xt754746rf6d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt754746rf6d/data/mets.xml   Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. 1932 journals kaes_circulars_255 English Lexington : The Service, 1913-1958. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 255 text Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 255 1932 1932 2014 true xt754746rf6d section xt754746rf6d   »-———-——~ —·v   
 r °  
Q Extension Division
5 THOMAS P. COOPER, Dean and Director
· E il |".· I I I
I Lexington, Kentucky
February, 1932
Pnltlisltetl in ctntttecticnt with the stgricnltnrul extension work cnrrietl on by
; ¢¤¤tt»cr:tti··tt rtf the Qttlttge ni .\gri¢tt1mrt—, l`rtit-t~t·>ity of Kenttteky, with the L'. S.
I ])°l*i¤\`i1t1Ultt of Agriculture, ztntl tiistriltnted in Iurliteratnce ei the work provided
 ' IU? in the Act ni Congress of Mzty S, 1914. *
Y  _ .• Q
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Cl0thing——Unit IV.
‘ The 4-H Club Girl’s Street or Travel Costume.
  This is the fourth unit of the 4-H clothing program. It is
i hoped that every club girl will enjoy planning this costume. In
so doing she should take into consideration health, beauty and
· economy. A costume well planned lends poise to the wearer by
giving her a sense of being appropriately dressed. She may
learn rules for being well-dressed but the application of these
( rules in the selection, making and wearing of every costume is
I the real test of her knowledge of good dressing.
ln undertaking the project a girl should consider her entire
A wardrobe and decide on the garments to be made. She should
_ have her clothing account from Unit Ill as the basis for plan-
. ning her clothing budget. Very careful and detailed planning
should precede the purchase of materials. However these four
Q units will by no means give one at lasting knowledge of clothing.
.` Fashions are changing continually and with each change come
. new methods of construction, new finishes, new materials and
new lines and designs in dress. A girl must be alert and observ-
1 ing, if she would continue to be well-dressed. The clothing pro-
  grain has been devised to tix in the mind of the club girl good
  clothing principles which when practiced will become permanent.

4 Ifcvzfuc/.·y Extensioiz Circular N0. 255  
Q $` i A.
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T B.
UNIT nv -
]. Planning and making a complete outfit. suitable for street
or travel. This includes: ¥
(a) Taking an inventory of the wardrobe. "
(li) Planning a clothing budget for the year.
(c) Making a tailored or semi-tailored d1·ess or suit. C
(d) Making one or more undergarments to be worn with ·
this costume and selecting the other undergarments
needed to complete this outfit. 4
(e) Selecting or making the hat. if
(f) Selecting shoes and hose. Y
(g) Selecting or making other accessories needed to com- 3
plete the ensemble. { X
Note; At least three of the arments in the outfit-  
gi f
above, exclusive of accessories are to be made. The others,
she may make or purchase. ’
2. Making a ehild`s dress or suit, or both, for a child two to _
six weeks of age. ‘
3. Keeping an accurate record of all clothing expenditures {
during the year.  
‘ 4, lixhibiting the outiit in thc county exhibit and style show. i

i The 4-H Club Girl’s Street or Travel Costume 5
A, l\IATERIAl.S. The undergarments should match or harmonize
» in color with the dress. Mercerized cottons, synthetic
fabrics and wash silks are suitable for undergarments for a,
. tailored wool or silk dre.·;s. lf the underwear is purchased, · 
— knitted bloomers or combinations in cotton, silk or synthetic
E libers are wise choices. Garments worn next to the body {
should be white or of a delicate color. Costume slips may
 ° harmonize in color with the dress. Beige or iflesh shades
‘ usually harmonize with any color.
  B. PATTERNS. The style and type of the outergarment should
  be considered when deciding on the lines of thc undergar-
 T ments. Therefore, it is necessary to select undergarment
 , patterns after deciding on the style and material for the
et  V dress. Yokes and darts in bloomers and shorts help eliminate
 I bulk. Slips with fitted lines give a smooth foundation.
i Remember that undergarments are the foundation for the
Q dress.
T C. DEooR.xT1oN. Very little decoration should be used.
th  _ Tailored undergarments are best with tailored outergar-
tts ` ments. A few hand touches as bindings sewed down by
  hand, feather stitching or other simple decorative stitches
 _ may add to their attractiveness.
in-  Q DRESS OR SUl'l`.
_  i A. l\`l;\TERI.\l-S. lf the 4-ll elub girl has used a silk or synthetic
im  _i fabric in ['nit. lll, she should choose wool material for the
rS’  i` dress in this unit. lf she has never worked with silk she
to  ll may choose either a silk or wool fabric. By the time a
 [ wrl iinishes all four projects in clothing she should have
g  ` made garments from medium weight cotton, sheer cotton,
W5  j_ silk or synthetic fabrics and wool. lf she can not afford
. i_  all—wool or all-silk material, she may substitute a combina-
)“'   tion wool and cotton or a synthetic fabric.

 ¤ .
6 Kentucky Extension Circular N0. 255 ·
B. PATTERNS. A suit, ensemble, two-piece or a one—piece dress `
may be chosen. Select a tailored design that is suited to the _
A individual and to the material. Simplicity and good line ke
  are requisites for attractive tailored garments. _ ch
_ C. SUGGESTIONS Fos l\LtK1No. Good workmanship and perfect .  
. fitting are essential. Pinning, basting and pressing help in L th
producing a well-tailored garment. The material deter- F,
mines the type of seam. Usually a plain seam with either . M
stitched, overcast or pinked edges is satisfactory. Many
tailored dresses have the seams stitched down on the top  i
side and the two edges of the seam underneath overcast  
together. See manual for detailed instructions.   A
A study should be made on the selection of becoming and · B
* practical hats, as the effectiveness of the costume partially  
depends on the hat. lf hats in the prevailing style are easy to Q
make the 4-H club girl may make her hat. Attractive soft tams i
and berets can be made easily and economically of velvet or  I C
scraps of tweed, flannel, or other dress materials. The more f
difficult types should not be attempted by girls who have had no {
training in this art. VVhen selecting a hat one should stand  ·
before a full-length mirror. It should be considered first in ii 
relation to the general silhouette, next in relation to the face
and then in relation to the whole costume. The hat need not be . A
expensive but it should he carefully chosen.  _
Shoes should be of durable leather and simple in design as  i
the oxford or strap. The heel should be low or of medium . 
height. They should harmonize in color with the costume.  {
Hose should harmonize with the costume and be lighter in Q
color than the shoes with which they are to be worn. They may   .
V be of service weight silk or lisle, depending on the material used  Q
in the costume. `

   The 4-II Club Gt¢‘Z’s Street or Travel Costume 7
16 Accessories include hat, gloves, shoes, hose, bag, scarf, hand-
ie kerchief, tie and jewelry. Great care should be exercised in the
if choice of accessories as they may make or mar the costume.
I Little or no jewelry should be worn. Sometimes a scarf, hand-
ct .. kerchief, purse or a string of beads, carefully chosen, will add ‘ 
m e the needed bright touch of color to an otherwise dull costume. ,
Y`  ._ For travel clothes it is wise to use small amounts of very bright I
if { and intense colors. V
ly  =,
s ’ 
 Q A. IlIATERL\LS. Choose a durable, nonshrinkable, firm, evenly
 Qi woven, colorfast material. Print, gingham and broadcloth
 ‘ are suggested.
  B. I’.vr·rEnNs. Select a type that will be comfortable, easy for
id . . . . .
W , the child to adjust and easily laundered. This pattern
,,0  5 should incorporate the new ideas of simplicity and "self-
Us  { help." (W1·ite for circulars on Children’s Clothing.)
OF  W C. Sueorsrions Fon IACIAKING. Children’s garments require
re   accurate cutting and straight, {ine, close stitching. They
no  a sl1ould allow ample room for body freedom and growth.
id  .
ce `
bc ‘ A. INvENTonY. At the beginning of the project make an inven-
  tory of tl1e individual wardrobe. In listing the garments
and articles on hand, consider:
  I. Articles that cannot be used by the individual but may
 ld be passed on to some other 1I1€IHl.)€1' of the family.
as   2. Articles that are usable but need repair.
-m {  3. Articles that are worth remodeling.
_ F 4. Garments that are wearable as they are.
m  ¢ 5. Things that must bc bought during the year.
ay  ’· This listing and checking of the wardrobe will show the
Cd   individual ’s clothing problem for the year.

 l —
8 Kentucky Extension Circular N0. .955 `
B. BUDGET. A clothing budget is nothing more than a plan i
for meeting the individual ’s clothing problems. The
account of all money spent on clothing in the third unit ·
will be a guide in determining the amount of 1110110)* that is _ T
needed for this year`s budget. Usually about one-seventh
of the family income is spent on clothing and the 4-H club ·
girl should plan to use her portion wisely. After discussing
this with her parents and deciding how much money is `
available for her clothing budget, she should list all the ;
clothing needed for the year, as shown by the inventory.
The total cost of all these articles should not exceed the c
amount of money allowed in this budget. lf there is not  _
enough money for all the clothing needed, the actual neces- T
sities should he considered first. Careful planning and
buying often will do wonders with small budgets, and give
much satisfaction to the individual.
_  i 'l

  I The 4-H Club Girlis Street or Travel Costume 9
`hc UNIT Iv. _
uh I Business. Plan project work for entire year,
ub . Discussion. The value of a clothing inventory and
H., how to make one. The clothing I 
·. · budget. Home Demonstration Agent.
lh —, O · ,
the . \\TO1-k_ Begin planning the costume for this
ry. I unit. Cut pictures of dresses and
{hc I undergarments from fashion maga-
tm  l zines and Inake a poster oI· booklet.
res- i'  Home `Work. Select samples of materials. Complete
Ml posters. Make the inventory of per-
ive y sonal wardrobe before the next meet-
. ing.
L Work. Plan individual budget, using inventory.
 I Discussion. HTIIB \Vell-Dressed (}irl." Heine De-
G monstration Agent.
. Posters and booklets.
· Home \Vork. Discuss inventory and budget plans with
 V· parents.
Z Discussion. Ready—to-wear undergarments versus
 ; those made at home. New pattern
jj lines.
 _ Demonstration. Materials suitable for undergarinents.
g Leader.
 ‘. r . _ .
 < ll Oili Cut an undergarment pattern and decide
_  on the kind and amount of material
 . needed.
it  Home \Vork. Purchase Inaterial Hlld cut undergar-
 _ ments.

 1 L
i 1.0 Kentucky Erteizsioiz Circular N0. 255
Fonirrrr Mnizrrmc;. "'l`nn ENsr:M12LE.’·’ . l
Discussion. "The Ensemble Vogue." (Frock, Hat, I EU
Slices, Hose, Bag, Etc.) Leader and ` _
Girls. r
Choosing the design and the color to suit A
the individual. Home Demonstration `
Agent. _ i
Outlining a team demonstration. V A
])emonstrati0n. Tailoring undergarments. G
lV0rk. Fitting and seaming undergarments. A Nl
Plan finishes for undergarnients. if
Home \Vork. Sewing undergarinents.  
Buy any trinnnings or finishes needed. T-
Fnrrn Mmrrrne. Dnnss DESIGN—TEA Piurry. A
VVOrl<. l<`inishing undergarments. r
Planning the dress. Pattern lines.
Discussion. Testing wool, silk and synthetic fabrics. i T]
Demonstration. Choosing becoming colors. Leader.  Q
Home \V0rl<. Buy dress material and pattern.  
Recreation. Tea party.  
Srxrir l\[1·:1c*r1NG. CU*r*r1NG, B.xsu·1NG AND Frrrnm Dmzssns. A
Demonstration. Placing patterns on material. .
Scams for wool and silk.  T
\Vork. Cutting, basting and fitting dresses. if E
Discussion. Dress Decorations. I
Home Vllork. Stitch scams, darts, etc., in dress. ’
Purchasing materials needed.
Snvizivrii l\lm;·r1NG. Accnsson~1r;s——W1s1s BUUNG.  i
Vllork. Dresses. A,
Discussion. Accessories for the individual costume.  
A Club Girl.  S
\\'ise buying. Home Demonstration ·
A gent.  r
Demonstration. Tailored finishes. Leader.  i
· "Judging the E1lS•3111Dl€.H Club Girls.  

 is The 4-H Club GirZ’s Street or Travel Costume 11
. Home XVOrk. Buy material for children’s garments.
.t .
d . . Eiourn l\I1;m·1No. J Uoenso CHILDREN’S CLOTHING.
Work. Cut garment and plan seams and
it .· finishes.
pl i Discussion. How to judge children’s clothing,
1 . .
Leader and g`11`lS. i 
 ‘ Home \Vork. Making child’s garment. Buy any
. needed trimming. ‘
Nixrn Mizmiuo. Sicmoriox or I·Lv1·s Axo Snons.
Q Work. Complete children’s garments.
Q Discussion. Becoming hats and how to choose them.
- f Home Demonstration Agent.
if Demonstration. Shoes that are right in every particular.
’ A Club Girl.
° Home lVork. Plan accessories but do not buy.
’S· f Tnurn Mnirriue. "F1N1sH-Ur/’ —
i`  Business. Plan the coininunity style show.
 2 Work. Make an accessory, or take a trip to
T stores to shop for hats and other acces-
;S_   · sories.
. Home lVork. Complete all work and bring clothing
f  record and account book up-to-date.
 i’ Ennvmrrei l\'[ElZ'[`ING. Coiumuxiry Srrm Snow AND Tm.
 t Mothers invited.
·ls. Q

 12 Kmfuc/.·y E.r{mz.<2'0n (.'ireu/ar N0. .L’.·3.·7  I
·.  1.
P1.1z.1s-11v·r XYALLEY CLUB--1930 it _ 2.
1. 100% Coinpletions.  
y 3.
2. Every girl €11l‘O11 one new 111€11l1)C1‘. ‘ 
3. Every girl write the program i11 l1€l` book.   4·
4. Every girl keep l1er work up—to-date. I
5. Every 111Cl11l)€1’ exhibit 11er work i11 the (2011111y exhibit.  _.
.  V 6.
6. Send am de111o11st.rz1t1o11 team to the county contest.  
7. A news item i11 the paper twiee 21 111011111.   7_
8. 100% attendanee at. t11e eou11ty ae11ieveme11t. program in  2
November. ii 8.
9. Have three personal hygiene lessons during the project. ‘
· 9.
 I 10.
 ifi 11
 Y 12

   The 4-H Club Gli1·l’s Street er Travel Costume 13
 lj GOA 
  ...............,,....................... Club ,.......... . .......»..l........ 193 ........
  1. l.le...el.ee...e.eee.el.l.e.eee.e.eeeeee.l..l..l.,le....,leeee..ell..........lel.leeleeeelTl.eee.eelee.eeleeee....le.llell....  
  . 2. TT.TeeT..eee,eeel.ee.l.ee.ee...,eel..l...,eeeeeeeeel..e...eeee,e....eeeeel..eleell..Tel.eeee.,.e.eelee....el....ee.eel.,.....l 1
  3_ ________,_,_ , ...__...............l~,...... . ..............A..........»................................... . .....».A........v....
 _   ______________________ _ ____________,..,_,_,,,,,_,._,,...,.,..,.......,.... . ............................ .. .....................
  5_ ____________,_,,____.,,,,,,,..,,,,....... . .....................l.......,..................................................... .
 i 6, .........................................................................A............v...................................... .
in   T. ..........,.....__.,,....._,,,....l..,,,....................................,.,................l..............,...............
 . ss. ....,,..........._....,l..................».,,..,,..,..........,.....»............_._..._.__._.__,___________,___A__l.______,,
 i. 9. ......,.,........_,.......__..,,,,..............__.......,_``   ...,.,_.____,....,...`__.,,.......__,__A,__.`..,,..........,....
  10. ................__..._.__________________...______________.__________.___________._________,,.,_______________   -___________  
  11. ..............______________.____._____,___________________________________,_______.__________________________________________
  12_ __________________>________________________________Y_________________________________ _ ____,__________________________________
 ` * This page is for recording club goals.

 U 14 Ifeaziucky Emension Circular N0. .255  il
Date ..........................................................,_   _
Business .........................................,.........,.....,....................................,..`..............,__,  
-----·-·-----»·--.---··-··---... . -........v................~.......................................·................................ ..   DGH]
Demonstration .,..............,.................»............................................................»......,___ g  __»_____
................................ . ..........A............................,.................................................,....4..___A  [ Disc
Discussion ..........................,..........,....................................................................._.,,,__   _  
-----·-· —· ·--··-····-----·· · --·- - ---···-·· ·· ----·--- » ····-·· · ···---- ~ ·---·-· --~·. ----·--·-·· ~-·· -----··.----· ·-. --..-· » -...... . ..... ._    
Work ..................................i...............v.....................................................>...................  j ________
Home Work .....i..................,......................................i.......................................,...... 3 H ______
Date ......................................................i.....  _ '
Business .........,............................................................,.,........,.,,_.....,,._,.............. . .... L Bus?
Demonstration ..................,.,......__..___,,,,____________,_______________ _ _______________________________________    
_ Den
Discussion ......,.A.... , ..,.,_______,______________________ _ ____________________________,___________________________________  L Dist
Work .....................................................,................._,_ , ,___________________________________________r..., E Wm
Home Work .....,........__,..,_,,,____,_,___,_____,_______________ _ __________________________ _ _________ _ A__________ _ t_   
" " l- Hoi

 it The 4-H Club GirZ’s Street or Travel Costume 15
  Date .........A.........................,........................
.``'  j Business ..,...........`.......v.............................................................................................
····   ,__A____...........,.....»...... . ..................................................................,..................................
·»··  t_ Demonstration .......................».....................,............_.._....,,__._,,...______.,,_,____________ _ _____ ` '
‘·‘·  ` Discussion ..................,.......................A................................»......................................
····  V Work ......................»,......................................................................,.............................
‘‘·‘·   Home Work ...,...............,......................................................_.....__,,.._,,.,.,,,,_,_____,_,_  
 1 Foimwn BIEETING
‘‘‘‘‘ _ l Dato ..........,............................................,....
``''` Ei  Business ..,,...........,._.....................i............_..........i................,...,............,....._........,...
    DGHlOHSt1'ZltiO11 _,____ A ___,___________,__ _ _____________,_,_________________________________________,____,_________________
'`'''   _ Discussion ____________________,________,_____,._____,____________,,,_____________,,,___,,___,__.,,,,____,.......,_..___._,_,
‘‘'‘‘`   Work ........__.___________>_____,__,______________ _ _________________,___A_______________________________________________________
`'````  ‘· _ Home Work ....i,_____,____._____,___,_____.,__....__...._.......,.....,._,.__,..,,,,,___,_____.._..,,__.,_,,____,__.____
....·.   ff ````”`````"```‘```'i‘`‘```‘i‘‘ ` `````‘‘‘`’‘‘‘‘‘`’‘‘‘i`‘ii‘‘‘‘`°`‘‘’‘‘``‘‘‘‘’i```‘‘‘‘‘‘``‘‘‘‘`i‘````‘`‘‘‘`‘`‘‘`‘‘`‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘``’‘‘‘‘‘`‘‘‘

16 Kcm'ucL·y E,cfcns2Y0n Circular N0. 255  in
FIFTH l\I12m·1No  S`
Date .......`.......................4,...,,.........,...,,______ _  
Business ...............,............,................_....4. _ .»...,...`._A.._........A_,V_,__,______A_,__,,______,,____,__ _   Bum
Domonstrzxtion ....._.______,,__________________A,_,,__________________,________________________________________ _ __A_____  { Dem
Discussion .....,......,......,,.........,,.,i.......,.....,...._.................,.._...,.__.................._._,__________  { Discl
Vvork       _     Wm-].
Home Work ....>.............................................i.i.....................................................,.__  ;. Hom
Date ........ . ................i.,,.............i................ _
Business ......................,............,..,i.............................,............,.,......_...,....._.......i.i....  ' Busl
Demonstration .........>.......,.................i......,..........................i...,..>..........i..................  i Dem
DISCUSSION ................,...............................__.................__,.,__,,....___,,,_,__A_._,___.__A__,.,.......   . ISC
Work ...`....,.......i..............,..........._A.____.......,_,____,,_,________________ _ __________,___ _ _________________,_....   WOT
Home \V0rk ......._.,........ . ..,.__,,.._..,_..,..,_..____________,____________________________________________,___.,_..  ’ _ m

 Y; The 4-H Club Girl’s Street or Travel C'0stunz.e 17
  . Date .............,..............................,...............
  Business ....,.........A.............-...........................»..................»»..-............»...,.....·v........----
  ·, DOI11011Stl`8ti0H ..............,..................................................,................,..........A............
   A_# ` Discussion ...............».................................................................................................. h
V'''   s wm-1; ................................................».............................................t...,..........s.,............
--».  {,   ``‘`'i*"````''`'```"“``"```` ` ```````'‘```"````'``````'i```````````‘‘‘```"`‘`‘‘‘'‘``"‘‘`‘``‘`’‘‘`‘‘‘`'‘`’‘````’‘`‘‘`‘```````‘`‘‘`‘`
   ‘ Home Work .........,..........»...,....._______._.,_._________________________________________,_____________ _ ___________
 °L Eiuutmi i\[mT1NG
  Date ........................,...,..__,,.........................
 ·· Business ____.,____,_______________________________________A_____________________,_____________________,_____________________
  Y  Demoiistmtion _____________________________________,,___________________________________,_______________________________
    Discussion __,_,,___________,________,_________________________________A_____,,______________________________________________
    ·--—---·~-- » Y·-~---».»..... . ...i.................. . ............i.......,..... . ......... . ,.................,,......... . ..............
 i \V0l`k ......._._._,_______,,__ _ __________,,,,_____,_____..,.....,.._....,_,,,,_,__.,.,..,...___,....,,..,__,,_,,........,..,,,....
   V- HOIUG vW01‘k ____________ _ _________________________________________________________,_,,___>_________,______________,_______
1  ·--»~-»·-»--.-».......... . ..,... . ..........,s...........,,.................»....».....................,,.>»,.................i.i.,,...

18 I{entucky Extension Cirgulgr N0_ 255  
N11~:T11 l\i[12m*1NG  Q  
Date .,.......................................................___  ;,
Business ...,........`..,..........,..,.........,...............,.........................................................,..   Bus
D<¤¤¤¤S¤·=»¤¤¤ »»---·-»--»»---`-»-.................._..... . ............A.»........._...............................».....  °_  
Discussion ..............................,....................,................................................».....i....... _  Dm
Work ....i...........................................A....................,.........................,».........................._   WO]
Home Work ...............A.........,._...,..`.....A....,...,............._....__..,.__.,,.__`...`..,.._.__,.____________   Hm
Tiaivru i\*[1im*1NG  {
Date ....................i............,...........i.............. i
Business .,...,.................,..........,.............................,...................................................  ` Bu;
D¤m<>¤S¤‘¤ti<>¤ ---»»-·»--——----~»----»........................... . ....».........A.......................»...........»- ·· I De
Discussion ......4............................................,...............................>..............>...........    · Di:
VVO1‘k ....................i...................»...Y....·.....-.A..A..........·.....A.».................................------ - -·-·  ; `\\'m
Home Work .............,.,................ . ...i....,............................................,...........i...........  D H<

   The 4-H Club Girlie Street or Travel Costume 19
··  ; j» Date ........................................................,...
"  i‘ Business ...............»..........................·............».».......................»...............»..................
   { DenI0nst1‘ati0l1 .............................»............`...».».....................Y......................»............
   kl Discussion .YA...................A........,................................... . .......»...............,........._.....,_...i
  Q won; ....,».........................»..,e............,»...............,.................,..._..............................,.....
   ` Home Work ....,..........,..._....__,.......__....,____,__,,..____.,________,_________,_____________,___,,______,,______
·--·  1 Date ..........»....,.............,»`...............,...,........
....  I Business .__e.....l,.____..._____.....___,_,,..__.___...____________,_____________________,___________,________,________,_,__
    Dernonstration ..,...................I...........................................___I__,,..__,______,_______,________,_,_
....  I Dis(:us;si0u ____________________________,______,______________________________________________________,__>_,__________________
---·  ` `\\'rn‘k .,,,_,,,I,___,__ _ ___,_.__.,..,.................,.>...... . ...................,...........,........_, , ,____________,_____,__
...·- Home \VOI·k ..____,.____.__,...,................,.................,...........,,....,,,.,.,,_,,____________________,_ _ ____

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