xt754746ss96 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt754746ss96/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky State University of Kentucky 1914-03-26 Accession number: 2015ua025; other titles include Idea, The Idea; published weekly during the academic year newspapers  English Lexington, Ky.: Idea Syndicate of the State University of Kentucky, 1909-1915. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Idea Lexington (Ky.)--Newspapers. Fayette County (Ky.)--Newspapers. The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 6, No. 26, March 26, 1914 text The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 6, No. 26, March 26, 1914 1914 1914-03-26 2015 true xt754746ss96 section xt754746ss96 _ nusr uvpy AVEIIBDIG
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L|f• without labor I• |uIIt. L P .r°m°'_;::lc:::` www
.• [ *-John lunkln. W ' N do your du`,.
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{ , » University of Kentucky
R [ VOL. VI. LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY, MARCH 26, 1914. N0. 26. l
6   GMI! lntlrlcholuilc Meet to be Hold Quenlqn, ·•Re•¤|v•u, Thn uw Pr••|- Fumrnl Servlcu W•re Conducted at Patterson Contnt Heads List WhII• Prof•••or• D•f•a! V•r••|||•• Y. M. C.
I ` on Stoll FI•Id May 7, 8, 0, Under dont of the United Staten Bhould Ruldcncc on Ron Street Mon- the Union Contest Will Be Hold A. 36-17, and I. K. 8. N.
Au•pIc•• of th• AthI•tI¤ b• El•ct•d for a T•rm of Six day Afternoon. Friday Night. _ Pro1'•••or•, 28-16.
Aueclatlon. Y•a•·• and b• In•IlglbI• for ·——— —-———— —-———
..1.. 8·|·A1»E y8_ CENTRAL. In the presence ot a. large number TOMKM in ****8991 M- 8 °`°l°°k
  The athletic authorities or me of sorrowlug friends and relatives. the marks Hm b°€*““*“$ °* °°“*°”“’ The faculty quintet nmded two vm.
University have practically completed On F¥’|d¤Y» APH} 3¤‘d» 0m` ¥'6€¤l¤¥‘ Rev. I. J. Spencer, pastor ot the Cen- 8**9** bY tha Ut°"¤*'Y S°°l€u°¤· Th° tones Int week. Fmhy mlm they
grrmggmqmgg for hold"]; in Lexmg. Varsity debating team will go to Dan- uu Ch;-{,;;,,,1 Chu,-ch, paid the Int Patterson contest will make the grand
mn um sprang what promises to be ville w meet Central Univmltv in mum or respect and devotion w me <>v¤¤*¤8 ¢<> be f<>11¤w¢¤. Gamer. Ky- me W., ,,,,,,,d_ The ,,,,,,,,, ot th,
my which took aennno shape on No over Conml: in 1912 we carried an cmcm mm me sent to cmcaga "Pg¤¤¤¤"——¤1¤v¤¤r¤¤ X¤¤¤v¤¤¤ ·¥¤1¤¤- gm, W., me 0,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,1, cf R.,
vgmbgr 27, 1913, in [hg Organization Transylvania.! scalp from Morrison whgrg gg wm be {mapped in the For"; son, Tallega., Ky. mann, who mum 10 manu"' md
g an me mmm: mm or me Kentucky Chsvel: in 1913 we were main the Home Cemetery or um city by the "Th¤ New R¤v¤¤¤¤"—E¤¤‘1 L<>¤i¤ th, ,,1,;,, d,,,,,,,,, xm, put ,, by
Iuterscholutlc Association. The pur- winners 0V6¥' G¤0¥‘8¤¥·°W¤· side ct his father, who died a. num- F¤w1¢r.W¤v¢r¤v» KY- Dos Roast
, pose or um on-gmmuou 1. me ae We huve had three debates with ber or yam ago. "The Value cf ¤ C¤11¤s¤ Tr¤i¤i¤s—· The ,umm,,,,
3 volcpment me Ngulstion ot an mgh Central and have wen two of them- The home vm num to the com Julius Wolf. I-¤¤gs¢¤¤. KY- Kmmky
F · scum mlvluu; pnucunmy lu um. We mw them this time on the ¤¤¤¤- when the time rm- the services an- "J<>¤¤ vf A¤·6“—M¤ri¤¤ R<>¤¤rt Mc- Rummw Daum Ad gmt F
lgtlcg, muglc mq m gm-ms of public tlon: "Resolved, That the President m,·ed_ Mmy gowors and Qgrgl de. Cauley, Lexington, Ky. Tmon  C
meshing. At this meeting a coustitu- 0f UW Uimed SWWB would N Elected signs covered the casket, having been "I¤ U19 1***3****8 °Y me P°°Pl°"" Rode. md Schnlmorl _ · _ l · l G
, uga wg ;40pg°q_ me gum dfyidx for a. Term of Six Years, and Should wm by me grind, of M,-_ Lcuaghm Grover Cleveland Wilson, Paint. Lick, °`°°`°`
§ mw uma mgu school anu-nm, mu be Inelisible for R¢+¤1<>¢¢i<>¤-" We A double quartette from me cm Ky. V°"°'°"°°‘
‘ wml • center or mum, presided ow- h¤v¤ the ¤f¤rm¤¤v¤ and wr mm is cmu ot me University mmxsuoa me "Th¤ Making ¤f M¤¤"—Ri¤¤¤rd A1— H°w°°° md Cm '‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ F
by • vioepmldenz, ma me ronmwmg composed of John Howard P¤v¤¤. music during me swam and me len Foster. M¤ri¤¤. Ky- J°°k°°° °'°° H°w"° ‘‘‘'‘‘‘'‘‘‘‘'‘‘ C
officers selected: President, Alpha J¤U¤¤ "C¤6¤¤¥‘" Wolf. ¤·¤d "Di¤'“¤8" crowd listened with tear-dimmed eyes -———-· Blush Cluk md Hmurd `'``'`'° G
Brumage, ma secretary, cnunes P. Jo Rwmer- if John Hownrd ¢¤¤ ¤¤v. as me quartetbe sang ··Amu¤ wml F"‘““’ ”*€*" °° ***8** °`°‘°°" “‘° _ Fwd g°°l°"R"°""'°° 1°’ '"'°"
Wqvgr, bum of me Uuivgrglty of "B»ut honorable judges, Llnco1n’¤ Mex- and ··Sl0ep Gemlyy The m8m_ annual Union oratorlcal contact, will °· R°d°¤ 2· H°W¤?d M Cin L BUKOY
xemuexy. power rested <¤¤¤¤wh¤r¢." ¤¤ ¢>ff¤¢¤v<+ bers of me qumeue, all or whom *’° md in ‘h° °*“‘P°‘· F°“' °°“‘°°" z'
The district centers and their vice- W 88 h6 did 0¤ Jim 22¤d2 U "DUUBK" had known Mr. Leuaghan and had ams wm °m" and °°mp°t° for ° mm Foul g°u.—Tis°n l' Hmnrd I'
' prealdents ue as muowgz Fmt, 1·*¤1· Jv can punch his fist ¤¤ srmizht at the been associated with him [Il mm um- medal g"°“ by “*° ’°°*‘”Y· “‘° "*°‘ Bmw L
ton, Prot J_ C_ Cheek; sec0¤d,E·rlmg_ judggg gg hg did on that mgmorgblg versity lug were Henry Morrison, Leo IIB? of this C0!1I.€SI. will IIXBGC Kylkf- 1 point awarded v°”.m°·•
ton. Prof. C_ E_ Dudley; third. Eliza, night in January; if Julius "C3,gggr" Sandman, J. T. Jackson, J. E. Bowling, {OHS and J0hI'l Howard P&yD9il1 8. HDR} Referee and umpir°—KiD8·
bethwwn, Prof, R, Y_ Mqyggy; fourth, shows up with his accustomed realli- T_ *p_ Taylor, A_ g_ Behrmam Ad \Vul_ U')'0Ut in ¥·h€ S0€i€¥.Y hull. S9·U1!`d8Y The game was chuacwulod by
Bowling Green, Prot. T. C. Cherry; ness. we are sure to bring a trophy lm- and ·p_ by H,m€,,_ MSM- pmmy °t °‘°u°“· “d °h° "°'k °t
. Hlth. Shelbyville, Prot. T. H. Houston; back from the ¢¤vii¤i Of BGYIB- W9 The pgllbggrers who bore me cus. Tm mst *“l° m°“U°“*’d men h“° Tin"' mr Sum wu th° f°°“"° °‘
gum, Stgufgrd, Pm; W_ C_ wusou; hope as many wlll accompany {he ket from the home and placed it upon prior to this occasion won the Society um WWP-
ggvggnh, Miqdlesborm Pm; M_ 0_ wm. team as possible. Freight. rates are me tram for Chicago were Presb contest and thus the final is held in TM E- K- 8- N- Gin"-
INY: eixbth. Cynthiaum. Prof. R. I. WW *° D¤¤Vm°· Y°“' P*'°¤°¤°° will dent Henry S. Barker, ot me Univer- °"d°" *0 Obmm me best man “”` me The Bmw pr°f°“°m w°r° in um
Cord; ninth, Ashland, Prof. J_ W_ encourage [hg team, A debating grew sity; Prof. E. Ll Guns. Commandant ll1t€l‘~SOCi€l)' Contest which will DB {0rm* They had played a hud game
Brgdugr, feels lonesome when all the audience A_ w_ (Bullion. Hywen Davies, James held in chapel Wednesday ut. the reg- uw night b°f°*`° u v°*’“m“· but W°
Prglimiugry tqumgmgngg will bg is ODDOBGG to them. L6t's all go. B_ Lyons and Charles E- Bowman- ular convocation hour, $U€0¢¤¤lV6 SB!-KOS 8.1*6 nothing to the
• held at each of the district centers cul   The latter three were Mr. Lena.ghun’s The' p"°g""“* with Several musica'] immlunged mghbmwl of Kenmckl
ADYU 23. 24 ¤·¤d 25. Bild U16 Wi¤¤01‘¤ it ` associates in the business department S€le°u°"S· wm be rendered as t°l` The E` K' S` N` M8 were never dm-
uch of the centers wm coma to Lex- Announcement was made at Cum- of the University. lows: gerous, and were not able to break up
muon for me nuns which wmba hold bridge, Mass., yesterday of the men Mr. Lanaghan had been connected Pwsldenys Add,.esS_J0“ph Ros Stutds passing. Bowman, s, Varsity
at the University two weeks later on wh0`~w“ comprise the Harvard varsity with me buglnggg agwys department ¤¤€¤`· B0“’U¤K G¤`B¤¤» KY- mm from E" K‘ S' N" put up th° m°'t
May 7. 8 md 9. The tournament this debating team against Princeton at for about me yws and was com ·-The Restriction of Immig,.m0¤··_ nearly consistent game tor the visi-
yw will include contests in vocal and C““‘b"*dK° °“ "‘° °"°“i°8 °f M“·"°h polled to mum from his labors dun N. M. Williams, Russellville, Ky. wm-
instrumental musm decmmuious wd 27- L°° B’°w°"· °f M“Yu"ld· KY·· “ mg the mm. part of Febmul H6 "Cultur0 in me Cum Fte1d."—H. L. T*€°"* and R¤¤m¤¤¤°¤ ¤*·¤"°d f°¤‘
rnmugs md tuck md new events. student from the law school, is one of was much loved by students and mc- Donovan, Paducah Ky_ the Blue and White professors.
A lovin: cup will be siven to the in- um pH°°ip°'l°' H° is an A` B' mm ulty and an grieve um one so dau ls "The Bum C¤“""L· P- J°¤°¤· B°“" TM °“mm°"°
div! du B1 winner of me largest mm? uate of the University, 1908, and has called away. Img Green, Ky_ st"`
,,,, of ,0,,,,, wd , Mantua, ch,,,,_ ¤¤¤ ¤¤¤¤ ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ *¤ ¤¤¤¤¤¤ dem ___,,,___ "True Gmmm·· ere .......................... ..¤
pwmmp cup to the school winning the ul! W°"k· H6 is “'°“ ’°m°mb‘”`°d MORGAN ELECTED Central Guy, Ky. y QL/L Rasmussen, Downing and Spnhr .... F
g muh Lexington, Louuvmo, Header h°*'°· whew h° was "°fY P°p“l*“`· BASKET BALL CAPTAIN ___.,.4,....._ Spears and Schnaltber ............. G
non, Owensboro. Newport, Covington wm; little preparation the University Ralph Morgan, forward on the Van UN'°N UTERARY s°c'ETY E* K• °• N•
sud Paducah high schools, because ot held g {girly successful meet in which any basket ball mam my two years, SELECTS FRESHMAN K°m‘ ·····---·-···············-··· C
thdr lute number of students, Will more than a. score of schools were was elected captain ot the team tor! ’ DEBATING TEAM B°wm“ md w°°t°¤ ·············• F
not. send representatives to the dis· represented, and this year the meet 1914 by his team mates at u meeting' .1 Dy° wd J°h“'°° ········•········· 0
trlct centers tor the prellmluarien in should prove a splendid success from an me physical d1;·gcwr·¤ offlcg 1,...; The Union Literary Society held Fwd 8°°J¤—B°Wm¤¤ $· DY• L
track and Held events but will hold an every point ut view. Louisville Mun- Friday, Ralph has pnuyed u must lust Saturday night. the Freshman Keith 1· W°°*°¤ I- T*¥°'* 5· R¤m“*
separate track meet at the University ual High School will be strongly rep- wugngwm game for me ms; wo tryout for the society team, which ls BW 5· D°"'¤i¤¥ L
st the same time as the other finals. resented lu all events, especially lu years and is deserving or uw honor to debate a like team from the Putter- F*`°° th"°W'—Ti¥°"t 1· B°"mm ’·
Although the proltmluarles are six public speaking and music, and wlu ms menus have given mm, Morgan sun Society. Six contestants entered 0**6 {mlm Wu ¤‘·"¤`d°d '-° E·K·S·N·
weeks ol the Unlverllly I\1l.h0I'iU6¤ probably bring her excellent high will make a good captain and we be- llw U'¥0\-ll, and RU 8h0W€d {hl! YDBY  
are daily receiving letters from high school orchestra or eighteen pieces. new unda; mg guidance uw team will had prepared for the occasion. The tions an educational quumcauon
school men lu dilteront parts ot the Last year the tlrst prize in declamu- have me same good success that it <1¤¢*¤¤¤¤ di¤¢¤¤¤¢d WM *110 861116 M ¤h¤¤|d UB 0¤¥¤bU¤h6d-"
State uotltylnz them that their schools zion was won by Manual but the ath- did under gx-Cgpt_ ··s¤m" Tunis, Mor. will be discussed between the two The members chosen to compose
will be represented ln me tournament. mac tournament went w Loulsvune ml as ¤ Jumm- wu mus from Cov- »o<·i»¤i•¤¤= "R¤¤¤>1ved. that in all ¤¤i¤ mm were M•¤¤¤r¤- J- T· 9¤¤¤»
• Last. year with no orgsnlntlon and Male, ingmul Ky, municipal, State and National elec- Clarence Clark and Gordon Nmce.
* )

 wl- A — ··—"" ”’“"‘” " """` A"-·-——’“ "“’—......-..-.-.--·—-" """_`-————-··—·····"‘__—"'“`-*-Z‘—-—-—-——...4._—‘i. ;;;;;;_....·T..;:·   ··"·  ·»·—— * " *·W·~ *··»*I~———~ ’· · —-—-—V" ————·-—‘-‘ —‘—‘ g
~-·—··#···—‘ """ " ‘“‘’ "" ` —~—~————·· --—~—-~—» »-——»--—· ---— ·—· »-r» ·—-—Y———-— ——~- ·
MEET I H E ORPH EU M I H EA I RE ""‘“‘““‘°" "’"
ME AT . Children 5c ,
FIRIT-CLAII IN IVIRY APPOINTMENT. J. H. ITAMPER, Jr., 0wn•r and Mnnngu. OPEN 10 A. M. TO 11 P. M.  
 ...-- ";'?  "_ r—- ·· —-L--;-·—* —;——-—-·—· -——-r·~ ·`   [ Q
OPERA HOUSE INDIVIDUAL SCO ES tlwm. 'l`Imnm>¤ uml Hruhlm mw- slum- M"` "' H"` """' I" H"` mlm Sm"`
Da;;;d....G°°d·· V   BASKET BALL hm up “_‘_H In Nw hm- Hm“h__N in ;`.I•‘—`sllI:; ;Il;l`ril:‘l`;lf‘l1 mm lm gnlm-al hy
|·)ng•·m· Ilrl¢·ux':· gre-ut snololnglval A summary of tlw points svnrml hy ""` ""'"""| I""k" “"""· I "
drmmn, "llumxu:<·rl llnmls," llw play, •·:•<·l1 wl tllv lll|‘ll cm the- lmskm hal] _ _ H _.  
V i _ I I 'l Inv n1<·n1lwr:< ul tl1•— »\lumnl nrv zwk-
. , , “'***"*· *""""’*"¤ "‘ ""` *"“ "‘"* """" '"' '"` """' ’*`“' ""‘“" """ hm mr ,. nn. - mu umm- l' r ll ·<···¤···IFLOwER S
Ffldlly and (aturday »|~h,,,.S_ ··;m"m.»$ H mm- •·pm·ll nl <·lvll— |’¤‘·‘*¥<*¤- “ll**’ l‘l*‘F'*"l ""'“"" ""r ""` m,,,,,,,,,,,t‘ xm,} pl. pl 0 rm;'l III V
March 27-28. *Z=·**··*·~" *‘·‘"**‘* "’ ""‘ "*"‘"‘ """"‘ ""' ""‘ “"""`* "' ""` *"""""‘· ""' "’ »..-.·.. mma.- to N.·l..-.l..l.- ll gm...· mn. Fllll Au- UCCASIUNS
rd M ‘ '`'` " “""""" ‘`'‘‘ ’ "` ''‘`   ‘ ‘‘‘‘ ‘ """`*   ‘‘‘‘' '“‘ ‘‘'‘ "   """"   *""“""· l ......· - ..... l .-.. M. . ....... .,... ...   .... , ·———
Qatu a atmec _, _. __ _. ,   __ . _ ____ ~ L I- · · ·-
* y ll.;) m.um••, Mnreh .i¤¤ .m¢l Rl. \\|w mn. rl• to tnpure u thrqm Mm ml Alumni wm,]. Mum or mo    
¤·mu‘~ wnrnlnz thm Fw l¤ *1***** *0 h*‘· lm; """'“·**"· T""‘ Z"""““ “`*‘* "“"‘ Um awp umu p|·m·r~l uw- m·¤m»v -m·n
"°m° mp fmhpr of 8 Mmm" TI"` mw man in mums Hmrpd In H Sinn" www will he- he-re- and la wry lmml tvuln mul 417 EAST MAXWELL
" S.-qm»n(-so urn 0vs—rwln¢=·lmlmzly trnzlv. tlllll ¥“`f‘¤¥5'·¥“‘0 lh Thi; M¤r~l¤¤|| #¤\¤¤**· hp mud? up from thvir mmmwl A VI; QALIEEABBAGE
,. . ·, .·._ ·· V _»· · » ·_ "· _  .eres nu_ L
Hb (mm 1* hom to H mf nf Summm Mum wm Mmm] “ th mum HN most inte-resting gzmw wm1l¢l_re·sult na V an ve .
uml slmrmw tlw young \\'ll`("H lllllilllll l\\l¥1llN*¥' Ul |>OlhtH 0:10]} mum s<·ur¢·d is it ig mwnmmd
nf an noble- love- is lrrvtriewalwly do-- as follows: ·
sqrnywl; thv pxrandvlmtllvf. <‘r‘}’lm: lll l°¥`°¤i0¤ ·-··············· Wl A ewrlvs of gmnes with tlw lnvul B   I   I
By Bgygrd veillef, llw hlil¢‘¥`Y1+‘95 of NPT §i¥`l¤‘l`. Wililld 0¥`Y*‘¥' Morgan ·-·······-··-··-· 1**** tvmn of the- ()|nlo Stutn I;(·‘i\§.{lI(’ is be--
A M   f     b up hor soul as a sacrlllcc for (luv TON Zerfoss ............. 67 lng plmmvd for (hv sovuml mul third nR• Jn T•   ;
c rama u 0 ro S’ mlmed offspring. but all is llselvss. Tuttle ................... 64 “·N.k fn Apply Ag Spypml of {hp   Cheapside
Thrills and Laughs, From this vlimax of lrnrzic ww rlw Smlt ··-- . .............. 54 gmnps Sphplauma with mnnpgg {mms HOMSSA M t 8 PH N
, N. h   t 1 .0 author builds his message of hope for (`url Zvrfoss .......,.,... 43 haw, hpfln droppgd by the Athlptlc ' ' ° P°M‘ 0 EB64'X j
Prlces lg t '''‘'‘ c 0 $ J) H future goneratlon which shall not VBTKS --··.-...-.··-·.·-. 32 (‘mnmltu>v there is :1 need of more •
Matinee _____________________,,, 25c to   U? h8¥\dl(`8DD€‘d bY 3 "('0Y\Fl*l¥`8(`}' Ul- SY Gumberf ···--····-·-·-·- 2 games to keep the {pam going good for     Y   ·
[ence" concerning the flindamfmtali S('h¤`H·d€‘¥` ···---······-··· l' th? llafd lflll ihfé last week of AUTH- Ender, Keen Cutter,
. facts of life. * ‘*‘-*°‘•‘°""" •'l`l · l.exlmzmn team promises to be { '
Seats Now Sellmg at _ I Jus? use mu.; " and Ever Ready
BOX Omce Stop Thin" I U __ i I Real work has been indulged in this + * + + + + + + * + + 4. + + + +• C   '
638 __ For l8ugmngJurl;0HpS on L ill lie week and the men have been showing *     * 0 ER &  
T°'°ph°"° Nu] ( Oihan fp ir: S a\[;nm"{( Q f IP r up well. Short practice rzunws wvrv + + + * + + + * + + + + * + + +  
° wmum on O ur ye ` GOWN MCP plnvvd on both 'l`ue:dm><-   ""*`* [A xml   NNN STREET AND BROADW Y
    C0. ‘°S[()p 'I‘higf"' “~hi(·h jg to be Sean herg da; pvénings and for   timp the Held   advertising Under this head    
at the Lexlngxon Opera House for two m;_m_nu_d 8 wnuinp haw han ammr *’° °*“"g°d ’°" “‘ “‘° "“" 0* “"‘°’ °"“*“ L . t C, C ‘
      nights, Thursday and Friday. Murvh ance ` per mw'         ‘
. _ O 26th and 27th, including a special mat- / l wANTEU__R00m€rS and boardel-S_ Mlxsltsgzpgrated f
Plp0S Répllfed. inee Friday, and as :1 play <‘0nStF\l<‘t<*d The field is being rolled and the For particulars, apply at 342 Clifton  
LEXINGTON, _ _ KENTUCKY for the sole purpose of exvlting that lmv places filled up and in many ways Heighm   •
particularly lléaltllful €X€|'<‘lSP ll is greatly h‘]‘ll)[‘()\'Q(]_ It lg hoped good   136 WEST MAIN STREET ° .
  certainly   iw miSSi()n· \\'Q8,\h9I' \\'ul (f0Yl[il’l\lP until [hé Hold     bU__AlumnuS has Splendld Op-   R
UNIVERSII I LUNCH STAND "St0D 'l`hl<—*f" will make YOU laugh lil becomes thoroughly worked ovvr and purmmty for nmdems mjrmng umn     and    
c“;*’• *"°|“?Vg:Y"°u":‘d*":: spl[(> of yourself. lts unusual Situu- settled. The cadets moved the f00t way to Gam an expenses Mme in   8lld   I;
·”d *°““Y ° ' ° nv"' Y _ . . , residence. Preferred, experience or g
(ions and bl‘llll8I\l HDQS flllfl) bl°iSll9 ball bleachers as usual and n()w we Y    
A• B•   with wi! and l‘PD&¥‘tPP. Wl1ll<* UW <‘0m· have seats on both the first and third ubwu in Salesmanshiu “ rue S• l F
con. s. LIMESTONE AND COLFAX ,,m.,m0,,S um are thrown ground me mm. ;m€,S_ (mp “°“' (4l°·· °'““h“· N"b·   0'        
  RllOd9 Island d€I€('[lVP ill Il\<‘ play. .._...— FOR REN'l‘ ___ Desirablé furnished ‘—" ' §
  and his <»¤<1<>¤*‘¤r¤ to trap uw crooks HW mst game Om “ eek on lmws ¥`00mS· Meal tickets $3-5** W· H·         `
W stm P I 2 S in Mr .120 who are Operating in H household only :1 short time for final preparation. Springfield, 145 E. High- I
°"° mlfazl U ' Obspsspd with klemomamaml mndwp Nluryvill¢=· <‘olle·ge>, from Maryville, _ WM- E. STAGG, Successor. l
  Bailcy,S Pressing   MPS furnishes irmsismm, fun through Tenn., opens the season for me Wim- \\'ANTED—Every student to read the         Q  
        thp three acts in which HH, pklrp has Cat!. Tllv 'r(‘Hll(‘SS(‘P b()}'S llH\’(‘ l)(*(*ll SH.l.UY`dHy EV€I]iHg POSL TQTIDS ·';—: ; L ‘.;:.‘ 
wg south Llmcstono Phone 621_y bpm] written putting.: out El llrst class [PEHII mul al. Gusy. P`l`H¤k YV- 'l`\1\U€. A8€¤i. 125 D P  
Tho Original comlmm, uml w,0du(__ umn] vlnsv ;;;um· is expected, E. l\lz1X\\'€ll St., L•3Xillgl0¤. KY. ' •  
. _. _ _ ._ ._ _ ._ __ · 1-  . (lnworpmuml)
C/_     ";‘{'{ ‘f_"'_ "ll°T:"’i}’f‘: "‘T"lf‘“I ‘_;'2;`   Vrllp nm war mammal m·l..,; .,..l uqmu Am) BOARD-Good moms DOROTHY DODD SHOES _
Itm (N) “ lu I °` al uxu 8 N I for the tvum slmws up well. \\’n,i<·rs with excellent table board. Mrs. FOR WOMEN
wh"’ Y°“ will End °V°"ythi"g · SPH thm me pgrhmuanw wm W up and Vzulglm nrv two clever iutiqelors Uppington, 120 East Maxwell. l
COMPLETE DRUG STORE to the hikh standard of the- (`0l1zm & ( I   to  
MA?:°ufN:·VuAIE;Uc;eaS§r‘:;éT8 llarris's own offering. RALSTON HEALTH SHOES
  Fun MEN l
-————•-¢-•—-.-.;- • L
K. k I C I C I ¤¤~ Au- DZHCIHQ CSSOHS $4.00 to $5.00
Anthracite and Bituminous "‘”‘**"" '”° ‘-°*·" For the •
. · . ' · l {l ' • •
COALS AS ""` """""‘"‘ ‘*‘ "" "" A" "" Tuesday and Frnday cvcmngs at U. C. T. Hall, by cou B S k
Le . t Kentuck umu Friday uml Saturday, with Satur·         4
Xing On' - y day mutinw, the Anwrlvun Play Cum- · · · G0 to
________.......T, _ , , Miss Spurr and Wm. Warfield. Admnsswn 50 cents.
puny wlll prvseut llayurd Vwllers The Lewin Cigar C0 1
W. S.   thrilling new Alll¢‘l`l('illl llruum, "\\'iLl1- , , · , 0W_ N"' Phunlx
1 in UW lm ._.. l Special appointments made for teachmg the Tango,
The Sanntury Grocer "\\'i1llln the l.uw," which exerts an _ _ _  
    UIIIIUSI ll'I`(·’Sil·5[il)l(* il|l|K·;l_I,   apyly (IU-               V
Cor S Lime and Virginia Ave svrillwl us an elrzunu ul during iu which A
° o ` \¤l¤·# l¤··¤>i¤¤· i~ f<>r<·~·<1 ¤<> l»•·»:i¤· ~~·=¤¤·far·-   T¤k¢6 l¢$$ Sh0*!¢¤l¤$ I
  V 4 __,,M·d8   `
, c K-   [hu   t(,         • •
  S     irs llli\(‘lliIl&l[l()llS. Nlury 'l`uru<-r, Um Lexlngtonlnggglsg Mins C0'! .
119 SOUTH UPPER ST. (-(.mm| (·|mra¢·lvl‘. is i`ulS**|>' ¤""““"d of     & M U   ,
Fresh Candles Made Daily- tlwft of goods from tlw •*S(i\l)llSlllIl(*lll     Prop r .
Pop Corn Frltters• in \\lnl¢·l1 she is PIll|I|()_\'i*(l, uml seul- Ea c    
L€*'N°T°N· · · KEN"'U°"Y .....·.·.l U. um-·— yum n¤l»¤·m»¤¤¤¤···¤¤¤.   N I   ; ( `O   ·
  No zmmunt of prote—st, no amount of ° N)7 South L|m••l0n• Sl., opp. Phunlx Haig! ·
CI••¤i¤|» Pf•l•i¤8» Albin!. lm:l<·ul. ollviously truthful d(*rt‘llSt* INCORPORATED FHUT-CLASS WORK GUARANTEED
RQPNHDZ saws lwr. Slnv svrws lwr tiuw. Sllv  
rrlw lo support ll•·rs¢·lt‘ lmuvstly after-  
W.   StCV€llSOI`l -‘¤¤r0· ----- ----..-.---..,-,.-lY. I, -       ,   City N•¤‘|. Bmk B|d°¢- _

 I t i l   !"’3IlIIl|IIIlII   I l   ` y I L 'IIIIII nl. IIII ' iw T ,‘ 'lll yl Anlilllllll/lim S.,    
I ¢· I E , ,n li it in   * ‘ I ll 'NI l, -  |l||| I HI; I mm »—-e¤¤¤~ 
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[  I   — _ ‘ l llllllllrlll Ill ll ··I’ I.  li] Il II, ~l , `·¤Im;||l y,;/z/ly __é _- [J
( — (' ·. 4 _ , --     . -  '/¢ '
_ ' ·6ntvw¤p.
{ ggmoqg SE1- SML i,pp"k|·,,g; ln Kankakee gave oppor- <‘Inclnm¤ti, where plants of t|teVHt‘ll` llllll l·;IIL;i|I•·4·r‘i|l;; in i'*V` "'lll"|I’&|llIIll l<·—lS. —l1III4l:|l`1I ;|l)I';|r4-
mm hanitnl and el: ctritnl tnglnurs ol H _ . . I
lo hirthplnte ot chorus girls, the machine tool llliIIl\lIiM'U|l°|Ul{ <·•·nt··t. yp,. t·,,,\,.,»._i,\- ,\ ,,,,“- mqkinu 1,. 3,,,. ..·p;,,.| ,» rpm L,-ilnnn mm ml
I · , _ , , , , , • _ » · v · ‘ " . < ' " l I
· H" I"‘\'r`"y‘ mimnlmmul by lm lY\!lIlIll`H,("l\lI‘lI\)!_' of farm implements The class vlsltetl the larger (‘Olll'l‘l`||#i ,~.mu,.m,,m_ lm, , _ . _ . , _ _ ,
, , , _ _ · }».Il`.Ilt>I‘\ In the mstul l'l'l"ll. »·Y·I|lIl·•l¢l }I:II”¤IIl•·*—~· Iv—· / , _ _
` 7 ul     ot the Ohio Valley corporations, and
Kt   / ’ when lt was t'ound that it was neces- HEADQUARTERS
V ‘ ‘9 sary to secure the services of a man ‘ : D ( :     7, lr 85 ‘ ;
\ / .
& x \   who understood the details and man- * ' a' O a O•
° il K r` 7 agement of large manufacturing cor- Sporting G°0dS and Hardware
l porations, Mr. lngels was decided B. I d R _ _ d P
` upon; a Iine example of the demand lcyc cs an   I Eflnmqts an 0‘tcrs°
by the commercial world of well- Is I g ac e
, Advance Showing equlppcd engineers. Special Prices on Gymnasium Equipment, Eastman Kodaks
Mr. lngel's new position will place and S\Ippll€S. Toys
N S , H S I him well up among those people who 146-148 W, MA|N $T_ LEX|NG‘|’QN' Ky_
ew         must contribute towards the support .......-.....-...---.. ......... ......-......-.....•.
- of the country by paying an Income _ —
Dunlap and Stetson Newest Models for the coming ‘“" _ _ p
~-···—— V·S·¢ Th P Th t
scc them. Many new ideas in soft Hats and Dcrbi