xt751c1thv8f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt751c1thv8f/data/mets.xml Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass Kentucky Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass 1982-10 Newsletter of the Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass, previously named the Central Kentucky Jewish Association and Central Kentucky Jewish Federation. The Federation seeks to bring Jewish community members together through holiday parties, lectures, Yiddish courses, meals, and other celebrations of Jewish heritage and culture. They also host fundraisers and provide financial assistance for Jews in need, both locally and around the world. newsletters  English Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass records Jews -- Kentucky -- Lexington Jews -- History Central Kentucky Jewish Association newsletter, October 1982, volume 6 number 7 text Central Kentucky Jewish Association newsletter, October 1982, volume 6 number 7 1982 1982-10 2020 true xt751c1thv8f section xt751c1thv8f CkfifixJA

Central Kentucky

Jewish Association
vol VI October 1982 no 7


With Pleasure and Pride the Central Kentucky Jewish Association invites
you to a State of Israel Bonds Dinner on Sunday, November 14, 1982 at the
Radisson Hotel.

The guest of Honor will be Irma S. Rosenstein. We are most pleased to
be able to say thank you and to acknowledge Irma's many contributions to
our Jewish community in Lexington, in Kentucky, in Israel and beyond. Among
her many activities she has chaired the Women's Division Campaign for UJA
and served as the first female member of the Board of Temple Adath Israel.

Irma has been a leader also in her many other areas of expertise:
Social Professions, Mental Health, Planned Parenthood and Interfaith,
particularly through her long and outstanding service to National Conference
of Christians and Jews.

Invitations with complete details will be in the mail shortly.

Our distinguished speaker will be Mr. Frank Gervasi, noted foreign
correspondent and author.

As head of the Rome Bureau of Hearst's International News Service,
Gervasi covered the European scene on the eve of World War Two. Unable
to persuade his employers that war was imminent and that grave dangers
faced the Jews — a subject he was instructed to ignore — Gervasi resigned.
He returned to New York and joined the staff of Collier's Weekly. In
that capacity he served as a war correspondent, based in Cairo, and had
frequent occasion to visit what was then Palestine where he became engrossed
in the Jewish people's struggle for nationhood.

After the war, he directed informational activities for The Marshall
Plan in Italy, and wrote a widely syndicated column for the New York Post,
”Dateline Your World.”

Books he has written include ”To Whom Palestine? the Case for Israel,”
”Thunder over the Mediterranean,” and an account of the Yom Kippur War of
1973, and the current ”Life and Times of Menahem Begin: Rebel to Statesman.‘
He is currently at work on an account of the so—called Islamic revolution,
to be published by Rawson—Wade.


The Israel Bond Organization is the major source of develOpment capital
for Israel, having provided over $5 billion since its inception to help
build every aspect of the nations' economic infrastructure. As a result of
the peace treaty with Egypt, thousands of military and civilian personnel
are to be redeployed from the Sinai to the Negev and industries, jobs,
communications, transportation and energy, along with the necessities of
everyday life must be provided within a short period of time. Israel looks
to Israel Bonds to help provide solid economic foundations both for the
development of the Negev and for the building of a peace economy.





The Jewish Welfare Boards Jewish Book Council announces Jewish Book
Month to be marked from November 10th to December 10th, 1982.

The Council has selected the following books as the Ten Best Jewish
Books of the year.

1. Acts of Faith: A Journey to the Fringes of Jewish Identity.
Dan Ross. St. Martin's, $15.95.


This unusual book examines ten groups of Jews who live in isolated
Jewish communities in such countries as Spain, Mexico, Ethiopia, India, and
China. As the author details these Jews' struggle to maintain their Jewish
lives, we not only see exotic settings, but confront crucial questions
about the nature and continuity of Jewish identity.

2. Five Biblical Portraits. Elie Wiesel. Notre Dame University Press,



The famed Jewish writer, continuing what he began in ggssengersilfjgli,
takes key Biblical figures, tells their stories, and interprets their mean~
ing. Elijah, Saul, Jeremiah, Joshua, and Jonah are chosen for investigation.
Wiesel is more than a Biblical scholar. He skillfully and brilliantly makes
these Biblical figures illuminate contemporary Jewish life.

3. The Jewish Soul on Fire. Esther Jungreis. William Morrow, $11.95.


The ”Rebbetzin,” founder of the famed Hineni movement, uses memoirs
about her escape from the Holocaust, stories from the Bible, and lessons
from Jewish history to encourage a return to Judaism especially by young
Jews who are uncertain about their heritage. The author's personal power
comes through on each page.

4. The Making of Modern Zionism. Shlomo Avineri. Basic Books, $14.95.


This is a fascinating introduction to Zionist thought. Seeing Zionism
as a revolutionary movement for self—determination rather than a reaction
to anti—Semitism, Avineri traces this thesis through the thought of 18
major Zionist thinkers including Moses Hess, Theodor Herzl, Rabbi Hook,
and David Ben-Gurion. Each profile is illuminating as well as readable.

5. On Women and Judaism: A View from Tradition. Blu Greenberg.

The Jewish Publication Society of America, $13.95.


The well—known Orthodox writer presents fascinating insights into the
relationship between women and Judaism. Topics covered include; feminism,
women and Jewish survival, divorce, abortion, and women's role at synagogue
services. The book is particularly useful for all Jews confronting the
contemporary issues raised by the movement for women’s rights.

6. Refusers: An Epicig:_£hefiJewsf tanley Burnshaw. Horizon Press,

$14 .§—5.—_— ‘T"— “A

This extremely well—written, challenging novel is really a trilogy.
Book 1 is about Moses, here presented as an angry, brooding agitator and
organizer. Book 2 is the tragic story of the Marrano Uriel da Costa who
lived in Portugal during the 17th century who sees Judaism first as ignored
and then as too rigidly practiced. The final book is about a modern Jew
fervent in his desire to survive.

 W7"""" r "m" ‘ ‘ n"

7. Return to Auschwita. Kitty Hart. Atheneum, $12.95.

Viewers of the television documentary will be familiar with this
incredibly moving and eloquent account of daily existence in Auschwitz.
Besides being one of the best of Holocaust memoirs, this book is also a
valuable study of a relationship between mother and daughter.

8. The_§elf:§h9§pn Jean Baer. Arbor House, $15.00.



This book is well—done popular sociology of the Qpr_Crgwd type.
Focusing on the post—War era, the author talks about a new Jewish elite
which, in contrast to previous generations, did not achieve its status
by family membership, but rather by their own initiatives. The life—
styles of members of this new elite are described.

9. Wallenberg: The Man in the Iron Web. Elenore Lester. Prentice—

Hall, $12.00.


Swedish diplomat Raoul Wallenberg's mission to save 230,000 Jews, his
eventual arrest by the Russians, and the mystery of his fate, have trans—
formed him into a mighty symbol of the righteous gentile.

10. When Bad Things Happen to Good People. Harold S. Kushner.

Schocken Books, $10.95.


A Rabbi whose own child died considers what Judaism has to say about
evil, God, and the search for an understanding of seemingly meaningless

As the ads say: ”Its only a few months to Hanukkah ” Last year

brought us several excellent holiday books for young readers. These included
Light Another Candle (Chaikin), The Hanukkah Book (Burns), Hagukkah: Eight
Nights, Eight Lights (Drucker), and The Power of Light (Singer). They have
now been joined by one for very young readers: A Picture Book of Hanukkah.
Doll—like tableaus dramatize the simply narrated story of the Maccabee—led
guerrilla war against Antiochus and the defilement of the Temple. Adler

adds the customs of Hanukkah and explains: ”Ever since that first Hanukkah,
Jews . . . have fought for the right to pray to God and live as Jews (and)

in certain parts of the world are still fighting . . .” This is a thought—
ful and attractive book, an appropriate gift for any of the eight nights.


The Museum of History and Science at 727 W. Main in Louisville
will have a Jewish historical exhibit on display from December 1
through January l7.


The exhibit will depict l75 years of Jewish achievement and
the unique contribution of Jewish communities to the development
of the nation.

Herman Landau has been recruited to serve as consultant and
specialist on Louisville‘s Jewish history.


An historian and an autobiography specialist are collaborating on a
collection of autobiographical writings. We are looking for accounts of
their lives by Jews born in Russia or Eastern Europe between 1895 and
World War 1 who subsequently emigrated to the United States. Manuscripts
may range from five to seventy—five pages in length. Copyright and
confidentiality of authors will be respected carefully and all manuscripts
will be returned. The story of this immigration needs to be told to the
world. Please help us. Please send queries or manuscripts to:

Susan Waugh, 330 N. Bemiston, St. Louis. MO 63105
OR Eli Zaretsky, 504 Clayton, San Francisco, CA 94117.


0 Close-up O


The Women's Division of the CKJA held a premiere for the 1983 Campaign
with a cocktail supper on Tuesday, October 19, at the. home of Vivian Weil.
The guest of honor was Senator Walter ”Dee" Huddleston. Contributors of
$500.00 or more in 1982, and those who pledged $500.00 or more for 1983
were in attendance.


You are

cordially invited

to participate in the
United Jewish Appeal

East Central

Leadership Conference
Friday, October 29 through
Sunday, October 31, 1982
at the

Downtown Sheraton

Columbus, Ohio.

For further information call:

Steve Caller: 266—1314


Gail Cohen: 272—1459
Gloria Katz: 272—3194
Erle Levy: 266—2858

“Secure the Promise Now”







Dr. Charles Gorodetzky, past president of CKJA, and currently
president of Temple Adath Israel will be elected to a two year
term on the National Board of the Union of American Hebrew
Congregations. The election will be held at the Biennial
Convention of the Midwest Council of UAHC, later this month.


Judy Saxe, CKJA Community Worker, recently attended an institute for
Executives of Small City Federations. The institute sponsored by the
Council of Jewish Federations and the Jewish Welfare Board was held at
Tamarack Lodge in Greenfield Park, N.Y.

The theme of the institute was ”Executive Management in Jewish
Communal Service.” Additional workshops were held on ”Jews Under Siege;”
the role of the director in enhancing the relationship between the local
Federation and the national organization; Holocaust programming; and the
impact of Israel's war against terrorism on Israel and the American Jewish

The CJF is the association of 200 Federation, Welfare Funds and
Community Councils, currently celebrating its 50th year of serving nearly
800 communities which embrace over 95 percent of the Jewish population
of the U.S. and Canada.

Established in 1932, the Council serves as a national instrument to
strengthen the work and the impact of Jewish Federations through leadership
in developing programs to meet changing needs in the Jewish community;
through the exchange of successful experiences to assure the most effective
community service; through establishing guidelines for fund raising and
operation; and through joint national planning and action on common purposes
dealing with local, regional, national, and international needs.

JWB, founded in 1917, is the network of and central service agency
for some 275 Jewish Community Centers, YM and YWHAS and camps in the U.S.
and Canada serving more than one million Jews.

It serves the entire North American Jewish community in informal
Jewish education and Jewish culture through the JWB Lecture Bureau, Jewish
Media Service, JWB Jewish Book Council, JWB Jewish Music Council and projects
related to Israel.

JWB is the agency accredited by the U.S. government to serve the
religious, Jewish educational and moral needs of Jewish military personnel,
their families and hospitalized VA patients.


HIAS, the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, is seeking to locate
Jews who lived in or around the towns of Rudensk, Kaidanov
(Koidanovo), and Dukarav Byelorussia (all in the vicinity of
Minsk), during the period l94l—l944. Such persons are sought as
possible witnesses in an ongoing Department of Justice war crimes

Please call or write Joseph Edelman at HIAS about this
matter. The address is 200 Park Avenue South, New York, N.Y.
10003; the telephone is (212) 674-6800.




The Forum Committee's Jewish Cultural and Entertainment Series promises
to be exciting. enlightening and educational. As has been our custom, a
reception for the entire audience will follow each program. Plan to stay -
to meet our performers or speakers.

If you've not already done so, you may order your tickets with the
coupon on the enclosed flyer. Tickets will also be available the night
of each performance.

See you all on October 25th.

Judy Baumann
Forum Chairman

‘Monday, October 25 ...... SAFAM, six-man band
Ohavay Zion Synagogue 7:30 pm.
Sunday, December 12 ....”GlMPEL THE FOOL" with

David Shechter & Wendy Elman
Temple Adath Israel, 8 pm.

Sunday, March 13 ........ WOLF BLITZER. Washington Correspon-
dent for the Jerusalem Post
Temple Adath Israel, 8 pm.

Saturday. April 16 ........ RABBI MOSHE SHUR
Ohavay Zion Synagogue, 8 pm

'nole early starnng tlme

El 0 Cl 0 1:1


The Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany announced
that the filing deadline for applications to the Claims Conference Hardship
Fund will expire on December JlL_lg§g. The Hardship Fund was established
primarily for such Jewish victims of Nazi persecution who emigrated from
Eastern European countries after 1965. Applications may also be filed by
such persecutees who prior to December 31, 1965 resided in countries outside
Eastern Europe and did not file timely claims under the German Indemnifi—
cation Law.


The Claims Conference assumed the responsibility for the administration
of the Hardship Fund, which is funded by the German Federal Government and
distributed under German Government Guidelines. The Guidelines limit
individual payments to DM. 5,000 (five thousand) per person. More than 100
million deutsche marks were paid out already to eligible claimants.

Applicants who have not as yet filed their claims may obtain applica—

tions from the office of the:

Claims Conference Hardship Fund
Room 1355

15 East 26th Street

New York, N.Y. 10010




17 — CRC Candidates for Congress Forum — 9:00 p.m. - Temple Adath Israel

18 — Havurah Board Meeting — 8:30 p.m.

19 — Ohavay Zion Synagogue Sisterhood

l9 — Sisterhood Meeting — Ohavay Zion Synagogue

20 — Sisterhood Meeting — Temple Adath Israel

21 — Hadassah Women's Discussion Group — 8:00 p.m.
22 — Sara Mason Bat Mitzvah — Temple Adath Israel

24 — All day B'nai Brith trip
25 Forum~Safam — 7:30 p.m. — Ohavay Zion Synagogue
26 — Mitzvah Corps — Trip to Berea

27 — CKJA Board Meeting — 8:00 p.m. - Temple Adath Israel
28 — Hadassah Women's Discussion Group — 8:00 p.m.
2 — Board Meetings — 8:00 p.m. — Temple Adath Israel and Ohavay Zion

3 — Hadassah — 8:00 p.m.

5 — Rebecca Mersack Bat Mitzvah — Temple Adath Israel

7 — Hadassah Game Night — 5:30—7:30 p.m. — Dream Machine (Turfland Mall)
9 — Hadassah Board Meeting

14 — Israel Bonds Dinner — Radisson Hotel

17 — Sisterhood Meeting — Temple Adath Israel

18 — Hadassah Discussion Group

20 — Daniel Baer Bar Mitzvah

24 — CKJA Board Meeting - 8:00 p.m. — Temple Adath Israel


Tuesday, October 26, the Mitzvah Corps will travel to Berea by bus.
The group will eat lunch at Boone Tavern and tour the lovely shops and area
and will return by 4:00 p.m.


The bus will leave from the Temple parking lot at 11:00 a.m.
§§§ervations are a mgsg! Bus fare is $5.00 per person, lunch will be
ordered from the menu. For reservations or information call chairmen:

Lore Pappas 272—7395
Ruth Kessler 266—7168

Carolyn Neinberger 272—4833

Be sure to mark your calendars now for the November 16 book reriew by
Ada Gail, to be held at Temple Adath Israel. Brown bag lunch, bring a
dessert to share.

The Hitzvah Corps is open to all men and women 55 years and up. Come
and enjoy!





4‘11: £5.31; 2;? .«1V1

Judith Levine, Preside t Phyllis Scher, Editor

Judith Saxe, Community Work r DeDe Wagner, Office Manager
258 Plaza Drive, Suite ZOB Lex1nrvon, Kentucky 40503 (606) 277—8048


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We eondtatty tnvtte you to wonthtp wtth at at the Bat Mttzuah 05 one
daughte/L Sana, at Tempte Adath Lyme/(i, 8:00 p.m., Paddy, Octobefl 22, 7982.

An Oneg Shabbat wttt fiottow the Aenutce tn the Tenpte Uetthy.
Satan and Manny MaAon
We woutd be pteabed to have you jotn MA at the Bat Mttzvah 05 out
daughten, Rebecca, on Fntday, Nouemben 5, at 8:00 p.m. at Tempte Adath
Ithaet and 60% an Open Houée tn Rebecca’A honon on Satunday ntght at 9:00
at out home, 2736 Intand Dntue.
Antta and Ina Menbach

Pteabe jotn at fion ooh Aon Dantet’n Ban Mttzvah, at 10:30 a.m., Satunday;
Noxemben 20, and 50h a htddubh tuneheon gottowtng Agnvgggé at Tempte Adath Iéhget.

Pteane also come to an open houte Satuhday euentng, 8:30 p.m. at 985
Maynxch Dhtve.

Dantet wttt be thantng [MA Ban Mttzuah wtth Efinatm Rotenntetn, the ton
05 Regutenthb who ttve tn Moéeow, U.S.S.R. Dantet hat choéen to tnctude
Efinatm an a nymbot 05 the tottdantty between Amentcan Jewtbh youth and Sovtet
Jennth youth who one unabte to UbeRUQ thtn étgntfitcant eenemony.

Chahtotte and Mtchaet Baen