xt751c1thv2x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt751c1thv2x/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2006-10-12 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 12, 2006 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 12, 2006 2006 2006-10-12 2020 true xt751c1thv2x section xt751c1thv2x  

The skateboarding scene in gt...ex:irtgtti






WOCTOBER 12, 2006







SG wants disclaimer for disputed mural

By Blair Thomas

Student Government senate passed a resolu-
tion urging UK administration to place a marker
explaining the controversy of a mural in Memorial

The mural. a fresco depicting the history of
Lexington and its surrounding area. first caught
the eye of 86 last April when a resolution to take
it down was brought to the senate by Sen. Sam
Gaines. who thought it stereotyped Native Ameri-
cans and African Americans. Gaines has been
meeting with UK President Lee Todd on the issue.

“My resolution caused sonre controversy last
year." said Gaines. a marketing senior. “Art stu-
dents and family of the artist spoke out against the
fresco‘s removal. and I have been working with

President Todd and the Office of Multi- Cultural
and Academic Affairs ona apoint of action since

The 46-foot mural painted by Anne Rice
O‘Hanlon is one of the only remaining frescos in
the area. and many argued it has historical signifi—

“We‘ve reached a sort of compromise with
President Todd to put up a historical marker to
give an explanation of why the mural remains
there and what it means to the area’s history.”
Gaines said.

The resolution calls for a nrarker at the site of

the mural explaining the fresco's historical signifi—
cance. detailing what the mural is intended to rep-
resent and making reference to its controversial
nature among the student body.

“We want to make sure that those students and

faculty members who find the mural offensive
know that their feelings have not been dismissed
by the university." said 50 President Jonah

Not all senators agreed that a marker is neces-
sary. and many expressed their concern about
what it would read.

“Putting this marker up is a compromise
which I agree that we need to reach." said Sen.
Tyler Montell. a political science junior. “I agree
that it should include what it means and why it is
there. but the statement shouldn‘t include the de-
sire of people to take it down or that it is contro-
versial because that is disrespectful to the history
of the piece.

Some senators disagreed that the controversy
behind the piece would diminish its value.

“I think many of us think that just because we

call it controversial and draw attention to that trait
that we are taking away from the artwork itself."
said Sen. Justin Rasner. a second-year medical
student. “But some of the most world-changing
artwork was controversial. Knowing that doesn’t
take away from its value."

The resolution also suggested that the univer-
sity place additional artwork that similarly depicts
local history around the mural for a more com-
plete representation of a Kentucky timeline.

“Students have brought up the issue of what
this mural says several different times since the
l970s." Gaines said. “This is our opportunity to
take action."

The Senate also passed a resolution relating to
overcrowding in The Study a student peer tutor-
ing facility located in W.T. Young Library

See 86 on page 6



safe from

oflicial says

By Sean Rose

srose@kykernel com

While Lexington faces an ongoing Environmen—
tal Protection Agency investigation and threatened
lawsuits over its storm water drainage problems. UK
is relatively safe from flooding, said Bob Wiseman.
UK's vice president for facilities management.

Wiseman said UK has limited problems with
regular flooding. Drainage along Funkhouser Drive
causes flooding in thc Funkhouser Building. down
to the Business and Economics Building

“In any major rain. we
will get water in many of
those buildings." Wisernan
said. “That tends to be our
largest area of drainage

Wiseman said the
flooding wasn't heavy
enough and didn‘t happen
often enough for it to be a
serious concern, Wiseman
said ideally he would like
to see the drainage expand~
ed in a couple of years to
eliminate flooding entirely.

The basement of Kecneland llall flooded during
the intense storms of Sept 22 and 37». causing a
blackout for the building. but besides that episode
no major flooding has occurred on campus recently.

Lexington's stomt—water drainage problems has
gained more attention because of the drowning
deaths of two women , , Lauren Fannin. a LTK phar—
nracy student. and Lindsey llarp. a UK nursing
school graduate during the September storms.
said Dick Defanrp. councilman for Lexington's 3rd
District. which includes UK.

“Whenever yoii have a terrible tragedy. there's
an immediate focus on the problems that exist." De—
(‘amp said. “There‘s always been a focus on the

See Flooding on page 6

We ve been
working very well
with the city for

U; VP Famitres

warns about

By Juliann_Vachon

The United States faces dire consequences if it
does not start paying attention to global warming.
said a US. congressman at the Kentucky Theatre
last night.

“This issue is different then a lot of the other is-
sues wc (legislators) have to face." said Rep. Ben
Chandler. D-Ky. “If we don‘t do something about
this now. the other issues we face won‘t matter."

The Transylvania Environmental Rights and
Responsibilities Alliance hosted the free event.
which included a showing of Al Gore‘s movie “An
Inconvenient Truth." followed by a panel discus~

See Global on page 6



rvib'itt‘iifl‘ir‘i’p . vi ,.


Sophomore sec-
ondary English
major Lisa
Weber, paints
the face of fresh-
man French
major Katie Gold-
ey during the
National Coming
Out Day celebra.
tion at the Stu-
dent Center patio
yesterday morn,
ing [he Alliance
had several
booths which
gave students
chances to Win
prizes, eat cook-
ies and tell their
"coming out” sto—


Students celebrate
National Coming Out Day
with UK’s Gay-Straight


also a Kernel staff writer

Journalism senior Keith Brooks decorates posters for the Gay/
Straight Alliance-sponsored National Coming Out Day colehra
tron yesterday morning on the Student Center patio Brooks l9


Student awarded national astronaut scholarship


By Katie Schroeder
news®kykem—el com

A former astronaut and UK
President Lee Todd hailed one UK

student yesterday as an example of

the progress the United States
needs to nrakc in math and science.

Senior Ryan Fischer received a
$l0.000 scholarship sponsored by
the Astronaut Scholarship Founda-
tion. Fischer was one of l8 students
chosen nationally to receive the

“You‘re not a top—20 university
without a top—20 student." Todd
said. He recognized Fischer as be-
ing “one of the best."

Fischer. who is majoring in bi-
ology and agricultural biotechnolo-
gy. plans to apply his award toward
a doctoral program at UK.

Robert (‘rippen. the pilot of the
space shuttle Columbia in

presented Fischer with the

l 98 l .

scholarship. He also was part of

support crews for the space station
Skylab and crewed the space shut-
tle three times after his original

Crippon Fischer

(‘rippen stressed the importance
of students like Fischer. saying that
the United States is losing its edge
in science and technolo-


“Europe. Asia and (‘hina are
outperforming us." (‘rippen said.
“Fortyfour' percent of (‘hina‘s sci»
ence and technology graduates are
engineers. They produced 600.000
engineers last year. Last year. lndia
produced 150.000 engineers, The
PS. is lagging behind. with only 5
percent of science and technology
graduates being engineers. and pro-
ducing only 70.000 engineers this
past year."

See Astronaut on page 6

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PAGE 2 | Thursday. October 12, 2006

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By Linda C Black

To get the advantage, check the
day's rating 70 rs the easrest day, 0
the most chal/enging.

Aries (March 21 - April 19) Today
is a 7 W. You can't dc everything sr
multaneously, no matter how good
you are Some of it, maybe, but not
all of it. Set priorities and stick to
them First. delegate

Taurus (April 20 - May 20) Today
is a 7 It’s no sin to be wealthy, if
you don‘t let it go to your head Fruw
gality is a Virtue, and so is intelli»
gent shopping Practice both now
Gemini (May 21 - June 21) Today
is a 9 Tell the truth about what
you want to accomplish while
you're here You'll become best at
the subject you realty want to piac»




Cancer (June 2 - July 22) Today
is a 7 You can be obsessive
about details when you want to be.
That's suggested now. because it
looks like somethings not right.
Leo (July 23 - Aug. 22) Today is a
7 Schedule Significant private
time for early next week Mean-
while, make sure your team knows
exactly what to do

Virgo (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22) Today is
a 6 , There's a down-side to being
in demand Busrness cuts into your
private life, but don't despair
There's less of this once you have
the routines all worked out

Libra (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22) Today is
an 8 . You try to understand every
one It's good to make the effort, but
don't be too hard on yourself ll it is—
n't possible

Scorpio (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21) Today
is an 8 Go into stores intending
to only get the best deals You may
be able to get out before you go

\( (ll’ll\(.

\l.l. l\\l |( \\(l (l\l\l\

277-1 972


over your limit.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21) To-
day is a 6 Toss the ball to your
teammates One of them will be
able to score it doesn't matter who
closes the deal, as long as it gets

Capricorn (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19) To
day is a 7 . Your routine needs
modification to carry a heavner load
Ask for help, but still try to antici-
pate anything that can go wrong,
Aquarius (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18) Today
is an 8 ., lt seems like everybody
wants a little bit of your time. Be
nice to your fans and followers, but
don't let yourself get distracted.
Pisces (Feb. 19 - March 20) Today
is a 9 You'd like to help your
friends get along, and maybe you
actually can, If you wait until they
request your adVIce, they're more
likely to listen



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‘I'I'le Di$H

When you think of the Jack

sons. several words come to
mind: talented. successful. gor—
geous. And then there's also
complicated. bizarre. controver-
sial . adjectives that could just
as easily describe their much
speculated—on childhoods. While
some siblings have gone the tell—
all route. the baby of the family.
Janet. 4t). remains respectful of
those closest to her. On the heels
of her new album. 20 Y.().. the
pop and R848 star takes Us in—
side the .laeksons‘ legendary

Dad's Discipline

In 1968. when the Jackson 5
signed with Motown. the family
of ll left their three—bedroom
home in Gary. Indiana. where
dad Joe Jackson worked at a
steel plant and mom Katherine
for Sears, In a 22~room estate in
l..A.‘s Encino area. Joe con—
trolled his kids‘ careers and
lives — with an iron fist.
(Michael and La Toya have pub»
liely accused Joe of physical
abuse. which he has denied.)
“He whipped me one time. and I
won‘t forget it. that‘s for sure."
Janet says of the notoriously
strong-walled patriarch. who de-
manded his kids call him Joseph
instead of Dad.

“I don‘t want to make my
father out to be some kind of de—
mon. because he wasn't. even
though he did have a temper."
she says. "My father raised me
very well. A lot of people be—
lieve in putting a little fear itito
their children. just to let them
know who's boss.” And it
worked: Even if the kids weren‘t
misbehaving. they would run to


their rooms when they saw his
car‘s headlights in the driveway.
As the youngest. Janet had it
easier than her siblings. “He was
a bit more lenient when I came
around." she says with a laugh.
“I think he got tired!" But she
does confess that she yearned
for a better relationship with
Joe. "I would see a friend and
how she interacted with her fa;
ther. and l didn‘t have that rela—
tionship." she says. “And I
wanted it."
Friends and Family

As the baby. Janet was
spoiled with attention from her
siblings. "Everybody wanted to
carry me around." she says. A
tree—climbing tomboy. she relat-
ed to her six brothers more than
her sisters. La Toya and Rebbie.
who are If) and to years older.
respectively. "I wasn‘t into the
girl thing." Janet says.

She was closest to Michael.

with whom she shopped.
watched TV and cared for the
family pets — which included

four dogs. Jafar the giraffe and
Lola the llama. But like any old—
er brother. he could sometimes
be mean. joking about her "big
butt." While Janet insists it was
“a tenn of cndcarment." she ad—
mits it affected her self-image.
"After a while. it went beyond
name—calling. It really affected
me." says the singer. whose
weight has fluctuated throughout
her life and who gained — and
lost — 60 pounds just this year.

Teasing aside. “my friends
were my brothers and sisters."
Janet says. “We were very shel»
tered. We didn‘t go out a lot."
The child stars were tutored pri—

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Growing up

Janet Jackson, the youngest of'nine,
opens up about her private childhood
in America’s most talked-about family

vately often in hotel rooms
— and as a result of the insular-
ity'. Janet (who eventually
switched to a public school) was
incredibly shy. Because Kather—
ine didn‘t want her kids to be a
burden on others. .lanct explains.
she insisted that playdates hap-
pen on Jackson turf. (One prob-
lem: Girls who came over to see
Janet would bring gifts for her
brothers.) Still. Janet maintains
the overprotectiveness succeed-
ed: “We didn't get involved do—
ing drugs and things like that."

Into the Spotlight

At 7. Janet entered the fami—
ly business. joining her brothers
in a Las Vegas re\ ue. (She sang
“1 (lot You Babe" with eighth
child Randy.) "My parents saw
something in me that I didn‘t
know I possessed." says Janet.
In 1977. Good Times creator
Norman Lear asked her to meet
and audition. Despite her lack of
experience. she won the role
with an impr‘ov "about me being
his child who bought him this
ugly tie."

Acting ,.. not singing —
was Janet‘s first passion. As a
l()»year-old in the audience of
the Broadway musical Annie.
she says. "I wanted to be on that
stage. There was not one black
girl in that cast and l was mad. I
said. "l‘her‘e are black or-
phans!” But in the end. her
choice didn't sit well With Joe.
As she told Rolling Stone in
199X."When I said 1 wanted to
act. my father said. 'There‘s
more money in singing. You'll

.. Joey Bartolomeo & lan Drew












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Nicholasville Rd at New Circle






 Sflll bored this weekend?

Two acts at the Dome to check out

TONIGHT: Rakadu Gypsy Dance at 9 pm, $3. See gypsy dancing, and listen to
funky music. Eastern Blok (featuring Goran Ivanovic) will be playing.

FRIDAY: Jonathan Webb 8i The Collective Few with Hundred Dollar
Handshake, 9 pm, $3. Check out Lexington’s local music scene — both bands
have UK students. For fans of Ben Harper, Moe and Dave Matthews Band.

For more information, go to The Dame's Web site (www.dameky.com).




10 things on campus we
tested iike to s to

Can you dig .
By Ellen Sawyer

1. All "Getting Luclw in Kentucky" and "Vote for Pedro" T—
shirts thrown in the trash.

2. A contest between the owners of Chipotle and Odoba.
And their devoted fans, who swear there is a difference
between the two.

3. Free umbrellas to students on every rainy day. Ever.

4. Everyone wearing sweatshirts bearing their school
logo, aka UK, No more Harvard, Yale or Princeton shirts
and sweatshirts, You didn't get in, so don't pretend you

5. An “Anchorman"—type showdown between the writers
and editors of W Weekly, The Colonel and the Kernel.

6. More students involved in groups on campus, tabling
and discussing their views.

7. The stairs by the Student Center paved over and made
into a giant ramp.

8. The disappearance of all people soliciting campus stu-
dents. You know, the guy offering a "free pizza" if you'll
sign up fora credit card? No more of that.

9. No more people Facebooking or getting on the Internet
in class. We would say it’s distracting, but really we’re
jealous that we can’t Facebook in class too.

10. Fewer people asking a question about something that
the professor just said, "Uh, when's the midterm?" Don't
worry — we all know you're bound to fail.




Friday, October 13, 5-8 pm. Check out the art
scene at New Editions Gallery Fall Show. There
will be paintings by Julie Schumer (featuring ab—
stract landscapes and figurative works on paper)
and James Koskinas (featuring abstract equine art
and women’s faces and figures), as well as wood
sculpture by B. Pope (bowls. goblets. platters. etc)
Meet the artists and check out their art! This Friday
is'the opening reception. held at 807 Euclid Av-
enue. and the event is free. Call 266-2766 for more

Friday, October 13, 8-11 pm. Come out and
dance! Come out and make romance! (Reference:
John Cougar Mellencamp. “Wild Night.") Contra
dancing is like old-time square dancing. Meet new
people and learn to do a different dance. Beginners
are welcome — if you’re nervous. there are lessons
from 7:30 to 8 pm. Admission is $4 for students.
The event is at AnsPIace. located at 161 N. Mill
Street. Call 525-5433 for more information.

Friday, October 13 and Saturday, October 14,
7 p. m. and 9 p. m. A ghost tour in Lexington? You
heard it ‘- Lexington Ghost Walk and Creepy
Crawl. Go on a guided walk through downtown's
historic streets and learn about scary things like
haunts. duels, and disasters. (Maybe it won’t scare
you. but you'll have a good time.) The tour lasts ap-
proximately 90 minutes and costs $7. Reservations
aren‘t required but are helpful. The tours depart
from Sawyer's Downtown Grille. 325 W. Main
Street. near the corner of Broadway Street. Call
825—8702 for more information.

Friday, October 13 and Saturday, October 14,
7 p. m. and 9 p. m. It s Camp Nelson Ghost Hunt—
ing! If you want more of a ghost adventure go to
the Camp Nelson property in Winchester. This will
lead you on an actual ghost hunt. including the bar:
racks. the brig. the refugee cemetery and earthen
forts. You will be able to see the equipment used to
detect ghosts and learn how to communicate with
spirits. It's $15 per person. Visit the Kentucky
Ghost Hunters Web site
(www.kyghosthunters.com) or call 885-5155 for
more information.


Filling the skateboarding Vo i

skate 5;;

on. he; atii; t;

t‘iftt‘iit /

I ma» ~ ii”
at {if 3' N;

By Wesley Yonts

Skateboarders in Lexington owe a lot to
Tony Connor.

Nine years ago. Connor founded The Void
Skateshop and was one of five people dedicated
to the development of the Woodland Skate Park.
which opened in September of 1999.

Connor started The Void in 1997 while he
was a marketing student at UK.

“One day. sitting in class. l just had this real-
ization: This is America: I‘m young; I‘ve got
good credit, so what's stopping me?" Connor
said. “I‘ve skated since I was 10 years old; it just
seemed like a natural thing to do."

Last year. Connor sold the store to one of his
former employees. Reid Small.

“Three other people had talked to me about
buying the store. but [just wasn't ready to sell it.
especially to a stranger." said Connor. "When
you turn 30 and all your customers are little kids
— I don‘t know. I just didn‘t relate to the com-
munity anymore. I had graduated college and
just grew out of the style."

Small. who is 24 years old. is finishing up
his art degree at UK.

Besides owning and running The Void.
Small also co-owns Ominous Skateboards. a
skateboard wholesaler that sells to stores in
Florida. Tennessee. Kentucky and Virginia.




Tony Ginter, at student at Paul Lawrence Dunbar High
School in Lexington, drops in on a ramp at Woodland
Skate Park on Monday,


“Reid is really active.
just a good guy." Connor
In 2005. The Void
moved to its current loca—
tion at 193 E. Maxwell
Street. still close to the
skate park the owner
helped to create.
In the beginning,
Fayette County donated
the land in Woodland Park
for the skate park. but it
didn‘t fund any of its con—
"It was just a bunch of old
tennis courts where we had set
up some small ramps and
things." Small said.
“We had tried to raise
money through a fundrais-
er to build a park for
some time. and Fayette
County said they
would match whatever
we raised." Connor
said. “We managed
to save a little. but
then the Triangle
Foundation of»
fered to pay for
the whole
thing. from
concept to fi~
nal product."
The Triangle
Foundation is a private. non- .
profit. non»political group of Central Kentucky
citizens and corporations dedicated to beautify»
ing and enhancing the state. according to Skate—
board Parks” Web site (http://ww“skateboard:
parks.net/kentuckyxwoodland) index .htiiil ).
At any given time there are .ibout It) to 3‘
people at the skate park. Small said.
“Woodland Skate Park is very .ittatlicd to
The Void." Small said. "II it uciciil lot The
Void. the skate park probably wouldn't be


Skateboard Lin 0:
Terms and 'l'

I Nollie: a trick that involves a skater using the
nose of the board to hit the ground and push the
skateboard into the air

I Deck: the actual flat, long, oval board that the
skater stands on

I Goofy: this move is when a skater’s left
foot is on the tail end of the board

.. I Indy: this occurs when the skater
grabs the toe side of the board (he-
' tween the feet) while in the air

I Nosegrind: happens when the
front end of the board is used to
slide along the edge of a surface

I Bail: this can either mean landing
safely or backing out on performing a

I Rock and roll: when a skater rides
along the lip of a ramp and then rides


D’i)’ HQ Witt: fir anigh str'isnl stir
ilit'li from VVI'iI,":thif.'i
hearts/ides a ledge at
Wi'iidwin; Skatenark I)“


"The park is just really great for the whole
community." Small said.

Void regulars are also regulars at the skate

'llis l‘t‘Lill} Ilit‘ iil|i_\ pliiit' Iii F'ILV
Stars. at liliicginss ('oii .Il
lL‘L llllli. .!l (iitllt'jit’ U l llt‘) -\ t'
skateboard \ idt-os am always

said l).ill\
fji)’ t i Itit llt'\


, Void


.i sitiilt‘iil

Lexington youth a master in the skate park

By Ashley Westerman w hen

features©kykernel corn

Not many 9-year-olds can be consid-
ered prodigics.

Micah Wu. from Lexington. might be
one. The Lexington 9-year-old has won
awards locally and nationally for skate—
boarding. ’”

He has so far mastered
tricks usually performed by in-
termediate skateboarders. who
are usually in their middlc~ and
upper—teenage years.

Even though he competes
against people almost twice his
age. Wu is no stranger to being
the youngest skater.

"I started when l was 4
years old." Wu said.
watched all of the famous
skateboarders on TV and want—
ed to become one."

Wu‘s favorite skateboard—
ing move is the Smith Grind. a
move where the back two
wheels of the skateboard are
hanging off the edge of a half-
pipe while sliding down or
across it. Because moves like
this originally sounded too dangerous to
Wu‘s parents. Dave and Julie. Wu first
played with finger boards and shoe boxes
until his parents gave in and bought him
his first board.

“I wanted to start when I was 2. but
my parents got me one (a skateboard)

"Micah is

18, really. It


“its W

Even though

through when he‘s skating.

“Micah is amazing at skateboarding
for his age."
Kentucky Avenue.

amazing at
for his age. (He's
amazing) for
anybody under


owner of The Voui
skate Shop

termediatc division
park in Lexington.
Wu's most recent .iccomplishmciii

lantic Skate Series in Frederick. Md.


Wu said
Wu is much younger
it doesn‘t come

I was 4.”

his opponents.

said his sponsor. Reid
owner of The Void skate shop on
”(He's ama/mgi lor
anybody under 18. really. It‘s
pretty ridiculous."

The Void is located nc\t
to Woodland Park. thc skatc
park where Wu goes once or
In ice a week to j)l.l(ll(t'.
Small thinks this haid piac
ticc pays off for W u.

“Micah has I‘lilsk‘tl in
every contest in the last ycar
and has placed \ycll." Small

S In May, Wu was a finalist
in the juniors division oI the
Mountain Dew I’rcc lilo“
Tour and the lirstplatc \\ll‘|
ncr ‘dI the Kids BUWi (loin:
petition at ()llics in I knew.

Ky. In June Wu pl itcd thiid
in a II and lllltltl ttHllpLIl
tion in I i‘IWItnC‘LhUIg. Ind.

third in the llandpndcr di~
in Athens. (ia.. and third in the in-
at his liomc skate



M I .1" Wt. :i
WL. hr in"

hen he placed third in the Mid ;\t:

See Wu on map 4




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 PAGE4 | Thursday, October 12, 2006


Cont. from page 3

The Void carries all
kinds of skateboarding
products. from shoes and
clothes to boards and
wheels. Several popular
brands are there. including
Krooked, Anti—Hero. Habi-
tat and Stereo.

The Void‘s main corri-
petition is with nearby
stores Hellbellies and Cos—
mic. Small said. but The
Void‘s customers are dedi-

“At Hellbellies. maybe
25 percent of the store is
skateboarding. and the rest
is all rollerblades and
stuff." Sears said.

“We like to consider
ourselves the only real

skateboard shop in town."
Small said. "Other stores
sponsor skate competitions
at Woodland Park semi-
regularly. and that always
does a good job at bringing
people to The Void."

Despite having the
park. many skateboarders
still enjoy skating on streets
or on U K‘s campus.

“Parks get boring pretty
tast.‘ Sears said. There s a
lot ol great skateboarding
around campus."

Because of the regula—
tions about skating in the
area. skaters are sometimes
forced to go out of Lexing-
ton for a good skating ex-

“Most serious skaters
go to Louisville." Blaine
said. “There‘s a big skate
park there that‘s open 24
hours a day. and it's totally
free. It’s like heaven on

earth. man."

“The park in LouisviUe
is pretty ridiculous,“ Small
said. "The best variety is
downtown. but because
there isn‘t really anything
big. people just don‘t like
to skate there. Oh. and it's
illegal. too."

Connor is proud of his
work today. "Starting The
Void is probably one of the
best things I have ever
done." he said.

Small hopes that he can
contribute to the Lexington
skateboarding community
in the same way that Con-
nor has.

“I‘m just really grateful
that Tony sold me the
shop." Small said. “He put
his blood. sweat and tears
into it before he handed it
over to me. I just kind of
feel like I'm carrying his



Continued from page 3


Even though Wu is typically the
youngest skater in competitions, he doesn't
let this faze him.

"I guess it's just that I‘ve been skating
so long and I see them all the time at the
skate park and then in the competitions.“
Wu said.

Both his parents and his sponsor are
very proud of Wu for all his accomplish--

"To me it's just incredible that he is able
to do all these tricks all these older kids can
master." Julie Wu said.

"We look forward to what he'll be like
when he‘s l2." Small said.

While most 9-year-old kids are just
starting activities and hobbies. Wu has mas-
tered his. However. his reason for doing
this is just like any other kid's reason.

“I like all of it." Wu said. “I just like
doing it.“



In any well-written memoir. the goal of the author is to have his or her experi—
ence come through to the reader. These authors want readers to know what they
went through so the reader can discover the importance. While some of the books


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1229 S. Limestone
at Waller Ave.
Lexington, KY 40503


A Divrsron ol Waller Mmment




chosen for this week’s book chub miss that mark, others shine through.

Memoirs. while autobiographical. are less structured and formal than many au—
tobiographies. This literary genre tells the story of a person’s life or a certain expe-

rience in life.

Kernel Book Club has chosen four memoirs that depict the struggle and eventu-
al triumph of four writers. Through these memoirs. the authors show hardships they

faced growing up and stereotypes that they had to overcome.

By Mary Karr

Throughout this book. the word “realistic" comes
to mind. In describing herself. the author captures the
essence of any girl who is growing up and trying to
find her inner self

“Cherry chronicle. Karr s adolescence and the
struggles that many young girls deal with. such as
crushes on boys and arguing with parents. It also tack-
les harder issues Karr faced growing up. like her
mother's stay in a mental institution.

In a voice similar Scout's in "To Kill a Mocking-
bird." young Mary comes of age with a sense of won—
der and curiosity.

The book is occasionally slow-moving. and the
plot seems to go from tangent to tangent. rather than
unfolding naturally. This is also part of the book‘s
charm. giving the reader a sense that it truly is a young
girl telling the tale v a young girl who is easily dis-
tracted by other stories about her life.

From being an 11-year—old who rides down the
streets topless to a teenager who embarks on a road
trip to California in a truck tilled with boys and drugs.
the character of Mary is developed through her experi—
ences with her family and the opposite sex. “Cherry"
focuses greatly on Karr‘s sexual coming of age and
her relations with her various “loves."

This book is a truly interesting and absorbing read.
captivating from start to finish.

iGIna Young, Kernel book critic


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