xt754746r763 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt754746r763/data/mets.xml The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. 2011 bulletins  English The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletins Frontier Nursing Service, Vol. 86, No. 4, June 2011 text Frontier Nursing Service, Vol. 86, No. 4, June 2011 2011 2011 2014 true xt754746r763 section xt754746r763 eo?} YIURSINQOQPL
]une 2011 I Volume 86 I Number 4   S f £§ 5
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“Our aim has always been
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and cm a larger scale.”
l - Mary Breckinridge

US ISSN O016—2116 1
Introduction to FNS l ·_
The Journey — Jane Leigh Powell 2
President’s Report- Dx Susan Stone 5
Frontier School of Midwifery & Family Nursing Update
— Dx Susan Stone 9
Beyond the Mountains l0
Field Notes 16
Alumni Spotlight on Mary Jo Ytzen 20
Footprints 23
In Memoriam 25
Cover Photo: Historic photo of Mary Breckinridge from the FNS Archives
Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletin is published at the end of
each quarter. Subscription Price $5 a year for Donors/$15 for Institu— ¤
tions. Periodicals postage paid at Wendover, Kentucky 4l775 and at
additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to
FNS, Inc. 132 FNS Drive, Wendover, Kentucky. Copyright FNS/Inc. »
All Rights Reserved. The Frontier Nursing Service does not share its
donor mailing list.

5 Introduction to Frontier Nursing Service (FNS)
I Mary Breckiniidge spent her early years in many parts ofthe world —
  Russia, France, Switzerland and the British Isles. After the deaths
_l of her two children, she abandoned the homebound life expected
  of women of her class to devote herself to the service of others,
  particularly mothers and children.
1* Mary Breckinridge founded the Frontier Nursing Service in
f 1925 after several years of studying and practicing nursing and
  midwifery in the United States, England, Scotland and France.
lt was the first organization in America to use nurses trained as
midwives collaborating with a single medical doctor/obstetrician,
  based at their small hospital in Hyden. Originally the staff was
1 composed of nurse—midwives trained in England. They traveled
  on horseback and on foot to provide quality prenatal and child-
,1 birth care in the client’s own home. In 1939, Mrs. Breckinridge
  established a school of nurse-midwifery. The school provided
g graduates, many of whom stayed to offer care to families in
Leslie County, Ky.
Today, Mrs. Breckinridge’s legacy extends far beyond Eastem
Kentucky through the Frontier School of Midwifery and Family
Nursing, which offers a Doctor of Nursing Practice degree and
p a Master of Science in Nursing degree with tracks as a Nurse-
  Midwife, Family Nurse Practitioner and Women’s Healthcare
  Nurse Practitioner.
, Mary Breckinridge’s home, The Big House, located at Wen-
r dover, is a licensed Bed & Breakfast Inn. For more information
or reseryations, call 606-672-2317 or e—rnail: 1nichael.claussen@
r Mary Breckinridge said: "Our aim has always been to see our-
selves surpassed, and on a larger scale." (I/Wde Neighborhoods,
. 1952)
1 www.fr0ntiersch00I.edu
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The Journey I
by Jane Leigh Powe//,  
C hairinan ofthe Board of Governors {
As I wrote in the recent Quarterly Bulletin and in a separate ri
letter to our friends and supporters, the Frontier Nursing Service
(FNS) is undergoing significant changes. We are saddened and
optimistic about the future of the Frontier Nursing Service. On `
one hand, we are saddened to relinquish our direct role in the  
provision of healthcare services to the people of Leslie County I
and surrounding counties. For over 85 years, we have provided Q
quality care through our employment of nurse—midwives, nurse _
practitioners and physicians and our operation of rural health I
clinics and the Mary Breckinridge Hospital. However, we must I
face the current healthcare climate, acknowledge external factors r
affecting healthcare that are beyond our control, and seize the I
opportunity to make quality healthcare available for the residents  
in our southeastem Kentucky area. For this reason, the Board of
Governors solicited buyers for the healthcare entities ofthe FNS. I
We are pleased to announce that Appalachian Regional Health- i
care (ARH) has entered into a Letter of Intent to purchase the I
hospital, clinics and home health agency. lf the sale succeeds, it  
will ensure that the region maintains local access to healthcare I
and our employees can remain employed.
On the other hand, we are excited about the future ofthe Frontier
School of Midwifery & Family Nursing (FSMFN). FSMFN is the
"child" ofthe Frontier Nursing Service. Up until 20l l, FSMFN I
was a subsidiary of FNS, Inc., but has grown into a successful
"adult” and now operates as an independent entity with ownership I
and responsibility for our historic headquarters at Wendover. The   ».
success of FSM FN has gone beyond our expectations and has  
fulti lled the vision of Mary Breckinridge to see her demonstration  
project replicated throughout the country and world. I ‘
We are fortunate to have an accomplished leader in Dr. Susan I
Stone, President & Dean of FSMFN. President Stone has been  
associated with the FNS for twenty years and has been instrtr- I

i mental in the growth and success of the F SMFN. She is already
l planning a $10 million dollar campaign to fund an endowment
  for Wendover and FSMFN.
., We will keep you infonned about the future ofthe healthcare en-
tities and hope we can report positive results in the next Quarterly
Bulletin. As always, we are grateful for your continued support
* of the FNS and appreciate your letters and e—1nails expressing
, concern for our current situation.
i Press Release: April 21, 2011 e Appalachian Regional
S Healthcare, lnc. (ARH) and Frontier Nursing Service, Inc.
{ (FNS) announced today that they have entered into a letter of
  intent for ARH to acquire Mary Breckinridge Hospital and all
Q related healthcare services. FNS and ARH hope to finalize the
transaction within the next 60 to 90 days after the completion of
  the due diligence, which is usual and customary for a transaction
  of this complexity.
Jane Leigh Powell, Chainnan ofthe FNS Board of Govemors,
said the sale will ensure that Hyden and Leslie County continue
to have local access to quality healthcare. "We were committed
to identifying an organization that would continue to provide
l quality healthcare in the greater Leslie County service area.
I ARH has been the leading provider of care in eastern Kentucky
L for more than 55 years and, in fact, statistics from the Kentucky
i ` Hospital Association show that 47 percent ofthe people in Leslie
  County already go to ARH for their healthcare needs," Powell
1 _ said. "The ARH health system is consistently recognized for its
l quality and commitment to excellent patient care. We are confident
that through this transaction, the health of our communities will
be in the best of hands and are pleased that 160 employees will
“ keep their jobs."

Powell said the F NS Board ofGovemors has been working with  
Alliant Management, a Louisville—based hospital management  
company, for the past year to stabilize the healthcare operation’s g
finances. However, as has been the case throughout the country, a I
number ofstand—alone hospitals are merging with larger healthcare  
systems in order to continue to be viable and sustainable. This
transaction between FNS and ARH is consistent with what is
occurring in the healthcare environment today. ARH affords Mary  
Breckinridge Hospital and its related healthcare services stability  
and the opportunity to grow the services it provides.
ARH President and CEO Jerry W. Haynes said it is ARH’s .
longstanding mission to ensure all residents of eastern Kentucky  
and southern West Virginia have local access to the medical  
services they need. I
Much like the FNS, the ARH system has a deep history of  
sewing the healthcare needs ofthe people of eastern Kentucky, I
Haynes said. "We are extremely proud that Mary Breckinridge I
Hospital and its related healthcare services will now be a part i
of the ARH system and our long-term plans for the future of I
healthcare in eastern Kentucky. ARH is truly honored to have  
the opportunity to continue the legacy of Mrs. Breckinridge and  
the healthcare services she created."  
~ ‘l

News from the Frontier
1 by Di: Susan Stone, President & Dean
In April, the FNS Board of Governors and the FSMFN Board of
§ Directors convened in the Big House to plan for the future of the
l= Frontier Nursing Service as heavy rain poured down on Wendover.
I Important decisions about the healthcare services were made,
f which Chainnan Powell has outlined for you on the previous pages.
l The meeting concluded with board members climbing carefully
down the stone path in front of Wendover to reach their cars, which
had been moved to the Wendover Post Office when the Middle
Fork River began to rise. As in times past, Wendover Road was
completely flooded. Even though there are many changes, some
things remain the same.
For those of you not familiar with Wendover, it is the historic
headquarters of the Frontier Nursing Service. The Wendover
campus is home to the Big House and several other buildings
of historical significance. lt continues to operate as a bed and
breakfast and office headquarters for development and facilities
management. As most of you know, Wendover was the original
home of Mary Breckinridge.
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Closely examine this historic photo ofthe Big House,
and you will see Mary Breckinridge posing with I
former Frontier Nursing Service Director Helen Browne. I
The Big House looks very much today as it did in the past. I
Mary Breckinridge wrote of Wendover in her biography.  
It was on one o m rst rides alone that I rst saw Wendover
. Y. .
. . . I rode down Muncy Creek, forded the Middle Fork and rode
slowlv along its banks. I thought I had never seen anything
lovelier than the lay ofthe land with its southern exposure
_ racing the great North Mountain. When I raised my eyes
to towering forest trees, and then let them _ fall on a cleared
lace where one mi ht have a arden, when I assed some
8 g P
jutting rocks, I _ fell in love. To myseh’ and to my horse I said
"Someday I 'm going to build me a log house right there. " Iwo I‘
years later I did.  
— Mary Breckinridge, from I/Wde Neighborhoods (1952, I
republished by The University Press of Kentucky, 1982)
ln 1925, Mary Breckinridge began construction of the two-
story log cabin to be her home and the office from which she
administered the Frontier Nursing Service and the Frontier School

  of Midwifery & Family Nursing. Wendover has always been the
center of Frontier Nursing hospitality — Mrs. Breckinridge often
gave up her own bed to accommodate guests, colleagues, and
even sick children.
i One result of the organizational changes is that the Frontier
School of Midwifery and Family Nursing is assuming
· responsibility for Wendover. FSMFN is honored to acquire
1 the historical headquarters of the Frontier Nursing Service at
Wendover and plans to keep the rich heritage of Frontier Nursing
Service and Mary Breckinridge alive for future generations.
FSMFN plans to further Wendover’s development into a national
  nursing and midwifery retreat center.
  An important plan approved at the April board meeting was
  the launch of a fundraising campaign. To ensure the future of
1 Wendover, FSMFN is embarking on a campaign to raise $10
i million to increase the endowment fund, which has suffered
greatly during the last three difficult years. The FSMFN
i Endowment Campaign has a goal of raising $10 million over
the next fve years. The endowment will be divided between
two funds, $4 million to create the Wendover Endowment and $6
million to create the FSMFN Foundation Endowment.
  The Wendover Endowment will provide funds to support
  the operations and maintenance of our historic treasure, which
l currently total $400,000 annually. To this day, FSMFN maintains
1 the tradition of hosting dinners and other events for students as
j they progress through their course of study, creating lifelong
j personal friendships and professional contacts. During the
  students’ visit to campus, the dinner and evening enjoyed at
_ Wendover are a critical event in their journey to becoming
Frontier nurse—midwives and nurse practitioners. lt is during this
"pilgrimage" that the pioneering, passionate, and altruistic spirit
j of Frontier Nursing is solidified within each student.
' Wendover was designated as a National Historic Landmark in
1991 and in 2001 was licensed as a bed and breakfast. The Bed &
Breakfast Inn has eight guestrooms — four in The Big House and
four in the The Barn, which also houses the gift shop and historic

photo gallery. The Bed & Breakfast Inn offers a cozy, warm and `
stress-free getaway for travelers who share Mrs. Breckinridge’s r
love of the beauty of the Appalachian Mountains. However, the I
affordable rates, even at maximum capacity, are insufficient to
cover the daily operations ofthe headquarters and maintenance of l
its historic facilities. In addition to the guest quarters, the Garden
House and the Livery are located on the Wendover campus. The _
development office and bed and breakfast offices are located with
the Garden House. The Livery is an ideal location for staff, faculty
and visitor retreats.
lncorne from The Wendover Endowment will ensure that the
Wendover property is carefully maintained and secure. The Bed  
and Breakfast will strive to host over 3,500 visitors each year,  
and we estimate more than twenty—iive groups each year will I
participate in the historical tour. Additionally, Wendover will
continue to host nearly 1,000 students during their campus stays.  
Endowment income will provide the stability needed to share our
treasure with a national audience.
‘AW€l7ClOV€}'! There Ls n0 place like it in the world! "
— Helen E. Browne, Director of FNS, 1965-1975  
The F SMFN Foundation Endowment will support two new  
Chair positions, the Chair for Family Nursing and the Chair for  
Midwifery and Women’s Health. A Frontier professorship will also E
be supported by the endowment. This professorship will serye to l
focus scholarly efforts on the historical significance ofthe Frontier  
Nursing Service. Funds also will be designated toward campus  
facilities to maintain our historical buildings and improve facilities ·
located on the FSMF N campus located in Hyden, Kentucky, five l
miles from the Wendover site. .
This is an exciting time for FSMFN. We have the opportunity  
to preserve our past while focusing on our future. Thank you to 1
all whose support we could not function without.  

{ Name Change for the Frontier School
r 0f Midwifery & Family Nursing
  by D1: Susan Stone, President & Dean
ln a letter mailed to our supporters and alumni in early May, we
l shared the exciting news that the Frontier School of Midwifery and
Family Nursing will officially change its name to Frontier Nursing
_ University on July I, 201 l. Originally named the Frontier Graduate
School of Midwifery, the Hrst change came when we became known
as the Frontier School of Midwifery and Family Nursing to reflect
our addition of the family nurse practitioner track to the MSN
program. Once again, it has become necessary to change the name
. of our institution to best reiiect the programs and degrees offered.
i This change in name represents a milestone in the history of our
t institution: we are a University — recognized for our outstanding
. graduate degree programs — both domestically and worldwide. The
  evolution of the name reflects both the amazing ‘chronicle’ of our
i past, as well as the incredible opportunities that lie in our future.
These milestones are attributable to the far-reaching vision of
Mary Breckinridge, the encouragement ofthe Board of Governors,
the dedication of our faculty, staff, students and alumni and the
i increasing worldwide demand for trained women’s and family
I healthcare professionals. By combining the Frontier Nursing
  heritage with the academic prestige of the University title, we will
{ be able to more appropriately describe our unique institution.
i As you will read throughout this edition ofthe Quarterly Bulletin,
{ Frontier is a diverse and accomplished institution with much to be
' proud of. We are honoring our past via our preservation and use of
E Wendover and our historic campus. We are focusing on the future
g through our participation and influence in national discussions,
I our innovative methods for delivering high-quality instruction
.' in a distance format, and our ability to train thousands of nurse-
W midwives and nurse practitioners who are delivering care to those
  in rural and underserved areas across the globe.
I We invite you to celebrate with us as we move forward as
` Frontier Nursing University, and we welcome your feedback.
i Leam more about our name change at WWl4{fl`OI7fiC}‘.YC/700].€(1,Ll/
nan1echangeFA Qs. lf you have questions or concems please contact
the Office of Development at 662.846.l967 or a/z1rnniservices@

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F ormcr FNS C ouriers Marian Leibold uml  
Muiy Cussizbi ut the Cincinnati dinner I
Frontier Hosts Annual Cincinnati
and Washington, D.C., Committee Events I
Mary Breckinridge established committees of supporters in i
various cities, including New York, Washington, D.C., Boston, i
Philadelphia and others. Annual committee meetings, held at I
the homes of supporters, local clubs or restaurants, served as a i
purposeful time for Mrs. Breckinridge to report on the work of I
Frontier. This gave Frontier supporters time to learn about the I
impoitant progress of Frontier and urgent needs of the service.  
And stories from committee members also tell the tale of very fun  
times had by all those who attended. Derby parties hosted by Mrs.  
Marvin Breekinridge Patterson in her Washington, D.C., home are  
fondly remembered by all who attended.  
Frontier continues to gather the city committee members today. i
Each year we coordinate luncheons or dinners to visit with friends, I
supporters, faculty, alumni and students in the cities ofNew York, I
Rochester, Philadelphia, Boston, Washington, D.C., Cincinnati,
Louisville and Lexington. We encourage you to attend these
committee events in your region. We very much enjoy meeting  
eveiyone in person! 1

On May 12, we hosted our second annual Frontier Committee
dinner in Cincinnati. Marian Leibold, former FNS Courier,
graciously helped to arrange the dinner hosted at the Cincinnati
Country Club. Supporters, alumni and students joined together
I to visit, share memories, and hear recent updates from the School.
President Susan Stone provided a thorough review of our current
work, recent changes and future plans. Guests at the dinner included
` two Pioneer alumni, Charlotte Wittekind and Lillian Link, who
graduated from the first nurse practitioner program in the 1970s.
Also in attendance were several other students, recent alumni and
fonner courier Mary Cassidy. We were pleased to see our friends
in the Cincinnati area and look forward to next year’s event!
On May 19, President Stone and staff traveled to Washington,
D.C., to host an event for area supporters, alumni and students.
, Frontier hosted its annual luncheon at the Irish Inn in Glen
1 Echo, Maryland. More than 30 guests attended this event,
where President Stone provided a presentation to bring everyone
up—to—date with our work and future plans. In attendance were
former couriers Dorothy Mudd (1944) and Elizabeth High
(1952). A number of current students, several alumni and two
faculty also joined us for this event. We were happy to see our
many Washington, D.C., area supporters, many of whom came
5 to know Frontier Nursing through their friendship with Ms.
i Marvin Breckinridge Patterson and the annual Kentucky Derby
l parties that she hosted in her D.C. home. We look forward to
  next year’s reunion with our D.C. "family."
g New York City and Rochester area supporters make plans to
  attend our June 2i and June 22 committee events!
( Tuesday, June 21 Wednesday, June 22
  Noon-2 p.m. 6:30 p.m.
The Cosmopolitan Club At the home of Lee Fox
122 East 66th Street Pittsford, NY 14534
  New York, NY 10065
l P/ease RSVP t0 Denise Barrett Director of Development at 662.846. 1967 or
I denise. barrett@fr0ntiersch00tedu.

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Dr: Julie Mmfell, Kitty Ernst and Jean Fee at the t
Frontier reception held during the K CNPNM conference
Kentucky Coalition Conference y
Dr. Julie Marfell, Frontier’s Associate Dean for Family Nursing J
and a member of the Kentucky Coalition of Nurse Practitioners ,
and Nurse—Midwives Board of Directors, reported that the 23rd  
Annual KCNPNM Conference was well attended by Frontier 5
faculty, students and alumni. The event was held at the Northem  
Kentucky Convention Center in Covington in April. An alumni ,
reception hosted by Frontier drew 40 attendees, including faculty,  
alumni, students, preceptors and guests. I
A presentation by Kitty Emst, RN, CNM, MPH, DSc (hon.), on  
"A Vision for the F uture: Nurse—Midwives and Nurse Practitioners ;
on the Frontline of Primary Healthcare" was well attended and  
ended with the crowd "circling up." Denise Kilburn, RN, MSN,  
who is a post—1naster’s FNP student at Frontier, was awarded a I
KCNPNM scholarship. f
National Organization of Nurse Practitioner
Faculties Conference  
Frontier was well represented at the 37th Annual National  
Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties (NONPF) Conference,  
according to Dr. Julie Marfell, a member ofthe NONPF Board  
l2 Y

of Directors. More than 500 attendees gathered in Albuquerque,
NM, including nine faculty and staff from Frontier.
Dr. Trish Voss, DNP, CNM, and Dr. Joyce Knestrick, PhD,
i FNP, presented a poster on The Write Sttf Dr. Knestrick also
shared a poster on Forces Driving Distance Education: Reflections
_/rom Updating the Guidelines for Distance Learning in Nurse
· Practitioner Education. Dr. Judi Daniels, PhD, FNP, and Cherie
Lakes presented an electronic poster on Pediatric Phone Wiage:
A Wrtual Clinic Experience. Dr. Judi Daniels and Dr. Rebecca
Gilbertson, DNP, FNP, completed a podium presentation on
OSCEs in Distance Education: Bringing Live Simulation to the
Web—BasedLearnei: Dr. Julie Marfell presented Spotlight on Post-
Baccalaureate Lssues and Collaborative Models.
American College of Nurse-Midwives
Annual Meeting
Frontier alumni, faculty, students and preceptors gathered in
San Antonio, Texas, recently for the American College of Nurse-
Midwives Annual Meeting, held from May 24-28. Members ofthe
Frontier family had a strong presence at the event, reflecting the
powerful impact our graduates are making in the world of women’s
health. The ACNM Annual Meeting provides opportunities for
I students, nurse-midwives and other women’s healthcare providers
to sharpen clinical skills, leam the latest evidence-based research,
’ share experiences and celebrate the amazing work that midwives
are doing throughout the country and the world.
Frontier was well represented in the Clinical Project Poster
Presentations at the ACNM meeting, with several Frontier
· graduates, students and faculty qualifying to present in this
competitive refereed event. Frontier alumni and faculty also
presented several education sessions at the conference. Frontier
alumna and ACNM President Holly Powell Kennedy, CNM, PhD,
FACNM, FAAN, the first Helen Vamey Professor of Midwifery
at Yale University School of Nursing, co—presented the keynote
address, "Nonnal Birth in an Industrial Age: Keeping Risk in
Perspective," with Dr. Andrew Kotaska.

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Nicole May, lejt, and Linda Karle, right, both I 973 graduates V
of F rontien pose with Frontier President and Dean Susan
Stone at the Frontier reception at the ACNM conference.
On the evening of May 26, at the elegant Marriott Rivercenter
in downtown San Antonio, more than 100 members of the
Frontier family gathered for the much-anticipated Frontier Alumni
Reception, catching up with old friends and classmates and
celebrating the Frontier spirit. Frontier President and Dean Susan
Stone led the event by talking about the exciting happenings at
the school and recognizing Pioneer alumni (those who graduated P
from the school before 1989) and members of the 88 classes that i
have graduated since that time. Everyone "circled up" around the y
room — in Frontier tradition — linking arms and singing songs
such as "Amazing Grace." P
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Zach Young and Billie Anne Gebb presented
a poster session on "Going Mobile " at the
Medical Library Association conference.
Presentations by Frontier Librarians
Billie Anne Gebb, Director of Librar Services, and Zach
Young, Information Services Librarian, traveled to St. Louis and
Minneapolis for the United States Distance Learning Association
(USDLA) and Medical Library Association (MLA) meetings.
Their presentation for USDLA was Leading the I/Wzy with
Mobile Techno/ogy: Implementing a Mobile Initiative. At the MLA
conference, they presented a poster session on Going Mobile:
Librarians Supporting Distance Education Students with Mobile
Resources. Both conferences were a great opportunity to showcase
FSMFN’s program where students use mobile devices to access
information for educational and clinical content.

Dr. Susan Stone, President &Dean,
Named National Rural Health Association’s
Distinguished Educator of the Year
With great pride, the Frontier School of Midwifery and Family
Nursing announces that Dr. Susan Stone has been named the
National Rural Health Association’s Distinguished Educator of
the Year for 2011. Dr. Stone was honored on May 5 during the
34th Annual Rural Health Conference in Austin, Texas. Dr. Stone’s
I devotion to a career of advancing the education of
A rural healthcare providers throughout the United
 · `   . States made her a deserving recipient of this
_       prestigious national award.
ri    " Dr. Stone, who has led Frontier as its President
"   and Dean since 2001, has been instrumental in
1 _ the growth and success ofthe Frontier School and
D1; Stone her passion for the vision of Mary Breckinridge
is evidenced by the School’s continued commitment to educate
advanced practice nurses to serve in rural and underserved areas.
Enrollment at Frontier has grown from just 200 students in 2006
to a current enrollment of over 1,000 students representing all 50
states and many countries. Dr. Stone has maintained a focus on
educating nurses who will serve rural and underserved populations,
which is evidenced by the fact that 75% of students enrolled in
2010 resided in rural counties and/or health professional shortages
Like Frontier’s founder, Dr. Stone has devoted her career to
improving healthcare for women and families and has been Y
instrumental in expanding the School’s outreach worldwide,
through a unique melding of online leaming and real-world clinical
experiences. .
With Dr. Stone’s expert guidance, determination, passion and
leadership, Frontier is poised to become the number one education
provider of advanced practice nurses to serve in rural areas, both
domestically and internationally.

Frontier School of Midwifery & Family Nursing
Ranks in Top 50 Graduate Schools
The Frontier School of Midwifery & Family Nursing (FSMFN)
has been named one of the top 50 graduate schools of nursing
in the country, according to the Best Graduate School rankings
released by U.S. News and World Report on March 15. The
rankings are repeated every four years and FSMFN repeated its
top 50 performance from 2007. US. News and World Report
also ranked specialized programs within the Master of Science in
Nursing degree. In the latest report, the FSMF N nurse-midwifery
program ranked 13th nationally and its family nurse practitioner
program was 14th in the country.
U.S. News and World Report based its rankings on the results
of peer assessment surveys sent to deans, other administrators,
and/or faculty at accredited degree programs or schools in each
discipline. Only fully accredited programs in good standing during
the survey period were ranked. For the current rankings, 478
nursing schools were surveyed.
PRIDE Deans Conveningz
Changing the Future
of Nursing Education Together
Nursing school leaders from across the United States recently
attended the Deans Convening at the Frontier School of Midwifery
& Family Nursing (FSMFN) as part of the School’s PRIDE
Program, an initiative to increase diversity in the field of nursing.
This event served as a catalyst for the School’s efforts to partner
with institutions around the country to provide graduate education
i opportunities for nurses in rural and medically underserved areas.
With funding from a Health Resources and Services
· Administration (HRSA) grant, FSMFN established the PRIDE
Program (Promoting Recruitment and Retention to Increase
Diversity in Nurse-Midwifery and Nurse Practiti