xt75736m319w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt75736m319w/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 2010-07 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, July 2010 text GLSO News, July 2010 2010 2010-07 2019 true xt75736m319w section xt75736m319w TED A
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A Publication of the Lexington Gay Services Organization Volume 32 Number 7
@@DDD@ J@flm gm® Parade! Unitarian Universalist Church
It is that time of the year when the . The timer“ Umversahst Chprch 0f
sun shines bright and the community Iexmgton '5 proud to be this months spon-
rallies around public events and festivals. sor 0f the GLSO. News. We welcome all to
This year’s festivities continue with the our Sunday SCI-“€6.31 11 am. We are a
addition of the World Equestrian Games, a welcoming congregatlon that celebrates our
new location for Lexington Farmers’ GLBT members. .We are lomted at 3564
Market, the Junior League Horse Show, Clays Ml” Rd’ luSt insrder Man O War.
and, of course, the Fourth of July Festi- Our 56mm mJuly are as follows:
val. This year’s Festival takes place on l“ly4 Appalachian Poets
July 3rd; all will show their patriotism July 11 “Fading Faith: theRiseofthe
together during this colorful event. Secular Age” Humanist Forum
We hope you will be able to join July 18 Ice Cream
Lexington Fairness as we “Celebrate July 25 “Where is Christianity Today?”
America” with the LGBT community. The U.U. Church has a liberal religious
We are building our parade float and tradition with room for many beliefs. Our
invite everyone to join us for a great time congregation includes people who identify as
to hang out with friends and transform a Christian, Humanist, Buddhist, Pagan, Mus-
flat bed trailer into a reflection of pride lim,Jewish, Atheist, andAgnostic.
in our community. Contact us at The church now has two gender neutral
info@lexfair.org to learn more about how bathrooms that can be used by everyone.
you can help us design, build and paint The church hopes to create a more welcom—
this year’s Fourth of July Parade Float! ing space by providing this option for people
Building the float, although it takes who are transitions, who’s gender in not al—
many hours to do, is only the first step. ways obvious, and for parents who want to
We must exhibit our pride and walk the take their child into a bathroom with them.
parade route together! Lexigton Fairness The Unitarian Universalist Association
invites all members of the community to has a record of supporting Cont. Pg 2
join us as we ride the float and walk
down Main Street. It is truly wonderful
to see the parade observers cheer on the Sponsor 0f the Month
hard work we all do to accomplish fair— .
ness and equality in Kentucky. If you @ The Umtatcm
wish to join us, please e—mail Universalisit Church
info@lexfair.org so we can provide you .
with details on how to join the parade. 0‘ Lexmgton
Finally, Lexington Fairness will have 3564 Clay; Mill Rd
a presence the entire day at our booth, uucl org
which will be situated in Courthouse Plaza. '
com. on pg. 2

 Cont. Come Join in the Parade
GAYand The booth will be setup by 9 am. andwill be open
. . for everyone to stop by and learn more about Lex— .
Lesbian Sermces ington Fairnefi and the LGBT community. We /‘
. . hope you ean stop by and visit. The fatival does-
Organlzatlon n’t end until 6 p.m., so there is plenty of time for
you to stop by. Ifyou would like to volunteer to ‘
Incorporated as greet PeOPle 31 the booth, PM“ e'mafl ‘
_ _ . info@lexfiiir.org.
The Gay Servuces Organization This ywps Fourth of July Festival, albeit on
J 3rd, will be a erience for all to unite
PO. Box 1172 Lex., KY40588 :3' Spend time mgfhwfi'igds and E .l _ Even
tho downtown construction may have
www.glso.org chanughed some loeations of events, Lexington Fair-
GLSO N ness is proud to continue to have a presence dur-
ew ing this year’s festivities. We hope you will join us
Volume 32 No.7 forallthe special oceasionsthisupcomingholiday.
To learn more about Lexington’s July Fourth
Celebration, visit www.1exingtonky.gov
News Editors and Staff IEE PAGE 6 FOR FAIRNEU AWARD!
Mary Crone,
Ginger Moore-Minder, U.U. Church cont. from page]
Dennis Wheatley Sarah Phi/lips, GLBTQQI people. In June 1970, the General
David Spencer Assembly of the Unitarian Universalist Associa-
tion passed its first General Resolution supporting
— bisexual, gay, and lesbian communities in their :
Office Administrator struggle for equal rights and acceptance. ‘
Bill Chandler Since that time, there have been other resolu— .-
859-253-3233 tions and a number of curriculum offered to
_————— churdies for members to learn about sexual orien—
tation, gender expression and identity, and the .
polities] and social changes our community is 3
working towards.
GLSO BOARD Acknowledging that every UU congregation ‘
Dennis Wheatley, President dim 0‘“ ”day’s h°"{°?l}°bia ‘0 a d‘fgree’ the J
Thomas Collins Vice Pres. 1989 General Amnmyylmted a med and
Jane Minder, Secretary WC Program dw’g'm‘d t", help ”“8“?” .
Ginger Moore-Minder, Treas. “”5 “we “Ply welmmmg mwmm“ f“ a“ 1
Mary Crone, GSA persons. Spectficgoalswere establishedto encour- 1
Jessica Sucik age every congregafion to be: a
David Spencer Inclusive ofall GLBTQI persons at everylevel :
of congregational life; j
Next meeting July 11, Welcoming ”me‘gender COUPIQ fewgnifing .
1 pm at the Pride Center their commit‘ed relationShiPS and equally ‘
aflirming displays of caring and affection;
Actively advoeating for GLBTQI rights, attending 1
to legislative developments and working to ]
promote justice, freedom, and equality. Q .
Page 2

 -..:-::r‘ , ‘ ‘
- ‘45/
: mutatinstonmtwival WWW
I TransKentucky is a support, social,
Join in the fun of planning the next and resource group serving Lexington and
| Lexington Pride Festival. We are look— Kentucky. The group provides a safe place
5 ing for enthusiastic individuals to be- for transgender individuals and people
1 come part of the 2011 Pride Planning who feel they do not fit into the standard
: Committee. Bring any skills you possess gender norms to express their true selves.
' or a willingness to learn and join us on While the group is h°t a therapy group,
- July 31, 2010 starting at 1pm at the we an provide information, advise and
‘ GLSO Pride Center, located at 389 share resources from our unique experi—
Waller Avenue, Suite 100 in Lexington. ences. Family and friends are encouraged
L Committee chairs will be decided at this to attend meetings to gain understanding
meeting, so bring some great ideas and and be supportive oftheir loved ones.
volunteer to help however you can. We TransKentucky meets the first Saturday
look forward to seeing you there! each month at 7:30pm, doors open at
7pm. Meetings are free. You may dress
however you feel comfortable. For more
“02:31 2'33: 33:35” information call 859.253.3233.
The Imperial Court celebrated Newsletter Announcement
Coronation 29 with style and grace. As of July 1st I am sad to sayI will no
Dignitaries from almost 30 courts from longer be with the Newsletter. Which means
all over the United States,- Canada and that we are in need of an Editor. Ifyou have
MeXico. . What an amazung weekend any skills in desktop publishing, editing,
culminating the end of Reign 28 as Em— graphic design, layout, or printing, call the
peror Wes Nelson and Regent Empress Pride Center and leave us a message( 859
Nicole Duamond passed the septer to the 2533233), email us at info@glso.org.
new Reigning Monarchs Emperor 29 I urge you to volunteer to serve your
Clayton Burchell and Empress 29 He- community in thisway. I have found this job
lena Handbasket. very fulfilling and I have learned a great deal.
A Blg Thank you goes out to every ‘ The people who write for us are terrific peo—
one who 1.18.11)“; make Reign 28 so spec— ple to work with. I have met many wonderful
tacular raising in excess of $100,000 for people since taking this on and being a Part
the Charities of the Imperial Court. We ofthis organization. [will miss them.
are gearing up for another amazing
Reign, 5" we h°Pe that You Will Stay WRFL Increases Watts to 7,900
involved and support yet another year _
of fundraising for the Charities of the We are exc1ted _t° announced that
Bluegrass. We will see you out and WRFL, 88.1FM is now broadcasting
about for all the festivities. Watch for With 7’9.00 watts 0f power. Tune in
our upcoming events and shows on every Friday between 3pm and 4pm for
Facebook and our website. a GLBT talk show.
Page 3

 ’1'!) ‘ ”V/m L: [fir if 1‘ fl , [/«L' “(NW KHZ; \ ELK/1] 0 _,
3 34/ .57 5 {.I,» {:33 , , (“v-.iiiiil [151:1 ‘1 E3273: fix-"4i: [ 51”»
389W II A S |00 Hours l0am to 3pm M, Tue, Thur, & Fri.
a e’ “w te- Phone 859-253-3233
DIICUIIION GROUP Gag Straight Alliance for Youth
Every Wednesday at 7pm The GSA meets at the Pride Center
Pride Center 389 Waller, Ste. 100 every Tuesday night from 7 to 9. All
All Are Weleolne young people between the ages of 15
and 20 are welcome to attend.
Lex. Lyons Lew & Leathel Club ART IHOW
Monday, June 7, at 7 pm at . . ’ _ _
The Pride Center William Goodman s exqms1te por—
389 W all A St ’100 traits will be displayed at the Pride
er ve., e. ' Center for another month. The show is
. . designed to encourage us to think
lllSlght GI 0UP about the masks we all use in our lives.
F ridaY: June 4 ' P Otluck Bill says about his work, “I like to
, , capture the essence of a person.” He
Friday, June 18 " Games nght pays particular attention to the sub-
Pride Center 7pm jects’ eyes. He is quite successful at
Josh at b ea utiful s o uls78@ aol. co m conveying the intensity of faces.
Goodman grew up in Lexington
but has also lived in Key West. He has
P F LAG only been back in Lexington a few
Sunday, July 18 2-4pm years.
You can contact Bill at
GOOd FOOdS Coop william.goodman
E? 1% ”‘fi .., ”t
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Page 4

is u
1L1 ‘ ’ " ,, . '
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@ 3564 Clays Ml" Rd.
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We are proud to Sponsor the GSLO News in July.
Visit our booth (#19) at the Pride Festival.
We have Worship Services each Sunday at 11 am.

There is a Buddhist Discussion Group every Sunday at 9:45.
Humanists meet the first Wed. of every month at 7pm.
CUPPS (pagans) meets every Sunday after church.

We plan to host an event for GLBTQS teens this tall.

Page 5

 2010 FAIRNUI AWARD! from female to male on his videoblog. ‘
O h . f] 25 Le . He has served on the Pride Festival
11 t e evening 0 une 5 Xing- Planning Committee and works with
F2"??? mm“; 55"“ .0
ness w s as o ERN _
pride month festivities. This Awards LITICAL LEADERSHIP AWARD is for
program is designed to recognize those those who work to ensure that the
individuals or organizations who devote GLBT community is afforded equal pro—
110% to keeping Lexington a safe and tection under the law. Whether it is pro-
‘0161'311‘ “W for “5 GLBT community. tecting domestic partnership benefits at
Iffiiliifiea‘fiie‘l‘li‘if‘i‘fii‘iifi'fli 5,3555 an 555-55-3555-5-5-
' _ ying initiatives, or stan ng up
we Sincerely thank them for their work against legislation designed specifically
in oi}rhcomn1:i£ilij;y. FOR FAIRNESS to divide, this award will honor the per—
e son who works to make thin fair. ‘
AWARD is dedicated to the straight This year the award wga: given to
allies Of our. community that stand up Joey Rose who has been a vocal advo—
a.“;':,:, :55 5;; 55-55555 55555
W . ' is community to y as e primary
outspoken and ““1655 advocate who marketing and media driver behind Lex-
founded a chapter 0f P FLAG 1“ Pexmg— ington Fairness. Whether it be marching
ton this year. Sandy worked w1th UK in Frankfort for equality, or leading
Outsource and the UK GSA to _h.°lP class presentations at UK or in Fayette
forganize :sm‘ddefiiletfnumkiiilgmnlintfi County aIf’éiblic Schools, Joey4dils ft‘here.
or paren an a “'0’ w From st 11 a booth at the 0 Jul
high school students. She also assisted parade, to fomposing e—mail calls I:
teens in re—organizing a GSA at Dunbar action, Joey is one of Lexington Fair-
High School. Sandy is an outstanding ness’ best.
ally for many reasons, including the The FAIRNESS LEADERSHIP
ei-tample 01: love and support she pro- AWARD is dedicated to those among us
Vldes to her daughter and fof' the work who inspire us to join together and push
she does ““1““ our community. forward in the face of adversity. When
FORTFifIIiIEIEIS‘JSHEW CRO§8§D1FOUE the times get tough, these members of
ARD ‘5 e icate our communi ush ahead and moti—
to the members Of our community who vate those antiyunlzl them to get things
are leaders and role models and are Out done. This award is for the firebrands
to increase the visibility of the GLBT among us _ full of energy and vitality.
community. These are people who let This year this award was given to
others know "We're Here!" and do so Wes Nelson and Nicole Diamond
in a positive and uplifting manner. . _
This year this award was given to (Wayne Swope) who were the reigning
Jackson Elliot Cofer. Jack has helped Emperor and Empress 28 for the Impe-
put Lexington on the queer map by rial Court of Kentucky. During their
creating and developing a queer music reign, they devoted an incredible amount
scene Within our community. Jack 15 a of their time and effort to The Court in
33:61::edv;?$$0”JZIPglugeeL2:: order to raise money for many non—profit
awareness and facilitate discussion, Jack organ ,izations. benefiting Central Ken—
is publicly documenting his transition tucky s GLBT continued 0,, page 8
Page 6

 Thank you to everyone who helped pull this together. w
All GLSO GSA members and particularly: F "1
Eli and Perry for Leadership 3: X’s
Vincent, Amy, Lauren and Zack for Sound Crew ‘9 -- ,‘
Denise for Ticket Design L, I
at at . .3 __
a. as
“3* PRIDE PROM 2010
33 ouo CJA
g, as"
. fin _ w “gig ii. 332‘. , ,3 1
5.5%.?) Q9) ’ , as." 'i
2% » .4. a“ is 7' — “:1 ‘. , H .-
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1 3 , {€12 . /_ 3 ,., m V _ '-’ £1 $25!}: 3:31;: V “W”
, _. 33 33% a 5‘. 3 , ,
#1 "v~ :3» . Advisors: Tom, Mead,
’ ‘ I " 1 ' Trilby, Mary, Marc,
. 1 iii“ ,7 . , and T ler
. ' \ fi’ ) : ‘l " y
c? i' H;*\\-
3.. l Val”. _ 1:7
3 ' 3 ‘ 1 "m 7 H U 13 » L, . § _ i 1,
__,. —. .i . A ,..
3 ' Thanks to chaperones and those 3 S 1 i' a
who donated food: Eli, Shaun, fix? ,
. 4 Dennis, Orvis, Martina, Sandy, -‘ 5?: .13? ' ,1’
Cody, Michael, Tyler, Rene, Jefl', N g’
Michael and others. ,3 f,‘ i i l
‘-'~:-:. i
Our Fourth Annual Pride Prom was attended by 240 teens, gay, straight and
questioning, wearing favorite old jeans or elaborate prom attire (with some
exchanging clothes half way through the night), dancing, blowing up condom
balloons, and having the best time ever! Lets do it again next year!
Page 7

 Fairness Awards continued from ng 2.3,.“ in support of pro-
' gressive causes
community. Wes utilized his directorial {5‘ including Temper—
talent to produce and direct the heartfelt if“. ance, Anti—slavery,
play “The Laramie Project”, raising over . * 3"“! Women’s
8,000 dollars for the Matthew Shepard 4 Rights. with. these
Foundation. Wes and Nicole spear— 53:62:51; It ls till:
headed an effort to build bridges be- Anfiionyggrew up
tween various GLBT non—profit organi- to be a determined social activist.
zations. With their talent and unyielding Susan was sent to school at age 6,
desire to serve the community, the Impe— already knowing how to read and write.
rial Court of Kentucky managed to raise 1“ elementary 5911001: f1 .teacher refined
over $110,000 for various charitable to teach her long d1v1sron, Whldl she
, _ considered inappropriate for girls. Can
organizations. you imagine the thinking behind that
decision? Multiplication - OK, division—
“unladylike”. Her father removed her
Susan B. Anthony fromspublic scholfl- d d .
- usan was t en e ucate in a group
Equal nghts for Women home—school where her father taught. In
by mar}, Ct 0116 1836, age16, Anthony was sent to a
Susan Brownell Anthony (1820 _ Quaker boarding school in Philadelphia.
1906) is perhaps the best know leader Hie: fir-ma: ecillucaltlllpn came “:1 an end
of the 19th Century Women's Rights 2; en .3; am y’d de manyhot ers, war;
Movement. She believed that the right nanch y :lulne hujing t Z Pagllzb?
to vote was the most important goal of 183:7]; bpec anon a f fireated a ufi e
the movement. She traveled throughout whic urstin 11.;371’ di ow; 1122121 ve}
the United States and Europe, and, for year deprilssron, 12c]: hng t e l ure 0
anks an recor — g unemp oyment
4332:,wgo‘ihZZS rtiohltgo speeches every levels. {Sound familiar?}
y Anth n , f ti? r ' Dani l as Anthony returned home where she
austere ‘i'oyrsessivee £1“ akere ,a “con: was surrounded by prominent reformers
man ufacfuregr and an aboliiionist He (activists) of that time. She became active
did not allow toys or amusements in his in several movements, .collecting hun-
house, claiming that frivolity distracted dreds ”f ”“9“? °Pp°smg Slavery eve“
the soul from the "inner light." He did, ginsencsulcl: asctlv1ty was banned by the
however, endorse the Quaker belief that ' IAtolg eAnthon left hom t teach
women should have the right to speak bl"h h .y d e o d ’
in public and have equal opportunities. to esta ls er Hide}, 6,11 ence, an to
Susan’s mother Lucy Anthon was help pay off her familys debts. At that
also committed to, ro essive {auses time, women were just beginning to be
but not a Quaker Sllfe £1121er herself teachers and men earned four times more
“not good enough” to become a practi— than :vlomen f‘f‘ the same duties.hT;us
tioner of their “severe and rigorous inequ lty inspired Anthony to fig t or
,, . . higher wages for female teachers.
moral standards . She vorced her opln— In 1848 th fir t W , Ri ht
ions publically and lay the foundation . ’ e s omen s g s
. Convention was held at Seneca Falls,
for her children to understand and act
Page 8

 ' 961.50
The 'mpemfl CON” 0f KentUCkU ............ImpCtKY@aoI.com
; wwmflnpetmlCamrKEHmckfiarg
; SisterSound.................................................859-806-0243
. Diverse Music for All Women
Richardson Vision Center .............................859-278—4201
. 1757 Alexandria Drive, Gardenside Shopping Ctr.
KCHIP 877-524-4718
Debra Hensley |nsurance..............................859-276-3244
1513 Nicholasvilie Rd.
' Lexington Lyons .........................................859-468—6371
Levi and Leather Club
' Lexington Fairness......................................859-951-4450
Moveable Feast...........................................859-252-2867
474 Silver Maple Way
Unitarian Universalist Church...... ......859-223-1448
3564 Clays Mill Rd.
Saint Mychal the Martyr Parish...... ...........859-338-1 195
ScottAckerman .........................................859-338-8483
Email: SAcker4224@aol.com
To become a monthly sponsor of the Newsletter and have your group or business advertised
here for a year, have a full page ad once a year, plus other ways to advertise here and online
please email us at Sponsorships@glso.org, or call 859-253-3233 and leave your contact in-
formation and we will send you a sponsorship packet. If not this year perhaps next year.
I Page 9

 New York. It was organized by Lucretia “irreligious tendencies”. Many feminists
Mott and Elizabeth Cady Stanton. believed that religion was a major force
Three thousand People, mostly women, in the oppression of women. Stanton
attended and a number of women spoke eventually wrote “The Women’s Bible”
publically, which was declared a scandal in which she focused on equality.
in news reports. Susan did not attend In late 1850, Anthony read an ac—
but her mother attended a second meet— count of the first National Women's
ing two weeks later in Rochester and Rights Convention in Worcester, Massa-
signed the Declaration of Sentiments chusetts, including a description of the i
written by Elizabeth Cady Stanton. It final Speech given by Lucy Stone. i.
started: “We hold these truths to be Stone's words catalyzed Anthony to de— .
self-evident, that all men AND vote her life to women's rights. I
WOMEN are created equal,_. .” In 1851, on a street in Seneca Falls,
At that time, married women could Anthony was introduced to Elizabeth
not own Property or keep their own Cady Stanton and to fellow feminist,
wages. They had no rights to their chil— Amelia Bloomer. Anthony and Stanton
dren in divorce, could not initiate a began a life long friendship and work—
divorce, or sign legal documents. No ing partnership. Stanton had been mar-
women could serve on a jury, speak tied in a ceremony which had the word
publically, or vote. Men were under— “obey” removed by her request. She was
stood to have unimpeded sexual access radical in her thinking and saw the need
to their wives as well as the right to to change many laws and cultural mores
“discipline” them. in order to give women equal status
These beliefs were still expressed in With men.
the 19705 when the KY legislature was Stanton already had two of her five
debating passing laws that said a children when she met Anthony. An—
woman could charge her husband with thony made an early commitment not to
rape and assault. One legislator actu— marry so that she could dedicate herself
ally quoted the Bible, stating that men to her work. She was the one to sign
had the God—given right to hit their many documents for the feminist move-
wives with an object smaller in diameter ment because married women were not
than their thumb. This is where the allowed to sign legal documents.
expression “rule of thumb” comes from. Stanton was a gifted writer but tied
In 1849, at age 29, Anthony quit to her home while she raised her chil—
teaching and moved to the family farm dren. Her husband was rarely at home.
in Rochester, New York. She became Anthony would often live with Stanton,
Secretary of the Daughters of Temper- taking care 0f the Children and helping
ance and started speaking publically with the housework so that Stanton
against the use of alcohol. Many re— could write. Some historians have com— 7
formers believed that alcohol was re— mented on this relationship as a l
sponsible for violence against women “marriage” in that the women were .
and the disintegration of families. committed to each other even when they l
Anthony began to distance herself disagreed. There is an excellent docu—
from the Quakers and attended a Uni— mentary by Ken Burns about these two
tarian Church. As she got older, An— women and the work they did together.
thony continued to move further away In 1852, at age 32; Anthony at—
from organized religion in general and tended her first woman's rights conven—
she was later chastised by Various Chris- tion in Syracuse and made the statement
tian religious groups for displaying that “the right which woman needed
Page 10


 5 above every other, the one indeed which ARI—ES (March 2l'APl'll 20)‘ _ _
e would secure to her all the others, is the Jilly tends to be a month of Emma“
1 right of suffrage." She continued in that attention given to wfuk °r_ employment and
, belief even later in life when other femi- You: partner. Your lOb WI,“ dominate your
. . . . days and your beloved Wlll entertain your
msts including Stanton were working . , .
_ . nights. By month 5 end, work Will have
towards broader and more radical goals flourished and so shall .
s f m . 'your commitment to
or W0 en. _ that certain someone in your life. Physical
: Y?“ may have noticed. that I have attraction will intensify to a deeper relation—
" i ht’t discussed the PosSlblllty that Ah' ship. Your beloved will prove supportive as
' i thony was a lesbian. Many lesbians claim you concentrate on your job and this atten—
‘ i her as one of us. She certainly criticized tion will prove very beneficial, possibly lead-
) the male dominance and heterosexism of ing to a promotion or raise. It’s a good
’ her day. More significantly, she lived month—both personally and professionally.
1 her life With women and had an unbro— You could get a raise...or could it be a
, ken bond with Elizabeth Cady Stanton. “rise”?
1 So, at the least, I believe we should not w (APl'll 21-May 21)‘ _
' consider her to be straight by default. Thls ls your month for FUN! Y0“ wlll
' Lets claim her as lesbian until someone Pa“ hearty and have a great month of sum-
1 gives us evidence that she was not. met get—togethers 'and romance. POSSlbly
5 . . your best month this year, take advantage of
1 To be continued in another newsletter... the festivities and enjoy yourself! Watch
5 your finances, though. Fun can turn costly if
s T/ffs/G/Vs 0F5l/MMEP you get careless with your spending. Over-
all, a great July for you—and that’s no bull.
A! QUARIUS (Jan. 21—February 19): Gemini (May 22-June 21):
3 Misconceptions and faulty analyses Your focus is on home and decorating
' may frustrate and alarm you but don’t fall your surroundings. Watch that you don’t
’ prey to despair. Finances will worry you overspend while making your home com-
f this month, Aquarians, but hold on and fortable. Your creativity and artistic talents
1 refrain from following rebellious urges; are appreciated. It’s a quiet month, spent at
- allies will appear from surprising sources. home. The end of the month finds love and
t Feelings of detachment and isolation might romance increasing and this will continue
plague you but, again, don’t succumb to into August. Family will prove troublesome
1 their haunting invitations. It will work out. in last week of July.
. Travel beckons you and you should follow CANCER (June 22—July 22):
. your nomadic yearnings....You’ll be glad Talk, talk, talk! Words are your strong
you did. point this month, my verbose crustacean.
: PISCES (February 20—March 20): Your words are strong and true and people
: Confidence and an appetite for adven- are listening. Social outings are prominent.
turous fun leads you to community activi- You are playful and passionate, pleasing
— i ties and travel. Relationships are rich in the your partner to the max! Pay attention while
1 i first half of the month but your eagerness driving on the 22nd. Distractions could lead
3 i to fulfill your playful side may result in to an accident. Watch your tongue at work
I l disagreements with your partner. Respect around the seventh. Heated words could
' and consideration generally leads to a bet— land you in hot water—not a good thing for
’ ter understanding of differences and a crab. Avoid aggression at month’s end. Let
strengthens your ties with loved ones. your words carry you through July—people
- Work is also a rewarding arena for you, will hear and appreciate expressions from
- dear Pisces. Enjoy the ride and reach for the heart (and those which come from a
t the golden ring—whether it be found in a little lower in your shell).
I nipple or, maybe, some other body part (?). cont. page 15
Page 13

 A letter of thanks to the ifnsmd °f “Vi“.g ‘° P“" the ’“g °“‘
. rom under their feet. If only we can
communlty that I love. . . encourage rather than criticize. As a gay
from Helena Handbasket person, I am often surprised when, after
all of the struggles that have been fought
What an exciting time to acquire the freedoms that we have,
to live in Lexington, Ken— ME: that some still choose to hold each other
tucky. Pride weekend was ‘ w down rather than help them to soar.
fantastic. There is so much F ‘ As the newly elected Empress 29 of "
life and new spirit and en— it 5 the Imperial Court of Kentucky, I want
ergy in our city right DOW . it . to say thank you to all of you who sup-
and we are on the verge of ”5’2" a ported and encouraged me. Your love u
making history by hosting . .. a}, and stewardship were amazing and will
the Equestrian Games in 3"" / never be forgotten. I vow that this year
September. will be about bringing people together
It has been challenging at the least and sharing with others what has al—
to deal with all the road construction ready been learned, while being open to
and preparations going 011 in the city learn the lessons we do not yet know
but I can’t help but notice how nice it is from all of you.
all starting to look. 0111‘ city is h0t only Sometimes Miss Helena gets a little
going to be ready hllt we can help to preachy and it is not intended to be that
change the attitudes and misconceptions way but every one of us knows that we
about Kentucky while we have 960916 have choices to make everyday. Do we
here from all over the world. We have choose to uplift others by encouraging
the opportunity to show them that we them to be the best they can be or do we
will no longer accept being seen as the choose to expose their faults and make
barefoot hicks, although 1 do enjoy the them feel inadequate and unworthy?
feel of the bluegrass under my feet. Think about it with your head and your
The gay communitywill have a part heart, and then YOU decide. I have
to play in all of this as well. The busi- faith that you will make the right deci-
ness owners in “our” community are sions. Amen (pass the collection plate
already working on stepping up their while we turn to page 438 in our hym-
game to show their best face during the nals). 
Games. We too have a responsibility to
show the world the welcoming, inclusive
spirit that the gay people in Lexington
have. It is time for people to choose to ’1 " ; ff» 3‘ "lwillprowu.
display their personal best to the world 4,; “it; ext-1......mfimm'gm
and, in doing so, be inspired to show Fifi} “PM ”Wynn lion. deserve!" -~
each other, in our own community, our -‘
best as well- ' * '“” , Teresa Combs
When we are nice to each other and " Reallor,ABR, GR], QSC
supportive of one another it makes life - ' A u
better for everyone. If you like drama, Ccllfl'cx12859—489-1150 WMM
go to the theater but please, honey, let’s ggcifiziizsjcfifiioémmax net
keep the drama on the stage Where it Web: ivwwteresacombsrealiomom . K
belongs. If only we can start to look at E :15 Creative Ream
each other and find the good in others
Page 14

 LIE—0 Only 23-August21) the month of July but things will really

V A Slow month 0t quietude has y011 rest- take 0H: for you by the end of the month.
. ing up for busy weeks ahead. Making money SCORPIO (Oct. 24—Nov. 22):
. tends to be a strong distraction as your pro- The heat is on! Your charm and char-
: fessional creativity is high and ventures ismatic nature burst forth this month,
. prove positive. Watch for love on the 12". making you a popular addition to social
. Your attempts to upgrade your surroundings gatherings with friends and with provoca—

may be met With opposition but, have confi- tive newcomers. As the month heats up,
_~ .. dence in your abilities; your ingenuity Will, keep alert...fireworks may explode in your
: ultimately, be appreciated. After all, a reign— night skies. This month promises to be
’ ing “It deserves a palace, “Ot a cage. Crea- really hot! At work and home, you’ll find
' ture comforts are important for the king 0f yourself in great demand—and you LOVE it!
: w beasts. You should keep yourself in check, though;
l flR_GQ (August 22-September 23)‘ you don’t want to burn yourself out. Keep
' Money matters figure prominently this the home fires well stoked.
' month. You will be preoccupied with wealth SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23-Dec. 22):
. and increasing your financial security. Don’t WHEVV! What a month!