xt754746st60 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt754746st60/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 2009-04 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, April 2009 text GLSO News, April 2009 2009 2009-04 2019 true xt754746st60 section xt754746st60 7 Gay 8‘ Th GLSO N
w ‘ Lesbian e ews
, 5’
Services "
. Organization April 2009
A Publication of the Lexington Gay Service Organization Volume 31 Number4
GLSO Beach vacation name GLSO Yard Sale
3 llillls ai PEWIGU'S lSlanll. S. carollna Renting a storage room that is
Salul‘llaii. "Cl 3 - Fl‘lllall. “Cl 9. 2009 "breaking the bank? Have too much
clutter? Ready to spring clean? Let us
GLSO is raffling the second floor help you!
apartment of a beautiful home in a The GLSO is having a Yard Sale
great location. The house sits between on Saturday, May 2_ You can bring
the ocean and a salt water estuary/ bird items by the Pride Center the week
sanctuary; there are Views of the water before the sale, April 25 through April
from all but one room in the house. 30_ Bill is here between 10 and 3 on
The second floor apartment is best weekdays and there is often someone
51“.th for four couples, 01' 8 adults here in the evenings and on weekends.
who share rooms. There are also extra Call to be sure.
beds if 3 people want to share a room. We will also come pick up heavy
Check in 4:30 Saturday, Oct 3. Check boxes, bags, furniture, appliallces md
Ollt 4 pm Friday. Oct. 9. miscellaneous. We will be available all
Raffle tickets are $20 and Will be day on the weekend of April 25-26.
available from board members and at During the following week pickups
the Pride Center. Bill is here 10 am—3 will be primarily in the evenings. We
pm Mon-Fri. Call the Center 859 253- will have trucks and vans as well as
3233 to be sure someone is here. muscle to lift your heavier donations.
The second floor has four bed- Call the Pride Center at 859-253-3233
rooms, a living and dinning area, and give Bill your name, address, and
game/reading room, and a kitchenette day that you want your items picked
with refrigerator, microwave, convec— up. C .
, ontmued on next page
tion oven, hotplate, toaster oven, cof—
fee maker and other small appliances.
The four bed rooms all have views Sponsor Of the Month
of the water and include: Mohua D38, CFP
0 2 double beds - ocean front g
0 2 double with bunks, ocean front ‘ _ UBS Financial Advnsor
I 1 queen bed - view of estuary LA“ 859 335-8118
0 1 dbl 8: one single — view of estuary 888 390-6900
The owner will need to have access to
a storage closet on the second floor Mohua.das@ubs.com
occasionally during the week.
Continued on next page _/’
( ,../"“

 GLSO Beach Raffle continued from pg 1

5‘31} GAY Timing will be arranged for your con—

‘i/ LESBIAN venience.

/ SERVICES PLEASE NOTE: October i. P... of
‘5‘) ORGANIZATION the Hurricane season for the east coast. If
Lexin ton KY a storm is approaching, local authorities

Incgr orated as will post a warning on TV and radio. This
p warning is basically telling you to pay at—
The Gay Service Organization tention to the weather reports. If it seems
P.O. Box 1172 LeX. KY 40588 likely that the hurricane will hit the area,
I there will be a mandatory evacuation.
This does not happen often. GLSO Will
www'glsopc'org not reimburse the winner of the raffle if
they have to leave a day or two early. If
also N E w: they miss half the week, arrangements can
be made for another time slot in the OFF
VOLUME 31 no. 4 Season-

News Editors GLSO Yard Sale continued fi'om page 1

Mary Crone 8‘ Sarah P hillips Please include your phone number in case

Assembly & Distribution we get lost! Let us know what you have

Debby Hemstock for us and get on the pick—up list soon.
You can leave all your information on
Advertising voice mail if no one is at the Center. In
Jackie Cobem addition, we will give you a receipt for the
—— items so that you can use them as a deduc-

_ _ tion on your 2009 income taxes.

Pride Center Office Manager It’s a win—win situation! You get a
BI” Chandler clean store room or home, and we get to
859-253-3233 raise money for the Pride Center. Thank

_— you in advance for your donations. We
GLSO BOARD hope to hear from you soon!
C , Be sure to shop at the Yard Sale on
Mary rone’ Presrdent May 2(rain date May 9). The location will
G'nger Moore’ Secretary be advertised in the Herald Leader as well
Jane Mmder’ Trqasurer as in next month’s GLSO News.
Thomas Colllns
Vli'glrriiralv'inucilrirsan GLSO News Deadline
Dana Wallingford May 15
Dennis Wheatle
y Send articles and ads to
GLSO Membership & Newsletter marycrone@insightbb.com
Page 2

 Kroger Cards Applebee’s Fundraiser
GLSO is distributing Kroger cards On Monday April 13 we will
asetaKfi::dc::l::i-ds Ignv‘viorkjt t2? 322;: have our second Applebee’s fundraiser.
g d g th . h P GLSO supporters are invited to eat at

84’ car I We en give t em to supporters A lebee’s 2299 Richmond Rd be—

for $5. You then recharge the card at PP ’ d P th "fl

3') any Kroger store and use it for food, tween 5 an 9 pm. resent e yer

. . fl . inside this newsletter and 10% of your
prescription drugs, owers, Cigarettes, bill will be donated to GLSO.
andi Kroger gas: It works :5 a debit The Richmond Rd. Applebee’s is a
car ' GLSO W111 receive 4/0 0f the stand alone buildin in front of what
money you put on your card. Cards are use to be the Lexin gon Mall Ho e to
available through board members and h gt ' P
at the Pride Center. We have already see you t ere.
distributed about 40 cards! Thank you.
Red Ribbon Run
AVOL's (AIDS Volunteer's
Inc.) Red Ribbon Run is a family event
with an 8k run, a 3k pledge walk, and a
fun run for the kids, happening April PROMOTE YOUR BUSINESS!

_ 11th, 2009 at the Kentucky Horse Sign-up for the next edition now.
Park. The run is Lexington's only 8k. DEADLINE: April 22, 2009
Registration starts at 8 am, and the run
Willstart at9am. 514.7096

You may also pre—register online at Bl G P
www.avolky.org or John's Run Walk on WWW' ueg rass Y 'Com
Ashland. The walk is a 3k with persons Advertisers who aid for a dvertis-
behfi spotiliIsored to wBalk Rut}; I-SIunt ing in the first issiie of The Gay
fincksam e 81:85:): thin), 1:: try :1; Phonebook will receive a 50% credit
is $15 and a t-shiit is included. All pro— tovzlatrd the renewal 0f the" ad place-

me .

ceeds go to benefit AVOL' There is a photography / art con-
Domestic Violence test for the cover of the 2009 phone-
Within GLBT Relationships book» Artists can submit as _m§nY
. . _ photos as they want. The Winning
There Will be a panel discussmn about picture will appear on the 2009/2010
domestic violence on April 9th starting cover of the phonebook. Additionally,
at 6:00pm at the UK Student Center, the artist will be profiled in the direc-
room 363' Two speakers Will be pre— tory. Submissions can be submitted
senting information about how this online at: www.BluegrassGYB.com.

issue is experienced Within the GLBT The deadline is April 22

community. Continued on next page
Page 3

 Domestic Violence Panel continued Pride Center Video Sale
There will be mental health pro- GLSO will be selling many gay
fessionals present to offer help to any— related videos, as well as some general
one who feels a need to talk about videos and DVDs, at the Center during
their reactions. The panel is spon- the week of April 6 through April 12.
sored by the OUTSource Center and If you have any to donate, bring them
the UK GSA- in. We want to get these out of the way
before yard sale items begin to arrive.
Softball Team
The Heifers and Used Cows is a Lexmgton P1 lde Festlv312009
lesbian women's softball team that Stonewall Lives
plays softball in the Lexington Parks Saturday, June 27 in Cheapside
and Recreation leagues. The spring Park, downtown Lexington. G0 to
season opens With the first game being www.Lexpride.com for information. If
held the first week oprrll. We play at you are interested in volunteering the
the Athens—Boonesborough fields Off day of the festival, you can contact
of Richmond Road on Tuesday nights- Ondine at 859 368-4438 or laexi—
The times of the games vary. Practices gente@gmail.com.
are held two to three times a week, The winner of the logo design
depending on the weather. contest is Anthony Mejean. See his
New players are always welcome, design as it will look on the T-shirt on
as are cheerleaders and fans. For more page 7. We hope to start selling them
information you can contact Andi in May.
Anderson via e-mail at an— The wristbands will go on sale
mlex2000@yahoo.com soon. They will give you special dis-
counts during the month of June at
TransKentucky several establishments!
Last year’s festival created visibil—
TransKentucky meets on the fimt ity and raised awareness for the GLBT
Saturday of each month at 7:30pm. community like few other events in
9:10“ :P en at 7' We are 8 sup port, so— Lexington have. It was one of the most
Cl ’ an . resource group. at mission is diverse events Lexington has ever seen
to prov1de a safe place for transgender Help us make the 2009 festival even
individuals. better
We include cross dressers, trans- '
sexuals, gender queers, intersexuals, and I .d Th. N l
others who do not fit the standard gen- 1181 e 18 CW8 etter
der norms or who are questioning their Fairness Wra —U a e 8
gender. Supportive allies are also wel— GLSO N P l'P P g 8
come d. ews on me page
Meetings are free and you may dress Helena’s Spotlight page 17
' however you feel comfortable. This is Thanks from lggie page 18
not a therapy group. For info and place Tran in Iran P e 19
contact TransKentucky@g-mail.com s ag
Page 4

 ‘ , , ,, ~' ” ‘ i , ' ». fig: ‘
* . .' . . v . l , 2%? v3» 3a.... '- '5;
l A ,, . l , _ , "6" £35? ~
' ‘ ' M ..--‘ “W" J5
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, Fmanmal P 111% :. 11g
. 1 j " . 1 ‘ * . -1

l 101 Balm. an 1 Partners

Shin“ finds. bill‘s-Int Ch mangle}. Dun-5th: puma: may

share similar goals wllh mlead Individuals. yet meyfaoe

unique challmges when it rum; to fhanclal planning. Wewlll

help you dmlnp a plan that‘s mpmrxlflte to qurneeds—me

that takes. Into aocomt nut only where you want to go. but also
. how you want to get men;

Fol- khan-flan. tarmac-t
Mama Das. (9‘. financial Advkor
V_ 5;. Advlsmy a awakens: Service:
’5 mmmmm inveme
”V , Lexhgtm. KY mm
., K 859-335-131 13 sum-390m
fr ‘ Mumsmm wwwutsmnflahmluadas
”T" r» if: .V‘nfzfi fl
autumn-1H cal-«mural Mruflflkmflflhn
Page 5

 P I'i d 9 Ce '1 t9
- PM
Phone 859 253 3233 Office HOUI'S '0 t0 3 389 Waller AVE.
HIV Testing , m
On Thursday, April 2 there will be free HIV testing w
between 6 pm and 8pm at the Pride Center. The oraquick if%§,‘“fihrzf
mouth swab technique will be used. This test gives a result kflésv- BM}?!
in about twenty minutes. If the test is reactive, a blood kfiemliif‘
sample Will be taken. The results are back in two weeks for “ Mfg .7 .e"\‘ Hi?
the confirmatory blood tests. Testing is available at the W?!
Center on the first Thursday of each month. Insight Group
DIICUIIION GROUP Friday, April 3 Pot Luck
PgEIEYCVEVNEEE'EfigggYw/ilirR Friday, April 17 Movie Night
ALL ARE WELCOMiE Pride cent” 7 pm
Video Sale Lexington Lyons & Levi Club
Pride Center Monday, Feb 2 at 7 pm
April 6—Aprill2 Pride Center, 389 Waller Ave.
Bluegrass Women’s Network be sent to you. Then you apply to
The Bluegrass Women's Network is join.
a social group for women Who identify BW Network Book Club
as lesbian. Membership is free and there ' _
are no obligations. We have a variety of In APnl’ we are havmg the second
activities such as brunches, potluck din— meeting Of our b°°k club on Sunday,
ners, plays, movies, parties, and what— April 26 at 3 pm at Joseph—Beth Book—
ever else we manage to dream up! sellers. Please join us. We are reading
To announce events and share W Those
information, the Bluegrass Women's 0f us who. have started reading are
Network has a private/hidden Yahoo really enjoying it. Here is a webs1te for
group website. It is not listed in the the bOOk: ' .
Yahoo Directory, and can only be ac— www.samekindofdifferentasme.com
cessed by group members. Our “6’“ [3001‘ Will be Mby
Moderators/Facilitators for the Marge Piercy. It is a novel but based
Network are Debby and Lynn. If you on the lives of Elizabeth Caddy
are interested in joining please send a Stanton, Susan B' Anthony, and other
request to thebluegrasswomensnet— women Who are workfng to get “mine“
work-owner@yahoogroups.com and die vow and Other fights' The fight
the link to the BGWN Yahoo group will mng "a1“ °f the “me was Anthm‘y
Comstock. A very entertaining book.
Page 6

 \‘0 Nurse Imam,
WEARE HELPING & The Nurse Brigade is back 0
. sending out a 8.0.8. to help
wt u. Mng Stamp Out Syphilis. Join the
22343? ’ . l \ ‘ .s . ’ ij Brigade on April 9th starting at
#327 \g’f‘i . J, 43%;“; 10pm at The Bar Complex for
'5’ L f (4 ’4‘“ l i; fa anight of frolicking fun.
{i V 3 ' p a V .l W W2 The dictionary's first two defi-
EMT? ‘ .. '1}. nitions of “frolic” are: l. Gaiety,
“‘ 3514 L‘ ’5 . , ‘3 29 " 3“ merriment and 2. A gay, carefree
ta 3L 3) ‘ time. Join us and feel free to
wear your favorite frock.
SIAMP “I." SYPHIIIS There has been an alarming
Wmmmu'wm'u‘ufl'v'ium-m-m increase in the number of people
JOIN THE. NURSE BRIGADE rllagnosed With syphilis. Syphllis
APRIL 9TH AT 10"" 1: a sexuailtly trgfirfirnei disease
t at 1s 0 en e “t e eat
in THE mm COMPLEXl . . ,, g’
imitator because so many of the
signs and symptoms are indistin—
“" FREE FROLICING FUN "" guishable from those of other
GOUDIES, CONDOMS, AND YOUR diseases. The incidence of syphi-
FAVORITE ,ENTERTAINERS [is is highest in women 20 to 24
ui—m-I—u-uu-unni-uu—IIII-n and in men 35 to 39 years of age
\‘ I / 9 .l
: D
L 9 '
h is l I “I @30ij
_ ir A 4/ -
F 631W”! 5e sale vaxxjnmm L %¢4
. 0 on PfsTl “A” L
I” 4
w in may. I I for e
- 9* 4%
’o’béc "999
- __‘__',_,____ _
Passage 7

 Legislative Wrap_up Hopes remain high for a similar
Lexington Fairness bill to do well in next year’s 60-day
session. Though common sense tends
Anather 30-day legislative has to be rare in government, it may soon
come and gone. It was relatively un— prevail in this matter. Legislators
productive, although some major legis— know that it is nearly impossible to
lation, including bills concerning edu- make credible arguments against this
cation, the state road plan and the POIiCY- Who can argue that an adult
budget shortfall, passed. Some lobby— cannot make his or her own decisions?
ists, activists and organizations exited House Bill 48 (Reps. Joni Jenkins
the Capitol doors after Sine Die feeling and Kent Stevens) and its counterpart
good, While others left trying to find Senate Bill 101 (Sens. Kathy Stein and
the words to express their disappoint— Denise Harper Angel) redefined the
ment. Our agenda, “the gay agenda”, terms “member of an unmarried cou—
fared surprisingly well. ple” and “dating relationship” in or—
Multiple Pieces of legislation were der to allow more individuals to get
filed that concerned the gay commu— domestic violence protective orders.
nity. We’ll begin with the most famil— Long StOI'Y short, it all boils down to
iar bill — the statewide fairness law. the length 0f and nature of the
Rep. Mary Lou Marzian and Sen. “relationship.” What makes the meas—
Kathy Stein have picked up where for- ure relevant is the language, or rather
mer senator and current judge, Ernesto the lack thereof. There is no specifica—
Scorsone, left off, tion of heterosexual or homosexual.
The Passage of House Bill 72 So, if LGBT are in what this law con—
and/or Senate Bill 95 would have made siders a relationship, you receive pro-
it illegal to discriminate on the basis of tection under said law. Both bills died
sexual orientation or gender identity. in the Judiciary committees to WhiCh
Though the bill has been repeatedly they were assigned, with neither re-
filed, it has been years since it’s had a ceived a hearing. The importance of
committee hearing. This year was no the bill is even more pertinent to our
different with both dying in the Judici- community that is still reeling from a
my committees to which they were as— very public domestic violence/ murder
signed. The lack of public support for in Match For the sake of anyone in
these bills surprises no one and saddens an abusive relationship, here’s h0ping
those who are legally intimidated on a that the authors try again next year —
regular basis. with better results.
Two important Proposals attracted Now we arrive at this year’s block—
little attention from the media. First buster legislation - Senate Bill 68.
up is House Bill 280, which was intro— Filed by Sen. Gary Tapp, this gem
duced by Rep. Mary Lou Marzian and kicked up the most dust during the
had multiple Sponsors. This would 30—day session. The senator said it was
allow adults to designate who they all about the kids, but everyone knew
wanted to have visitation rights if they exactly what the measure was designed
were admitted to a hospital. The to dO- The bill’s hearing came as a
House voted 93—7 in favor, but died in ShOCk to, well, pretty much everyone
the Senate Judiciary committee. Continued an insert
Page 8

 ‘ ' . m.
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Page 9

 Inauguration, 2009 of Lincoln’s image projected on the
four Jumbotrons and with the stately
Lynne and Skye went to the columns of the Lincoln Memorial rising
Obama Inauguration in january. They in the background.
will remember it as “a once in a life- Of course, hearing from Barack
time experience”. Here is their im- Obama was the highlight for me, and
pression of the weekend. he gave a signature eloquent speech.
On Sunday, the “Opening Event” We didn’t stray from our patch of the
at the Lincoln Memorial was supposed Washington Mall until the concert was
to start at 2 pm. When we came up out over at dusk, at which point we flowed
of the Metro we saw thousands of peo— back with the crowd into the Metro and
ple already streaming down the Wash— rolled our way home.
ington Mall for the concert. One sight On Monday we went to a few mu-
that made my heart jump with joy was seums and found people everywhere
the army of port-o—potties lined up for excited about the Inauguration. When
our use—an issue that we had been we walked out of the museum, it was
concerned about. We joined the dusk, the Capitol was lit up in all its
throng, waiting about 15 minutes in a grandeur, and on the Mall, it was a fes—
line to go through security, and then tive atmosphere of people strolling
found a place on the left of the reflect— around and taking pictures and enjoy—
ing pool, and sat down to wait. ing the evening. So we joined them,
The crowd was truly diverse, but walking around the frozen reflecting
was younger than I expected; lots of pool towards the statue of Grant, get—
high school/college aged people. We ting as close to the Capitol as possible,
were particularly looking forward to browsing the t—shirt stands, and taking
the Invocation by Bishop Gene Robin- our own pictures.
son, so after the long wait, it was excit— We decided to walk down Pennsyl-
ing to see him (through the binocu— vania Avenue along the route that the
lars) walk up to the podium. It was parade would take in the morning. We
very disappointing that the sound sys— marveled at the beautiful buildings,
tern didn’t seem to work until the last passing the FBI, the Archives, and the
30 seconds of his prayer, after which famous Washington Grille. It was dark
the HBO logo was splashed on the and everywhere were sirens, police and
stage and on the Jumbotrons, and the workers putting up bleachers and barri—
drums introduced the beginning of the ers to get ready for the parade. We
concert. talked to all kinds of people, got inter-
I hope you all watched or will viewed by the local ABC TV station,
watch the concert, which was a moving and didn’t stop until we reached the
mix of readings from and about Lin- White House, 1.6 miles later. The clos—
coln, FDR, Rosa Parks, ML King and est we could get was across Lafayette
JFK, as well as music from a wide se— Park, from where we could see the
lection of outstanding artists. There \White House, also dramatically lit up in
were some truly beautiful visual mo— the dark. Ahushed crowd had gathered
ments, like when Tom Hanks was there also, taking pictures and talking.
reading quotes from Lincoln in front From that point, you can look one di—
Page 10

 , Dine at Applebee’s and 10% of you bill
will be donated to

_~ -_ j Present this flyer to your server on

f , Mondgy, April 13
~_ Between 5 pm and 9 pm
_ _ Only Valid at the following
Applebees ‘
2299 Richmond Road ,
I: ,ng Lexington, KY 40502 -
" , Page 11

 Fairness Wrap—up continued from page 8 you’re disappointed and promise to be
, , d bl' more entertaining next month. Gov—
Since It was never ma e PP, 1c ernment tends to be dry, tedious and
that Sen. Robert Stivers, the JudiCiary often times boring, but what happens
chair, was gomg to allow It a commit— to LGBT issue bills serves as an impor—
tee appearance. The fairness rally held tan t barometer for the Kentucky com—
at the Capitol focused at good deal-at— munity. We feel that it is our duty to
tention on the dangers of the despica- keep you informed of the progress and
ble proposal. (As an “lde’ the rally setbacks in Frankfort on the issues that
went well. There was a decent turnout eatl affect ou
and most were respectful and enthusi— gr Although}, res ul ts for the 2009
pained Thaillk 1°“ toiatllllwéio attended short session were mixed, some pro—
at ay.) 11 t e en ,’ e enate “13‘"? gress was made. Legislators were lob—
debated or voted on it. However, it is bie d hard on all important issues Par‘
remarkable that the bill died quietly in tic ularl on Senate Bill 68 You the
the right—leaning chamber. Maybe LGBT )community and its allies truly
they just didn’t want to waste a good made an impact. Your passion and
wedge issue m a non—election year. Or determination were felt in the halls of
maybe the leadership understood what the Capitol building. Important peo—
Sen. Tap P dld not — that It was Simply ple took notice. Your activism is this
bad policy. Or maybe, just maybe, the session’s biggest win. We thank you
Senate office was so overwhelmed by for our hard work and applaud the
the number of calls, letters and e—mails cominunity’s lobb in g efforts
YOU MADE against the measure that SHAMELESSYPLUG° SP; akin of
they surrendered this session. What— activism just a quick reminder fhat
ever the reason(s) the leadership had, the 2009 Fairness Awards will be held
the fact remains that the bill went no— on June 26‘“ at 7 P m. at the Lexington
where. This was quite a victory for not Downtown Hotel. Please visit our
only the LEITT csomGInpnaty} but the website for more information or to
state gs a W ,0 e' B 8 s e eat was a submit a name for consideration of
Slgnlrfilfmt wm'h, , l d , one of our four awards to be pre—
, s mont s .artic e oesn t, cm?- sented. It’ll be a great show, and we
tain the usual wit, we apologize if hope you will join us‘
Mail to PO Box 1172, Lexington, KY 40588
City State Zip
$20 1 yr. couple or individual membership and newsletter
__ Additional donations Welcome
Page 12

 rec tion and see the White House and utes we were surrounded by more atten-
look the other direction to see the dees, standing shoulder to shoulder as
Washington Monument across the far as we could see. The “OWd, in-
grassy lawn of the Ellipse. I did the cluded a lot more (elegantly attired)
right thing and called my mother to tell older people thls “me, esp,ec1ally Aftri—
her I was standing in front of the White can—Americans. We couldn t move from
House. our spot—partly because there was no

Kudos to the original architects room to walk, and because we wouldn’t
and planners of this elegant city. There be able to find our group again if we
were police all over the place, but all left lt' It was about 6315 a.m. and 19
seemed friendly and relaxed. One degrees, With a cold Wind. Five hours
spoke to us with a teacher’s sternness to wait...
when we crossed a street against the G,"1 Scouts came by and passed out
light. “Ladies, you have to look at the American flags, WhTCh later we waved
signals!” With abandon to Signal approval and

Although the Metro started run- enthusiasm. Text messaging came in
ning at 4:00 a.m. the next morning, handy, as cell phones calls d'ld'n t work
4:30 a.m. was our agreed upon wake up after about the first hour. We chatted
time. We dutifully rolled out of bed “nth people around us (a group 0f 4
(actually, off the air mattress) when the who had driven down from New Jersey
alarm went off. The four of us from thatmprniong, and a family group from
Kentucky were out of the house on our Louisvrlle m from 0f us). I give thanks
way to the Metro at 5:15 a.m. The for hand warmers, long underwear,
train was only partly full, but with snacks and fr1endly people..
every stop, more happy people poured At 8’ the Jumbotrons ht up and the
in, so by the time we reached down- crowd roared. It prov1ded safety tips
town, it was shoulder to shoulder with and Metro updates, and then re-played
excited Obama supporters. the concert from Suiiday. That helped

I alternated between riding high on pass the time. I got lnSlght to the life of
the enthusiasm of everyone around me, a dog as I sat on the blanket, trying to
and flashbacks to trainloads of people conserve energy, and looked at the
naively packed into trains in the dark CIOWd from the vantage pomt ofknees
days of Germany. I was in the back of to feet, occasionally Shifting pos1tion to
the crowd when the train doors opened av01d being stepped (”.1 by the regular
to let us out at the L’Enfant plaza, and I flow ,0f people Jockeying for a better
almost couldn’t get off the train because pos1tion. The sun finally rose up above
the platform was so crowded. The four the eastern c1ty scape, and we began to
of us held on to each other as we gal-m up. The temperature rose to 23
climbed up the (not workin escalator egrees. ,
to street level. We were swefjt along in The Jumbotronshnally sw1tched to
the dark for several blocks with an en— VIEWS.Of dignitaries arrivmg'at the Inau-
thusiastic crowd of thousands. The first guration, I guess the same VIEW: that
34 mile of the Mall was already packed you 53W on TV At 11 am, the pre—
with people, so we walked to the middle show entertainment started. The rest
of the Mall, and close to a Jumbo tron, of the Inauguration was well broadcast,
and put our blanket down. Within min— Continued on page 14

Page 13

 Inauguration continued from page 12 GLSO News Orr-Line
but I have to convey the energy GLSO has published it’s first email
that I felt from the sea of celebrating version of our newsletter. If you would
p60ple who cheered and cried With me like to receive the next e—newsletter,
when Obama was sworn in and gave please send your email address to lex—
his Inaugural speech. I alternated be— ingtonglso@yahoo.com. Put “on line
tween taking pictures and waving the newsletter” in the subject line. For
American flag, hugging my friends 911d those of you who received the first copy,
crying. please let us know What you think.
When it was all over, the Mall was When you receive a copy, you will
a total mess of newspapers, fOOd wrap— see that there is a way to unsubscribe.
pers, Kleenex 811d random hats 311d There is also be a request for a $20 a
gloves left by the sea 0f people. We year donation but you can receive the e—
made a bee line for the port—a—potties, newsletter with a smaller donation or
then went back towards the Museum free. There will be advertising possibili—
fOI a leisurely lunch. (We were fOUI ties in the e—newsletter; we are working
happy people when we finally made it out the details
onto the Metro later that day, still hav— We do not plan to stop producing
ing to wait about 10—15 minutes just to hard copies but, in time, the format will
get into the station. The Cl‘OWd W35 change. We are excited about the possi—
tired and more subdued, but still bflifies including new people we will
friendly and helpful. At last estimate, reach 8c new writers for the newsletter.
1.9 million, and no Inauguration re—
lated arrests. A ouotatlon about Prep 8
We got back in the car on Wednes— from A| Sharpton
day to head back west to Kentucky. By “ . , ,
the time we reached M 0 r gant o wn, WV, . There is.something immoral and
it was time to stop for a lunch break. “Ck about using all Of the power (0f
In the rest room we ran into a young the church) to not end brutality and
mother with an Obama pin on; she was poverty, but to break mm people 5
on her way back from the Inauguration bedrooms and claim that GOd sent
also. She said, “I wish I could bottle you. It amazes me that when I looked
the energy I felt from being there.” at California and saw churches that
That pretty much sums up my feeling had nothing to say about police brutal-
also. It was fun and historic, yes, but lty’ nothing to say when a young bill‘Ck
unexpectedly moving and energizing. boy was $11“ Whlle [.16 was wearing
I’m glad to be back in Lexington, but police handcuffs, nothing to say when
we are re—playing the Sunday concert they. overturned aflirmative action,
and still processing the enormity of this nothing to say when people were being
event. We have searched for our faces (consigned to) poverty, yet they were
(so far to no avail) in the aerial pictures organizing and mobilizing.to stop con-
of the in all. senting adults from choosmg their life
In one sentence: a once in a life- partner-5.”. .
time experience. This is one of several times Sharp—
ton has supported us.
Page 14

 Iran Pressures Gays To Change COOK'S CORNER
Gender continued Ham page 19 Another month has rolled by and I
Her mother is [18th with the must admit I was anxious for the reci—
change. "A boy will always just get PCS. to start rolling in. . I’m _a.bit disap—
married and leave his mother, but a pornted that as .Of this Vf'tltlhg’ we’ve
girl stays. Now I have a daughter as I “0t received a Single rectpe. I know
always wanted.” everyone is extremely busy, but this is
Negar (previously Akj), has not for areally good cause. The GLSO is
had an easy time after her operation. compilmg a C°°kb°°k as one Of the"
Her family's reaction has been harsh. fundraising activities. In order for this
Although they warned her she would fundraiser “1 be successful, it will take
be disowned, she thought that they 1““ a wee httle hit 01: your time and
would change their mind after the op— effort. . .
eration. "They pray for me to die soon. For each rectpe that you submit by
If I'd known that m