xt754746sx9d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt754746sx9d/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1977-04-08 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 08, 1977 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 08, 1977 1977 1977-04-08 2020 true xt754746sx9d section xt754746sx9d -'¥--.

Barefoot in the deep muddy

W Lu .
. ;. Coordinated semesters



APR 81977

Universe; of . mucky

AEI-S pools classes
under single theme

-—5tewort Bowman

“caring shoes was impossible for Carolyn Johnson. llarlan, while wading
through her mud-covered honrc after one of the area's worst floods. Johnson was
.on her way tothe llarlan Baptist (‘hureh to spend the night.

Kernel Staff Writer

On page 35 of the 1977 Fall
Schedule of Classes is a heading
called “Coordinated Semesters,”
which appears for the first time in
the UK publication with little fan-
fare. .

The mysterious coordinated
semester, offered by the College of
Arts and Sciences, consists of three
separate courses taken
simultaneously, pooled under a
unifying theme. It‘s like a small
replica of the Bachelor of General
Studies (BGS) idea.

“We‘re trying to make a small
experiment in a different way of
doing things,” said Raymond Cox,
associate dean for the division of
basic studits in the College of Arts
and Sciences. “We’ve chosen a
topic, a general theme, and taken
three separate courses related to the
theme, A student would sign up for
all of the classes simultaneously as
one nine-hour course."

One of the two “clusters” to be
offered in the fail is titled Cultural

Change in Classical Antiquity:
Homer to Hadrian. It includes CLA
210 (Ancient Art), CLA 261 (Literary
Masterpieces of Greece and Rome)
and HIS 250 (The Hellenistic World
and Rome).


The other cluster, interestingly
called Power, binds ENG 262
(Western Literature 1660 to
Present), HIS 109 (History of the
US. Since 1865) and PS 201 (In-
troduction to Political Behavior)
into a triad that will scan different
aspects of theconcept of power.

“The faculty will be working this
summer to coordinate the in-
tegration of the courses to ensure
that they fit the general theme," Cox

”The student will perceive how the
courses relate and can expand the
theme once he sees how the
methodology works and achieves a
good overview."

Still an experiment

Still only an experiment, coor-
dinated semesters are designed for

curious, motivated students who
want to gain insight as to how
knowledge from different courses
can be acquired in relevance to a
particular theme. The courses in the
clusters do satisfy BGS

“I‘m sure many students in-
terested in the cluster will be unable
to sign up for it because they might
have had one of the courses already
or because of a time conflict,"
predicted Cox. “Students also are
sometimes hesitant to try something

Cox is gunning for an enrollment
of 30 students per cluster. If the
program is popular and enrollment
is healthy, the two clusters will be
repeated and new ones added. Cox is
contemplating forming a cluster on
death, with probably psychological,
sociological and philosophical

“I think it is an excellent op-
portunity for students to try this kind
of thing,” said Cox, who said he is
always thinking about ways to make
the BGS “better, bigger, broader
and more vigorous."



an iniependent student newspaper}

Vol. LXVlII, Number 140
Friday. April 8, 1977

University of Kentucky
Lexington, Kentucky

Committee plans to poll students about SC annex

Kernel (‘opy Editor

This article is the second is a two-
part series about the proposed
Student ('entcr expansiorr.‘

Final plans for a campuswide
student survey concerning the
proposed expansion of the Student
(‘entcr (St‘) were rrradc last night.

A random sample of 1,200-l,500
students will be canvassed next
Monday through Wednesday to
determine their opinion of the
proposed expansion.

Member? of the expansion ad-
visory committee approved a mugh
draft of the survey questionnaire
last night. They were concerned,
though, students would vote against
the proposal because of the hike in
the student activity fee, and
wouldn‘t consider the potential of an
S(‘ annex.

if approved, expansion con-
struction will cost an estimated
$4,080,000. To cover expansion costs
the activity fee would be increased
from $12-22 per reguia r semester, $6-
11 for the summer term, and $2 per
credit hour for credit hour for part-



I'anergelrc)‘ medical supplies were airlifted yesterday into flood-


ravagtd southeastern Kentucky, where 15 counties already have been
declared disaster areas by President Carter. There were five known
dead and property damage was estimated conservatively at $100
million. As the Kentucky, Cumberland and Big Sandy rivers dropped
below flood levels, some families returned to mud-spattered homesbut
several thousand others were quartered in temporary shelters.
Federal a nd state coordinators have set up one-stop assistance centers
to help flood victims apply for aid. Meanwhile, John Witt, com-
missioner of the Bureau for Land Resources in the state Department
for Natural Resources and Environmental Protection, said his agency
will rev icw the circumstances surrounding the heavy flooding to see if
strip mining has had a harmful inrpact.

ltobert Allen .lohrrsorr, 23. was shot to death after a craps game in
Louisville‘s Shawnee l’ark la st July by two men he‘d been playing with
and police believe at least 40 persons, possibly as many 50, witnessed
the shooting. ()ne person finally came forward with information, but
now he ha sdisa ppean-d mysteriously. Police say they lost track of him
two months agoand haven‘t been able to find him. His mother says she
doesn't know where he's at either.

(iov. .Iulian t‘arroll yesterday endorsed legislation to require that
powrr plants switch from burning oil and natural gas to coal. But
(‘arroll said such conversions would produce economic hardships on
utilities and, ultimately, their customers-especially in California,
lxiuisiana, ()klahonra and Texas.


President (‘arter- called off U.S. plutonium processing yesterday in
an international bid to arrest the spread of the fuel that also is fit for
atomic bombs and too dangerous to roam free. Carter recognized that
some nations may need to rcpmcess plutonium and use it for power


time students.

According to Jack Blanton, vice
president for business affairs, the
fee would not be raised before the
1978 fall semester. UK President
()tis Singlctary has said he will
support the expansion only if the
student body favors it and the fee
increase. The UK Board of Trustees
will make the final decision con-
cerning the expansion.

it" approved, architects would
work on annex details with the UK
division of design and construction,
the business affairs office and the
Student (‘enter Board, according to

generation, but administration officials said Carter wants them to
ktcp this technology to themselves and not export it to other nations
that might misuse it to make nuclear bombs.

Joe Burch, dean of students.

As the SC programming unit, the.
Student (‘cnter Board has the ex—
pertise «to provide student input into
annex design, Burch said.

Mike McLaughlin, co-chairman of
the committee, suggested last night
some form of “nominal fee“ for non-
student SC events be recomnrended,
so all building users could help
support the annex.

“The fee should be enough to bring
in some revenue, but not to keep the
faculty mt." said Thomas Blues, a
faculty member on the committee.

The committee, which will also

suggest uses for the additional
space, has approved 13 tentative
priorities, including a new cinema,
an enlarged bookstore and ad-
ditional meeting rooms. There was
no further discussion on how ad-
ditional space should be used,
because a quorum was not reached.

The expansion is budgeted for a
maximum of 80,000 square feet. An
addition to the present structure
would require updating the existing
building and fire safety conditions,
Burch said.

Perhaps the nrost controversial
item is the bookstore expansion. To

reach parity with comparable
university bookstores, UK‘s facility
would have to be expanded by 23,000
square feet by 1980. The store
presently occupies 9,442 feet.
Willian Eblen, University
Bookstore manager. reported to the
committee last month he did not
have enough shelf space for all the
books, aisle space was too narrow
and inadequate for wheelchair
students and there was too little
storage space. An expansion would
double bookstore sales, Eblen said.
“I don‘t want to see us build
Continued on back page

Few attend meeting

Apathy of


to Senate hopefuls

.los. Schlitz Brewing (‘o., the nation‘s second largest brewer, paid
out no less than $3 million in bribes, kickbacks and other inducements
to liquor retailers, hotels and other organizations over the last seven
years, the Securities and Exchange Commission charged yesterday.
Seagra ms, the nation’s largest distiller, and Foremost-McKesson, the
nation‘s largtst liquor wholesaler, have already been hit with a
suspension of business by the Tresury Department‘s Bureau of
Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms over using free trips and cash
payments to sell their products. Federal law prohibits offering in.
ducements to buy beer and liquor, and similar laws are on the books in
most states.


US. Ambassador Andrew Young said yesterday he has apologized
for telling a British interviewer thathe sometimes though Britain had
“almost invented racism.“ “l was quite wrong, so l called British
Ambassada' Ivor Richard and apologized and accepted his
rcprirrrand,“ Young said.

Palestinian guerrillas claimed capture of Khiam, a Christian
stronghdd near the Israeli border yesterday and said they were
drawing fire from Israeli tanks and artillery across the border. At the
same time Lebanon’s rightist Christian leaders sent an urgent appeal
to Arab states to intervene against the advancing leftist Palestinian
forces in southern Lebanon to prevent the battle from rekindling the
country‘s civil war.

balmy bunny

Mostly clear today and tomorrow with a high in the ”'3. Tonight will
becicararli coolwith a low in the mid m‘s.



(‘andidates for Student Govern-
rrcnt (SG) offices, rchashing many
of the issues discussed at their first
forum, spoke at the Tri Delta
sorority house. last night to a larger
than average forum crowd.

About 10 people. who were not
connected to the election, attended
the mtcting ()nly three spectators
attended the Monday night forum.

The overriding issue stressed by
Senate hopefuls was lack of student
intertst and student participation in
University affairs.

"The only issue is student par-
ticipation," said Jim Lobb, can-
didate for Arts & Sciences senator.

()ther candidates reiterated
lobb‘s sentiments.

Mike Brandy, senator-at-iarge
candidate, suggested getting
students organized to work with S0.
“There are a lot of people around
campus who have talent,“ he said.
“(liven a chance, they’ll work for
you even though there is a lot of

Gene 'l‘ichenor, incumbent
scnator-at-large running for
reelectim. blamed part of the
apathy prdrlem on students.“

Many caniidates said they let"
incumbent senators lack eon-

ccm for their responsibilities. “We
have to have senators showing up at
all Student Senate and University
s‘cnatc meetings," said Jim Rowe,
business and economics candidate.

Most candidates advocated in-
creasing SG student services. Jim
Newbcrry and Cathy Welch, the only
presidential and vice presidential
candidates, also expressed concern
for such an increase in their plat-
form. For example, the pair plan to

.increase lobbying efforts during the

1978 Kentucky General Assembly
and will seek to better publicize SG.
Several candidates, like Mark
Kmpman, A & S candidate, and Lisa
(freeman, senator-at-large can-
didate. discussed students' rights.
Pat Van Houten, law candidate
and Margaret Kelly, education
candidate, were particularly con-
ccmed abort women‘s rights and
both said they decided to run after
the Senate refused to fund publicity
for international Women's Day.
Other camiidatcs attending the
torn m were Phillip (Tassidy, Johnson
'l‘ontscmotse, Don Aichklen, Patti
Owens, Carey Julltin, August Neal,
Don Predict, Robert Stuber, Mark
Benson, Alicia Wheeler, Gail
burrows, and Elaine Solomon.








editorials 8: comments

Editorials do not represent the opinions of the University

Gil-V It'd'tll'dl

E‘terlal Edlur
Walter lllxsnu

III-uh. Editor
John Winn Miller

Laden and ran-nu should be our-sud to the Merlot other. loo- m. leer-oh- “. no; loot be typed. In.
wooed all lined with none. “are" all telephone number. utters cunt “emu. work no em on main“ to 'll


Aorist-u In.“ More Co” We Wire raw
lie III-I- Sum-e MM- PI-il Rutledge
[In Guhrbl ' M Dun,
Sin-we m (‘hirl Photographer
my M Stewart Bowman
\l'tl Flor m I“. 5“?"ng Hang"
Nancy ni-lv Ir. It... Alex Karo



Recouping $100 million damages

Federal and state officials

hold the key to flood relief

Swollen creeks and rivers have heaped their
destructive force on towns and communities
throughout Eastern Kentucky. The flood waters
are receding now, leaving unparalled damage
and human suffering in their wake.

Having fought to save their belongings, and,
indeed, their lives, the thousands of people af-

their losses. For some, the task will be immense.

Kentucky politicians, and their counterparts
representing flood victims in Virginia and West
Virginia. have helped greatly. These state
governors, senators and representatives sur-
veyed the damaged areas and reported to

federal officials.

President Carter should be commended for
wasting no time in declaring 10 Kentucky
counties disaster areas, as they certainly are.
Residents of these counties will be eligible for
federally financed temporary housing, unem-
pioyment payments, debris removal, assistance
for repairs and a variety of other loans.

According to press reports, some $100 million
in damages were incurred because of the
flooding in the. state. To what extent federal aid
can help the thousands of Kentucky residents
recoup their losses, and for some the losses were

.otal. remains to be seen.

Elected officials, beginning at the top with
Gov. Carroll, must scrutinize what surely will be


lengthy and complex relief procedures to insure
that assistance is allocated fairly and com—
pletely. Carroll has already done a great deal,
surveying the afflicted areas Tuesday and ap-
pearing in Washington Wednesday.

The National Guard, the Salvation Army, the
Red Cross and other relief groups have started
fec ted by the flooding must now fight to recover I efforts to feed, clothe and house the thousands of
persons who were forced out their homes and
stripped of personal belongings.

These organizations, however, lack the vast
resources and humanpower needed the provide
fast and complete services. This makes the role
of the federal government, which does have
these (ssential' resources. that much more im-

Those affected by the disaster typically are not
familiar with relief options that may be
available. Similarly, thousands were not
protected by special flood insurance, sold at a
high price because of the area’s vulnerability to
flooding. And those who were don’t expect full

The flood of ‘77, coming as it does after the
difficult winter of ’77. makes routine existence
impossible for thousands of Kentuckians. State
officials and, more importantly, the federal
government hold the key to restoring order in the

horribly devastated areas.

We hope they will provide concerned and ef-
ficient aid for the disaster victims.

Keep it or chuck it?

Dear Occupant: Do we have a policy for you!

When i was younger, and lived
‘h my parents, we had a system.
= and Dad got to open any mail
«ed to them. but i never got

ml with my name on it.
~eneri any mail addressed to
pant" or “Resident." I often
~.-.--.;-«:emd, having reflected on my

.. , brace
. . \vV.
r , ‘otetonj



in: that} ".‘Ci‘ [0 open
s man hether there

in tin world named
:t or Betsy Occupant.

'l‘lie adv ‘ of my sixteenth bir-
thday a ibser i'ent driving
license brought an erut to this searcl
lhl‘lMIEil the mail for Julia's and
’ietsy ‘s letters. it‘or tan i becamea
name on a list. iii" in ilers no
longtr used “Resident." and “Oc-
cupant.‘ but actually out my name

\\(l> illi
Julia lie

on the mail. it was a real trip. Nine
years later. however. it ”sets like the
trip is over.

My name he s to beon upwards of a
million lists 'iscd by direct mail
S()ii('lt0l‘S. The Marine. Corps, for
example, still writes me letters
telling me they're looking for a few
good men Ias if i knew where to find
some). insurance companies. credit
agencies. and benevolent
organizations also send stuff that
eventually finds its way to file 13.

t)ther mailers. though, send me
good stuff. Sporty‘s Pilot Shop got
my name from the FAA whenl took
my pilot's license exam. They send
me a catalog every now and then
and i enjoy reading and dreaming
about flying. The Wisconsin
('heesemansendsa catalog, too. and
that‘s not bad.

The whole thing boils down to
selective reading of the junk mail.
Like most people, i start out by
chucking the obvious junk. in-
surance'.’ (huck. Order of Ostrich
lovers? (‘huck Gas hill? 1 wish.

Lat one letter recently came to my
house that made the initial cut. The


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letterhead read UNIVERSITY OF
(KWERNMENT and the address. So
i opened it.

The letter was a life insurance
package. Though the letter ac-
companying the policy stated, “We
wish to makeit clearthat neither the
University of Kentucky nor the
Student Government is selling in-
surance.“ the clear implication was
“Have I got a policy for you.“

Let me make it clear right now
that lam na suggesting that SG was
getting any kind of monetary gain
from the company offering the in-
surance. Nor am 1 suggesting that
the policy being offered was a bad

it‘s prtbably a good policy. That
makes no difference. The fact is l
was inducal to read about insurance
because SG used their letterhead. if
the letterhead had not been there, l
would not have opened the letter.

The way I understand it. the in-
surance was offered after much
debate in the Student Senate. The
proponents insisted it was SG‘s
responsibility to educate the
students on life insurance. A good
policy, the theory went, would help
those who really want life insurance
and give them an alternative to the
sometimes obnoxious solicitors on
campus. Opponents pointed out it



would appear that S6 was endorsing
a policy.

lhaveto agree with the opponents.
in my opinion Student Government
crossed the boundary between
education and endorsement. No
matter how good the policy is, it's
not their job to recommend it.

No matter what i say, though, the
technique of mass mailing will
continue. So it might be valuable to
keep some things in mind.

First, the University does not
provide mailing lists to just any
group thatwa nts them. According to
Associate Dean of Students Frank
Harris, “The procedures a group
has to go through to geta mailing list
make it very difficult. When I get a
request tnormally from a student
group), i review it and make a
recommendation whether to release
a list.

“That recommendation then goes
through Vice President (for Student
Affairs Robert) Zumwinkle, the
Systems Planning Operation, and
finally the Registrar‘s office. Any
request is subject to review at every

lie cited Student Rights and
Responsibilities (page (it), saying
certain ”directory“ items are
subrct to release by the University
unless the student requests in
writing that they not he released.

\ \- g «Q;

“ ‘Scusr MESIK—i WAs wompwe lF YOU'D CARE To BEBoot AGIN...”





Legalized pot: it’s no panacea

Wednesday’s article on the Ken-
tucky Marijuana Feasrbility Study
(KMFS) illustrates the short—
sightedness of Gatewood Galbraith


and those who advocate legalization
of marijuana from an economic
standpoint. These people are pros-
tituting the ideals of individual
liberty in order to achieve short



Those items include name, address,
height and weight of athletic team
members. etc.

Harris said even when approval
for mailing is given, the University
does not provide the group with a
list. instead, the group is given a
packet of labels with the addresses
printed on them. This discourages
copying of the list.

in addition. the student group is
required to put the labels on the
letters, rather than let the other
company do it. For example, in the
Student Government case, the in-
surance company was not permitted
to apply the labels, for fear of list

The way to get your name off any
list mailed under this process is to
fill out a form in the Registrar‘s
office. Of course, that won’t stop
someone from using the UK Student
Directory as a mailing list. if one
wanted to keep his name out of that
publication, it would be necessary to
notify the registrar in the Fall before
the book is printed.

Two other suggestions for getting
your name off mailing lists were
provided in the September, l976
(‘onsumcr Reports. Federal law
requires the Post Office. to provide a
form by which the consumer can
keep “sexually oriented" material
from being mailed to him. if you say
you're offended by material, they‘ll
intercept it before it gets to you.

The other suggestion involves
writing to Direct Mail~ Marketing
Association, inc, 6 East 43rd St.,
New York. NY. |00l7, requesting its
Mail Preference Service form.
filling in this list, the magazine
says, will remove your name from
“lists used by 400 cooperative
mailers, who account for 70 per cent
of consumer third class mail.“

Of course, there's also the other
tyjiof person; the one who wants to
have junk mail sent to him. The
same form can he used for that, too.


Bruce W. Singleton is a second year
law student. Coils-mu Focus op-
pcors every l-‘rjrloy. If you have a
suggestion for a future cohlnn.
ere lo (‘onsurner Focus. The
Kentucky Kernel.

term gains with legalization.

There is no doubt that marijuana
will one day be legalized. The
potential profit to private business is
enamous., State and federal gov-
ernments also stand to gain from the
millions of dollars that they would
getin tax money.

it is true that, Galbraith and his
associates, by pushing the economic
benefits of legalization, are making
great strides toward an easing of the
restraints on the use of pot.

These great strides, however. do
nothing to address the real issues
involved in the legalization contro-
versy—the right of an individual to
be free in choosing what he does in
life, including using drugs. KMFS
has succeeded only in fitting mari-
juana into the framework of our
cap‘talist economy.

legalized pot, they reason, can be
made a commodity with profits
going to farmers in Kentucky.
factories in cities, the government in
Washington and everyone would be
happy, right?

Wrong! Legalization of pot for
economic reasons is no panacea.
Marijuana would be no different
than cigarettes and alcohol are now,
with strict regulation of use and
sales and huge profits going to
business and government.

The government would control

potency and growth for personal use
would be prohibited. Little would be
achieved besides economic exploita-
tion of the marijuana users who
would have to- pay exhorbitant
prices for their pot.

legalization of marijuana should
beadvocated on moral grounds. An
adult should be able to use mari-
juana. heroin. cocain or any other
drug if he decides to. it should be a
personal choice, not a governmental
choice. Advocation of legalization on
economic grounds only leads to
select legalization of those products
which lend themselves to economic

The result of this approach in the
past has been a chaotic, contradic-
tory system that does nothing to-
ward increasing individual liberties.
The battle for legalization of mari~
juana will be won only when the
government is forced to realize that
it has no legitimate authority to
control private use or growth for
private use of marijuana

To be satisfied with a system of
legalized pot with governmental
controls on personal growing and
taxes on the use of marijuana is to
acquiesce to the premise that gov-
ernment does have legitimate au-
thority to restrict personal liberties.

Kevin French
A818 sophomore

—Energy Awareness Day—

Be there, or else

Remember April 13th!

Since Kentucky’s natural re-
sources may soon contribute a large
part of the country‘s energy, the
directions of future energy policy
will directly affect Kentuckians and
their environment.

Energy Awareness Day is the
chance to learn more about the
supply and consequences of existing
and potential sources of energy.
(Those not interested will be burned
for fuel next winter.)

Environmental and industrial
representatives will speak and ans—
wa' your questions in Room 245 of
the Student (‘enter from 9 am. to
5:1) pm. Remember, Wednesday.
April 13th.

Lila lngate
French junior

Closer look

Because of one of the worst
winters in more than 100 years, our
attention once again has been drawn
tothe need for taking a closer look at
our present and projected energy
needs, our current use or misuse of
energy and possible alternative
methods of generating energy for
the future.

The Environmental Action Society
(EAS) of the University of Kentucky
hopes to do just this April 13 (bring
Emrgy Awareness Day. EAS wmld
live to make all of us aware of how
we can use energy more indiciously

and to bring our attention to possible
future alternatives such as solar and
nuclear energy.

What are the pros and cons of
solar and nuclear energy, to what
extent are they already being util-
ized in and around Kentucky, and
how viable and practical are they?
These are some of the issues EAS
hopes to explore during Energy
Awareness Day.

if there are questions you have
about these and about plans for
energy development in the Ohio
River Valley Basin. show up and
there should be someone who can
help you. All sessions will be in
Room 245 of the Student Center and
the public is invited and encouraged
to attend free of charge. beginning

Stephanie Midkii‘f
.\&S senior

Letters policy

The Kernel recognizes an
obligation to provide a forum for
opposing viewpoints. We accept
subuussions in the form of letters to
the miller and comments.

Letters. restricted to ap-
proxinurtely 200 words, can concern
\irtually any subject. ('omments are
restricted to 750 words or less. We
reserve the right to edit both letters
and comments.

Any submissions to the Kernel
rrusl include the writer's name.
address. academic major and






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irsonal use
e would be
.c exploita-
users who

ina should
rounds. An
use mari-
any other
hould be a
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leads to
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web in the
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il liberties.
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when the
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growth for

system of
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,imate au-
vin French


to possible
5 solar and

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.ucky. and
are they?
ssues EAS
g Energy

you have
plans for
the Ohio
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. who can
will be in
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tie )lidkil‘t
l&S senior


nizes an
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.‘e accept
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in concern
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oth letters

he Kernel
r's name.
a jor and







~Blll Klqh'

se- '

1, 2, 3 jump

.lay lilioten. accounting sophomore. takes a deep breath
and then prepares for thejump oil a Iluell .-\rmory beam to
the hard concrete waiting below. \rmy litt’l‘t‘ cadets
performed \arious suniral stunts [or those \\ ho attemled
their annual demonstration day “ednesday.

How to cram effectively

Center plans seminar on studying

With exams just around the
corner, the Counseling and
Testing Center is sponsoring
a one-day April 12 workshop
on study skills and testing
strategies for students who
could usesmlast minute

The program. which begins
at9 am. in Room 245 of the
Student Center, will instruct
students in study techniques.
The program is open to all

The workshop is set up in
hour segments so students
can drop in between classes.

Two of the segments will be
students won‘t have to miss


their classes.
Topics to be discussed study skills program, will p.113.



it nsw (‘1‘;

~ llow


to do

to control anxiety
and attitudes hampering your
[X‘l‘fOl‘lllunt't‘ on a test. and;

[low to study tor and write
clear answers to essay tests.


“better than
on objective tests ;\t 11 am. Dr. Mary
when you don't know the li‘ranke,

athletic adviser,
speak on memory
techniques at 9 am. and
Myra llauei ol' the center's

interested \\ ill

lucky State l’niyersity's
Reading and Study Skills
t‘enter. will speak on
iiu'istering objective tests at 2

discuss oyeicoming test
anxiety at to am. and 1 pm.

We goofed
director of the
Derelopinental Skills
Program. will speak on essay
tests. followed by Hltlyl‘lt‘
Riddle. ol‘ the center. who \\ ill
discuss reviewing tor tests,

line to a photo editing error
in \l'u’lnesday‘s Kernel a
painting entitled "Flowers“
by Kathleen llanson was cut
Iron: a picture showing
Hanson in bent or Rosemary
\Velch's "(iei'aiiitiiiis."

.ianies t‘ulbertson,

Downing. assistant director ol Ken-


pr your non-mailed.

incc 1915.


The Kentucky Kernel, iHJournalism Building. llnlversity 0! Kentucky. l.e\ington.
Kentucky, 40506. is mailed tire times weekly during the year except holidays .Ind
mum periods, and twice weekly during the summer session. Third class postage paid
1 Lexington. Kentucky. 40511. Subscription rates are mailed $3 per year. or one cent

Published by the Kernel Press, Inc. and founded in 19'“. the Kernel began as “the
()ch in 1894. The paper has been published continuously as the Kentucky Kernel

:\d\erlising is intended only to help the reader buy and any false or misleading
ahertising \htluld he reported and “I" be "instigated by the editors. \dyertisinu
iiund to be talse or misleading will be reported to the Better Business Bureau.

letters and comments should be addressed to the editorial page editor. lit
Journalism Building. They should be typed. double spaced and signed. flax-situation.
[hone number and address should be included. letters should not net-ed 2.30 uords
ind comments should be no longer than 730 words. Editors rescue the right to edit
killers and comments.






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