xt75736m3342 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt75736m3342/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 2005 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, March 2005 Vol.76 No.3 text The Kentucky Press, March 2005 Vol.76 No.3 2005 2005 2019 true xt75736m3342 section xt75736m3342 “0% Volume 76, Number 3 U. S. Postage ;
493% I; ‘a/Z. , r 2” was: ,. Kentucky Press Association PAID 3
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March 2005 - Published by Kentucky Press Association/Kentucky Press Service ' .
Eleven state papers part mm 3
7' s.‘ 5: It. '. J , , Z
0 SCI‘VICC 3‘, I rm [I A“ ,
By DANA LEAR Bill 262 and Senate Bill 56 that passed 1 _, _. I ' 1 '
News Bureau Director the General Assembly in 2004. mm mm .. #595; “W
For all of her adult life, Pamela Fletcher said this service will ”con— 3' ‘3“ MW‘m
Roarke-Glisson hasn’t been able to nect people to their communities and . . 3* ‘ g .C
find out what is going on in her com- help them become informed individu— ' , -I I. V”
munity by reading her local newspa- als.” 't ,
per. That is because she is among the Currently Kentuckians can listen to if”? '
more than 253,000 Kentuckians who the Lexington Herald—Leader, :
are blind or Visually impaired, but last Courier-Journal and Kentucky I? a .
month she was able to find out what Enquirer newspapers by telephone, as ”33%???33‘ , . .1.
was in her local newspaper by placing well as more than 150 national news- fiwifm‘ is; 1&1}. .
g the first phone call to the NFB- papers and three magazines. 33"5'1, ; ~ -«I,I;..I,.,IIII,W, ,. .2. I: .I .1; I, If 5,
NEWSLINE during a ceremony in the Newspapers Will be added each t :"
Capitol Rotunda. month to the service to give users 3‘ w 3 3% T
The NFB-NEWSLINE is a service access to 11 Kentucky newspapers ,3 ,3; 111;
that provides a toll-free number for within four months. . '5' it 3-. t AbOVe= GOV- Ernie FletCher
the visually impaired and disabled to The newspapers that will be added ;_; , ‘ 3} -:» t t speaks 0f the importance f’f :
call to hear national and local news during the next four months include: I ;_ -' 3... " .. ,3 g I}! 3 t' it the NEWSLINE €91.31“, m 1.
. . . h , I III-.319 III; front of a map Indicating
stories. The Kentucky Post in Covmgton, The w ' It; Igy,‘ if, 3,; . t,
. ”This is so important to us because Paducah Sun Corbin Times-Tribune 3" 3‘ 3 3333' 3 313 the new5papers 1n the state
; ‘ ' ’ _ . I III 7/3,,th 1.: offered on the servrce. Left: j
we need to be able to keep up With the Kentucky New Era in Hopkinsvrlle, ‘ ' "(I-1:137? I 1 Pamela Roarke-Glisson .
news just like any other Kentuckian,” Appalachian News-Express in 3: ‘ , ‘ “ makes the first phone can '
: Roarke-Glisson said. Pikeville, The Daily News in Bowling 12:, ; '1‘ I,’ 3 on the NFB-NEWSLINE, a
‘ Gov. Ernie Fletcher signed a con- Green, The Ledger Independent in 1393.3 i b I I 3 service that reads Kentucky ,
, tract with the National Federation of Maysville and The Messenger— ' ,I I, If 2% newspapers over the Phone .
z the Blind to offer this service to Visu— Inquirer in Owensboro. g ‘ ”333 to the visually impaimd-
; ally impaired and disabled With 11 newspapers, Kentucky ”3“. ' 3 § '-
.- Kentuckians as the result of House See SERVICE on Page 3 i ‘1 ”I ;:.3:.I_l:;i.;':-: .,
Former Kentuck Press resident ublisher dies "'
y P 9 P
F o r m e r 3W” a, Hospital in Lexington. He was 54. against an already established chain- to head the organization three times.
Kentucky Press I ,73 ., _‘ ,, Hatfield graduated from Eastern owned newspaper in the area until In 1998 he served as president of ‘
As so ciation 3 Kentucky University in 1972 with a purchasing it a few years later and KPA. During his term he visited ;
president, Guy ‘3? - degree in political science, but decid- merging the two to form the Citizen every newspaper in the state. 3
Hatfield III, the firmwgé ,1} ed to switch careers after Visiting Voice & Times. He was presented KPA’s Russ
publisher of two , ’33'3‘1 several newspapers while working He purchased the Clay City Times Metz Memorial Most Valuable ;
w e e k l y ,1 ”33331 on the campaign to re-elect Richard in 1994 and the Flemingsburg Member award in 1996. f
Kentucky news- I 3-31 if}? ”’3 Nixon. Gazette in 1998. He sold the Gazette He was inducted into the :
papers, died 3 ”3333 ‘He became Kentucky’s youngest five years later. Kentucky Journalism Hall of Fame in f
Friday, Feb. 4 of "HI I publisher when he started his first He served as president of the 2001 and received the Excellence in 7
complications newspaper, the Citizen Voice, in Kentucky Weekly Newspaper Entrepreneurship Award from
of diabetes at Central Baptist Estill County in 1973. He competed Association and was the only person Eastern Kentucky University in 2003.

 Page 2 - The Kentucky Press, March 2005
\ K t k l ' th W
en uc y peop e, papers in e ne 5
Lee Enterprises has bought 44 daily newspapers including the million on Sundays. and transferred to the
Pulitzer Inc.’s newspaper holdings, Ledger-Independent in Maysville. Shannon King has been promot- Elizabethtown newspaper in
including the St. Louis Post- The acquisition will make Lee fourth ed to business manager of the January 2002.
Dispatch and the Arizona Star in in numbers of US. daily newspapers Commonwealth Journal. King most The Lebanon Enterprise
Tucson, in a $1.46 billion deal that and seventh in circulation with 58 recently served as director of human Advertising Manager Mary Anne
creates the nation's fourth-largest daily newspapers in 23 states and a resources and payroll at the newspa- Blair recently presented Marion V
newspaper publisher. Lee operates circulation of 1.7 million daily and 2 per. She began in August 1999 as an County varsity boys’ basketball 1
. V ._ , . V , administrative assistant. She fills the head coach Tim Peterson with a J
' 9 Th K ‘ k I . P 9 vacancy left by former business check for $1,032.79. The money rep- .
V M... e _ entuc y reSS—m—m- ' manager Loretta Thacker, who left resented 60 percent of the profits ‘
V . V , , ‘ i to spend more time with her family from the production of the Marion
The KentfiCky'PreSS (Permit?! 939)i8 Pub' District 11,7G16n11 Gray, Manchester _ , and work toward becoming a certi- County Holiday Homecoming ‘
dethhg by the $911912? Pres; A Enterprise . . f , fied public accountant. Classic basketball tournament pro-
Thir £31322; 0:223:52 31:15:“ Giggéwo 'District 12V~Donna Carmen, Casey V Paula Hale, general manager of gram. The newspaper is aVV VVmajor
KY. 4341‘ Subscriptionpriceis$8per County News V . . V, . The Paintsvflle Herald, has been sponsor of the event.
year. Postmaster: Send change of address , . » . » * _ V V ; named the publisher of the Melinda Overstreet has joined
toThe Kentucky Press, 101 Consumer » District 13—Don White, Anderson News Paintsville newspaper. She took over The News-Enterprise staff as the
Lane,VFrankfort,KY40601, (502) 223—8821. ‘ .3 , g - , .V: ,, _; , her new position in January. She Elizabethtown/ Hardin County‘gov-
_’ , - ' District” —,Teresa'Scenters,Berea_Citizen took over the role from Marty ernrnent reporter. She’s originally
2:2:ka PressAssociation . V State At-Large : . V- i. V, Eackus, of the Appalachian News- from Cave City and has a Master’s
, Taylor Hayes, Kentucky New Era ,_ / . xpress in P1kev1lle, who has been degree in Clinical Psychology and a
President~CharliePortmanrt Franklin Tom Caudill,LexingtonHerald—Leader , overseeing both newspapers. Prior Bachelor’s degree in Psychology
. Favorite .WillieSaWyers, London Sentinel Echo 3 to coming to work at the Herald, and Print JOurnalisrn.
, . . , Mark Van Patten, Bowling GreenDailyV Halm worked for Backus as adver- Dee Dee Meyers has been hired
PTQSider‘t‘Eled'Glem Gray, Manchester, 'News . , . , f . . .tising manager of the News-Express as a classified ad rep at The News-
Emerpflse ' ' 7 ‘ ’ ' , Division Chairman “ , ’ for several years in Pikeville. She Enterprise. She’s originally from
.»VicePEsideiit¥Alicel§ouse,1\/lurray :‘NeWS Editorial Division 'iMfiséAJéXie‘ff, also worked as office manager for Crown Point, Ind.
Ledger and Times ' i H ' 'V ' BoWIing Green Daily News)" ' "V' the Pepsi B'ottling Group. ’She' is a? . C.J. Gregoryhas beenthired as a ‘2
' ‘1 " ' , : ' 7 ‘ 1' -V » ~' ‘- 7 ' ‘ ' ' ' graduate of Pikeville College and a staff reporter at The News-
Treasurer-Taylor Hayes, *V ' ~ . v 'Advertising Division-Steve Wheatley, native of Pikeville. " , Enterprise in Elizabethtown. He is
Kentucky New Era ' Elizabethtown News Enterprise ‘ ’ ‘ The Oldham Era was recOgnized originally from Somerset and has a I
,PastPresidentsJohnNelson, The .. CirculationDlViSionekfvissJGhflSOnw A Feb. 4 by th? ‘ Oldham County BA' in Journalism from Eastern 3
Advocate Messenger, Danville. .- Lexington Her a1 d~Lea der. . , - , Chamber of Commerce as Oldham Kentucky Univer51ty. V
. V » . . f : I V" f County’s Business of the ‘Year in the V Carla'Teanue has joined the '
Board of Directors Associates Division—CliffFeltham 1 small business category. The award LCNI regional sales team, based in
Dishictl ~Ah'oe Rouse, Murray Ledger .. .KentuckyUtVilities‘Vng V' 11,',V._i;;,I{I;;VV"V was accepted 'by Oldham Era Shelb'yville, as a sales representative.
and Tunes . 'I I A Publisher JimiPatrick at the’OIdham She has a Wide variety of experience
District 2 -JedDi1hnghain, DaWson . ~ {figméggfifdgfirfiixmw County Community Showcase. in sales,Vinc1uding time SpE‘Vnt in real
Springs Progress . . .- V, _ . V' : VV , V , Rosa 0 Bryant, senior mail tech- estate, insurance, magazmes‘ and
‘ . L , ‘ General counsels-Jon Fleischaken : .. nicjran, retired from The News- promotional advertising in. super-
District 3 — David Dixon'The Henderson V " Ashley Pack, Dinsmore 8: Shohl Enterprise after 25 years. She started markets.
Gleaner , i , H . ' '1' fl ' , at the newspaper in October 1979. Don Pepin has been hiredjas an
. . , - V ‘ ~ VV Kentucky Press Associationfitaff .' V 'fi _ . Before then she worked for the assistant mail technician at . The
DismCM-J Eff Jobe,‘ Butler County Banner ’ - Dawd T' Thompson, Executive Director 1 . paper as a contractor for three years. News-Enterprise. He is originally
Bonnie Howard, Controller > _ _ , .
Districts - Ron Filkins, Kentucky Teresa Revlett, Director of Sales After her ret1rement she Will contin- from Minnesota.
Standard V . f David Greer,"MernberSe’rvices_DireCtor ue to be a part of the paper as a car— Lori Weaver is the new
‘ ' ‘ ‘ * ' - Dana Lear, Newssuread Director rier. Newspapers in Education coordina—
DiStriCt 6 -thn Mural Louisville Courier— DaVid Spencer, NEW‘Media Director Debra Darnell has been hired as tor for The News-Enterprise.
Journal , - , , . 323%:ng B$?:nggs/S1\limk:hn V , an outside sales consultant for The James Girdler was recently
- - ‘ \ e o , esear ar , - - -
District7—Kelley War-nick, Gallatin Cogrdinator . ~ . g -: 0111(th Era. . named Circulation director of the
County News , V Sue Cammack, Administrativ e Assistant V e ecca Haxton-Johns is the new Commonwealth Journal in
, , ' .,Rache1 McCarty, Advertising Assistant ' law enforcement reporter at The Somerset. He has served as district
DistrictS-KenMetz, Bath County News Holly Willard, JNAN Business Clerk News-Enterprise in Elizabethtown. circulation manager for the
Outlook Tami Hensley, TearsheEt Clerk . V, ., She is originally from Minnesota. Lexington Herald-Leader in a six- ‘
_ _ ‘ . _. . _ ' . I. Forrest Berkshire has moved county area in South-Central ‘
gjggg'l‘orem Tackett,Paintsvflle ‘ Staff members, Officers and Directors ' 'V.V from reporter to photographer at Kentucky since 1997. . .

. maybe reachedby e—mail uSing the mdj_" The News-Enterprise. He first John Sellards has Jomed the
Districth-"Edmund Shelby, Beattyville ' vidual’s firstinitiaqufllasr ' , joined Landmark Community Commonwealth Journal’s sports
Enterprise ' _ 7 . ' ‘ , name@kypress.com. ' ’ V, ' Newspapers, Inc. at the Roane
, ,9 V ., :. V. V f I. V ,, . . .. V . . , ‘(7 . f V County News in Kingston, Tenn, See PEOPLE on Page 12

 l Ii
The Kentucky Press, March 2005 - Page 3
" 1' P t t' l f f h '3
5 aper osses conven lona ront page, starts res 2
he L Four years ago, . . . W ,. _ how should that on the front, readers thought the center part of the page, called the win- /
in i the Readership Oh, By «2:? space be used? front-page space should be used to dow, is four columns wide by 12 inch- 3
j Institute, part of I Well, readers in ”sell” what could be found inside the es deep. Use of the window varies by i
,se . N o r t h w e s t e r n The way I the study said they paper. issue. Sometimes the window is a :
ne Q University’s Media — i“ 4* would prefer the Sounds like the magazine complete story with art. Sometimes 3
on i M a n a g e m e n t By David Greer W front page be used approach, doesn’t it? A big attractive it’s only art and text teasing some- 3
all i Center, began pub- KPA Member Sena-ms jg to promote stories cover photo with several catchy head— thing inside. Sometimes it’s hard ;
a ; licly sharing results Director found on inside lines designed to make you buy it off news, sometimes a feature. The win-
3P- i from its extensive pages and preview the rack and lead you straight inside. dow has proven to be very flexible in
its l newspaper readership study. The stories in upcoming issues. Television, The January-February issue of The its use, he wrote.
on 1 results were quite fascinating — and of course, does this well. Apparently American Editor, published by the These days, the Janesville Gazette’s ;;
ng j often surprising. people notice it and like it. American Society of Newspaper front page often has only one story
ro- l Among many concepts and Newspapers, on the other hand, are Editors —- ASNE — carried a story and promotes up to a dozen or more
, f notions gleaned from speaking with inconsistent on previewing stories about a small daily inJanesville, Wis, stories that can be found on inside :
pr 3 scores of readers in dozens of mar- and some seldom do it at all. that has taken the Readership pages or upcoming issues.
‘ kets, two items of reader feedback In other words, many readers real- Institute’s study to heart and radically How are readers reacting to these
ed i really stuck with me. First, many 1y did want to know on Thursday or redesigned its front page based on changes? Angus writes that many ’;
"he . readers said they weren’t thrilled with Friday what they would find in this study. So far, reader reaction has have said the changes have caused 1,
’V' ; how most newspapers presented their Sunday’ 3 paper. And, it should be on been positive, editor Scott Angus said them to spend more time reading the
11y . front pages. What a kick in the gut. the front page, readers said. in The American Editor article. paper — possibly because their atten- (I;
r’s : After all, newspaper people take great Hrmnm. At first glance, the whole Now, the paper’s front page con- tion has now been drawn to stories 4
i a , pride in how our front pages are pre- notion sounded radical. After all, sists of a two—column wide feature they might have otherwise over-
gy\ - I sented to readers. newspapers take tremendous pride in running down the right side of the looked.
But, based on the 2001 Impact their front—page presentation — every- front. Called ”Gazette as a Glance,” it The paper also promotes itself now :
'ed 5 Study, some readers said the conven- thing from how bigheadlines run and features summaries of about 10 inside as being a five-minute read for :1
vs- tional wisdom of putting four to six what fonts we use to how big the pho- stories. There are not teasers — they are today’s time-starved readers. . 1‘
)m 3 stories on the front page with some art tos should run, whether it’ 5 OK to brief but complete stories. Next on tap is a springtime reader—
and then jumping several of the sto— jump stories and just how busy the Across the bottom of the front is a ship survey to better measure reader .
3 a‘ ~ ”my ries to other pages was not an effec- front page should be. Are four stories new feature called ”Coming reaction to the changes. The real test, 1.
vs- i tive use of that space. enough or do readers prefer five or six Attractions.” These are teasers for Angus writes, might take years for the if?
is i It’ 5 hard to fathom, isn’t it? We front-page stories, we ask ourselves? upcoming stories. Appropriate pieces results to be known. I;
9 a i thought we were going a good job but But the Readership Institute’s of art, particularly small mugs, are In the meantime, kudos to Angus, f;
rrn i now some readers say no. So if put- Impact Study said many readers see used in both columns to make them his staff and his paper for their efforts :'
Q ting the top news stories of the day on the whole front-page issue in a differ- attractive while increasing reader— at improving readership. I suspect ,
:he the front page isn’t desirable, then ent light. While editors everywhere entry points. many sets of eyeballs will be watching
in . what should we be doing and, just labor on what and how many to put Angus writes in the article that the to see the results.
_—______—____—__———_—___—————————————-——-——-———————— ’,
ve. National Federation of the Blind, said -=%I;'I:=11:;::5 .. . ., T ' - ” . E
ice " SERVICE this service is liberating for those who '"g r an, ,,
eal 5 - aren’t able to read the newspaper. f? ‘j‘ fl . 5 '1 . II ;
nd ' Continued from page 1 ”Access to the news is part of hav- 2.13.; ' , .1 ""f:"":;.3f . ‘ 1' i' f. , ' .
er— . will have the most newspapers avail— ing a free SOCietYI" he said. ”Those 0f , mp 'oyee 9 I ’
able on NEWSLINE than any other us that are blind have the opportunity 5,3... ,1 5"}?5; .1 ,xj I . I, . ’ ,
[an surrounding state except for Ohio to join that SOCietY I10W” , " ' ' ' 'I V . I
he ' with 14, Kentucky joins 37 other states Kentuckians who are eligible can Cheek out 7 . , - 3
.lly ? in offering this service. SUbSCfibe to this free service by filing » :2”; ~ . I L I I'. I ' 3
Department of Workforce 011t an application from the NFB {if 'ff , “I , t ‘ . “ ' I
9W Investment Commissioner Laura E. WhiCh is available on—line at f I It I 3:. k j ' ess o .. f I A 5
na- Owens, whose office was responsible mm or by www- _ ypr ' . -' , ' 'c m ’ or
for selecting the newspapers for the contacting the NEWSLINE coordina- €19" ', ‘ . , i ' I . i- . . " 3
fly service, said they began looking tOI‘IS office at 1-877-266-2807. V th 9’ latest I res u m es 0 r I
the ‘ around the state to see where most of Subscribers W111 receive an identifica— ‘- ' : L . , , I ' ' , ' 3
in the Visually impaired people lived tion number and security code to use . V ‘ ' ' g . I Z
rict I! and what newspapers would meet when they C311 NFB'NEWSLINE at 1‘ t , ' t - I bl
the j their needs. 888-882-1629. , 0 pos avaI a e
fix- 1 ”There is a newspaper in every dSubscribers can chaose from . ‘ ‘ ' I. , ,
:ral 1. re 'on of the state so that no bod is to ay’s neWSpaper, yester ay’s news— . ;
left1 out,” she said. ”We are giving his paper or the Sunday edition 0f the I . '0 b8 at , yo u r
the 1 group of individuals the same oppor— newspaper they wish to hear and then ' 1' , . . , ' ,
Irts : tunity that those with sight have.” choose the section or article by using a . . . ' . , ' ' I, i, . . ( , ' : ’ , . , j.
i James Gashel, the executive direc. standard touch-tone phone. The SEI'V- i’ , 1‘ news pape r-V . . 3
12 i tor for strategic initiatives for the ice Wm cost the state $40000 a ye... , , " 1 - , 1i: -. . = . ., ,p , ,. .. ,

 Page 4 - The Kentucky Press, March 2005
HIPAA still causing concerns a year later 1
By KENYON MEYER - ~ . . _ Is the source a ”covered entigz” or ernment, or a church. However, there are not covered by HIPAA. For exam—
KPA General Counsel - ” its ”business associate”? are some exceptions. Group health ple, although a doctor treating an acci— W
Dinsmore 8: Shohl $52: x , Health information is only protect— plans that are administered solely by dent Victim cannot ordinarily discuss ne
After HIPAA’s pri- gt ed when it is possessed by a covered an employer and that have less than the injuries with a journalist, a police— 18
vacy regulations took i’ig3‘i53‘7,‘it:23 entity or its business associate. A 50 participants are not covered. In man who observed the injuries or U1
effect in April of 2004, i W ”covered entity” is every health care addition, two types of government- talked with the victim can disclose the P1
health care providers “ provider, regardless of size, who elec- fimded programs are not health plans: information, since the policeman is m
no longer disclosed is. tronically transmits health informa- (1) those whose principal purpose is not a covered entity or a business Ri
patient information to journalists. tion in connection with patient care, not providing or paying the cost of associate. Arelative of the victim who PI
Because the regula’dons generally pre- payment, or reporting or who uses a health care, such as the food stamps has been briefed by the victim’s doc— ne
vent disclosure, providers refuse to third party, such as abilling service, to program; and (2) those programs tor can also disclose the information,
cooperate even when an exception electronically transmit this informa— whose principal activity is directly since the relative is notaprovider ora M
applies. Their fear of inadvertently tion on behalf of the provider. Since providing health care, such as a com- business associate. at‘
violating HIPAA is not surprising, almost all patient billing operations munity health center, or making of WW 0f
» since a violation carries stiff fines of are now electronic, virtually all grants to fund the direct provision of WWW-0mm- W
' up to $250,000 and felony criminal providers are covered. The term health care. Workers compensation, tion”?
. charges with prison terms of up to 10 ”provider” includes any institution or automobile insurance, and property The privacy regulations define SB
* years. But because the privacy regu- individual who meets the Medicare and casualty insurance are not consid- ”individually identifiable health ee
lations are not well understood, they definition of ”provider of service.” ered health plans. information” as information that C0
are often wrongly applied to prevent This definition encompasses hospi- A”business associate” is a contrac— identifies the individual (or can be T1
I disclosure of information that is not tals, physicians, paramedics, thera- tor or other non-employee of a cov- used to identify the individual) and pc
. protected. When a source refuses to pists, rehabilitation specialists, den— ered entity that performs services or relates to: (a) an individual’s physical ne
- give out information because of fists, and other practitioners. activities using protected health infor— or mental health or condition (past, PC
HIPAA, the journalist should inde- ”Health care clearinghouses” are mation disclosed by the covered enti- present, or future); (b) the provision of H'
pendently assess whether or not also covered entities. A health care ty. Common business associates health care to an individual; or (c) C‘
HIPAA actually protects the informa— clearinghouse processes patient infor- include the covered entity’s outside payment for provision of health care _ lu‘
tion. This requires a basic under- mation, usually for billing or record— lawyers, debt collection service, and to an individual. Certain records are " 21
_ standing of the terms and provisions keeping purposes. ”Health plans” are independent computer software serv- explicitly excluded, including records P1
of the privacy regulations. The regu- covered entities, and include health ice providers. that a covered entity maintains in its _. ee
lations apply to ”covered entities” or insurance purchased by an individual Since HIPAA only applies to cov— capacity as an employer and records . 01
p their ”business associates" and pro— as well as insured and self-funded ered entities and their business associ— subject to the Family Educational PE
tect ”individually identifiable health group plans and HMOs, whether ates, a journalist is free to obtain h?
information." sponsored by an employer, the gov- health information from entities that See HIP AA on Page 6 PI
_ or
Postal service shifting mixed states sortation ‘
By MAX HEATH Newspapers commonly sort six or ing plants directly to the delivery the processing of what USPS consid— ’ I
. The Postal Service is shifting the more copies to the same carrier post office, 3-—digit sacks get worked ered ”the relatively low volume of , re
locations where it sorts Mixed ADC route, then 5-digit ZIP code, then in a plant serving multiple 5-digit mail at the mixed ADC level.” The ~ in
, bundles and sacks of mail to fewer same first 3-digits ZIP code, then to offices, adding one day to delivery idea originated with Postmaster
processing centers with the issuance the same ADC. The ADC is a pro- times. SCF sacks containing pack- General Jack Potter, who saw small -
of a new Labeling List L009—Mixed cessing plant that handles a large ages of 6 or more to each 3-digit volumes being processed at ADC H
ADC, effective May 15, 2005. group of 3-digit ZIPs as mail works within the Sectional Center Facility hubs, and suggested that ' ‘ m
The change consolidates process— its way down through the system. In (a level in between 3—digit and ADC) ”Operational Requirements” person- 11]
‘ ing of mixed or residual Periodicals some cases it consists of an entire may also be prepared. nel align planned changes with
from more than 100 Area state, a portion of a more populous ADC sacks get processed one Advanced Package Processing fi(
, Distribution Centers (ADCs) for non— state, or parts of more than one state. level further upstream, adding at System machines in the future. ' G'
: automation flats (list L004), or 87 Any copies that don’t fall into one least another day. Mixed ADC mail It is aligned with the Bulk Mail _ si'
‘ designated for automation ”flats” of the first four sorts are considered had been opened and worked in the Center (BMC) network. These
(list L803) to only 32 processing loca- ”residual” mail, or Mixed ADC mail, ADC where the mail originated, then P&DCs will be designated to handle ‘ b(
~ tions. which until now had been handled re—sent to ADCs across the country origin mail. Marc McCrery of USPS G.
'i Newspapers will make no prepa- in the ADC where the mail originates before being reworked to 3—digit pro- Operational Requirements said they E:
~ ration changes other than pink sack in the case of non-barcoded mail, or cessing plants and then to 5-digit are ”nodes” in the network that have ve
. tag labeling on their Mixed ADC in designated automation ADCs for plants. That process is often very good transportation links. NNA is 4,
sacks. Software vendors should barcoded newspapers. In some cases, slow, adding additional days to concerned about worsening service-
» update their labeling lists immedi— there is no difference, and some copies not finely sorted, usually like happened in Reclassification in th
g ately, but no later than May 15. states had more than one of the many miles away from the newspa- 1996 with sort changes-and also from H
: Software that is certified by USPS automation centers, with only one per office. mail being sent to a BMC and ar
1 under its PAVE (Presort Accuracy for non-automation mail. The stated goal is to create larger delayed. (Trucks going to one of hi
1’ Validation 8: Evaluation) program While 5-digit sacks theoretically processing machine runs, and create w
will be required to make the changes. travel straight though postal process— fuller tubs or sacks, by consolidating See POSTAL on Page 8 >

 The Kentucky Press, March 2005 - Page 5 2
Benjamin Franklin A ard 'nn s d 3
WASHINGTON DC -— Awards Nominating publishers will Fla. / Tina Moser, Citrus County News, Bernardsville, N.J.
were presented by community receive the awards in late March. Chronicle, Crystal River, Fla. New York Carole Schuhmann,
newspaper publishers this spring to Presentations will be customized in Illinois Michael E. Boswell, Letter Carrier / Ronkonkoma, N.Y. 3
18 distinguished employees of the each state by the publishers—some- Postmaster/ Mt.Carmel, Ill./ David / Arlene James, Long Island I
United States Postal Service who times presented in post offices, oth— M. Robinson, Mt.Carmel Daily Business News, Ronkonkoma, NY. ,
provided extraordinary service to ers at newspaper offices or Republic.Register, Mt. Carmel, 111. North Carolina Julian B. ;
newspapers in the mail. Edith statewide meetings. Kansas Connie Harrison, Hammer,]r., Postmaster / Supply, 7
Risner, the postmaster from NNA President Mike Buffington Postmaster / Sharon Springs, Kan./ N.C./ Marlene Jackson, The 3
Prestonsburg, was among the win- thanked NNA members for submit- Sheila Smith, The Goodland Star- Brunswick Beacon, Shallotte, N.C. ;
ners. ting impressive nominations and the News, Goodland, Kan. North Dakota Vernon Kongslie, {
The national award winner, postal nominees for their excellent Kentucky Edith Risner, Postmaster/Towner, N.D./ Lillian .3
Marion Narcisse, retail sales associ- service. Postmaster/Prestonsburg, Ky./ Domres, Mouse River Journal,
ate in the Denham Springs, LA, post ”This program grows every year, Patty Wilson, Floyd County Times, Towner, N.D. . E
office, was recognized March 10, in despite the ongoing challenges of East Point, Ky. Oregon Pam Kennedy, 2
Washington, DC. working out mail preparation and Minnesota Allen Kamstra, Bulk Customer Service 2
The Ben Franklin Award is pre— delivery issues within the Postal Mail Technician/ Willmar, Minn. / Supervisor / Newberg, Ore./
sented each year to a postal employ- Service’s ever-growing delivery net- Mark Herman, West Central Richard Nistler, The Newberg ;
ee nominated by a newspaper for work,” he said. ”It is a testament to Tribune, Willmar, Minn. Graphic, Newberg, Ore.
commitment to customer service. the Postal Service that in the midst Missouri Barry Evans, Business South Dakota Lu Koepsell, Bulk i
The award is named for the first of the complex regulatory systems, Mail Entry Analyst/ Bulk Mail Entry Mail Clerk/Yankton, S.D./ David f
postmaster general, who also was a it continues to supply the market- Unit/ Kansas City, Mo./ Ginger Jeffcoat, Yankton Daily Press,
newspaper publisher. The NNA place with knowledgeable and mar- Lamb, The Daily Record, Kansas Yankton, S.D. L
Postal Committee, chaired by Max keting-friendly experts.” City, Mo. Texas Dewain Yarborough,
Heath, Vice president of Landmark The winners’ and their nominat- Montana Ron Casey, Letter Finance Clerk / Granbury, Texas /
Community Newspapers, Inc., ing publishers’ names are below. Carrier/ Helena, Mont. / Jim Fall, Jerry Tidwell, Hood County News,
judged the nominations. This year State, Postal Employee, Montana Newspaper Assn., Helena, Granbury, Texas.
21 nominations were submitted by Nominator Mont. Utah Curtis Marsh,
publishers, who heralded employ— Arizona Monica Northam, Lead Nebraska Debra Buss, Postmaster/Richfield, Utah/ Mark
ees for service ranging from a thor- Sales 8: Service Associate / Lake Postmaster/Plainview, Neb./ Lee Fuellenbach, The Richfield Reaper, ,
ough understanding of complex Havasu City, Ariz./ Jim Abdon, Warneke, Plainview News, Richfield, Utah. 3
periodicals regulations to a direct Today’s News—Herald, Lake Havasu Plainview, Neb. Virginia Kim Snead, Self Service '
hands-on assist to help a failed mail City, Ariz. New Jersey Paul McDonogh, Assistant / Powhatan, Va/ Sharon 2
preparation get into the mailstream Florida Vickie Neal, Bulk Postmaster/ Bernardsville, N.J./ Cole, Powhatan Today, Powhatan,
on time. Mail/ Finance Cler