xt754746qj1m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt754746qj1m/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky (Fayette County) University of Kentucky Alumni Association 1942 v. : ill. ; 28 cm. Quarterly, Publication suspended 1922 and resumed with v. 1, no. 1 (May 1929); v. 5, no. 9 (May 1933) not published; issues for v. 37, no. 2-v. 40, no. 1 (spring 1966-spring 1969) incorrectly numbered as v. 38, no. 2-v. 43, no. 1; v. 40 (1969) complete in 3 no. journals  English [Lexington, Ky. : University of Kentucky Alumni Association, Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky alumnus University of Kentucky. Kentucky alumni 2002- Kentucky alumnus monthly Kentucky alumnus, vol. 03, no. 12, 1942 text Kentucky alumnus, vol. 03, no. 12, 1942 1942 1942 2012 true xt754746qj1m section xt754746qj1m nrch E 1 i "
law _ __._MmS K 7   i , r T
will VOLUME XII LILXINCI 0N, Kr., 1·e1s1wARY, 1942 NUMBER 3e
¤<>k$   , .V.v; ..     »‘;.=;   Scores     Men   `
om   ··;=-‘ 1;*5-2 V‘:»   V. »   ‘` ` ”   .  
on- —. A‘V. in  ~· `   .   S U S  
gm- ’’·.   U·»‘   - .-v   ervmg Hole am   Z   
with ii A.'V Q.=:I[* -:‘v   ‘*¤¤*1`Q£* '-``: BY JEAN WILLIAMS  
ntri- , r , ..1:   [ "€i§i§?F;i;EEi€¤;i;&?€’€C§¥§§E»'§Y I·—` EZ.ii§e§é§i;Z;§‘  ~   ._ ._    
· —*=.¤. ·V·’ =ii ¤ §¤§%E%?i‘i”‘*»=;:z;·i;·;·;;§ ·"=§i€iE§i§%=€‘€2i§2.r  5; V—‘‘ E _    _.:a%%2éi2¥=?=z°¥i’?F"5Qéiél-ii¢%.i2ii?{-{Z5:*32-.Li€%;i$2i2i¤Q§€¥%i€E%2¥
Ough F ¤YQe;j-f.{iQ ;, -1;;; .    We me hsfiné below me ¤¤m¢S and ¤¤·    
`       U·"v Alumni who have emred military ser-     --.o .i;~       I‘·   
No r o     "‘?"· °j,,""° ""ga§"", ’" °'°’°"“‘ °"‘°’·    
land { _;»·.l_    ·;;g;;;¢ -rg;-_;;ge;·g;;;g;;;;=gzs2;ga;g;;;;;;;;;;;_ {  pnses. owever r o ist is nor complete   ·¢t·   VtV·   ._.i;;;.;;  
grmal ’  ;.;  >-»I in Mat We hav¢,¤¤¢ bm i¤f¤rm¤d <>f all   *i t»e’  
{ z-V  ’’’ a¤¤<>i¤¢m¤¤rs· The alumni office will ap-   1 ~it;t‘- ? i‘’ ¥    
. U ig   » preciare receiving names, home addresses   .t‘I    A ·‘ »··e· ’ “;’’ *    
mom EF   ` and branches of service of any Alumni   * v_ _   ,..V .   _  
1°°kS  `"°-   ` D' ¤X·S*¤d¢¤*S O! the U¤iv¤f¤i¢v- Please   .a..;     V.,t.    
· B   +·‘Q=€ig§iE§§gE;;gggg;§§g§g§;é2;z ’ ·‘·‘  f _;e_ mail to Alumni 0Hice at once, as we are     ;.·  ;z@=2~ a.-»·-=·. ¤ ·¤ -,--..   = _ 
ix .,»,‘   `”`t  *¥?%i%ié:‘: ii;.   N - osraozrsmng ,3 p€,m,,,,E,,, ,m,,d gf ay   ;..   A V
gi ¥·’* i"I``    '_   ```- _ _ `  University ol Kentucky men and women '     _‘  V »‘
rtou We _   · ·’ '  ’ _-  '_ _  " engaged in either military 0r civilian de- "= "i$"  yi _   ».V_
’   `   1;; }  · i ·  fense service. (AC—air corps; A—~army;    g§f.= " B
ltgui   V " }   ,__‘ . _   ‘``I !n[—in[antry; CD—civiIian defense; N-—   _; z  lil · ‘   · .
B` 0 `3  ’ Y  ‘;? §?’§§}?;' _. . navy; M—marines; NCG—navy coast ·   4;:;;   ·
Eton   _    I -? guard; Q—quartermaszer; home addresses _   $*:2. ` `:°§°:"`;e.riXf .I»»r-
gton 5   4;;;  . , only are given.)   V -·f;§¤;I
or   -. 1;r;5 V *  4;
men   V 1: r ‘ Abramason, Ernest, *40, AC, Louisville   ·I‘- ='r·*????‘;
ivme   Adair, John Toomey Jr., ’38, AC, Lexington
hens g H. D. PALMORE Alexander, Frank, Capt., ’26, A, Lexington JAMES H- GRAHAM
-;*3*   Albert, Russell F., Lt:. Col., ’16, A, Louisville
* “     Amon, Robert, Lu., ·41, M, Covington G O
:%*92 }=»GOV· JOhHSOH ames Amos, co,r—11S1o, Lu., ·s4, J., Catlettsburg raham n Duty '
OOS   Ammerman Howard Kendall ’41 A Cynthi- ~
1,; 1 F 2 2
gg;  eSro11 And Polmoro   In W ar Department
  Anderson, Robert, Lt., ’38, A, Mayxield
ngmn   H. D. Palmore. Class of ’14, was appointed, Andrews, James D., Lt., ’36, A, Lexington For many YBRYS 3 €0¤$\1lt3¤t in €¤§i¤€€1'·
ogt0¤ ligand Judge Richard C Stoll Class Of .95 was Amery, Philip, Lt., ’35, AC, Paris ing and industrial matters in the United
ngton ire-appointed to the Board of Trustees by Bach, Harmon, 2nd Lt., ,32, A, Lexington States and abroad, Colonel James Hirzjm Gra,-
;  ‘ Ban Carroll Lt ,34 AC Elkhart Ind ham, Dean of the College of Engineering
  ifirovenor Keen Johnson on January 28. Bari} Charlés lgt Li. ,3,} AC Hgmdért at the Umv€ySity_ is now On duty in wash-
I   H. D. Palmore, Frankfort, Class of 1914, Harkin., K A_ 312, Lt', ,38) A, Loiusvme ington, D.· C. as technical adviser on the staff
  i énresident and general manager of the Ken- Bauow, Edward, ’33, A, Georgetown 5; Bngamljg genera? };€1§nSS°mfrvg¥’ _Wa‘r
'gucky Concrete Pipe Company, Incorporated, B8·1`1`, R0b€1`b Ho Maj-, ’23, Ar OW€¤$b0T0 Geggr me (mem a ’ upp Y wlsum
t? · . B t` , H 1 J2, C t., ’35, AC, An hora e ` ‘
....... egos nanred as the alumni member of the Bgitgfmneag; J; 2;*5 LL ,40 M Leimgtgn Colonel Graham has contributed greatly
épniversity of Kentucky Board of Trustees Baugh Dgm Capt" ,23 A hnévillé in engineering and national defense. He
· ······   Governor Keen Johnson on January 28. B€1.I.y,’DaVi&_ Ensign, 238, AC, Owensboro received Z B; S- _Civi1 E¤gi¤€€1`i¤g d€g}`€€
`ghe appointment or Mr. Palmore fills the Beard, Elliott, Lt., ’40, AC, Shelbyville fr°“}¤ th? Uglverslw 1;)0;9°0· and R CMI
"""```` ifyacancy created by me expiration or me Beck, Edwin, Ensign, oa, Ac, Bouisville M1 *>€§m$ wee ¤ · _
éérm of Louis E. Hillenmeyer, Class or 1907. Bell, James O., Lt., ’40, N, Hopkinsville _ C0¤“U111$51Q¤8d on Jiily 16, 1917 as captain 7
''''```'   Judge Richard C. Stoll, who has been a Benson, Graham H., Capt., ’36, AC, Lexington 111 thi? E¤§1¤€€1`S Off10€1` Reserve COYDS, hé
gmmoor ot ure Board of Trustees of the um- Bmmey, Wendell, Lt., os, A, lcxingcn was placed ¤¤ the wwe im and ¤rd¤r€d <>V¢·=f-
l ljersity fm. the past 42 years was r€-ap- Bonta, J. D. 2nd Lt., *41, A, Paris seas to France, July 31, 1917. Dean Grgham
mgoinnoo by Governor Johnson for another eoworr. Grey w., ·4o, A, Hornell, N. Y. was then sem with Phe Am¤¤¢==m E>°m§“§Z${  first appoirrrmom no the board was Jon- Bullock, Robert, 31, A, Shelby, M1§S- of Engineers to repori   ¤¤dEz;;an the ¤¤ 4 *
 ry 2, 1898. by Governor wrmom 0. Brad- Burks, wrmam, Capo., ’28» A· Dmvme me POM Prgeram fmt e fA·l_éd- mm I 
33  eiviiig him a 1·ecord of 50 years of con- Burtt. Wilson B. Col. 05, {X, W9·t·€TCO\VTl, Mass. 'Dean Gra am was rans er Cl W I it
  WHS service with the Umver~sity_ exoepung Butler, Ben J., ’41, A, Milton gmeor Supply Section and made n in
  ¤CCntinued on Page Four-> (Continued OH Page ThI‘€€) (Continued on Page T\¤<~ V

  _.»;,. _   -`  -    V 7
 Z  D a _____....*.-2  
    L  rt is upon me should r or th u Swres 0
   e ..a. . Kentucky Alumnus mined aa and wm.‘1;a mus; Z3? 2;; ,   , K,
 3   ` ,—   responsibility of war falls and it is upon the   ..    . "   ? I- `
  - ii ‘  0111 ini 0 f th A1 i A iti I th  Aaéaieiiéieiaio *.;-. .   ·»·‘   ·‘.`   Byars, St
    UDXVJIESIEY ggagélgtlliik; p\1;J1£YlEd iiifgfiélg? :!1 th: shoulders of the college trained men and       Byrne  
    gmpus of th; Uuiwgcirggty, sg Legzlugrtian. ( '1SubscrA;;ti¢;¤ W0m8I1 that the responsibility of peace will   ·___ .i¤*{;Q`Q_.i`*¤i={ `° ,   '
, .- · —;  j  non-mem ers, . . em ers e n -  sci»E?E?€??:¥%?EEi€%&·éi:{:5;C: »—* ..·’?-:"?E€iJ:E=.:;  ¤"?*EZ-‘¥i€i&€¤?1=¥:?"Z
      ` the Association includes subscription Ito thipA1umnus. {au` Whether m Wm- or in peace' an America   ‘‘`°‘ · ” °`i??i€???E`?%2ii` ¤:`.{E2‘a¤€%E?2E§€`QZYZ. -° Cm`dW€u’ (
·.      will 100k to its colleges for leadership.     »’‘‘.’     =  ·??€i§i1ii?i*zi?}-Z"i.;; Vine
  = _·,r~ , Egterield as second Class Matter an me Eds: Ollie;   `.l»   l;°-· ; »e‘;_’=‘· xii? .:‘»  ‘.ie2i?’1*"`¥1*t `,l;c. 2 . Carpenter
 ef   · , K _, , , ·a;;j  &=i$;§3;§§a§ai2ia§===·=== ’ - ° ‘ - ‘._i_.¤ia;}zi; --.- §¤€2{¤gi:2,;;€i  ·    ,-,5 .’
 ‘Q :.   ;;¤rc?3,gi‘§t9. Y May 22 1929 under he wt 0   ``````  We  .V.z·V ‘  *`Ziii’Q%*%*ii"E2 .-4a·Q  2}‘Z-???";i.*.?=¥% C8‘H°1’ W1]
 j ·    ‘_, , ,_   Dear Alumni:    ,iEi-   V;=’ 2ii€?`    . Garter, C.
  .  a,   o. 1. M ci in ,......__..,.,....—... sim - · ·     »»1.=   ¥`V1  ·- .»..—··   a
_j¤·    Fg Margeriti iaenaugnun ,...1,*. Managing Editg: sgi?} the. wmmg °f my last m°ss°g°  ii`-iiéiai ».._,_·      ~ Cam? G`
·;5-Q ~  5   Helen King .....-..-....-~ Associate Editor °°" 't‘°"‘ "‘ °"" °°“"*'Y have ferced   ..=.     ·»'- i2i5éi-lfjii 1‘;a   - Carvuh Ed
 A ,   J, ms. Ethel mx ...,_........- Business Manager all of us to change many of our plans for     »V··'_.   ;{;.;g;{i; € Q- Cary, Jams
   Lf  Dr E C Regions or ASSOCIATION Pmmm the fixture. hOne thirzg,howcver,thatI1as   ».-_    ·».·   ;.»i     cawnod, F,
      Manniama Marwgnin _......._ vice-maiden ff ,,1°°" ? ""g°“Y 'S the s"""°" ‘”’"°"       Chambers,
 ;_   ',_ G_ Lee McLain ___ Secretary 6 UYHTU Call glV€ to thé &dV8!'lC€f11€!lt  ,QE¤E§:;:§__:,; _.j_;¤ ¤ "" ` .EZ}E¢t" -    `  
 ,_ , 1 . . . . . '-S32:-.      - · !":Y·i:i·¥'  ‘ embers.
ji, a ge;   Helen King -.-______.....—~—- Acting Treasurer of the Umversxty and to xts President at ‘ ` _ ., `   ..c. 1;    Lf vm
  `     EXECUTIVE (  tI`liS time when they bOth H€€d OU! !1'lOSf   ’   U   Centlersc N
;  i -.,g . _ I, d -,1 _   --°`     C _ jg. » Z
    »  §1;;r§;;s;Z§;1?£·ant°n itmg Egrftlir arM;n‘;ss:fm<;;f· old Grads are taking    _‘_    -· “   gong Joh]
   ,   · · mu e emes “’ up arms for our country and we know       eu · Ret
 gi  __ `  ${`§3Z¤giF $$13% gT°e?reg€$—?$;`¤ that they Wm be i¤ the from mk no       ‘f'   Vs`- i"5*‘“`     °°°e“°“gh
  { ‘  H.D.Pa1m01‘e Mrs. Edward Shinnick matter to which branch of the service  ,;=="`·   _.,· _ =_;_;;£.,.__`   C0€h1‘&¤c,Z
  _     §I?‘£‘¤‘2»aE’i-§’§§§’§§r° §"°Y   °·°"¢d· T° M in me med "   ‘‘,c‘-     °°“m*’·¤· (
2 _  -_ DL George H_ wilson orces we send our congratulatmns and   ·   Coleman, .1
V  _‘_‘ ,  · ·’  Dean William s. Taylor greetings and wish to say that the Alum- _- —     Lan
 A, g,  ”     ni Association is proud to call each and       gomhest, (
 -_ ; 5 VOL, XII FEBRUARY, 1942 NO. 3 gvgrygnf gf you ··Ou, 3Oy_~ The pmye, J gt; ..‘_;; .=·_.,a;·22§=;a2i@$_:;gr¤ ·_-. aiét ;_=ai     Conrad ’C,
.9-  ” Q -—·*"“""`-"“" ' ' which allows you from all of us is   ’
 ;, ‘ —  ,. . L . COI‘Il Jams
·_  j  that you wrll have a safe return to your C. R. MELCHER ai ’
 _L _ Q  KENTUCKY TRAINS LEADERS family and your station in life.   ggfitrili I;
 it . 5  S. I ._‘ , an ¤
  , ,1   FOR WAR, AND FOR PEACE l;n;;;;yy°;;;’tt DEAN MELCHER HAS LONG j, Covington,
 .:   · i . 0 aL' `
 Q,   ,  The compliments of the entu·e University, Pres. Alumni Association AND USEFUL CAREER   g;;1;;r’ gi)
  L i g z and the Alum A$S°°*’m°¤· are extended *° Dean Columbus R. Meiener smiled as nai, Creech, Tet
 :5, ;  _·V    9,11 Kentucky men and women who are new told the Alumni reporter that "there xversiti Croft, Jam
      _  I actively engaged in the services of their Graham OH Duty many boys and only 3 few girls OY! thi?   Cmfta LYS}
  ~  ~  `V —.  country, both in military capacities and in < Continued from Page One) pus when I f“St eeme to the Universit}?   Curtis- Je-¤
     .;  - civil defense roles. In this issue of the Section of Railway and Dock Construction, r,§;;Iif‘,;;1€ic,]3€an Of Mer; at me U{“v€rS’t?`_§§i ¤¤1¤~¤1·
 f? j-  { Alumnus there is a, partial list of Kentucky glelxigtugniglgf COHSLYUCUOD and Forestry the remarkaiqé ;°;;i§“;;s$§;ki;’;e;§:SB€?§;5; ,Dabngy, JO
P I   alumni who have entered military service. Un- y ` . . . interestin at the am tl l Tie} - Kan`
a _-  a _ _ _ Promoted to Maior of Engineers in June, g S 6 me at Daueya Fra
__   _, S  I fortunately, this list is not complete because 1918, Dean Graham was then promoted to ,Coming to the University in 1907 as asf, Dalles, wh
, r -  it has been almost impossible to keep in c0¤- Lieut. Colonel of Engineers the following Slsent professor of modem languages. D€¤l§§a._;D=1¤Ziger. l
- - F Q  ; tact with the hundreds and huhdyeds gf Ken- August. While still acting as Chief of Section Meleher has belonged to the "Umv€rSil>-gi N- J-
 “ I   mcky Alumni whc have entered Sewicg for Railway and Dock Construction, the Dea}-; f¤n}1lY" ,f0r 35 years. He became a.ssociatii;%Darne11, M
 · i f  Kentuckians have always been fine soldiers was made Cmd °f Road and H1ghWeY Repair pm esjsm m 1908- pmfessor 1909- Deen °· ??—.DeV1$» B¤1·
 q ,·   _ I · * in January, 1919, and as Such had general Men in 1914, and head of the German de·,%Davis, Cha
 J, , ,   and in this group will be found many of the supervision of repair of au highways ih partment from 1917 until 1933 when he   .Davis, Dev
 _ {  - present leaders of the armed forces of Amer- France and occupied Germany. He was pro- 1`€tiY€d· §Q%Davis. Ern-
 ,,, a   iw, Pamousmy loyalty, Q_ fundamental b€_ mnti;111 to Colonel or Engineers the rnnnwrng Ilgean Melcheré gvhox vgasdborn in Vevay »,j,£avis, Hou
  I   _ _ _ d t d, t nl mon _ Tl 18113, 1‘€C€1V€ 1S . . egree from Hall-   avis, R_ (
 .   ‘.1§‘a1‘$ £§E°E§°?al§§a“iui’Z@2 $?geaL`°BaK Oi Io May-1919a¤oa¤ Graham aaa assigned aaaa aaaaaa aaa; A. M. degree in 1990   ,,,_,
if    Responsibility have always been 8, pmt of to duty with the United States Liquidation LL- D- in 1895: and ¤W»€¤d€d thi! U¤iV€Y5i’,;; DeC0¤1‘Scy,
, _   the total combosmon of Kentucky men and Commission, War Department. ,He was made UES _ of Mllnich and Leipsie, 1886-88-   eH8ven, I
- ; sion in u , . . _ r e ·, rson
T i E   wom- $‘§‘fa°“§Z§ SSIEQZ ‘§§£"’,,Z°§,1;“S,,,,,,i,,t€;‘r Ly, ZZ$Z£Z§°LahEO$§n1Z {"aZ’%“Z¤§°§€aaL*QadU$-  g$I’$“§,m 5
 · • , a r » y ·· . , I
  , In this, the second act of th:hW€T1g,y;;· the Secretary Og Way as member Of the University of Chicago in 1900-01.   D. C.
‘ 1 ;i Wegigld ‘;‘c;;;s“‘;‘;‘$     use geuicigleé Liquidation Commission. Colonel Graham was Prior to the time he came to the Univer-->  uhn, me
 · - an ° * _ honorably discharged as Colonel of Engineers, sity, Dean Melcher was principal of Vewii unn, Chg
3 1 · _   Wm? MYB m°;“’e°ed S° mwy °“‘e’ Ke“‘ August 12, 1919, and performed duty or com- high school, 1885-86, superintendent- ¤,_i ¤ty,w1111
 _` , i Weklfms m pas Y°ars· _ missioner in civilian capacity. schools at Carrollton, Kentucky, 1889-95;  Hiott Ric
· l   a2€§2li$122IIEif?i§EiJa?$a?§%£‘§”§¥Sa?3a?££a$§$’ ai"§§€f’§§Si,a‘;;i§°’§a‘i£2°§a`§$il;“2§d§iLL“Z ‘§iL‘LiZ‘§i`a2§§Z"i‘$3Ed%~P‘§iEy§“?“   ‘“°“? Wi
;. . · c . , - ., ro essor 0   ·
, Z U the 150th anniversary of the f€¤¤E¤#i°¤ of in April 1919. During the same month, he cient and modern languages at Hanoilti igcgggg
1 Kentuckyasastate. It is another 8·m`¤VeT$¤I’Y was cited by Commander in Chief of the College from 1902 until 1907, his first W-:  nsmmg}, 1,
, - also   thehearts of every Kentucky Hhlmmls A.E.F., of the United States, for exceptional- at the University of Kentucky. ,  `,, Odsburg ’
,  ,, offering hisi abilitiesziin il: §€1`Vi¤<€S gf hi? ly meritorious and conspicuous service. An outstanding professor-, the biographivii  mberg A
 — , , j, country an recogni ne 8 1mD01‘ Pm Dar Col. Graham was awarded the Distinguished sketch of Dean Mecher is included in "Wh<>”  `
 `g  .-,, , _.  _ ,  ; played by his Alma M9·t€1` in thi? D€1‘f€¤T»i¤S Service Medal by the President of the United Who In Kentucky". A member oi Delta    Fber. Be;
  ;:_ fg , . ef these ebumes se that he can do an even States on M2-Y 31. 19l9, f0r exceptionally Delta social fraternity, the Dean is also it  ‘ = mer, B1
 _-,-; -—__ :   lh    ,,_bet{;ey job as 9, soldier, a, sailor, an aviator, 6. meritorious and distinguished services in alumnus of Omlcron Delta Kappa, SGTUO    Held- Ger
·   tg ;· ¤¤>i¤ Mw ¤¤¤¤<=h ¤f¤¤¤¤¤¤¤1¤¤f¤¤¤¤· position or great respohaimiity. men's naman. He was president of the aaa  -· cher, na
- `  { .2  -,,tbeSe,mcn and W0m€¤ whom we SLN] ·A member of Kappa Alpha social frater- ference of Deans of Men, 1925-26 and  g,.  $@813 Fre·
i ,.· j   "   and consider true Kenmckums mtr, D€9·11 G1'8-ham is thc &U.th0r of the a "d0llar a year man" during the first WOT]  _t€1¥ Gec
    _     e=i»,e__§1,gl_;  book, "Joseph, the Husband of Mary". wm;     ippin. w
·  ‘ ‘ i     Q it   X
L Z :.1,.:

Scores Of UK Men Flowers, Fred, Lt., ’39, A, Louisville. McClain, Lee, Gen., ’19, CD, Bardstown
_ (Continued fi-Om page One, Ford, Sylvester, 1st Lt., ’36, A, Lexington Mcconathy, James L., 2nd Lt., ’41 A, Lexing- 4
V B St ,31 Foster, Franklin, 1st Lt., ’41, A, Nichclasville ton
.  BY¤l'$· Giillellih   I€lfLtSl'flmlVlll€. Tenn. Foster, James H., 2nd Lt., *34, AC, Louisville McCubbin, William, ’40, A, Louisville
,   yme, anv e, s . ., 31, A, Lexington Gamardy Ernest, Jr., Lt-, ,34, AC, Louisville McFarland, John M., ’41, AC, Lexington
E = Cardwell, Grover Jr., 2nd Lt., 41, A, Madison- Gaines, Robert, JL, LL, ,41, A, 1.1Opk111Sv111€ MGGZYY.   Capt-, 32» AC, Lexmgloll
a Vllle Gaither, Lee -35 A Cynthiana Mcoary, William, zna 1.t.,*2s,1nr.,LeXington
  g¤1‘D€‘{l®»ul)- C;/IMQJ5,   ig, Liexltrggton Garland, whence, 739, AC, Lexmgmn McNamer, Jack D., ’41, A, Somerset I
  a‘rr°* 1 mm ‘* · · cx ng ll Garling, Norman Lt. ’39 A Chicago Ill . . .
  Carter, C_ Sq M8_j_’ 723, A, Lexingon E ’, l l .’ ’ ° Mackey, Elbert T., M3]., ,27, A, W11118,HlSbUTg
    G- P`,   740, A,           Eq ,40, A,  
. _ Carvill, Edward T. ist Lt. as A Dixon ' ' °’ '· ’ Ma€='md€’» M-   C*l¤'°·· ’36· Ar l*°Xl¤gl°¤
Z   , · · · _» Gilmore, Robert E., Lt., 38, AC, Somerset Mahoney C H ,26 A Owensboro
, <  Gaw. James S;. 40. AQ Hopkinsville Glenn, James P., Capt., *28, A, Kuttawa Mmm (,1,,,,;,0,,*1, ’,38’ AC Wmiamstown
,   cawood, Francis L., 1st Lt.,, 38, A, Winchester Godfrey, Robert G., *39, A, Lexington M   P ul R ,41 A' R ’tbur Va
A _ chambers, Elwood N., Lt., 40, A,Hagerhi1l Goodwin, Pgu1E. *40 A, Millville N J ars? a " ’ ’ us» gl ` ·
    Cha»$;;€rsi Robert G-; Majq ,30, AC, Nich0l8s- Graber, James Sq lst.   ’36, A, I;€Xi]lgtOIl   Harvey, lst   34, A, Fort Mu'-
` in ° G a , Th s J., ’40, AC, P' ill . , .
  Centers, Nathan H., ’40, A, Paducah Giaiim J;T;s D 2nd Lt {2FvQ€Hm_r0dS_ Maupin, Carey J., 30, A, Raleigh, N. C.
  more, John G_, ’41, A, Prospect burg " ` " ’ ’ Mattingly, Harney, 1st Lt., ’34, A, Hattiesburg,
  Cloud, Robert,   ,41, A, Louisville Graham Jame H. C   r00 CD Ile · 1.,0   _
  C0<>3»¤0llEh€l`i Ell8€¤€· CaPl$·» '27» Ai l-·€Xl¤8l»°¤ Graham John SLt. l ’3; Ao Louisvillgmg nl Maxedom James R", ,41l A' Lexmgton
,2%, Cochrane, Mark, ’41, A, Martins Ferry, O. G th qi- · - MaY· John S2 Sglle 36* A· ¤l¢v¤l¤¤¤ D- ¤- U l U l l KS; L§§$ZidM$l°’ {L2? Z5L?$°gll.l€Xmgt0n
  COl’11'8.d, CIHTEHCE, ,39, AC, Dry Ridge Gu Richard v40 A Lexin ton ’ " " ‘ " '
  Corn, James, Lt. Col., ’16, A, Cleveland, Tenn. yl , _ g _ Okla , _
,_ Cottrell, Robert Jr., Sgt., *40, A, Chicago, 111. Ha~l°» l'l· S·» 38» Ai Princeton ·   Joseph H., Lt., 32, A, Oklahoma. City,
,, COX, Landon, LL, »36, A, Lexmgmn Hamersly, Ralph E., Lt., 49, A, Lexington _ Miles, Lee Gardner, 1st Lt, 3?, Inf. Eminence
1   Covington, John Cn Ca_pt_, »25, A, Richmond Hansen, Robert, 2nd Lt., 40, AC, St. Paul, Milton, Lt. Col. Hugh   Jr., 19, A, Lexington
  Cramer, John C., Lt., ’36, A, Washington, D. C. Mm y Muu°y* ¤¤l€m¤¤ ·ll'··, 39* A* Klittawa
  Creech, Ghmwoody ,41, AC, Midmesburg Hernandez, J. E.,   34, A, Cuba Moffett, Albert, Lt., 39, A, l»€XlllSt0I1 _
as he.; Creech, Ted, Captq EX, AC, pm€v111,_, Hess, Robert D., Ensign, 36, AC, Toledo, O. Moore, Charles G., 2nd Lt., 39,   Franklin
e Wm   Croft, James B__ LU, ,35, A, Crofton Heyman, Lawrence, 115, A, Louisville Moore, Issac, 1st Lt., 37, Q, Lexiagtonlm
E cam_ C1.Oft, LyS1€_ Maju ’26, A, Mxington Hill, Frank, Jr., Lt., 38, AC, Sharpsburg Morat, Charles D., lit   38, A, · vis e
7,, For ,1 Curtis, Ja_meS_Wy11€Y 1st LL iam AC, Sp,.1ng_ Hillenmeyer, Herbert, Lt-., 32, A, Louisville Muncey John T., L., 0 A, Lexmg on
‘ _ .t\_   f1€1d_ 111 Hinkebem, Sherman, Ensign, 38, N, Louisville Murphy, O. B., Lt. 34, A, Lexington ,
Kgrsilé ED b J h t 26 A F t Le th Hooker, Ernest, ’32, A, Rio Grande City, Tex. Meyers. Gene, lst Lt., ’37, A, Lexington
.=tane,on,C ..,‘..or v or, · » ·
d being   K;} ap 8 enw Hoskins, Albert, 40, A, Beattyville · N 1 W L Lt ,39 A L _ t
i- ~ Houlihan, Robert, 2nd Lt., 41, Inf., Lexington €B·· - ·· · · · cxlng Oll _
  Dailey, Frank Jr., lst Lt., 37, A, Frankfort HOWEH, Cm.], 2nd L11, lg.;) Q, Hodgensvule Nichols. Thomas B., 1st Lt. ’37, A, Lexington
as as gDallas, William, Lt., *35, A, Paducah House, Taylor Nv Capt, ’14, AC, Lexington
S, Dear §Danziger, Irving M.. *40. A, East Rutherford. Hughes, William N., *02, N, Louisville OSth1g_’g°‘?]n’ Clarence H" ,30* A* Num Bergen
iiversiti   N. J. Hunter, Walter M.. Jr., ’36, AC, T-·€Xillgt0n ' ‘
Ssoclati ;Darpeu’ Mugs J`; 35’ A' Naéhvmg Term Iglghgyfg L_ T., *40, AC, Dgnviiio Palmer, William C., ’41, AC, Providence
Dean O' 'Dav1S’ Bruce L" 36’ AC’ Lexmgton Parry Thomas B Lt ’38 A Geor etown
nan de- QDavis, Charles L., ’38, A, Birdsville Jackson, Laban, Lt., *37, A, Eminence Patteéson Kem   égpt ’ ,3é A liorehead
hg ws Q c—.. Davis, David L., '39, AC, Louisville James, Forest, *38, A, Lexington Penick James V ,§9 A  exidgmh
· {Davis, Ernest H., Lt., ’41, A, Ashland Janes, Ernest L., Lt., ’35, A, Winchester Pigue 'Z€1m€,, W' 2,,}, it ,32 A Water Va1_
Vevai ·."D&vis. Howard C., Jr., ’41, A, Louisville Jones, Glenn, Capt., ’31, A, Los Angees, Cal. 1,33, " " ’ `
im Hair 1 Davis. R. G., Lt., ’33, A, Cincinnati, O. Johnstone, John P., Lt. ’36, AC, Lexington Pik C E Lt ,40 A
in 1890 {Dean, Harlow, Jr., ’38. A. Lexington Jones. Waller, Capt, ’30, A, Lexington Poo; é€O`;_g€ Br ,111 ’AC2iJ1§;;l;t(i; C'
l‘§2“”§. iD§H2`$2ii”;S..“`iil »§?"i2.s Lixiifii K=»»€¤Zlg» James E., ·~¤. AQ V ersa me P*€WM» John H·· Cam-» er A» L€>¤¤e¤¤
)· . ;, 1 -1 1 y ,
¤ ‘i'Dickerscn, R b ·t, Lt., *4c, A, Hende son Kalb, John V-» 4l» A, Beaton. N· Y. ,
he Um, it 0 61 · , T - , Keeton, Wilburn B., *41, A, Paducah R‘“‘lS€Y· Ll°Y°l» Ll·» 40, A~ S°mBl`S°l _
qded th $.DllHd0H, John W., Ma]., 31. A, Washington. Randam Cha, C D ,36 A N hm,
A   D_ C_ Kercheval, Ralph, ’35, A, Lexington Tenh res ·* r·* · * as €*
. Univer lQ·Dl1¤¤, Edgar H·. JI'-. Lt. ’l3, AC, l-·€Xlll€l°ll @1;% tvl;l'kD'é;“'1;; $1}   V;aS£gIf§;§§1€D. C` Ranney, Willis E., Capt, ’28, A, Louisville
ji Vw,. gqgiiim, Chai-ies Ku Captu *15, A, Lancaster l_ pa l C *1d D ,3;, A* Pi asumvme Rayner, Kenneth C., 1st Lt., *38, A, Shrews-
deni. C §Duty, William K., ist Lt., es, Q, Buffalo, N. Y. Kmgllli Wa ° ·i · * 8 b,,,g_ N_ J_
1889·9l_€$Elliott, Richard G_, Cgptq *23, A, Lexington Lacy, Floyd P., 2nd Lt., ’39, A, Hopkinsville Read, Harry L., ’40, NCG, Louisville
F\¤ad*lllll,,§El1iott, William P,, *37, AC, Burnside Lancaster, Edward G., ’36, A, Lexington Reeves, Charles P., *37, A, Mt. Olivet
jr of Bllriiiguljs, Hugh Bq *29, A, Buechel Lg.i_igh1iri_ Jess, L., ’30, AC, Los A1‘1g€l€S. CBJ. Rhoads, Wayland, Maj. ’15, A, Lexington ( `
H*m°lll·,.{, _ ndicctt, Thomas, ist Lt., *36, Int., Lexington Ledridge, Paul, ’38, AC, Lexington Rice, John A., Capt, ’34, A, Lexington
first Yellg., nsmingey, wiiiiam w_, lst; Lt__ *40_ A_ Har- Leith, James J1·., ’32, A, East Orange, N. J. Richardson, Clyde M., ’36, AC, Frankfort .
  odsburg Ligon, Champ, 2nd Lt., ’37, M, Lexington Riley, William, 2nd Lt., *40, Inf., Lexington ~
igraphicl,  mb€.,.g_ A_ RM Capt, *24, AY Richmond Livingston, Thomas, Lt., *35, A, Lexington Robards, William Lee, Lt., 41, A, Lexington
in "Wll°`;  Long. Charles, ’39, A, Lexington Rogers, Frank Jr., ’41, A, Mount Sterling ·
Delta 'lll,.   'l°"’l· Bell- C**Pl·· ’3l» ml- Newlml Lovett. Joe T., oapt, *22, Inf., Muray Rose, J. T., 2nd Lt. *41 A, Paris , .
.s a·lS¤   ’ meli Bell A·· ’38· A· Maysvllle L ther, William, *33, A, Hopkinsville _ , *
,i.__ seni0§·  field. Gerald, Lt., *41, A, Schenectady, N. Y. Lgonsy John Tn mw ,41, A, F1€m1ngsbu,.g Salmon, James L. Ma]. 28, ,A, Bardstown ,’
fthe   cher, Fred J., Ji-., 2nd Lt_, *41, AC, Louisville Lyons Roger L_ LL, .41, A, Cave City Schaffer, Delwyn, 2nd Lt., 39. A. SCll¢ll*<
and   ster, Fred, Capt., *29, A, Lexington ' ’ l*¤lY· N- Y·
iist Worlt  ` tiff, George, Lt., ’39, A, Lexington McCann, Thomas T.. Ensign. ’40, N, George- Schuyler, Harold, 2nd Lt,. *41. A. P<»r** ll  
  ippin. Walter, Jr., Lt., ’37. AC, Somerset town Ohio ,
” .

   —-  . xugws-&¢<::>.:e=::u1.?se:·.— A  
 _     Schwartzman, Nathan, Capt., ’3l, A, Buffalo,
      S §T.JY. D Lt ,4 AC Fi dl The Kentucky Student Union extends U° K°    
   s r  sign-{11  .; 3;... tg “..aY.;.Ei..... r °°""e’ "’¤°me *0 e" e*~~·~i ~* me Total Wm P m i
    _ . » ·· - » » University and particularly to all alumni     ~ -——
 _1_   `  Shacmette. Hansford. ,35. 4. W&V€YlY serving in the armed forces of the coun- g   \,’OL]
~:    ._  Sharp, R'°ndal· 39* Ar C°rbm *"Y· As the result of an extensive study made i —·*
  _ E _.  Sheehy, Edmund G., ’36, A, Fort Wayne, Ind. We urge you to make this building b th .U i 1 _ `
 si;   ;· Shropshire, James Sq Captu .29, A, L€xmg_ your headquarters while in Lexington y e` nvers ty Faculty. the program of
    " * goo We yvill be fggdy to give you any info,- the University of Kentucky for cooperating ` ’°·-    
      Shropshire, Lawrence, Capt. ’30, A, Lexing— '"‘""°“ _°°"°?'¤¤¤é the ¢°m¤}¤¤¤f>’ and in the total war effort of the United States     -_  
    E mn the University and are anxxous to do has recent] be d Th U 1 in in
  _°. A  . , . everything that we can to make your y En announce ‘ e D ' t "`°i
 ii     3;1v€rS’ (grg;;?;é (ggptgg 22; Aépggégiign stay in Lexington a pleasant one. Verslty has pledged the support of the entire  
   Y   ’ " ’ ’ . taff to cooperate to the fulle t cl with Q =i ·"
    g  Smee, James C., Lt., ’38, A, Lexington S S -—€g“’€ fi =>··  
   i  Smith, Charles H., Lt., '40, AC, Lexington GOV Johnson Names the plans of the Federal Government and     V“°- __§?`??i‘
   rl.       R., Carptn '17,.AC,   tcolltillucd lfrorll Page One) the B_1‘m€d   for         Q    
V  _ *,2 · s ' .. sl . 'j`_':j]‘EQ
    .  Smith. Coéengan 1;,..d3?-it AEi0L;x1£gt(;I1; ton h t wais The pmgmm SayS_...I.h8 University of ii; sk ._ V_E.if._.
 e .  {   Snapp. E ri ge, n ., , ex g t e wo years at Yale. In 1882 the separa- Kentucky believes with national leaders that    ; ` f‘¥“Z-G
-  ·` ri SPaI`k$» A“b"€Y· lst I-·t·· 31· Martha tion of Kentucky State College and Transyl- ·   S  ¢¤. . .
 5;.  [   Sparks, Harold P., 2nd Lt., *39, AC, Ashland mma was effected S0 Judge Smu has been m the present emergency retention of funda-   gg —·    
ff  _ `   Sparrow, John C., 2nd Lt. ’38, Q. I-·0lll$Vllle . ' _ _ _ _ mental values-for example, civil rights,  , _i:·‘Ii·i§`v-
   1  gg Spiiman, Hem.}, Ca Mal, A, Versailles actively connected with the University since health, recreation, education, spiritual do-   _  gt.;*$§j;.·i§g;§.éiE`t.-.
T.   .  Stahl-, Elvis J, Jr., Lt., ’36. Inf., Hickman it became a separate institution. with the veiOpm€nt_b€cOmeS increasingly important   ` ’Q__._.`»rf.?Z;`·‘£··.¢
 i   ·  Stalion, Carl, ’l9, Q, St. Louis, Mo. exception of 11 years. The University is in contrast Such luxuries as km va at.0   ;;  
 * - l Stanley Charles H" '36’ AC’ Fmnkfqrt to be congratulated uD0n having the loyal d · g . C. 1 ns   it  li;’{`§iE-Fri';gilt;
    ;  Stephenson, William L., *41, Ao, Lexington Services of Such an Outstanding alumnus ee busmess as usual must be "l"“""‘t€d   Ei   
  A <  Stewart, James, lst Lt., ’34, Inf., Bala, Pa. ‘ and the ordinary pace of education, govern- { .··i ii.   
- ‘   , · » M . P l ' . . é t  $1;zi2523%;:2ziiiiéiééiééiieiai
  __ ·  Styles, Joseph. Ensign. 34. N, Worcester, f rthea réoie has been an T;t1veHalumnus ment, and civic me must be quickened The   E.  isE.isi;iégihiiiiigi.
 T V i MZSS. O V€1`S1 Y SIHCE Y . B 15 3 1 I- th U . _ . _ ` » iis   
.‘»  i i t  Sutton. stanley, ee, A. Lexington use member or the Alumni ASSOCl8tlOll, is ig;. 2,, p.Zv,,§§v§'2f§,§’;,.Ii,“§§f§§§§,,f.°;`§f,‘Q{    
 i` if   gylvestery g€11?d1¢$1EhH1StLt  egggdgtlgawn chairman of the Alumni Membership Com- by both faculty and students without neces-    
` » J >  Yml°’S°“· 0 ·· ·· · * mittee for 1941-42 and a member of the sarily sacrificing the morale buildin   fw  -‘.· 1:;§2§.§;§§i;Q;§i;E§E§E
‘ i t _ _ ’ _ 3 values .;, 5; ..,;s».;l;‘zZ.€;¥.izZ2:€
_ ° _ . Q  Tanner, Patrick, Lt., .40, AY Owensboro Alumn1.Execut1ve Committee. The recent or- of recreation, athletics. and social life."      
 .;   . . Tai-gsi, Cui-tis, ghd LL go, AC_ Loiiisviho ganization of the Frankfort Alumni Club, The University, of course, will continue to    .¤’”?i.fQ{§f;i
 . i `-   Tam, James, ,39, M, Winchester · which has been so very active in the last few make extensive contributions of leadership in      
 -i » ,T I - Terry, Rankin, lst Lt., ’38, Marion months in promoting the program of the Uni- its many fields, in addition to which an even     i`¤:   1¤'  
 ·‘ ' _`   Thompson, Edgah uio, A, Wickhge vesity, was encouraged through the edorts greater contribution will be made to the total    
  f  g Thgrnberry, H. H., lst Lt., ‘25, A, Corydon of Mr. Palmore. war effort of the nation through providing a,    :§¥t¥¥j* 
 r .  · Todd, T_ Mu 2nd Lin Y34, AC, Winchester Mr. Palmore was graduated in the Class continuous and ever-increasing flow of young   i;§§   
 Z?   l _ Toimahy George, isi, A, Bahsmn Laks N_ Y_ of 1914 from the College of Engineering, re- man power equipped to serve most e1Tectivei‘;§    
  l   Trent, Howard E. JL .41, A, Pamtsvihe turning to the University in 1931 for advanc- ly the armed forces and other essential   T     
 i ._   Tmtt, William D_) 731Y AY Evahsviiioy Ihd_ ed work. He has been Chief Engineer of the agencies of our government. In order that   _  _{`:.3i‘ii*·
·,  Q.   Tudmxwihiam Lv 2hd Lin aio, AC, Lexington Kentucky State Highway Department; City this may be done, the University will pro- YQ _.    
, i  _i Y _ Manager of Covington, Kentucky; Principal vide an opportunity for all entering fresh- it   ,_;z¤=e§:%;-;
 j'   zigliiharg Llghjif N? dC;l?"’,4g2’   Chnum of the Glasgow High School, and at the pres- man students ot complete their regular Uni- °`·*   ` S   
 ; ,   lc I`» in ,2 I;/I   _ ju ent time is Chairman of the Disaster versity course in three years. F
 :.   fi V“`€s· P8 I Sa 1* r msvl 8 Committee of the Red Cross. He is active in This program makes it possible for young   S' ,
  .·   Wadc, Dallas, ’34, A, Lexington the American Legion in Franklin County; and men and women to secure University train-   lxth
    Wainscott, Guy Jr., Ensign, ’40, N, Frankfort ill many Other civic arid Welfare gl’0l1DS. both ing in order that they may be able to serve   •
‘ A _   Walker, Harris C., lst Lt., ’40, A, Maysville in his county and in the state. He is S€Cl°€- their nation to the fullest extent. a?UHl\’l
  ` li Walker. Harry R., Dr., ’35, A, Glendale tary of the Kentucky Association of High- The quarter system plan thus becomes QS 1 (
 I <   Walton, Sam B., ’38, A, Lexington way Contractors and is serving his second effective in June, 1942. Students may attend  
_.    Warren, Robert H., Capt., ’29, A, Louisville term as President of the American Cdn- three quarters annually and finish in the ‘
 ? » = Warth, Robert D., ’20, A, Georgetown crete Pipe Association. usual four years or by attending all four ~ Wim the
' Weaks, Harry J. Jr., '40, A, Water Valley This distinguished 9