xt75736m1f3z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt75736m1f3z/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 1973-08-24 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean Bulletin, August 24, 1973, no. 14 text Bulletin, August 24, 1973, no. 14 1973 1973-08-24 2014 true xt75736m1f3z section xt75736m1f3z P ~  
' §€··‘I{"j;- fg ;· g   ."}¢T~ LHTFQU 5   H
  EU F gi; i W
. . .»
TEA: A "farawall f0xev@x” tea is being given - E~m=¤¤ V Q E? Q
?EE M:. Bill égg cn Augu5t 28, IHYSQ lt will
",.` Y` *   ,,` .·.,!` .,,,. ·*» ,._ ,. j,. Y....,\ ..C _r.Z ,._ ,, .' ._,...`.,.. 7
    ....1 L,.uG.   bflwlg·1\xJ`J1.i:<:}j.`·§*..;1;Es·L{».k..»·».'y      
up g:;O ¤.m. Everyone L; c0z#;i$;v lUVl;9d to ,,.N M P.
. . ._ lk 4_. .·.   n..u,»RAr\I;o
jcmn zu Que 3CplVltl€S.
SOLIQQQ : "... application for Lax exempt status August 24, 1973 Nc. 14
is still pending with the Intaxnal Revenue ‘“‘*‘"‘**·‘"*“**··"~·—···
Service ... fifty-nine member institutions """—·"‘**·*m*·"*··“~*·*
have new made their initial payment ... the cther forty members were urged
send their payments ... By its third year the network is expected to be
c0st~eifactive. The Executive Committee authorized the Chairman to offer the
position of Director 0f SOLINET to Mx. Eldon Degqc, who has been Industry
Marketing Manager for Computers with Xerox Corporation in Houston, Texas.
The Chairman announced that a meeting cf the full membership of SOLINET is
to be tentatively scheduled for November 8, 1973, at Georgia Tech in Atlanca.'
(Executive Committee Meeting Minutes, July 27, 28, 1973)
OBD—GS: "The Office 0f Business Development and Government Services will
begin quarterly publication this fall 0f a c0st—0f—livinq study for the
Louisville and Lexington axsasq
A feature of the study will be the cost 0f food market basket of some
40 selected items. The study will include, in addition to iced, housing,
apparel, upkeep, transportation and health and recreation.
A recent study by the office warned that more people are incurring
larger debts relative to personal income than at any time since Wcxid War II
..." (Px@sident’s Report to the Trustees, August 7, 1973)
ME—BOOKS: "personalized books supplied by a computer is the new product of
HE¥B00k€ Publishing C0. of Hollywood, Calif. The publisher uses the
'pers0nalized' computer techniques developed for dir@ct—mail letters to
imprint any one of four different 32—page childxen's books with the name 0f
the child who reads it. In addition to the y0ungster's name sprinkled
liberally throughout the text, the name of his friends, dog, cat, and parents
show up in the story, t00.
Me-Books are sold at $3.95 (plus 50¢ postage) from c0unter—t0p displays  
in bookstores. Parents fill out an order form with the child‘s data, and
the book is printed, bound, and delivered by mail in three to five weeks.
Me—B00ks' Freeman Gosden, Jr., president, says a California survey showed
that personalized books increased childxsn's reading interest and skills.?
(Business Week, N0. 2292:132, August ll, l973)
§§§§Q§§§g_Q§g§§§§: Terminaticnsz Alayne Eggg, classified, GPD; Douglas gggggg, classifieq,
Catalcgingg Ann»Hypg;, classified, Cataloging; John Egtscn, classified, Reserve Room.
Appointments: Susan gggggggggg, cl&ss5f5cd, Acquisitions; Milagros §antang, cL&¤¤if1ed,
CSR: Susan;@g}g¢g, classified, Law Media Library; Iinéa Qggggg, classified, Bindery.
Transfer: Terri Qgggg, classified, from Bindery to CSR.
§Q§;Q;Q§_Q§@§;§Q§: Administrative Services, classified V, open now; Cataloging.
classified IV, open 9f§/7]; Cataloging, classified V, cpan 9/10/73; Refer2ncc~Inter1ibrury
Loan, classified V, open now; Reserve Room, classified VII, open 8/27/73.
§Q§gEQ@_ : Contradiction; Dscepticn - Terminology; High vc1t&gc&;
Houston Livestock show and Reiss; indecent exposure - Denver; L0w~ch0ls£br0l dict;
Vices; Scnizophyllum commune; Mars {P}&m&t) — Maps.
112 days to the BIG MOVE _