xt754746qj01 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt754746qj01/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky (Fayette County) University of Kentucky Alumni Association 1966 v. : ill. ; 28 cm. Quarterly, Publication suspended 1922 and resumed with v. 1, no. 1 (May 1929); v. 5, no. 9 (May 1933) not published; issues for v. 37, no. 2-v. 40, no. 1 (spring 1966-spring 1969) incorrectly numbered as v. 38, no. 2-v. 43, no. 1; v. 40 (1969) complete in 3 no. journals  English [Lexington, Ky. : University of Kentucky Alumni Association, Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky alumnus University of Kentucky. Kentucky alumni 2002- Kentucky alumnus monthly Kentucky alumnus, vol. 01, no. 37, 1966 text Kentucky alumnus, vol. 01, no. 37, 1966 1966 1966 2012 true xt754746qj01 section xt754746qj01  — » / 0 \\'intcr  
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 g \ ` the establishment of a new Commulllty »·rl
V A _ institutions across the United States to :1ppr0x1mat€ly·f80. Some 300 (lcrcgutcs y(.5t(,l.(]a}, at ,1 COmm,mjrt· llnlllgq
A look at the "d“°3“°“al progress _Ol Clllllollllll ls conference sponsored bythe University of l(crrtrrcl\‘rt·
l hhtt Cttlthtttl "‘tl"tth°"‘ Ctthththttts phhplh h‘“"”’ hhhh “'h" come the tlciicioiiciosloi lniirt- senior- Collt—or·t. no sill it
In Paying fel. llhelll educatlon boon] lllll Only becalgse   ()fll€I`S Rl. llbellill (l(l1lCLltl()Il f()I` 5tll(l(‘l]lS \\`ll() (lt) ll(ll Pldll lv
cth “lt°ttl tt; but hhhhhsh they t"‘tl‘Z€ they Chht htthttl go on to it senior college its troll its {1`{lil']lllQ stnrlcnts rtw
  Hogg) S;gp;;l€€(§luC?l;El0n' H I 1 I_ _ t us do expect to transfer to one.
é Cict   t · 5 8 non lgnhah el/BS Inaydc lllillnlst 6 h O Fl()l`l(l1llS C()]Y]I]]\]lllty C()lllt‘g(’$ l\lt(l ll(‘Lll`l§'   htlll ` A
· ' yl lsllh et apl W th as collsllllle ll thhs S are dents last year, nearly two-thirds of its total college <’ttl¤lll‘ —
A of funds without too much anguish on the part of the mmm l I Editor`,
l · pllllllcl. These costs include $t’8°° th keep ll lllvclllle lll ll `l\Viegman notcd that three l`actor·s indicate l{l‘lllllChlll
Q , tletehttoh hhhtht $3·°00 tt ytttlt th keep tt hthhthttl th tt Sthth coinmiinity collt~r;t~ system is going to silt-r-coil: Gt"?
j prison; $2,500 a year (or more) for an unemployed worker ··ThC Cmnmitgmmi to thc pl_(;w_m“ bv DL Iolm \\`. ltlllrcs
and his family on relief; $1 million to $10 million per mile OSWu]d` UK pl_(_SidCm· V ` l `  lllcrlin;
lolrpltllollilll €xplcSSl¥?Slf K k I . _ . hb _ _ “Tl1C $€l(lCtl()ll of l)lll(‘-l'll)l)()[] people for ;1rl\‘istll")‘l>llilllh _ llflll;'lll
; lc, Omlllolllllelll 0 elllllc yflllc lll llclg _ ht Smleb at cach ot the community college; bringing cxtSt1¤l! lhht . llllllllfll
T llecogltllze lllc Elllectlve trend Of hlghclt eqllcatlonl Tell- Ulllllltv lCLl.(l(ll`Slllp l() l)(‘ll.l' ()ll il](‘ pl`()l)ll`lll$ tl1<‘}’ tllll‘lll' lll·ll}ll]`;’
  nessee has authorized the establishment ot four two-year ···l—}{U imminent C(mSh.m_li(m of Cmmnmm>· wllt-gv stil" Hum
  Colleges; llllllllls Chlllbllslled tlvc new comllllltllty colleges icc centers at each of the existing schoolS · ·   <‘olrr·p;·
t and has ten more in the planning stages; the people of the ` (.
5 3 city of D1llla1S and Dallas County, Texas, have l,1n(lerl;:1lui”  ‘ 2 i
tlabama.  ` é  
l a IIBWQ  ·   g
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°·m¤i¤r?  ‘ . .
¤S; plans   I g
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type of‘  \\*iut<·I‘ l9€’5 Volume XXXYII lssue l   ' ‘
ull sognl  4 kh- lwtiitut   \|upipp~ as ;pl·li~li· tl :p{.ut4 ily lb) (lu]- §`nix4-pity nl K4 ntiitlty ]_\lunnu   '
· `saI11.tI#III. \]J<*, IIII nist] I III ( 1 _ `svr .I!lIi vI< Iti~ ~I I~· I VHII U lI· .· ll s.  
IS UI€Se·  l14ii444....i 4>ii··‘;. l);l¤t. 4.i i»..il.ii4 i44`-1..i.4...4l11i»£ ll·i.aiI.4 uni. illlillmil; ll xl·i`.ltilll1ll, L ‘
_. _ 4~.i..·.;i4.i. mw i, x ........ my-.. ou...; u.i».. <;_ K .; eu. 4, .· H4,   444 it,,...   ..4_ ; =
Bclielogi ‘ l.¤ xuliutuii. Ki utnu Lj l'U7(Nil. l`n~4Ilil it· il iu.u li~4 riyitjnliiiiiltll liliilliitlll ~t.uu;>l·d. .ulrlrl·l;[~trll ?  
ast rv 4m. 4·p¤~; ·piii14~ pri ·ii4i,   .  
the tim  j lf4limi· ............. (L)l`liX'l`lX D. ALLEN    
tion was  QQ Alllllllljllllf [C4/il4»i· ........... llunx C. Kixc  
lrlnglhc]  .\!unIui Nrritis liz/iter ,........, A np, D. Rgrisonn   A.
wed l°_  _ (;l'(l]I/ll(` l)4·.s·i;;u ......... ltoisiinr _l.u1Es Foosii _ l
i00l—has.    E
dynamic I C onten ts   A
ollegeis; Tlie Coiuuiuuity College Quentin D. Allen, page 2   Q
Bfwomvl  A l·Zyideuee that progress and education are hand-hand part-   `
rt;]ni’t;nQ  I uers is presented tlirougli the L`niyersity`s system of com-   A 
nd;_Ds_  A uiuuity colleges.   f
.i ,3 : 
:0 added‘  A Community Editor Speaks Out Norman Allen,  
ipfrkglu _ page lti V 4 
mo ci ` .
4 The \\`inds of Change Dr. Sliiler L. Bass. page 25 { ·
¤€l<}'$Y$· \o other era ot American history has brought so many   ` 
“‘“g °“°Q   A eliauges. Dr. Bass. President of the Dow Corning Company,   g
msj _ *  A analyzes tliese changes and describes how society will   .
vg yumort ;;
’ alisorli tliem. It .
iddressetl  A Q.; 3
Y college  ` TDC C()llllllllllll\` C()ll(’Q'€ 2`tll(l. tl]€ C()lllll]lllllt\` P3.ll€l    
‘°ll{Ihm. / /_, Discussion. page 20    
e ess . . * . . - . .
Jcilvcrlgityt ludustrialists. community college oflicials. Llizabetlitowii 5 r
II 1 . . . . ' — ` . . — T
No m.H_’  citizens and Xlam Campus faculty and administrators torm , g
{8 saidiy;  a panel diseussing tlie relationship of a community college . ;
)t pm to-  A to the community.
4 `  ' 4 - . ·. - . J =
lem “h° »=iA llow l lx Community Colleges Rate Nine lsentucluans,  
; .. ‘ ` w . ·
, - iage l L?  
»,000 stir]- i l     I Y ' h ` Q    
=G€ €'“° `»  d Guidelines into the L niversity s Future Norman gt »
¤ ` E it0r’s Note · ' i° {
, · . ~· · r ~ 2 fj
icntucws  · §ll1(lLl. Pdgt 8    
’ 4 G”'t’l*¤’ D(’6`l§i"€"' Robcrl Eyents -m(l People Helen C KIIIU PH“€ 36   l
. 4 F- . ' ,£
Iohn \\'.4 IUVNCS Foosc lms employed the Cl U   —
.  ·~<@I·g»»~ Ol U ¤`<’<’
 ‘ I l .   ef  _,_   .
l | l Qi} . . . .. ';  
T A S new look is emerging in smaller cities and toil-ni . ·
        over the United States. Every economic indicator assures us this coiiriip,   * ·
I E   is experiencing an unprecedented period of prosperity. More buildings, mei.;    
2 '{     highways, more hospitals, more schools, more factories, more of everything {S-ri 
j, ‘     is being built. , This is a prosperity which Kentucky’s smaller cities grij  
Q l   towns are sharing. And Kentucky's smaller towns ancl cities are being age;   * 
 - E l { ,   to exemplify the widespread prosperity. What has happened to the wall, i ` ·
 . I   g ’   flower municipality of our past? illustrated on the opposite page is partgi
  T { J   the answer, the University’s system of community colleges. Through Cem. 4
_ °       munity colleges, thousands of young Kentucky men and women have an
V   ,   unprecedented opportunity for training beyond high school. Kenneth Cayce
 , i i vi of Hopkinsville has written: "Our community is faced with the responsibiliti-
I - _   and challenge to grow culturally and economically in order that job opportii- A ¥
‘‘»  ;   nities will be afforded to those who have equipped themselves with the ability '” A
 . \ l   and knowledge which the community college affords them. This combination g
  y 1   of a rapidly growing community coupled with complete educational facilities i A
  i Q   through the community college level will certainly open up individual and .
 .       community opportunity which will allow our economy to keep pace with the
i  `- - 1 ·. rapidly growing national economy and population." ' As a nation we alwais
_ .   I i _ )
  j   have had a remarkable preoccupation with growth. In the nineteenth century
 Q , j§ we tackled the development of the frontier with great enthusiasm. Today l
      without noticeable trembling, we face hub·to-hub and bumper—to-bumper
    traffic congestions, brave the sight of bulldozers ripping down trees and m0v·
 · y I y Q- ing earth for suburbia, and realize that just around the corner are populaticri   V.
i  _   ·   problems which will demand more of tomorrow's generation——educatiori¤lli‘. L§$?’$E;`i
  . _   spiritually and psychologically than is demanded of today's generations.
.§  Qi Growth is the central theme of the land grant system of American colleges Grid
T l _   universities. ln looking forward to a population of 250,000,000 by the YW
._    l985, G new concept of higher education has been utilized in making tF¤l¤·
y i  y ing beyond high school available to as many citizens as possible. This is lll? _
 I V my community college system a decentralized grassroots approach to lllgllel Xi-iis;
' - ~ . . ' . . ’ . -
    l V   €duCGtlOn. / lndustrially oriented cities and towns with community college
,_  _ y I   facilities are fast changing the Kentucky image. Enthusiasm abounds in Cm Hmm,
it V i v all munity college towns who feel confident of their municipality's futuf€. l'l» D ’°ll°°iSi
 _ . l 1   Strunk, chairman of the Somerset Community College advisory bo¤Fdi he .  
i`  »   Wl'lll'€l'lZ / HSOm€l'S€t Community College, to my mind, is the greClt€Sl l?OO$l fcriieii
P    our Community hos ever experienced. The coming of this school, C1 D¤ll Ol —
"  - tl the University of Kentucky, will have a tremendous impact on the are¤ GSU
.;    whole, it will upgrade our economy, add to the cultural image, Gndi mel T
t  ji importahntly, it will make possible two years of college for a greater iwmbel
_   . O yout S who otherwise would not be able to afford a college eduC¤Tl0*“- _
 °   believe that through higher education we can make areas such G5 Appclclchlc
 e - , {  self supporting."
· 1  
1 é 2
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ll] 21 DOW €ql13.tlOIi1 f()l` K€HtUCl(y C()IHITlLl1`lltl€S   V  
Community Colleges Prove:  
Education = Progress = Growth   1
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ing   ` 
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ltllg   1
 uch of tlie new look in Ken- which attracts progressive people who, in turn, spur the    
/ tiickys smaller cities and towns is the outward sign of intellectual. social and economic wheels of a community.   T
_ _ iiamtl changes. Newly won confidence characterizes that .~\n equally important side of the (`ommonwealth’s new Q  
T not look. This is the heart of the inward change affecting look in small cities and towns can be seen in the impressive    
    the outlook of the ordinary citizen and the atmosphere of acconiplislunents of the last decade. Kentucky’s effective   V 
A Kentucky municipalities. highway system. the widespread beautification and clean-   `
  A future gilded with optiinisin is the result of the up campaigns. urban renewal and low rent housing, new   ’
: » ctnmininity college system, It is the representation of a streets and sewers. planning and zoning. garbage disposal   .
' new era making its entrance upon small Kentucky cities plants. city parks and a resplendent state park system in   ·
_ and towns. lnasmuch as education is the great social and picturesque sites. vastly improved medical facilities, indus-   _
_ ` emiioinic equalizer of the individual. townships see the trial planning with suitable tax structures. regional libra—    
  i Same effect applying to unmicipalities. ries. new and better cultural events. constantly improving   i
Life in a faster tempo within small towns and cities elementary and secondary schools. among other facets—all   i 
liiii not destroyed the friendly atmosphere or the natural of these create a superior environment.   · 
lifniiily in which they are located. Better roads bring The future of small towns has been fermenting since the   , { 
r=·=- l Cllr tl\\‘cllers to the small town where they may relax at addition of the community colleges. \\`ithin a year ofthe l j
`   Sl·\l€‘ pilllly l:kl(`llltl(`$ tlII(l. ('(}Il\`(‘l`S(‘l}`. tllC l1Ctt(‘l` ]`(ltl(lS l)l'(‘SlOllSlllll`f1 (i(lll]ll`llllllt}` (i()ll(’gG ()p[°lllllg. the Hlhst Sig' fl  V
y.; `_ like the Small town dweller to the city for its specialized nificant new industry within the past two decades settled A  
  $‘€¥‘\‘i<·t‘S. Overall. a new respect is being created between in that Eastern Kentucky town. ` · 
tlietvvo municipalities, ()f the new attitude on the part Industrial teams. it seems. are guided by their own  
"lm<‘l¥`<>D<>litaii residents. a small town lawyer recently standards of what comprises a livable environment for gf e 
llllliliieiitetl; the management class. Coliiinllliily C‘0ll€{1€S &1(l€l llml €Xti`ii == S
llvlllll il l`(`\\' }`t‘lll'S {tgt), l lliltl l() lH`Q(` [HY l`l`l("Il(lS tt)   (lll Ulpplllg \\`l]fL'll ltttl`i`tL`lS il lllll`(l lO()l·( \\`h€l`€ fl passing A T  
ll*"`*‘l ll) my section of Kentucky to see me. Now. with glance was the typical consideration of the past.   4 
gflflll millls. state p;n·ks_ the many evidences of civic Ten communities (and perhaps $0011 ll1i1't€l’l1l l>ll1`l1 lZl1€‘   , l
il ll"flm`(`$$i1l>(iill my hometown and the community college. bright fires of higher etlncation. Every ClfiZ€‘l1 of tl1€      
` / * *“>‘<>lmility·_ highly tlesirzilil<‘·    
. Tho l‘f`*l$0ll· HS pointed out in the national ad. is the lt should be gratifying to llllllly t‘0U1ll`tllUlllGS to l—`r I { g   YOl'i{ {hilt i
‘ 2 1 · 1 1 L—.** ~
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`  1   1 _   . ' — V V i1 if   .-1‘ `·     ‘ ., .-, I J _ __ frankly, I d
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 · 53 . . 
C ommumty Colleges are Oriented to Community Needs.  
): >  
E 2
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22 ·
3 ·
UOM. However, qualifying for a community college rs ayor George Archer of Prestonsburg is well aware §· V g
. · · · . . s ·1 *
beyond ordinary crvrc homework. Read what one active of hrs town s new look. He says: L e
r€lllZ(’|l said of his travails in securing a community college "There is a spirit and an energy in Prestonsb