xt75736m1p50 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt75736m1p50/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1983 athletic publications  English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Basketball Media Guides (Women) University of Kentucky women's basketball (Lady Kats) facts book, 1982-1983 text University of Kentucky women's basketball (Lady Kats) facts book, 1982-1983 1983 1983 2014 true xt75736m1p50 section xt75736m1p50 V—`*Vv ¤=s:.a·.:•@V VV=ViV;*"Vt.;VZIV.  7 ' " `     f `''‘ "` "" . .,. .V=.;V2?€""V“i"’?`*-"`§'"‘“ *7 7 I ` ~   " rr". .
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1982-83 SCHEDULE
Nov. T9 Chinese National Team (Exhib.) Home 7:30
Nov. 27 Cincinnati Home 2:00
Dec.2 Ohio State Home 7:30 i
Dec. 5 Miami University Home 2:00
Dec. 8 Indiana Away 7:30
Dec. TT East Tennessee State Home 2:00
Dec. T9 University of Charleston Home 2:00
Dec. 2T Florida Home 7:30
Jan. 3 Memphis State Away 7:30
Jan. 6 Middle Tennessee Home 7:30
Jan. TO Tennessee Tech Home 7:30
Jan. T4-T5 Lady Kat Invitational (Arkansas vs. Georgia State) Home 7:00 8: 9:00
(Kentucky vs. South Florida)
lan. T8 Alabama Away 7:00
Jan. 20 Louisville Away 7:30
Jan. 23 Vanderbilt Away 3:00 CST
Jan. 26 DePaul Away 5:00
Jan. 30 Georgia · Home 2:00
Feb. 2 South Carolina Home 7:30
Feb. 5 Old Dominion Home 7:30
Feb. 9 Tennessee Home 7:30
Feb. I2 Vanderbilt Home 7:30
Feb. T6 Rutgers Away 5:45
Feb. T8 Auburn Home 7:30
Feb. 20 Georgia Away 2:30
Feb. 22 Florida Away 7:30
Feb. 27 Tennessee Away 3:30
Mar. 3-6 SEC Championships at Tennessee Away
Here is your copy of the T982-83 facts booklet on Lady Kat basketball, which we sincerely hope »     ‘i  · _,  
will aid you in covering and answering questions on the Lady Kats this season. lf you desire additional _’     `ii`   `
information, special stories, pictures or have questions not answered herein, please feel free to con-     A g Q
tact the Sports Information Office in Memorial Coliseum (Telephone A.C. 606-257-3838, 257-3839).     "    ;
Director of Sports Information   if    
Asst. Director of Sports Information Asst. Director of Sports Information  I   {        
Joyce Baxter »·-···‘    · _ I   ,'
Secretary · ‘
Athletic Office Phones: U Kmer A E
Cliff Hagan (Athletics Direct0r)—(606) 258-288l Larry Ivy (Asst. Dir./Fin.)-(606) 258-49ll nhuvnv rc I"s
Sue Fearnster (Assistant Direct0r)—(606) 258-8604 Coach Terry l·lall—(606) 258-8852 Igsyqrgt I K!.-sg Llbiuy -
Frank Ham (Assistant Director)——(606) 258-56ll Assistant Coach Dottie Berry—(606) 258-8852 _ .
fjxjwrgygify gl lain}., Lu
Ladiniéno, ¥o·•¤•6·, •¤”"* ‘
WORKING TICKETS—Address requests to Sports information Office as far in advance as possible to Sports Information Office, University
of Kentucky, Memorial Coliseum, Lexington, Ky. 40506. Tickets will not be mailed unless requested and will be held at the Will Call window
in front of Memorial Coliseum for pickup on game days or nights.
PRESS DOOR—Entrance to the area set aside in Memorial Coliseum for press, radio and TV is located inside and to the left of the
entrance foyer. The Rupp Arena entrance is Gate 5 on Patterson Street.
SERVICES-Working press, radio and TV will be furnished game sheets, brochures, running play-by·play, halftime quickie box score
and final statistics.
Front cover, from left to right: Jody Runge, Lea Wise, Valerie Still, Patty Jo Hedges, Lisa Collins and Leslie Nichols. Back cover, left to
right: Audre Andrew, Karen Mosley, Terri Naiser, Donna Martin, Diane Stephens, Sally Loughton and Lynnette Lewis.

      l       ’ _ r   —
      ‘ ° ’ C ·~  l    in   »`'`       CONTENTS
  I CT  ii I ll ii     »$'lii';i`Ti.  I  
    I   `   .N , ‘       ·~
    »-··;L  .;.i$· ;., ._;Qi~*"  ADMINISTRATION 2-6, 14-15
    »-’·- *2 ./;’ r'   ,    ’ ·V~‘ ¤ · · “
  II'’·‘II '   ··ji;Z ’“ A / ff    V.;    President Singletary and Athletics Board
"   ,i_`'   `I 'Z--r T   i"  t  I, 2, Cliff Hagan 3, Coach Terry Hall 4, As-
Q ·   r"”’Q,,L-r’i'  . . sistants and Basketball Staff 5-6, Athletics
_   A   A “ D6pa""‘°"*S*°"l4‘l5·
, . ,...»-»·»»···’*   Us   _ ,  . l l.t   ~    _  .
            .      Fl    ‘  
 ` ,,_    ~ ..l                  OUTLOOK 7'9
_,,_ PL, `   4.6 3. g ltd     y,I =>    °·f+ · 2;I.1_j  z .‘ I
" · ”'··  C.   iirr =  isi   `?  2*   .      .   ’ " 
In I    }II=»i,··j   I III    II       UNIVERSITY •2·13
I II I II, ¤ r _ {ke,. ,'I__ i· c yl —   `A r · -i·____ ¢Ii. _/ 2    
_  A r MEDIA Inside Front, 16
I   Media Information (Inside Front); Media
  ,_ y g Outlets, Terry Hall Show 16.
"No Plcxce Like Home" LADY KATS 11· *7**-2
Team picture and Roster 11, Hedges 18,
Memoriol Coliseum hos been the exclusive bosketbcill home of the Kentucky Lody Kots Wl$€_ T9. Sllll 20-27. C0lllfl$ 22. RUDQE 23.
since the Wildcots moved downtown to 23,000-sect Rupp Areno in l976. Throughout 24 Mamn ?6· Stephens an Nlclmls 29* M°Sl°Y
- i 4 . l . . 30, Naiser 31, Lewis 31, Loughton 32,
seosons in Memoriol, the Wildcots hod mony grecit moments while estoblishing o win- Andrew 32.
ning trcidition recognized throughout the world.
The Lody Kots hove proudly corried on thot trcidition, ond Memoriol Coliseum is still
known os the home of o winning, high-closs progrom. Since moving into the Coliseum for OPPQNENTS 33-39
the l975—76 seoson, the Lody Kots hove compiled 0 75-l8 record ot home. ln the post three _ _ _ _ _ _ _
seosons, they hove lost only three times on their floor. And midwoy through lcist seoson, 349"éclnnalh Ohm Slate' Mmm" lndlfma
. I. . , ast Tennessee, Charleston, Florida,
they hod extended o homecourt win streok to 3l gomes before fo.ling to Memphis Stote, Mempms State 35I MIddI9 Tennessee
70-69- Tennessee Tech, Arkansas, South Florida
Plons for construction of Memoriol Coliseum begon in l94l, when Dr. l·l. L, Donovon 36; Georgia State, Alabama, Louisville, ,
become president of the University ond recommended o building "thol will properly toke Valld?l'blll 373 Delzlalll. G€OT9l8. South
. . . . » .. Carolina, Old Dominion 38; Tennessee,
core of our othletics, our heolth services, physicol educotion ond recreotion. The l l,500— Rutgers Auburn 39
seot Coliseum wos completed in l950, ond cost $2,925,000 to build. ` ` .
The huge building, which serves os o memoriol to the neorly l0,000 Kentuckions who
lost their lives in World Wor ll ond the Koreon conflict, covers on entire city block ond RECORDS 4Q-43, 46-41,
contoins os much spoce os o seven—story office building. Situoted olong the Avenue of msidg Back
Chompions on the UK compus, the Coliseum is used primorily for bosketbcill gornes ond _ _ _
Athletic Deportment offices, but olso serves os the site of other sporting events, os well os 1981'82 Slfltlsllcs and Supellatlves 40i
I d I I Career, Individual and Team Records 41;
COMET S G" ec U"€$· General Records, All-Americans and
Coaches 42; Lady Kat Invitational Records
43; Year—by-Year and Series Records 46-
‘ _ 47; Players, Scores From Past (Inside
l `  W .·.··¥.·,;·..;e.;;—..; ~ ·. A BaCk)'
    .~,.  ‘   •
_   ‘`;‘   I a Q I - “ F —`Y*`T  ° · __ JAPAN 44-45
* •    "t‘     I I  _* VI · I j'f"_; .. .~;  ’ ‘iI I
.,.I _ ` _   ` Credits:
_ ' ' i' Compiled and Edited by RENA KOIER,
¤t¤—‘“ _ Assistant Sports information Director.
- ,   ‘   .,.-7,;,      __ __ _ _ RUSSELL RICE, Director of Sports ln-
‘   ‘“"`_’_    * ”" ‘§,.'f{__=     ,. j ' · _ _ formation.
‘ ‘   -   1 TT T , . I >, _I_ _ TTT ié.i.,,_i_`- . .5 _§§5';i[g" in fB__ _ V ‘
. J  ~ · —    " ' . _,..,I_S_ Mkr _ T? ,   *3;    Photography by UK Photo Services and
_ ._ ,   ·¢y.,,I__  ~’ _¤ _ .;I I   |I   t . . ‘  ‘ Jim Bradley, Sports Photographer, Dallas,
A. ‘ _  `**r    "`°“"'   ·‘    :‘ TX-; Japan Photos by Rena Koier, Cover
  I r-;   " PTIOIO   AISH MBIOH-
’   i' ‘ . . , 1 E I Printing by The Thoroughbred Press,
. » i _ · .. ·   Lexington, Ky.
" V . ·4. . .
- _ "v- - ‘_   _ Special thanks to Ed and Margaret La-
- _ _I·  Iontame and Jim Schoo for providing
_ ·»   balloons lor cover picture.
¥ *r_*ir.£’

After two outstanding seasons at Ken-   _
tucky and possessing a career winning  _e  ‘   " 
percentage of .657 in eight years GS C1     i
collegiate coach, Terry Hall is now regard- , i .,  .   .
. ed as one of the top coaches in the women`s 1- VV _. _ (2,1  X,  I  
collegiate ranks.   C h   i     ti  `
Hall guided the l98l-82 edition of the      ;?.L_.. 5 M 
Lady Kats to their finest season ever, a 24-8 _ .   » »    ·
campaign that ended in the Midwest Reg- lt»li   i`i' · t '  
ional championship, where Kentucky fell to   r     ‘ ··   
No. l-ranked and eventual National Cham-   i r     -
pion Louisiana Tech on the Lady Techsters` ii   , 1
home floor. i yi
By the end of the season, the Lady Kats H ¤ I I  
. . (TOACH
were playing so well that Hall proclaimed, __; HALL
"lf we had been in any other region, we .
would have been in the Final Four." ‘,,_wS {
That Kentucky performed so well is large-  
ly credited to Hall, who at the start of the  
season was faced with the task of rebuild-
ing a team that lost two starters off the front
line while adding only one player—a
guard-to the roster. But somehow Ken-
. tacky improved The Midwesi Reggohdi {The] Before coming to Kentucky, Hall coached A native of Salem, Ind., Hall attended In-
WGS One grep further {hdr] rhe Lddy Kdrs herd for five seasons at Louisville, where her diana State University, where she starred in
advanced the previous year, in Hall`s rookie l€¤m$ €0mPll€d G 79-54 r€€0rCl- lh her flr1¤l b¤Sl’ Cmd VOll€Yb¤ll
season at Kentucky, That year UK finished season at U of l., she guided the Lady Card- before graduating in l966, She was
vvrih G 25.6 rgcgrd gftgr iesjhg gf Mdryldhd inals to their first Metro Conference title as honored with the "I" Woman Award in
in the A|AW`s round of l6 finalists. Follow- they defeated a tough Memphis State team l‘765, and received the prestigious Hillman
ing that season, Hall was honored as the in the t0Urr1¤r'ner1t finale. Hall also coached Award in T966 as the most outstanding fe-
Kentucky WOmeh‘S lnterggllggiqte Cgnfer- tennis and softball while at U of L. male athlete at ISU.
ence Coach of the Year. l‘lall`S initial Coaching iob was a one-year Also an outstanding softball player, Hall
Hall now has a 49-l4 record at UK for a aSSigr1rnent at Eastern Kentucky University, enioys competing in a fast-pitch league in
winning percentage of .777, Her career where the Lady COlOrT9lS produced a l4-6 Louisville. She has been named to several
record is M2.74 Over 8 vedre The highhghr record and a KWIC title for the rookie softball all-star teams and is an exceptional
gf her edreer Qi Kentucky edrhe ievvdrd ihe coach. Her experience up to that point had pitcher.
end of last season, when the Lady Kats been ih the high school ra1'1l · is .      “ 
serving for one year as Co—Ordinator of Sports Medi- r z _ ·    ` . "fi S
cine for the Department of Intramural/Recreational T . ’`   i s ;  ‘ if {
Services at East Carolina University. Sue graduated             _ S
from Ohio State University, where she earned a degree    g       5  S A
in Physical Education in T979 after serving for four   I  ;     E ‘ F
years as a student trainer. She was a graduate assistant *       iw     i V  
at Purdue University, where she earned her Masters `  ··' `     g  “ j
Degree in Physical Fitness and Exercise Physiology _   A _,  
in l98l. j >  ».,      `\ J
A native of Smithville, Ohio, Sue is a member of F  “ :`“l`   `
the National Athletic Trainers_Association. ue un ey
  if ~ t ‘’r s , F T
‘ ~ vr-v   ~*”-»   rr.,   l
li    , liiii           » .
MICHELE OBERST   ·r~`,—r_,_,        l
Head Manager 2    Q; J
Michele is in her third year as manager of the Lady           _,~,
Kat basketball team. A native of Louisville, she was _      ’‘r¤       . j
team manager in basketball, volleyball and hockey for A .· " ~ zlg      gg; ,·;t    
three years at Sacred Heart Academy. She ¤lS0 played     · ‘ (     J
basketball and volleyball as a freshman. Her senior   iri ,    A       
year, she was honored with the Outstanding Senior     A   N; t     T
Service Leadership Award. A junior, Michele is major- Michele Oberst »
ing in Business Fashion. _
HEATHER LoNaToN   J         P  
Manager      .   T tt‘’     .,.,. 3 "   »  . r   
Heather is in her second year as manager for the °   ,   A j
Lady Kats. A sophomore political science major, she .  
is a member of the Delta Gamma Sorority. Heather i
enjoys softball, golf and reading. She is T9 years old
and is a native of Paducah, Ky.
Heather Langton
MIE NISHIGORI   - jjjj, .     
Manager .   j  jjgj  
Mie joined the Lady Kats last summer when she re-   if       *’ T
turned with the team from its two—weel< tour of Japan.      it  A
Her father, Shozo Nishigori, is president of the Japan r   P   T    2
Amateur Basketball Association, which has invited the V gi _ jjgj   if J
Lady Kats to the Far East for two consecutive years. ` tr if ilii gr, V,  i
Mie, T8 years old, is from Tokyo, and is seeing the , { s J       “
United States for the first time. She is studying com- { 5 i ` T "
mercial art at the Lexington Technical Institute. Her J A
favorite recreational activity is snow skiing. Mje Njshggmj


 Over the past few years, the ultimate goal . . _»=__2_=r{ {    
A has always been the same for the Kentucky   . _ » T
Lady Kats—reaching the Final Four. When V _   · =°< FV   V ·_,· ·   . .··` L.
the freshman group of Valerie Still, Patty Jo V       ‘'·i·     __ _»
Hedges and Lea Wise arrived at Kentucky ,   . _t»._. . — _ V   ` .
in l97fP, the goal became infinitely more     ’'`i` `   Vi g   /:__V_     _r _`» _. g
reachable. Now they are seniors, and that is   YV g       < l
exactly why Coach Terry Hall feels her team   · _»_     _   _   »—__ s   _
has its best shot yet. `       ,   *,2 *  _ V_ A   V V 1
"Experiencef she says with o smile.       Q_`  ‘ W "    ___. _·   _i . V;.   ·`-tVi "  
"\/~/eve got three seniors who have matured   _ '`‘'i    is  ._·    `   .,,,.. ,   .   iiilii   .. . `  
G5 people and had a variety of experiences     1   ___,.._.  n  A i‘.  fwr          __I__ i  2 , ;
on the court. Theyve played international   =’='‘ " --       s  g  pig V`_r;   V  _Vj_,i       iV>
ball together, and theyve been running our ..     _   ~ y'    `"`i`i`   . ..``, ? .    
plays together for three years.`V {J", ‘     it    QYV V `   »7/_     AV   _·‘-  ,  ` __    
Still, Hedges and Wise have all started .’       rg   ==·     .....   .:.. .   . _._ __,`   ‘’`‘‘` `   ..,._ _  
for three seasons at Kentucky. Also in the .           . . V .,_, M      
lineup this season will be freshman forward   ..   .__v.   *1%     {ZVA V   ._`i  F   ‘\ V   ·i·‘   s-=.    
Leslie Nichols and second-year starter Lisa     .i.,   __ _, __  __       _   é   ii_—` ’ .· g ’
Collins. "Lisa is also very experienced," said   ~ ~   [ A   V `   .
Hall of the junior forward. ”`She`s been     __   _  T  V· ` ‘‘ 1 "" 7 A V   A
through a lot of pressure situations and _ _»__i .;i..·}‘g;·tV{:· V ‘ ._ _     ~‘_=.r. Yi?  at    ·  
came through them quite well.V`   ` `'     2 V   `i`i Vs ’ i     . .
Some pollsters have placed Kentucky in     ‘   _[;__ _ *3    , , · foe . V
the Top lO because of Valerie Still alone. v_ j ` ‘i °     V V     Y T  ’ ¢   _ gr A   .i·-    
The 6-foot-l center is generally regarded as   ‘ V _ i V »’ii       V   V     ”  
one of the top three or four players in the Q ·r.»_   ii-—     '”‘sV      VVV   ”`?""    
nation. Some believe she is the best.   ;;_?‘»V·.’i.i '     VVi V 2   ~ii`,   `  
"Valerie has iust improved and improved   ,_%_ _ V 'V   ` J V V   ‘ V V V
and improved since she s been here,V` says     E Vi ;] ,5 VV . .. ._     ..;,_. ,  
Hall of the two-time All~/:\l`tt8FtCC1ft. "She`s lf    Vi;  tr   V  
stronger and more confident. lVcl say 5h€VS ‘         V     V   V»  
ilefirutely in the top three or four players.`V Z" _.»* q .   _     .  V `
Still was s·.‘ingi i_;iii.i*rts in the natioir lhey are both
·;ii.ii‘~ ~.zi`~*t uerscitile. ani.: l do bel·eve they
rite wie at the ·iritio·ir. ‘inr>st baLl·i~~ ¤*~ot Sl J zieiiiem `And weve definitely improved that. Karen tour of Japan this summer and averaged
ilttti ‘z‘.~~¤wi;¤~l ( 4 pi7ir·‘r li:¤' ·»e·r7sr_>it t3 Qi SLttJC' cl€l€tt$t*·’€ V€l)OUTi(.J€l and l_€$lt€ is   points Cmd 7.7 rebounds.
Fri r i·~ti rr*i·=~.:   are ··ot Hu-· on . a suaer offensive iebouncler. Junior Jody Runge will also supply depth
:.~ir-mit .i_;i;_·» Ft.; :~»·   tlr = tewszrri —.·.l be Las‘ year other teams goals were to and experience to the front line. At 6-2,
"“>‘ l‘··=l *· »""   · ¤~.:i Lal     it-   rm keep Val off ‘he boards and lump over our Runge averaged 3.8 points and 2.7 rebounds
t*t."·r‘l l'l·.‘ ‘&‘~.¥'tt `·\·"l’ L‘~* t·‘~" i‘ l`g_t s'**‘ <"`·Ttll ;O"‘~··CtCl5. lnal wan l be so easy to clo as 0 top reserve last season Coming in at
r-it l "t s vear V` the guard spots will be iunior Donna Martin

 (3.1 ppg, 1.5 rpg) and sophomore Diane   ‘:__   `»_V·     ____   * »`»»‘r   . _»_°’»~ Q .jt —__»       ’__.__;     ·’¢~‘§ ;  ·`i` t ¤
Stephens (3.4 ppg, 1.5 rpg).   __.»       ____t   l V   A-     _.»r_       _=V— Q   »»_:   V
€<>¤¤g ¤*¤v€rS·"   Q    1 ‘i_.   , ’ *—’_·’   »,·-, * f ’i,' ’     ¤~ J V ( s   VV . ( »,·. i-   -      
It all adds up to an optimistic outlook, she       ·4i=’     V ' ·`_,’`;     `V_°. ,   ( 2  Yi j ° ` ‘ ‘   ‘ ` ‘ °      
SGYS. "Good speed, good quickness, good   V . v' i  i·  W    ·     ""“" · V1; 
rebounding, good depth and a good atti-   ·_·_  v _   »»··   _`»_»·   .;‘—:  R ,.V        WW     `   ‘
tude to this point," she said. "We could be     V‘.i    "   .    
- ~ ··    iii: 5;; »°·—‘   »-(   .
‘“l€“"$l"‘9·     ’ i»- ’   ‘i`   i;` si V  ~\\`$,\\’)lll:l(l ‘ ` `  ‘`‘*   ce; V isst A
Ot course, there is need tor some im-          _ 4 .(_  N  L`
provement. "Weve got to improve on   (       2.;.5  ’     ,,  —‘    
· · ··i·‘i       o
man-to—man last year. We didn t help out or »,i ( i   .   .. ,— I » s···  
contain our person like we should have."   (   [ l`   xr"] (  
Hall also believes her team will have trou— ,   »’¤’‘ E   .       M     _
ble against an exceptionally tall team. "|t my   _.rt   ` i     ”   V (    
We ¤'¤v $¤r¤¤¤¤€ W*~<> lm ¤ 6·7 Center ¤¤¤' ‘  .i»· — z i’t’ii     t»ti. ( (    .i·.;   ··-i..   ‘*.» .V   V.   ·_»~ ;     .V [ V   ..i,ss»   .1.  
6-2 or 6-3 forwards, it will make it tough on §Q     fi `‘·»     »`,V_   V         “_ ji s,_,._ V , ‘ .'. V * » _ ` \} 3;  s   
us. Weve improved our size, but were still A   V_ Q       st:s·‘ ¤ ‘ ’' °   ‘.,, . ;_ rl ;:’           i»»·     ;  ¤ ( 3 x  _.,V_ ji
not as tall as o lot of teams. Most ot our   1_{ (_ i ```‘i ’       —=·¤—,   Vs        
height comes off the bench"   ,   “   ‘         V_ y `‘’’   s i’iV   MTX;   `
Kentuckyls schedule, rated eighth in " ° \_;;»e  
toughness last year, may be alittle more dit- Q . ( {
ticult this season, l·la|| says. "Weve got Old _
Dominion again, Ohio State, Tennessee _ “ _
twice, Georgia twice and Memphis State V·»»»V
and South Carolina again. Plus, weve add-
ed Rutgers, Auburn and Alabama. |`d say
well have our hands tull." Diane Stephens (4) and Donna Martin (24) supply depth at guard `
   "   ‘ I »       ’     V.  »·‘‘ ’   .V ` ° — "
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