xt75736m2w5t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt75736m2w5t/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1970-11-17  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, November 17, 1970 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 17, 1970 1970 1970-11-17 2015 true xt75736m2w5t section xt75736m2w5t Tee Kentocky Kernel
Tuesday, Nov.

17, 1970


University Senate
Voices Concern
About FBI Action
Assistant Managing Editor
The University Senate passed
a resolution yesterday urging the
University president and the
Hoard of Trustees to investigate
possible corrections of '"deficiencies" in the state law which allowed F13I investigators access
to a class roster recently.
The Senate in other action
refused to change exams scheduled for Dec. 23 to Dec. 16, a
free day, and moved to schedule
a special meeting for discussion
of a Tripartite Committee report
to reorganize the Senate.
The measure adopted by the
Senate in reaction to FBI possession of a UK class roll was
approved in place of a stronger
resolution asked by Political Science professor Cene Mason. Two
of Mason's students had been
questioned about the content of
class discussion by the FBI in





mi A


Vol. LXII, No. 53




ment last Friday. He said it was
If". : jP'7TS--ju
"necessitated by the fact that
there had been no substantive
change" regarding the use of
class rolls since the controversy
surrounding the FBI investigation here first arose.
His resolution stated that the
"sense of the University" was
that "interrogation of students
can have the effect of intimidating students and can be destructive of the learning situation . . .
and that the University should refrain from releasing class rolls
and other University records to
law enforcement agencies.
The Consequences
Mason explained the consequences of the proposal, saying
that if it passed, it would be up
to University President Otis A.
Senate passed an amended form of the resolution
Singletary to determine if he Political Science Professor Cene Mason circulates
wished to conform to its recom- copies of a resolution to the members of the
asking for an investigation of the state law which
allowed the FBI access to the class roster.
mendations. But, if he did, Ma- University Senate concerning the FBI's possession
of one of his class rolls for an investigation. The
son said, it would be incumbent
Kernel Photo by Dave Herman
Mason said that his resolution upon Singletary to inquire for
had been adopted by his depart- - what purpose a roster was requested. And, he added, if the
purpose were to inquire into the
content of class discussion, the
president should refuse to release
the information.
Forecast for Lexington and
This action would, in effect,
vicinity: Sunny and warm today require the president to test the
Prof. Nash received his B.A.
ages through the Crand Canyon
with decreasing cloudiness. Not constitutionality
of a present
and said that "man needs to look degree from Harvard University,
Kernel Staff Writer
so cold with a chance of showstate statute, which calls for the
into nature and see himand his M.A. and Ph.D. from
"The solution for the envir- deeply come
ers tonight. Becoming cloudy release of such information to
self and
Wisconsin State University. He
away with a mesonmental problem consists of an
with showers Wednesday. The
for all mankind."
agencies. Mapreviously taught at Dartmouth
extension of ethics," Professor sage
high temperature today in the son said.
"We discovered the moon-le- t's College. In 1967 he published
Roderick Nash, historian at the
low tonight, mid 30s;
upper 40s;
After much discussion, it was
discover the earth," Nash "Wilderness in the American
high tomorrow, mid 40s. Precip- suggested that the last three lines, University of California at Santa said in closing.
of 200
itation probabilities near 0 today, which referred to the University Barbara, told an audience
Monday night in the Classroom
30 percent tonight, SO percent
refusing to release information,
be deleted. Mason said that
Prof. Nash's lecture on "En
on Page 6, CoL 1
vironmental Problems and Pollution" was the first in the series
of Blazer lectures for the 1970-7- 1
school year.
After only a
to keep pace with the demand.
opProf. Nash told the audience
eration, the Public Relations DeMaking the tape of the anthat the worst kind of pollution
nouncements isn't an easy job.
is "mind pollution." "Whoever
phone service is a victim "The first time I recorded it, I
causes the pollution is the thing of
its own success.
had to do it four or five times
that is the problem."
I kept stumbling over words,"
According to Mrs. Karen
The historian added that "polassistant to the director Mrs. Nerviano said. "But now
lution cannot be solved econothat I've been working at if for
of the department, the new anJ
remically, but by
nouncement service has become about a month, I find it a lot
lationships." He proposed that so
popular that new ways are easier."
starting in grade school, children
being hunted to make it available
Technical difficulties still crop
should be taught the expansion
of ethics problems, and by the to more people.
up, however. Before she makes a
time they are adults, they will
"My boss tried to call it the tape, Mrs. Nerviano closes all
other day," she said, "and all the doors in her Old Agriculture
be able to handle the problem
he could get was a busy signal. Building office and asks neighbetter.
We're considering cutting down bors to keep the noise down,
To solve the problem of "peothe length of the tape, so more but the chatter of a passing secple pollution," Prof. Nash propeople can call in."
retary still finds its way onto
posed that people should have
the tape every few days.
From Oct. 29 to Nov. 13-- the
no more than two children, and
15 days of the service over
possibly put the issue of having first
To make matters worse, the
350 people called the telephone
babies in an economic perspecannouncement service's tape reto hear the corder has received so much use
tive by having people buy the number,
tape recording of in the past 15 days that the tape
right to hav e children.
campus events. Mrs. Nerviano "just wore out."
Prof. Nash cited how U.S.
said the bulk of the calls came
the natcities are
at nights and on weekends.
Yesterday, that was causing
ional parks mismanaged, the fish"It's difficult to tell vvhocalls problems. Repairmen came to the
ing ports
announcement service office to
in," she said. "The other day I fix
" Sometimes I think Amerithe recorder, but when they
from a man out in the
got a call
cans are going to die of ugliness.
it still wasn't working. Meancommunity wanting to know left,
Free enterprise has produced a
of people were
more information about a drug while, dozens
visual nightmare," Nash contincalling in and hearing a busy
calenued. He added that "the greatKernel Photo by Dave Herman
While there hasn't been any signal instead of the day's
est challenge facing people in"massive publicity campaign" to dar of events.
in environment
aware of the service,
"We'll have it fixed tomorrow
them with the social make people
Mrs. Nerviano said the response for sure," said Mrs. Nerviano,
Professor Roderick Nash, from the University of California, speaks squaring
to deal with the
from students, faculty and the but there was an element of conout on the topic of "Environmental Problems and Pollution."
first hand."
Nash's lecture, held Monday night in the Classroom Building, was problem
Lexington community has been cern in her voice. "I never can
Prof. Nash also showed the
the first in the series of Blazer Lectures for the 1970-7- 1 school year.
greater then expected. More re- figure out these mechanical
discover the earth." audience slides of his river voy
corders may be installed later
Nash noted, "We discovered the moon-le- t's




Reason for Interest


'Discover the Earth'

Visual Nightmare'

Environment-'- A


Victim of Its Own Success

Ner-vian- o,





People Pollution'



� 2 -- THE KENTUCKY KERNEL, Tuesday, Nov. 17, 1970

W0JW0 May Have


Death Toll Rises in Pakistan Catastrophe

DACCA. East Pakistan (AP)
The confirmed count of dead
readied 22,871 Monday in the
cyclone and tidal flooding that
smashed the Bay of Bengal coast,
one of lite world's most densely
populated areas.
But Pakistani officials still
spoke of a final toll of around



world's worst


waves that smashed
offshore islands and crashed into
the Ganges River delta.
Nearly two million people live
in the area.
The world's worst disaster on
record is the 1887 flood that took
900,000 lives in China's Honan

Historians say 300,000 persons
this one of the
natural catas- perished in the Bay of Bengal




The government promised no

effort would be spared to aid the

stricken. "All will be done, no
matter if the death toll is 300,000
or 500,000," said Information
retary Syed Ahamed after President Agha Mohammed Yahya Kh-


an made a
flight over
the stricken areas.
This was the first time any
high Pakistani official had publicly mentioned such a figure.
The storm hit Friday with
winds, churning

area in a storm and tidal waves
in 1737. The area is a cyclone alley that is frequently hit, with
heavy death tolls.

'Complete Devastation'
flight over the stricken
southern zone on Monday gave
this picture:
Devastation is virtually complete in the southern half of
Bhola Island. The island's rice
crops and those on neighboring
Hatia Island and the mainland
are destroyed.
Most bodies have been buried
in mass graves. Survivors, spot

ted from the airintheSOO-square-mil- e
area hardest hit, wandered
on high ground above the water
still covering much of the flat
land which provided paddy rice
for survival and then became a
graveyard for those who lived on
The survivors, having buried
most of the dead themselves in
an area were relief is still scarce,
were seen dragging huge bloated
cattle carcasses to burial pits on
the banks of the many channels on
mile Bhola Island.
13,000-squar- e
More than a million people
lived on this largest island in
the Bay of Bengal.
Crop Ruined
The paddy fields were blackened with salt water, mining
the crop which at the best of


Pope Again Reaffirms Ban
On Artificial Birth Control


His unequivocal statement
spotlighted the chief issue dividing the Vatican and FAO, the

Kentucky Kernel. University
University of Kentucky,
Kentucky 40506. Second cla
puUig paid at Lexington, Kentucky.
Mailed five Umea weekly during the
school year except holidays and exam
periods, and one during the summer
Published by the Board of Student


Publications, UK Post Office Box 4ttti.
Begun as the Cadet in IBM and
published continuously as the Kernel
since 1D15.
Advertising published herein is intended to help the reader buy. Any
false or misleading advertising should
be reported to The ta tors.
Yearly, by mall
Per copy, from flies
Editor Managing Editor .... I7S-1TEditorial Page Editor.
Associate Editors. Sports ..
Advertising, Business, Circula

largest U.N. specialized agency,
which is on record as advocating artificial birth control to curb
the population explosion.
High FAO officials said the
pontiff restated the division between the world organization and
the Vatican, but said he did not
attempt to influence the FAO.
The Pope had to make a reference to the division, an FAO
official commented after the
address to the
world body.
"To omit it would have given
way to a multitude of interpretations. He stated the Church's
position, but it won't change
ours," he said.
In other parts of Ids speech,
the Pope urged protection of the
environment, deplored racism,
and spoke in favor of Communist China's entry into the United


tree-shad- ed

enough' to serve on local boards?
"Why is it that Negroes are
expected to accept decisions concerning their very life that are
nude by whites, but whites are
not expected to accept decisions
concerning their lives that are
nude by Negroes which presumably is the reason why
Negroes are not allowed to serve
on local boards, even in an area
that is two thirds Negro in population?
"May there perhaps be some
correlation between the absence
of Negroes on local boards and
the fact that Negrocombat deaths
in Vietnam are proportionately
double those of whites?"
"They call into issue the prejudice and racism that are part
of American society today. They
demand resolution by this

although made up in such a way
as to violate the Selective Service Act.
"It is important that this court
resolve the question once and for
all," l'rof. Sedler told thejudges.
"'The government demands that
young men comply with the Selective Service Act and threatens
them with imprisonment when
they do not.
"Hut when the government
itself is shown to be in violation of the law, it invokes concepts such as 'de facto political
authority' to excuse its violation.
There should be one law for the
governors and the governed, binding both alike.
"A draft board not constituted
in accordance with the statute
and regulations is a 'lawless
board' without the power to
classify at all or to issue valid
orders to report for induction."
Sedler asks: "Why should
Negroes be expected to serve in
the armed forces when Negroes
are not considered


Sedler is a member ofthe
board of directors of Southern
Conference Educational Fund
(SCEF), for which Collins is an
organizer in the Deep South.

Ireland's Restaurant



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of the most densely populated
portions of the globe.
Even from an airplane it was
possible to smell death.
But pilot Abdur Baltim said
the situation had improved over
two days ago.
The southern part of Bhola Island appeared still virtually cut
off from communications although some small homemade
craft, little bigger than canoes,
were carrying people to a beach
stripped bare of vegetation. In
the midst of some fields, live
cattle clustered without a blade
of grass to eat.
The air tour included most of
Bhola and Hatia islands and

Negro Fights White Draft Board

WASHINGTON, DC- .- People not represented on draft
boards should not have to olx?y
orders of such boards.
This is the import of a brief
filed in the U.S. Supreme Court
on Nov. 10 in the case of Walter Collins, a black draft resis-te- r
from New Orleans.
Collins is under a five-yesentence for refusing to be drafted
because his board had no black
members' and the board chairman
George Sams, who pleaded didn't even live in the county.
guilty to second-degre- e
His brief was filed by Robert
and turned state's evidence, testi- A. Sedler, law professor at UK,
fied at the McLucas trial that in response to statements to the
Seale had gone to the room in court by the U.S. Department
Panther headquarters where of Justice.
Rackley was being held, quesThe department had told the
tioned Rackley and then told justices that it doesn't matter if
others Panthers to "off the pig," the government fails to comply
an expression explained as mean- with the law. Solicitor General
ing to kill or get rid of the ErwinCriswold argued that Colli ns's board is a "de facto" board,
police agent or informer.

ROME (AP)-Po- pe
Paul VI,
using the world's chief food organization as a forum, reaffirmed
Monday the Roman Catholic
Church's strict ban on artificial
birth control methods. He urged
increased food production to feed
the world's swelling population.
There is a great temptation
to use one's authority to diminish the number of guests rather
than to multiply the bread that
is to be shared," he told the
U.N. Food and Agriculture Or25th anniversary
He used the words of his
predecessor, John XXIII, in assailing the pill and other contraceptives as "methods and
means which are unworthy of

part of the mainland south of
Landing in a seaplane was impossible, said the pilot, because
of debris and carcasses still floating in the channels,
Water and wind had crushed
an area in which Bengali farmers lived, clustered in
communities with a density of
600 persons to a square mile.
Most home sites remained,
but corrugated iron roofs had
fallen flat on the ground, evidently crushing anyone beneath
In Dacca, Relief Commissioner A.M. Ansisuzzman toldanews
conference the equivalent of $46
million was available for relief
of the nearly 2 million people

Issue of Prejudice and Racism

Jury Selection to Begin
For Black Panther Trial
NEW HAVEN, Conn. (AP)-T- he
trial of Black Panther party
chairman Bobby C. Scale and
codefendant Ericka Huggins on
capital charges begins Tuesday
with jury selection expected to
take at least a month.
of the Panthers, and Mrs.
Huggins, 23, widow' of a slain
Panther organizer, face a variety of charges in Superior Court
in connection with the May 1969
slaying of another Panther member, Alex Rackley.
State's Atty. Arnold Markle
and attorneys for the two defendants begin the lengthy process of selecting a
Tuesday in a courtroom with
bulletproof glass windows and in
a courthouse under
by state police.
Jury selection is expected to
be slow because of the large
amount of publicity about the
Rackley slaying, including publicity about the trial of Lomiie
McLucas, the only one of 14
Panthers arrested in the case to
go to trial.
McLucas was convicted of
conspiracy to murder, the lesser
of four charges he faced, and
was sentenced to 12 to 15 years
in prison. He was acquitted of
the other cliarges kidnaping resulting in death, kidnaping and
binding with criminal intent.
Seale charged with
murder, kidnaping resulting
in death, conspiracy to murder
and kidnap testified at the McLucas trial in August and said he
knew nothing about the Rackley
slaying before Rackley's body was
found in a swamp near New

time was never enough to feed

the people of East Bengal, one




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Movie Review

17, 1970 -- 3


Context of Time Important

Old movies can never be fairly judged by contemporary standards. They must be viewed in
the context of their time. With
this in mind, Eisenstein's "Ivan
the Terrible" conies across as a
truly innovative film of the mid
1920's. Unfortunately,
it was
filmed in 1911.
Presented last night by the
Russian club in the Student Center Theatre, the film's technical
immaturity is, however, excusable. If one recognizes the context of the time, then the context of the culture should certainly be considered, the film having
been shot in Russia at the height
of Stalin's rule.
Our story opens with the coronation of Ivan. As quickly as
he dons the crown, Ivan delivers
a power mad inaguration speech
on the necessity of law and order
and internal security. Previous
critics quickly become stalwart
enemies and plot against him
throughout the remainder of the

During the subsequent celebration; however, Ivan gets a
chance to make good on his imperialistic promises when foreign
emissaries enter with threats
against the new monarch's domain. Ivan declares his moral innocence, mobilizes his army, and
marches . off to crush the foe.
As a result of the campaign,
Ivan becomes ill and dies his
throne apparently up for grabs.
Former cohorts ignored his deathbed pleas, preferring to wait and
see who took the reins of power.
All, that is, save one Prince
Kurlsky, whose unswerving "loyalty" is more than just slightly
due to his camel desires for the



















But Ivan's death turns out
to be a fraud, and since he
doesn't know of Kurl sky's ulterior
motives, the prince emerges as a
true hero.

people. He gets it when the people march to resummon him.
The End.
For its country and tune,
"Ivan" was a high budget film
a spectacular with (honest!) a cast
of thousands. Never mind that
it was preceeded by such American epics as "Cone With the
Wind" and "The Wizard of Oz."
Forget that it was years after
its time. "Ivan (like Peter) was

new military move to the
results in failure, and indirectly in the death of the Czar-iaA


Disgraced about the defeat
and concerned about new plots
against him, he leaves Moscow
awaiting a mandate from the





Ideas at Complex Debate
SG Candidates


Four South Campus candidates for Student Government
Assembly seats presented their
platforms to approximately 35
Complex residents at a debate
sponsored by the Complex Coordinate Government Monday
Jim Williams was the first
candidate to speak and remarked
that he was "for all things bright
and beautiful, all creatures great
and strong."
Williams also said that he
personally believed it is only fair
to endorse candidates who never
have had a chance to participate
in Student Covemment, even
though this would exclude himself.


their platforms, he would attempt
to state the objectives of Student
After being silenced by a student who said that the candidates should be allowed to "speak
for themselves," Williams replied
he was only going to say that
the Student Coalition candidates
were "loyal Americans."
Mary Law son, Marty Webster
and Jerry Newland, all Student
Coalition candidates, and Dale
Alan Royalty, an independent
candidate, were not present at
the debate.

if 2

Novelist to Speak

Joseph Heller, author of the
novel, "Catch 22," will
speak at Memorial Coliseum at 8:15 p.m. Thursday night, Nov. 19,
on the Central Kentucky Concert and Lecture Series. Admission is
free to students with activity and ID cards and season members of
the series.

New State Taxes Possible

KEA Attorney Voices Opinion

Fred Walker, an incumbent,
A Kenspoke about past resolutions he tucky Education Association atCovemintroduced in Student
said Monday he believes
ment. He cited the present two-me- torney
an investigative committee will
and dinner plan as
decide that the state can do a
an example of a "constructive
better job of supporting public
resolution" he had introduced
to the assembly.
John Slattery, making the remark during a television interIvar Avots, an ACT candidate, said he supported the gen- view, added: "It's strictly a pereral ACT platform and cited his sonal opinion. I hope you don't
Complex dorm government work try to saddle the KEA with
as qualification for his election this."
The question specifically inasSC representative.
volved the
Barry Rodgers, also a candiEducation Association commitdate, remarked that all the plattee which spent last week in
forms seemed to him to support
the same basic objectives.
Kentucky, visiting schools and
Williams remarked that since holding hearings on the possibilCoalition candidates
ity of imposing NEA sanctions
were not at the debate to give against the state.



"As to what recommendations will come forth, I suspect
that will involve something along
the lines of new taxes," Slattery

the governor to put educational
financing on the agenda, but
Nunn has said nothing one way
or the other.
Slattery said the teachers'
group leans towards a severance
tax on minerals and higher cigarette taxes as potential sources
of new income for schools. Several proposals to that effect were
rebuffed by the 1970 General Assembly.

Based on the voluminous testimony, he said, the committee
might conclude that if Kentucky
refuses to improve aids to schools
or ignores its advice, "we recommend that sanctions be considered at that time."
But the lawyer said there is
a widespread public "misunder- standing" of what the committee
can do. It does not have the
power to impose sanctions, he
said, because that is lett to the

Hartke Declared
Unofficial WillllCr

INDIANAPOLIS, Ind.(AP)-Democr- atic
Sen. Vance Hartke
Slattery said he believes that out polled Rep. Richard L.
"from personal conversations"
by 4,383 votes in the Inwith committee members, they diana Senate race in the official
will urge Gov. Louie B. Nunn certification of
complete returns
to place further aids to schools issued
Monday. A Republican reon the agenda when he calls the
quest for at least a partial relegislature into special session on count seemed probable.
in the next few
Secretary of State William N.
Sal in beat the deadline by two
Otherwise, theproblem would days as he gave the governor's
have to wait for solution until office certified figures showing
the regular 1972 session "and I Hartke in front 871,090 to866,707.
Indiana's Senate race, the
doubt if they (the NEA) will
want to wait that long," he tightest in state history, is the
only one in the nation still undeThe KEA already has asked cided.


Student Council On Pollution
And Environment

the Environmental Awareness Society
A Conference On New Approaches To





University of Kentucky
Lexington, Kentucky 40506

The Planning Concept

9:00 a.m.


00 Registration


Attorney General John Breckinridge
Fred Luigart, Jr., President, Kentucky Coal Assn.
Jerry Thornton, Past President, EAS
Professor Murray Shellgren

� The Kentucky



University of Kentucky

TUESDAY, NOV. 17, 1970

EditoriaLi represent tiie opinions of the Editors, not of the University.
Frank S. Coots III,
Dob Brown, Editorial Tqrc Editor
Jean Rcnakcr, Managing Editor
Mike Ticmcy, Sports Editor
Dahlia Hays, Copy Editor
David King, Business Manager
Don Rosa, Cartoonist
Jane Brown, Ron Hawkins, Bradley Jeffries, Jerry Lewis, Mike Wines.
Assistant Managing Editors

Ecology-Gu- lf
Perhaps American ecologies are
being a bit too harsh with some of
our major oil companies. We may
be selling them short in issuing a
blanket condemnation.
True, most oil companies have
polluted the air we breathe with
their smoggy products. They have
also fought every movement to purify exhaust systems, especially when
it is hinted, that they should aid
in the cost of the project. And
they have been extremely reluctant
to introduce unleaded gasolines due
to the slight additional cost involved. To increase their public
image, some companies have introduced gasoline mixtures with a
"low lead content." These mixtures

often turn out to be the same old
stuff with jacked up prices, and
perhaps a miniscule reduction in
lead content.
However, Gulf Oil Company
has rushed to the rescue of America's environment. Realizing the
tragic amount of pollutants its products spill into our lungs daily,
Culf has taken action to improve
our situation by distributing free
"Clean Water" decals.
No lead-fre- e
gasoline from Gulf,
no sincere effort to improve the
environment just another bumper
sticker to paste beside your blackened American flag decal to show
everyone that you and Gulf are doing your part for America.

ACT Serves Notice

To the Editor
Three years ago the SAR Party was
formed. This party was established not
to promote any single ideology but to
provide a vehicle for the election of
"independents" or candidates not supported by the then powerful "Greek machine." Since then the idea behind party
formation has essentially boomeranged
on us. Today, if you vote for a party
you are voting for an ideology. Individual qualifications and platforms have
been overshadowed by party promises
and propaganda. All students suffer from
this type of electoral system. The Student Government Assembly has become
bogged down in ideological semantics
and has thus become ineffectual as a
legislative body. I have sat as a member
of the Assembly long enough to have
seen a minority group rule with disregard for the majority interests, and a
majority group rule with little respect
for minority rights.
It is for this reason that the three
candidates running as the SAR Party
are not campaigning on one platform but
stand united in their interest to represent
all students and their desire to work
for the good of all. These candidates along
with three other candidates I feel are
exceptionally qualified to serve as student
It is for this reason that I seek your
support of Tom McCauley, Keith
Willie Cates, Jeff Cumer, Tim
Cuilfoile and Mark Paster.
These candidates will speak for the
majority and minorities and maybe we will
come a little closer to having a student's
SG Representative
Sociology Senior

More Hrownshirts
To the Editor

attempt has been made, largely
ACT candidates, to keep Student
Coalition candidates off the SC election
ballot. Now, the posters of those on the
Coalition ticket are mysteriously being
ripped down. Could it be that certain
ACT candidates and their komrades are
actually hooligans and bandits in disguise?
Mtthinks Mussolini's brownshirts are
alive and well, and woiking on the UK
SC Representative






"t's what you

lose, not how you play the game,"

Kernel Forum: the readers write

SAR Endorsements



To the Editor
The following letter was sent to the
editor of the Kentucky Wildcat
We have heard that the Kentucky
Wildcat plans to run an ad for the Action Coalition Party in the upcoming
issue. As party chairman, speaking for
Action Coalition, I absolutely forbid this
action. It has not been authorized by the
party, nor by any member of the party,
nor will it be. Should this ad appear,
it will constitute a fraud on the part of
the Student Coalition party for the purpose of illegally disqualifying Action Coalition candidates.
Should this ad appear, it will confirm
our opinion that the Student Coalition
Party would use any means, no matter
how depraved, to gain its ends.
Action Coalition Party Chairman

Sen. Tower, USA's Irony
To The Editor
After his speech here at UK, I had the
following encounter with US Senator John
Tower. I would like to share my experience
with you.
Moore Senator Tower, how are you able
to resolve the blatant contradiction which
exists between the professed ideal of a
supposedly Christian country, America,
and the realities of this country's actions
in Southeast Asia? For example, bombing
and napalming innocent peasant villages
is plainly immoral and
Senator Tower (cutting me off): Such strategy is necessary in a war situation like
the one in Vietnam. If the Communists
were to take over South Vietnam a million
Catholics would be murdered which we
cannot allow. Communism is the greatest
tlireat that the world has
ever known.
Moore: What you say about the killing
of Catholics may or may not be true;
but Christians cannot commit highly immoral actions if we, as Christians, are
to offer to
peoples an example of what it means to be Christian.
We have to prove we are better than
they are; we must show the world that
we are more moral than the Communists.
Needless to say, hideously murdering innocent women and children will not offer
this kind of example.
At this point Senator Tower directed
his attention to other matters and made it
clear our discussion was over. When I
realized the Senator had nothing further
to say, I called out to him as he walked



away shaking friendly hands, "You've
confirmed what I suspected, a person
cannot be both an American and a Christian." The Senator, the local
and students dreaming enviously of the
Senator' s power huddled together were not
pleased with what I had said; but only
one had the imagination to