xt754746t068 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt754746t068/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1993-03-01 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 01, 1993 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 01, 1993 1993 1993-03-01 2020 true xt754746t068 section xt754746t068 iR



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:{vqt xcv No. roe

Established 1894

University of Kentucky, Lexington. Kentucky

Independent since 1971

Monday, March 1, 1993











Four UK athletes made their final appearance in a regular-season home game Saturday. Junior college transfer Dale Brown.
former walkon Junior Braddy and Northern Kentucky University transfer Todd Svoboda took part in the Senior Day ceremo-
ny prior to UK's 80-78 win over Auburn. After the game. junior Jamal Mashburn also was honored. Story, column. Page 4.



Anonymous student recounts recent

lithlor'i Note." The rape of this
UK tint/err! occurred lust ierrrester.
I‘ht' llt'lllll decided not In press
charges. but she wanted to tell the
KPH/14th? Kernel her story to let
other mpt' i'rt‘lrriir know they" are
not (i/ttrit’ Vie It‘r/rtt'rtt't/ttiioriviriilv.


By Nicole Heumphreus
Staff Writer


She felt safe and did not consider
that in a friend‘s house. with sever-
al friends surrounding her. that
there might be arty danger.

Everyone was drinking and. if
she drank too much. they would
make sure she had a place to stay.
'Ihey were her friends. what did she
have to fear froin them‘.’

When she awoke the nest iuorii-
trig. she remembered little troirr ttie
party. She weitt into the kitchen
where her friends had gathered to
talk about the c\eririig She sat
down at the table and laughed with
them as they remembered llit‘li
drunken adventures.

Then one friend asked her what
had happened between her and a
mutual friend. Suddenly. the details
front the night before bccrunc clctu
in her mind.

She remembered his pulling her
into a back room away froin the
party. The music was loud even at!
ter he shut the door. He forced her
on the bed. and she struggled to get
away but could not.

lie covered her mouth to muffle

her scrcains He then forced her
legs open and raped her

l‘ollowrng the rape. slic went
through the full range ot emotions
from being angry to unhappy and
back to angry She refused. howcy—
ct. to let being raped become the lo-
cal point of her life.

“'l’hcre is no use sitting around
and worrying about yotir prob-
lems.“ she said. “You have to do
something about them. I cried. I
screamed at my friends. i did all
those things. it is no use thinking
about it for the rest of your life."

Brit she did something about
what happened to her: Instead of
waiting for time to heal her pain.

See ACCOUNT. Page 6

Research center is ‘one of a kind’


By Elizabeth Harrison
Contributing Writer


Laser equipment is buzzing. test
tubes are rattling and a silent rc—
scarcher observes arid collects data.

It‘s a scene that occurs frequently
at UK‘s Maxwell ll. (iluck liquinc
Research Center. located on Nicho-
lasville Road on the southcm pe—
riphery of campus.

The center is one of a kind. not
only in this country. btit throughout
the world.

its mission is to study diseases
that affect the breeding and perfor-
mance of horses. said Peter J. ’l‘im-
oney. chairman of liK‘s Veterinary
Science Department and director of
the center.

As a result. it is widely recog-
nized as a preeminent source of

See RESEARCH. Back Page

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