xt75736m0r17 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt75736m0r17/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1926-11-19  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, November 19, 1926 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 19, 1926 1926 1926-11-19 2012 true xt75736m0r17 section xt75736m0r17 'in

























KY., NOVEMBER 19, 1926

Wildcats Are Ready for Colonel Invasion;
Pep Reigns Supreme on Kentucky Campus
On to Knoxville!

Spirit Reaches Zenith on Students
Eve of Gridiron Classic

Invited to Tennessee


It would appear from the telegram
printed below which came to The
Kernel from Knoxville, the home of
Tennessee's vociferous Volunteers, Outlining of a County Unit Prothat they are expecting to have a
More potent than a Kansas twister of the good
gram for the Rural Schools
variety is the hurricane of enthusiasm that is sweeping over the football game in their fair city on
of Kentucky Will Be
every one
erst-whipeaceable city of Lexington preceding the annual Kentuc- Thanksgiving day and that
more than welcome
gridiron classic to be staged tomorrow before what is their back yard on to come over
is expected to be the largest crowd ever assembled in MacLean
The telegram follows:

quantities, effervescing
Pep in bucket size lots and tank-ca- r
and bubbling over on the quiet dignity of the Blue Grass, growing
and increasing hourly in intensity will reach its highest peak be-frally
the game tomorrow in a gigantic
on Stoll field and spectacular parade through
about a huge bon-fir- e
town tonight.
"Njne Out of Ten Have It" read




posters placed everywhere oa the campus proclaiming to the world that
Kentucky has accepted the challenge
of the Gold and White spirit and that
ye students are behind their team to
the man, and urging all to be on hand
at Stoll field promptly at 7 o'clock
when the evening's festivities begin.
Rally at Kentacky Theater
An added attraction for the night's
program is the gigantic rally to be
held at the Kentucky Theater after
and parade. The College
Nieht held at that show before the
V.P. L game was so successful that
it was decided to hold one tonight on
the eve of the Centre game.
Plans far more elaborate have been
worked out for this occasion by Mr.
Payne, manager of the theater, who
has nrovided an amnle supply of
pacer hats, serpentines, and "bazoos
for the huge crowd expected to attend.
Thejmiversity band will supply music
for the occasion and a special p&rody
written by Frank Dunn will be flashed
on the screen and sung by the house
Special cartoons pertaining to Centre
have been drawn and will be shown on
the screen. The student part of the
program at the Kentucky Theater is
in charge of the SuKy circle and will
begin at about 8:30 o clock.
Freshmen Wear Pajamas
The plan of cheer leader Bob Greech
in SuKy. is to
and his
have every student on hand at 7 o
clock on the old practice field when
the mammoth pile of boxes, lumber
and other combustible material
broueht there yesterday and today
from all directions, will be fired. The

Tenn., Nov. 15, 1926

John R. Bullock, Jr.,
Kentucky Kernel
University of Kentucky,
Lexington, Ky.
I am wiring you on behalf of the
University of Tennessee to urge
that every Kentucky Colonel make
Shields Watkins Field his goal on
Thanksgiving Day. The "Volunteers
have not forgotten the courtesy
extended them last year by Kentucky and look forward to your

Get Yours
Next Week's Kernel Will Be
Published on Wednesday


(signed) Luther B. Bewley,
President All Students Club

The next issue of The Kernel
will be placed in the Campus Book
Store Wednesday morning, November 24. There will be no issue on
the following Friday.
The Kernel might give sundry
explanations for the advancing of
the date of publication of the next
issue. The staff thinks it sufficient, however, to mention the fact
that turkey and printer's ink" do
not "go" together very well.
Thanksgiving day could neither be
advanced nor postponed The Kernel could.
Get your paper on

Frosh Women To Wear
Distinguishing Insignia
Women's Administrative Council
Decrees Blue Felt Arm
Band for Frosh Co-eds

Beginning tomorrow the freshman
will be distinguished from their
superiors by an arm band to be worn
at all times. The arm bands are of
blue and white felt and may be bought
at the book store for thirty-fiv- e
Every freshman girl must get one
names of all girls
and wear it. The
buying them will be checked so that
none may escape.
The bands will be worn at all times
beginning with the Centre game to
morrow and continuing until May

Kentucky Meets Centre Tomorrow
Annual Grid Game
In Thirty-Secon- d

structure of MacLean
Historic traditions and the keenest rivalry will overflow the bowl-lik- e
Colonels of Centre College will
afternoon, when a little band of yellow-jersie- d
engage a more stalwart aggregation of Blue and White Wildcats in a contest which will in all
probability decide the state championship. This annual gridiron classic will be called at 2:00
On 31 occasions, extending over a period of 34 years, Kentucky has met Centre on the field
Delegates To Attend Annual of honor and 19 of these meetings have resulted in victories for the small Presbyterian institution
Kentucky-Centr- e
at Danville, the Wildcats have gained 10 triumphs, while two battles were fought to a tie. Back
in the days when football teams used to play double headers, Kentucky and Centre met on the
two consecutive years.
Three hundred educators from Ken- gridiron twice each year for

From 1917 until last year, Centre
neld a monopoly on Kentucky football

tucky and other states are in
at the third educational confer
ence of the university , which opened
today. Dr. John J. Tigert, United
States commissioner of, education;
Dr. Albert S. Cook, state superintendent of public instruction in Maryland;
and Dr. Charles H. Keene, director of
physical education at the University
of Buffalo will be on the program, the
general theme of which is "Rural Education."
Dr. Frank L. McVey will preside at
all of the meetings with the exception
of the one this afternoon. Miss Adel-be- rt
Thomas, director of health conference, will be in charge of, the program and operating with the state
board of health, of Kentucky will lead
in a round table discussion. Another
topic to be discussed is the. work that
has been don by Dr. Cook and the
outlining of a county unit program
for the rural schools of Kentucky.
The conference will end Saturday in
time for the delegates to attend the
annual Kentucky - Centre football
The program for the conference
Friday morning, Nov. 19
Dr. Willard
Rouse Jillson, State Geologist for






Left End
Left Tackle
Left Guard
Center v
Right Guard ...
Right Tackle ...... J. ROBERTSON
Right End
Right Halfback
Left Halfback
Time of Kickoff: 2 o'clock.
Officials: Henry, of Kenyon, referee; Graaf,
of Ohio State, umpire; Maxwell, of Ohio
State, head linesman.
Time of quarters: 15 minutes.
Expected attendance: 15,000.


activities, beating the Wildcats seven
successive times and mopping up with
any other team in the state that dared
to act important. But last year the
Colonels sounded their death knell as
far as their football hopes go, and
the history of Kentucky football suffered a decided turning point. The
Wildcats, who had been the underdogs
for seven years, journeyed over to
Danville last year and gave the former conquerors of Harvard and everything else a severe drubbing. When
the timekeeper's whistle put an end
to the massacre, the Cats had 16
points while Centre had received nothing but a sorely beaten carcass to
drag around.
This year Centre has a much better
team than they had last season. University of Louisville and Kentucky
Wesleyan have gone down before the
Danville school's onslaughts, while
West Virginia, the conquerors ef
Washington and Lee by 18 points, wa3
held to three touchdowns last Satur
day by Centre, which apparently was
just awakening to their season's

Harvey Stone, of Louisville, star
guard on the freshman football team,'
was operated on for appendicitis at
Centre Back! eld Fast
the Good Samaritan hospital at 1 o'The Colonels have a diminutive but
clock yesterday afternoon. The oper- Hundreds of Alumni Will See
very fast backfield in Faurest, Lauer,
ation was performed successfully and
Centre - Kentucky Football
Goings, Catlett, and Littrell. Catlett
at press time he, was resting easily.
Classic on Stoll Feld To'Catesby," With Dorothy Yea-made several nice gains against the
morrow Afternoon
ger and Don Sutherland,
Michigan Aggie team, including a 45
Wins Decision of the
DANCE IN EVENING trell, ramble for aflash, who starred
the Midway
on the Centre freshman team last
A larger crowd than was anticipat- year, has been a consistent ground
ed two weeks ago will meet on Stoll gainer
this year. Faurest and Lauer
field tomorrow when alumni of the have shown flashes of form in previ
Approximately seven hundred per
university from all parts of the ous encounters and are expected to
sons witnessed the annual observance
United States will gather
of Stroller Amateur Night in the Uni
accordthe annual homecoming,
versity Gymnasium, Friday evening,
ing to Raymond Kirk, secretary
November 12. Three plays, selected
of the Alumni association. The
from the tryouts, were presented and
Contrary to the rating given Ken value than any guess would be.
it can be seen why Kentucky ranks advance sale of tickets for the Centre-Stat- e
a list of eligibles read.
"The fact of paramount importance
tucky in Education by the Ayres' rat
game, the football classic of
The presentation that won the de- ing system, McHenry RhoaGs, super- in the study made by Mr. Anderson is The table shows that the total wealth Kentucky, shows that MacLean stadcision of the judges was "Catesby" intendent of schools, said in an ad that Ayres ignored the State's ability.
of Nevada per child, is ?35,000 while ium will be filled with loyal alumni VOL-CA- T
with Miss Dorothy Yeager and Don dress last week before the Bell school He made his comparison on various that of Kentucky is $7,295 or only when the whistle blows for the first
The two other plays that Kentucky had made greater im- items of attendance and the total about
as much. It takes no kick-ofwere "Playing With Fire" and "The provement in education in the last 15 amount expended by a state for
expert knowledge to show that a state
The feature of the homecoming is L. & N. and Southern Railways
Traitor." The cast of "Playing With
state in the
Will Both Run Specials to
with one dollar of wealth cannot do as the game between the Colonels and
University Press Fire" included Miss Sara Dorsey Har years than any other of
Members of
"For example, in the matter of at- much as a state with five.
North Car
union, with the exception
Thanksgiving Contest;
Probably no other
the Wildcats.
Club Are Successful in Petiris, Miss Florence bmith ana iamu olina, and that high school enrollment tendance he makes no allowance to
Prices To Be Same
All the states ranking high in game attracts the alumni as does the
ton Armistead.
A late change in in Kentucky is greater according to the states which have large rural and
tion to National Honorary
Ayres' Index are states that have game between these ancient rivals.
the program substituted "The Trai population than the average in other super-rurpopulation as compared to
Journalism Fraternity
two to three times the wealth
Another bic event of the home RETURN BY CLASS TIME
tor" for "The House of Cards." Sev- states.
states that have mainly a city popula- fromchild
that Kentucky has. Anoth coming will be the alumni dance to be
IS FORTIETH CHAPTER en men, Stanley Milward, John Slagle, Attention was called to an article tion. It is well known to every one er factor which was ignored m the given Saturday night. The alumni Two special trains for the accomo
Ducky Martin, J. T. Judy, John Butler,
by A. L. Anderson, of Ewing High that no such record of attendance can ranking is the very small amount of association is in charge of the dance dation of students going to Knoxville
The Henry Wfatterson Press club, of Al Slagle, and Bill Shell, composed school, in which Anderson challenges be made by county children off in the wealth found in the super-rursec and plans have been made to make it for the Thanksgiving game between
the university, was granted on Mon the cast of "The Traitor."
the correctness and justice" of the mountains that have to cross danger tions of the South. Much of the land one of the biggest dances of tho year. Tennessee ard the Wildcats will be
In the interval between the. second ranking of Kentucky 43rd in the list. ous streams and travel muddy roads of the Southern highlands, of which A special feature of the dance is the run by the L. & N. and Southern Railday a charter by Sigma Delta Chi, national honorary journalistic fraternity, and third plays Chi Delta Phi: nation In support of the criticism of the as can be made by children in our Kentucky has her share, is land worth O. D.K., national honorary campus ways, according to announcements of
according to a telegram from Ken al literary sorority, hela&yloagfar Ayres' rating system, the following centers of population.
$10 per acre or less. In fact there leaders' fraternity, pledging which will officials of the two roads.
neth Gregory, who presented the pe- services. JFollowing that, Dow Cald- letter was released for publication by
Neglects State's Ability
are vast tracks not worth anything. be held during the dance.
The train over the L. & N. railway
club to the Sigma well, president of the Strollers, read
tition of the local
"An even greater defect in Ayres' States with these boundries are seniors and one faculty member will will leave Lexington Union station at
Mr. Rhoads.
eligibles. Of the
a list of the year's
Delta Chi at their national
rating is his neglect to compare the handicapped in providing for the edu- be pledged.
11:00 o'clock Wednesday evening and
"For a number of years this rank
which was held at Madison, Wisconsin 145 who tried out, 79 were declared
Saturday afternoon, after the game, will arrive in Knoxville at 7:00 o'clock
ine according to Ayres' Index has state's ability to provide money for cation of even the scattered populaeligible. The list is as follows:
Mondav and Tuesday.
to for various educational purposes. A sim tion that insist on living in such boun- President and Mrs. Frank L. McVey the following morning.
been a source of humiliation
The train
Sigma Delta Chi, which was found
Eligibilities Announced
Ayres, pie primary principle ol nnance is dries.
will entertain in their home with a will consist of Pullman drawing room,
ward looking Kentuckians.
ed in 1909 at Depauw University now
.Rolling Gibbs, working under the Sage Foundation, the amount of wealth which is availof Kentucky is tea. Alumni, faculty members, stu compartment cars, and free reclining
"The rural wealth
Lorine Williams,
has 39 chapters in the largest educaIf there is no
expert able for taxation.
compared to dents, friends of the university and chair cars. Miss Marguerite Mc
tional institutions in the United Emma Sue Williams, Charles Bastin, has posed as an educational accep- wealth, or little of it, the tax income only $3,490 per child as
the rural wealth of Iowa which is delegates to the educational confer Laughlin, instructor of journalism,
Dorothy Yeager, Don Sutherland, Mil- and his ranking index has been
States. Its members, who are usually
Seacorrect. We are very glad that will rate accordingly.
will chaperone university girls. Re
$27,890, South Dakota $26,430 and ence here are invited to attend.
selected from the junior and senior dred Farley, Ben Grafton, Larry Tins-le- ted as one
"We aslt our readers to study the Nebraska $23,530. When such facts
has been willing to go to
Of especial interest to the law turning the special train will leave
classes, must have given evidence of man, Jullian Elliott, Elizabeth
WSlliam Leising, Sarah Warwick, the trouble of delving into the original table which Mr. Anderson has pre as these are ignored in making a com alumni will be the annual luncheon of Knoxville at midnight, November 25,
ability in the field of journalism and
arriving in Lexington at the Union
material and that it has been found pared showing the exact wealth back
have a definite intention of following
station at 7:00 o'clock in time for first
that Ayres' ranking is of little more of each child of school age. At once
journalism as a profession.
hour classes. Tickets will be placed
The Henry Watterson Press club
sale at the Campus Book Store,
has a membership of 15 men who are
November 22, 23, and 24, betwen the
U. K. Selects
taking journalism. It is composed of
hours of 2 and 5 each afternoon.
the former members of the Henry
The band will go over the Southern
Watterson chapter of Alpha Delta
Railway which train will leave the
Sigma, national advertising fratern
Four Men Axe Chosen To Repre
Southern station at 9:30 o'clock
ity, which was organized on the cam
Wednesday evening, arriving in Knox- sent University in Contest
pus in 1914.
vile at 7:30 the following morning.
December 3
Members of the Henry Watterson
Kernel Feature Writer Observes Sentimental Greetings of Returning the special will leave KnoxFeature Writer Bemoans Passing of Famous "Tea Hound"
Press club, who will be charter memKentucky's Errant Children Returning for Annual
ville at 12:10 Friday morning and arTradition, as Triangle and Sigma Chi Teams Fall
A debating team, composed of four
bers of the Kentucky chapter of Sigrive in Lexington at 7:50 o'clock. For
Reunion; Undergrads Forget Work and Enter
University of Kentucky students, was
Before Surprising Onslaught by Erstwhile
ma Delta Chi, are Warren Price, presthe convenience of students and to as- chosen, Monday night, November 15
Society Leaders
Into the Celebration With Zest
ident, Delos Nooe,
to meet the team of Oxford (England)
Kenneth Gregory, secretary, Niel
College December 3. The men chosen
Plummer, treasurer, Stanley Royse,
But when the transgression was re were J. C. Burnett, G. C. Robbins, W.
Rah! Rah! State! Well, how are body naps in class, the air is heavy
Lawton Stokely, Edgar T. Higgins,
disastrously, it is true,
you since lauo. with excitement. After all, one can
The you 7 Haven't seen
Last week these voracious man- - peated, not as
John Bullock, Jr., James Shropshire,
on the campus, eh? always go to class, like going hom
at least as far as the actual score H. Hanratty and A. K. Ridout.
Good to be
Joe Palmer, Francis Watson, Hunter eating news hounds asked me to take was concerned, all the standards and judges of the debate were the con A jumble ofback
football yells, greetings when there is nothing else to do,
Moody, Frank Hoover, Robert War- public notice of the blacksmith-te- a
testants for places on the team and
university and fraternity life
long apart, the mad meas
'Daddy" Boles and J. Y. Brown
The old grads, feeling quite posses
hound scrimmage, but I begged for a ideals of
Prof. E. F. Farquhar, of the English of friends
ren and Leroy Keff er.
Buy Limestone Confectionery
reprieve. I hate to hit a man when were thrown into upheaval. we Utter department of the university. Prof. ures of a dance orchestra all these sive and expansive, are underfoot ev
from which
combine to make memorable that time erywhere, reminiscing, joking, taking
he's down. This week, however, my chaos resulted, if possible.
W. R. Sutherland, coach of the team,
season in everything. Life
yet to recover,
which is the climax of the fall
The sale of "The Fountain of
duty compels me.
has done little for
We understand that a council was
Homecoming Day.
them besides intensifying the ego Youth," a confectionery and restauThe debate is to be of the split-teaThe Phi Delta Theta house is in immediately called of those older and
Men Students Will Wear EmOn that day life treads to a more which college days made prominent. rant at 304 South Limestone street by
mourning. All the sorority houses on more responsible Phi Delta Thetas, to type, two members of the university
blems of Class Dignity
Even Sally, who putting a few extra coins in pockets its proprietor, Ralph B. Jones to S. A.
the campus are flooded with tears. find some way out of the dilemma. So team and one member of the Oxford vivacious measure. morning nap than which were once empty, adding Boles and John Y. Brown, has been
Alas! two weeks ago the Phi Delt grave a situation required older heads team debating one side and two mem cares more for her her Johnnie Wal- paunches to
Senior men students will meet at the
erstwhile athletic phys announced.
bers of the Oxford team and one Uni for anything except
blackcorner of Euclid and Rose streets at football team took the Triangle to 0 to deal with it. The reputation of the versity of Kentucky man on the other ker, is up and about as early at 10:00 iques. or mellowing into kindliness
The new name of the restaurant
fraternity was at stake. (Still
body onto smiths down to a score of 13
1:30 o'clock and march in a
strutting on the 'campus hearts which were previously un will be "The Wildcat Lair." The new
How to retain the side. The subject for the debate is o'clock and
game tomorrow, ac- - and last week they stumbled helpless- apparently.)
the field for the
That Civilization Has to show the old grads what modern touched by the trivial love affairs of owners took possesion of the estabsame pitfall of sin treasured historical name of "Tea Resolved:
ording to an announcement made yes- - ly back into the Sigma Chis 6 to 0.
college life.
Kentucky women are like.
lishment last Friday and have made
Hound?" Long and solemn was the More To Fear Than To Hope From
by John Rachel, resident of by defeating the
Our dear social climbers, who are known their intentions of redecorating
The only people who take classes
What is to be done! On the occas conclave. Of all the solutions sub Science. The debate will take place
class. A sp :ial section
of the senior
in the ballroom of the Lafayette hotel. seriously that day are the graduate always with us, are everywhere, and renovating it.
has been reserved for me bers of '27, ion of the first departure from grace, mitted for discussion the brightest
According to present plans it will
According to Professor Sutherland, students and the Phi Beta Kappas, greeting people effusively, raiding "Ye
is especially urged that all sen university people gasped incredulous- was that of the noble brother who
Hostelyre" in chattering be managed and controlled by footcan be quickened only Campus
ior men provide themsei es with der ly, stuttered, and then brightened suggested that the chapter give a the prospects for the debating team "whose blood
riding up and down Lime in ball players with an entire Wildcat
1 canes for
when some cheery optimist opined real party, to celebrate their victory, look better this year than ever before by the rumor of an "A" grade in groups,
bies, corduroy trousers,
personel comprising Charles Wert.
chemistry, calculus, or something else
et at Win that it was just an accident, one of
the occasion and that all
Sylvan Belt, Dee Ott, and Tom Gilb.
equally trivial and ridiculous.
freaks of Fate,
glow and Eo?e promptly at 1:30,





Defense of State's Educational Status Made
By A: L. Anderson and Sfate Commissioner
Rhoads Answering Ayres' Recent Rating










University Standards Totter As
Phi Delts Win Second Game

Team for Oxford Tilt

Homecoming Spirit Fills the Air
As Old Grads Crowd Campus











We are glad

Welcome Home.


are back.
we had the silver tongue of the
.most gifted orator or the fluent fing-,eof the greatest editorial writer
we could no better express to you
our feelings on this day, than with
the simple words Welcome Home,
we are glad that you are back.
You who have been away from the
campus for a long time will note
the many chances that have, been
wrought with the years that have
rassed since you were ."here as a
student. Perhaps you will find some
f of the loved land marks gone. of This,sadwhile it may cause a twinge
ness to your heart, is evidence of the
erowth and expansion of the Uni
"versitv of Kentucky. We have be- come the Alumni of a great univer
sityone that is destined to lead
all others in the South.
Your minds today are filled with
the elories'of football and teams both
of the present and the past. But
you should take a little time off to
inspect your Alma Mater. You are
now a part of it, a living representative and advertisement of what it has
'done in the past. It is through you
that its successes and failures are
made known to the world.
Give just a thought to the future
glories of the University of Kentucky
as a great institution of learning,
leading the South with its programs
of expansion and service.
We are glad that you are home
Welcome to your campus.
-- you







Class Personals


John Clement Riley, Jn; is a mining
engineer in South America. His address is Compania Minera, Choco
Pacifico, Republic of Columbia, South
Karle Hermann Rohs, is living at
Cynthiana, Ky.
Anna Mae Sloan is teaching school
in Butler, Ky.
Myrtle L Stephens is a teacher in
the Department of English of the
John C. Corlise school at Covington,
Ky. She is living at 3517 Glenn
Emma R. Stevenson is living in
Maysville, Ky.
Hugh A. Tanner is a geologist and
is living in Thumber, Texas. His
address is Box 225.
Mary Lee Taylor is teaching in the
Home Economics Department of the
Western Kentucky Teachers College
at Bowling Green, Ky.
Halbert H. Thornberry is in the
Division of Plant Pathology, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, Minnesota.
Martha Wheeler is living at 1006
Cherokee road, Louisville, Ky.

Terry L. Arterberry is assistant
purchasing agent for the North Jellico
Coal Company, Wilton, Ky.
Joseph William Austin is a salesman with the U. S. Radiator Corporation of 1631 High street, Louisville,
Ky. He is living at 125 West Hill
' David Browing, Jr., is a draftsman
with the Indian Refining Company at
Lawrenceville, 111. His address is P.
O. Box 632.
Hugh C. Card is an engineer with

Be sure to visit

the Alumni Office
while here

Tomorrow nieht. as is the custom,
the Alumni Association and Lexington Alumni Club of the University of
Kentucky will give a dance in the New
Basketball building. The hours are
from 8:30 until 12. Every graduate,
former student, student and friend of
the University of Kentucky is invit
ed to attend. A good orchestra will
be there to furnish you with the best
music obtainable. If you think you
are too old to dance come on any
way and watch the youngsters. You
may find that you still have a good
waltz or foxtrot in your system yet.
The dance is given by Alumni, for
Alumni and for the benefit of Alumni.
Come and give your support.

Doubtless a great many of you
Homecoming Alumni will want to call
on your friends on the faculty Saturday morning. Numbered among
the faculty members of the University
of Kentucky are a great many grad
uates and former students some of
whom attended school during the
time that you were here. Believing
that you will want to call on them
and talk over old times and football
crames of bygone days we have pub
lished a partial list of those Alumni
who serve the University of Kentucky
in various capacities. These you will
find in another column on this page
Call on them, they will be glad to ,see



Here is to all Alumni and here
is to those who come to visit their
Alma Mater on Saturday, the Home
Coming Day!
May you all, men and women,
graduates and former students, enjoy the day and catch anew the
spirit of Kentucky.
Frank L. McVey,
November 20, 1926.



Mr. and Mrs. Wayland Rhoades of

Lexington have announced the birth
of a baby daughter who has been
named Betty Ree Rhoades. She was
born Tuesday,. November 9, at the
Good Samaritan hospital. Mr. Rhoads
is a graduate of the University with
the class of 1915. He is a member
of the executive committee of the
Alumni Association of the university
and is with the Kentucky Agricultural
Experiment Station.
Miss Rosemary Kaufman, '26 has
accepted a position in the office of
the State Treasurer at Frankfort and
has gone to Frankfort to take up her
new duties. She is a graduate of the
College of Arts and Sciences.



Dr. and Mrs. B. F. VanMeter of
Lexington have announced the engagement of their danughter, Margaret Wetherill VanMeter to Mr. Lloyd
Baker Avarett of Lexington, Ky., and
Danville, Va. Miss VanMeter is la
graduate of the College of Arts and
Sciences of the university with the
class of 1925. Mr. Avarett was graduated from the university with the
class of 1923 with a degree of B. A.
in History and Political Science. He
returned to the university where he
took his masters degree in 1925. The
the Kentucky State Road Department exact date for the marriage has not
and is located in Pineville, Ky.
yet been announced.
Ava J. Cawood is living at 2 Ra- moth road, Ashville, N. C.
Henry Moore is assistant manager
Cecil Marvin Charles is in the Department of Anatomy, School of Med- of the Garrad Mills at Lancaster, Ky.
George W. Newman, Jr., is living
icine, Washington University, St.
in Cleveland and his address is Box
Louis, Missouri.
Nelle "Wl Chipman is teaching in 937 Y.M.C.A.
Thomas H. Oliver is with the Singer
She is
the Lebanon High School.
Manufacturing Company of Cairo,
living at 315 Proctor-Kno- x
His addresfe is- 1606 Washington
John Albert Dabney is a second
lieutenant in the Seventh Infantry, ovenue.
John I. Owen is teaching in the
U. S. Army. He is stationed at Fort
publis schools of Gilbertsville, Ky.
Cook, Nebraska.
, Katherine E. Davenport is teaching Edward R. Young is a draftsman
in the Mayslick in the Greenville plant of the Chicago
Home Economics
Bridge and Iron Works'. His address
High School, Mayslick, Ky.
James R. Davidson is taking post is box 283 Greenville, Penn.
Alfred Simpson is working on the
graduate work in the University of
Kentucky, preparatory to reentering test course of the Westinghouse Electric Company at Wilkinsburg, Penn.
the U. S. Flying Corps.
John Willis Drake is living at His address is 412 West street.
Audrey E.- Slaughter is living at
Bloomfield, Ky.
George A. Farrant is an engineer 3303 Roger street, Covington, Ky.
Anna Louise Smather is teaching
with the Combustion Utilities Company of New York. He is living at school at Simpsonville, Kentucky.
Eleanor Chenault Smith 'is living
apartment 61, 600 Riverside Drive,
at 241 South Ashland avenue, Lexing- New York City.
Malinda Fisher is living at 646 Del tou, Ky.
Miss George Moore Smith is living
aware avenue, Tampa, Florida.,
Virgil D. Florence is a farmer and at 1931 Bardstown road, Louisville,
is located at R. R. 4, Paris, Ky.
John Rowan Smith, is living at 1922
Isadore Goldben is in the engineer
ing department of the Singer Manu East Seventieth street, Cleveland, "O
Ramon L. Spears is in the testing
facturing Company of Cairo, 111. He
is living at 2613 Washington avenue, department of th General Elctric
John P. Holtzclaw, Jr., is in the Company at Schnectady, N. Y. He is
engineering department of the Buffalo living at 232 Union street.
Jav Stout Stockhardt is with the
Forge Company of Buffal