had in them. Work is continuing in several states in mak—
‘ ing additions to this file, has been completed in some states, and has
been discontinued in others.
‘ Under the direction of Mr. Douglas C. McMurtrie, Consultant from
the beginning of the Inventory until July 15, 1941, the second phase,
that of publication of check lists, was chiefly confined to the editing '
and issuance of them in the more complex Style A form in the central
filing office in Chicago where the editorial staff is located. The style
A lists, requiring title page line endings and printers' devices and
bibliographical notes, require an almost endless amount of research, both
in the libraries where the books are located and in the huge file which
complements them in the central office.

It had become apparent, on the basis of possible publication of
Style A lists by either the central office or the various states, that
if the more than a million titles so far harvested from.American librap
rics were to be made available to the public some swifter method of issu-

1 ing the check lists must be found. Two solutions seemed possible: that
of abandoning the complex Style A lists and issuing simple Style B lists

3 which would provide the user with all pertinent information on the title

1 of the book and its location, author and printer and date of publication,
or the return of the title slips to the states themselves for issuance
of Style A lists of their own titles. The former solution would have
speeded up publication to a considerable extent in the central editing
office. The latter would have provided twenty or thirty Style A lists
at the end of a year, some of which might have been of questionalbe qual—
ity because of the limitations involved in personnel and sources for
necessary research.

A study of the problem has convinced the central office of the His-
torical Records Survey Projects in washington that the answer may lie in
combining the two solutions, that is, the issuance by the various states
of their own titles in simplified Style B. check lists which can at a
later time be refined by them or by interested scholars. To this end, a

 manual of editing has been written and furnished the various states. In
more than twenty states the staffs have given assurance that such simpli-
fied editing is possible and have requested that their material be sent
from the central files.

In March, 1942, title to the American Imprints Inventory central

: files located in Chicago was transferred to the Library of Congress, and

” the materials moved to the Wisconsin State Historical Society for the du-

1 This book, A Check List of Arkansas Imprints, 1821—1876, is the first
imprints publication preEEFEH‘EdiKFEEEEEs‘EEE‘EHE thirty-ninth in the
country. Material for a second volume, a check list of imprints printed
prior to 1877 and relating to Arkansas but printed beyond the borders of
the State, has been collected and it is hoped that the volume will be is—

: sued soon.

This volume lists 600 titles found in some 45 states. Among them
are a number held by private collectors. Each entry is a full descrip-
tion of the title page of an Arkansas imprint. Books for which no title
pages were found are so designated by brief notations. Other pertinent
information on certain titles also is included, following the pagination
and measurements of the books. After every title paragraph a symbol for

_ the collection in which a copy may be found is entered. A general sub-
ject index and an index to printers follow the listing; references in

a both are to entry number onlya


. The field vmrk which resulted in the preparation of this book and

'h preparation of the draft of this volume was under the supervision of C. E.
Ott, imprints editor of the Arkansas Survey, assisted by Fern Griffith
and Birdie C. Rembort. The draft was prepared in accordance with instruc-
tions of the Whehington Office of the Historical Records Survey Program.
It was reviewed by the editors in the washington and Chicago offices,
headed by Winifred Schldsser, chief editor of the American Imprints In-

1 ventory central editing office in Chicago.

3 Stencil-cutting for this volume was done by Maybelle Neighbors.

5 Frances Kennedy directed the mimeographing, assisted by Flossie Blasin-

3 game. The checking and preparation of the listing of symbols was done by

1’ Mary L. Vinson.

Grateful acknowledgement is made to all librarians and custodians of
institutions whose holdings are represented in this book. Chief among
this group are the staffs of the University of Arkansas Library and the

1‘ Little Rock Public Library. Also invaluable has been the indirect assist-
ance afforded by the work of various persons who have prepared biblio-
graphies of material relating to Arkansas.

' Acknowledged also are the efforts of the Historical Records Survey

n staffs in other states in making available many of the locations and

s titles in this volume.

a Since it is possible that, at some future date, the Survey or some
other agency may issue either a supplement to the present list or a re-
vised edition of the list, we shall appreciate notes of any new titles,

 corrections, or additional locations addressed to the undersigned or

to the sponsor.
Raymond Foster, State Supervisor
Arkansas Historical Records Survey
War Memorial Building

April 1942 Little Rock, Arkansas

 - l _
Arkansas. Laws, statutes, etc.

Laws / of the / Territory of Arkansas: / Comprising / the organic
laws / of the Territories of Missouri and Arkansas, with their / amend-
ments and supplements annexed; / all laws of a general nature, / passed
by the General Assembly of the Territory of Mis- / souri, at the session
in 1818; / together with / the laws passed by the General Assembly / of
the / Territory of Arkansas, / at the sessions in 1819 and 1820. / [thick-
thin rule] / (Published by authority.)* [thin-thick rule] / Arkansas: /
Printed by William E. Woodruff, / printer to the Territory. / [row of
dots] / 1821. /

149, 5 p. 11.5 x 23 em. *parentheses in copy. [1]
Sabin 1990. In the listing of symbols which follows no effort has
been made to identify reprints due to the fact that the holdings of
most libraries were reported in the form of a series card. If a vol—
ume has been definitely reported as a reprint or as an original, the
fact is shown alongside the symbol. The acts of the first and ninth
territorial sessions were facsimile reprinted by the Statute Law

Book Company (washington, D. C.) in 1899. The remaining territorial

acts were facsimile reprinted by the same company in 1914.

Ar-SC(origina1 and reprint). ArU(origina1 and reprint). CSfLaw(re—

print). DLC. IU. Ia. M. MdBB. Nb. NV. OCLaw(reprint). 001w.

. OrSC. TxU. W. W8U(reprint). Allsopp(original).
Arkansas. Laws, statutes, etc. _‘_— '

Acts passed by the / General Assembly / of the / Territory of Ark-
anSas, at the / session in October, 1821. [thick-thin rule] / (Pub-
lished by authority.)* / [thick-thin rule] Little Rock, A. T. / Print-
ed by William E. Wbodruff. / Printer to the Territory. / [row of dots] /
1822. /

26, l p. 11.5 x 23 cm. *parentheses in copy. [2]

Ar-SC(original). ArU(origina1 and reprint). CSfLaw(reprint). DLC.

IU. Ia. MdBB. Nb(reprint). Nv. 00Law(reprint). 001W. OrSC.

TxU. W} waU(reprint). Allsopp(origina1).

Eskridge, Thomas P

To the citizens of the Territory of Arkansas: / Fellowecitizens: / I
offer myself to your consideration, to re resent you in Congress .... /
[20 lines] / [at end] The. P.1Eskridge. /PHempstead Court—House, 9th

January, 1823. / [Little Rock, 1823]

Broadside. 19 x 24 cm. [3]

Photostatic copies: ICU. WHi.

Arkansas. Laws, statutes, etc. —__"
Acts / passed by the / General Assembly / of the / Territory of Ark-

 - 2 _
ansas, / at the / session in October, 1823.// [thick-thin rule] / (Pub-
lished by authority.)* / [thick-thin rule] Little Rock: / Printed by
William E. Woodruff, / printer to the Territory. / [row of dots] /
1824. /

58, 2 p. 11.5 x 25 cm. *parentheses in copy. [4]

Ar-SC(original). ArU(Z originals; l reprint). CSfLaw(reprint).

CSmH(original and reprint). DLC. IU. MdBB. Mi-L. NV. 091w. OrSC.

R. RPL. TxU. waU(reprint). Allsopp(original).

Baptists. Arkansas. Little Rock Association.

Minutes of the Little Rock Association of regular Baptists held at
the State—house, in the town of Little Rock, on the 4th Friday in Novemy
ber, 1824. [Little Rock, 1824]

8 p. 18.5 cm. [5]

Caption title. Imprint on p. 8: an. E. Woodruff, printer, Little

Rock,.Arkansas Terr.


Arkansas. General Assembly. “w—_ _

Journals / of the / fourth session / of / the General Assembly / of

the / Territory of Arkansas, / begun and held / at Little Rock, in said

3 Territory, / October 5, 1825. / [thick—thin rule] / Little Rock: / Print-
ed by William E. Wbodruff, / printer to the Territory. / [double row of
dots} / 1825. /

96 p. 10.5 x 18 em. [6]

50 copies ordered printed (resolution of Hov. 3, 1825).

ArU. DLC(microfilm).

. 1826
i Arkansas. Laws, statutes, etc.

Acts / passed at / the fourth session / of the / General Assembly / of
the / Territory of Arkansas: / Which was begun and held at the town of
Little Rock, on / Monday, the third day of October, and ended on Thurs—
day, / the third day of November, one thousand eight hundred / and twenty-
five. / [thick-thin rule] / Published by authority. / [thin-thick rule]
/ Little Rock: / Printed by wm. E. Wbodruff. / Printer to the Territory.
/ [short double row of dots] / 1826. /

82, 2 p. 11.5 x 25 cm. [7]

400 copies ordered printed (resolution of Nov. 3, 1825).

Ar-SC(original). ArU(Z originals; 1 reprint). CSfLaw(reprint). DLC.

IU. MdBB. Nb(reprint). NV. 001M. OrSC. TxU. W, WaU(reprint).


Arkansas. General Assembly. _—_.
Journals / of the / fifth session / of / the General Assembly / of

 .. 3 ..
the / Territory of Arkansas, / begun and held / at Little Rock, in said
Territory, / October 1, 1827. / [thick—thin rule] 1 Little'ROQK: / Print-
ed by William E. Woodruff, / printer to the Territory. / [double row of,
dots] / 1827. / ' '
119 p. 10.5 x 18 cm. [8]
ArU. DLC(microfilm).
Baptists. Arkansas. Little Rock Association.
Minutes for 1826 and 1827. Minutes of the regular Baptists, of the
Little Rock Association, held at Arkansas Church, Marion, Conway County,
Arkansas Territory, the first Saturday in November, 1826. Also minutes
of the regular Baptists of the Little Rock Association, held at Little
Flock Church, Crawford Court House, Arkansas Territory, on the first Sat-
urday in Nevember 1827. Little Rock, A. T.: wm. E. Woodruff, printer.
12 p. 11 x 17.5 cm. [9]
Caption title.
- 1828
Arkansas. General Assembly.
Journals / of a / Special session / of / the General Assembly / of
3' the / Territory of Arkansas: / Begun and held / at Little Rock, in said
Territory, / October 6, 1828, / pursuant to a proclamation of the gov-
ernor, / dated 20th June, 1828. / [thick—thin rule] / Little Rock: /
] Printed by William E. Wbodruff, / printer to the Territory. / [double
row of dots] / 1828. /
69 p. 10.5 x 18 cm. [10]
ArU. DLC(microfilm).
Arkansas. Laws, statutes, etc.
of Acts, / passed at / the fifth session / of the / General Assembly /
of the / Territory of Arkansas: / Which was begun and held at the town
- of Little Rock, on / Monday, the first day of October, and ended on
ty- wednes- / day, the thirty-first day of October, one thousand eight /
‘hundrod and twentyeseven. / [thick-thin rule] / Published by authority.
. / [thin-thick rule] / Little Rock: / Printed by William E. Woodruff, /
printer to the Territory. / [short double row of dots] / 1828. /
1 80, 2 p. 11.5 x 25 cm. [11]
Ar-SC(origina1). ArU(2 originals; 1 reprint). CSfLaw(reprint). DLC.
. IU. MdBB. Nb(reprint). Nv. OCLe.w(rcprint). 001w. OrSC. TxU. w.
W8U(reprint). Allsopp(original).
Arkansas. Laws, statutes, etc.
Acts// passed at / a special session / of the / General Assembly /
of the Territory of Arkansas: / Which was begun and held at the town
of Little Rock, / on Monday, the sixth day of October, and ended on /

Wednesday, the twenty-second day of October, one / thousand eight
hundred and twenty—eight, pursuant / to a proclamation of the gover-
nor, dated tWentieth June, 1828. / [thick-thin rule] / Published by
authority. / [thin-thick rule] / Little Rock: / Printed by William E.
Joedruff, printer to the Territory. / [double row of dots / 1828. /
48, 5 p. 11.5 x 23 cm. [12]
ir—SC(original). ArU(reprint). CSfLaw(reprint). DLC. IU. Ia.
M583. Nb(reprint). NV. OCLaw(reprint). OClW. OrSC. TXU. W.
lrkansas. Supreme Court.
Rules of the Supreme Court of the Territory of Arkansas. Adopted at
April term, 1828. Little Rock, wm. E. weodruff. [1828?]
14 p. [13]

1 Arkansas. General Assembly.

Journals / of the / sixth session / of / the General Assembly / of _
1 the / Territory of Arkansas, / begun and held at / Little Rock, in said
‘ Territory, / on Monday, the fifth day of October, and ended on Sa-l/ tur-
1 day, the twenty-first day of November, one thou— / sand eight hundred
‘ and twenty-nine. / [thick—thin rule] / Little Rock: / Printed by William
E. Neodruff, / printer to the Territory. / [double row of dots] / 1830. /
294 p. 10.5 x 18 cm. [14]
500 copies ordered printed (resolution of Nov. 21, 1829).

Arkansas. Laws, statutes, etc.

1 Acts, / passed at / the sixth session / of the General Assembly / of

1 the / Territory of Arkansas: / Which was begun and held at the town of

1 Little Rock, on / Monday, the fifth day of October, and ended on Sat-

? urday, / the twenty—first day of November, one thousand eight / hundred
and twenty-nine. / [thick-thin rule] / Published by authority. / [thin—
thick rule] / Little Rock: / Printed by William E. Woodruff, / printer to
the Territory. / [double row of dots] / 1830. /

137, 4 p. 11.5 x 23 cm. [15]
ArL(2 copies). Ar-SC(origina1). ArU(3 originals). C. CSfLaw. DLC.
IU. Ia. InSC. MdBB. Mi-L. Nj. NV. OCLaw]
Report signed by E. A. Moore, commissioner of public buildings,
Arkansas. General Assembly.
Journals / of the / first session / of-the / General Assembly / of

- the / State of Arkansas, / begun and held at the city of Little Rock,

in said state, on / the twelfth day of September, in the year of Christ

F one / thousand eight hundred and thirty—six, and of the Indepenv / dance

16 of the United States of America the sixty-second. / [rule] / Little

Rock: /.Printed by Woodruff & Pew, / printers to the state. / [row of
dots] /‘-1857. /
l 210, 160 p. 14 x 22.5 cm. [37]

200 copies ordered printed.

Ar-SC. ArU, DLC. ICU. M, N, NN, NeU.
_ Arkansas. Governor (James S, Conway)

10 A proclamation, / by the governor of the State of Arkansas: / Prin-

ters, Whodruff & Pew, / 1837 /

2] Broadside. 28 x 47 cm. [38]
An appeal to the citizens to submit to the assessments and taxes
levied on their property. Unless payments for taxes are made, milir
tary force will be resorted to by the sheriff in the collection of


Arkansas. Laws, statutes, etc,

3] Acts passed at the first session of the General Assembly of the State
of Arkansas; Which was begun and held at the capitol, in the city of
Little Rock, on Monday, the twelfth day of September, and ended on Tues-
day, the eighth day of November, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-
six, Published by authority. Little Rock; Printed by Woodruff and
Pew printers to the state. 1857,

£13, 1, iv p. 13,5 x 21 em, [59]

500 copies ordered printedV

Arcs, Ar~SC(2 copies). ArU. 0, DLC, IU. Inn-SC, NNLI. NJ,

4] OCLaW, 001W, 0k, OrSO, RPL. qu. BrMus,

Arkansas, Laws, statutes, etq,

Charter of the branch of the bank of the State of Arkansas at Ark.
ansas Post ,,,, passed December 15, 1837, Little Rock, Reed & Budd,
printers. 1857,

4 p. [40]

5] Caption title,

Tx ,

 _ 10 ..

Arkansas. Treasurer.

Report of the treasurer of the State of Arkansas ..., Little Rock.
John H. Reed and John J. Budd, printers .... 1837.

8 p. [41]

Stuart, John

A sketch / of the / Cherokee and Choctaw / Indians. / [short double
rule] / By John Stuart, / Captain. United States Army, Choctaw Nation.
/ [short double rule] / Little Rock: / Printed by Wbodruff & Pew. /
[row of dots] / 1837. /

42 p. 21 cm. [42]

DGU. RPB. Hargrett. Photostatic copies: Allsopp. Foreman. Micro-

film copy: ArU. Typed copies: ArL. ArLC. ArU.

, 1838
Arkansas. General Assembly.

Journals / of the / special session / of the / General Assenmly /
of the / State of Arkansas, / which was begun and held at the capitol,

, in the city of Little Rock, / on Monday, the sixth day of November, one _
thousand eight hun- / dred and thirty-seven, and ended on Monday, the
fifth day of / March, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-eight, in

i accord— / ance with a proclamation of the governor, dated July 18,

‘ 1837. / [n.p.,n.d.]

, 474 p. 13 x 21.5 cm. [43]

Caption title. No copy has been located having a printer's imprint.
Ar—Hi(3 copies). Ar—SC(2 copies). ArU. DLC. ICU. IU. M. N. NN.
‘ NcU. TxU. Allsopp.

‘ Arkansas. Laws, statutes, etc.

! Acts passed at a special session of the General Assembly of the State

[ of Arkansas:, Which was begun and held at_the capitol, in the city of

2 Little Rock, on Monday, the sixth day of November, one thousand eight

§ hundred and thirty-seven, and ended on Monday, the fifth day of March,
one thousand eight hundred and thirty-eight, in accordance with a proc-
lamation of the governor, dated July 18, 1837. Published by authority.
Little Rock: Printed by Woodruff and Pew, printers to the state. 1838.

149, 1, iii p. 13.5 x 21 cm. [44]

ArCH. Ar—SC(2 copies). ArU(3 copies). c. DLC. IaU-L. In—SC. MdBB.

Mi-L. M0. M08. NNLI. Nb. Nj. Nv. OCLaw. 0k. OrSC. RPL. waU.


Arkansas. Real estate bank of the State of Arkansas.

General rules and regulations of the central board of the real estate
bank of the State of Arkansas, adopted November, 1837. Printed by wood-
ruff and Pew. 1838.

46 p. [45]


 - 11 _
Arkansas State Bar Association. _

Constitution adopted by the Arkansas State Bar Association, November
24, 1837. Little Rock, 1858.

12 p. [46]


Whig Party. Arkansas Committee.

Whig committee address / to the people of Arkansas. / [filet] / wed-
nesday evening, Feb. 21, 1838. / .... {n.p.,n.d.]

8 p. [47]

Caption title; covers missing. John Drennen, chairman.


Arkansas. General Assembly.

Journals / of the / second session / of the / General Assembly / of
the / State of Arkansas, / which was begun and held at the capitol, in
the city of Little Rock, / on Monday, the-fifth day of November, one
thousand eight hun— / dred and thirty-eight, and ended on Monday the

- seventeenth day / of December, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-
eight. / .... [n.p.,n.d.]

526, v p. 15 x 21.5 cm. [48]

Caption title. No copy has been located having a printer's imprint.

] This is also true of the journal of the special session which pre-
cedes this session and of the third session.

Ar-Hi(3 copies). Ar-SC(5 copies). ArU. DLC. ICU. IU. M. N. N.

N' NcU. Allsopp.
Arkansas. Laws, statutes, etc.
Acts passed at the second session of the General Assembly of the State
'9 of Arkansas: Which was begun and held, at the capitol, in the city of
Little Rock, on Monday, the fifth day of November, one thousand eight
hundred and thirty—eight, and ended on Monday, the seventeenth day of
December, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-eight, Published by au—
' thority. Little Rock: Printed by Edward Cole, printer to the state.
:3 iv, 144, xii p. 13.5 x 21 cm. [49]
ArCH. Ar-SC. ArU(2 copies). C. DLC. IU. In-SC. MdBB. Mi-L. Mo.
‘33- NNLI. Nb. Nv. OCLaw. 0k. Or—SC. WaU.
L o
Baptists. Arkansas. Association of Arkansas.

Minutes of the Baptist Association of.Arkansas, held at Little Rock,
be September 13th and 14th, 1839. [n.p.,n.d.]
i- 4 p. 20 cm. [50]
5] Caption title.


 .. 12 _
Freemasons. Arkansas. Grand Lodge.
Constitution./and / by-laws / of the / Grand Lodge / of / the State
of Arkansas. / [rule] / Little Rock: / Printed by Edward Cole. / [row
of dots] / 1859 /
19 p. 14.5 x 19.5 cm. [51]
Masonic Grand Lodge, Little Rock, Ark.
Pike, Albert
Address, /delivered before the /.Arkansas Bar Association, / by
Albert Pike, Esq., / in the supreme court room, at the city of Little
Rock, / on the 13th of July, 1859. / [rule] / Little Rock: / Printed by
Edward Cole, / printer to the State. / 1839. /
19 p. 14 x 22 cm. [52]
Arkansas. General Assembly. Committee on the judiciary.
Report of the committee on the judiciary, in relation to the title of
1 the State of Arkansas, to the lots on which the public buildings are .
situated; and also the memorial of wm. Russell, of St. Louis Co., Mo.,
to the General Assembly of the State of Arkansas. [n.p. 1840?]
I MoSHi. PPL. [55]
Arkansas. Laws, statutes, etc.
_ Acts passed at the third session of the General Assembly of the State
of Arkansas; which was begun and held at the capitol, in the city of
Little Rock, on Monday, the second day of November, one thousand eight
3 hundred and forty; and ended on Monday, the twenty-eighth day of Decem-
[ her, one thousand eight hundre