xt754746qx1p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt754746qx1p/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1931-10-02  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, October  2, 1931 text The Kentucky Kernel, October  2, 1931 1931 1931-10-02 2013 true xt754746qx1p section xt754746qx1p Best Copy Available







Card Survey Discloses
Student 1,823 Years Old



Kernel Editor and Kenturkian
Officers Elected by Publications Iiody

At the ripe in fact, rotten old
age of 1823 years, Albert J. Kikel
born AiiRiist 13, in the year 109, A
D., is the university's
oldest stu
dent, a survey of the registration
cards for the Journalism depart
ment shows.
George Richard
Oarland, who
boasts that he was born April .6,
190, is Klkel's nearest rival for su
premacy in longevity. He is close
ly pressed by Stewart E. White and
Florence .Forquer, whose respective
births date back to November 8,
192. and May 14, 193.
Robert Van Bever, Jr., however.
may rank high In that group, since
he was born In the 1906th month In
the year of July. In case that that
is B. C, he can have first honors,
with the title of Beaver. But how
old does that make Van, Sr.?
Too, some of the students were
born, but without having any date
assigned to them for the commemoration of the event. Or perhaps,
as one clever Journalist suggested
during the summer, one must assume that they were not born.

In this category are found Lucius Powhatan Hawos, Frances
Adele Moss, and Mary Elizabeth
Miss Moss adds further

the Interesting information that
she herself Is her own parent or



Brethren! Sistern!
Albert J. Harrow Dean of the
University of Illinois law schools,
Is a member of Phi Kappa Tau.
Robert M. Wagner
8tates Senator from New York,
is a member of Phi Sigma Kappa.
Alpha XI Delta won first prize
in the annual Greek-lettat Ohio University.
Omega at Purdue UniverChi
sity won the international tennis
competition last year.
Otho W. Merrell Ohio's new
director of highways, Is a member
of Triangle.
R. Louise Fitch Dean of Women at Cornell University, Is a
member of Delta Delta Delta.




'Cats to Meet Highlanders
In First Grid Tilt on Stoll
Field Saturday Afternoon

Miss Bryan (the Happy Kappy
Oammy one) pens an emphatic
"Yes" in the space following "Home
Students Selected by Group
Paper (received in your home)."
Will Iiegin New Duties
-In contrast to the longevous per
All seniors of the university
sons enumerated, the university also
who expect to receive degrees
quota of Infant prodigies, the
has it
Ither at the end of this semesyoungest of which Is Otho Miller,
The board of student publications
ter or in June are requested to
of the university, meeting at 4
September 16, 1931. (Rememborn
make application through the
o'clock Wednesday afternoon in the
ber, llnotyper the public reading
Opponents Come to Wildcats'
Rating, of Senior R. O. T. C. registrar'sto office immediately, acJournalism department, elected
this far that figures don't lie.)
a notice given to The
Den With Record of DeWilliam Ardery, Paris,
Students Is Subject to
Miss Willie Hood Hatchett In pre
Kernel yesterday.
This applies
of The Kernel, reelected Frank
feat by Tennessee
cise Spencerian sets forth that she
to graduate students as well as
Change Next Time
Stone, Montclalr, N. J., editor of the
is one week older than Miller, hav
Kentuckian for 1932, and elected
ing entered this vale of tears SepRIG BLUE IS UNTRIED;
Finch Hilllard, Clinton, business
My, how you've Formal Ceremonies for New
tember 8, 1931.
manager of the Kentuckian. After
grown. Miss Hatchett! We hardly
Library to Re Conducted
the election, the board passed a
knowed yez.
Friday, October 23
Lack of Plentiful Reserve Is
motion that a constitutional change
Colonel and Lieutenant ColThe holographic pronouncements
be made to the effect that students
onel to Be Designed in
of Jewell Hammond Doyle, Mar
applying for positions under its congaret LeGrand Smith, and Alberta PRESIDENT TO PRESIDE
trol shall in the future submit with
Pharls Indicate that they are at
Invitations are being extended to Rankings
their applications certificates showBv RALPH E. JOHNSON
least as young as they feel, the re
of cadet officers in the
ing they have a standing of 1 for
spective date of thair individual civic organizations and the public R. O. T. C. unit at the university Students VViII Assemble at 10
its lids off the 1931 football
the previous semester.
in Front of Men's son at 2:30 o'clock Saturday
births being August 4. 13, and 27, In general for the formal dedica- were made public Tuesday by the
The election of the editor of The
tion ceremonies
of the library military department. Following a
and Will March noon on su" fleid wnen the WUd- Kernel was called by the board to
cats meet the Highlanders from
f n Thpatpr
The very masculine chirographies building which will take place Octo policy inaugurated this semester,
fill the vacancy occurring when
Maryville college. - For three long.
of Robert W. Reynolds, Columbus ber 23 on the lawn in front of the the ratings of second year advanced
Miss Virginia Dougherty, editor since
new building. President Frank L. students are temporary and subject
arduous weeks the Kentucky squad
Floyd, and James B. Hays un
SuKy Circle, student pep organl- - has worked on fundamentals,
last February, entered the university
McVey will preside.
to change next term, when the
as a graduate student, thereby be- Maury Crutcher Plans to ashamedly blazen forth that those
governor of colonel, lieutenant colonel, and oth- zation of the university, will spon- - signals, and scrimmaged the fresh- Flem D. Sampson,
three gentlemen were born on the
coming ineligible for the position.
Kentucky, will present the building er ranking officers will be desig- sor Its first pep meeting of the men now the time has come,
various dates of July 1, 4, and 28,
Alleviate Traffic Problem
The election of the Kentuckian ofMaryville brings to Lexington
to the Board of Trustees of the nated.
year, assembling at 10 o'clock to- 1931.
on Campus
ficers resulted from the discovery of
selected night, In front of the men's dorm- -i what the scribes term one of the
Virginia Edwards, Versailles, is university, and felicitations
a technical error In the election last
ams tnat
nas nad
the faculty will be extended by Dr. are: major, William Eades,
March. Frank Stone has been act
COOPERATION IS ASKED the only student born In June of George K. Brady, professor of Eng- Weinman; captain, Manlius Glen ltories and marching through the in years. The Highlanders are
1931. She celebrates
the feast of lish. Mrs. May McClure Currey, Stewart,
since he was declared the
streets of Lexington to the Ken- - known as a fighting team and are
Joe L. White;
successful candidate for the posl
Declaring that unless steps are her nativity on the 14th.
librarian of the Shawnee Branch of
tucky theatre. The group will march not afraid t0 take on the strongest
Morris Levin;
tion at the spring election. Mr. Hil- - taken soon, drastic
Paul H. Mansfield. Robert S. Louisville Public Library, will speak
the remaining 74 members to the strains of "On, On, U of K,"
action will have West, and Dorothy W. Rag bourne
liard was not a candidate at the
Tennessee did defeat them badly
to follow, Maury Crutcher, superin- were blessed events of May 1, S, and in behalf of the Kentucky Library of the second year advanced corps. played by the university band, un election In March.
last Saturday but that can t be used
Association of which she is presi- These designations are for the first
Is a senior In the tendent of buildings and grounds,
William Ardery
(respectively) 1931.
der the direction of Elmer G. Zuler. as a comparison. Kentucky is untri- dent, and Edward A. Henry, libra- semester
College of Arts and Sciences and a yesterday began the outlining of InHoward A. Wilson and A. J. Rag- - rian from the University of CincinNo
The parade will proceed from the ed thls year- Gama(!e nas introduced
of Phi Delta Theta fra- definite plans
to alleviate the prob- land shuffled on this mortal coil nati, will speak as representative of carrying the rank of sergeant were dormitories down Rose to Maxwell, a new system. The freshmen have
ternity. He is director of Strollers, lem of automobile parking on
Denetrated the varsitv line in
given the 88 students enrolled for
the on the respective days of April 8, the American Library association.
a member of Phi Mu Alpha, honor'
and 24, 1931, their cards proclaim.
The principal address during the the first year advanced classes. over Maxwell to Limestone to Main ies, though scarce, may crop out,
ary music fraternity, president of campus.
and over to the theatre.
and there isn't a plentiful reserve.
ceremonies will be delivered by Dr.
No definite
The delicate calligraphy of
have yet
the Kentucky Intercollegiate Press formulated by plansCrutcher, been ginia Eugenie LeReau revealed Vir John H. Finley, associate editor of These will remain effective for the
With the approval of Dean Bland- - But tne otner day Carnage con- entire school year,
but it
Association, and an assistant an was
Men appointed
Indicated that if owners of the author of this gigantic survey the New York Times. Speaking for
nouncer for the university exten
Sfi allowed to attend the meet him as saying that the Wildcats
that she was born March 11, 1931. the state of Kentucky, Judge Sam- are:
sion studios of radiophone WHAS. automobiles do not cooperate with Maybe
M. Wilson, historian, lawyer,
Harmon, Bach, Cecil D. Bell, Sam ing. Final arrangements for this would win over Maryville. and he
she meant that her hat was uel
the rules set forth by the departAs a member of the university deand scholar, will present felicita- S. Boldrick, John H. Bredwell, Wil- fust SuKy assembly were made at went to work on the Wlashington
ment of
and grounds, born that recently, eh, Eugenie?
bating team last year, he was chosen some kind buildings will
and Lee plays. Which all points
of action
have to be
Others who regard March as their tions from the citizens of the state. liam A. Bruce, Hiram W. Chapman, a meeting or tne organization last to a lot of confidence
representaas one of the forensic
in the. Wildcat
opening and closing prayers Orville W. Chinn, Olen B. Coffman,
natal month are Walter J. Warren The be
Cambridge taken.
tives for the debate with
stamping grounds.
offered by the Right Rever- Ransom B. Cubbage, William F. mesaay.
Continuing, Mr. Crutcher stated and Dorothy Elolse Waggoner, born will
University. He has been a member
Fourteen times the Maryville
end H. P. Almon Abbott. Episcopal Davis, John L.- Drury, William H.
H. C. Bamberger, manager of the
of the staff of The Kernel since his that the practice of students leav- on the 4th, and Marloiie Ann Weav bishop of the diocese of Lexington.
in combats
Dunn, Ellis G. Dunning, Louis
Kentucky, has announced that there playersa have engaged rnrfspntini
sophomore year, having served as ing their cars in front of any build- er, born March 30, 1931.
foothflll team
Following the dedication services,
John Epps, Eldon T. Evans, will be no advance in prices and
which they have
assistant news editor, assistant man ing into be discontinued. classes furKentucky,
the library will be open to visitors.
Ira C. Evans, John L. Ewing, Wilhave
aging editor, and associate editor. ther
The program follows:
liam E. Florence, John A. Frye, that the entire Saturday show will have met defeat. A total of 414
Frank Stone Is a senior In the universities that other colleges same
against 17 have been piled
Invocation Rt. Rev. H. P. Almon George R. Gerhard, Hollis B. Hale, be given for the football fans
are facing the
College of Arts and Sciences and
Newell M. Hargett, Stirl N. Harper, sembled. However, there are only1"
problem and that some are
a member of Sigma Alpha Epsilon definite action against thosetaking
back than
it was no
Presentation of the Library Build- George M. Harris, Richard H. Hey-se- r,
fraternity. He Is a member of the violate
1192V that Maryville handed us a
ing to Board of Trustees Gov. Flem
Walker F. Hilliard, William
the rules.
council. Alpha Delta
We won.
D. Sampson.
Husk, Jack Jackson, Percy H. John i jvui wjiu uio: uuwu auu loiiow me scare to the tune of
The rules as set forth by the de
Sigma, professional advertising fraFelicitations from the Faculty of ston, Silas F. Jones, Charles
R. , baud, in order that they will not hut it Tth7 best And the present
300 Persons
Guignol staff, and the partment of buildings and grounds Approximately
ternity, the
team in years.
(Continued on page 6
amve at the theater after the show team
Expected to Attend Ninth the University Professor George K.
varsity rifle team. He is president are given to each vehicle owner and,
on Page Six)
according to Mr. Crutcher, are exhas started.
(Continued on Page Six)
Meeting at ExperiAnnual
Felicitations from the Citizens of
pected to be obeyed.
If students show the response ex-- I
ment Station Farm
the State Judge Samuel M. Wilson.
Parking and traffic rules of the
pec ted ,the "best band in Dixie"
Felicitations from the American
university follow:
will follow the football team to
Approximately 300 persons are ex- Library Association
Edward A.
1. Motor driven vehicles, either
Maryland, and Alabama or Florida.
owned or driven by students, staff pected to attend the ninth annual Henry.
Felicitations from the Kentucky
members, and other employees of poultry 1fleld day meeting which
Association Mrs. May Mcthe university, are prohibited from will be held Wednesday, October 7 LibraryCurrey.
Organizations of University i
Experiment Station of the Clure
parking on the university campus at the
Members of University Staff
Fifty counties will be Dedication Address Dr. John H.
Are Asked to Adhere!
Old Warehouse on Limestone as noted herein.
and Heads of Organizations
a. East
of main
Strictly to Regulations of
Street is Remodeled for Limestone side Limestone. drive from The time from 10 o'clock until Benediction Rt. Rev. H. P. AlAre Urged to Issue News
Dean Weist Heads Group in
U. K. Senate
Physical Education Depart
b. South side of drive in rear of noon will be devoted to Inspection mon Abbott.
Announcements Early
Charge of Publication of
Four p. m. The Library Open
of the poultry plant on the Experiment of University
White hall.
Unless the various organizations
where the House.
c. South side of new roadway ex- ment Station farm,
Because of the difficulty which
of the university abide by the rules
The gymnasium annex, a struc- tending from Rose street to side- flocks, houses and general equipmembers of the staff of
Six members of the faculty of the have been experiencing The getting
ment will be open for inspection.
set forth in the social regulations
ture in which all Intramural in walk leading to Memorial hall.
university have been named on a news
live40-Padoor sports will be played, and
d. East side of roadway in rear Lunch will be served at the
from the university faculty
which are defined by the university committee which will have charge
mhich will house more than half of Kastle hall, extending to site of stock pavilion. At 1:30 OSlock an
senate, responsibility upon the part of the publication of monographs, and the heads of student organizagiven by Prof. James
address will be
of the physical education classes, as new library.
of deans of the university will be or treatises. Dean Edward Wiest, of tions at an hour sufficiently early
E. Rice, head of the poultry dewell as the offices and storage rooms
to enable the linotype operators to
(Continued on page 6)
relinquished. Dean Sarah G. Blendthe College of Commerce, is chairpartment at Cornell university. His
department of buildings and
of the
ing stated in referring to the meet- man of the group. Other members set them up in type, a letter has
subject will be, "Let Your Poultry
grounds, is nearly completed and
ing of the committee on social af- are: Prof. E. F. Farquhar. Dr. W. D. been prepared in which the difficulFlock Help You Win Through the
will be ready for use within the
fairs which was held Tuesday af- Funkhouser, Prof. W. S. Webb. Prof. ties are explained and the cooperDepression." Dean Thomas P. Coopnext two weeks, according to Maury
ation of the university as a whole
George Roberts, and Prof. A. C.
er of the College of Agriculture will
Crutcher, head of the department
is sought.
The letter follows:
The members of the committee, of
also address the representatives.
of buildings and grounds. When
To members of the faculty
"Tune in the radio for the wife which C. R. Melcher is chairman, The monographs will be graded
Reports will be made at the meetfinished the structure will cost ap- Principal Address of Evening
" that's the discussed the social rules and de- on
this degree of credit they will be the heads of student organizations:
ing concerning the results obtained and kiddies, and then
proximately $12,000.
The Kentucky Kernel is the offiIs Presented by Mrs.
so far in some of the experiments way Bill Ardery begins his idea on cided tocampus to each organization to the university, whether they are cial newspaper of the students of
The actual gymnasium consists
a letter which will scholarly, and on the amount ot inFrank L. McVey
being made at the station. These "How to Enjoy the Game," one of on the
of two hardwood basketball playing
Its chief purpose
include a copy of the rules and formation they contribute
to the the
will include breeding for longevity the features in the new
courts, one hundred feet by sixty
program which will be on regulations.
The rule which has world. If a person wishes his treat- is to serve the interests of the stuInitial vesper services for the year or high
production, studies football
feet; six courts for handball play-tw- o were held at 7 o'clock Tuesday night
the past neglected by uni- ise on a particular subject to be dent body and the faculty as a
of the value of the sun's rays In sale at the Maryville game Satur been in organizations
shower rooms, one of which in Patterson hall by members of
is that one in published, he may turn it over to whole. For more than 10 years the
the increasing the vitamin content of day.
members of its staff have struggled
is for use by Instructors, and a Y. W. C. A. Approximately 50 mem- eggs as
The programs, edited by Niel which organizations are requested the committee for approval.
well as the effect of the
faithfully to perform their duties in
locker room, containing lockers for bers of the organization were pres
Plummer, with Ardery as contri to present to the dean of women
taking physical educa- ent to listen to the principal ad- sun on egg production and hatch- - buting editor, will be sold by fresh- the list of chaperones for their so- lations committee has exchange re- such a way as to muke for harmony
all students
with 80 other colleges and among
The basketball courts are dress of the evening, which was giv- ability, the effects of
the various departments of
on vigor and egg production, hop men and varsity basketball athletes cial entertainments a week before universities.
slightly smaller than the floors in en by Mrs.
the school. They
worked unat the gates.
the particular event is scheduled. If
Frank L. McVey.
Some of the monographs
that der handicaps and,have many cases,
the men's gymnasium, however, The complete vesper program fol hens, versus the usefeeding of laying
In addition to Ardery's advice the rule is ignored this year, Dean have been published are: "Ancient
all mash
of an
pay. the only remuneration
there is only slight difference In the lows: Message, Eleanor Dawson;
which some may only preach, and Blanding said, penalization will be Lite in Kentucky",
by Professor without
ration for layers.
being the honor which comes to
actual height of the two courts.
to their
Welcome, Eleanor Smith; InnovaOutstanding results have been leave the practicing story by friends Inflicted by cancelling the enter- Webb and Doctor Funkhouser: them because of the positions they
On the south side of the building tions, Helen Darnell;
Alfred tainment.
School, secured In
"The Farmers' Union", by C. R
some of the there is a short
five offices for the use of the de- Mariunna Lancaster ; Charm
Other topics of discussion during
Freshman Experiment Stations strains of Robertson, campus cavorted on the the meeting included a petition Fisher, a graduate student: "Tax- hold and the Many of thewhich the
partment of buildings and grounds Cabinet, Katherlne Jones; Talk,
work offers.
A. D. 1924-2members
ation of Kentucky" by S. F.
White Leghorns with unrelated
A lnrge storage Augusta
will be located.
Roberts; and address, Mrs. strains from the Pacific Coast and title of which Is "The Line Artist; from one group asking for permis"Agricultural Organization in of the faculty, realizing the great
room In which will be kept all McVey.
handicap under which Kernel staff
a stirring account of a football game sion to give several dinner parties
equipment of the department, is Eleanor Smith welcomed the new also with the Australian bloodlines. entitled "Saville Wins the Game, or as a substitute for the usual two The United States'1 by Paul Wiest; members serve, huve cooperated
and, recently.
Birds Involved In these matlngs will
Wain's with
located in this side of the girls to the.Y. W. C. A.
them in their work. But there
Working Relations
and intro- be available for inspection at the The Game is Won by Saville," and house dances. The matter was reBetween the
ferred to Dean Blanding and Pres- Council and the General Assembly are others who huve shown gross
other features.
duced the cabinet to them. Mem- field meeting.
indifference. A few have been an"Forty Years with the Wildcats," ident McVey.
If plans now formulated by this bers of the cabinet are: president,
of the League of Nations".
poultry plant of the station
A revision of the wording of the
department carry through, it will Eleanor Smith; vice president, Ele- is The
regarded as the best plant of its may or may not interest you, but
When The Kernel was changed
move into the structure by Novem- anor Dawson; secretary, Martha kind In the country, according to there is an article summarizing the social regulations was assigned to
from a weekly to a
ber . Just what will be done with Carlton; treasurer, Mary Allison authorities. It was constructed very efforts of the Wildcats during the Dean Blanding. who will send them
the fall of 1930, the difficulties
the gymnasium quarters now, used Threlkeld; membership, Mariunna carefully and while proving its real pust 40 years in opening games, tills to the committee for correction upwinch the members of the staff
by the department is not known. Lancaster; programs, Eleanor Daw value, it has cost the university very being their 41st year.
Pictures, on their completion.
faced became more serious.
They have been considered by El- son;
Because it is an honor organizaDorothy Root; Soclul,
to oierate It. Few persons of football data, and the other regular
Jat kie and Jill "Faw" Down unwilling to give up what they But.
bemer O. Sulzer, band director as a Muttie Lee Whitworth; publicity, little university and the state of program features will be found in tion. Scubbard and Blade was perthe,
lieve means progress, students have
place for band practice, but to date Lillian Gooch; Freshman cabinet, Kentucky know Just what this plant the program, which this year ap mitted to hold a dinner party OctoTraining School Stairs;
continued to issue the paper two
ber 9. although the social regulathis has not been settled.
Kutherine Jones; Interest Grouiw, is doing each duy and hence Its proaches a magazine.
Nose Goes "lkxjm
tunes a week. The depression, beThe magazine, printed entirely In tion forbids the holding of a sociul
The entire work of renovating Alice Mae Dialing; and World Fel- value is not appreciated.
cause of its effect on the advertisthe plant of The Kentucky Kernel, entertainment prior to Thanksgivthe building was undertaken by the lowship, Emily Reeves.
Plastic surgeons had a dainty foot ing field, has been a handicap to
is published under the direction of ing.
department of b u 1 d I ng s and
Special stress was layed on the pushed Into their business Tuesday Hie Kernel as well as to pructlcally
the Athletic Council of the univer
grounds alone, no outside help being
every other college paper. The
stumchanges in sociul rules made by the as two training school
used. The building was a tobacco
university senate in February. So- bled Into the competition.
number of pages which may be
warehouse until taken over by the
THANSY GIVfcN BIST OF DAVIS cial organizations were asked to
The photographers for the
The girls, walking arm in arm printed is olten limited by the
university lust full. The exterior
Nearly 30 men attended the first
Kentuckian, universtiy annual,
make note of the following changes down a flight of stairs in the train- number of Inches of advertising
of the structure was not changed
business meeting of the year of the
ing school building, wore
will continue taking pictures durThe United Daughters of the and abide by them:
except for new window frames and
Y. M. C. A. freshman cabinet Tues- -' Confederate Stutes of America will
ing the early part of next week,
shoes. A heel tangled with a step
The task of gathering the news
Each sociul fraternity may
day. Robert Gilmore, president of present a bust of Jefferson Davis to give one "guest dunce" each year, and the girls with each other. Jackie from a community of 3.500 persons
Frank Stone, editor, has anIn the extreme rear of the buildY. M. C. A. and supervisor of Transylvania University, October 19, (formal and an informal in alter
tell down, and Jill came tumbling is not a simple one. It could be
ing is a luboratory for testing coal, nounced.
activities according to an announcement is- nate years.)
the cabinet, explained
Seniors who have
made much more pleasant, however,
which will be used by students of their sittings are not yet had and programs of past the
cabinets and sued from the office of that organ3.
Jackie's destination was the level if faculty members would be conEach social fraternity may
urged to atthe College of Engineering.
showed how the working scope of ization. Jefferson Davis, who was give one "house-dancbelow. Jackie's siderate enough to give out news
tend to this matter at once. The
each semes but concrete floor
When the renovation of the formthe organisation might be widened president of the Confederate States ter (a dance In the fraternity dainty Utile nose wus the final rent- announcements at the very earliest
photographer have their header warehouse is complete, a total quarters
this year.
of America, attended Transylvania house) to be limited in attendance ing place of Jill's French heel.
possible date. Because the paper
In the Kentuckian o. .ce,
of three gymnasiums for use of til
Morton Walker, senior president during his undergraduate days, and to members of chapter, pledges and
An autopsy by Doctor Chambers appears on Tuesday
the basement of the men's
and Friday
students will be on the campus.
last year and now a graduate as- the Southern organization Intends girl friends.
at ttie university dlsx-usargymnasium, .
revealmorning, many professors and inTheM include, besides various sunsistant in the department of Eng- - to honor his alma mater by the. 3. Each woman's social organlza- - ed a broken nose, a broken heel, and structors, as well as heads of
dry space, six floor for basket balL
lish also was one of the speakers.
an Injured dignity.
on Page Six)
Continued on page S


FOR YEAR '31 '32



Notice! Seniors!














ing-edit- or


1931-193- 2.



1931-193- 2.
















Faculty Members
Named on Committee



Program Mill Be
Issued Saturday

Initial Vesper Hour







Football Spirit


First Meeting Held

Y.M.C.A. Cabinet





� Best Cof





Friday. October 2. 1W1

Seniors W ho Will Face Maryville
Kentucky Listed as
Expect to Find 'Cats
In Opening Football Game Saturday Member of Proposed
Stronger than Vols;
Football Association
Leave Noon Today
A "Big Ten of the South," with Kentucky as one of the
ten, ia being planned now by representatives of eight Southern conference schools. The representatives of the eight
schools mt in Atlanta, Georgia early this week and took definite steps to organize a new athletic conference limited to
ten members.

(Special lo The Kernel)
Maryville, Tenn., Sept. 30. Following: a "moral" victory
over the University of Tennessee Volunteers last Saturday
afternoon, the Maryville College Highlanders started preparation for the coming battle with the powerful Kentucky
State Wildcats. The Highlanders will leave here Friday noon
for the Kentucky city.


The Maryville team Is In first
class Rhape for the scrap with the
Wildcats but coach i. s. HonaKeriT
is fearful for the well being of his I J
proteges as they take on their sec- - 111





the Maryville team held the Ten- nessee Vols to a 33 to 0 victory and
turned in a creditable performance.
The Maryville line will be light
this year but they proved last Saturday against Tennessee that they
are gluttons for punishment.
The starting group was left In
the game against the giants of
Tennessee and they stod up under the terrible strain nobly. They
are not expected, however, to
match skill with the Wildcats.
White and Richardson are the
Maryville ends and both of these
light for
men are exceptionally
Neither of them
college players.
mark. Carexceed the
per and Overley. the tackles are
larger, tipping the beams around
The guards. Tolliver and
are unbalanced.
weighs 190 pounds in his nothlng-at-all- s,
while the latter weighs only
Ferguson, the center, has

about 170 pounds of fight.
Led by Captain Lea Calloway, the
is .slightly
stronger than last season. Calloway weighs near 175 pounds, and
Woodard. his running mate, weighs
a very few pounds less. Payne, the
quarterback and H. Gillispie. full,
both weigh around 150. Coach
lii (nuuauij .......
25 men to Lexington for the game,

Limitation Is Placed
On Crowds at Studio
The number of persons admitted
to the radiocasts of the Blue and
White orchestra, held in the Radio
Studios in the Art Centre on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 1:00 p. m.,
will be decreased to 50. according
to an announcement made yesterday. The new rule was made neces
sary due to the crowds which have
been too large to be accomodated.
Admittance in the future will be
gained bv tickets which will be
given out free of charge at the
Publicity Bureau, located in the
of the Administration
building. No one will be admitted
the studio after 12:57 o'clock and
those attending must leave
tho Rinp and whitp
program is over, as another pro-- 1
gram is on the air in studio number two.


I am of opinion that a stupid seris worse than a wicked one, or
at anv rate morp hamssinp: onp
can be on one's guard against a
but not against a fool.
Jasques Casonova.




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Rose Street Confectionery g
Announces a Limited Engagement


"The Ryth