xt754746sz18 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt754746sz18/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1979-12-11 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, December 11, 1979 text The Kentucky Kernel, December 11, 1979 1979 1979-12-11 2020 true xt754746sz18 section xt754746sz18 . . . . . .- - . . l . - . ‘ “' ' ’ ' ‘ ’ h . I f ' ‘ V I ' 5 . I l A , ' h
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Tuesday. December ll. W79 | i y of Kentucky
an Independent student newspaper .ex ngton. Kentucky
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complctcd h) Ihc student lhc 1'..'\\ «Imam. 1..\ 1.1 1.11 mum II; .«1I.l:l‘1111. III. v. 11.1w l\.l\\\‘(l .. 1111mm ( “ML-34¢. .1hh..11uh Ihm lmw 5%: m \' §§§4 .9 :~\'-~'-‘:-‘ ‘ "2:1 3"§&‘ I
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'I‘“ “H H I “I“ ”NI/(”INN I ”’1“ “HAM . \,~.11.. \ 1 , .1 - . ~ . .1 . . .11, . . 11.. ,1 'k.1\ .\ l 111ml .Iml \\1wIIl.I'.1l .1..111.~ I \\l( \. l'm- pmplc were huspltallled after chlorine gasleaked from a I
alder (/num' UH-ulfil/IIM lmmmv l1.» .111.I ll'\'1:-"‘.";..' .1.‘ \. 1* ~.. '1 ' ' w " I. , ..~ .‘ Immmx 1111111112 111 11.111 “11121.! 11.11 tank under thc swimming puul. ’
H'hdII/H‘l\e't'tflHt(“hull/(10WIIIIIII/H- pm 1111111Il‘ phw .' ‘:1-- l '1. ‘. 'I' 1!:.'I' .1; . 11: 3 v. \I.£1I.‘!.I\ I‘IIIIIIIIIII'I III. l‘l‘llllk'lll\ llL .1II.I IN I l
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hills and /umI'/ur¢/\. I/u' l\crncl III/e’l'r l.111.llm.l ILL-If. -. I. :~ u. 1. :- . .’ .11, 1' .1.11.I.-\\\. |l1~-.- \11 ' IN 11l1n '11 ~ . 2 c orlne ea I
\’ .N .11» .11 u...t‘1..1j.‘.1. 1
Hana! \Iltt/("H\ 11ml Min/lunlx 1mm \.111..~.'1;.‘.;1 » _ . 'l .1 . x - - < . ., P 1.. Ih , , y 1 ' . 1 I
‘ ~ . ' ' .I . »‘l‘1“. I..".lll‘1\.‘,‘. EI ‘.
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\\.I.Iul I\I"\\1 1: I .:.'.~ .md !.\:.: Inst“ I
plum. lmmm um/ (lull/«11'». \lllx. (Him-x I11... 1. .. .:-~ ~1. .~ 1 ‘.\ 1 . .. ~ ~~ .: 1.1.11 , 1
~ . . 1 1 ~ 1 - 1 ~: ~ . “- . ‘ In .1h'..11n Mn I11: Ihc .1p.1llllk'l11. 1:1.
Hm 11HulaIII/Hp/t'rv/Ixuug, NM 111111 111111111 1:.111\.1 hum. .12? . . mm ;\1I..E 1‘ 1.1 1.1,1'1111; :1..H:'1.1l L“111.111 . 1 .1 1. . 11 1 11 1 ,‘
. . I1. 1! 1‘..\'=.111‘.I111l. 1.“.
’ dm'tIIn"\\u‘//1r'/' I'M» .1 - 14...” I, . 1,... 1,,“ . . , * . , , .
(It I Hui/It I/IHIU\ .11l111.11m11 1. [.1‘l. \.. .,. .11“ ,. .1. . l..-. .11... l4. 41.x“. l‘11\ lf‘.\.I\.III‘1.III=.'I 1‘I1.II.II1IIL'IIII' I‘ll} ltl‘Illl' \ \\H(NH\ (IIIIII‘IIIL’ I.Illl\\ IIIICI ll‘. lllL‘ hilw- I
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chuw huymga homcm wndmm- \(llllt‘ .11pp}:.~. 1‘ , - \111 11- \ ~11“ WWII“ 1‘11"“ 5.11 ‘91. JP ‘III"¥"II“ WI 11 . ‘ ' I I" " I ‘1 I '11 11 II I II |
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mplng th momhh h1lls.lnndlmd~. [.11.-. I»; ..._1.-._~.1 1... :1. .. . 1 1. .. .. 3,151,. .,. . ” Llucx Hi ullwmpmI1\1n:..1c...:.i11. 1w; \ 1.11. 1‘. . .11w .1 I 11-1111'11 11 k‘tl mum-.1 .11 1111.11 I I'
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Wlldcats frlg hten I ng m 1 26-81 wln ~ 0 33L *- ~—*—————
l nation ‘
I ‘ ' ~1.III\.‘1III\ H.111! I‘..1.I .v \ ‘t. 1 L - .1. .- local -
By BRIAN Rl(KERD I _ ‘ ' ¢ . l ml _ .. 11.1 l ‘ III] \I Hum- (m RI\.11.l\.~11-:.I.1u.11\\.1.l=111p1.1;1 ,
-\\\1\I.1nI \pnm [1111.11 IUHIV "‘ ‘I'II ”II" “I“ “‘m 'V " I in" IMHJ I ’ .IIHIIII.II_\;H!.1“‘I I H” \ \ll()\ \l PHI ‘1” I” "I “V“ m” ”I" II . ' I‘..1.!.’\\l..lhw Illt'lk'tlL‘l 15L'MI‘Inm-'1I11\\cxll‘1'\1.111\ ‘
x ““0. 4"“ '1‘” 1l11.. I. IWI (‘1.va .1:‘.1;I1‘.I I‘ll! u; II-l ..11111~1111I Inulup l I‘V'IPI ‘” “”"‘ l‘”‘ “' “ ‘ ““WL “‘ “' ‘ ‘I‘ " “ ‘ I11.1.11.\..:.1:.rm.-1‘1.1n\llm11~.1£l1.>11In.1.11..II..'1..-11IHZ I
.. ‘ ,. ‘ _ y . 1,: \' ‘. U‘\ '-
ItslrlghtcnlngIoIhml.01I...“L1...“ lpmnplny 1.. I. pmnh .11 III. I... .11.1l 1:111 .. 1.... .HM .l..111pL-;ml IhI'II ’ llpl‘luhll I l \_.... ;‘_‘.I .mu 1l..- H.11Ilc111 |111lyB1L1Hu1n I 4.
., .. , . ' "N J . . . 1.1111 -.1!.\\1I1.1:. .'.1:111'11:1~l1.11,4mm,» -» . 7 ~
“L'Ldn hc. 51ml I l\ gumd .l.’|\ SIIIIIICI \I‘m/‘H‘ “"“I "I‘ \‘ “I“‘I‘ “““Im” (untlnucd on page 4 113'! ‘ I 1‘ ‘1 1 I 11 I“; I‘L‘] ; H | \I‘ ‘ I I . .1: ..~:ltm..'n[\.111l1/:1lIh;\\lmp;‘111_‘1\\.11d\\.1nhx '. "
. - . I 1:1 \.1\ 1" IL' L111 2. ‘. c. . .1. ‘ .
utter Ihc “Ildwh L‘\Pl0tlk‘tl I01 l‘b - . . IAI l1 \ 11 11 I ‘ k 1 l W " " ‘-"- l1171;.n.1l.»11........1 Immwmm Imm. .
- J ‘._:z-;;;;....\._;._ 1'1 . l. .1111.’\ .1111 “"“f-‘k‘ cram... .. . , .1 ,‘, , . . . 1 . ‘
0 . .. _ g . . . ...\.-\.§___.i .. .. .. 41 . .:"_ LAI .11..1‘Iz«l .1‘1 l.\ I‘\\ l.l.1l Ihc lmlIJll '-
pjmh and Lllhllkd SUUIh (.IIIIhIm -' l lllllllIlI vI 1h.~ 111mm .Illl 1.II.I Amy-H.111 1..1' 1 7:ciIx .1'1. 1. , '1‘”. _ ,., I :1), VM \1‘ ; 'mll WI .
l-6-Kl lusI night .It Rtlpp \rcnn *‘W ”'55.. 3-41211 Ulll \lIllll lI‘.|lt \ I ll.Il«1Il..l\1lII'\l1Il .11 1.1m .~..-.\.1I \. .I > . \ . . ¢ . I I
"It. Ihx l " SI 1 - . .. .. . . «111. 11. Ill. mm 1.111.. m..- IN “ht'lhu Ihc I:'II1.‘I.II ~‘_-
5 L lmlt. III In added. .1. .1- \\llI'll h. Illlll["tl ll‘ lccl 1mm lllL' Imp .13 Hr 1.: 1.:11'11 l\111 , . , . 1 1 ‘ . - I-‘
.. . ...>111'11111'1.11I.1~Inp.1\ 11). um. \\1Hll‘11ll 11111‘II'\I.II ‘ DI‘I' . ' -
“mg i“ “C MUD Plénmg IOZJL‘IIICI "= “WI “II'U' 11mm ‘I““”l““” 11 ».1 m1 ‘1‘ "'IIIWI‘ ‘ m‘llmn \'Illl' \l 1h '[ ll\ ‘11l1nl '
.. . ."...- . .. ‘ _ ... .w1-~..|...4 -1. I . ll .L-k .I .1
logclhcn urtdlnl} llIerLIcrI/cd ”UH‘WWI “I ”MIMI ”‘H P‘m/‘I " ‘I 1'“ I‘ ”“I‘” ’ i1111ll1.1-..1.11\.1l‘\.1.11hl).1k111.1‘~ltl.1.lll1llx (111111111. .' 1':
”IL" \‘lldCiIl \ PL‘rlUl'nhlng‘c ”gaunt d ' lllllll‘ \L‘HW I\ III lllx' [IIIHIL' llI\.|1II ’lllll‘1Nl.l K I“. _l Tu'l' -. ‘ ’ ,
(lflmL‘CIICk “ml that \m‘ m" th kind ‘ mm”); pmmwc nl lIl\' Illnz 1.. hr llllkl hm. .11 \;" '
ol Puts) one normal“) [llllllu ul \\hcn . II? x \I W” [“0 l)()l.l2\ (“K V“) M I IGHH s -.‘
' . --..- . I' . i . ' '. 4
1 \ccmg 11 learn hcutcn that badly § ‘ ; 1': H” I)R()\\\l\., (H \ I “I” ‘H “1 ‘\ ‘l‘ ‘ ll \l)|Rs111.11111.1111ml.1.111g111g.11111111.: | ‘, "
\mc [‘K PIIJWFS Nil“ morc than Ill ’ § ‘ Vi ”15'1“” Tm?“ milnmmy I‘M ”I“ \II‘I‘I'“ :7..11:11. ““ II I: 1' .. 3111.11 .IIlllHilhllJlll‘ll hmhhnu luv .1 .mh II.1\ \L‘\lL'l’ I ‘ f.
' .5. . ’ 1"" IVI,‘t‘ll 11m. .111 Junk-nth Ilmll‘. I“ llwI‘. ( 1:. 11:1 ll 1 1. . . ‘ - . -
mlnulcs 01 action 'md no m'Ittcr “ho .§\ » . , ._ . 1 11.1'. ' I 1I\1l.1111l, Ilk'lIl.I|lI,Illl.Z .111 mul In .1 NJ .l.1\ [IxuhL‘h
. ‘L ‘ I” ' ' \lt‘t .Hnn . . x
“2h ’ ' ' ., . . é > > . .11 I\. K"
pldyng. [ht “IIIININ HLHI .3... _. - lllk‘ \I\lllll \\.1~ .1lI'nI1l1ml .l\ R. h. I! \l (11":1.» .\ l’u .. ( ..- .. 1.. - ..1. 1 . . l h . '-
_l)\\6d lh‘ 'l‘ l‘ , . ‘ , | .. . > > ‘ . HI. . .1. 1.. I.1,n~l1.1.1u|1~ lL\lllllL I111.I\, llI IILIIIII'I "
' H ur n LnIu~ .ItldLh. K\l - » 1- , -- .
N ’ k '. :3 mu "“IHI “"I" ( ““"I‘WI‘H l:111.1I I ‘1“ “r “I“ .I.11 NHICIII‘PUJ.‘1l1’l‘lill!l\ll\ ll‘Hlll Inc‘uh K'lltl IUIIIL'Nllth’lll 1' '"
‘1‘,“ led all “Km." “”h 24 pmntx. » -. ”I \\i I k ””H‘ ““‘ ""“W “M“ "‘ 1.11.11 I”-'I'“"I II‘L‘I I" ”I" le...‘ E1.» X. 511 4‘ (Hill [‘Il"|l\ m 1\ Imm kl|\\L'\ 11. (lth Inum 1
Sam 80ch had 2“; l)\\lghI “'“ICI‘Un .. ‘3,” H I» :35. L’.Il‘.l\' l. 11 1 I ‘ l ‘ “,
_ . ._1 “N \ I \ . x. , v
added l9; l)c1r1c|\ llord cums all 1hc , ‘- 11:. .‘ » . State \.1 .11hv111' q. 1mm.“ I. h hm.1.111111-II.111~111‘1111~II1.» . .
I htnLIIjto pour In IX; and Shldlcr con- ° , if , K I an. .\ :1'.'..:1_' mu.- Ilu- 1;...hc1.‘ dcnmml 1111 mun '.'
. nectc on 5 at 6 bombs I.» I) . .. '~ ' ~ . '
“ \nmn l I; 'r| pmntx f ‘ Xi“ ‘ RH'l BII( v\\Il()\\v\Rl)H\I\I»R.\..k111ul11~v.1". . I“ ‘ ‘ ‘
‘ c W )x 1 .. 1 - ~ , . 1 N:
l - H ‘0” ( ”I h‘ PIN‘Vd .- * .r '» lllllllllldllflll 111 Ih.~ I‘NI [‘IL‘VIlk'lllMl 1.1.1- .21 I 1v111x111l' 1- world »
In I: tlturt lllkL Illdt. IltLrL mum ht . 1‘ .» &( . .. '7 : X . IL':.I.1\ Immul lllL' kt'l‘llh‘lx‘JllN III‘ h.1~ .1pp«\111‘...l I.» ‘II' HI “ ."
somet In “ran \ch 1 . " ' “ .* ’ . ' : f . . . 1 . , “;
Couch lfH II E] l lkm. l k ‘ . > 5 .‘ . .- .. y _- . ‘ I.1111,\.IILII 11. IM \Lllx \\ \I()II \H Rl HUI I, \ll hllU‘ll INI. mapphng 3..
m, n d {1! mm [\wuldnthdu .94 _ . p. N‘s x.‘ > ‘ § .. “111.1114“! .117.l1.1111mn11l1l11 1.11111... _.1 .\_,. l \ II , “.11. 1'11 llleCW \‘lldllkltgt‘ 1.1 1., lm 111l1- “RUN“ hl.1mc1l ,
d w: v1 0 “as thc opponcnl .. - May ;. _ 1.. a. w .~ Ian I wt .11Ic1. R In I.1111~\1|1.~.111.»111..I ..1- .1.. I. .11 WM"... (.111r1 11-\1.-111.1\ W l1.1n\ Inn-111.1! 1111an .1nd .
' ~. - . . . s" 1. .1 ‘ . , . . . .11 . , 1 .. 1
tonight Suuth (.1rmm.1 “ax .1 pond > . ‘.: * .1? - and Immu I 5 N1“ It‘ll” \I'Um-I“ ( “ 1“ I 1‘ “ \1.11 “ ...l.1...l \'11111..11,\I.\\11h’ .ItlJIlhI the r.» .-!.~.111m .11 1m” :’
team. but the) HM ran 1mm: fL‘tl-l‘ll‘l i . ‘ k ." fi I t .'=;:‘" (“Oh -~l\.1.t ;\I.\I(lt‘llt " 5».
team Inmght .. , ‘ , §\ ' l .- r \Jnu‘ll In \hmlnu'n luv “11.1111 1' u 1‘11 Rwl‘ 1' I (‘Jl‘l‘ "I khnlmm'\IIIIMII'..l.1mlIht“‘hl.11n|c~~"l 111ml \I.1Ic\ In 1‘;
’ ‘ . .' i; . ,_. ’ ‘ . . ' . - . 1 ~ . '
‘ A3 lht‘ WU“- Indlcutcx. ”k. uumcvmx SUJD . . ’ »- ) _ . I If, ‘1’”, “WWW” "”‘l ( ”MI“ I) “MI“ [I “ I "“N‘ * "H" "“ :1‘. In Mum / ' .111 ml" n.1tmml unnunm L'mlmtgn .Igumq A
~ 5 ;» \ . . . ._ 5...: ¢ - ”x. \-
nOl close lur long South (-urnhn' I. \ .' J ‘ ‘.-: m ’ V *3 . I111 ,u.
- . .1 ul . .. 3.. . 1 ‘. \. ‘_.-‘.: I . ‘ ...
hrlclh In Ihc llht Ihrcc nnnulcx ol Ihc CAR } 7 V *" ‘ "‘r~ ‘- .... ‘ lb.” “H" I) BR} \Hllll (0| \l‘ ”H'” I‘“ V” L" ”4‘” ' "“WW'W‘ «Ik'll‘l‘n‘d h" hll‘lk‘lmtl I
‘ - ‘ > . - ‘ :t o ”"'~~~~.._.. . ' . 5( ”(NH 5“ I)l\| \\.1\k:|l11l \1‘xt1'11l.|\ :1:...~11c \1'I1I\‘\ m “I. ,H( .111“ ‘\|l)y SI) \[nr‘yu'1nl mh‘hu l‘ml tum ‘PVHI ‘ -
contest HuI when llallhcgnnmxcrtmg . ' . . . {a} M»- . - Mid...” .1111- 11ml.» ”mm .11 1......” '. I 1-. 1 ' \ ‘1 I ‘ I ‘ l 31' ‘
. - . - - . '1 1' 1‘. .\ '. ' c . ' 1: ' ‘ . ‘ .
the lroshmcn. KcnIuclu began (I) roll T i' x. g N. l ‘l ‘ I I R t‘ I' ‘III ~\ ll \ l1( l»\- II I Ivm \\ \ w x 1 ‘ I t. I" ‘ 'l‘ “I“ “ ‘ [P Umm‘ ”Hm“ I ”I“ "I
l‘ ‘h , l)‘ , ~ . I 9‘ H“ W ‘ ‘ ‘ -' ‘ ‘~ “ “ “ “ .J ". '1. 1.1 'MI wvnvul lllk' llti\l.tgk‘\ mm haw hwnmmcd hum I
res man 1-”th ”0rd \ cntruncc .~-' ' I ‘. .» WHENIn.1p1.l11p1111.L.l..\.H1.. hw lunlml R1....1il'1~l 1h. z~1h m1 1.1.11'711'1 l'llhlhnul lumtmn. "
wax the most 1mprc~mc l' ntcr1ng Ihc .- ‘\ .. 3. . . l “I“ " I" 'II‘“ “I ‘1'“ IV” I
'. ' game \ulh Hmlnmg‘ |¢n m llk‘ UPCH- S. "a l -’ ‘ fl: 1 ' \luh‘ [mllu mml I’I‘lllm “.1. .1-11lhh11m11l111. k1"’vltk\ IA .
“\RR. 9 " " “
lng hall. l1c Pumped In l4 OI h|\ IN I 'X‘ ‘ . “n f -‘ .fi Ruuh' I‘JI .1hnnt ‘ Illa 111 M1. ultrlmlmimnlwl III. Ilihk weather ~
‘ ' Pmnts 1n the ncxI l0 mmuch During S I’ .' * 9...“ " "”‘I ‘I'm‘ " ‘M' ‘
. lh’ . - t ‘ ‘ " " ' 1 ~11.» ~ \11 R .. 1' l‘-ll \ I1 I~ l\11 1. 'l HRHI\ \\I)\llll)\\.th.1mutual11111I‘.1w1ml1111d1
dl SlrcILh I K lumped Iron. .1 w|.|~ .. m mun. \. 11 \ 11 1- 1 11 .111 1. P '
» " w ’ . ~- I I~w I ll.1\ II 'I III] \‘ I) 1. . v . ' "t'l ‘
‘ edge101152.123d\anmgc lhmn. l). 1 \ it ILI [1‘ I u lenllll~ lltlll llIII (\pu u 1
I ..l was vcn plC'hL‘d \HIlt lh l l 3‘ (- UH I \\|Il R\ krmel \tut't llh‘l.1I.1|1I\\\.|\IIII~Ihml\\1Ih.n'\\uu1<~l.\.112I11-Lulmm ”WWII “IIII I““‘ I” IIW ”WI II" (“MCI '“I’m'mu'lv‘
. c rust-
. . ‘ _ . . . .. . ‘ ’. 1.1111u11nu “17h 1.1m Hwhh mncl “lll‘. |1th \nuu
. men tonight.“ Hall "0th .. I ha (.nmemck ( ouch Hank \Idmm «and. ldnuht Inyunc cnn beat them In 11. 1 V . t
, leungton. Derrick llord made two at hix IR poinh with this shot. I‘
. \: ~
. i.
, a. ..,-4-,- . .. nu:- "‘ " ‘ ""“"“ ' -‘~ g
\ ~ oud- 1 . 9 - _'~~.4.~...'.‘~...“’¢,¢ .."1.’."l‘49‘ .. .. .'.q.' 4-1; 3. - 0&51-‘fiq u VA. \
. . ' / . .
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KhNTUCK Debbie I\ilclhiniel Merit Green I
fill/HI In t hm tiwtmw h/uor J.’ Fm Thorn-s ('Ierlt John ('lly (ilry Lenders .«
Pull Minn litter/amine"; lulu“; S/mrli Iz'tliltir Drret‘tor til Photograph .
in, mm. its. "on...“ Richlrd McDonald ’
llmruumc ;./,I,., i5./,,.,,,u/ film» (may Mm“ ('ynthie Deercus Brim Rickerd Duvid Maynard . a
Kirby Stephens don/ant Militant Spurn Editor Pholn Manager ' E
d .t o I ts Stew “.5“, 15".“ \oong (“Pt ;./,,.,,I knit-Hummer" Lil/rm .5 h
e r orra s 8; comm?” . .2
~ a
___ ___ ____._—_—_______________.______— ————————————————__._. ' i
' ’ u c o u 1 .l 2'
O/d fashioned pol/tics In Kentucky? .5
d l bl .th St H St b ' A; i
Brown nee S to C ear up pl’O ems WI urgr , ans UN 5 ,5
lhc .lohrr \ Brown atlriunisttatron rakes oll'rcc hauling nrorropoly. Along these lines, it is also imperative that Sturgill What i5 wrong is the way Brown hasgone aboutthe
today. lhcre arc alrcady more things Brow it needs to Sturgill has insistcd that dcspitc his possessions and resign his directorship with Seaboard Coastlines. We 185k Instead oftrying to mOVCthrough p0litical inner t
Etc.” up, positions. hcwillbcahlctoserycasancll'cctivcencrgy could hardly expect him to make impartialdecisions circles, he is trying to bludgeon Stansbury out of .
5 5 secretary. We are willing to giyc him the benefit ofthe about a company that he helps lead something he office. ‘
One is the status of l ncigr \ct rcraty \\ illiarri Stun dorrbt. will be called on to do as energy secretary T
gill. Sturgtll. also clrairrrtan ol the l l\ board of trus- But Strirgill must first rcmoycanvhint olt‘onllict of — Brown has vaguely threatened to withhold State _ 5
it“ It a noted mtmpti .a Hit Loal mining busrtrtss intcrcst from his office. Sturgrll has been saving since 5” ItwsttontIIvrrIiIattcrSBrowIIt must deal wrth is Louis lunds romthc crtyhuntrl a new mayoris selected. One
5 _ I I I . . , 5 . 5 . ~ 5 \r s 4 . , 5 . 5. , , , , _ 1 1 . . ‘ .
HL owns strip mints .ts \\Lll mining LLllllplllLlll and Brown appointed hrnr to the position that he wrll l5r c asyor br ram tans ury. 5Brow5n has been cal partrcu ar targetJ Its been $l2 million in funding
. 5‘ . ‘ 5‘ 5 . . , ) 5 . 5» I ,. .. , . . , , r t '
'“~“‘r"n“ “m“ “make arrangcrtrcnts for his coal businesses". But he mt‘InI [MEI ury :0 rcsrgn. saying his personal and :rmcr gtlzvcmork uCtan Carroll promised the crty for ' ,
Sturgill is also a director or tltc Scaboard ('oast has insisted makingthoscarrangcmcnts public would "I?“ d p5” ems :le rcndertd h'm ineffective m t c new entuc y enter for the Arts. .5
K 5 ) \) r i | t I i t i b 4 ‘ T
lines. the parcntcompam ol the l oursyillc and \aslr- rtrrrr the deals. l’alii‘ d" ‘m Lm arrassmtnt [0 mi Democratic Brown was elected on a platform of ending old- :
\rllc Railroad lhc l &\ lrauls lllosl of the coal that lhathas fine when btur‘gill was a private crtr/cn. -' fashioned politics in Kentucky. But his actions in the ‘ 3
comes out ol the castctu lsciituckr coallrclds. \ntl ll But lies a public official rtow and it is his duty to lherc‘s nothing wrong with that; as governor. Stansbury matter suggest those of thctype ofpolitical I:
seaboard Coastlines goes ahead \\llll its plans to insure the public that he .scncsthcrr interests and not Brown isthe head ofhis party. ltis hisjobtoscc that it machine that went out of style at the turn of the '5"
acquire the ('lrcssrc Systcrit, ll will lia\ c a mural coal his own. steers clear of scandal. century. ' é
fl“ " "*"’“‘“~‘—”—‘—*—_—'——_———--—————————-——————————— 2.3:
l 6?
—_—_" ' """"“ ““ 7757‘_——_—“._—_———- —_——__—_ if:
Gross distortion clear inthcmcettng lmadcthcmotron about the level of understanding of actual problem will be found or The cnlightcncd.“laid back“univer- only mean that we are rightto assume 5
5 that we drop the matter. and i would man at the same timethat Gencsrs was implemented. sity student of the late 19705 has prcs- that evolutionary changes take a trc- if;
I apparently ctpcct .l lllglir'l starttl do it again written. is it possible for man. at that l was standing in the middle ol'the ented America with an image of deep mcndously long time. ?
ard of tournalrstrc accuracy than you ltlrink that yourusc oldrstortronro time. to hate understood the true semi-circle made up of about 5000 social concern and of intense caring To continue Craig‘s teleological ":3
do. louur story concurring tht- .\ru stir up controycrsy is reprehensible. iiiitiiioilhtihgliri’lil’d'lllriiq ii)i:re:ls'lilt: people. We were packed in so tight it for the humanity inherent in each arguments asrowhata Creator would 2}
l ffm SSenatc meeting-I LN \loutlaIy. Robert | Bolin tliat (iod I“... impliciily relaiingmth: ““5 hard to breathe. and " wasrmpos- beautiful individual. Butsomehowour want to do. well . . . if [were CreatorJ :
ec...wasconstructct soasto utttc _ 5 5 , ‘ . . - z I. ' ' . ' ' ‘ .. 2 ‘ - . . . . , .- ., . , . . ' ="
Senate in the worst posslhlt‘ llglii in library Science 5‘: senator IhCOl) 0i eyolutron In a way that man. "file if mo chlvhdgt 5dlf€ijll0In501hC5r ldsdhsm. our liberalrty. dnd our sense “(Tum “hbatk i0 566 “hdt F‘Oth‘ I 3"
. use of gross distortion ~ at that time. could understand. l ant5at l5" “5 It 1. (”0W “:35 mov- of equrtycludes us as we go about the like surprises. Perhaps He (She‘lldocs E
Contrary to \our stoit. the Senate True method l! “Ould follow from this then that rng. lnle” W” “c“ qurte tall )0“ task of living in a world outsrde the too, {3'
did not hear any llldlL‘iillt‘ll whatcicr all the professors who teachthctheory couldInot ”WI'ITI‘OTC [him '3‘“! ”2132." classroom. in socially enacting those Bill McDaniel . i‘I
that \fetcalf and \cal knowingly lhts is not a rebuttal to Craig "l cyolutron may unwrttrnglybetcach- fll’chn' . (“MI un Igrstan te truths we expose I" Ph'lOSOPhY term Medicine, second year
accepted any II“, scrirccs We heard Mcck‘s opinion I orr|\ wish to piit mg the true method5that (rod used to accrdent '5 1th ”l ”W "l" “”35 ”‘45:”- papcrs. religion theses. and in social
that the printer did not .ltatgc the lorth the theory that the theories of bring forth NC on Earth. Tom-L ptoplc up front had lost therr work dissertation. And how much Be Ol‘ld ca" 0f dU
* - . looting and fallen down and on top of - y
market price 01 Wt‘nt‘ matcrials and creation and cyolutron of lrlc arc. in Richard (. Davis . ‘h h . d . d 1 further ”1058 truths flee when we are
mum). in order to make It, salc \\c tact. one In the “mg (‘hemistry'iunior ‘d‘ :l ”- :5“ 5:“ or 5” to tear confronted with personal aggrand- lwould Iikctotakethe opportunity
accepted Mercall'sctplanatronrharhc lht- theory 0i cyolution “In... that ' cnong lg”? ”I: 6?“?!de ”it ‘3 izem The tragic deaths of eleven t0 publically thank the staff of the
got the hesldf'dl ht‘ C(‘Uld llml l“ (0th plant and animal life first formed in Des air and an pcopc w osaw rem al pushed ack young people in Cincinnati at the Government Publication Department
partson shopprngand reported it accu» the sea latcr. plant lrlc. followed by p ger 5th“ larger crowd.klhe group surround- hands of a self-centered and criminal of the M. I. King Library. 1 have had "
”Wl.‘ “9 dl‘” 11CU-‘l‘lt'il lllt‘ animal lrlc. emerged from the sea. This letter is in response toyarious rng .Lhemlhllgib. nkowrngr “:9! hap- mob clamoring for seats a few feet 5&le research projects Which .
explanation ”11“ )0“ ““4““ ”W" from the animal Irlc that crawled press reports about the Who concert "m", ' pus L ac mt dl rrcctron. closer to a rock group. the abuse of required cxtensiyc use of this facility. '_
what you do not know. IIII-ih front the sea. man C\0l\cd. and is aimed at clarifying what hap- “W“ti more people to fall ande6 Iranian students on college campuses The employees have gone beyond . .
l bt‘ltfi‘H‘ that l‘lt‘ls‘iill Mil \t‘ill lhc theory of creation (Genesis pened to cause the deaths of eleven trampled. ll one person on the ‘m'de across our nation. and the conspicu- the call of duty in assisting my search ' *
“led 1“ good tartn. l UCCCPWd llk‘ll | ll~3tll statmlhdl Plant lrtcartisc.lol- PCOPlC- l‘m “Tiling because I led a security force had gotten on the louds- ous consumption of nonessential lux- for material and referring me to other T t
explanation I definitely (lltl not tlrs- lowed by tcti creatures. then land great sense of despair and anger at peakcrsystem and [051(1th crowdthat urv goods by students. faculty and sources. The use and application of 5
miss anything as an honcst55rnrstakc animals. and finally titan. lhts theory what happened and how the press people were being suffocated and were administration alike. exposes our fail- governmentdocumenrscan beconfus- .
There was not any mistake ordrslto— follows almost csactly the theory of reported it. because by blaming the dying. l’m sure the crowd would have . .- .. - a . ~ '
he,“ and lthrnlt that III.” I... vrr‘rdc cioiurron If one sto s and thinks death 5 the 5 I d 5- il 5) t th . nioyed back But it I on) did urc to respond through the witness of mg. lt rs comforting to find a depart-
.- ' . » p. > 5 ‘n ”‘V‘ J“ 5‘ u “ " " ‘ l 5’ ‘ I . ‘ d ‘ i'h' 5 h our own lrycs. to live up to the ideals mcnt that makes the search of these ,
5 . . . . . - ~ .. . ~ -. . 5 ”“5 notastampeesomuc d“ c we hold up to others as right and documents less ofa hassle.
5 lack of control and foresrght rn han- proper ‘v
L d/J 535' j 351:"lTECTOWdIlhm‘TEUZICQ[he‘léalhs' We have arrived at a place in the his- Mark R. Hill '
55/ . II f/ ,. . l _ ‘ . if f6)" "I“? c limb? Ilnd'lh“Id5I°5u5l tory of the American experience at Social Professions graduate student '
, _ I -. . .- . he ”in "I?“ friltp'doe 1" "I" f6 p 0.5:; which we must put aside the dilcttant- .
t -. ss t e 0 st no a renite - . ' ' '
:~ \ a «I 5 - r ‘ ism of the ast and set about the task
/\ \\. . ll /\ l stampede to get "00d scars. More of transforrrlning our society into the SC'entlflc theory 4 '
\ 5 ./'*" I l ‘5'*$1li‘;";'2::'3 .55 5 5 5 / ‘ likely even the doors opening acted kind of cultural and social entity to Tuesday‘s opinion by Craig Mcck '
5 5 . __,_.. ' l IT" " ""“""’1:+r5,‘;.-4. " “If” \aly e. lpIrctng pcoplcrnsrdetrom which we as a university community was well-written and made some very - é
‘ r' l i \\.. .. ."_.i* . I c pressure chrnd them. _ subscribe. Unless this task of social good points with regard to the theory ~ I
. x " ”K . ’35 l i q, 5 ' s\ l 5 MORE l The managmem Wild “5"): have enactment is begun here and now at of evolution. However. I think it is
l l I5 . _ ‘* 7'25w ‘ l l CHURCH "‘ lormed a line instead of a mob. rfthc)’ the University of Kentucky and across important to emphasize that belief in T i
" 27‘ Ill i . .4 T‘ ’1 5 I’ - lldd hidIthper 556IcurI‘UIIfnt‘l .Cr:w.d ourcountry.wc will never havcaright Christianity Is in no “fly based on 5‘ '5',
5 la. l . 19:6 .7’ “ , . 9“”"0' c ”65.5 ant “ rcrals ate [0 speak OUHOTWhaUS human.whatrs belief or disbelicfin any scientificthe- " i
I—r— < c \ "l' 1.5!“; i 5 . 5) 5 4 . , l torthc most said it happened because right and what is good in the world ory. Members ofthe American Scien- "t ".
I s5 4 V H43", f. [I , I Ol lestétal seating. but lfihe dOOI'S had beyond our ShOI'CS. a world in which [lTlC Affiliation (Of which I am a IT? 5i-
Val” i ' (~ 5’“ "- l/ ’ i 9P6“? on time. or half fl" hour ear- we only dabble 35 amateurs. member) endorse the following state- 1- l.
Cw l r55 al _. .5 .. ' /. I‘ , 5, l her. it probably wouldnt have hap- ment of faith' g" I
“_ I" '--'. H51" :-_1 "1 " ~ r . . . -~ - .. ' I 5 .1 i
. .32.; [5:55 3: . 5 L- - l Pcnch5 Manzgcmcnt shguld have :Vrtllrrr; Rf. Jones d d |) The Holy scriptures are the
' It. " 'ila --"'-“tv‘~‘5\ .' I. owi— "’ . V 4 ' ' ' ' ‘ r . ‘ ‘ . ‘ Tr T
W55I,5I5_5.5,.55.5 . 5f“... 5 5555; . ,5 5 -—‘—-=- l Sim Ingbreadyto go goo 1ch) houhrs ocra r0 esstons grit uate Stu ent inspired word of (rod. the only ,5
. . l r 5 t-r I he ore d an goerIIorI pcope w 0 Mr Bi" next? unerring guide faith and conduct. .~ 5